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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
That it complete garbage.

Just because you follow Jesus you can do no wrong! Following Jesus does not protect you from doing wrong. You are treating him as a lucky charm.
Know as Lord and saviour, my faith is in Him not in myself, isnt yours....

IS HE not teh son of God, is that what you think of Him a lucky charm....


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Is there such a call?
Is it a crime for Christians to be in agreement on many points of doctrine?

Where Christians are in agreement doctrinaly they can and should co-operate. This can be done without forming a united church organisation.

Let me illistrate. In the education district I live in there are large number of state run schools as well as private schools. A total of twelve churches co operate to fund two Christian teachers who work in as many schools as they can get permision to take. ( they do religious instruction lesson, cityzen ship lessons, philosphy lessons as well as assembles and run break and after school Christian clubs.)
These Churches have been doing this for twenty years.

Christians don't have to belong to the same church organisation, but they shouild welcome those who they have common ground, even if there are areas of disagreement.

As for keeping Christianity alive and relevent. That is up to us in knowing what and why we believe and gossiping about it. That and challenging our preachers to be relevent.


I believe your mindset is off here. There is a sense of urgency in this OP. The point in the OP is to separate ourselves from the status quo, with the same clergy, indoctrinated and taught by the same theological schools with the same sometimes warped doctrinal practices, in the same denominations. Like going back and hitting yourself against the same wall expecting to get a ‘breakthrough.’

We should not go back into the fire and try and resuscitate and salvage or somehow regain the same type of truth from the same source, as you seem to suggest we do. They are like dilapidated buildings, needing to be avoided and even torn down. The world is and will continue to prop up these broken-down institutions that continue to preach false truth.

We are now to look within ourselves and truly reassess our faith and confidence in our belief in Christ. To know we are really living a life style that pleases God. That we have confidence in our salvation through our Father as we continue to grow in/as Christ.

Bless you,

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There is a crisis coming the magnitude of which we have little comprehension. Jesus called it “distress of nations with perplexity”. There will be no answers, no solutions, no way out.

Remember 9/11? For a month or two after that everyone and their cocker spaniel went to church and confessed faith in ‘God’. And, to my personal horror, the US president decides to get up into the pulpit and proclaim from there, as if he was preaching a ‘godly Christian evangelical gospel message’...”he who is not with us is against us”. I got real angry at that. But on another level was not surprised. In the coming crisis we will witness the same again. Churches will be packed. The churches will unite together, and even with the government, in standing against a common threat.

The problem is that they will all be united, not on the basis of Biblical or doctrinal truth…not on the basis of a desire to share the gospel with the world…not on the basis of sharing the love of Jesus with their neighbours…but purely and simply out of self preservation. Jesus said that the rulers will have no solutions, and everyone will be panicking. So they turn to religion. Not the religion taught in the Bible, but the new-age Christ-consciousness counterfeit religion taught on TV by such as Copeland and Winfrey, and espoused by the popular press and media. It will be a mixture of New age…apostate Protestantism…and Roman Catholicism. The confusion of Babylon the Great. They will offer up prayers and make all manner of well meaning and pious pronouncements and a pretence of repentance while the crisis deepens, and when no answers come, will look around for some-one to blame who hasn’t joined them in their sincere but hopeless charade. That some-one who they will target will be those who refuse to worship their global church/state union and image of the medieval papal beast, and who refuse to accept the ‘mark’ of the beast’s authority. And my friend, this mark has nothing to do with fiscal convenience. The seal is the opposite, and the seal has everything to do with worship and loyalty to the true Creator God. The fiscal aspect…that is the buying and selling aspect…is merely an inducement to accept the mark. An inducement to worship according to the dictates of man. Other inducement will be fines, then jail, and finally the death sentence.

The coming crisis will reveal the true character of both the righteous and the wicked. It will not form character, but expose it. Thus will the true fruits be revealed of who belongs to Jesus , and who doesn’t. The harvest will then be seen to be ripe, both wheat and tares are ripe for harvest, the angels will first come and bundle the tares to be burned,then the wheat to be gathered into God’s barn. (See Rev.14)

Armageddon is the war that precedes this. A war that ensues between the false ‘Christian’ world, and the true. Remember, the entire world is caught up in this crisis. Jesus said we will be hated of all nations for His name's sake. The entire world joins with the beast and the false prophet to worship the false counterfeit system….the nations of the world unite against God’s people, spiritual Israel. Remember also what Jesus said about us at this time? We will be called to testify before Kings and before the rulers of this world. We will be called to account for our ‘heresy’ before the courts. It will be a repeat of the dark ages under papal rule, only on a global scale. And Protestantism is walking right into it.

Do any of you dear readers now begin to understand how a focus on the Middle East and upon literal Israel is just a red herring of the enemy of our souls and part of his deceptions? There is far more import to your being prepared for the coming crisis than simply observing the politics of the Middle east. You need to be personally prepared. You need to know what you believe, and why. Because my friends, you will be called to defend your beliefs before a world that will hate everything you claim to stand for. All the while they claiming to stand for the truth, and you being inspired of Satan. Israel will have nothing to do with your confession before the courts. Your support for Israel or lack thereof will be utterly meaningless when you are questioned regarding your loyalties to Christ, when the lies and corruptions of Rome are held before you as evidence of your loyalty to Rome, when it is revealed that you haven't yet fully come out of her, believing as you still do in her fundamental doctrines. Will you be prepared then to reject her mark of authority while standing before a court sworn to your destruction if found guilty?

“If they call the Master of the house Beelzebub, what will they do to His servants”.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
@brakelite ...
There is a good chance we will see the all nations ‘unraveling’ in the next decade or so. Look at America already. It is the worst I’ve seen it, ever: morally, ethically, politically and above all spiritually. Do you think there a fix already in, by men? I don’t think so.

All it takes is a global economic meltdown either before or just after a major crisis or at both ends. Yes, and the false hope in the State of Israel and its last years are surely coming.

I have sensed over the last few decades true believers need to become spiritually trained and battle ready for intense warfare, against the spirits and peoples of this world that oppose the son of God.

To be battle fit with a firm unwavering faith and a deep spiritual foundation of the truth. To be prepared to tell anyone when asked by anyone what you believe whether under duress or not; during trials or not, even to the point of death. To be ready to say without any reservation that you are ready to do whatever the will of God desires, ready to say to God, please receive my spirit, at any time.

These are the words of a fellow believer that has been led by the spirit. It is not something I just thought of because I own arms and a few dozen Bible versions, living in America.

The watchman on the tower is ready to blow his trumpet. Know what to do when it is heard. Plan with the spirit of our Father today, and quietly be prepared.

Now this post does sound like the writings of a mad Christian terrorist of the future, doesn’t it! Hmmm, maybe, these words are fitting for the last set of scapegoats to die for this fearful and coward world.

Bless you,



Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
Preachers are supposed to preach the "Gospel of Jesus Christ" they are suppose to prepare "Christians" for there walk with Christ. if pastors where truly from God there wou7ld be no one in church because they would all be walking with Jesus, as it says in revelation

Rev_18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

MEns religion in all the harlot church.

I don't think what you are saying makes sense at all. Rationally, or biblically. Sorry.
To start with, you make sweeping statements about every single gathering of the the 'church'. How on earth could you possibly know if they are following a man (the person they've propped up the front), or if that man is indeed called by God and is serving his flock well and they are all growing in the Spirit? You can't. And so such sweeping statements like "men's religions are all the harlot church" makes you look rather foolish.

Then we have bible verses like this:

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. - Heb 10:24-25

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. -Matt 18:20

So when you are assembled and I am with you in spirit, and the power of our Lord Jesus is present, -1 Cor 5:4

The NT is full of examples where people of faith gather together to praise, study and pray. I don't care what you want to call it, but traditionally, we call it Church, or it's a gathering of the Church. For you to say, thousands of miles away, that my gathering, with people I know, love, pray for, share my thoughts, trials, prayers, etc, with, under the guidance of a good man who does his best (with his wife) to lovingly serve his flock....that we are a harlot's gathering, following only man's get my point, yeah?

Christ is right, God is right, The Holy Spirit who can only speak what He is told is right. all men are wrong, even me, so I choose Christ for as long as I follow after Him I can do no wrong. Yo0u too have that choice, and now that you asked you too are without excuse.

That is a fairly bold claim to make. Especially since it comes following some claims that don't really make sense.
Let me see if I can pull this together.
You say:
if pastors where truly from God there wou7ld be no one in church because they would all be walking with Jesus
So, you seem to be saying that you doubt true Pastors exist, and that even if they did, they should be bouncing people away from them to "walk with Jesus"...presumably without any help. Heck...why do we need preachers at all!?? Oh, that's right, because God ordains them through the Spirit (1 Cor 12:28)!

And then:
MEns religion in all the harlot church.
Yes, well, men are unreliable, I'll give you that. If only God could do away with working though people all together! Ah ha! The Spirit! And the word!
It's too bad that both tell us that we need the Church, huh?(see bible verses above)

But then we see you saying this:
Not buildings as teh word "church" incorrect proclaims, they where a gathering from a town, not some man made denomination, and yet they screwed up. what was it Jesus told them not to do.
and what did they do, they created a structure completely against His will, see how they are just like us. We are supposed to be LEd by te hSpirirt not follow after men, which men prefer to do

So...what? The Church as the bride is okay, it's just those who keep insisting 'the church' is building that are not? I'm not sure I know anyone who thinks the church is just a building, but okay...let's keep going.

If God didnt send them they shouldnt be going like this,
we do what we need to do because that is what He expects us to do. Minitsry is a calling not a job as most seem to make it than wonder why they fall on there faces.

I agree that ministry should be a's a tough life and Pastors will be judged for how they taught and lived. But....I have to ask. If you assume that there is a calling...that Pastor's can be called....who are you saying is their flock? Are they flockless? Are they supposed to stand on a street corner and preach? Do they take up radio ministry? Or do you actually concede that there are "churches" that are not "harlots"?
And it also begs the on earth do you know if God has called them or not? Who are you to judge a man's heart or what he feels God has called him to? Sure, maybe he gets it wrong, or maybe he struggles in that calling...people are not perfect...but that should be between him and God, not you and...well, your judgy finger.

But, you know...apart from ignoring some bible verses which come straight from God, and probably totally misjudging a whole heap of actual Christians, I'm sure you're right, that you can do no wrong. You tell Jesus that when you see him, I'm sure it'll be all good.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Sure, maybe he gets it wrong, or maybe he struggles in that calling...people are not perfect...but that should be between him and God, not you and...well, your judgy finger.

1Co_6:16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.

1Co_6:15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.

Rev_18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

YEs we shall see.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
1Co_6:16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.

1Co_6:15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.

Rev_18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

YEs we shall see.

So you know, where you sit, if any or every Pastor has a genuine call or not? You're happy to make that call? Because you are. And you're calling them all harlots.

"Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them. 11 You may be sure that such people are warped and sinful; they are self-condemned." - Titus 3:10


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
So you know, where you sit, if any or every Pastor has a genuine call or not? You're happy to make that call? Because you are. And you're calling them all harlots.

"Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them. 11 You may be sure that such people are warped and sinful; they are self-condemned." - Titus 3:10
The church is a harlot. Just because a man says he is a pastor does not mean he is called by God just as someone calling them self a christian doesnt make them one. There is supposed to be on Crowd following Christ but mankind has spilt it all into different denominations each taking there own road as it says

Joh 10:7 Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.
Joh 10:8 All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them.
Joh 10:9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

But man has chosen his own ways, You have that choice as does everyone on this earth, who do you follow, men or Christ.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
The church is a harlot. Just because a man says he is a pastor does not mean he is called by God just as someone calling them self a christian doesnt make them one.
You've said this quite well, and it's a point you may want to consider. You throw broad terms and accusations around, condemning people you don't know. That, I believe, is only something God can know, and only something he can do.

But man has chosen his own ways, You have that choice as does everyone on this earth, who do you follow, men or Christ.

This is fair enough. There are plenty who do this, and it is wrong. But if you don't become a little more circumspect in how you level condemnation at your fellow Christians without knowing their hearts or minds, or how their Church groups or Pastors function, then you call down God's own judgement upon yourself. It's just that simple. Not to mention alienating yourself from your brothers and sisters.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
I understood it as him calling the religious systems within various denominational churches, the harlot, not the individuals within them

The problems is, he may be "trying to", but that's not what's coming out. He's coming out with statements that accuse pretty much everyone with ill intentions. Which is problematic, as he's not God and he can't know everyone's hearts/minds/intentions.
Trouble comes when you label all Churches and their leaders "harlots". Are there dodgy religious places out there? Oh, sure, stacks. But they are not the Church, Christ's true Bride, and it's important to make that distinction, because the bible does.
If he wants to call out the 'church' leaders who are clearly in it for the money and he has some proof of that...sure, I'll read that. If he wants to post something showing a particular gathering is only in it for what they can get, rather than how they can serve, then, yep, I'll read that too. But at the moment, what he's written has lumped everyone (but him, it seems) in together. And that means you, and me. We shouldn't be meeting with other Christians, because such gatherings are harlots. Your Pastor and his wife? He claims they probably aren't really called (although how he would know...?), which means their following men rather than God.
Do you see how problematic such sweeping statements are? He can't possibly know, and he gets it seriously wrong in so many cases. He needs to be a little more careful and a little more specific in calling out the bad ones....


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
You've said this quite well, and it's a point you may want to consider. You throw broad terms and accusations around, condemning people you don't know. That, I believe, is only something God can know, and only something he can do.
What "harlot church" got to do with People, our Lords church is people its not a denomination divided by its doctrines, sound like our catholic friends, oh you hate catholics, no one hates catholics, you made it about the people and not the religion, it isnt the people that is the problem it is the religion, the "church", because its not " His" church it mens, and God has no reason to have anything to do with it, its not from Him, God is with teh peopel, could care less about teh church, there is only one church one bride and she isnt made nor run by men and neither is she divided by doctrines and denominations.

God bless
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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
He hates the Church of God, and the Word of God.
He has stated several times that the Bible is an idol, that it has many contradictions.
He has stated that the reason he uses Bible verses is 'because Christians demand it'.
Oh tabletalk, such an angry man, church of God have you not read

Act 7:46 Who found favour before God, and desired to find a tabernacle for the God of Jacob.
Act 7:47 But Solomon built him an house.
Act 7:48 Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet,
Act 7:49 Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool: what house will ye build me? saith the Lord: or what is the place of my rest?
Act 7:50 Hath not my hand made all these things?
Act 7:51 Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.

go sneak behind mens backs if you must. God cannot contradict Himself, neither can He deny His word, neither does His word ever change, yet teh bible has no life, teh bible contradicts God so you by definition call God a liar and a deceiver of men...
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@brakelite ...
There is a good chance we will see the all nations ‘unraveling’ in the next decade or so. Look at America already. It is the worst I’ve seen it, ever: morally, ethically, politically and above all spiritually. Do you think there a fix already in, by men? I don’t think so.

All it takes is a global economic meltdown either before or just after a major crisis or at both ends. Yes, and the false hope in the State of Israel and its last years are surely coming.

I have sensed over the last few decades true believers need to become spiritually trained and battle ready for intense warfare, against the spirits and peoples of this world that oppose the son of God.

To be battle fit with a firm unwavering faith and a deep spiritual foundation of the truth. To be prepared to tell anyone when asked by anyone what you believe whether under duress or not; during trials or not, even to the point of death. To be ready to say without any reservation that you are ready to do whatever the will of God desires, ready to say to God, please receive my spirit, at any time.

These are the words of a fellow believer that has been led by the spirit. It is not something I just thought of because I own arms and a few dozen Bible versions, living in America.

The watchman on the tower is ready to blow his trumpet. Know what to do when it is heard. Plan with the spirit of our Father today, and quietly be prepared.

Now this post does sound like the writings of a mad Christian terrorist of the future, doesn’t it! Hmmm, maybe, these words are fitting for the last set of scapegoats to die for this fearful and coward world.

Bless you,

Someone said recently "we are just one major crisis away from total tyranny". One major disaster, whether natural or man-made, could bring about all the conditions needed to be the catalyst for the implementation of a single world religious system which we recognise would be Babylon. When crime, natural disasters, social disorder, (as in the days of Noah when evil thoughts and violence was continual Matt.24:37,38; Gen. 6:5) then with signs in the heavens and the seas roaring and all nations in perplexity (peoples nations tongues in chaos Luke 21:25 Revel. 17:15) all this could happen in a heartbeat. No need to await decades...this could all happen within a year. But what we must keep in mind is that God will have a people to testify to His goodness during these testing times. The four angels have not yet released (fully) the strife that will encompass the planet. God is still in control until His bride is ready...dressed appropriately for the marriage supper of the Lamb. That wedding garment has been the brides stumbling stone since Eve. Christ's righteousness...not ours. The sooner Christians come to the fullest understanding of what it means that "without Me ye can do nothing", then the sooner we will be ready to go home.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
@brakelite ....I have a few words that go well with your post. One that is somewhat personal, the only way I can describe it.

John 15:5....the essence and source of faith verse...It took me years to finally move these words out of my soulish mind/will into my heart by using my new spirit 'will' of Christ that God delivered into my heart. Christ's image and mind was inside me and I really did not fully realize it or understand it at first.

As a new believer, I really did not know what the Spirit of Christ provided me beyond sealing me for salvation - I was good to go! I did not know about the 'walk.' I did not realize I was impeding my own spiritual growth toward becoming the completed mind and image of Christ. I did not know that I had to use my spirit 'will,' deep inside me, to grow my relationship with God, rather than relying on my soulish will to perform these spiritual things. I think a lot of new believers start out this way.

Now I want to share with you a part of my life that turned me into a faithful warrior for God. I eventually realized why God had to do this to me. It is really not good to be in the hands of God.

I was a really stubborn one after about 20 years as a believer. I wanted to do God's work by myself. Big mistake! I thought my family was ungrateful and weighing things down. And after I fell into a 'trap' of sin, I was seriously being led or convinced in my mind to dump them.

It got me in big trouble with God. God allowed the evil one to test my faith for about 8 months. And man I was tested. I know I was under an evil trance of some sort. During this testing I was never myself. It was not my normal self. I did things that hurt me and my family. I felt trapped once I entered into what I call a place of darkness and loneliness. I wanted to reach God although I felt fully-restrained, I could not change my mind or attitude. I was in a type of prison. My mind became suddenly cluttered and chaotic. My heart in knots. I was straining my entire being. I never gave up on the little faith I had, and I never denied God throughout. I really knew it was my own doing. I was released from this prison when my heart and hope for my marriage continuity and closeness with my boys turned to hopelessness. The love of God poured back into me and I know many people prayed for me as well.

I was sifted by the evil one for me to realize that I needed to increase my faith, and to begin allowing Christ do the work in me. It had been too long and God was see real fruit...and the fruit is now flying out!

You can do nothing without allowing the spirit of Christ in you to do any spiritual work that profits you and pleases God. It is not a mental exercise of the soulish mind. Get off the dime/ 10cents or rupee or whatever and start walking and then even running...

Bless you,



Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
@brakelite ....I have a few words that go well with your post. One that is somewhat personal, the only way I can describe it.

John 15:5....the essence and source of faith verse...It took me years to finally move these words out of my soulish mind/will into my heart by using my new spirit 'will' of Christ that God delivered into my heart. Christ's image and mind was inside me and I really did not fully realize it or understand it at first.

As a new believer, I really did not know what the Spirit of Christ provided me beyond sealing me for salvation - I was good to go! I did not know about the 'walk.' I did not realize I was impeding my own spiritual growth toward becoming the completed mind and image of Christ. I did not know that I had to use my spirit 'will,' deep inside me, to grow my relationship with God, rather than relying on my soulish will to perform these spiritual things. I think a lot of new believers start out this way.

Now I want to share with you a part of my life that turned me into a faithful warrior for God. I eventually realized why God had to do this to me. It is really not good to be in the hands of God.

I was a really stubborn one after about 20 years as a believer. I wanted to do God's work by myself. Big mistake! I thought my family was ungrateful and weighing things down. And after I fell into a 'trap' of sin, I was seriously being led or convinced in my mind to dump them.

It got me in big trouble with God. God allowed the evil one to test my faith for about 8 months. And man I was tested. I know I was under an evil trance of some sort. During this testing I was never myself. It was not my normal self. I did things that hurt me and my family. I felt trapped once I entered into what I call a place of darkness and loneliness. I wanted to reach God although I felt fully-restrained, I could not change my mind or attitude. I was in a type of prison. My mind became suddenly cluttered and chaotic. My heart in knots. I was straining my entire being. I never gave up on the little faith I had, and I never denied God throughout. I really knew it was my own doing. I was released from this prison when my heart and hope for my marriage continuity and closeness with my boys turned to hopelessness. The love of God poured back into me and I know many people prayed for me as well.

I was sifted by the evil one for me to realize that I needed to increase my faith, and to begin allowing Christ do the work in me. It had been too long and God was see real fruit...and the fruit is now flying out!

You can do nothing without allowing the spirit of Christ in you to do any spiritual work that profits you and pleases God. It is not a mental exercise of the soulish mind. Get off the dime/ 10cents or rupee or whatever and start walking and then even running...

Bless you,



Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
What "harlot church" got to do with People, our Lords church is people its not a denomination divided by its doctrines, sound like our catholic friends, oh you hate catholics, no one hates catholics, you made it about the people and not the religion, it isnt the people that is the problem it is the religion, the "church", because its not " His" church it mens, and God has no reason to have anything to do with it, its not from Him, God is with teh peopel, could care less about teh church, there is only one church one bride and she isnt made nor run by men and neither is she divided by doctrines and denominations.

God bless

Okay, firstly, that was an extremely difficult post to follow. Punctuation is your friend.
And secondly...if you go around calling the church a 'harlot', well then of course it has to do with people! :rolleyes: See below.

See you did as I said, made it about the people.... Teh church is a harlot, doesnt mean teh peopel are.

The Church is the people...the people are the Church!
Surely you know this? Every time the NT talks of "Church", it is referring to a body of believers. No a building, not even a particular religion. Of course not a particular religion, because it was all Churches of God. Congregations built up by Paul, or Peter, or Barnabas, or some disciple or witness. Did they need shepherding and correction? Sure...hence the need for Pastors and Teachers, and we see in 1 Cor that God gives those things to the Church.
You are right in your want to call out false leaders, and false congregations. They do exist. But you cannot lump them all together under the banner of "church". That's hijacking God's term for his Son's bride. Perhaps find a different one...?


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
That's hijacking God's term for his Son's bride
See you get it all wrong

From a compound of G1537 and a derivative of G2564; a calling out, that is, (concretely) a popular meeting, especially a religious congregation

it was men who called it church, which has noting to do with anything, and what has religion got to do with God,

Luk_11:17 But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth.

how can mens religions stand when they are divided by denomination and doctires,

1Co 1:11 For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren, by them which are of the house of Chloe, that there are contentions among you.
1Co 1:12 Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ.
1Co 1:13 Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?

It is Christ or men it is by teh Spirit or by religion,

do you desire to be like Christ or a JEw, JW SDA, Morman , Greek orthodox, protestant, or onbe of teh other myriads of religions. choose wisely.

Joh 10:1 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
Joh 10:2 But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
Joh 10:3 To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.
Joh 10:4 And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.
Joh 10:5 And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.

only one way in and it is not religion.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
"...If they wish truly and effectively to oppose the world's tendency to reduce to powerlessness the Mystery of Redemption, they must profess together the same truth about the Cross.1 The Cross! An anti-Christian outlook seeks to minimize the Cross, to empty it of its meaning, and to deny that in it man has the source of his new life. It claims that the Cross is unable to provide either vision or hope. Man, it says, is nothing but an earthly being, who must live as if God did not exist.

No one is unaware of the challenge which all this poses to believers. They cannot fail to meet this challenge. Indeed, how could they refuse to do everything possible, with God's help, to break down the walls of division and distrust, to overcome obstacles and prejudices which thwart the proclamation of the Gospel of salvation in the Cross of Jesus, the one Redeemer of man, of every individual?

I thank the Lord that he has led us to make progress along the path of unity and communion between Christians, a path difficult but so full of joy. Interconfessional dialogues at the theological level have produced positive and tangible results: this encourages us to move forward.

Nevertheless, besides the doctrinal differences needing to be resolved, Christians cannot underestimate the burden of long-standing misgivings inherited from the past, and of mutual misunderstandings and prejudices. Complacency, indifference and insufficient knowledge of one another often make this situation worse. Consequently, the commitment to ecumenism must be based upon the conversion of hearts and upon prayer, which will also lead to the necessary purification of past memories. With the grace of the Holy Spirit, the Lord's disciples, inspired by love, by the power of the truth and by a sincere desire for mutual forgiveness and reconciliation, are called to re-examine together their painful past and the hurt which that past regrettably continues to provoke even today. All together, they are invited by the ever fresh power of the Gospel to acknowledge with sincere and total objectivity the mistakes made and the contingent factors at work at the origins of their deplorable divisions. What is needed is a calm, clear-sighted and truthful vision of things, a vision enlivened by divine mercy and capable of freeing people's minds and of inspiring in everyone a renewed willingness, precisely with a view to proclaiming the Gospel to the men and women of every people and nation.

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