Color and Wavelengths?

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New Member
May 21, 2017
United States
I was wondering if anyone actually thought of just how specific it is that certain amounts of wavelengths produce certain specific colors. I thought about it for a couple of days now, and would like to know what you think.


Why and How does each specific color have it's own specific wavelength?

There are many different colors. Each with their own unique amount of NM in order for them to be seen.

However, one must ask - How come Red's wavelength is specifically Different than Violet's?
How come it couldn't have been the other way around?
How come it will Never be the other way around?

Exactly why does each specific color have it's own very specific amount of NM to be seen?

It appears that it is a Choice that was made. Something With intelligence had to have assigned Each color it's own Set amount of NM individually.

Despite all being a part of White Light, White Light itself does Not have any form of intelligence.
Further more, White Light Isn't alive -For anything to make any sort of choice, it has to naturally be Alive. How could White Light choose which color to be determined depending on it's set amount of NM?
It cannot.

Perhaps these colors were chosen by Random - However, that does Not get rid of the fact that they were Chosen for each specific amount.
The colors can't "just be" assigned that way, randomly. If that's the case, 750 NM could've very well have been Blue, or Green, or Orange - but it is Not. It's set in stone to be Red.
And will Always be Red.

Even if a person is Color Blind and can only see shades of Gray - each shade of that Still has it's own chosen amount of NM in order for it to be seen. Darker gray has it's own seperate NM than Lighter gray.
The same choice still exist.

Overall, we can only ask - Why does the color Red have fewer "peeks" than the color Violet?
Exactly Why if a wavelength has less energy - it's Red, but if a wavelength has the Most energy, it's Violet?
Why not any other color?
Why can't this be changed?
Why is it set in stone, like a Law?

White Light itself has no intelligence and it Isn't alive, so it cannot make this possible - as it can only emit light.

This is a Choice by something that is Alive, Intelligent and Super Natural. There is No other Option, and never will be.
Each color is specifically Chosen by God for it's amount of NM.
Do you agree? Do I have any wrong information here? Any kind of response helps. Thank you!
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Aug 10, 2012
I suppose the nm range for color classification is due to human perception. We have 3 kinds of cone cells to cover the visible spectrum: Blue, Green, and red. Any color is a combination of cones, processed by the brain. red and green cone cells have the most overlap, so we can distinguish colors better in that range, meaning those bands should be shorter. Blue is off by itself on the short side of the spectrum, so will be perceived as a wider band. Red cones cover a wide band, the part identified as red is not overlapping with green as it goes towards the infrared.
I'll try to remember to post a image later.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2009
United States
What is physical light ? According to Microsoft Reference Library 2005, "scientists have learned through experimentation that light behaves like a particle at times and like a wave at other times. The particle-like features are called photons. Photons are different from particles of matter in that they have no mass and always move at the constant speed of about 186,000 mi/sec when they are in a vacuum. When light diffracts, or bends slightly as it passes around a corner, it shows wavelike behavior. The waves associated with light are called electromagnetic waves because they consist of changing electric and magnetic fields. To understand the nature of light and how it is normally created, it is necessary to study matter at its atomic level" or more on the level of quantum mechanics (also known as quantum physics), or sub-atomic level.

During a light rain when sunlight is present, we at times see a rainbow whereby water acts as a prism and divides light into a majestic array of colors of the visible spectrum. We see objects such as a leaf on a branch of a tree because all wavelengths of light pass through the leaf except certain ones that are reflected back to our eyes, so that we see perhaps a green leaf or one made up of a number of colors of orange, red, and yellow as in the autumn of the year.

According to the article "What is Light ?" in Cosmos magazine (June 14, 2016), "the question of whether a photon is a particle or wave has never been fully resolved". It is thought that light is emitted by electrons circling the nucleus of the atom when it is excited (or possibly increased in motion, for heat is motion within the atomic structure as opposed to cold whereby the atomic structure is slowing down. The hotter something is, the more speed the atomic structure is moving)

Physical light is a gift from our Maker, Jehovah God. Imagine that everything we see is only in black and white. What a drab life that would be. But with the vast array of colors of the visible light spectrum, we enjoy life (and light) far more than otherwise. But there is another kind of light that the Bible also describes.

At Psalms 36, David was inspired to write: "O Jehovah (God's personal name), your loyal love reaches to the heavens.......With you is is the source of life; By your light we can see light. Continuing showing your loyal love to those who know you".(Ps 36:5, 9, 10) Was David speaking of physical light here ? No.

Rather, he was pointing towards those receiving Jehovah's loyal love, his people. Psalms 4 says: "Know that Jehovah will treat his loyal one in a special way".(Ps 4:3) Thus, Jehovah's loyal ones are treated special, able to understand the "light" of the Bible (Bible truths) because he reveals it to them, while all others are blocked out from grasping what the Bible really teaches.(Matt 11:25, 26)

As the "last days" are nearing their end in the immediate future (2 Tim 3:1), Proverbs 4 is seeing fulfillment: "But the path of the righteous one (or loyal one) is like the bright morning light that grows brighter and brighter until full daylight".(Prov 4:18) Crystal clear Bible truth is being distributed all around the world through Jesus "faithful and discreet slave".(Matt 24:45-47)


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2009
West Australia
What is physical light ? According to Microsoft Reference Library 2005, "scientists have learned through experimentation that light behaves like a particle at times and like a wave at other times. The particle-like features are called photons. Photons are different from particles of matter in that they have no mass and always move at the constant speed of about 186,000 mi/sec when they are in a vacuum. When light diffracts, or bends slightly as it passes around a corner, it shows wavelike behavior. The waves associated with light are called electromagnetic waves because they consist of changing electric and magnetic fields. To understand the nature of light and how it is normally created, it is necessary to study matter at its atomic level" or more on the level of quantum mechanics (also known as quantum physics), or sub-atomic level.

During a light rain when sunlight is present, we at times see a rainbow whereby water acts as a prism and divides light into a majestic array of colors of the visible spectrum. We see objects such as a leaf on a branch of a tree because all wavelengths of light pass through the leaf except certain ones that are reflected back to our eyes, so that we see perhaps a green leaf or one made up of a number of colors of orange, red, and yellow as in the autumn of the year.

According to the article "What is Light ?" in Cosmos magazine (June 14, 2016), "the question of whether a photon is a particle or wave has never been fully resolved". It is thought that light is emitted by electrons circling the nucleus of the atom when it is excited (or possibly increased in motion, for heat is motion within the atomic structure as opposed to cold whereby the atomic structure is slowing down. The hotter something is, the more speed the atomic structure is moving)

Physical light is a gift from our Maker, Jehovah God. Imagine that everything we see is only in black and white. What a drab life that would be. But with the vast array of colors of the visible light spectrum, we enjoy life (and light) far more than otherwise. But there is another kind of light that the Bible also describes.

At Psalms 36, David was inspired to write: "O Jehovah (God's personal name), your loyal love reaches to the heavens.......With you is is the source of life; By your light we can see light. Continuing showing your loyal love to those who know you".(Ps 36:5, 9, 10) Was David speaking of physical light here ? No.

Rather, he was pointing towards those receiving Jehovah's loyal love, his people. Psalms 4 says: "Know that Jehovah will treat his loyal one in a special way".(Ps 4:3) Thus, Jehovah's loyal ones are treated special, able to understand the "light" of the Bible (Bible truths) because he reveals it to them, while all others are blocked out from grasping what the Bible really teaches.(Matt 11:25, 26)

As the "last days" are nearing their end in the immediate future (2 Tim 3:1), Proverbs 4 is seeing fulfillment: "But the path of the righteous one (or loyal one) is like the bright morning light that grows brighter and brighter until full daylight".(Prov 4:18) Crystal clear Bible truth is being distributed all around the world through Jesus "faithful and discreet slave".(Matt 24:45-47)
Hello Guestman. How lovely to find someone on a forum such as this, who can easily see that 'science' is just way of discovering what and how our great Father did/does the things He does, even if the people in the fields of science, can't or won't accept that. Also you helped me remember something from many years ago, about Light, where I was shown, that the light people tend to think of, when they read the first couple of verses from the start of Genesis, is sunlight, which it obviously cannot be, as it states in The Bible that God gave us the sun, on the 4th day. But when He uttered His first (recorded) Words :" LIGHT BE !" , that is a different light all together. Science has uncovered some of this. They have found forms of light throughout the entire universe, including the 'dark light' or 'anti light', they have also been able to comprehend that the two cannot mix. Once again in total agreement with what our Father instructed Moses to write down. It tells us that He separated the light from the darkness . The same principle applies to matter and anti/dark matter, they cannot mix either. When we take this to it's full conclusion, it becomes easier to understand that there are two opposing places/realms/dimensions, where it tells us people end up, after their energy/spirit/light is released from their 'earth suit', their bodies, and why it is either in the Light or in the void/blackness.
Another thing we must realize is that the account given to Moses by our Father, was not a scientific manuscript, it was an account that we people would be able to understand and relate to. So as we know it says that the sun was created and put into motion for us on the 4th day, so the previous 3 'days' our Father had spent on the first things He set about doing, wouldn't have been a 24 hour period. Also it is obvious that He is not talking about a day, the way we understand a day, so those first things He set about doing could have taken Him a thousand years or even more, to bring about. He could have certainly spoken the words in a short time, but the becoming of those words would have taken time. Actually, doesn't it say somewhere that with God, a day can be as a thousand years, and a thousand years can be as a day ? Anyway, we believers mustn't get all caught up in religious arguments of whether it was a literal 7 days ( as we know them to be ) or days as our Father sees them. That is an exercise in futility, as are any other arguments about the things written, we are in dire need of understanding from above. I can't help laughing each time I see a christian on you tube f.ex. arguing with others about the earth only being 6 thousand years old, which had been calculated by some strange priest. I mean just think for a moment. In Genesis we are informed that up until the time of the flood, men ( humans, not just males ) lived to be just a fraction off a thousand years old. So, the Bible also states that Enoch was the 7th from Adam ( in his generations ) , so 6000 years could have easily gone by before the flood. But I guess people must just like to argue. But I think it is those sort of over the top religious people, who study and study but never comes to the truth, who made such a contentious stand against science, which should have not happened. Let's face it, man didn't invent or create science, we just discovered all the various 'laws' and patterns within everything here on earth as well as the rest of the known universe, and things are still being revealed all the time. So sorry, I hadn't meant to ramble on like this, just got excited to 'meet' a kindred spirit. I'll stop myself now. Have a blessed day :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2011
United Kingdom
Hello Guestman. How lovely to find someone on a forum such as this, who can easily see that 'science' is just way of discovering what and how our great Father did/does the things He does, even if the people in the fields of science, can't or won't accept that. Also you helped me remember something from many years ago, about Light, where I was shown, that the light people tend to think of, when they read the first couple of verses from the start of Genesis, is sunlight, which it obviously cannot be, as it states in The Bible that God gave us the sun, on the 4th day. But when He uttered His first (recorded) Words :" LIGHT BE !" , that is a different light all together. Science has uncovered some of this. They have found forms of light throughout the entire universe, including the 'dark light' or 'anti light', they have also been able to comprehend that the two cannot mix. Once again in total agreement with what our Father instructed Moses to write down. It tells us that He separated the light from the darkness . The same principle applies to matter and anti/dark matter, they cannot mix either. When we take this to it's full conclusion, it becomes easier to understand that there are two opposing places/realms/dimensions, where it tells us people end up, after their energy/spirit/light is released from their 'earth suit', their bodies, and why it is either in the Light or in the void/blackness.
Another thing we must realize is that the account given to Moses by our Father, was not a scientific manuscript, it was an account that we people would be able to understand and relate to. So as we know it says that the sun was created and put into motion for us on the 4th day, so the previous 3 'days' our Father had spent on the first things He set about doing, wouldn't have been a 24 hour period. Also it is obvious that He is not talking about a day, the way we understand a day, so those first things He set about doing could have taken Him a thousand years or even more, to bring about. He could have certainly spoken the words in a short time, but the becoming of those words would have taken time. Actually, doesn't it say somewhere that with God, a day can be as a thousand years, and a thousand years can be as a day ? Anyway, we believers mustn't get all caught up in religious arguments of whether it was a literal 7 days ( as we know them to be ) or days as our Father sees them. That is an exercise in futility, as are any other arguments about the things written, we are in dire need of understanding from above. I can't help laughing each time I see a christian on you tube f.ex. arguing with others about the earth only being 6 thousand years old, which had been calculated by some strange priest. I mean just think for a moment. In Genesis we are informed that up until the time of the flood, men ( humans, not just males ) lived to be just a fraction off a thousand years old. So, the Bible also states that Enoch was the 7th from Adam ( in his generations ) , so 6000 years could have easily gone by before the flood. But I guess people must just like to argue. But I think it is those sort of over the top religious people, who study and study but never comes to the truth, who made such a contentious stand against science, which should have not happened. Let's face it, man didn't invent or create science, we just discovered all the various 'laws' and patterns within everything here on earth as well as the rest of the known universe, and things are still being revealed all the time. So sorry, I hadn't meant to ramble on like this, just got excited to 'meet' a kindred spirit. I'll stop myself now. Have a blessed day :)

it seems alas and sadly like many other Christians you prefer the words of men[scientists] to the word/words of God - so lets start to clarify that it does not say a day is a thousand years in the eyes of the Lord and it does say that only eight survived the Flood - a day is a 24hr day and a week 24/7 or how long would one labour before a rest or how long did it really rain to cause the Flood which some even would have us accept was only local and not worldewide or we might rightly ask how long were the days in the days that were a thousand years - Einstein stated that he would spend the rest of his life trying to find out what light was and where it came from sadly it seems he never did - everything that was created was created ex nihilo in an instant on each of six days as Jesus later showed us how exactly God works in an instant out of nothing[wine from water with growing and harvesting the grapes etc - btw in passing it seems Galileo was wrong after all - so why not you - twinc


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2009
West Australia
it seems alas and sadly like many other Christians you prefer the words of men[scientists] to the word/words of God - so lets start to clarify that it does not say a day is a thousand years in the eyes of the Lord and it does say that only eight survived the Flood - a day is a 24hr day and a week 24/7 or how long would one labour before a rest or how long did it really rain to cause the Flood which some even would have us accept was only local and not worldewide or we might rightly ask how long were the days in the days that were a thousand years - Einstein stated that he would spend the rest of his life trying to find out what light was and where it came from sadly it seems he never did - everything that was created was created ex nihilo in an instant on each of six days as Jesus later showed us how exactly God works in an instant out of nothing[wine from water with growing and harvesting the grapes etc - btw in passing it seems Galileo was wrong after all - so why not you - twinc
I am not going to argue over what happened when neither you or I were there. I believe science is merely Gods handiwork being revealed. They get an awful lot of things wrong, before getting them right, and some things they most likely won't find...... I believe Jesus more than you could imagine.... :)
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Active Member
May 16, 2019
United States
A big part of this subject has not been learned yet, and the rest of it is just the way we define things. We all look at a certain wavelength of light and we all call it red. What we have not learned is "What's waving?"

Back to definitions. A wave, like in the ocean, goes up and down and up and down, and at the same time it moves at a certain speed. That results in a distance between the ups, and that is the length of the wave, determined by the speed of transmission through water. Water is doing the waving.

Light is an electromagnetic wave, same as radio or radar, just a matter of how fast it goes up and down. When we talk about wavelength we assume the speed of light in a vacuum, which is different than the speed through this or that material, but the problem is we have no idea what is going up and down. That is something we just haven't learned yet.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
Light is an electromagnetic wave, same as radio or radar, just a matter of how fast it goes up and down. When we talk about wavelength we assume the speed of light in a vacuum, which is different than the speed through this or that material, but the problem is we have no idea what is going up and down. That is something we just haven't learned yet.

Well, that's the problem. Einstein got his Nobel for explaining the photoelectric effect. It can only work if light is composed of particles. The problem is that the two-slit interference pattern can only work if light is composed of waves. So depending on how we detect it, light sometimes behaves as if it was particulate, and sometimes behaves as if it were waves.

It seems that these two phenomena are different manifestations of the actual nature of light.