Christian Fiction, Sci fi,make believe...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
Many mistake such fleshly productions and carnal nonsense as some kind of manifestation of the Spirit of God. The same people, in reality, despise scripture in it's daily practical instruction and God-given purpose in our sanctification. The level of biblical interaction is very low, because of feeling, experience-driven stories used as a poor, lame substitute for the word of God.
For you the "word of God" appears to be a lifeless object that you pick up and read. It is far more than that. What you read is what prophets wrote down after they heard from God. That doesn't mean you understand them fully. The real Word of God is alive.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Can your Bible do that?

Faith first comes by hearing. It is like a seed that is planted. Was the Gospel "preached" by giving people Bibles?

Luke 8:11 Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.

Jesus said his family could hear. . . .

Luke 8:21 And he answered and said unto them, My mother and my brethren are these which hear the word of God, and do it.

Can you find salvation by cutting out words from your Bible and "engrafting" them?

James 1:21 Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.

But if you "think" you can find salvation in the Bible, you can keep reading it. I tell you it's not enough.

John 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Everything is to be 'judged'/ 'tested'/. determined as written, BEFORE accepting it or a person.
Trusting Jesus and waiting on Him includes trusting His Word as Revealed by the Heavenly Creator in Scripture, and DOing the testing required, DOing the judgments required , as written. (not condemnatory type judgments, but judgments determining if something is from God (any message, any messenger, as written to be tested) .
I have a problem with laughter being a holy spirit blessing because laughter is about the absurd, the more absurd the funnier it is. I can and do roll on the floor because of the absurd ideas some have, but it is not a revival, just how we deal with idiots.
What makes me laugh, rolling on the floor laughing is to think people regard this as the holy spirit and religious. It is good to laugh, to relax, but so is burping and farting, but then the belching and farting revival is probably next.......what a sad joke, that the cross and repentance is reduced to this farce. But then the joke is on the middle class sign seekers who have zero emotional reality or experience or self knowledge.

A dumb preacher who can only laugh and roll around drunk is no preacher at all, by literal definition. God bless you


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
We live in a day when people have turned from truth to fables so it should not be a surprise that some even on message boards have been deceived into such false ideas.

No one on this board has:

1]traveled to heaven and back

2]Had God-given visions

3]speak or pray in tongues

4]raised the dead

5]received a postcard from "Luke"

6] had any contact with Apostles

7] seen the Virgin Mary

8] been given visions

9] "move" in the gifts

10] seen demons flying around in church

11] seen demons chasing squirrels in their attic

12] bound satan

13] spoken rhema words

14] received a "double portion"

15] detecting auras

16] believing God for a miracle

17] been "slain in the Spirit"

18] name it and claim it

19 ] and of course claiming the old standby "the anointing breaks the yoke"

20]Had bouts of "holy laughter"

These and other such fabrications are offered as a poor substitute for the faith ONCE GIVEN TO THE SAINTS
Many claim these and more but need to examine their claims in light of scripture, not claim their experiences trump scripture


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
I have a problem with laughter being a holy spirit blessing because laughter is about the absurd, the more absurd the funnier it is. I can and do roll on the floor because of the absurd ideas some have, but it is not a revival, just how we deal with idiots.
What makes me laugh, rolling on the floor laughing is to think people regard this as the holy spirit and religious. It is good to laugh, to relax, but so is burping and farting, but then the belching and farting revival is probably next.......what a sad joke, that the cross and repentance is reduced to this farce. But then the joke is on the middle class sign seekers who have zero emotional reality or experience or self knowledge.

A dumb preacher who can only laugh and roll around drunk is no preacher at all, by literal definition. God bless you
Yes, as you observe(d), the results of that stuff happening undirected by God, unauthorized by God or His Word, contrary to His Word, is not as if from God at all.... i.e. not edifying, not teaching, not helping anyone, hurting multitudes with emotional outbursts uncontrolled )source unknown at best( .....
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Anthony D'Arienzo

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2019
United States
Yes, we live in a day when people "claim" all manner of things.
I claim we need to be under dominion of the God-given scriptures.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
More fiction and Christ dishonoring garbage;
Quote: Many churches are reporting spontaneous, uncontrollable laughter erupting from their congregations, even during times of solemn ceremony or messages from the pulpit. some report uncontrollable weeping, falling to the floor in ecstatic trances, and animal noises such as barking like dogs and roaring like lions. Some stagger and reel like drunken people, unable to walk a straight line. For simplicity's sake, all these have come to be called "holy laughter," since laughter is the preeminent phenomenon displayed. In simple terms, it is physical manifestations in the form of virtually any expression attributed to absolute control by the Holy Spirit. Holy laughter has received the endorsements of Oral and Richard Roberts, Marilyn Hickey, Paul and Jan Crouch, Karl Strader, Larry Tomszak, Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, John Wimber and many other media luminaries. Media Spotlight, by Albert James Dager, page 1.

Read more: "BARKING AND HOWLING" in the spirit (messages, doctrine, churches) - Christianity - - City-Data Forum

Here you go, Any takers think this has anything to do with God other than to mock and profane that which is Holy???

Amen, God is God of order, not chaos that is doing not a thing to edify or teach anything but "signs and wonders". And, we know what God say's about those seeking such. The very sad part of these movements is that people actually DO believe it is Gods Spirit causing them to do these silly things and, for the life of me, I do not get it. Yes, we are to be open to hear what the Spirit say's to us...but satan sure has his own plans down pat and folks are falling (literally!) for it...I wonder if these folks are just more prone to mob mentality, or just do not read their bibles or wait for guidance as we should.
No thanks, I prefer an ordered meeting with praises, songs and His joy, and I do NOT see His joy as doing these ridiculous things.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
I have a problem with laughter being a holy spirit blessing because laughter is about the absurd, the more absurd the funnier it is. I can and do roll on the floor because of the absurd ideas some have, but it is not a revival, just how we deal with idiots.
What makes me laugh, rolling on the floor laughing is to think people regard this as the holy spirit and religious. It is good to laugh, to relax, but so is burping and farting, but then the belching and farting revival is probably next.......what a sad joke, that the cross and repentance is reduced to this farce. But then the joke is on the middle class sign seekers who have zero emotional reality or experience or self knowledge.

A dumb preacher who can only laugh and roll around drunk is no preacher at all, by literal definition. God bless you
When others give a story of what happened to them, how do you examine it to see if it is true, from God,
something else, whether emotional, or anything else. ?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Amen, God is God of order, not chaos that is doing not a thing to edify or teach anything but "signs and wonders". And, we know what God say's about those seeking such. The very sad part of these movements is that people actually DO believe it is Gods Spirit causing them to do these silly things and, for the life of me, I do not get it. ....
No thanks, I prefer an ordered meeting with praises, songs and His joy, and I do NOT see His joy as doing these ridiculous things.

And is all this verified, or do you fully believe this is verified - in line with all of God's Word ?

Whenever someone says otherwise , what then ?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Hello HIH,
Thank you for your greeting and blessing. I understand others feel different not only on this and other topics
In part these boards and a DEBATE forum give us the opportunity to explore all things. Others suggest what they believe, I and others present what we understand.
Look forward to you input later on if you feel so inclined. Paul wrote
2tim2:7 Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things.
Who has the "final word" ?

(according to all Scripture , considering the instructions and methods given by God to everyone in Christ Jesus)


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
What I mean is to convince the cessationist that Jesus is still honoring Mark 16:16-18 etc.

Hello Truther,

Mark 16:16-18
"16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

Personally, I do believe these things do still happen but only in the service of Christ. Like the serpent that Paul shook off his hand into the fire Acts 28:5, and...he had no ill effects. Paul was just beginning to spread the Gospel to the Gentiles (being in service to Christ and furthering God's Kingdom)

Tongues, I have never had them. Faked them for a bit to "fit in that Church". I did not last there as they all spoke at the same time, never ever an interpreter and I'm sorry but, it made the hair on the nape of my neck rise. I have a brother and a sister who "pray in tongues". This is something I have desired over the years and have asked God for this gift to no adieu. "Do all speak in tongues...?" No so...I'm okay with that. The so called Angelic language they tell me about does not compute with me, but I will never say they are wrong in what they practice as I simply just do not know. All I can think of when hearing the is, all the angels/messengers who appeared to others in the bible, spoke in the persons native language. So, I CAN see God using the gift of tongues through many missionaries and such, and the same with the healing as, God does NOT choose to heal everybody take on this is that God does ALL healing!
I can also picture one of the Apostles taking a drink of something an enemy would give him to perhaps put him off his mission. And, casting out demons I do believe happens but, I also believe this is a special ministry in and of itself, and one would have to be very bold in their faith and strong in their knowledge of The Word.
So...that is my own opinion :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Personally, I do believe these things do still happen but only in the service of Christ. Like the serpent that Paul shook off his hand into the fire Acts 28:5, and...he had no ill effects. Paul was just beginning to spread the Gospel to the Gentiles (being in service to Christ and furthering God's Kingdom)

I read about someone in the South American rain forest 'last century', cutting thru the undergrowth, getting bit by a known venomous (or poisonous?) viper, and the doctors in charge of the expedition saw it happen, and were sure that man was going to drop dead in a few minutes.
I have no idea what if any faith that man had or was associated with.
He, to their surprise, remained calm, did what was good and right (may be explained later, God Willing) ,
did not ask the doctors nor even go to them for help , and
he returned straightaway to working as he had been, with scarcely a let up.....
(they later followed up themselves, and confirmed this back in their home-country , Britain).

This really is not , in this case, a matter of faith, although many "of faith", do not have such good results at all.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
And is all this verified, or do you fully believe this is verified - in line with all of God's Word ?

Whenever someone says otherwise , what then ?

I wouldn't write it if I thought it was NOT in line with scripture and, someone else will ALWAYS say otherwise you have a point? Or of course, you can...and do give YOUR own opinion on this site just like every one else.

"An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign; and a sign will not be given it, except the sign of Jonah." And He left them and went away."
Matthew 16:4


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
We live in a day when people have turned from truth to fables so it should not be a surprise that some even on message boards have been deceived into such false ideas.

No one on this board has:

1]traveled to heaven and back

2]Had God-given visions

3]speak or pray in tongues

4]raised the dead

5]received a postcard from "Luke"

6] had any contact with Apostles

7] seen the Virgin Mary

8] been given visions

9] "move" in the gifts

10] seen demons flying around in church

11] seen demons chasing squirrels in their attic

12] bound satan

13] spoken rhema words

14] received a "double portion"

15] detecting auras

16] believing God for a miracle

17] been "slain in the Spirit"

18] name it and claim it

19 ] and of course claiming the old standby "the anointing breaks the yoke"

20]Had bouts of "holy laughter"

These and other such fabrications are offered as a poor substitute for the faith ONCE GIVEN TO THE SAINTS
Many claim these and more but need to examine their claims in light of scripture, not claim their experiences trump scripture.

Just because you have never ever experienced these things, doesn't mean they have never ever been experienced by millions of believers around the world. I am just one person out of the millions....
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