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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2019
Your post was very colorful.
You said you know who i "is".
Well, who i "is", is"...(on a Christian Forum).... = someone who helps sincere believers who are trapped in a sinning and confessing deceived mindset, escape it. Your spirit says he is "a real teacher of light"? Oh, yes, your spirit is a teacher of light, yes, I know him, yeah, I know you spirit of darkness, I know you Satan, even when you is transformed into a messenger of light.
That is who i "is".


Active Member
Nov 30, 2020
From here to Kingdom come.
United States
Behold has been shown time and time again to be a false teacher by his inabilty to show scripture for many of his claims, and you all need to know that before you listen to this poster.

Ive previously posted well over 100 Threads that provide all you are seeking.

How unfortunate for the innocent among us seeking the truth. As to the not so innocent, the ones pushing false teachings, they will be dealt with when the day comes, if not sooner.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2019
Ive previously posted well over 100 Threads that provide all you are seeking.
Go read them.

You are of the earth, you are earthly, and speak of the earth, as is written in John 3:v.31, thus, like the Old Serpent you eat only and only dust of the earth. God CURSED the Devil and said: upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat hall the days of thy life.

John 3:v.31 says: He that cometh from above is above all:he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all.

You will not deceive the fellow brothers in Christ with your devilish messages, the prince of this world has nothing in us-
John 14:v.30-. The content of your posts calls a parable of the Lord JESUS, where He reveals as follow:

JESUS said:
When the unclean spirit is gone out of a MAN, he walks through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none, then he return into his former house from whence he came out,
and takes with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that MAN is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation. - This will fulfill LITERALLY in the current time, and from now on and until the END of the world. The Word is God, understand?

Therefore, be careful
or GET READY for "the Lord weighs the spirits". You are weighed in the balances, and are found wanting.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2019
Perhaps you misunderstand. What he teaches is from Scripture. If you are serious about it, interested, I'd be happy to show you where.

Thank you, Marks, I understand your interest, but I''m very very sorry to say the opposite of you.

No, I didn't misunderstand, perhaps you have not discernment of spirits, he is a follower of the Jewish spiritism, and is an idolater, in fact he is a false Christian.

You say he teaches from Scripture, this is obvious, Marks, because it is through what God said and has revealed that Satan works to undo the works of God, using cunning and traps to deceive believers.
Here goes a good example, among countless others:

Matthew 4:v.5-6
5 Then the Devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple,

6 And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written
(Psalms 91:v.11-12), He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

Be careful

JESUS warned: Many false prophets shall rise -many false preachers of the Word of God-, and shall deceive many.

Again: Be careful

I fight with the Sword of the spirit against our disguised Enemy, that is Satan, called also Old Serpent and Devil, by the way, now, in the current time, time of Apocalypse, he has a new NAME- that is -
the red Dragon -.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2019
Behold has been shown time and time again to be a false teacher by his inabilty to show scripture for many of his claims, and you all need to know that before you listen to this poster.

Why does not he show Scripture? Because it is a strategy of the Devil hiding Scriptures and he replaces them by his own devilish words, and sows his satanic seed, the tares.

JESUS said to the Jews: John 8:v.43-47

43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

44 Ye are of your father the Devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the Truth, because there is no Truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the Truth, ye believe me not.

46 ... And if I say the Truth, why do ye not believe me?

47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. --Behold is under this Judgment of JESUS -
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Thank you, Marks, I understand your interest, but I''m very very sorry to say the opposite of you.

No, I didn't misunderstand, perhaps you have not discernment of spirits, he is a follower of the Jewish spiritism, and is an idolater, in fact he is a false Christian.

You say he teaches from Scripture, this is obvious, Marks, because it is through what God said and has revealed that Satan works to undo the works of God, using cunning and traps to deceive believers.
Here goes a good example, among countless others:

Matthew 4:v.5-6
5 Then the Devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple,

6 And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written
(Psalms 91:v.11-12), He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

Be careful

JESUS warned: Many false prophets shall rise -many false preachers of the Word of God-, and shall deceive many.

Again: Be careful

I fight with the Sword of the spirit against our disguised Enemy, that is Satan, called also Old Serpent and Devil, by the way, now, in the current time, time of Apocalypse, he has a new NAME- that is -
the red Dragon -.
I'm reading here accusation without substantiation.

Yes, many false teachers will rise up, departing from the faith. From the faith, right? Where do you go when you leave faith? Works? And how many do we see preaching works? So many!

You mention Satan's using Scripture contrary to God's intent. Yes, again, many do that.

You know, you said @Behold follows "Jewish spiritism"? What does that mean, Jewish spiritism? And how do you apply that to someone who preaches faith in Christ?

Look, if you don't want to go to the Scriptures, that's up to you.

But you will be missing this vital truth.

We are complete in Christ. You do not add to your reconciliation to God because you think you do good works. We only have our opinions of our perceptions, so what is that worth anyway?

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2019
I'm reading here accusation without substantiation.

What does the Word of God say? The Word is God. John 4:v.1- Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Behold said that "The verses...written as a Bible..helps most believers very little".
I replied him through my post 128 as below:


Post 128
Ah, I know, you replace the Holy Spirit, and the spirit that is within you works through you to place his seed in the hearts of readers as an alternative to understanding the Scriptures. I understood.

On the other hand, you think they don't have the Holy Spirit and they don't understand the Scriptures as your spirit does, so their salvation is to receive knowledge from and through your spirit.

You are a
spiritist activist, they also read the Bible, right? who doesn't?

The Devil, also known as Satan, is understood in the Torah, by the way, the main religion of the Jews, Judaism, is a religion linked to kabbalistic spiritualism. By the way, the false messiah of the Jews - John 5: v.43-47, and Revelation 13: v.11-18, and 2 Thessalonians 2: v.1-12, he is an esoteric, kabbalistic, and spiritist messiah . He was born decades ago and is about to manifest himself in Israel as their messiah, as a powerful spiritist he will do great wonders, so that he even maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.

And he will deceive them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he has power to do also in the sight of the Beast of sea, the Papacy,saying to them that dwell on the earth(Israel-the dry land), that they should make an image to the Beast of sea, the Pope, which will be wounded to death by a Sword, and will live still.

Scriptures reveal that the false messiah of the Jews will give to the Beast of sea -the Pope - his Power, and his Seat, and great Authority. Both will make a deal to build a powerful and satanic religious Empire in whole Earth - Judaism and Catholicism - clay and iron - the Antichrist's Empire, and then we will see TWO strong Beasts reigning over the Earth in the last week-Daniel 9:v.27- , and who will rule the first 42 months or the first half of the week will be the Pope, the second half of the week will be ruled by the false messiah, the little horn.

- I asked to Behold - : And what about your idolater icon?
Be careful or get ready, because the plagues are already running against the world of Devil to destroy it.


Behold replied the post 128 saying:

"""" And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers,"""

As you and ALL can see, Behold did not deny he is a spiritist activist. The spiritists also read the Bible, right? who doesn't?

Behold says he works wit his spiritually. But I said to him
The Devil, also known as Satan, is understood in the Torah, by the way, the main religion of the Jews, Judaism, is a religion linked to the kabbalistic spiritualism. By the way, the false messiah of the Jews - John 5: v.43-47, and Revelation 13: v.11-18, and 2 Thessalonians 2: v.1-12, he is an esoteric, kabbalistic, and spiritist messiah . He was born decades ago and is about to manifest himself in Israel as their messiah, as a powerful spiritist he will do great wonders, so that he even maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.
And he will deceive them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he has power to do also in the sight of the Beast of sea, the Papacy,saying to them that dwell on the earth(Israel-the dry land), that they should make an image to the Beast of sea, the Pope, which will be wounded to death by a Sword, and will live still.

Behold did not deny that he uses a devilish IDOLATER icon. So he has still a satanic idolatry in his heart.

Furthermore, I said to Behold that Scriptures reveal that the false messiah of the Jews will give to the Beast of sea -the Pope - his Power, and his Seat, and great Authority. Both will make a deal to build a powerful and satanic religious Empire in whole Earth - Judaism and Catholicism - clay and iron - the Antichrist's Empire, and then we will see TWO strong Beasts reigning over the Earth in the last week-Daniel 9:v.27- , and who will rule the first 42 months or the first half of the week will be the Pope, the second half of the week will be ruled by the false messiah, the little horn.

Finally I told him: Be careful or get ready because the plagues are already running against the world of Devil to destroy it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2019
Yes, many false teachers will rise up, departing from the faith. From the faith, right? Where do you go when you leave faith? Works? And how many do we see preaching works? So many!

You mention Satan's using Scripture contrary to God's intent. Yes, again, many do that.

What does the Word of God say? The Word is God. He says by His Word: 1Timothy 4:v.1-2:

1 Now the Spirit speaketh EXPRESSLY, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

Behold said: Behold said that "The verses...written as a Bible..helps most believers very little". So, he does not have faith in the Word of God. What does the Word of God says. The Word is God. Romans 10:v.17 - The faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.

You know, you said Behold follows "Jewish spiritism"? What does that mean, Jewish spiritism? And how do you apply that to someone who preaches faith in Christ?
What Christ? He is already warned of the false Christ who will manifest himself in the great city spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. - Revelation 11:v.8

Look, if you don't want to go to the Scriptures, that's up to you.
I work with the Word of God. My posts are full of Scriptures. What does the Word of God say? The Word is God. Hebrews 4:v.12-13:

12 For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged Sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we must render an account. - THESE WORDS FULFILL LITERALLY -

We are complete in Christ. You do not add to your reconciliation to God because you think you do good works. We only have our opinions of our perceptions, so what is that worth anyway?

The idolater and spiritist @Behold works, like his own father, with insinuations and accusations against the people of God, my fellow brothers in Christ, by your words his spirit has already entered in your own self. You are in great danger, as Scriptures warned, saying: Know also, that in the last day perilous times shall come. 2 Tim.3:v.1 - The last Day has already arrived, that is the seventh and last Day or seventh and last millennium -

Be careful or get ready
because the plagues are already running against the world of Devil to destroy it.

But you will be missing this vital truth.
You are mistaken by saying this.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2019
Luke 18: v. 8 -
Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
Shall He?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
by your words his spirit has already entered in your own self.
Um . . . you don't really know about this. What you are saying here is inaccurate. I've been teaching this from the Bible for some time, and happily see that others understand also.

You seem filled with accusation, and I'm not here to waste my time making personal defenses to you.

As I read your posts it sounds like you think I have a demon. There is no need of further discourse between us.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

You will not deceive the fellow brothers in Christ with your devilish messages,

You are a silly person.

Here is the reality.
Helping sincere believers find their way back to God's Grace, and out of the darkness of "self saving".... is one thing i do a lot, especially on Forums.
This is so important, because if a person exists in this darkened understanding, they will never grow up, spiritually.
They will have no power and no influence, and end up just sinning and confessing till they die.
Now You can believe that the devil hates my messages, and that is why people like you show up on my Threads.
Nothing new.


Active Member
Nov 30, 2020
From here to Kingdom come.
United States
You are a silly person.

Here is the reality.
Helping sincere believers find their way back to God's Grace, and out of the darkness of "self saving".... is one thing i do a lot, especially on Forums.
This is so important, because if a person exists in this darkened understanding, they will never grow up, spiritually.
They will have no power and no influence, and end up just sinning and confessing till they die.
Now You can believe that the devil hates my messages, and that is why people like you show up on my Threads.
Nothing new.

You are attempting to decieve others yet again. Unbelevable.

Your qoute of me there was somthing I never said. It supposidly came from my post 182, where you will find, I said nothing of the sort. Did you honestly think you would not get caught making up quotes?

Following is my actual post 182, and you will not find me saying what you quoted there in that or any post of mine.

Behold has been shown time and time again to be a false teacher by his inabilty to show scripture for many of his claims, and you all need to know that before you listen to this poster.

How unfortunate for the innocent among us seeking the truth. As to the not so innocent, the ones pushing false teachings, they will be dealt with when the day comes, if not sooner.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Behold said: Behold said that "The verses...written as a Bible..helps most believers very little". So, he does not have faith in the Word of God..

You left out where i explained this to the Reader in that Thread.
So, that is dishonest, and you are certainly that, Oseas, as you've proven again here..

So, i'll explain it again, and now you can't leave it out, to try to present something False.. a second time.
Does that work for you, ?

The reason that the bible helps most believers very little, is because they are not taught how to use it.
ITs that simple.
If i hand you a puzzle in a box, and say..>"ok, there is all the answers"...... I have not helped you, i have only handed you a box of confusion, a box filled with pieces.
So, this is why God sends Teachers to the born again.
To teach.....to discern for them......and to get them up and running so that they are out of the gate, and in the game.

"well, i dont need a teacher"..........well, yes you do.
Jesus Is a Teacher, HE is always teaching.
Paul is a Teacher, He is always teaching.
From the Word, through another Teacher.

The bible is Light, Hope, Help, Bread, Seed, Salvation, Life, Water, Milk....but, its of no use unless a born again person is taught how to use the word of God, correctly..
Most believers are not taught how to understand, (Discern) the Word, and they are instead the victims of their Church.
They go, and the Pulpit person reaches back in the OT to talk about David, and the sermon is some sort of "self help" guru type of thing that isn't related to helping them use the word of God for great personal and spiritual benefit.

Listen, Reader.. when a person is dumbed down, spiritually, by being filled with a lot of dark light, then God can't get anything done through that person, but the Devil DOES.

So, just posting verses is a useless endeavor, because verses have to be compared with verses, discerned, and taught.
I help no one if i just post verses.
Its only by opening them, so the Light is revealed, that has the capacity to change a person.
Revelation is Light revealed by Jesus, who is in you......to you.
The Teacher opens the verse, and this is the Light of Revelation that Jesus reveals to you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You are attempting to decieve others yet again. Unbelevable.


Quote me, where im deceiving, as you think this is happening.
See, the game of just implying, is not working for you.

Im very transparent., very clear.
And what i teach, is what Paul teaches, so, if you feel this is "deception"< then you would have no affiliation with Paul or most of the NT< as He wrote most of it.
That's a fact.


Active Member
Nov 30, 2020
From here to Kingdom come.
United States
Behold has been shown time and time again to be a false teacher by his inabilty to show scripture for many of his claims, and you all need to know that before you listen to this poster.

How unfortunate for the innocent among us seeking the truth. As to the not so innocent, the ones pushing false teachings, they will be dealt with when the day comes, if not sooner.
Quote me, where im deceiving, as you think this is happening.
See, the game of just implying, is not working for you.

Im very transparent., very clear.
And what i teach, is what Paul teaches, so, if you feel this is "deception"< then you would have no affiliation with Paul or most of the NT< as He wrote most of it.
That's a fact.

I implied nothing, I did a full post on you trying to decieve others by making up a quote and trying to pin the comment on me when it was not somthing I said. Do you not beven read the posts you reply to?

And don't get me started on where you decieve others with the several posts you made and are unable to substantiate them with scripture, even after being asked to. Making unbiblical, unverifyable comments here is deception, plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
I implied nothing, I did a full post on you trying to decieve others by making up a quote and trying to pin the comment on me when it was not somthing I said. Do you not beven read the posts you reply to?

And don't get me started on where you decieve others with the several posts you made and are unable to substantiate them with scripture, even after being asked to. Making unbiblical, unverifyable comments here is deception, plain and simple.
If the person is wrong with a scripture posted then prove its wrong by quoting the scripture with an exegetical argument otherwise its nothing but your opinion.

hope this helps !!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
And don't get me started on where you decieve others with the several posts you made and are unable to substantiate them with scripture, even after being asked to. Making unbiblical, unverifyable comments here is deception, plain and simple.

Everything i teach is New Testament, Pauline Theology, so, you have big issues with this, apparently, and that will continue until you listen to me, and are able to escape your current mindset.

And also, its one thing, devilish, to say that someone is teaching something that is not "biblical".... but when you don't quote these statements you define, or even understand them.....then that once again is related your spiritual/theological problem, that i can help you solve.

Have you yet tried to answer ...."Why does the Blood of Jesus that keeps you saved, keep you saved no matter what", but actually talking about the Blood of Jesus?
Why do you think it is that you can jump around that, but you can't actually talk about the blood of Jesus in the context of my Question. ?
So, i can help you with this... as i know why you can't.

Also, you have been asked if you believe you can lose your salvation.
So, do you want to run from this question again, or did you finally want to answer it.
And, i can help you with your wrong believing.....as i know your answer, but you are afraid to post it, because you are dealing with me and you are on the hook.

But here is the thing you miss, and many miss.... who talk to me, and argue endlessly.
Im not trying to win an argument.
Im trying to expose the problems, the wrong believing, so that the person can find their way out of Self Righteousness and into God's Righteousness., and by endlessly doing this everywhere i am found, others who hear me, see me, or read me,...= learn, grow, and have awakenings.
I can talk to 300 people at once, and one is a heretic who has all the attitude and all the fight, and so, they are not helped, but the 299, are, and maybe there were 24 who were heretics, and after hearing me, they are now found in Right Believing.
So, heretics are of good use to a good Teacher, who SEES more then you think i do, TheslighetsD.
This happens all the time while i'm dealing with some heretic....as often they will just keep being a heretic, and run along, but others who are on the sidelines, who are on the Theological FENCE... reading all this, find NEW Light and NEW Life.
So, for me, its a win all the time, even tho it can seem like im only dealing with some carnal person who wants to fight.

So, all This is why im talking to you and a few others.. constantly.
See, heretics find me, and this allows the sincere learners, the real students of theology, who are wanting more LIGHT, to find it, by reading how i deal on Threads and with heretics.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
If the person is wrong with a scripture posted then prove its wrong by quoting the scripture

That you quote verses and then think you are proving anything, is why you should not try to be teaching anyone, anything.

But here is a key for you.
Once you are found here.... Hebrews 13:9 ... once this verse has become your ROOTED THEOLOGY.......then God will show you more.
But not until.
See, God builds revelation into a person, one Light at a Time,.. layer upon layer of LIGHT..... and you have to start with understanding the Blood Atonement, perfectly, as that is the Gateway LIGHT that leads to the rest of the Light.

You can also go to Romans 3:20-28 and study those for a while, as they are a companion to Hebrews 13:9.

Need more?
yes you do.

Stop reading Matthew, Hebrews, and James...for a while..
Go and study, Colossians, Ephesians, and Philippians for a few months, and then Romans and Galatians.
After that, dig into Titus and 1-2 Timothy...
But do it in that order.....
This really matters, and take a year to do it.

Stay there for a year, and you will come out the other side, existing in Right Believing.

Now, no other Teacher is going to tell you to do exactly that, as your rescue.
I did, because i know you, i have seen you.
Its the same with Ferris and Justbyfaith, and CharismaticLady, and a few others..
Do what i just told you to do, and you will find that the BIBLE becomes alive, and that Jesus becomes more and more and more, to you.

Listen to me. > Reader.
God is always looking for someone to elevate into the "call".
God called Paul, apart, ......and gave him the New Testament, the "gospel of the Grace of God".......and "Church Doctrine".
From Jesus to Paul......not Jesus to Peter, and not Jesus to Jude.
So, when you study the one who God called = LATER..... who wrote the MAIN THINGS....
See it?
This is why Paul and no other apostle told you, "be followers of ME < as i follow Christ"".

And your pope, pastor, bishop, minister, never told you that.

I did.
Try it and find out WHY i told you.
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Active Member
Nov 30, 2020
From here to Kingdom come.
United States
If the person is wrong with a scripture posted then prove its wrong by quoting the scripture with an exegetical argument otherwise its nothing but your opinion.

hope this helps !!!

LOL! Hilarious.

It's nothing but opinion because you cant back it up in the first place.

I suppose that is one way to dishonestly try to weasel ones way out of simply backing their false teachings up with the bible. Please stop trying to confuse a very simple issue...either back your comments up with scripture when asked to or not.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
LOL! Hilarious.

It's nothing but opinion because you cant back it up in the first place.

I suppose that is one way to dishonestly try to weasel ones way out of simply backing their false teachings up with the bible. Please stop trying to confuse a very simple issue...either back your comments up with scripture when asked to or not.
more rambling void of scripture and context of scripture.........................

as to be expected just humanism...........................
