Expose on Mormonism.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
You were not posting about Mormon beliefs, you were challenging Brakelite about Jesus and Michael.... that is when I mentioned boxes.

In nearly every church I attended ...not every single person has to believe just the same thing or way as the person sitting next to them.

He may be a SDA , and I am not...but by your measuring rod , what a person believes or doesn't believe makes one 'more of a christian' than another!!

Okay, you got a bit muddled there.

I guess I take reinventing an angel into Jesus more seriously than you do. To me that constitutes a different Christ.

There are tons of error out there I have seen over the years. I only go after the ones that are serious, as in redefining God, Christ and salvation.

Others deserve conversation because they have huge impacts on sanctification.

So you are seriously mistaken if you think just because I disagree with something somebody says that I dismissed them as saved.

Some things the Bible tells us is a step too far and Christian would not do it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
but by your measuring rod , what a person believes or doesn't believe makes one 'more of a christian' than another!!

If someone believes that Jesus is <edit> (not God in the flesh) that would make them not a Christian at all...because they would be denying the Deity of Jesus Christ, which is an essential for salvation in the true Christian faith...it is something we must believe in, in order to be saved...John 8:24 and verses within its topical context; such as John 8:58 with John 8:59 and John 10:31-33 and Exodus 3:14.

You were not posting about Mormon beliefs, you were challenging Brakelite about Jesus and Michael.... that is when I mentioned boxes.

However, this entire thread is about Mormonism...so @CoreIssue is well within his rights to apply the beliefs of Mormonism to the subject.
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You believe the Archangel Michael, a created being, became Jesus.

Trying to be crafty.

I never said anything but you believe Michael the Archangel is Jesus. Never used the word created.?????

In response to exactly what I said you denied Michael is Jesus. But when called on it you now say Michael is Jesus.

You need to be more careful in quoting. I seen these kind of tactics way too many times to fall for them easily.
The previous two precise quotes of yours makes the final quote rather moot.
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I get your point.


God Bless,
Merry Christmas,
Because when I look at all the references to
Michael, consider their context as well as the Hebrew thoughts toward Michael and Messiah, it simply makes sense. There is no real reason why it should not be so. Nor is there any reason to set in concrete any inference that because Michael is an archangel, he must of necessity be a created being. As the second link above relates, many times the Son of God was called an angel. The word simply means messenger . Let us not automatically assume all messengers are created brings... That is where the JWs come unstuck.
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May 27, 2018
As the second link above relates, many times the Son of God was called an angel.
Not "an angel" but "THE angel of the LORD", who was always treated as God Himself, and spoke as God.

EXODUS 3 [the angel of the LORD = GOD]
1 Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb.
2 And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.
3 And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.
4 And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Heream I.
5 And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.
6 Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.

However, all angelic beings -- including Michael -- are creatures, and since they are direct creations of God (no mothers and fathers involved) they are also called "sons of God" (just like Adam).

The strongest proof that Michael cannot be Christ is right here:
Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst [dared] not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee. (Jude 1:9)

On the other hand, Christ can most certainly rebuke Satan as seen here:
And the LORD [God] said unto Satan, The LORD [Jesus] rebuke thee, O Satan; even the LORD [Jesus] that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee: is not this a brand plucked out of the fire? (Zech 3:2)
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Feb 6, 2018
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Thank you for answering.

when I look at all the references to

Could you elaborate?
I find the NAME Michael mentioned 16 times in Scripture.
14 times, references a Person.
1 time, specifically, a particular type of angel, with authority, ie archangel.
1 time, specifically, in charge over other angels, (as his position of arch-angel), would dictate.

consider their context

I found context to consider...
1) God created different "kinds" of celestial bodies.
2) Each "kind" of created celestial body, is grouped with its "same kind", called a "host".
Meaning for example, "ALL" things identified as an angel; are called a "host", particular to only angels.
All things created "celestial" bodies, called "stars"; are called a "host", particular to only stars.
(The same thing applies, to humans, being a "host", animals being a "host", plants being a "host"....of their particular "things")
3) Within the particular "hosts", are higherarchies. Which is to say, Some angels, are given "particular" appointed things to do, while others are not.
(The same applied to men. John the Baptist, Mary, Abraham, Samuel, Paul...for example were given particular things to do, that others, were Not particularly given TO do)
We can even see Particular things, applying to ONE type of Tree, Plants, and not others, even though, THEY are all the same "host" grouping.
4) Particular angels are appointed, higher positions, over other angels, to accomplish a particular service unto God.

I believe the archangel NAMED Michael, was appointed a higher position, that other angels, and yet all created angels are of the "same Host" of created things.

Then there is the matter, OF WHO, is the ONE, ABOVE and OVER, the ENTIRE creation of "hosts"?

The ONE, who has the Authority, to position, direct, reward, punish, give, withhold, take, authority TO the entire created "hosts"?

Scripture notifies us, THAT position and Authority, is vested in SOMEONE, called;
"The Lord of hosts."

In brief, Let's see what Scripture says;
Who the "hosts' ARE.
Who "The Lord of hosts" IS.

Gen 2
[1] Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

1 Cor 15
[39] All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds.
[40] There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.

2 Samuel 7
[26] And let thy name be magnified for ever, saying, The LORD of hosts is the God over Israel: and let the house of thy servant David be established before thee.

[24] Let it even be established, that thy name may be magnified for ever, saying, The LORD of hosts is the God of Israel, even a God to Israel: and let the house of David thy servant be established before thee.

Isa 1
[24] Therefore saith the Lord, the LORD of Hosts, the mighty One of Israel...

If you believe, the Lord, and the LORD, are one in the SAME, One God....it is He who IS, the Authority OVER, ALL the "hosts" of created "kinds" of things.

I BELIEVE, the "Lord" is the Word of God, called, Jesus, called the Son of God, (among other things), and IS the SAME ONE God, called LORD, (among other things).
And IS the Lord, LORD God, OVER the ALL created "HOSTS"....not one of them, but the creator of them.

I Believe, the archangel called Michael, is PART of a "HOST" of created celestial bodies, called collectively..."angels".

My belief, is not based on what "makes sense", but rather, what Scripture reveals.
I do not particularly consider everything the Hebrews "thought" or "understood"....since Jesus PLAINLY revealed, many things WERE KEEP Secret From the Hebrews "knowledge" and "understanding".

as well as the Hebrew thoughts toward Michael and Messiah, it simply makes sense.

You are sharing your conclusion, but I am more interested in the evidence that brought you to such conclusion. You indicated you examined all the evidence, pertaining to Michael and the Messiah, but didn't reveal such evidence.
I see Michael, the "angel" specifically mentioned twice in Scripture...and the term Messiah, specifically mentioned twice in Scripture and neither Mentioned in the Same verses or Chapters or Books.
Thus, your "all" review of the "evidence" appears pretty meager to me.

There is no real reason why it should not be so.


Nor is there any reason to set in concrete any inference that because Michael is an archangel, he must of necessity be a created being.


Michaels position as an angel, is clearly revealed, He is given authority over directing other angels.

Scripture teaches there are created "hosts", and thee absolute power over the "hosts", regardless of the power "given them"; is thee Lord God.

Also, we have revelation of thee Lord Gods, OWN Word, OWN Authority, that is likened to a TWO EDGED Sword, which is HIS Word is absolute Higher POWER over ALL things, ALL of His created "hosts", that can CUT BOTH WAYS.
Nothing, not one created "host" HAS power, except what Thee Lord God has given a "host", and with Thee Lord Gods (Word,Sword), He can CUT a "host's" given power, AWAY from that "host".

It is revealing... Michael, thee holy angel, has and will battle against unholy angels....but it is the Lord of Hosts, whose Word shall depart, out of the unholy angels, Power that was given them.

As the second link above relates, many times the Son of God was called an angel.

Sure. He at times APPREARED "as" an angel, and also APPEARED "as" a man.

You can see a parallel....a man could "APPEAR" to you, dressed, talking, looking, acting like a WOMAN, and you may even call "him" a "woman", not knowing it was a "man". Would you calling him a woman, "MAKE" him a "woman"? No.

No more than calling Jesus a man, MAKES him a created human.

--- sons of God, ARE called "sons of God" because and only, Because they are "FAITHFUL" to ONLY, thee Lord God Almighty,

All the host of angels were created "holy", and called "sons of God". Some fell away, became "unholy", lost their "first estate", Heaven, and lost their "prestigious" title, to be included as "sons of God".

Jesus was given the title "Son of God".
His title (captial S), is distinguished from ALL others titled "sons of God".

Because Jesus, is the ONLY, one titled Son of God, because Jesus, the Word of God, came forth OUT of God. All others, called "son of God", DID NOT come forth out of God...they were "spoken" into existance. And came into existance BY Gods Word, and THROUGH Gods Power.

The word simply means messenger .

An "angel" IS a messenger. A part of a "host" that IS celestial, IS spirit. A spirit could be standing next to you, and you would not SEE it. However IF that angel, took upon him the Likeness of a man, or a woman, or an animal, YOU would see those things, and call those things, by what you know to CALL them...ie a man, a woman, an animal.
And Angels DO have the "power, given them of God" TO appear in the "likeness" of things, men can see and recognize.

If one KNOWS the Word of God, they should recognize, standing next to anything, however it appears, IF it is good or evil, be it of a terrestrial "host" or celestrial "host", appearing as a "terrestrial".

Men WHO DO NOT KNOW the Word of God, may be "fooled". Eve was fooled. She looked upon an Evil spirit, appearing as a serpent, and KEPT her attention on that serpent, conversing with it, and WHAT Happened, is All or a sudden, SHE said aside what the Word of God said, and was convinced, to do what the Serpent suggested, as it make sense to Her, to BE LIKE GOD, according to HOW the Serpent told her, instead of learning more from God, on He would direct her to BE LIKE God.

Everyone has a "learning" period to time.
We are all naturally born Against God. We have to Learn ABOUT Him, Learn what He teaches, Before we can KNOW the difference of what is Gods direction/way, and not be fooled by AN OTHERS direction/way.

Let us not automatically assume all messengers are created brings... That is where the JWs come unstuck.

All "messengers" are NOT created. Thee Lord God is the "ultimate" messenger, who absolutely is NOT created.
But ALSO to not assume, Thee Lord God IS one of His "created" hosts, who ARE also His messengers, which appears as you are teaching.

You mentioned your evidence, but didn't reveal any such evidence....and thus if you would like to elaborate, just as I have given my claim and reasoning according to Scripture...I would be willing to hear the same from you.

God Bless,
Merry Christmas,


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
The verse says specifically to cease listening to any instruction that might cause you to err from the words of truth.


You mentioned your evidence, but didn't reveal any such evidence....and thus if you would like to elaborate, just as I have given my claim and reasoning according to Scripture...I would be willing to hear the same from you.
The link here Christ, and Michel the Archangel q08.htm
Gives an excellent and fairly exhaustive break down on why we believe as we do.What we do not do is demand everyone accept it. It is certainly not salvational, it is merely a by product of Bible study adding some more light on the pre-incarnate Christ. A personality whose name was/is Michael highlighting His subordinate relationship with His Father. Son of God then, Son of God today. Not created, begotten. We remove nothing from Christ's glorious deity and divinity, on the contrary confirming His pre-existence.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
The link here Christ, and Michel the Archangel q08.htm
Gives an excellent and fairly exhaustive break down on why we believe as we do.What we do not do is demand everyone accept it. It is certainly not salvational, it is merely a by product of Bible study adding some more light on the pre-incarnate Christ. A personality whose name was/is Michael highlighting His subordinate relationship with His Father. Son of God then, Son of God today. Not created, begotten. We remove nothing from Christ's glorious deity and divinity, on the contrary confirming His pre-existence.

Brakelite ~ Thanks for sharing your link.

Your link was full of eloquent words, and suggestions that then became expressed as facts.

I do not believe equating Jesus with the Title of Prince (Acts 3:31) and Michael with the title of "one of the chief princes" (Dan 10:13)
Concludes Michael is another name FOR Jesus.

I do believe the Lord God has a hierarchy of created holy angels, faithful servants and messengers that He has given a higher Authority and Titles and Power and Charge over other angels.

But I do not believe the Lord IS Himself INCLUDED "within" "THAT" hierarchy of created angels.

I certainly Believe the Lord Jesus, CAN and DOES appear in the likeness, and may have some of the same Titles...AS thee hierarchy of holy angels.....BUT ALWAYS is Above them....and "they" Under Him, and Subject TO Him.

A hierarchy of created men faithful servants ...

I also Believe the Lord Jesus, CAN and DID, the exact SAME....regarding "human" men.
Appearing in the likeness of men, being called a man, being called the Son of MAN, having parents like men, being revealed like a man, coming forth from a woman's womb, being lawfully recorded in Jewish records as a Jew, Subject to Jewish Law, being lawfully recorded in Gentile Roman records as a citizen of Nazareth, thus Subject TO the Roman Monarchy and rule of "their" laws.
And on and on....
Yet...He will ALWAYS be Above them...and "they" Under Him, and Subject TO Him.

I believe, we certainly have the authority to NAME "natural" things....and God retains the authority to NAME "supernatural" things.

Not ONCE, did God identify or proclaim HE NAMED The Prince of all Power, or The Prince of Life, or the Prince of Salvation, or The Prince of Peace or The Prince of Kings...
the NAME Michael.

In the OT, "His NAME" was KEPT SECRET.

Jud 13
[18] And the angel of the LORD said unto him, Why askest thou thus after my name, seeing it is secret?

Deut 29:
[29] The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.

Matt 1:
[21] And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

In the NT, "His NAME" was REVEALED.


NOT Michael, "one of the chief" princes.
(Dan 10:13)

But JESUS, "Thee Savior, LORD, Lord God, LORD thy God, Savior, Redeemer, King,"...
Which ALL refer to "THEE HOLY ONE".

Glory to God,
Happy New Year,
God Bless,


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
The link here Christ, and Michel the Archangel q08.htm
Gives an excellent and fairly exhaustive break down on why we believe as we do.What we do not do is demand everyone accept it. It is certainly not salvational, it is merely a by product of Bible study adding some more light on the pre-incarnate Christ. A personality whose name was/is Michael highlighting His subordinate relationship with His Father. Son of God then, Son of God today. Not created, begotten. We remove nothing from Christ's glorious deity and divinity, on the contrary confirming His pre-existence.
So you believe that Michael the archangel is God?


certainly Believe the Lord Jesus, CAN and DOES appear in the likeness, and may have some of the same Titles...AS thee hierarchy of holy angels.....BUT ALWAYS is Above them....and "they" Under Him, and Subject TO Him.
As Lord of hosts right?