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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
You guys quote Paul and Peter, but its Jesus who you need to Quote.

Skeptics require Prooof.. no bible will provide it. God gives proof with his Shroud.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
in a house
United States
You guys quote Paul and Peter, but its Jesus who you need to Quote.

Who do you think inspired the Bible? Humans? No Jesus did, it was Jesus who inspired St. Peter and St. Paul to write what they did. This why we know you haven't looked at a Bible lately and the reason you have such crazy ideas your not grounded in anything but yourself.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Who do you think inspired the Bible? Humans? No Jesus did, it was Jesus who inspired St. Peter and St. Paul to write what they did. This why we know you haven't looked at a Bible lately and the reason you have such crazy ideas your not grounded in anything but yourself.

No he does not. You are the one SHROUDED IN FANTASIES.
Take a few steps back , take a breath, and see if any of the posts from that one make any sense at all,

or even do you think they come from one person, honestly ? As happened in the past on many forums, could it be someone

'playing' you/us/ as many as they can distract , for no good purpose ?


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
No he called the Lord 'Shroud a fantasy' to paraphrase him. So he make more skeptics.

Why would he be against the Lords Shroud if he was Christian? :(
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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
in a house
United States
Take a few steps back , take a breath, and see if any of the posts from that one make any sense at all,

or even do you think they come from one person, honestly ? As happened in the past on many forums, could it be someone

'playing' you/us/ as many as they can distract , for no good purpose ?

I have no doubt at this point that he is a troll here to play all of us. No post he makes make any sense.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
in a house
United States
I have no doubt at this point that he is a troll here to play all of us. No post he makes make any sense.

I might add that I think the chap @brian100 either has a mental illness or a demon, not to put him down just as information and I don't think English is his native language but I could be wrong there. Pray for him is the order of the day


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
Aren't we talking about skeptics? I have proved you guys to be more skeptics. Joan of Arc couldn't read or write, but I can do a little better than she can. Writing has been my worst asset. Ask yourself why people who do great things are illiterate.



Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2015
Brisbane, Qld., Australia
I know many people that walked away from Christianity because of the hard questions they couldn't get answers to.


This is carefully documented in a book I'm currently reading by Michael Youssef, Saving Christianity?
He documents how this happened throughout the history of OT Israel and into the Christian era. I'm only half way through the book but find it to be a profound assessment, with some provocative answers on how we can return to orthodox, bible-believing Christianity.

He explains how Charles Templeton, a former associate of Billy Graham, walked away from Jesus and at the end of his life admitted, 'I ... miss ... him'.

Two friends who were in Bible College with me in the 1970s are no longer serving Jesus. Look at the defection of Bart Ehrman.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
People walk away from God when they lose Love.. have no love.. etc. But for me I come closer to God when I lose those things. B/c he is the only one who can give it, or give it back. Life without love is stupid. You might as well be born a useless robot.

This is why its stupid to be Atheist. This type of love saves you. It leads you to God! People will do anything for God to have it. That's how you know Love only comes from God!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2015
Brisbane, Qld., Australia
Faith is a Gift from God.
While the Gift need not be Abundant, it must NEEDS be present.

God IS Just.
God WILL accommodate what a man desires and SEEKS.
Men may give lip service, "wishing", they could believe...However "Wishing", is "Not Seeking".
God is NOT a "mythical genie", granting or forcing upon a man, whimsical wishes.

Men who earnestly SEEK the Lord God, His Door is Open.
"Men who" have a fleeting Carnal wishing moment, cannot Find Gods Door.
Nor do "they" experience the daily miracles in their own personal lives.
For "Them", their personal life centers around:
* bio rhythm
* physics
* karma
* luck
Whereas a man IN Christ life centers around:
* faith
* blessings
* miracles
* trials / hardships
* comfort during trials / hardships
* patience & Trust

Men "OF" the world (by men "OF" the world) ARE taught, promoted and encouraged, TO BE IMPATIENT, and "seeing IS believing".

"Seeing" appeases the Carnal Mind.
"Hearing" "without seeing" IS a blessing From God OF Gods EnLIGHTenment.
SEEKING after Gods Enlightenment, LEADS a man on a (straight and narrow) path OF receiving MEASURES of Gods Gift of Faith.

SEEK little enlightenment OF God, receive Faith the size of a mustard seed.

SEEK much enlightenment OF God, receive Faith-FULLNESS, in the WHOLENESS, of oneself, body, soul, spirit.

A Rich man may "Appear to others" as WHOLLY having all life's NEEDS...
However: they also suffer in diseases, sorrows, depression, troubles, discomforts and at the end of the day;
Rich or Poor IN Spirit, is the Rich and Poor Jesus spoke of would "always" be ON Earth.

God IS Just.
Freewill of man prevails.
God does not force anyone to Believe.
God Has Already Prepared a Place For All, With Him or Without Him, according to every man's freewill, Choice.

Glory to God,


This is the kind of response that, in my experience, has turned many away from the faith because it doesn't answer burning questions. How would your rejoinder provide an adequate response to this teaching?

My conundrum today is this:-

If there is nothing outside of God, why did Lucifer have thoughts of rebellion? These negative thoughts would have to be part of God's nature? If time is just a construct for the human mind, God would know and see everything instantaneously, therefore, Lucifer's fall would have all been part of the big picture to come?​

My Christian friend had these questions posed to him by a work colleague. He had no answers of substance so he emailed me to see if I could help. I've made one response and she came back with a rejoinder I am now working on.

Honestly, Taken, with the evidence you provided, how would that help the questioner who considers 'there is nothing outside of God'. Do you understand which worldview this is promoting.

I want to be honest. If people have doubts about the nature of god - as this woman does - how could your answer be better tailored to address that situation?



Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
Faith is lower than love. Hope lower than Faith. He said Love is the greatest!

He never said Faith is the greatest.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
in a house
United States
I know people are going hate for saying this. I am not surprised that the Evangelical Church is going down a 'woke' or progressive road. They have no real foundation, the Evangelical Church has jettisoned Church history like the early Church Fathers, the Creeds, and etc. Sure Traditional Christianity has it's problems too ( like The Anglican Church) but we can go to the foundation of Christianity that was laid before us and see what orthodox Christianity really is and the greater Evangelical Church doesn't have that.

Look at the forums here where we have people denying the Holy Trinity because they have a Bible, people calling creeds pagan because they have the Bible. The problem of just having a Bible with no foundation behind it is that anyone can come up with any heretical idea their little minds can conceive and even though we can tell them they are in error they can say "I go by the Bible alone" and there is no disputing that because so do other evangelicals. When you have a foundation like the Church Fathers and the creeds you can debate and answer the tough questions for a huge vantage point and tell people using that why their view are heretical, otherwise in reality it's just opinion.

I know I'll get blow back, these are my thoughts from being on both sides of the fence.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
I don't think ordinary Christians had bibles.. just hope, belief, and love in the early days.

Skeptics are people without all 3.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
[QUOTE="OzSpen, post: 785482, member: 6750]

My conundrum today is this:-

If there is nothing outside of God, why did Lucifer have thoughts of rebellion? These negative thoughts would have to be part of God's nature? If time is just a construct for the human mind, God would know and see everything instantaneously, therefore, Lucifer's fall would have all been part of the big picture to come?​

Hi OzSpen-

I would say:

Isiah 45:
[7] I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

I (God), IS Light...Spirit...Power
Here we find Verification back to Gen 1:
[1] In the beginning God "created" the heaven and the earth.
*...(Two Habitats. Heaven: Gods .....Habitat/Throne/Kingdom, Angel's Habitat, .....Earth: Mankind's Habitat, Animals ......Habitat)
[2] And the earth was without form, and void;
*...(Earth is Dry Land. "Was" without form, .....thus, became "formed" land ....."mass".)
and darkness was upon the "face of the deep."
*...("face of the deep" a reference to water surface.
Gen 1:
[6] And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it "divide the waters from the waters."
[7] And God made the "firmament", and divided the waters which were "under" the firmament from the waters which were "above" the firmament: and it was so.
*...( Here we find the First Division, Between .....Heaven Above, and Earth Under. A .....Division of Habitats. Knowledge reveals,
.....God, and Created Angelic Beings Can See .....And Travel to Earth, AND Mankind, could
.....Not See water above or Travel Up through
.....the Firmament of Water to Heaven.)
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
*...( Here we comprehend Gods POWER effected "creation" of Dry Land out of water.)

Isiah 45:
[7] I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
*...( God did not "create" Light. God IS Light.
.....God "Created" :

(Here is a mystery:
God is Light, said (Word), Let there Be Light, (Power), and there was. (A DIVISION).
Mystery? WAS in the Beginning ONLY God, Himself Light...and He created Everthing About Him Dark? And then thereafter "Formed" (established Light), in Only particular places? Seems so. Inside the Earth, Caves and Caverns and deep Seas are Dark.)

God "created" EVIL.
And God "MADE" things He Called "very GOOD"

[31] And God saw every thing that he had "made," and, behold, it was "very good." And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

* Creating is One Thing...
Something that Did Not Exist, to thereafter Exist.
* Making is Another Thing...
Something that DOES Exist and "changing" it to BE something Different.

was Created and Made. (by forming, and by God giving the Form Life...Two Kinds of Life.
1) Life of the formed Body...BLOOD
2) Life of a Soul...GODS BREATH

The Formed body, was Created With, ability To Think Thoughts/Ideas/ execute the thoughts, through the power of Speech/words/speaking AND Power of strength/ muscles/ AND Power of position/status ( as men straight off were given position over Animals...and further do so, by position/status, royalty, leadership).
1) a Carnal (Natural) Mind - has the ability to think, devise, execute GOOD or EVIL.
2) a Soul - Becomes EFFECTED, by what the MIND executes.
Meaning -
If the Mind thinks and executes GOOD, the Soul reacts with pleasure, contentment.
If the Mind thinks and executes EVIL, the Soul reacts ALSO with pleasure, contentment.
Weird- eh?
WICKEDNESS - IS KNOWING the Difference Between GOOD - AND - EVIL, and Choosing to DO EVIL.
(We may simplify that in modern Terms: of saying: Right AND Wrong).
( Some may think they truly ARE doing GOOD, or doing RIGHT...but afterwards discover it Was Not.)
3) a Soul - ("without" willful WICKEDNESS Intent)...Becomes EFFECTED, by Regret, Sorrow, Shame, Discontentment, Disappointment, etc.

"Natural, spirit of man"- IS Simply
The man's NATURAL "Truth IN the man's Heart's Thoughts."
The Carnal Mind "CAN" devise and Act on Good or Evil Thoughts...and Full well "KNOW", in his (Natural spirits Heart's "IS"....Good or Wicked.

Men WHO take "pleasure in his Natural spirit, in his Heart," To Deceive, To Cheat, etc. (by his Carnal Minds thoughts/Ideas)....Become:
(By Gods Power)...Hard Hearted.
God Hardens their (their Natural spirit IN their Heart.)

Strange? No.
God loves His Creations....And Desires that His Creations would Also Love Him.
However Love can not BE forced to Make A man Love God.
God GIVES to His Creations, WHAT "they" Desire.
If a man "Freely Chooses" TO BE unbelieving, untrusting, unfaithful toward God...God Will Give that man what he desires.
If a man "Freely Chooses" TO BE believing, trusting, faithful toward God...God HAS and Will Give that man...Gods WAY, Order, Direction, for that man to accomplish "his" desires.

Gods Creation of Good AND Evil...Right and Wrong...ESTABLISHES...the EFFECT of "mankind's"....FREEWILL / Each Individuals CHOICES (and Thus Accountability TO "that Individual"...regardless of What OTHER men, Think, Believe, Do).

A Carnal minded flatout Rejection of God or Carnal Minded "wishing" they could Believe, has no genuine substance. The latter, wishing, is AS IF, to "WISH", God would "Force" them to Believe, so they can FEEL content...that IF God "IS Real", they're Covered, and can on about Doing as they Please.

Gods WAY involves SEEKING Gods Knowledge.
Gods WAY involves a man's EARS Hearing Gods Knowledge.
Gods WAY involves a man's Natural spirit in his Heart...TO verify Gods Knowledge.

It's the EFFORT of man...To SEEK, HEAR, VERIFY...and Thus begins these Things.
1) What WAS Foretold to come TO Pass...Has.
2) Whenever a man HEARS the Word of God, the man IS being EN-LIGHT-ENED To Gods Truth.
3) A man who begins Believing Gods Truth, IS beginning TO Trust God.
4) A man who begins Believing the Word of God (he IS being Enlightened with)....Begins RECEIVING ... Measures of Gods Gift of "Faith"...(in his natural spirit, in his Heart).
5) A man who "continues" (KEY word) that course...continues RECEIVING MORE Faith.
6) a Natural spirit in a man's heart, continuously being filled with Faith from God...prepares the man...To MAKE a VOW of Commitment To God.

Note: the making a Commitment TO God...
Is precisely...VIA a man's Natural spirit IN his Heart, of his Truth.
(Not a Carnal Mindful Logical Guesswork everchanging Minds thoughts or Confession).

"A VOW of Confession of Belief IN God," In His Word whom He Sent to Earth, IN Christ who was Revealed ON Earth.."IS while man IS still Corrupt..." (yet God Shall Hear the man's Heartful (Natural spirit of man's True Confession)...and Accept such a man's Confession...

And thereafter, with the man's FREEWILL "Authority given TO God" ...
God QUICKLY responds...
Firstly...Gods, ALL Knowing, Verifies It IS A Man's Heartful, Natural spirits Truthful Confession. (God searches the man's heart).

Thereafter there is a whole "List" of ONE Time "CHANGES", The Lord God..."MAKES" within that individual Man, whose heartful Desire was TO Recieve "changes within the man, God has revealed through His Knowledge...He HAS OFFERED To Mankind".
(Irreversible Changes).

Every "Change" the Lord God "MAKES" within the man....IS irreversible...BECAUSE...the CHANGE IS KEPT in tact...exclusively...BY the Supreme Power of God Himself.

Gods DIVISIONS are Knowledge give us Through His Word.
Many of His Divisions, we can plainly SEE.
Men "With" God/Men "Against" God

Ex 8:
[23] And I will put a division between my people and thy people: to morrow shall this sign be.
Luke 12:
[51] Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:
[43] So there was a division among the people because of him.

Good and Evil ARE DIVISIONS.
Without Opposing DIVISIONS...
There can Be no Option OF Choice.

Lucifer was Created...a Highly knowledgeable, talented, powerful, beautiful spirit holy angel.
He was created "with" these wonderful "Gifts".

Yet ... He TOO had FREEWILL option to Make Enjoy his position and status...or Defy God.
(Mankind Learned of Good and Evil IN the Garden) I would say, Lucifer already Had the knowledge of Good and Evil...when he was a holy angel.

He Chose To Defy God...which "cost him" his "standing WITH" God. He lost his holiness, his Heavenly estate, but Did Not "lose" his Power...YET.

Glory to God,
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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2015
Brisbane, Qld., Australia
Hi OzSpen-

I would say:

Isiah 45:
[7] I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.


You have quoted a bad translation of Isa 45:7 (KJV): 'I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things'. It is a bad translation because it makes the Lord the Creator of evil. Even the NKJV has fixed this mistranslation.

A better translation is in the ESV, 'I form light and create darkness, I make well-being and create calamity, I am the Lord, who does all these things'.

The real reason 'evil' is a bad translation and 'calamity' is a better translation is because these words translate the Hebrew, ra. Does ra mean God is the creator of moral evil?

We know from other Scriptures that God is morally perfect (Deut 32:4; Matt 5:48), so the nature of God is that he cannot do that which is morally imperfect. It is impossible for him to sin (Heb 6:18). Since that is so, for God to create moral evil would be contrary to his attribute of moral perfection.

To make God create evil presents a contradictory message: 'The Rock, his work is perfect, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and upright is he' (Deut 32:4 ESV).

Those who experience God's justice may seem like it is evil (Heb 12:11 ESV). However, the Hebrew ra used here does not always mean moral evil. The context will determine that. 'Calamity' is a better translation, as the ESV and NKJV state, because God is perfect and there is no sin or evil in him.


Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Faith is lower than love. Hope lower than Faith. He said Love is the greatest!

He never said Faith is the greatest.
Charity is the key, Christian Charity ! Charity is the greatest, because without this Charity one is noting to do with Christ.

The RCC definition of Charity, not carnal charity but sadly the English definition regarding the word love is lacking as it's to wide a concept that people can end up with the wrong idea as to where the Bible is coming from, sadly nowadays one could say gay love or anything goes love and such is accepted as valid, such can be desire without bounds - Lust ect. but sadly that's the way I see the younger generations can get on the wrong track with the understanding of the word love. such as they demand gay love is love but I reject such totally that such is love at all, in the Biblical sense of the word.
Latin definitions best explains Love as it makes the English word come across as cheep or a shabby 3rd rate definition.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
Why is the amount of skepticism rising in Christianity?

As Christians we are meant to be men and women of Faith in Jesus, we are meant to believe that Jesus can still work supernatural miracles through believers by the power of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit lives in us Christians, as Christians we are temples of the Holy Spirit.

We are meant to be spreading a Gospel of all the powerful Jesus Christ who lives in every born again believer, the Jesus Christ who died for sins and rose again! We are meant to be spreading a Gospel of Jesus's resurrection power.

What happened to Matthew 17:20?

He replied, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

We serve a Living God, it's time to rise up! Pray for miracles, healings, breakthroughs in faith to happen so that people may believe, pray for people's lives to turn around to Jesus, pray for the spiritual gifts to be released amoung more Christians.

To the cessationists it's time to believe in the supernatural.

As God's people we are meant to have more power than those that practice witchcraft! We have not been perfected yet, we who are alive on earth right now have not entered Heaven yet! There is still a need to preach the Living Word, there is still a need to spread the good news about Jesus, there is still a need for that almighty resurrection power of Jesus Christ to be displayed, so that many will come to God.

If you want future generations to believe in Jesus, you better start believing miracles of Jesus are still in existence today, you better start believing that God given spiritual gifts are still existent today.

Why? Prophecy is being fulfilled.

2 Thes. 2:3 Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition.

This is 2020 and the Antichrist has not yet been revealed, but that may have to be soon according to NASA, thus the falling away. The last church age before the start of the Great Tribulation commenced by the revealing of the Antichrist is Laodecia, the lukewarm church. God would have us hot (on fire for God), or cold (refreshing with the fruit of the Spirit), but because they are lukewarm, God will spew them out of His mouth.

Revelation 8:

Third Trumpet: The Waters Struck

10 Then the third angel sounded: And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. 11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter.