Christ vs the anti-Christ: Who is winning?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
^She is obv claiming to be God @ "my words are truth,"
testifying of herself, etc, so ty for the further reveal CI
Bert Carring lives on!

awesome, ty
Nope, not claiming to be God. When one repeats the words of The Church, which is the pillar and foundation of TRUTH, they can't be wrong.

If I were to repeat the words of bbyrd.....I am more than likely wrong.

However, you seem to think you KNOW the truth since you KNOW the CC is wrong. If you know something is wrong then you must know what is right.........Sooooooo you must be claiming to be God ;)

how awesome is that:rolleyes:


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
I am a bee. I produce honey and pollenate so that other plants may grow and flourish.

You, the fly, annoy (hence trolling creepy guy) and eat the rotten corpse of your dead Protestant fathers and call if food to be shared. ;)

Near as I can tell you are about as pure an evil as there is, and my guess would be that you cannot let a day go by without obviously violating Scripture many times, miss mog. I'll leave you the last word, and best of luck to you ok.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
Nope, not claiming to be God. When one repeats the words of The Church, which is the pillar and foundation of TRUTH, they can't be wrong.

If I were to repeat the words of bbyrd.....I am more than likely wrong.

However, you seem to think you KNOW the truth since you KNOW the CC is wrong. If you know something is wrong then you must know what is right.........Sooooooo you must be claiming to be God ;)

how awesome is that:rolleyes:

All you're doing is repeating the words of a cult and expressing your personal desperation to be correct. But you are not.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
I think you have lost your mind miss mog, if only you could hear yourself Standing There
I speak only the words of The Church which is the pillar and foundation of truth therefor I can't be wrong. You speak whatever words come to your mind while sitting in your darkened bed room eating Dorito's and drinking an energy drink with your mom yelling at you to take out the trash. You have yourself to confirm what the truth of Scripture is.....I have a 2,000 year old Church.

I am tired of this back and forth.....sooooo lets get back to doctrine and facts.....I know you want to get one more dig in as a response to my Dorito's and energy drink statement so go ahead and respond....THEN let's get back to "sound doctrine" spoken of in Scripture.



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Near as I can tell you are about as pure an evil as there is, and my guess would be that you cannot let a day go by without obviously violating Scripture many times, miss mog. I'll leave you the last word, and best of luck to you ok.
LOL....I just wrote a response giving you the last word.....Thank you....The evil one is done. :)


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Pillar and foundation of truth, hmm...

"if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God's household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth."


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
All you're doing is repeating the words of a cult and expressing your personal desperation to be correct. But you are not.
Thank you......You are very articulate. Wait a minute....You never said anything except You are wrong marymog because I said you are wrong...You lack any evidence for what little you did say and then just attacked when you had nothing to say......but you know your right?......weird ;)

You have been very entertaining for the last hour or so but I must move on. Get your one last dig in and let's move on...It was fun playing with ya kiddo.



Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
I am a bee. I produce honey and pollenate so that other plants may grow and flourish.

You, the fly, annoy (hence trolling creepy guy) and eat the rotten corpse of your dead Protestant fathers and call if food to be shared. ;)


Only honeybees produce honey. Depending on what flowers they pollinate not all honey is sweet or good tasting.
I speak only the words of The Church which is the pillar and foundation of truth therefor I can't be wrong. You speak whatever words come to your mind while sitting in your darkened bed room eating Dorito's and drinking an energy drink with your mom yelling at you to take out the trash. You have yourself to confirm what the truth of Scripture is.....I have a 2,000 year old Church.

I am tired of this back and forth.....sooooo lets get back to doctrine and facts.....I know you want to get one more dig in as a response to my Dorito's and energy drink statement so go ahead and respond....THEN let's get back to "sound doctrine" spoken of in Scripture.


The Roman Catholic Church came into existence in 313 AD when the pagan Emperor Constantine recognized.

It did not faintly resemble the Catholicism of today. That evolved over centuries,


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
Thank you......You are very articulate. Wait a minute....You never said anything except You are wrong marymog because I said you are wrong...You lack any evidence for what little you did say and then just attacked when you had nothing to say......but you know your right?......weird ;)

You have been very entertaining for the last hour or so but I must move on. Get your one last dig in and let's move on...It was fun playing with ya kiddo.

Okay....... dig dig dig
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
The Roman Catholic Church came into existence in 313 AD when the pagan Emperor Constantine recognized. It did not faintly resemble the Catholicism of today. That evolved over centuries,
FINALLY.....Something we can discuss....:rolleyes:

I can (and will) give evidence that The Christian Church has taught the same thing since the beginning of Christianity as the RCC does today. I will admit there were some teachings/outlying churches that were deemed heretical, which the Church has the authority to do, but as a whole (the majority of Christians) belonged to what became know as The Catholic Church. I agree, The Church has evolved over the centuries but that isn't evidence of it being wrong in doctrine or truth.

Can and will you give evidence that the Church hasn't taught the same basic core things since the beginning of Christianity (the first 300 years)!!

Ready to rumble Mary
Last edited:


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Cool and on the other look Miss m let me be the third to tell you that no matter what your position, holding it so tightly only hurts your cause ok?

i tell you that I know nothing, and seek to make that clear
everything I say is a lie


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
The Reformation was the catalyst that brought greather division amongst the Christian Church which is OPPOSITE of Jesus prayer in John 17:21. How is that a "great thing"?

Curious Mary
Why was the Reformation not only a good thing?, but , it was a movement of GOD the Father to cleanse Christianity from the Roman heresies & False doctrines. There is So much wrong with the RCC where to start? It denies the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. The reformation by Luther was a response to all the corrupt heretical teachings of the Pope , the RCC , that promotes ITSELF & IT'S traditions as being the infallible divine authority ignoring what the BIBLE states about the Word of GOD being the inerrant God-breathed authority.
RCC shows itself in direct opposition to Bible scripture & the Gospel which is why it loves to denounce scripture as possessing the sole GOD given authority. The Roman Catholic Church is in direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus, & what the apostles taught & just so, so much of what is written in the Word of God that the RCC imo, is unrecognizable as Christian when compared to the Biblical churches as described in the scripture & fyi, the RCC is not "The Church" of Christ mentioned in the Bible which , btw, is made up of the true born again faithful followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. "The Church" mentioned by Christ and Apostle Paul for eg., is made up of individuals that are recognized by GOD as having the indwelling Holy Spirit, ie. born again from above, it is not a physical church , nor a physical denomination , but it the spiritual collective church of Jesus Christ which will be raise with HIM. RC's have difficulty with this teaching & Biblical truth, because they have not studied the Bible as the ultimate inerrant authority that 2Tim says is God-breathed. They have placed their faith in the RCC instead.
The worst corruption is that RCC denies the one true gospel of Jesus Christ that is taught in the scriptures. The gospel of Jesus is Justification by Grace alone, through Faith alone, in Christ alone.

RCC preaches a False Gospel of faith plus works. It promotes the usurping of Christ Jesus authority by it's false dogma about Mary as perfect & sinless, as a co-redemptrix, idol-worship/veneration of Mary/ other other RC images, Rome preaches intercession of RC saints.
Rome attacks the Word of God and rejects the God given authority of scripture taught by Jesus & the Apostles.
Rome usurps the Word of God claiming their man-written traditions to have authority over the word of God & gospel of Jesus.
Rome adds their own writing as equal to scripture. Rome thinks it has the righteousness of Christ & substitutes itself as having equal divine authority but it has no Holiness & no power from God. The RCC has merchandized the Christian teachings for profit and power.

The RCC is forever twisting & misrepresenting scripture to bolster its own agenda & power as we continue to see by the present Pope's bogus beliefs. Nothing new under the sun....
Ironically Rome arrogantly calls itself "the" church which it rips off this teaching from the Bible scripture but at the same time denies the scriptures as having Holy authority lifting Rome up instead.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States

All denominations have corruption. All denominations have teachings that are opposite of each other denominations and profess that other denominations have heretical false teachings; that their teachings are not heretical. You have even suggested that the RCC has heretical teachings/beliefs. How do you KNOW that the RCC teachings are heretical and your beliefs are not heretical?

The Apostles were given the authority to forgive and retain sins in John 20:23. Where is your evidence that the authority to forgive sins was rescinded?

Where is your evidence that RC dogma has nothing to do with Jesus teachings and your dogma does? The RCC dogma mirrors scripture and the teachings of the 1st century Christians who walked and talked with the Apostles. Does your or your churches dogma mirror scripture?

Has the dogma of Protestant Churches corrupted Christianity?

FYI, Mary , I don't have dogma --I have the Bible. As for the protestant denominations , the many denominations agree about the core Christian doctrines & disagree on minor ones. Where as the RCC has got so much wrong it's almost completely unrecognizable by Biblical standards & RC have been taught so much false teachings it is not easy to break through all that indoctrination of "traditions" which is man-made religious teachings , much parallel to the Pharasees that created & followed their own religious teachings apart from what GOD handed down to them through the prophets. The Bible tells us Jesus Himself quoted scriptures often & said God's word would be fulfilled.
The RCC is not and never was passed from Peter to them- that is false. Funny how the RCC uses scripture when it suits them but usurps it's Godly authority when it doesn't claiming their own Traditions and Papal authority as superior.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I have been an Adventist now for 21 years. Before that I knew nothing about them, except for one thing. My AOG church bought an old building of theirs, cut in 3 pieces and shipped it across town on the back of a truck and put it together next to our local shopping centre opposite where we had been hiring a school
I discovered many things when joining the SDA church. One of the earliest was the antagonism against the church by everyone else. Mormons, JWs, and a few others were freely discussed and critiqued when I was in previous churches but Adventists, well the only comment I would hear was"they are different".
I found it weird, still do, that so many are so virulent in their opposition, but so reluctant to explain why.

I find that in individual Christians, not so much my Church pastors or teachers. Although my last Church was Baptists and, the pastor only once in awhile would mention something errant about Catholics but, it was rare and not nasty. I suppose every Christian denom. thinks they have all truth! Oh how Christians can cut one another apart. I think we will ALL be surprised when we find out where we fell short of Truth.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Why was the Reformation not only a good thing?, but , it was a movement of GOD the Father to cleanse Christianity from the Roman heresies & False doctrines.

The RCC is forever twisting & misrepresenting scripture to bolster its own agenda & power as we continue to see by the present Pope's bogus beliefs. Nothing new under the sun.....
None of the other stuff you wrote matters so I deleted it and I will address your first and most illogical statement.

The Reformation DIVIDED Christianity. That is NOT a good thing. If you think it was a good thing you are confused.

The result of the Reformation suggested that every Christian that can read the bible and that they can interpret it properly since they feel like they are being led by the Holy Spirit. That is NOT a good thing....that is anti-Biblical.

But let's go with your theory that the RCC is heretical and has false doctrines. Well, now EVERY Church is heretical and has false doctrines since SOME of them agree with the CC on some doctrines and disagree with them on others yet THEY ALL DISAGREE with each other soooooo NO ONE HAS THE TRUTH. Whatever "truth" any Protestant church spouts is actually only an opinion since every opinion is allegedly led by the Holy Spirit.

If the RCC is twisting and misrepresenting Scripture then it is being done 100 times WORSE now that we have THOUSANDS of competing doctrines from HUNDREDS of different Churches that all say they have the truth.

You should reassess your theory and see how illogical it is.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
FYI, Mary , I don't have dogma --I have the Bible.
Another illogical statement.

DOGMA: dogmas (plural noun) a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.

What you are saying is that the bible doesn't espouse a set of principles laid down by an authority (God, Jesus, the Apostles) and that you nor Scripture has any truth....What a ludicrous statement.