Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Like I said, I looked for news on the subject and it came up empty except for some false claims. Regarding @TLHKAJ, do they have any evidential information? I'm a factual person and require facts to form an opinion.
Firstly, I'm a follower of Christ and I don't lie. I know what I experienced. Secondly, I have had confirmations from family members, other victims, as well as several doctors of the satanic ritual abuse and MK Ultra tortures I have endured. Thirdly, I and my loved ones are under 24/7 threat.

I know literally 100's of other survivors.

It's not important for me to convince you. I can see where your heart is. I am not in the practice of "proving" to people who would rather embrace evil and reach for every excuse to do so, regardless of the legit info saying otherwise. You haven't seen any "evidential information" that proves there is no satanic ritual abuse, but picked a few links, to support your preferred stance on celebrating a satanic "holiday." Fine. See how that goes for you on judgment day.

The Word of God instructs us not to learn the ways of the pagans. God's Word tells us to avoid even the appearance of evil. We are instructed to come out from the world and BE SEPARATE. We cannot serve two masters! Choose which one you will serve.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States

Do you have any thoughts on this? I know you like Halloween. I was just wondering if you ever heard anything like what I am writing about or considered it. Not trying to take the fun out. But it is something that sort of dawned on me over the years.

No comment. I am not participating in this thread, I am not following this thread, I wash my hands on this subject entirely since it just causes conflict because I am no longer interested in what anybody else has to say and my mind and mouth on this subject is closed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
Well, when you are raised celebrating it, it isnt plainly obvious.

I did not intend to offend.

I was raised in it; I went out trick-or-treating for many years in my youth.

But once I became enlightened in God’s word it became obvious to me without a doubt that Halloween was a worldly evil thing to be avoided.


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2017
United Kingdom
Although the links show the satanic calendar it doesn’t actually make something celebrated, like Easter , as being something wrong. Just because the satanist sacrifice on good Fridays does not take away the truth or reality of Jesus’s own sacrifice, we celebrate Easter because of the victory of the resurrection as well. New life.
Ok, just considering this, perhaps it is no different to Christmas in so much as ‘ how ‘ the date is fixed and the reality that it was established around the spring equinox, although it is also around the same time as the Jewish Passover.
I know in the past I have shared a Passover meal with other Christians over the Easter period, so more aspects of that were established.
Hi @Rita,

When you look back at the Old Testament, and see the incredibly detailed instruction God gave concerning every aspect of the making of the tabernacle in the wilderness, and the temple later, with it's materials and furnishing; the priests and the instruction regarding their dress, and how they were to perform their duties; the offerings, the feasts, the times, the days, all recorded meticulously, and equally as meticulously followed by those instructed. Festivals and Holy Days were Divinely instituted, and no one would have dared introduce anything that was not laid down by God Himself. He gave instruction about how He should be approached and the worship that was acceptable to Him, and disobedience to that instruction would result in judgement.

During these days of grace we know God has instructed us concerning the worship that He now requires of us, and that is, that we worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24): and for those who know God, in Christ Jesus, as their Saviour and Lord, this is what they endeavour to do in manner of life and witness, that His Name be glorified.

We must question what right we have to institute anything of the nature of a Holy Day, or a festival, in His Name, when we have received no direct Divine instruction regarding doing so, don't you think?

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
What? Satanists don’t put ads on TV about the horrible things they do on this satanic day? Of course not. The evil they do is hidden, BUT IT IS NOT HIDDEN FROM THE EYES OF GOD!

All Christians need to pray against this evil!
The really sad part P.W., is that Satan hides in plain sight...(and, yes...NOT from God, of course) He's devised a plan to do this kind of thing eons ago. Make himself seem harmless and non- existent. He is behind ALL things pertaining to evil...and most do not see even an inkling of him as, "everyone does it, it's just fun"...I mean even "Boo-Berries" cereal, ha! All the monster and zombie movies galore, all the Logos on clothes, stores, it's nothing but glorifying death. And saying something to other Christians about all this seems to go no where as, they too are sold the bill of goods that is is all and ONLY fun. Have they never even looked at the origins of this so called holiday? will be a prayerful night for the back of the house with no lights on and car in the back. Don't get many anymore but, there are some who will be around.
A friend and I were once (many years back) drive up to Lilly dale Ny to park outside the grounds and pray. It is only about an hours drive from where I live. We ended up not going as, someone from our church, I believe, said we should not do something like that unless very since we were babes, we got scared and backed out. It's nothing to dabble with, for sure!


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Firstly, I'm a follower of Christ and I don't lie. I know what I experienced. Secondly, I have had confirmations from family members, other victims, as well as several doctors of the satanic ritual abuse and MK Ultra tortures I have endured. Thirdly, I and my loved ones are under 24/7 threat.

I know literally 100's of other survivors.

It's not important for me to convince you. I can see where your heart is. I am not in the practice of "proving" to people who would rather embrace evil and reach for every excuse to do so, regardless of the legit info saying otherwise. You haven't seen any "evidential information" that proves there is no satanic ritual abuse, but picked a few links, to support your preferred stance on celebrating a satanic "holiday." Fine. See how that goes for you on judgment day.

The Word of God instructs us not to learn the ways of the pagans. God's Word tells us to avoid even the appearance of evil. We are instructed to come out from the world and BE SEPARATE. We cannot serve two masters! Choose which one you will serve.

First off I don't embrace evil, had you read my posts in this thread you should have understood that. The fact that you instead see me as embracing evil suggests that you base your opinions on assumptions and without fact. Second in a fact finding investigation a claim to evil is made and evidence is presented. That's the way courts work to protect the innocent. I looked on the list from others who investigated the claim that there are ritualistic sacrifices of the devil worshipers on All Hallows' Eve and all I found in the USA is one person in prison for the remainder of their life for ritualistic offenses. None of it appeared to relate to All Hallows' Eve. So it's clearly not widespread as people have claimed in this forum. All Hallows' Eve is a celebration of Saints. The Celtic rituals aren't even attached to it, although I've read the claims that they are, which appears incorrect and non-factual.

MK-Ultra was halted in 1973. About 50 years ago. That would make a survivor 65+.

But again this thread isn't about MK-Ultra.
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Hi @Rita,

When you look back at the Old Testament, and see the incredibly detailed instruction God gave concerning every aspect of the making of the tabernacle in the wilderness, and the temple later, with it's materials and furnishing; the priests and the instruction regarding their dress, and how they were to perform their duties; the offerings, the feasts, the times, the days, all recorded meticulously, and equally as meticulously followed by those instructed. Festivals and Holy Days were Divinely instituted, and no one would have dared introduce anything that was not laid down by God Himself. He gave instruction about how He should be approached and the worship that was acceptable to Him, and disobedience to that instruction would result in judgement.

During these days of grace we know God has instructed us concerning the worship that He now requires of us, and that is, that we worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24): and for those who know God, in Christ Jesus, as their Saviour and Lord, this is what they endeavour to do in manner of life and witness, that His Name be glorified.

We must question what right we have to institute anything of the nature of a Holy Day, or a festival, in His Name, when we have received no direct Divine instruction regarding doing so, don't you think?

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
To be honest Chris I do not really celebrate anything Within an organised church anymore. Maybe I see certain things as reminders and prompts to reflect more about certain aspects of what the Lord has done and said.
So any views I have about Easter, Christmas are pulled from the years I have questioned and thought about things. I left the church because I just could not stomach all the things that had crept in and impacted the whole issue of worship. I needed to break free and work with the Holy Spirit on a one to one basis.
Rita x
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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2017
United Kingdom
To be honest Chris I do not really celebrate anything Within an organised church anymore. Maybe I see certain things as reminders and prompts to reflect more about certain aspects of what the Lord has done and said.
So any views I have about Easter, Christmas are pulled from the years I have questioned and thought about things. I left the church because I just could not stomach all the things that had crept in and impacted the whole issue of worship. I needed to break free and work with the Holy Spirit on a one to one basis.
Rita x
Hi @Rita

I am in the same situation as yourself. Thank you for sharing.

With love to you
In Christ Jesus
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Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2017
United Kingdom
So I am sure this has been talked about before, but I've been convicted over the years to stop participating in Halloween. Though I am not against fall festivals at churches and think it is a great witness opportunity, here are reasons why I will be staying home on Halloween.

First of all, Halloween is also the shortened name of Allhalloween, All Hallows’ Evening, and All Saint’s Eve, which is celebrated on October 31st. It is also a religious holiday for Satanists and Wiccan faiths. I did not believe this part until I had a friend who was a witch for 30 years and was completely delivered from it. She told me some scarey stories, true stories, of what they actually did on Halloween. But I will not be going into the roots, but the reasons why I personally believe Halloween is ethically wrong for someone proclaiming Christ to celebrate.

1) Halloween breeds fear

Ephesians 5:11, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.”
1 Thessalonians 5:22, 'Abstain from all appearance of evil.'​

Some good questions to ask yourself are:-

Does Halloween fill me with faith or fear?
Yes, Halloween celebrates fear - the theme of darkness, graves, blood, skulls, vampires, witches and wizards infuse fear.
2 Timothy 1:7 'For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.'
If God does not give us a spirit of fear but 365 times tells us not to fear, why will we invite fear by a celebration that breeds fear?

How am I honoring God in this celebration?
1 Corinthians 10:20 'But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.'

About the dark and ghoulish themes and scarey stories:-

Leviticus 20:27 tells us that anyone who practiced witchcraft, soothsaying, sorcery should be killed.

Deuteronomy 18:9-13 adds, “When you come into the land which the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you … one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord.”

Even though Christians are under the new covenant of grace, we should still be aware of what God loves and what He does not love. He said to abstain from all appearances of evil, and talks about how witchcraft is an abomination to Him. Halloween promotes being afraid and promotes dark/witches/satan/ and all the matter of monsters and other evil things. And people are dressing their CHILDREN as such.

2) Testimonies I have heard/read about

A Well known Christian evangelist(featured on Christian Broadcasting Network) who was once satanist warn against the celebration of Halloween.
- A satanic priest was once quoted as saying,” He is thankful to Christian parents who allow their children to worship the devil on October 31st” - Some who have been saved from such deception say it is considered one of the biggest days in satanism.
- They share that they pray satanic prayers over customers and the candies to have access to the lives of, especially Christians.

Let’s see how the Bible uses the word ghost.
- Firstly in the phrase “to give up the ghost,” meaning “to die.
- We also see it in the Holy Trinity the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost
- The Bible refers to ghosts or spirits of the dead as “familiar spirits” and warns us against having anything to do with them.

Leviticus 19:31; Deuteronomy 18:11; 2 Kings 21:6; Isaiah 8:19

Less Depression and Anxiety: I just have to say, since I have dropped celebrating Halloween, my anxiety for sure has went way down during this time of year. I stopped watching scary movies and other things I know the Bible warns against and I feel very good about this decision.

If you do celebrate Halloween, I just would like to say to pay attention this year and ask yourself how you think Christ would respond to things you see. Is one day out of the year worth it? I'm not against dress up or Fall fun. But I highly doubt there will be Halloween in Heaven.

HALLOWEEN - Word Mission Church International
(Re. quote (above): - Forgive me for altering the form of your OP in order to understand you, for I have not altered the wording)

Hi @Mayflower

You were right to draw our attention to this, and to ask the questions you have asked. I agree also with your conclusions, and thank you for the Scriptural references you have given to justify your thoughts and subsequent actions in relation to this. Thank you too for the personal testimony you have given as to the blessing you have received in refusing to conform to this activity.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States

Do you have any thoughts on this? I know you like Halloween. I was just wondering if you ever heard anything like what I am writing about or considered it. Not trying to take the fun out. But it is something that sort of dawned on me over the years.

Same here Mayflower,
It was all in good fun until I realized the truth of it all. It is NOT harmless at all and, I am glad that your children are young enough to understand early on :)


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
All Hallows Eve:
It begins the observance of Allhallowtide, the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed.

I don't mean to de-rail the thread, but since we talking about ghosts and stuff, I thought I would share this here.

Remembering the dead.
You know this "Say their name" campaign the protesters are chanting EVERY night?
You know this Black Lives Matter, who founded it?
Why is this relevant?
I found videos of interviews before, but for some reason.. poof, they gone.

So if you would, take a moment and read a bit about their beliefs in their own words.
Does this sound good and wholesome?
And what about the "energy" ?

Can you talk about how you begin a protest? Names of ancestors evoked, prayers said for those who haven't had a chance to participate. How do you characterize those moments?

Abdullah: “We generally ask that people not film the openings of our events and demonstrations. And part of that is the demonization of the way in which we acknowledge spiritual energy.

So I have seen some of those articles, some of those critiques of pouring libation, which is a centuries old tradition among African people, acknowledging that when bodies are stolen, spirits still remain. So there was that consciousness but more than that consciousness, as we pour libation, and engage in spiritual work, we actually don't want that disrupted in any way by filming because we believe that the filming actually disrupts some of the spiritual energy. All Black Lives Matter meetings and protests begin with the pouring of libation.”

Can you explain the point of libations?

Abdullah: “So what it looks like is the pouring of water into Earth, the pouring of water into plants, the pouring of water into flowers into something that represents the sanctity of life and Earth.

The way that we choose to pour libation most often recognizes first those whose bodies have been stolen through state sanctioned violence. So we call names like Kenneth Ross Jr., Waukesha Wilson, Kisha Michael, Michelle Shirley...and so many others. In Los Angeles County, we know that there are 610 names that we could call over the last seven years who we fight on behalf of. So we begin by calling those names.

And then we begin calling the names of those who we call our warrior ancestors. So we believe that Black Lives Matter is but one point on a long struggle for Black freedom. And so when we think about the work that people like Harriet Tubman, Ida B. Wells, Ella Baker, Martin Luther King and El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz —Malcolm X — did, we summon them into the work as well. And we offer prayer that we are good heirs, that we honor them with our work that we honor our ancestors with our work.

And then... we ask people to call on a bloodline or spirit line ancestor in their own lives, so your grandmother, great grandmother or grandfather, uncle. And you call those names. We usually have whoever's pouring the libation, say the name and have the entire crowd, repeat the name. And then we say the word ‘ashay’, which is a Yoruba word that means ‘Amen.’ And that's how we open all of our Black Lives Matter demonstrations and gatherings.”

How would you describe the feeling of being in that space?

Abdullah: “Until I just said some of those names, this interview felt off to me. But it is a grounding. It reminds us why we're there, that we're not there for the speeches, or the show of it, or even just to, you know, yell at Jackie Lacey or the police chief. We're there for a reckoning. We're there because spirit commands that we be there.

Black Lives Matter is run through the love of the people. We are not paid organizers. We all have different jobs, but we call this...the conscious reclamation of Black Lives Matter as a spiritual movement. We call this our sacred duty. This is our sacred duty. It's what we're summoned in to do. So once we call the libations, start calling the names and pour the libation, it kind of brings everything into alignment and you can feel the shift in energy among the folks who are gathered.”
Is Black Lives Matter a spiritual movement? Melina Abdullah on how ritual adds energy to collective actions

Just for a little bit of perspective,
How many people in the BLM movement are Black?

Ethnicity Distribution:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
First off I don't embrace evil, had you read my posts in this thread you should have understood that. The fact that you instead see me as embracing evil suggests that you base your opinions on assumptions and without fact. Second in a fact finding investigation a claim to evil is made and evidence is presented. That's the way courts work to protect the innocent. I looked on the list from others who investigated the claim that there are ritualistic sacrifices of the devil worshipers on All Hallows' Eve and all I found in the USA is one person in prison for the remainder of their life for ritualistic offenses. None of it appeared to relate to All Hallows' Eve. So it's clearly not widespread as people have claimed in this forum. All Hallows' Eve is a celebration of Saints. The Celtic rituals aren't even attached to it, although I've read the claims that they are, which appears incorrect and non-factual.

MK-Ultra was halted in 1973. About 50 years ago. That would make a survivor 65+.

But again this thread isn't about MK-Ultra.
MK was not halted ...they closed one project only to open new ones. Do you think they would make that public??

The continuance of MK and SRA is satan's biggest tool in creating his end times army. BUT GOD!!! God is saving victims of SRA/MK and pulling them out of darkness into His light ....what satan meant for evil, God turns for good! :)

If I was wrong in thinking you celebrate halloween, I do apologize.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
MK was not halted ...they closed one project only to open new ones. Do you think they would make that public??

The continuance of MK and SRA is satan's biggest tool in creating his end times army. BUT GOD!!! God is saving victims of SRA/MK and pulling them out of darkness into His light ....what satan meant for evil, God turns for good! :)

If I was wrong in thinking you celebrate halloween, I do apologize.

Sorry to hear you had troubles with some sort of program. No I don't celebrate Halloween, except for AprilRose's halloween here, but I have been visited by Angels which is inline with the spirit of All Hallows' Eve. Saints that have past on and are now resurrected angels under God.


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2017
United Kingdom
Sorry to hear you had troubles with some sort of program. No I don't celebrate Halloween, except for AprilRose's halloween here, but I have been visited by Angels which is inline with the spirit of All Hallows' Eve. Saints that have past on and are now resurrected angels under God.
Hello @Devin Wintch,

With respect, the 'saints' are still awaiting resurrection, along with the rest of mankind. Angels are also a different created form than man. Mankind do not transform into angels. If you have been seeing what you believe to be dead saints in angel form then you are mistaken.

Thank you
With love in Christ Jesus
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Hello @Devin Wintch,

With respect, the 'saints' are still awaiting resurrection, along with the rest of mankind. Angels are also a different created form than man. Mankind do not transform into angels. If you have been seeing what you believe to be dead saints in angel form then you are mistaken.

Thank you
With love in Christ Jesus
That's one interpretation of the bible but it's false. Jesus was already resurrected. Also his saints:

Matthew 27:52-53

52 and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; 53 and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many.

The angel told me what would happen the next day, and it did happen. And that is how you can know the prophet is from God:

Deuteronomy 18:21-22

21 And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the Lord hath not spoken?

22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
Having fun by dressing up...
Getting startled and startling others is fun too.
Candy used to be a huge treat... so did apples.

But there's a thing about trying to make kids grow up too fast or trying to scare them with things they can't really handle yet too and try to make them feel more mature by exposing them to some adult style gore and horrid tales and images.

You can count on Count Chocula and The Count from Sesame Street to be appropriate with scary enough for kids.

But Wes Craven style vampires?
Probably not.

But a lot of hay bale mazes, hay rides, scary scare crows, and etc...all good fun.


Active Member
Sep 30, 2020
British Columbia
Even as a child whose parents thought Hallowe'en was harmless enough, I'd gotten out of it by the time I was ten years old. In its most innocent form, it involves dressing up in some stupid costume and going around door-to-door to collect candy from absolute strangers for no good reason whatsoever. I thought it was beyond asinine, and the older I get the more cemented I've become in that opinion. It isn't something I've ever viewed through a religious lens, though, and probably never will.

I am more than happy to make one exception and show up to April_Rose's Hallowe'en party thread though. :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
in a house
United States
Why not celebrate Halloween. I don't look for things around every corner, you all got to lighten up. I know most of you think Christmas, Easter, Advent, Lent, and every other holiday are pagan. I just don't understand evangelicals and @April_Rose has great advice
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