Here is why, as an Adventist, I believe America is in Trouble.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States

During His earthly ministry, Christ emphasized the binding claims of the Sabbath. He showed reverence for the institution He Himself had given. In His days people had so perverted the Sabbath that their observance of it reflected selfish human character rather than the character of God. Christ set aside the false teaching that had misrepresented Him. Although the rabbis followed Him with merciless hostility, He went straight forward, keeping the Sabbath according to the law of God.

In unmistakable language He testified of His regard for the law. “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets,” He said. “I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:17-19.

The great enemy of our happiness has made the Sabbath of the fourth commandment an object of special attack. Satan says, “I will work at cross purposes with God. I will set aside God’s memorial, the seventh-day Sabbath. I will show the world that the day God sanctified has been changed. I will obliterate the memory of it. In its place I will establish a day that does not bear the credentials of God, a day that cannot be a sign between God and His people. Through my representative, I will exalt myself. The first day will be praised, and the Protestant world will receive this false sabbath as genuine. I will be the prince of this world. I will so control minds that God’s Sabbath will be a special object of contempt. A sign? I will make the observance of the seventh day a sign of disloyalty to the authorities of earth. Human laws will become so strict that men and women will not dare to observe the seventh-day Sabbath. For fear of being without food and clothing, they will join the world in transgressing God’s law. The earth will be entirely under my dominion.” Through setting up a false sabbath, the enemy thought “to change times and law.” But has he really succeeded in changing God’s law? He who is the same yesterday, today, and forever has said this about the seventh-day Sabbath: “It is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations.” “It is a sign ... forever.” Exodus 31:13, 17. The changed signpost is pointing the wrong way, but God has not changed. He is just as jealous for His law now as in the days of Ahab and Elijah.

But how that law is disregarded! Look at the world today in open rebellion against God. People neglect the Bible and hate truth. Jesus sees His law rejected, His love despised, His ambassadors treated with indifference. His mercies have gone unacknowledged, His warnings unheeded. The temple courts of the human soul have been turned into places of unholy commerce. Selfishness, envy, pride, malice—all are cherished.

Many do not hesitate to sneer at the Word of God. They ridicule those who believe it just as it reads. There is a growing contempt for law and order, directly traceable to a violation of Jehovah’s plain commands. Violence and crime are the result of turning aside from the path of obedience.

Just look at the nearly universal disregard of the Sabbath commandment. See also the daring wickedness of those who, while enacting laws to safeguard the supposed sanctity of the first day of the week, at the same time are making laws legalizing the liquor traffic. They attempt to force the conscience while lending their approval to an evil that destroys the beings created in the image of God. Satan inspires such legislation.

Almost the whole world is following after idols. But the Lord will not always allow His law to be broken and despised without consequences. Skepticism may treat the claims of God’s law with joking and denial; the cause of God may hold its ground only by great effort and continual sacrifice. Yet in the end truth will triumph gloriously.

In God’s closing work on earth, the standard of His law will be exalted again. False religion may prevail, people may lose sight of the cross of Calvary, darkness may spread over the world, and the popular current may turn against the truth. But in the hour of greatest danger the God of Elijah will raise up human instruments to bear a message that will not be silenced. In the places where people have gone to the greatest lengths in speaking against the Most High, the voice of stern rebuke will be heard. Those whom God has appointed will boldly denounce the union of the church with the world. They will call earnestly on men and women to turn from a man-made rite to observe the true Sabbath. “Fear God and give glory to Him,” they will proclaim to every nation, “for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth. ... If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation.” Revelation 14:7-10. The world will be arraigned in the courtroom of Infinite Justice to receive sentence.

Today, as in the days of Elijah, the line between God’s commandment-keeping people and the worshipers of false gods is clearly drawn. “How long will you falter between two opinions?” Elijah cried. “If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” 1 Kings 18:21. And the message for today is, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen.” “Come out of her, My people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.” Revelation 18:2, 4, 5.

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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
We don't break them, we fulfill them, the same way Jesus showed us.

What did Jesus do on the Sabbath?
How did He keep it?

And those things which he did on the Sabbath, did he do it on the day only?
Or did he do it everyday?

How often was Jesus in the temple teaching?
Are you a temple of the Holy Spirit?
Are you taught daily? Do you eat the manna sent from God daily. Is Jesus your daily bread?

Luk 9:17
And they did eat, and were all filled: and there was taken up of fragments that remained to them twelve baskets.

Act 1:1
The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach,
Act 1:2
Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen:
Act 1:3
To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God:
Act 1:4
And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me.

What is the promise they were waiting for?

Act 1:3
To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God:

This scripture which you posted JUMPED OUT =" speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God"

Funny that we NEVER see either Jesus or the Apostles preaching the saturday sabbath and how important it is for the Kingdom.

But we do SEE the continued emphasis on Jesus being the Messiah, His Blood atonement for sins
the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit as the most important Part of the Kingdom of God

Isaiah 28:9-12
Whom will he teach knowledge?
And whom will he make to understand the message?
Those just weaned from milk?
Those just drawn from the breasts?
For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept,
Line upon line, line upon line,
Here a little, there a little.”

For with stammering lips and another tongue
He will speak to this people,
To whom He said, “This is the rest with which
You may cause the weary to rest,”
And, “This is the refreshing”;
Yet they would not hear.
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Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
I keep picturing an angry child with both hands covering his ears.

That's some freaky deaky stuff to hear people engaging in new age visualization

I hadn't heard the SDA has gotten in to new age practices. It's par for course though.

C'mon, Dave, we publicly declare God requires those who are saved to live according to the Ten Commandments - why won't you publicly declare we're free to break them? The public is waiting...

But you people try to keep the law by rituals, regulations rather than being led by the Holy Spirit being empowered from within which of course is why your people teach one cannot be saved if they don't go to church on Saturday to earn their salvation like the old testament people were continually trying to do.

You MUST keep the Sabbath Rest of God or you will die in your sins.

Which does mention anything about doing this on Saturday in the New Covenant.

Not a peep! disagree.gif

Not sure what version that is, but I'll stick with the KJV.

Good deal... now, please show us in the KJV where the New Testament specifically says Christians are required to attend church, worship, and rest in the Lord only on Saturday... and those that don't are not saved and go to hell.

Of course you people teach the annihilationism heresy so do you tell people God will cause them to cease to exist so it's really no big deal if they keep Saturday sabbath or not since they won't experience any torment.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Still BLIND?

From my Post #812

We are to keep the commandments that Christ gave to us = "take up your cross and follow ME"

When we do that, the Holy Spirit empowers us to do the will of God = 'If you love ME keep MY commandments"
So, we can work on Sabbath as long as we're empowered to "rest" in Jesus by the Holy Spirit. Got it.

We can murder as long as we're empowered to not murder by the Holy Spirit.
We can steal as long as we're empowered to not steal by the Holy Spirit.
We can lie as long as we're empowered to not lie by the Holy Spirit.
We can commit adultery as long as we're empowered to not commit adultery by the Holy Spirit.

Can you see this is utter nonsense that you preach?

The Holy Spirit empowers us to keep the Ten Commandments - He doesn't empower us make right wrong and wrong right.
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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
So, we can work on Sabbath as long as we're empowered to "rest" in Jesus by the Holy Spirit. Got it.

We can murder as long as we're empowered to not murder by the Holy Spirit.
We can steal as long as we're empowered to not steal by the Holy Spirit.
We can lie as long as we're empowered to not lie by the Holy Spirit.
We can commit adultery as long as we're empowered to not commit adultery by the Holy Spirit.

Can you see this is utter nonsense that you preach?

The Holy Spirit empowers us to keep the Ten Commandments - He doesn't empower us make right wrong and wrong right.
So, we can work on Sabbath as long as we're empowered to "rest" in Jesus by the Holy Spirit.
When you understand this ^ then you will finally "get it".

"My Father works and now I work"
"IAM LORD of the sabbath"
"Come to ME and you will find REST for your souls"

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
That's some freaky deaky stuff to hear people engaging in new age visualization

I hadn't heard the SDA has gotten in to new age practices. It's par for course though.

But you people try to keep the law by rituals, regulations rather than being led by the Holy Spirit being empowered from within which of course is why your people teach one cannot be saved if they don't go to church on Saturday to earn their salvation like the old testament people were continually trying to do.

Which does mention anything about doing this on Saturday in the New Covenant.

Not a peep! View attachment 42044

Good deal... now, please show us in the KJV where the New Testament specifically says Christians are required to attend church, worship, and rest in the Lord only on Saturday... and those that don't are not saved and go to hell.

Of course you people teach the annihilationism heresy so do you tell people God will cause them to cease to exist so it's really no big deal if they keep Saturday sabbath or not since they won't experience any torment.

The Gospel says: "You MUST keep the Sabbath Rest of God or you will die in your sins."

Which does mention anything about doing this on Saturday in the New Covenant.

Now that Christ has Come, the Sabbath Rest of God is not found in a day of the week.

But it is found in the Gospel(see Post 825) and also here in Hebrews ch4

Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it.
For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it. For we who have believed do enter that rest, as He has said:

“So I swore in My wrath,
‘They shall not enter My rest,’ ”

although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. For He has spoken in a certain place of the seventh day in this way: “And God rested on the seventh day from all His works”; and again in this place: “They shall not enter My rest.”

Since therefore it remains that some must enter it, and those to whom it was first preached did not enter because of disobedience,
7again He designates a certain day, saying in David, “Today,” after such a long time, as it has been said:

“Today, if you will hear His voice,
Do not harden your hearts.”

For if Joshua had given them rest, then He would not afterward have spoken of another day.
There remains therefore a rest for the people of God.
For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
How can you "keep everyday holy" when God only made one day holy? How can you "keep" the fire burning in my fireplace if I don't first light one beforehand?

The commandment is simple: on the Sabbath day, lay aside our weekly work and labor and dedicate these holy hours to God, period. It's that simple.

"And hereby we do know that we know Him if we keep His commandments. He that saith, I know Him, and keepeth not His commandments is a liar and the truth (Jesus) is not in him".
So, my dads been in the hospital for awhile now. Yesterday they was going to bring him to rehab. When I went to the rehab yesterday morning, my dad had had a stroke right before I got there.

I came to the forum last night and I asked for prayers for my dad. And so many beautiful people gave me courage and hope.
I went to the hospital today and dad is doing much better. They moved him out of ICU and put him in a regular room.

On my way home there was a man hitchhiking. I thought about it, I really did, In todays world nothing is safe.
But I felt the Lord pulling me and he said help him out, it's cold out and he has a long walk home.
So I turned the car around, picked him up. Had a nice simple conversation and dropped him off at his destination.

I was greatful for the prayers, He was greatful for the ride.
It's what you do with everyday that matters that helps relieve other people from their burdens.
That is what the Sabbath is for.
God gives us rest and we aught to give others rest. Thats why we are called sons of God and not servants of God.
He has made us servants of others.

Now if I only did good on saturday, that man probably still be walking home at midnight. He had at least 20 miles to go.

I knew Jesus had my back, because I have faith that he won't lead me into anything or anywhere that he couldn't get me out of if needed.

But you have fear. You are afraid you might offend God by not keeping one day, when what he really wants is for you to keep Him HOLY.

In your heart and mind and soul. Do the works he gave you to do and the commandment he gave.


It's so simple.. but people enjoy making everything so heavy.

Honour God by the way you Live your life. Not just one day, but everyday.



Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
That's some freaky deaky stuff to hear people engaging in new age visualization I hadn't heard the SDA has gotten in to new age practices. It's par for course though.
We don't practice New Age, nor are we too cowardly to step up to a challenge.

The reason why I challenge the OSAS crowd to say publicly that grace permits the Christian to break the Ten Commandments is so that the utter weakness of their satanic doctrine is put on full display when they don't.
But you people try to keep the law by rituals, regulations
What does that even mean?
rather than being led by the Holy Spirit being empowered from within which of course
We teach the ONLY way one can keep the law is by the indwelling power of Jesus via the Holy Spirit.
is why your people teach one cannot be saved if they don't go to church on Saturday to earn their salvation like the old testament people were continually trying to do.
BB, no matter how many times you speak the serpent's lie, I'm here to clarify:

We teach obedience is the outward evidence of our inward choice to trust Jesus (1 John 2:3-4 KJV)
Which does mention anything about doing this on Saturday in the New Covenant.

Not a peep! View attachment 42044
"I will write MY LAWS in their minds and on their hearts". Which of the Ten Commandments is not written on your heart?
Good deal... now, please show us in the KJV where the New Testament specifically says Christians are required to attend church, worship, and rest in the Lord only on Saturday... and those that don't are not saved and go to hell.
"Blessed are they which DO His commandments, that they might have right to the Tree of Life".
Of course you people teach the annihilationism heresy so do you tell people God will cause them to cease to exist so it's really no big deal if they keep Saturday sabbath or not since they won't experience any torment.
We teach Annihilationism because it's the Biblical truth. Only the unlearned/willfully ignorant read " RESERVE the unjust UNTO the day of punishment TO BE punished" and conclude punishment is happening now.

We teach obedience is the outward evidence of inward salvation and that those who claim to know Jesus but refuse to obey are liars...because that's what 1 John 2:3-4 KJV says.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
So, my dads been in the hospital for awhile now. Yesterday they was going to bring him to rehab. When I went to the rehab yesterday morning, my dad had had a stroke right before I got there.

I came to the forum last night and I asked for prayers for my dad. And so many beautiful people gave me courage and hope.
I went to the hospital today and dad is doing much better. They moved him out of ICU and put him in a regular room.

On my way home there was a man hitchhiking. I thought about it, I really did, In todays world nothing is safe.
But I felt the Lord pulling me and he said help him out, it's cold out and he has a long walk home.
So I turned the car around, picked him up. Had a nice simple conversation and dropped him off at his destination.

I was greatful for the prayers, He was greatful for the ride.
It's what you do with everyday that matters that helps relieve other people from their burdens.
That is what the Sabbath is for.
God gives us rest and we aught to give others rest. Thats why we are called sons of God and not servants of God.
He has made us servants of others.

Now if I only did good on saturday, that man probably still be walking home at midnight. He had at least 20 miles to go.

I knew Jesus had my back, because I have faith that he won't lead me into anything or anywhere that he couldn't get me out of if needed.

But you have fear. You are afraid you might offend God by not keeping one day, when what he really wants is for you to keep Him HOLY.

In your heart and mind and soul. Do the works he gave you to do and the commandment he gave.


It's so simple.. but people enjoy making everything so heavy.

Honour God by the way you Live your life. Not just one day, but everyday.

Sorry to hear about your dad. May the Lord bless you all. That said, I don't think you understand what's involved with the concept of "holy" things:

Let me ask you, do you think "doing good everyday" just started with Christianity - as if that hasn't been going on since time immemorial? You claim that exhibiting the fruits of the Holy Spirit every day makes every day if you're God. The "tithes and offerings" are holy - do you return them, or have you decided that everyday is holy, but the tithes and offerings are not?


You are not God - only He decides what is and what's not "holy" - you should cease from this notion that you can decide what is and what's not holy, friend.

Our job is not to decide what is and what isn't holy - our job to "keep" holy what God "makes" holy, understand? He made the Sabbath day as a memorial to Creation, then "made" it holy, and commands us to "keep" it holy by resting on it with Him in a special way not possible on any other day. ;)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
@Brakelite @Phoneman777

This is a Grade school level grammar test.

Q1.- What is the meaning of Romans 10:4 ?

"For Christ is the end of the law, to bring righteousness to everyone who believes."

Q2.- Where in the Gospel did the Lord command us to keep the 4th commandment?

Q3 - Where did the Apostles instruct the Church to keep the saturday observance?
You are right, righteousness is a gift that comes to us by faith. And as you said, righteousness doesn't come to anyone through obedience, or any action on our part... Except we hunger and thirst for it. It's about our willingness to embrace it. It's like truth. In order to embrace truth, one must love truth as a principle first. Then, God will reveal truth to you. But you also have to be willing to obey that truth. Righteousness is similar. One must hunger and thirst for righteousness, be willing to live it, love it, desire it, hate and despise sin, believe God is willing to give it to those who seek it with their whole heart, soul, mind. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness..." And the promise is yours. Jesus will give you His righteousness if you believe. If you hunger and thirst for it. David the Psalmist said, "all Thy commandments are righteousness". Jesus promises we will be filled. If we want it enough. That my friend is the new covenant taking right there. The law, God's righteousness written on the heart. It becomes a part of our nature to obey. To do anything else is just plain weird and off the charts stupid.
Sadly, so very few want to go there. They would rather have a good time. Be popular. Live by their own rules. Do what they wilt. They limit God. They don't want Him taking over the whole house. Maybe the front room and the living room and the bedroom. But the kitchen? No way. Only where the visitors come. Only where they will be seen. I will do what's right, but only if it doesn't affect my reputation. The moment there's a chance someone might not like me, I'll do what's popular... Orthodox... Observe the Sabbath? No chance.
Does not SDA teach that sunday worship is sin and those who do so remain in sin and death.
That is an example of the extreme ridiculousness coming from you Dave, born of desperation.
Many of therm actually teach this... and others don't seem to be towing the SDA party line claiming it's not a sin.
So ummm, what is it that we officially teach again? Perhaps you would like to look it up. Nuh, don't bother. I'll ask for you.
Question. What is sin?
Bible. Sin is the transgression of the law. I John 3:4. Oh look. A new testament answer to your question.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Rom 11:16
For if the firstfruit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, so are the branches.

Rom 12:1
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

Mal 3:8
Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.
Mal 3:9
Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.
Mal 3:10
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
Mal 3:11
And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts.
Mal 3:12
And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the LORD of hosts.
Mal 3:13
Your words have been stout against me, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, What have we spoken so much against thee?
Mal 3:14
Ye have said, It is vain to serve God: and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinance, and that we have walked mournfully before the LORD of hosts?
Mal 3:15
And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered.

You think God needs your money?

How about a tenth of your time and compassion?

Iron sharpens iron..

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Adding things to the New Covenant that Jesus did not teach... such as Saturday sabbath keeping

Seems like you are also adding other things to the covenant that Jesus did not teach as well like a Brand New Covenant.

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
You are right, righteousness is a gift that comes to us by faith. And as you said, righteousness doesn't come to anyone through obedience, or any action on our part... Except we hunger and thirst for it. It's about our willingness to embrace it. It's like truth. In order to embrace truth, one must love truth as a principle first. Then, God will reveal truth to you. But you also have to be willing to obey that truth. Righteousness is similar. One must hunger and thirst for righteousness, be willing to live it, love it, desire it, hate and despise sin, believe God is willing to give it to those who seek it with their whole heart, soul, mind. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness..." And the promise is yours. Jesus will give you His righteousness if you believe. If you hunger and thirst for it. David the Psalmist said, "all Thy commandments are righteousness". Jesus promises we will be filled. If we want it enough. That my friend is the new covenant taking right there. The law, God's righteousness written on the heart. It becomes a part of our nature to obey. To do anything else is just plain weird and off the charts stupid.
Sadly, so very few want to go there. They would rather have a good time. Be popular. Live by their own rules. Do what they wilt. They limit God. They don't want Him taking over the whole house. Maybe the front room and the living room and the bedroom. But the kitchen? No way. Only where the visitors come. Only where they will be seen. I will do what's right, but only if it doesn't affect my reputation. The moment there's a chance someone might not like me, I'll do what's popular... Orthodox... Observe the Sabbath? No chance.

That is an example of the extreme ridiculousness coming from you Dave, born of desperation.

So ummm, what is it that we officially teach again? Perhaps you would like to look it up. Nuh, don't bother. I'll ask for you.
Question. What is sin?
Bible. Sin is the transgression of the law. I John 3:4. Oh look. A new testament answer to your question.

Hunger for righteousness - Philippians 3:7-11

But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law,
but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.

Hunger for Rigtheousness - Romans 10:4 (amplified)

For Christ is the end of the law [it leads to Him and its purpose is fulfilled in Him], for [granting] righteousness to everyone who believes [in Him as Savior].

Hunger for Righteousness - Romans 3:21 (amplified)

But now the righteousness of God has been clearly revealed [independently and completely] apart from the Law, though it is [actually] confirmed by the Law and the [words and writings of the] Prophets.

gotta go now
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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
Seems like you are also adding other things to the covenant that Jesus did not teach as well like a Brand New Covenant.
Anyone who promotes saturday sabbath as a New Covenant requirement from God, does not know the Gospel and what the LORD did for us.

There is a Sabbath REST that God said if you do not walk in it, you will die in your sins.

When you find that REST you find Salvation and the Love of God.

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
Seems like you are also adding other things to the covenant that Jesus did not teach as well like a Brand New Covenant.

Only seems like that to those who cannot read! agree.gif

Notice below... it says the Lord took away the first so He could establish the second.

Hebrews 10:9
Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second.
(God said He would make a New Covenant - see Jeremiah 31:31-34)

Hebrews 8:6
But now hath Jesus obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also Jesus is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Adding things to the New Covenant that Jesus did not teach... such as Saturday sabbath keeping
KJV 1 John 3:4-7
4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.
5 And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.
6 Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.
7 Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.

KJV Romans 6:16
16 Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?

Question. Whose ideas are you obeying in casting off the commandments of God?

We do not earn salvation by our obedience; for salvation is the free gift of God, to be received by faith. But obedience is the fruit of faith. "Ye know that He was manifested to take away our sins; and in Him is no sin. Whosoever abideth in Him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen Him, neither known Him." 1 John 3:5, 6. Here is the true test. If we abide in Christ, if the love of God dwells in us, our feelings, our thoughts, our purposes, our actions, will be in harmony with the will of God as expressed in the precepts of His holy law. {SC 61}

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
Whose ideas are you obeying in casting off the commandments of God?

That's what you don't understand... I'm actually NOT disobeying God's commands found in the New Testament which does not teach the sabbath is on Saturday under the New Covenant.

That's just a figgament of the Saturday people's imaginations as they attempt to get others to reject the New Covenant.

That's what Ellen G White's "vision" was all about..... re-establishing the old testament form of REST and rejecting the New Covenant form of REST which is clearly a trick of the devil since it's not biblical and is not supported by the New Testament.

So the spirit that gave her that "vision" was one that works in opposition to the Lord.
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