OSAS.... what does this really mean ?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
OSAS ("Once Saved Always Saved") is a terminology that takes Calvin's original preaching out of context.

Calvin did not teach that if you go forward at a crusade or in church and live like hell afterwards, that you continue to be saved.

His actual teaching was POTS ("Perseverance Of The Saints").

This is a teaching that when you are born again, you become a saint (1 John 3:9, Hebrews 10:14 (kjv), 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 (kjv); 1 John 3:7, 1 John 3:3, 1 John 2:6; Jude 1:24, 2 Peter 1:10, 1 John 2:10; 1 John 3:6, 1 John 2:17) and that if you are truly saved you have been sealed by the Holy Spirit so that you will continue to be a saint as those verses define sainthood.

Well I'm not dependent on Calvin exclusively, as his teachings are from other men, who wrote in the early 200-300 AD. I did not believe in being truly saved, and then OSAS, until I read Calvin's works. And yes, OSAS means you are also a saint, indeed. If then this is preserving a saint, by the sealing of the Spirit, then ok, I'm onboard with it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
So, he blinds the minds of people, of believers, so that they become inundated with the belief that they can lose their salvation.
While I most certainly believe that a believer whose heart is good ground cannot lose this salvation, this concept must certainly be balanced out by what we find in Romans 11:20-22.

It is qualified by the concept that if anyone is truly born again, they are sealed by the Holy Spirit and therefore will continue in God's goodness throughout all of eternity. They are a new creature in Christ and it is not in their nature to go backwards to a lifestyle of sinning.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Well I'm not dependent on Calvin exclusively, as his teachings are from other men, who wrote in the early 200-300 AD. I did not believe in being truly saved, and then OSAS, until I read Calvin's works. And yes, OSAS means you are also a saint, indeed. If then this is preserving a saint, by the sealing of the Spirit, then ok, I'm onboard with it.
The concept of POTS, by my humble estimation, comes from an accurate understanding of 1 John 3:6 and 1 John 2:17 together.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006

Its better not to give opinions on this term.... so, let me show you what it actually means and why.

First, lets see what the Devil has done..
Because, if we can see this, then we can escape the corrupted idea that is used by the deceived to wrongly define this term :OSAS.

See, the issue is not the term OSAS.......its with the people who are deceived into the wrong idea, regarding its actual and true meaning.

Now Think !

Who saved you?
What saved you?
How are you saved?
How are you kept saved?

There is only one answer to these questions, and the answer is.....The Blood of Jesus.
ITs the Blood of Jesus that God uses to redeem you.
Its the Blood of Jesus that takes care of all your sin, including tomorrows works of the flesh that you'll commit.
Its ONLY the Blood of Jesus that IS the reason that God will take you and keep you.
Its the spiritual and literal application of the Blood of Jesus that IS the ONLY reason you'll end up in heaven, or not.

So, how are you saved? ???
You are saved BY the Blood of Jesus, through the Holy Spirit.
"Jesus having offered his BLOOD, once, entered into the Holy Place".
This same God manifested in the flesh Jesus, who has shed his Blood, is now "making intercession" for you in heaven, if you are born again.
Jesus's BLOOD is your eternal pardon and your eternal intercession.
The BLood of Jesus that was shed 2000+ yrs ago, is saving you TOMORROW and next year.
"What can wash away my SIN". A.) Nothing but the Blood of Jesus.

Before you were born again....What was keeping you from being accepted by God?
A.) your SIN.

Q.) What has paid for all your sin? A.) The Blood of Jesus.

Final analysis,= you are saved by the Blood, keep saved by the Blood, and its the Blood Atonement that is your Salvation.

Jesus said......this is my BODY i give for you....And at some point you'll get a new one that is Just like His Eternal Body.
Jesus said...This is my blood that is shed for you....And that BLOOD is WHY you'll get a new body. That BLood is why you belong to God if you are born again.
That BLOOD is why you are KEPT by God if you are born again.
A.) No other reason.

Commandments are not your salvation.
The cult of mary is not your salvation.
THe baptist, methodist, assembly of God, or your church membership is not why God will take you and keep you.
Being dunked or sprinkled in or by the city water supply is NOT your salvation.
What is your Salvation?
Without the shedding of God's Blood, (Jesus) there IS NO Salvation.

So, how many times is this Blood applied to you?
It's applied to you once. = When you are born again.
You are "new birthed" BY this Blood, through the Holy Spirit.
How many times?
So, how many times are you saved? = ONCE.
You are saved exactly as many times as you are born again.
You are born again, ONCE.

Now, how does the devil try to confuse this reality.??
Well, what he did, was.....what he does is.......he created the lie that the Grace of God, is being taught as a lie, if God is being given all the Credit for Salvation.
Let me try that one again, as i can hear the brain cells spinning in the distance..

The devil's Gospel is = anti- saved - once.
The devil's Gospel is = anti- God did it, and you get it for free.
the devil's Gospel is anti- ....= anything that does not allow you to try to keep yourself saved by yourself, by your works, by your water, by your LIST.


So, God's Grace, is anti- what Satan teaches through his deceived as salvation.
The devil's gospel is..... "god started it, but you finish it".
The devil's gospel is... "keep yourself saved by self effort".

So, that is exactly the opposite of God's salvation.

Now look at this term. OSAS.

OSAS, literally mean, once you are born again, you are always born again.
That's what it mean's literally.

ONCE Jesus saved you with his Blood, you are kept saved always BY the same Blood.

See how OSAS is teaching that Salvation is all of God, based only on Jesus and His Blood, and has nothing to do with the devil's gospel of "self saving" and "keeping yourself saved" ???

OSAS, simple means....."once you are born again, you are always born again".
OSAS, simple means....."once you are born again, you are always born again".
OSAS, simple means....."once you are born again, you are always born again".
OSAS, simple means....."once you are born again, you are always born again".

The devil disputes this, and his deceived dispute this.... because he bases his deceived idea of salvation on you trying to keep your salvation, or you trying to earn it. And that is what the devil's deceived teach.

Whereas God's salvation is always, a "GIFT". "The Gift of Salvation".. "The GIFT of Righteousness".
"As many as Received Jesus.....God GAVE GAVE GAVE".
"For God so loved the world that He GAVE GAVE GAVE".
THAT is Salvation.

Now finally...

What the devil has his people do, is confront God's Grace, challenge it, dispute it, and mock it...... and try to subvert it with the idea that God's Grace, when taught as a GIFT, is..."License to sin, or Cheap Grace, or easy believism".
That's the Devil's lie, and his liars are all over forums, all over pulpits, and all over the world.
They are "fallen from Grace" and they are enemies of the Cross.
So.....we see the error of the deception.....or as Paul and Jude taught...These liars, these devil deceived, try to replace the Grace and "Gift of God", with the idea that this Gift is a "license to sin", if you teach it correctly....which is to teach that God's Salvation is all of God, given as a gift, and God will keep you, by His power, and His Grace, once you are born again.

That's how the devil views it, and that is how his deceived will also teach it.
They will always teach that Grace is "License to sin", that Salvation is all about you doing something, vs, God having done something for you, as a GIFT.
And this GIFT, is OSAS.
Its, once you are born again, you are always born again.

You forgot the most important thing ,repentance Although born again,( and that could be a different subject on it's own )one will still sin and fall short .

The most important word in scripture is ….IF study it and you should see why osas is a false doctrine

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
You have not realized that your question is actually stating this...

"As long as i dont backslide, i get to go to heaven".
So, do you see the problem this person has with their faith?
The problem is, "don't backslide" has become what this person believes will keep them saved.

What does it mean to not backslide?
It means that you have by self effort, not done it.
What if you do?
Well, backsliding, is one more carnal deed, that some call a sin, that was dealt with 2000 yrs ago.
What sin has Christ's blood not paid for already?

Backsliding, has nothing to do with your born again Spirit.
Backsliding has no effect on your position "in Christ".

Backsliding is one of those things that is on a Legalist's "if id dont do this, i keep MYSELF SAVED"...List.
Every Legalist has a list of "do's and don't do's" that is their faith"....They have faith in this list. They have faith that if they themselves by their effort, do these things or don't do these things, on their LIST, then they KEEP THEMSELVES, Saved.
= That is self saving.
= that is loss of faith in Christ.
That is Legalism.

See that? Thats "self saving". That's Legalism.
Thats putting the responsibility on yourself for your salvation, to be your own savior, and the worst part,.... is that this person is taking credit away from the blood of Jesus, when they become someone whose faith is...>"if i dont do this", or "if i always do this"....then i keep myself saved.
= This omits Jesus.
He is no longer in their Faith.
He is replaced by the LIST.

So, that's the answer.

Speaking of “ Lists “, Behold ......all you say is True—— B U T —- you have forgotten to mention THE “ LIST of LISTS “...... The “ MOTHER “ of All Lists ......That LIST that determines EVERYTHING as far as Salvation is Concerned.Silly me, I used to think that it might have something to do with God's Love or His Amazing Grace or His Mercy for Fallen Mankind .......Perhaps the Shed Blood That was poured out on the Heavenly Mercy Seat and blocks God's Vision —- He can’t see the Broken Commandments or our Sins in the Heavenly Ark Without first seeing the Blood.....
Yes, Behold , what you failed to mention was the List that determines “ALL”—— The List Of “ LUCKY REPENTANCE” .... If “ That “ List is not Spotless—- if you did not have the “ LUCK” to Repent Of all of your sins before you died like if you got involved in a bad car wreck and said the “ F-Word” and then died suddenly if a heart attack without the time to express your guilt and sorrow and the asking of Forgiveness for that sin——— you are Damned forever....
“By Lucky Repentance Thou Art Saved , lest any man should Boast” ......right ?

For any “ dim bulbs “ out there.....please know that the above was written with a sense of pure Irony and Sarcasm.....Behold is a very good teacher of God’s Word who is passionate about what he teaches ....Newbies would be wise to listen to Him .....The Stiff-Necked among us? Well, everybody has the right to be wrong.......lol.....

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
You forgot the most important thing ,repentance Although born again,( and that could be a different subject on it's own )one will still sin and fall short .

The most important word in scripture is ….IF study it and you should see why osas is a false doctrine

The word “Repent” comes from a Greek Word That literally means “ Mind Change” ( Metanoia) .....If One is an UNBELIEVER and The Holy Spirit opens the Heart Of That person so that they HEAR THE GOSPEL ( 1Cor15:1-4 ) and Believe In and REST in that Gospel......they have undergone the only “Change of Mind” that they ever need to worry about as far as Salvation is concerned ......
I used to Believe that Jesus was a Fairy Tale for the Weak and simple minded that needed a “ Crutch” to make it through life......I changed my mind about that .....I Repented Of Believing the lie of Satan—— I Now Believe and will actually “ Confess with my Mouth” that Jesus was God in Flesh , the Son Of God , the Savior Of my Soul who “ died for my Sins and rose from the dead”
I believe the Gospel —- That is what Saves me .One can Repent Without Believing , But it is Impossible to Believe Without Repenting .The Apostle John knew that ....the #1 Book Of The Bible That we send Newbies to in order to get Saved mentions the Word “ Believe” 94 times ! How many times will you find the word “Repent” in there or how many times will you see “Repent from your sins in order to be Saved? “ in the Book Of John? ZERO . A Wise man take strong note of that....God bless...


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Speaking of “ Lists “, Behold ......all you say is True—— B U T —- you have forgotten to mention THE “ LIST of LISTS “...... The “ MOTHER “ of All Lists ......That LIST that determines EVERYTHING as far as Salvation is Concerned.Silly me, I used to think that it might have something to do with God's Love or His Amazing Grace or His Mercy for Fallen Mankind .......Perhaps the Shed Blood That was poured out on the Heavenly Mercy Seat and blocks God's Vision —- He can’t see the Broken Commandments or our Sins in the Heavenly Ark Without first seeing the Blood.....
Yes, Behold , what you failed to mention was the List that determines “ALL”—— The List Of “ LUCKY REPENTANCE” .... If “ That “ List is not Spotless—- if you did not have the “ LUCK” to Repent Of all of your sins before you died like if you got involved in a bad car wreck and said the “ F-Word” and then died suddenly if a heart attack without the time to express your guilt and sorrow and the asking of Forgiveness for that sin——— you are Damned forever....
“By Lucky Repentance Thou Art Saved , lest any man should Boast” ......right ?

For any “ dim bulbs “ out there.....please know that the above was written with a sense of pure Irony and Sarcasm.....Behold is a very good teacher of God’s Word who is passionate about what he teaches ....Newbies would be wise to listen to Him .....The Stiff-Necked among us? Well, everybody has the right to be wrong.......lol.....

@Behold denies indwelling sin as a reality and is therefore gnostic in his teaching...so newbies would not be wise to listen to him.

For he deceives himself and the truth is not in him (1 John 1:8). How much more will he deceive the newbie if they give him an ear?

As for "Lucky Repentance", it should be clear that it is a reality (1 Corinthians 15:37, Matthew 13:30).
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
The word “Repent” comes from a Greek Word That literally means “ Mind Change” ( Metanoia) .....If One is an UNBELIEVER and The Holy Spirit opens the Heart Of That person so that they HEAR THE GOSPEL ( 1Cor15:1-4 ) and Believe In and REST in that Gospel......they have undergone the only “Change of Mind” that they ever need to worry about as far as Salvation is concerned ......
I used to Believe that Jesus was a Fairy Tale for the Weak and simple minded that needed a “ Crutch” to make it through life......I changed my mind about that .....I Repented Of Believing the lie of Satan—— I Now Believe and will actually “ Confess with my Mouth” that Jesus was God in Flesh , the Son Of God , the Savior Of my Soul who “ died for my Sins and rose from the dead”
I believe the Gospel —- That is what Saves me .One can Repent Without Believing , But it is Impossible to Believe Without Repenting .The Apostle John knew that ....the #1 Book Of The Bible That we send Newbies to in order to get Saved mentions the Word “ Believe” 94 times ! How many times will you find the word “Repent” in there or how many times will you see “Repent from your sins in order to be Saved? “ in the Book Of John? ZERO . A Wise man take strong note of that....God bless...
See John 8:31-36...

There Jesus tells us that the one who commits sin is the servant of sin and that if the Son will set you free (from sin) you will be free indeed.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States

Its better not to give opinions on this term.... so, let me show you what it actually means and why.

First, lets see what the Devil has done..
Because, if we can see this, then we can escape the corrupted idea that is used by the deceived to wrongly define this term :OSAS.

See, the issue is not the term OSAS.......its with the people who are deceived into the wrong idea, regarding its actual and true meaning.

Now Think !

Who saved you?
What saved you?
How are you saved?
How are you kept saved?

There is only one answer to these questions, and the answer is.....The Blood of Jesus.
ITs the Blood of Jesus that God uses to redeem you.
Its the Blood of Jesus that takes care of all your sin, including tomorrows works of the flesh that you'll commit.
Its ONLY the Blood of Jesus that IS the reason that God will take you and keep you.
Its the spiritual and literal application of the Blood of Jesus that IS the ONLY reason you'll end up in heaven, or not.

So, how are you saved? ???
You are saved BY the Blood of Jesus, through the Holy Spirit.
"Jesus having offered his BLOOD, once, entered into the Holy Place".
This same God manifested in the flesh Jesus, who has shed his Blood, is now "making intercession" for you in heaven, if you are born again.
Jesus's BLOOD is your eternal pardon and your eternal intercession.
The BLood of Jesus that was shed 2000+ yrs ago, is saving you TOMORROW and next year.
"What can wash away my SIN". A.) Nothing but the Blood of Jesus.

Before you were born again....What was keeping you from being accepted by God?
A.) your SIN.

Q.) What has paid for all your sin? A.) The Blood of Jesus.

Final analysis,= you are saved by the Blood, keep saved by the Blood, and its the Blood Atonement that is your Salvation.

Jesus said......this is my BODY i give for you....And at some point you'll get a new one that is Just like His Eternal Body.
Jesus said...This is my blood that is shed for you....And that BLOOD is WHY you'll get a new body. That BLood is why you belong to God if you are born again.
That BLOOD is why you are KEPT by God if you are born again.
A.) No other reason.

Commandments are not your salvation.
The cult of mary is not your salvation.
THe baptist, methodist, assembly of God, or your church membership is not why God will take you and keep you.
Being dunked or sprinkled in or by the city water supply is NOT your salvation.
What is your Salvation?
Without the shedding of God's Blood, (Jesus) there IS NO Salvation.

So, how many times is this Blood applied to you?
It's applied to you once. = When you are born again.
You are "new birthed" BY this Blood, through the Holy Spirit.
How many times?
So, how many times are you saved? = ONCE.
You are saved exactly as many times as you are born again.
You are born again, ONCE.

Now, how does the devil try to confuse this reality.??
Well, what he did, was.....what he does is.......he created the lie that the Grace of God, is being taught as a lie, if God is being given all the Credit for Salvation.
Let me try that one again, as i can hear the brain cells spinning in the distance..

The devil's Gospel is = anti- saved - once.
The devil's Gospel is = anti- God did it, and you get it for free.
the devil's Gospel is anti- ....= anything that does not allow you to try to keep yourself saved by yourself, by your works, by your water, by your LIST.


So, God's Grace, is anti- what Satan teaches through his deceived as salvation.
The devil's gospel is..... "god started it, but you finish it".
The devil's gospel is... "keep yourself saved by self effort".

So, that is exactly the opposite of God's salvation.

Now look at this term. OSAS.

OSAS, literally mean, once you are born again, you are always born again.
That's what it mean's literally.

ONCE Jesus saved you with his Blood, you are kept saved always BY the same Blood.

See how OSAS is teaching that Salvation is all of God, based only on Jesus and His Blood, and has nothing to do with the devil's gospel of "self saving" and "keeping yourself saved" ???

OSAS, simple means....."once you are born again, you are always born again".
OSAS, simple means....."once you are born again, you are always born again".
OSAS, simple means....."once you are born again, you are always born again".
OSAS, simple means....."once you are born again, you are always born again".

The devil disputes this, and his deceived dispute this.... because he bases his deceived idea of salvation on you trying to keep your salvation, or you trying to earn it. And that is what the devil's deceived teach.

Whereas God's salvation is always, a "GIFT". "The Gift of Salvation".. "The GIFT of Righteousness".
"As many as Received Jesus.....God GAVE GAVE GAVE".
"For God so loved the world that He GAVE GAVE GAVE".
THAT is Salvation.

Now finally...

What the devil has his people do, is confront God's Grace, challenge it, dispute it, and mock it...... and try to subvert it with the idea that God's Grace, when taught as a GIFT, is..."License to sin, or Cheap Grace, or easy believism".
That's the Devil's lie, and his liars are all over forums, all over pulpits, and all over the world.
They are "fallen from Grace" and they are enemies of the Cross.
So.....we see the error of the deception.....or as Paul and Jude taught...These liars, these devil deceived, try to replace the Grace and "Gift of God", with the idea that this Gift is a "license to sin", if you teach it correctly....which is to teach that God's Salvation is all of God, given as a gift, and God will keep you, by His power, and His Grace, once you are born again.

That's how the devil views it, and that is how his deceived will also teach it.
They will always teach that Grace is "License to sin", that Salvation is all about you doing something, vs, God having done something for you, as a GIFT.
And this GIFT, is OSAS.
Its, once you are born again, you are always born again.
We can't redefine words to make our beliefs Biblical --- OSAS redefines "escaped" to mean "still trapped" in 2 Peter 2:22 in order to make impotent a verse which destroys OSAS:

"For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning."​

You're either escaped from the enemy or not, just like a man is either alive or not and a woman is either pregnant or not.

"Dr" Charles Stanley promotes the idea of THREE spiritual states of men: saved, lost, and "carnal Christian", but Jesus clearly taught only TWO options: "...he that is not with Me is against Me, and he that gathereth not with Me scattereth abroad." Saints who turn back to a life of sin will be destroyed in the Lake of Fire.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
We can't redefine words to make our beliefs Biblical --- OSAS redefines "escaped" to mean "still trapped" in 2 Peter 2:22 in order to make impotent a verse which destroys the OSAS:

"For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning."​

You're either escaped from the enemy or not, just like a man is either alive or not and a woman is either pregnant or not.

"Dr" Charles Stanley promotes the idea of THREE spiritual states of men: saved, lost, and "carnal Christian", but Jesus clearly taught only TWO options: "...he that is not with Me is against Me, and he that gathereth not with Me scattereth abroad." Saints who turn back to a life of sin will be destroyed in the Lake of Fire.
Jesus sent His Spirit to teach us through the apostles...so Jesus, through His Spirit, taught us about the carnal Christian in 1 Corinthians 3:1-3 and Romans 7:14-25.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
The word “Repent” comes from a Greek Word That literally means “ Mind Change” ( Metanoia) .....If One is an UNBELIEVER and The Holy Spirit opens the Heart Of That person so that they HEAR THE GOSPEL ( 1Cor15:1-4 ) and Believe In and REST in that Gospel......they have undergone the only “Change of Mind” that they ever need to worry about as far as Salvation is concerned ......
I used to Believe that Jesus was a Fairy Tale for the Weak and simple minded that needed a “ Crutch” to make it through life......I changed my mind about that .....I Repented Of Believing the lie of Satan—— I Now Believe and will actually “ Confess with my Mouth” that Jesus was God in Flesh , the Son Of God , the Savior Of my Soul who “ died for my Sins and rose from the dead”
I believe the Gospel —- That is what Saves me .One can Repent Without Believing , But it is Impossible to Believe Without Repenting .The Apostle John knew that ....the #1 Book Of The Bible That we send Newbies to in order to get Saved mentions the Word “ Believe” 94 times ! How many times will you find the word “Repent” in there or how many times will you see “Repent from your sins in order to be Saved? “ in the Book Of John? ZERO . A Wise man take strong note of that....God bless...

Not repent in order to be saved but rather to stay saved .Yes Christ saves ONCE ,meaning you can't be saved twice,and like your meaning of repent, yes it does mean to have a change of heart ,however that heart can also go from good to bad!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Jesus sent His Spirit to teach us through the apostles...so Jesus, through His Spirit, taught us about the carnal Christian in 1 Corinthians 3:1-3 and Romans 7:14-25.
Jesus describing carnally minded people, but they ain't Christians - they are they which have turned back from following the truth. Last time I checked, a "Christian" is one who FOLLOWS Christ.

They got lost along the way, so Jesus in great mercy sent Paul to turn them back from following the god of this world to following the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world. :)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Jesus describing carnally minded people, but they ain't Christians - they are they which have turned back from following the truth. Last time I checked, a "Christian" is one who FOLLOWS Christ.

They got lost along the way, so Jesus in great mercy sent Paul to turn them back from following the god of this world to following the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world. :)
The carnally-minded are often merely "babes in Christ"...

Which is not to say that there are some who might be defined as carnal who are not even in Christ.

It is also not to say that there are not some who are defined as carnal who are in fact in Christ, though they are immature in their faith to the point of being little babies in the Lord.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Yes, I agree we can never lose salvation. And yes, a type legalist does want to tinker and help his or her salvation 'along'....very futile, indeed.
In the most part I agree with your words you have said here. I'm just not a trinitarian. I believe God, the Father's spirit, is the Holy Spirit. And then there is his Son, Christ.
Bless you,

Nice to hear from you APAK.

"tinkering with salvation" is the same as "putting yourself up on the Cross as your own redeemer".
Many are up there right now. Forums are full of these types who are on the Cross and Jesus is nowhere to be found in their real faith.
Their faith actually sounds like this...."well YES, Praise GOD, Jesus is my redeemer, and He saved me, and now, what i have to DO is ALL THIS...".
See that "DO" List ??
This sounds harsh, but, its not a personal attack.....Its simply the reality that many believers are "fallen from Grace"..

"Fallen from Grace" means that you at some point the believer understood that God saved you, but following your conversion you were tricked by the Devil's people who mislead you into thinking that "God saved you, now you go and finish the work, if you want to get into heaven"
= Legalist and various types of heretics, are all around us trying to= STAY SAVED.
See that? ????
****"STAY SAVED"*****.....that is the mark of the Legalist, and you would be wise to learn to HEAR them this way....as it becomes very easy to spot these false brethren, simply by listening to how they present their idea of getting into heaven.

Listen to them...... and notice carefully...
Do they give Jesus and the Blood and God ALL the Credit for saving them and keeping them saved, and getting them into heaven, or have they fallen from God's Grace, and are now, "self saver's" who are all about doing things or not doing things in their self righteous effort to try to keep themselves saved...
Learn to HEAR them, Reader..... and you can protect yourself and your family and your church members from them.
This really matters, as if they can, these deceived by the Devil people will have you chasing your redemption by works and effort and self righteousness.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Speaking of “ Lists “, Behold ......all you say is True—— B U T —- you have forgotten to mention THE “ LIST of LISTS “...... The “ MOTHER “ of All Lists ......That LIST that determines EVERYTHING as far as Salvation is Concerned.Silly me, I used to think that it might have something to do with God's Love or His Amazing Grace or His Mercy for Fallen Mankind .......Perhaps the Shed Blood That was poured out on the Heavenly Mercy Seat and blocks God's Vision —- He can’t see the Broken Commandments or our Sins in the Heavenly Ark Without first seeing the Blood.....
Yes, Behold , what you failed to mention was the List that determines “ALL”—— The List Of “ LUCKY REPENTANCE” .... If “ That “ List is not Spotless—- if you did not have the “ LUCK” to Repent Of all of your sins before you died like if you got involved in a bad car wreck and said the “ F-Word” and then died suddenly if a heart attack without the time to express your guilt and sorrow and the asking of Forgiveness for that sin——— you are Damned forever....
“By Lucky Repentance Thou Art Saved , lest any man should Boast” ......right ?

For any “ dim bulbs “ out there.....please know that the above was written with a sense of pure Irony and Sarcasm.....Behold is a very good teacher of God’s Word who is passionate about what he teaches ....Newbies would be wise to listen to Him .....The Stiff-Necked among us? Well, everybody has the right to be wrong.......lol.....

Hey Blood Bought.
Nice to hear from you.
I think the name your chose for your Alt .. "Blood Bought"... is such a great witness for God's Mercy.

And "Lucky Repentance".....is that like The Cosmic Lottery?
Isn't that hyper calvinism, or something like .????
Isn't that where (they teach) that God rolls the heavenly dice before you are born and if your number is up, you burn in hell, and if your number is "Lucky", you get to go to heaven, and no free will is involved?

There is a forum that is full of these type Mods..


The forum is very good, but the Mods, nearly all of them are hyper calvinist to the extreme.
And how do you recognize these types, Reader?
Well, they give God credit for the Devil's work. Is what they do.
For example......"murder, rape, incest, lust, hatred, war, robbery, child porn, sex slavery industry.....all of this, these "believers" will tell you that God caused because He causes it all, "the evil and the good".
And of course they have no use for Free Will........


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Do they give Jesus and the Blood and God ALL the Credit for saving them and keeping them saved, and getting them into heaven,

I most certainly do...

Of course, I hold that the blood of Jesus does not only justify (as per Romans 5:9)...it also sanctifies (Hebrews 13:12, Hebrews 10:29) and cleanseth us from all sin (1 John 1:7)

Forums are full of these types who are on the Cross and Jesus is nowhere to be found in their real faith.

Gal 2:20, I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

****"STAY SAVED"*****.....that is the mark of the Legalist,

Of course it is the Lord who keeps us saved; however He will not do so against our will.

If we are drawn away by our own evil desires and enticed, we can die spiritually (Hebrews 3:12-13, James 1:14-16).

This really matters, as if they can, these deceived by the Devil people will have you chasing your redemption by works and effort and self righteousness.

...says the person who denies indwelling sin. The Bible teaches that he is deceiving himself and the truth is not in him (1 John 1:8).


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Nice to hear from you APAK.

"tinkering with salvation" is the same as "putting yourself up on the Cross as your own redeemer".
Many are up there right now. Forums are full of these types who are on the Cross and Jesus is nowhere to be found in their real faith.
Their faith actually sounds like this...."well YES, Praise GOD, Jesus is my redeemer, and He saved me, and now, what i have to DO is ALL THIS...".
See that "DO" List ??
This sounds harsh, but, its not a personal attack.....Its simply the reality that many believers are "fallen from Grace"..

"Fallen from Grace" means that you at some point the believer understood that God saved you, but following your conversion you were tricked by the Devil's people who mislead you into thinking that "God saved you, now you go and finish the work, if you want to get into heaven"
= Legalist and various types of heretics, are all around us trying to= STAY SAVED.
See that? ????
****"STAY SAVED"*****.....that is the mark of the Legalist, and you would be wise to learn to HEAR them this way....as it becomes very easy to spot these false brethren, simply by listening to how they present their idea of getting into heaven.

Listen to them...... and notice carefully...
Do they give Jesus and the Blood and God ALL the Credit for saving them and keeping them saved, and getting them into heaven, or have they fallen from God's Grace, and are now, "self saver's" who are all about doing things or not doing things in their self righteous effort to try to keep themselves saved...
Learn to HEAR them, Reader..... and you can protect yourself and your family and your church members from them.
This really matters, as if they can, these deceived by the Devil people will have you chasing your redemption by works and effort and self righteousness.
Behold: The bottom line then is to stay strong in the saving faith and Spirit of the Father that indwells in you, that brought you true and eternal salvation through the blood of Christ on the cross, ALONE. He is the only one that saved, not Christ + someone or something else....

Thank you again for your view, that is also mine, concerning our precious salvation by the the Son of YHWH. The grace I take seriously and profoundly is a girt fro above. Those that have not the Spirit of YHWH within them, the legalists and other fakers, have not this precious grace for their salvation.

And yes these charlatans must be avoided lest some weak in faith will be led astray by them.



Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
If we deny the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, the certain consequences for that is that we will die in our sins (John 8:24).


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I most certainly do...

Of course, I hold that the blood of Jesus does not only justify (as per Romans 5:9)...it also sanctifies (Hebrews 13:12, Hebrews 10:29) and cleanseth us from all sin (1 John 1:7)

Gal 2:20, I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Of course it is the Lord who keeps us saved; however He will not do so against our will.

If we are drawn away by our own evil desires and enticed, we can die spiritually (Hebrews 3:12-13, James 1:14-16).

...says the person who denies indwelling sin. The Bible teaches that he is deceiving himself and the truth is not in him (1 John 1:8).

If you have 'a will' to not be saved at some time in the future, as you think you are already saved, then you were not saved at all in the first place JBF. You fooled yourself. Your salvation if genuine, is beyond what you can understand and is not then based on your conscious faculties or your will during your life here. It operated way beyond the limits of your mind and understanding. It is a spiritual gift given to you only if you previously yielded your will within your spirit on acceptance of the Spirit of YHWH. Don't think that the Spirit of YHWH made a mistake and allows you or anyone, to change your or their mind afterwards. Once the Spirit lives within someone, it is for life. If you still think you have an 'out' after your conversion or salvation, then you do not have the Spirit and are still living in your sins. Do you take the Spirit for a fool. YHWH does not operate at the human level and does not respect any human in their carnal state. We cannot think we can bargain or deal with him...This precious gift is based on your spirit and will, to accept this permanent gift to salvation.



Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
The point that I would make to you, @APAK, is what it says in Romans 11:20-22...

Rom 11:20, Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear:
Rom 11:21, For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.
Rom 11:22, Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.

I'm in agreement that if a man is truly born again of the Holy Spirt, he is also sealed by the Holy Spirit and cannot lose his salvation.

However, in this, I believe that those who are truly born again will continue in His goodness and that those who don't were very likely never born again (1 John 3:6, 1 John 2:17).
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