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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
First we need to accept Gods gift of free salvation in repentance, and secondly we need to remember what happened to Adam and Eve.
Where is that method outlined in scripture? Just curious. Really. :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2020
Sheffield, Yorkshire, home of Robin Hood.
United Kingdom
Where is that method outlined in scripture? Just curious. Really. :)
There is a lot more to it than that as you will know. Obviously we cannot accept God's gift of free salvation unless we first believe (a) in God and (b) that he died and rose again, and (c)......you know the rest.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
First we need to accept Gods gift of free salvation in repentance, and secondly we need to remember what happened to Adam and Eve.

Why do i need to remember about A & E?

what are they to me?
A.) nothing.

I'll just concern myself with Jesus.
He's the only reason im accepted by God.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
The same Jesus who saved you, keeps you saved.
= Once you are saved by Jesus, you are Kept SAVED by Jesus.

So, whatever you are trusting in to get you into heaven, that isn't Jesus= is a fail.
Wake up.
That's NOT what the Bible teaches . . .

Romans 11:22

“See, then, the kindness and severity of God: severity toward those who fell, but God's kindness to you, provided you REMAIN in his kindness; otherwise you to will be cut off.”
Paul is warning the faithful to REMAIN in God’s favor or they will lose their salvation. How can they lose what they never had?

Hebrews 10:26-27
“If we sin deliberately AFTER receiving KNOWLEDGE of the truth, there no longer remains sacrifice for sins but a fearful prospect of judgment and a flaming fire that is going to consume the adversaries.”
This is a clear warning that falling away from God will result in the loss of our salvation. The Greek ford for “knowledge” used here is NOT the usual word (oida). This is talking about a full, experiential knowledge (epignosei). This verse is about CHRISTIANS who had an EPIGNOSIS of Christ and who can fall back into darkness and LOSE their salvation by their own doing.

2 Peter 2:20-22
For if they, having escaped the defilements of the world through the KNOWLEDGE of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, again become entangled and overcome by them, their last condition is worse than their first.
For it would have been better for them not to have KNOWN the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment handed down to them.

Here, Peter illustrates that those who had a full, experiential knowledge (epignosei) of Christ – CHRISTIANS – who can fall back into darkness and LOSE their salvation by their own doing.

Matt. 5:13
You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
This one is self-explanatory . . .

1 Cor. 9:27
"I pummel my body and subdue it, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified."
Paul is saying that he wrestles with his own fleshly desires so that he might not fall back into sin.

2 Peter 3:17
Therefore, dear friends, since you already know this, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of lawless men and fall from your secure position.
Peter is warning the faithful not to fall back into sin and lawlessness.

1 John 2:24
See that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. IF it does, you also will REMAIN in the Son and in the Father.
This is an admonition to try to remain faithful.

Rev. 3:5
He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out his name from the book of life, but will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels.
God cannot blot out a name that was never there in the first place. He is talking about CHRISTIANS who are already saved and how they can LOSE their salvation.

Rev. 22:19
And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.
How can God “take away” somebody’s “share” of heaven if they never had it to begin with? This is about CHRISTIANS who may or may NOT make it into Heaven.

We CANNOT be saved unless we cooperate with God's grace.
OSAS is a perversion of men . . .
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
That's NOT what the Bible teaches . . .

Romans 11:22

“See, then, the kindness and severity of God: severity toward those who fell, but God's kindness to you, provided you REMAIN in his kindness;. .

To remain in God's Kindness is to be born again.
Its God's Kindness that is the reason a person is born again.
God on the CROSS, redeeming the sin of the World, is "God's Kindness".
God's kindness is not based on how we behave, its based on God's love and mercy.
Jesus didn't go to the Cross so that later God will evaluate His mercy based on our behavior after we receive God's Mercy as our Salvation.
This is why Salvation is a Gift.
You, as all Mary Cultist teach, would have God's kindness be based on a person's behavior.
That's Legalism, and its the devil's doctrine.
Legalsim refutes and denies God's kindness and reduces God to saving you based on you and not based on His Mercy.
Legalism is the gospel of self effort that all Mary Cultist believe is the real gospel.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
To remain in God's Kindness is to be born again.
Its God's Kindness that is the reason a person is born again.
God on the CROSS, redeeming the sin of the World, is "God's Kindness".
God's kindness is not based on how we behave, its based on God's love and mercy.
Jesus didn't go to the Cross so that later God will evaluate His mercy based on our behavior after we receive God's Mercy as our Salvation.
This is why Salvation is a Gift.
You, as all Mary Cultist teach, would have God's kindness be based on a person's behavior.
That's Legalism, and its the devil's doctrine.
Legalsim refutes and denies God's kindness and reduces God to saving you based on you and not based on His Mercy.
Legalism is the gospel of self effort that all Mary Cultist believe is the real gospel.
Just as I thought.
I’ve presented these SAME verses about a half dozen times to you - and every time you have FAILED to address them because they refute your OSAS heresy.

Unfortunately – those of YOU who worship at the altar of John Calvin and Martin Luther believe that God is a great big Monster who sends people kicking and screaming into Hell against their will because they’re not part of the “Predestined Elect”.

You also believe Him to be a Cosmic Rapist who forces His love on those “Elect” and drags them kicking and screaming into Heaven against their will because they signed a contract they can’t get out of.

What a perversion of the Gospel message.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Just as I thought.
I’ve presented these SAME verses about a half dozen times to you - and every time you have FAILED to address them because they refute your OSAS heresy.

Unfortunately – those of YOU who worship at the altar of John Calvin and Martin Luther believe that God is a great big Monster who sends people kicking and screaming into Hell against their will because they’re not part of the “Predestined Elect”.

You also believe Him to be a Cosmic Rapist who forces His love on those “Elect” and drags them kicking and screaming into Heaven against their will because they signed a contract they can’t get out of.

What a perversion of the Gospel message.

Ive written over 50 Threads here.
Had you read them, you'd discover ive written a few about the heresy of John Calvin and the heresy of the "predestined elect".

Let me post one for you so that you can actually see what i teach regarding the "pre-destined elect" heresy".

I'll post for you the short version, but you'll get the point.
God does not pre-destine us to be SAVED, while others are pre-destined to be Damned.

Let me bring this home to you reader....... Do you have mother, do you have a child, children? What if God pre-determined that you get to go to Heaven, while He pre-destined your mother and your children to burn in the lake of fire, and there is nothing they can do about it. They CAN'T BE SAVED because GOD WON'T LET THEM.
So, do you see the "crazy" in this Hyper-Calvinism Theology?

Listen, anyone with an IQ, or a recognition that the Same God who came here to die as... "For God so loved the WORLD< that HE GAVE".. understands that God as Christ on a Cross dying for the "sin of the world", is not a God, who later.... saves some and burns others.
You have to THINK !

The reality is... all this "pre-destined" stuff resists Spiritual LOGIC< when we understand that "GOD IS LOVE"....and its certainly in direct opposition to the reality of Free Will...... as well as denying a plethora of NT Verses that all say..>"as MANY as will come"..." ALL that call on ME shall be saved"...

See, this is the thing about deception....its very powerful. And Satan blinds the mind so that reason, logic, discernment, common sense, are GONE, and all that is left is God denying illogical carnal nonsense that deceived people will claim is "truth". And this is true of all theological heresies and the people that rant them.

The ELECT, are Pre-destined, or pre-determined to end up ONLY as conformed into "the image of Christ".
That is what is pre-determined as the final outcome for all who are born again.
No one is "chosen by God to burn", and "others are chosen by God to go to Heaven".
WE, the born again, are ELECTED to become, "the image of Christ, by our FAITH that causes God to give us the New Birth.
Faith Elects.
God Saves.
The Foreknowledge of God, knows, regarding each of us who are born again, .....long before we were, that our end result is to become just like Jesus.
God also knows before you are born, if you are not going to ever Trust in Christ... But He is not choosing it for anyone....>He only knows what each of us will do with Christ.
God's KNOWING is not God CHOOSING......its just God KNOWING before it happens. = "foreknowledge"....or knowledge be-FORE it happens...."Fore-Knowledge".

WE are a SON of GOD , already.....but the final "pre-destined" revealing will be when we are in heaven, and have the new body.
This is pre-determined (pre-destined) to occur to everyone who is born again. That is your pre-destination. You are Elected by your FAITH to have a final determined outcome....>"conformed into the Image of Christ".


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You also believe Him to be a Cosmic Rapist who forces His love on those “Elect” and drags them kicking and screaming into Heaven against their will because they signed a contract they can’t get out of.

What a perversion of the Gospel message.

The cult of mary and the "pre-destined" elect, are the most harmful.
THe cult of mary, at least, does not accuse God of choosing some to burn in the Lake of Fire.

The pre-destined elect, heresy, defines God as the originator of evil.
This CULT teaches that all the evil in the world is ordained of God...."caused by".
So, this cult accuses God of doing the Devil's work.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
The cult of mary and the "pre-destined" elect, are the most harmful.
THe cult of mary, at least, does not accuse God of choosing some to burn in the Lake of Fire.

The pre-destined elect, heresy, defines God as the originator of evil.
This CULT teaches that all the evil in the world is ordained of God...."caused by".
So, this cult accuses God of doing the Devil's work.
It’s no more heretical or perverse than your man-made fallacy of OSAS, which holds that we have entered into a contract that we can’t get out of.

As I educated you before – God is NOT the Great Rapist that YOU make Him out to be. He doesn’t need to “force” His love on anybody – and anybody who wants to leave is free to do so.
Did you learn NOTHING from the Parable of the Prodigal Son??
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
The cult of mary and the "pre-destined" elect, are the most harmful.
THe cult of mary, at least, does not accuse God of choosing some to burn in the Lake of Fire.

The pre-destined elect, heresy, defines God as the originator of evil.
This CULT teaches that all the evil in the world is ordained of God...."caused by".
So, this cult accuses God of doing the Devil's work.
Who teaches you these bizarre things?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
It’s no more heretical or perverse than your man-made fallacy of OSAS,

Ive talked to a lot of heretics over the years who have been taught by other heretics the wrong definition and understanding of the term OSAS.

So, let me teach you what this means, so that you can at least have the right understanding.

Here you go..

God, Is Christ on the Cross.
The Blood of Jesus being shed, is God's Holy Blood.
The reason that John 3:16 is in effect, is because it's God blood that is the eternal sacrifice for all sin.

This blood is also a one time sacrifice, that restores a believer into the family of God, and removes all sin.
God's blood accomplishes both.

When a person is born again, they have received 3 Gifts from God, based on the Blood Atonement.

1. Eternal Life
2. The Gift of Righteousness
3. The Gift of Salvation.

All of this, is God given, because its God Gained and God created.

Philippians 1:6

So, when a person is born again, their salvation, which is eternal, is all of God, and is a Gift.

Philippians 1:6

So, when they are saved, (born again) and this happens ONLY ONCE...= they are kept saved by what SAVED them..

This means that the blood of Jesus which saves a person, keeps them saved.

Philippians 1:6

= Once the BLood of Jesus saves you, you are always saved by the blood of Jesus.




Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Who teaches you these bizarre things?


Paul teaches that all heretical cults teach a gospel that denies the Grace of God.
The Catholic Cult does this..
The CC the Cult of Mary teaches that "water" is the means of salvation. ( Baptismal Regeneration).
So, that denies that the Blood of Jesus is the redemption, and it denies that the Holy Spirit causes the new birth.
So, your cult has replaced the Holy Spirit regeneration with Water regeneration.
See, you were taught that being baptized in water is how you are saved.
Dont deny it, as you know its true. You were baptized into water, being told you are being baptized into the "one true church"., or perhaps you were "sprinkled and confirmed".
Its all the same lie.
So, all of that is a lie., and you believed it, and you still do.
So, you have the "bizarre" anit-Christ idea about salvation and water.

Next, Your Catholic Church Doctrine disputes Paul's Gospel.
Paul teaches that salvation is God's Gift, that He gives as "the gift of righteousness", BECAUSE a person hears the Gospel, repents, believes on Christ, and is born again.
Paul teaches that this is ALL that God accepts to save a person. = FAITH.
Your cult teaches that works are a part of the process of salvation, and that "faith alone" is not true, regarding all that God requires to save a person and give them the new birth.
So, even if we just overlook the mary worship and the statues and the cookie obsession and the magic power of your priests, and penance, and all this STUFF, at the bottom of the rot is that the Catholic Cult has denied Paul's Gospel of "justification by faith", without works.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Ive talked to a lot of heretics over the years who have been taught by other heretics the wrong definition and understanding of the term OSAS.

So, let me teach you what this means, so that you can at least have the right understanding.

Here you go..

God, Is Christ on the Cross.
The Blood of Jesus being shed, is God's Holy Blood.
The reason that John 3:16 is in effect, is because it's God blood that is the eternal sacrifice for all sin.

This blood is also a one time sacrifice, that restores a believer into the family of God, and removes all sin.
God's blood accomplishes both.

When a person is born again, they have received 3 Gifts from God, based on the Blood Atonement.

1. Eternal Life
2. The Gift of Righteousness
3. The Gift of Salvation.

All of this, is God given, because its God Gained and God created.

Philippians 1:6

So, when a person is born again, their salvation, which is eternal, is all of God, and is a Gift.

Philippians 1:6

So, when they are saved, (born again) and this happens ONLY ONCE...= they are kept saved by what SAVED them..

This means that the blood of Jesus which saves a person, keeps them saved.

Philippians 1:6

= Once the BLood of Jesus saves you, you are always saved by the blood of Jesus.

Actually - you didn't have to explain that. That is the general understanding of the Calvinist heresy of OSAS.
The only problem is that it's ANTI-Biblical.

You see, son - "Anti-Biblical" means that it's not only NOT taught in Scripture - but goes against Scriptural teaching.
I gave you about NINE passages of the Word of God that sink your OSAS abomination - and you have YET to address them . . .


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States

Paul teaches that all heretical cults teach a gospel that denies the Grace of God.
The Catholic Cult does this..
The CC the Cult of Mary teaches that "water" is the means of salvation. ( Baptismal Regeneration).
So, that denies that the Blood of Jesus is the redemption, and it denies that the Holy Spirit causes the new birth.
So, your cult has replaced the Holy Spirit regeneration with Water regeneration.
See, you were taught that being baptized in water is how you are saved.
Dont deny it, as you know its true. You were baptized into water, being told you are being baptized into the "one true church"., or perhaps you were "sprinkled and confirmed".
Its all the same lie.
So, all of that is a lie., and you believed it, and you still do.
So, you have the "bizarre" anit-Christ idea about salvation and water.

Next, Your Catholic Church Doctrine disputes Paul's Gospel.
Paul teaches that salvation is God's Gift, that He gives as "the gift of righteousness", BECAUSE a person hears the Gospel, repents, believes on Christ, and is born again.
Paul teaches that this is ALL that God accepts to save a person. = FAITH.
Your cult teaches that works are a part of the process of salvation, and that "faith alone" is not true, regarding all that God requires to save a person and give them the new birth.
So, even if we just overlook the mary worship and the statues and the cookie obsession and the magic power of your priests, and penance, and all this STUFF, at the bottom of the rot is that the Catholic Cult has denied Paul's Gospel of "justification by faith", without works.
Lol....Paul didn’t teach you that. What you are spouting is your interpretation of Paul. Sooooooo Seriously....from whom did you learn what you are teaching? Or are you self taught?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Actually - you didn't have to explain that. That is the general understanding of the Calvinist heresy of OSAS.

Calvin is not worth discussing.
similar to the "holy father".
Both are heretics, needing public attention.
Ignore them both, is the remedy.

So, lets continue with trying to get you something Theologically correct, as you do seem to want to learn, and its so very unfortunate that you were grabbed by a cult before you were lead by the Spirit.
However, as long as you are still breathing, there is still hope.

Here we go..
Matthew 7:13,14

13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in therein"

Lets look at it :


Narrow is the way....... narrow is .....the way.............>Narrow......is................>THE< WAY.

So, who is THE WAY, Saint? John 14:6 "I am THE WAY, The Truth, and The Life".. and here is why this Truth is NARROW......."no man (NO ONE) comes to the Father unless they come to ME" "but BY ME"...THROUGH ME... = one Way.

The idea here is Grace Thru Faith. God saves you thru your faith. You become One with God THRU The Blood of Jesus.. You take Jesus, and God takes You. Full Stop.!

And why is this "NARROW"? Its because the world, the devil, and his people, worldwide and universe deep... teach that there ARE MANY WAYS TO GOD... Many Paths to God... All religion leads to the same place in the end.... and all THAT.....is how the verse is describing "BROAD is the way to destruction"..

See that?

So, the way to DESTRUCTION, is saying: > the way to HELL<...the way to miss HEAVEN...is all the other ways that are out there taught as Religion, that tell you that they offer many ways or paths to GOD., Or even to teach that there is NO God.

Jesus totally contradicts all that, and says plainly and truthfully, = I'm THE ONLY WAY TO GOD....= I'm the NARROW Gate. ONE WAY ONLY. "BUT BY ME" "Through Me", "One MEDIATOR between God and Man". Thats "narrow".

Now lets look at more of the verse....."which leadeth unto LIFE".......So the narrow WAY, who is JESUS, is the ONLY WAY TO ETERNAL LIFE. = "which leadeth to LIFE".... Jesus is LIFE....so, its only thru JESUS that you are led to possess Eternal life, or "life more abundant". Jesus said "I am the resurrection and THE LIFE"

Now the rest of the verse.. "few be that find it"..... means, that find the TRUTH, or the Narrow WAY. (Gate).

The "few" is in relation to the rest of the unbelievers in the world at any given time who never put their trust in Christ and died for the last 2000 yrs. So, in contrast to all others who will die and go to hell, you have the born again, as the idea of the "few" who Trust in Christ and are born again.

That verse in Matthew says that few find it...and why is that Saint? What causes them not to find it? Its 2 reasons.. One is because they "love darkness rather then Light".. = They love their SIN. They love their SINNING.... And its also because they are "ever learning and never able to come to the Knowledge of the TRUTH"...... = That is, they are always looking everywhere except in the direction of the ONE who Himself IS The TRUTH. See, unbelievers don't want to face that Cross because that Cross forces you to admit that you are no good, that in GOD's EYES you are a sinful awful thing. And most people will not face this fact about themselves so they shun the Cross and look for that BROAD WAY.. that says...."you're not so bad, you're as good everybody else", and that is True.....But when you compare yourself to JESUS THE CHRIST..>How Good are you? A.) You're no good..... so that is why God had to come down here and die and give you "the righteousness of Christ". "The GIFT of Righteousness"... God had to give us His very righteousness because WE don't have any of our own and that is why we have to be born again as a New Creation.."In Christ" .. which means that the very Righteousness of Christ is given to us as an ETERNAL Gift that God gave us when became Born Again.

See, that Cross makes you admit you are a SINNER, and the self righteousness in people makes them avoid this fact. Those who will come to the Cross and kneel, are the "few", in that verse.

To come to the knowledge of the Truth, is to come to the understanding that Jesus is the Savior and you need one More people do not come to this knowledge, will not. willfully will not then will ever fall on their knees before the Cross and say....."Cleans me O LORD, Forgive me Lord, i am SO LOST". And to do that IS to have come to the knowledge of Jesus as The Truth, that He IS the Messiah, He is the Son of God, and He is the ONLY WAY (Narrow) To Heaven.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Calvin is not worth discussing.
similar to the "holy father".
Both are heretics, needing public attention.
Ignore them both, is the remedy.

So, lets continue with trying to get you something Theologically correct, as you do seem to want to learn, and its so very unfortunate that you were grabbed by a cult before you were lead by the Spirit.
However, as long as you are still breathing, there is still hope.

Here we go..
Matthew 7:13,14

13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in therein"

Lets look at it :


Narrow is the way....... narrow is .....the way.............>Narrow......is................>THE< WAY.

So, who is THE WAY, Saint? John 14:6 "I am THE WAY, The Truth, and The Life".. and here is why this Truth is NARROW......."no man (NO ONE) comes to the Father unless they come to ME" "but BY ME"...THROUGH ME... = one Way.

The idea here is Grace Thru Faith. God saves you thru your faith. You become One with God THRU The Blood of Jesus.. You take Jesus, and God takes You. Full Stop.!

And why is this "NARROW"? Its because the world, the devil, and his people, worldwide and universe deep... teach that there ARE MANY WAYS TO GOD... Many Paths to God... All religion leads to the same place in the end.... and all THAT.....is how the verse is describing "BROAD is the way to destruction"..

See that?

So, the way to DESTRUCTION, is saying: > the way to HELL<...the way to miss HEAVEN...is all the other ways that are out there taught as Religion, that tell you that they offer many ways or paths to GOD., Or even to teach that there is NO God.

Jesus totally contradicts all that, and says plainly and truthfully, = I'm THE ONLY WAY TO GOD....= I'm the NARROW Gate. ONE WAY ONLY. "BUT BY ME" "Through Me", "One MEDIATOR between God and Man". Thats "narrow".

Now lets look at more of the verse....."which leadeth unto LIFE".......So the narrow WAY, who is JESUS, is the ONLY WAY TO ETERNAL LIFE. = "which leadeth to LIFE".... Jesus is LIFE....so, its only thru JESUS that you are led to possess Eternal life, or "life more abundant". Jesus said "I am the resurrection and THE LIFE"

Now the rest of the verse.. "few be that find it"..... means, that find the TRUTH, or the Narrow WAY. (Gate).

The "few" is in relation to the rest of the unbelievers in the world at any given time who never put their trust in Christ and died for the last 2000 yrs. So, in contrast to all others who will die and go to hell, you have the born again, as the idea of the "few" who Trust in Christ and are born again.

That verse in Matthew says that few find it...and why is that Saint? What causes them not to find it? Its 2 reasons.. One is because they "love darkness rather then Light".. = They love their SIN. They love their SINNING.... And its also because they are "ever learning and never able to come to the Knowledge of the TRUTH"...... = That is, they are always looking everywhere except in the direction of the ONE who Himself IS The TRUTH. See, unbelievers don't want to face that Cross because that Cross forces you to admit that you are no good, that in GOD's EYES you are a sinful awful thing. And most people will not face this fact about themselves so they shun the Cross and look for that BROAD WAY.. that says...."you're not so bad, you're as good everybody else", and that is True.....But when you compare yourself to JESUS THE CHRIST..>How Good are you? A.) You're no good..... so that is why God had to come down here and die and give you "the righteousness of Christ". "The GIFT of Righteousness"... God had to give us His very righteousness because WE don't have any of our own and that is why we have to be born again as a New Creation.."In Christ" .. which means that the very Righteousness of Christ is given to us as an ETERNAL Gift that God gave us when became Born Again.

See, that Cross makes you admit you are a SINNER, and the self righteousness in people makes them avoid this fact. Those who will come to the Cross and kneel, are the "few", in that verse.

To come to the knowledge of the Truth, is to come to the understanding that Jesus is the Savior and you need one More people do not come to this knowledge, will not. willfully will not then will ever fall on their knees before the Cross and say....."Cleans me O LORD, Forgive me Lord, i am SO LOST". And to do that IS to have come to the knowledge of Jesus as The Truth, that He IS the Messiah, He is the Son of God, and He is the ONLY WAY (Narrow) To Heaven.
The fact that you despise Calvin yet cling so desperately to his OSAS invention only shows your hypocrisy.
'Nuff said . . .

PS - the following verses aren't going away . . .
(Matt. 7:19-23, Matt. 10:22, Matt. 24:13, Matt. 25:31–46, John 15:1-6, Rom. 11:22, 1 Cor. 4:4, 1 Cor. 9:27, 1 Cor. 10:12, 1 Tim. 4:1, 1 Tim. 4:16, 2 Tim. 2:12, Heb. 3:6, Heb. 3:12-14, Heb 6:4-6, Heb. 10:26-27, 2 Pet. 2:20-21, 2 Pet. 3:17, 1 John 2:24, 1 John 5:13, Rev. 3:5, Rev. 22:19)


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Where is that method outlined in scripture? Just curious. Really. :)
Acts 2:38
And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Rom. 5:17
For if, because of one man’s (Adam's) trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Acts 2:38
And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Rom. 5:17
For if, because of one man’s (Adam's) trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ.
How are 2 separate verses an outline for a method?