A Witch Hunt Exposed?

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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
you get this by divine revelation or i y o

Every Christian is called to use discernment yet we see that many don't. For instance - we went to a "now" church one time where the pastor had long hair and acted "cool." A young woman went on the stage in a tight outfit and sang. Many excused this but if you use discernment you can tell this isn't of God. I don't think we're to be prudes but the young woman didn't act with any kind of holiness. Many Christians accepted the display as normal but it wasn't. We're called to be holy.

"Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy." - 1 Peter 1:16

Another time we attended a church where the pastor used our donation money to fly to some island with a few of his buddies to "evangelize" (we were never asked to go.) Many Christians accepted the pastor's explanation at face value. I questioned why the pastor didn't evangelize right outside the front door of the church, which was a hotbed of drugs and crime. They weren't honest with the congregation and they lied to themselves that the island they went to needed to be evangelized. They even tried to convince themselves more by showing photos on a projector of their "evangelization tour." I still remember the pastor's words: "I want you to see how your money was spent."

"Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden partthou shalt make me to know wisdom." Psalm 51:6

In another church I perceived that the family that owned the church were corrupt. I tried to warn my husband but they brought him to ball games, had him over, and were his buddies. They cheated a lot of people and harmed a lot of people, including us.

The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords.” Psalm 55:21

God blessed me with decent looks and I had a few men in churches come up to me and want a "Christian hug." But that wasn't what they were doing, and I knew it. Subtly by the way they looked at me; intuitively. They knew it deep in their hearts but would never admit it. People lie to themselves all the time.

The above are a few examples.

So to answer your question - yes, discernment does come from God - or as you put it, it is "divine." I'm not talking about someone like David Koresh and others who claimed to hear from God while their lives reflected something else. It's picking up on small clues - catching someone in a small lie, watching to see how they treat others, how they act, their business dealings. Tallying all this in your spirit. These all offer us clues about a person and we can sometimes gauge who is a believer and who is a carnal Christian or who is not a believer at all.

Here is a resource if you want to look into how we're told to use discernment: The Urgent Need For Discernment By Christians

"But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil." Hebrews 5:14
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Pray that you become the woman of integrity that Helen is.

The woman of integrity who upvotes you when you're acting carnally Willie?

Ah yes - the games people play. Now stroke her ego so that she will like your posts. You're dealing with other believers that have discernment and who see through games.

I think this conversation should stop before it gets worse.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
You're selective about when you choose to post honestly?

You aren't clarifying what you're talking about.

I try hard to keep on good terms with everyone and I think we should stop it here. I truly hope and pray that you think before you post because your words sometimes sting and are sinful. This is a Christian forum yet we see some unchristian trading of barbs that should not be. In the world it's acceptable and you must have come from a job where this trading of barbs was acceptable or the norm. Or you try to get a cheap laugh at another's expense. Or you support someone else on here who engages in sinful behavior. I've watched you do it and Helen is sometimes your accomplice. Other times I've seen you and her act with good intentions. From my experience those that do this usually have some underlying lack of confidence or relationship troubles or demonic oppression.

This behavior is not what we're called to do as Christians. I don't mind friendly banter but not when someone is not of the right spirit and seeks to ridicule.

The beginning of strife is like releasing water: therefore leave off contention, before a quarrel starts. - Proverbs 17:14
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
The Democrat party wasn't always bad - my grandparents were Democrats and my parents were until they became Christians and switched to Republican. On a whole, it looks like the Democrat party are nonbelievers and for the most part Christians comprise the Republican party. My grandparents and parents were very moral people. The Democrat party really shifted somewhere and now it appears to be the party of nonbelievers, atheists, etc.

I remember in high school we had to debate each other according to the book. According to the book I was Democratic, but learned while debating it was the exact opposite of what the book said. I won, because I said, "well according our government book, this is not what Democrats believe. According to what you say I am a Republican, but if we are going off the book, your argument Democrats do not believe this way has no substance." I couldn't believe I won. Lol. I knew nothing about political parties until then. Even the books lie about what the Democratic party represents. American citizens know.

I think media is to attack our youth- young impressionable minds. I got to monitor what my daughter watches
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Well, how do you ever expect to be taken seriously, SG, when you post all the fanatical hysteria you do?

@Soverign Grace. Albeit put more politely, but I think this is kind of at the root of some of the contention too, Soverign Grace. You have a sharp mind for an older women, and you are well written and articulate (and prolific, LoL). But I believe there are a number of things that have happened to you and your loved ones that Satan has used to make you bitter, and as I've mentioned in posts to you before as well, I think you just go a little too far astray into resentments and fears. It's certainly understandable, but there are more positive perspectives on various issues that you generally tend to reject out of hand, concerning Trump, concerning Hispanics, concerning everything, and it can be like talking to a brick wall when others try to make you see it.

Anyway, like I said, I have no problems with you, only I'm not very deeply into this subject matter anymore either like some of these others are. But I'm glad you're a member of this community because you show real signs of promise when you post on wanting to keep the peace. That blesses me, and shows me your priorities are right. I just wish you would consider what others say a little more when they disagree with you. I know I shared things about the Hispanics with you that should have softened your heart a little and it went right in one ear and out the other, LoL.

Blessings in Christ, and this post was not meant to criticize you. Just intended to maybe go a little ways farther towards "keeping the peace."


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
We all have our favorites but I think we all agree that Obama was one of the worst. President Trump was supposed to release the information on President Kennedy's Assassination but never did to my knowledge. He won't either because I think it's linked to the Vatican and those in our own government.

I believe that information was released.

It was not a government conspiracy.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
The Democrat party really shifted somewhere and now it appears to be the party of nonbelievers, atheists, etc.
Ever since Barack Obama became president, the Democrat party has become demonic and anti-American. And since no one has gone after the real criminals and traitors (starting with Obama) they now feel they can get away with anything and no one will stop them.

A large part of the blame, however, must go to the RINOs, who were (and are) secret Democrats in all but name. They had opportunity after opportunity to bring some sanity into government, but consistently refused to do so, siding with the Democrats. Which means that the whole system is broken and lawlessness and anarchy are the governing principles.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Same with my family....the democratic party used to be the party for the working class and the republicans were the party of the wealthy. ...funny how tables have turned.

Exactly - it was known as the party of the working class. I don't know what happened to it and when but the current Democrat party is like the party of the crazies now for the most part. We have a local Democrat representative who is decent but look at the insanity of some of the party like Ocasio and Harris - they're for abolishing borders, firing ICE, a paycheck for all. It's crazy to think that way when socialism has never worked to my knowledge. Look at the misery in Venezuela now. Somebody has to pay for all those freebies and I don't know about anyone else but we're being taxed to death. My husband & I were recently out and I love talking to different people because you learn a lot. I was chatting with this woman who told me her taxes are $25,000 a year on her home. I don't know how anyone can afford that unless they're a trust fund baby or well-paid professional. If the socialists are able to get their way I suspect we'll be taxed into oblivion. I spoke with a nurse from Canada who told me that she moved from there because of the high taxes. I spoke to another woman from there who told me they don't have any good doctors. Capitalism is what produces good doctors in my opinion.

So how the party changed I don't know. But how they're able to convince the blacks that they're for them is something else I don't understand. We all know that slavery was an ugly blight on the country, but Dennis Prager said that Democrats were the party behind the KKK. So it's such a shame that they're lied to just to get their votes.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
@Hidden In Him shared with me sometime ago how Hillary, Podesta and her associates were involved with a Satanic leader who they would meet with frequently for prophetic insight and prayers etc

I recall reading something about that. I read that someone said that Hillary is a high ranking witch. I don't know what's true or not but judging from her fruit she's evil.

Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
Ever since Barack Obama became president, the Democrat party has become demonic and anti-American. And since no one has gone after the real criminals and traitors (starting with Obama) they now feel they can get away with anything and no one will stop them.

A large part of the blame, however, must go to the RINOs, who were (and are) secret Democrats in all but name. They had opportunity after opportunity to bring some sanity into government, but consistently refused to do so, siding with the Democrats. Which means that the whole system is broken and lawlessness and anarchy are the governing principles.

The main problem with many Republicans is that they are Neoconservatives (which means that they are not conservative at all). Tea Party people were the last true conservatives that the Republican Party incorporated. Neocons are just like the Neoliberals who support the status quo (and the corrupt, self-serving status quo they are conserving, does not at all suit the great mass of the American people). There are barely any essential differences between Neocons (they actually came out of the Democrat Party, if you check their history)--like the Bushes and the people they surrounded themselves with, and the Neolibs like the Clintons (that's why they get along so well). They are ALL globalists and have attempted to sell out U.S. sovereignty. They tackle it from slightly different rhetorical points but they do essentially the same things once in power. The Neocons count on perpetual war to fill their coffers (nothing is more lucrative that owning part of the war machinery--which the super-wealthy on the "Republican" side always include in their portfolios). So you have a Dick Cheney (a Neocon's neocon, if there ever was one) who owns a lot of defense contractor stock, etc. The Neoliberals are more broadly based, internationally--they plan and scheme with their allies abroad (thus, the British globalist help in trying to frame Trump). Neoliberals support the U.N. as the forerunner of a worldwide dictatorship (and, as Christians, we know where THAT is going). They see dictatorial power as being necessary to address the problems of "overpopulation" (which they are convinced is a problem even though it is a myth) along with what they see as its attendant problems like pollution*, constant conflict, etc. The Neocons only support the U.N. as long as the U.N. accepts that it is the Americans who are firmly in control. But they all affirm that world government (read world empire) is the goal. When Donald Trump was able to secure the nomination, many Neocons quit the Republican Party and supported Hillary Clinton. Trump is a firm believer in U.S. national sovereignty.

*A word about pollution: the technology exists to stop virtually all pollution but it requires a commitment of resources that eats into profits of big corporations (and that cannot be allowed because the elites get their incomes from the profits of those corporations). The elites prefer the middle class to pay for cleaning up pollution, through taxation. Example: Hooker Chemical Company (now Occidental Chemical Corp.) was permitted to create an environment disaster at Love Canal, New York, by dumping approximately 20,000 tons of toxic chemical by-products there. It created many, many health problems for the local residents and it ended up that the U.S. government was on the hook (pun intended) for cleaning it up (using U.S. tax dollars of course). The majority of taxes have always been paid by the middle class. So, in effect, wealthy elites got away with their profits and left middle class people to pay the bill for the cleanup.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I believe that information was released.

It was not a government conspiracy.

It was released? There is something too odd about the body language of the agents. If you watched the video you can see the perplexity of the one agent who raises his hands 3 times in the air as if to ask "what are you doing?" when called away from the side of the car carrying Kennedy. Their expiation was that he was leaving for lunch. That's hogwash. Someone leaves for lunch right smack in the middle of a motorcade and just seconds before President Kennedy was shot?


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
I remember in high school we had to debate each other according to the book. According to the book I was Democratic, but learned while debating it was the exact opposite of what the book said. I won, because I said, "well according our government book, this is not what Democrats believe. According to what you say I am a Republican, but if we are going off the book, your argument Democrats do not believe this way has no substance." I couldn't believe I won. Lol. I knew nothing about political parties until then. Even the books lie about what the Democratic party represents. American citizens know.

I think media is to attack our youth- young impressionable minds. I got to monitor what my daughter watches
Good to be vigilant, right?

Prayerfully nurtured, we trust that children will grow to have discernment and wisdom, by God's grace.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Ever since Barack Obama became president, the Democrat party has become demonic and anti-American. And since no one has gone after the real criminals and traitors (starting with Obama) they now feel they can get away with anything and no one will stop them.

A large part of the blame, however, must go to the RINOs, who were (and are) secret Democrats in all but name. They had opportunity after opportunity to bring some sanity into government, but consistently refused to do so, siding with the Democrats. Which means that the whole system is broken and lawlessness and anarchy are the governing principles.

I know - it does seem to be demonic. It's as if the lines are being drawn between the believers and unbelievers. I see it in my own family - the unbelievers are Democrats the believers Republicans. But you're right - there are RINOS like Paul Ryan and ilk who are Democrats posing as Republicans. But some evil seems to overtaken the Democrat party. Maybe God is separating the sheep from the goats a little early.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
The main problem with many Republicans is that they are Neoconservatives (which means that they are not conservative at all). Tea Party people were the last true conservatives that the Republican Party incorporated. Neocons are just like the Neoliberals who support the status quo (and the corrupt, self-serving status quo they are conserving, does not at all suit the great mass of the American people). There are barely any essential differences between Neocons (they actually came out of the Democrat Party, if you check their history)--like the Bushes and the people they surrounded themselves with, and the Neolibs like the Clintons (that's why they get along so well). They are ALL globalists and have attempted to sell out U.S. sovereignty. They tackle it from slightly different rhetorical points but they do essentially the same things once in power. The Neocons count on perpetual war to fill their coffers (nothing is more lucrative that owning part of the war machinery--which the super-wealthy on the "Republican" side always include in their portfolios). So you have a Dick Cheney (a Neocon's neocon, if there ever was one) who owns a lot of defense contractor stock, etc. The Neoliberals are more broadly based--they plan and scheme with their allies abroad (thus, the British globalist help in trying to frame Trump). Neoliberals support the U.N. as the forerunner of a worldwide dictatorship (and, as Christians, we know where THAT is going). They see dictatorial power as being necessary to address the problems of "overpopulation" (which they are convinced is a problem even though it is a myth) along with what they see as its attendant problems like pollution*, constant conflict, etc. The Neocons only support the U.N. as long as the U.N. accepts that it is the Americans who are firmly in control. But they all affirm that world government (read world empire) is the goal. When Donald Trump was able to secure the nomination, many Neocons quit the Republican Party and supported Hillary Clinton. Trump is a firm believer in U.S. national sovereignty.

*A word about pollution: the technology exists to stop virtually all pollution but it requires a commitment of resources that eats into profits of big corporations (and that cannot be allowed because the elites get their incomes from the profits of those corporations). The elites prefer the middle class to pay for cleaning up pollution through taxation. Example: Hooker Chemical Company (now Occidental Chemical Corp.) was permitted to create an environment disaster at Love Canal, New York, by dumping approximately 20,000 tons of toxic chemical by-products there. It created many, many health problems for the local residents and it ended up that the U.S. government was on the hook (pun intended) for cleaning it up (using U.S. tax dollars of course). The majority of taxes have always been paid by the middle class. So, in effect, wealthy elites got away with their profits and left middle class people to pay the bill for the cleanup.

Actually a lot what is considered pollution is completely or in a very limited way easy to eliminate.

People have to be able to buy products. Products have to come in containers, be it paper, glass or plastic. Which is considered pollution.

Recyclable containers require processes that consume something and create their own pollution.

Reusable containers require cleaning. Cleaning requires the use of chemicals etc. which are pollutants. Just using water transfers the pollutants on the containers into the water thus polluting water.

The big corporations add to the problem? Most assuredly.

Common people add to the problem? Most Assuredly.

Bottom line is there is a limit to what can be done.
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