Christian Meditation and Interfaith Dialog

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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2023
All I had to say is here : Christian Meditation and Interfaith Dialog, which you didn't even bother to read.

To save the effort of your readers, this is how to do referencing in a scholarly manner:
  1. Give the source/citation.
  2. Provide the URL link to the source if available.
  3. Indent the quoted text.
  4. Bold the relevant keywords that are important to the point that you are making.
  5. Be concise and to the point.
This is what I do for others who read my posts. It is a standard high-school scholarship. If you practice this, I guarantee you: it will improve your analytical thinking. In any case, no one is required to do it here.

Dr. Jonathan Österman

Active Member
Jan 5, 2024
Are you a gelupa monk?
No, I am not.

They call me Doctor MANHATTAN, but my name is Jonathan Österman. I am an experimental quantum physicist, the following is my personal website, and this is my scientific discovery of a new sub-atomic quantum particle, HOPFOTRINO:

And these demon-possessed covert satanists openly pretend to be interested in Jesus Christ in order to attract Christians for the purpose of brainwashing them into their pseudo-mystical cult of demon BAAL:



Active Member
Jul 4, 2023
United States
Dear Cassandra,

Thank you very much for your serious and important questions.
Much appreciated.

I do not suppose what you are supposed to say.
You are responsible for yourself, and for your own Salvation.
I am not here to tell you what to think, nor what to do.
You are free to say whatever you like, and so am I.

" If this was a true deal, God would've had it written about it in the Bible."

Christianity did not end with the Old Testament,
and neither it ended with the New Testament.

Christ's ascension to Heaven was not the end of Christianity either. Quite to the contrary. Christ's ascension was just the beginning of Christianity, and Christianity will be unfolding and growing, being guided by the Holy Spirit, until the Second Coming of Christ, and beyond it, in Heaven for eternity.

Most importantly, Cassandra, in the Gospel of John, Jesus speaks to his disciples of his continuing presence following his crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension:

I will not leave you orphaned; I am coming to you. In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me; because I live, you will also live. I have said these things to you while I am still with you. But the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and also remind you of all that I have said to you."

" I sure don't know why Father Main's input is important here."

Well, nobody here knows everything. :)
For me, and for tens of thousands of Christians around the world, who compose the body of the World Community for Christian Meditation, Father Main's input is much more important than your humble input here.

" And the New York Times Bestseller? Is that supposed to be a definitive thing?"

In principle,
no New York Times bestseller could possibly ever be a definitive thing, in any sense of the word. And no sane Christian would ever replace the Holy Bible even with the all-time Number One bestseller from the New York Times Bestseller List, of course.

This bestseller, however, was written by Father Richard Rohr, a Catholic priest and a Franciscan monk, for Christians. I do realize that just because one million Christians happened to agree with Father Richard Rohr, it does not logically follow that they all must be correct.

And neither it logically follows that they all must have been deceived by the Devil.

If you prefer to prudently and safely limit yourself just to the Holy Bible, nobody will blame you, of course. Just keep in mind, please, that your valid self-imposed limits don't need to necessarily be the limits of the entire Truth.

I want you to know how much I do appreciate your noble intent to prevent others from going to Hell. You are not alone, because in addition to you, there is also God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and God's Angels, who all keep their watchful eyes on all of us, sinners. AMEN, sister.

There are principles in Christ we should never leave. To do so leaves us subject to other masters that come in the form of new ideas and doctrine. Hence men, organizations and a demonic realm gain a say in our lives and we preach their gospel. Yet Jesus is sufficient and principles in salvation mean we never have to leave the foundation in order to produce fruit for God.

2 Peter 1:2-4 Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:

1 Corinthians 15:1-3 Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. 2 By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain

1 Corinthians 3:11-13 For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12 If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, 13 their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work.

Dr. Jonathan Österman

Active Member
Jan 5, 2024
There are principles in Christ we should never leave. To do so leaves us subject to other masters that come in the form of new ideas.
And would that also include Master Gordon
and his new idea that Christian religion must die,
because it is a trap ?

" Every Christian is desperate for a true relationship and life changing experience with God, but our most prevalent model of success and failure has been religion. The things that have been taught us have had more to do with man’s search for God, rather than in God showing us His ways. There is a place where Christian religion dies and genuine relationship begins. Master Gordon provides a new unique platform for change and a simple yet powerful way out from the trappings of religion."
Master Gordon's
Shadow Free Ministries

Yes, there is a place where Christian religion dies and Master Gordon's Shadow Free Ministries begin.

According to Master Gordon, man needs to stop his search for God, and wait for God to show us His ways. Fortunately, the wait is over, because God has shown His ways to His chosen Master Gordon, and Master Gordon has written it all down in his 3 new books for desperate Christians, books which became the new firm-as-a-rock basis of the pure and true religion.

Master Gordon's own advertisement :

Free PDF Versions!!! Send an E-mail message
to [email protected] and in the “subject” heading
abbreviate the title of the book you want. I’ll send it shortly.

  • Out from the shadow of Other Gods = OFS
  • The Shadow of the Spiritual = SOS
  • Lord I want to Change = LWC
And to order all the above 3 books at once,
in the “subject” heading write : The NEW New Testament
as revealed by God directly to The Only True Prophet Master Gordon
of the Shadow Free Ministries. It is all pure shadow-free Truth
beyond a shadow of a doubt. Trust me.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2023
United States
And would that also include Master Gordon
and his new idea that Christian religion must die,
because it is a trap ?

" Every Christian is desperate for a true relationship and life changing experience with God, but our most prevalent model of success and failure has been religion. The things that have been taught us have had more to do with man’s search for God, rather than in God showing us His ways. There is a place where Christian religion dies and genuine relationship begins. Master Gordon provides a new unique platform for change and a simple yet powerful way out from the trappings of religion."
Master Gordon's
Shadow Free Ministries

Yes, there is a place where Christian religion dies and Master Gordon's Shadow Free Ministries begin.

According to Master Gordon, man needs to stop his search for God, and wait for God to show us His ways. Fortunately, the wait is over, because God has shown His ways to His chosen Master Gordon, and Master Gordon has written it all down in his 3 new books for desperate Christians, books which became the new firm-as-a-rock basis of the pure and true religion.

Master Gordon's own advertisement :

Free PDF Versions!!! Send an E-mail message
to [email protected] and in the “subject” heading
abbreviate the title of the book you want. I’ll send it shortly.

  • Out from the shadow of Other Gods = OFS
  • The Shadow of the Spiritual = SOS
  • Lord I want to Change = LWC
And to order all the above 3 books at once,
in the “subject” heading write : The NEW New Testament
as revealed by God directly to The Only True Prophet Master Gordon
of the Shadow Free Ministries. It is all pure shadow-free Truth
beyond a shadow of a doubt. Trust me.
My work is all based on something Paul the Apostle once said; He preached Christ and Him crucified. It remains the way in which I first challenge my own religious beliefs in order to see clearly enough to notice my brothers.

Last edited:

Dr. Jonathan Österman

Active Member
Jan 5, 2024
My work is all based on something Paul the Apostle once said; He preached Christ and Him crucified. It remains the way in which I first challenge my own religious beliefs in order to see clearly enough to notice my brothers.
You see, my dear brother Gordon, you are not the only Christian
who has ever challenged his own religious beliefs. :)

Because nobody gave you a formal permission
to challenge your own religious beliefs, then you
don't need to take it up on yourself to deny others
the opportunity to challenge their own religious beliefs. :)

In principle, the nature of Interfaith Dialog allows us
the opportunity to challenge our own religious beliefs,
and therein lies the important value of it for World Peace.

Granted, not all Christians feel the pressing need
to challenge their religious beliefs, and that is very well and fine.
However, unfortunately, many of these same Christians
somehow do feel the pressing need to prevent others
from doing so, and that is simply very wrong, because this is
precisely the kind of mentality that the Vatican authorities
had in their narrow dogmatic minds when forbidding
Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de Galilei from using
his much improved telescope and endorsing Copernican
heliocentrism that according to the infallible opinion
of Holy Catholic Inquisition in 1615 was officially proclaimed
to be foolish, absurd, and heretical since it contradicted biblical creationism.

After several such heretics had been publicly burned
at the stake, the Vatican authorities no longer insist
that the Earth must be flat. :)

Moreover, presently, the Vatican operates more than one telescope itself.

And speaking of improving the telescopes,
the latest and the greatest telescope,
the James Webb Space Telescope, has started
transmitting new and more accurate data to world scientists,
and these data have seriously contradicted the validity
of some well-established fundamental scientific assumptions.

So, yes, I do agree with the Holy Catholic Inquisition
that improving the telescopes is a bad idea.

Dr. Jonathan Österman

Active Member
Jan 5, 2024
we don't need breathing, we don't need many words, we don't need circles.
I agree with you, dear brother, that Christians don't need circles, but we still need some squares here and there, don't we? Would you agree with me, dear brother?

Does the Bible say that we don't need breathing, amigo?

Is breathing unnatural, un-Christian, evil and satanic, perhaps?

Jesus had never been breathing ?

Did God not blow His breath into Adam to give him life?

Is concentrating on one's breathing a sin?

Dr. Jonathan Österman

Active Member
Jan 5, 2024


Active Member
Jul 4, 2023
United States
You see, my dear brother Gordon, you are not the only Christian
who has ever challenged his own religious beliefs. :)

Because nobody gave you a formal permission
to challenge your own religious beliefs, then you
don't need to take it up on yourself to deny others
the opportunity to challenge their own religious beliefs. :)

In principle, the nature of Interfaith Dialog allows us
the opportunity to challenge our own religious beliefs,
and therein lies the important value of it for World Peace.

Granted, not all Christians feel the pressing need
to challenge their religious beliefs, and that is very well and fine.
However, unfortunately, many of these same Christians
somehow do feel the pressing need to prevent others
from doing so, and that is simply very wrong, because this is
precisely the kind of mentality that the Vatican authorities
had in their narrow dogmatic minds when forbidding
Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de Galilei from using
his much improved telescope and endorsing Copernican
heliocentrism that according to the infallible opinion
of Holy Catholic Inquisition in 1615 was officially proclaimed
to be foolish, absurd, and heretical since it contradicted biblical creationism.

After several such heretics had been publicly burned
at the stake, the Vatican authorities no longer insist
that the Earth must be flat. :)

Moreover, presently, the Vatican operates more than one telescope itself.

And speaking of improving the telescopes,
the latest and the greatest telescope,
the James Webb Space Telescope, has started
transmitting new and more accurate data to world scientists,
and these data have seriously contradicted the validity
of some well-established fundamental scientific assumptions.

So, yes, I do agree with the Holy Catholic Inquisition
that improving the telescopes is a bad idea.
When we deal with religious views its a spiritual matter that holds us captive. My goal is not to change you; its enough for you to want to change when in the presence of Jesus. But I must say that those that strive to know God even as they are known by Him; are motivated to throw off their old life, rather than "put on" unnecessary religious baggage. The way to freedom is in Christ and at the Cross. I've said enough my friend; many blessings.

Dr. Jonathan Österman

Active Member
Jan 5, 2024
I tagged whom I wanted to address my post but it was NOT the O. P.!
It is more than obvious that you would prefer me not to say anything that you don't approve of, my dear brother LAMB, so you organized the good old Catholic witch-hunt:

@Philip James

FYI, I am not a Catholic, but I simply happen to agree with those Catholic priests and monks, who teach the early Christian meditation of self-emptying, because it is not a Catholic meditation.

So, assuming that all the four of your above cherry-picked anonymous Catholics would disagree with me agreeing with all those Catholic priests and monks, who teach the early Christian meditation of self-emptying, then who cares, brother? :)

Unless your four Bishops and Cardinals : Marymog, BreadOfLife, PhilipJames, and Illuminator, are secret members of the Infallible Holy Catholic Inquisition from the Vatican? :)

Make no mistake, even though I do respect Catholic opinions of your above cherry-picked anonymous Catholics, it is conceivable that I might simply disagree with them against your hopes and wishes, my dear brother LAMB, because I freely chose to agree with those Catholic priests and monks, who teach the early Christian meditation of self-emptying, and even the present Pope Francis himself publicly approved of the Catholic-run World Community for Christian Meditation ( ), so your above cherry-picked four anonymous Catholics could be up against the Pope! :)


Active Member
Jul 4, 2023
United States
Jeanne-Marie Bouvier de La Motte Guyon | Biography, Quietism, Beliefs, & Facts


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
Hello Lamb,

to whom are you referring?

Merry Christmas!
The O. P.
It's not a hard question, Mary .
Maybe it is a question that needs some research in the word, ones faith and thought.

It is just an inquiry among our resident Catholic members. I really don't care what faith the op subscribes to . Mysticism is NOT of God !

Thank you.
Hope your new year is off to a good start.

Dr. Jonathan Österman

Active Member
Jan 5, 2024
Hello Lamb,

to whom are you referring?

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to my Catholic brothers:

@Philip James

FYI, I am not a Catholic, but I simply happen to agree with those Catholic priests and monks, who teach the early Christian meditation of self-emptying, because it is not a Catholic meditation.

So, assuming that all the four of your above cherry-picked anonymous Catholics would disagree with me agreeing with all those Catholic priests and monks, who teach the early Christian meditation of self-emptying, then who cares, my dear brother LAMB? :)

Unless your four Bishops and Cardinals : Marymog, BreadOfLife, PhilipJames, and Illuminator, are secret members of the Infallible Holy Catholic Inquisition from the Vatican? :)

Make no mistake, even though I do respect Catholic opinions of your above four cherry-picked anonymous Catholics, it is conceivable that I might simply disagree with them against your hopes and wishes, my dear brother LAMB, because I freely chose to agree with those Catholic priests and monks, who teach the early Christian meditation of self-emptying, and even the present Pope Francis himself publicly approved of the Catholic-run World Community for Christian Meditation ( ), so your above four cherry-picked four anonymous Catholics could be up against the Pope! :)