President Trump just filed a check mate filing to the USSC

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Dave Watchman

Active Member
May 14, 2017
United States
US Supreme Court DENIES Texas election lawsuit for ‘lack of standing’
11 Dec, 2020 23:37 / Updated 10 hours ago

The US Supreme Court has rejected the request by Texas to sue four battleground states for improperly administered elections, citing “lack of standing” under the Constitution. Justices Alito and Thomas dissented.

The court announced on Friday evening that the motion by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was denied the leave to file “for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution.”

So the SCOTUS says Texas has a "lack of standing" in a concern about how Pennsylvania conducts it's election. Not that there was a problem with the theory of the suit itself, it just wasn't any of Texas' business. But it is Trump's business, so now he's suing Pennsylvania, because they had no business in changing the voting methods, bypassing the legislature, in violation of their own constitution and the constitution of the United States.

Watch this video, and know therefore and understand why doing this now has put the SCOTUS under great pressure to act. If the Supreme justices do not deal with this in a timely fashion, ie before inauguration day, they could be held for treason. Trump has them pinned down.



Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Is the Luciferian forum in this Christian site, as one of the discussion headings? Or is it an entirely different web site?
I wouldn't imagine there is a Luciferian Forum at this site.

Why hasn't there been a push to audit Dominion voting machines well before December? Like, oh I dunno, on November 4th?
When those machines can be hacked in order to steal a vote one can assume they are able to be hacked to clear all evidence of the steal.
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Why hasn't there been a push to audit Dominion voting machines well before December? ...

For the same reason that the Michigan State Attorney General fought the release of the Antrim County voting machine Audit Results?

I'm reminded of Dan. 10:

Dan. 10:13 The prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; but Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, so I left him there with the prince of the kingdom of Persia ...

With VERY Best Regards,
Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
For the same reason that the Michigan State Attorney General fought the release of the Antrim County voting machine Audit Results?

I'm reminded of Dan. 10:

Dan. 10:13 The prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; but Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, so I left him there with the prince of the kingdom of Persia ...

With VERY Best Regards,
Bobby Jo
Remember that old adage? You can't buy what ain't for sale?
I wonder how much money it costs now days to buy a nation? All the people who have to be in league to conspire to that Treason/Sale.

Imagine the expensive gifts under their trees.
"Awww, honey! It's beautiful. How did we ever afford it......"
"Easy dear, I just sold out the future of America to our enemies."
Ho, Ho, Ho!


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
On Friday 12-11-2020, the USA Supreme Court sent a loud and clear message to Donald Trump.

Message : "If we do the right thing and overturn the Fraud, the same people who were burning cities 3 months ago will try to kill us all, and the News Media will arm them and help them search for, we have to pass on that one Mr Trump.....see ya.".
I would rather see the right thing get done and take our chances with those domestic terrorists than do the wrong thing and take our chances with an out of control tyrannical government. If those thugs get too out of control they will have to deal with heavily armed militias along with American Patriots in general who are fed up with their nonsense!

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... If those thugs get too out of control they will have to deal with heavily armed militias along with American Patriots in general who are fed up with their nonsense!

Can't do it!!! -- Cameras on every street light and even some 10% of the nations door bells are hooked up to Police Departments; Facial Recognition; License Plate Readers on every major on-ramp and off-ramp; phone surveillance; computer surveillance; purchase surveillance.

Can't do it!

Rev. 13:5 If any one is to be taken captive,
to captivity he goes;
if any one slays with the sword,
with the sword must he be slain. ...

All we can do is ENDURE:

Rev. 13:5 ... Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.
Rev. 14:12 Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.

That's why they call the Tribulation, and not the Revolution. -- We'll have to wait until Jesus Returns to see the Revolution! :)

With Best Regards,
Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Why hasn't there been a push to audit Dominion voting machines well before December? Like, oh I dunno, on November 4th?
How about January 2017 when Trump was inaugurated? Dominion had already been outed by DEMOCRATS by that time.

'"The voting machine lobby, led by the biggest company, ES&S, believes they are above the law,” said Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., a member of the Intelligence Committee who co-signed the letter. “They have not had anybody hold them accountable even on the most basic matters.”'

"Dominion’s Democracy Suite system was chosen for statewide implementation in New Mexico in 2013, the first year it was rejected by the state of Texas."

Why was nothing done since then? There is absolutely no excuse for this negligence. And it was not just Dominion but the whole system of election fraud in every state. Only an independent investigative commission could have rooted out the rot, provided a special prosecutor was within that commission.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
How about January 2017 when Trump was inaugurated? Dominion had already been outed by DEMOCRATS by that time.

'"The voting machine lobby, led by the biggest company, ES&S, believes they are above the law,” said Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., a member of the Intelligence Committee who co-signed the letter. “They have not had anybody hold them accountable even on the most basic matters.”'

"Dominion’s Democracy Suite system was chosen for statewide implementation in New Mexico in 2013, the first year it was rejected by the state of Texas."

Why was nothing done since then? There is absolutely no excuse for this negligence. And it was not just Dominion but the whole system of election fraud in every state. Only an independent investigative commission could have rooted out the rot, provided a special prosecutor was within that commission.

2011 Canadian federal election voter suppression scandal - Wikipedia

BC Liberal candidate accused of elections fraud
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
Okay ,so I got banned on another site for asking a question, so I will ask the same question here. Why do you all think trump is of God?


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
Obama's first official act in office, was to remove "don't ask, don't tell' from the USA Military.

Obama's last official act in office, was to give Iran 1.5 Billion USD.

So, i ask you...
If Iran used that 1.5 Billion to create 5 Nukes that hit Texas, Florida, Vermont, Virginia, and last but not least, Washington DC, can we agree that Obama caused this to happen?
See how that Math works out?
OR if Iran used the 1.5 Billion to build 5 Nukes that Hit Tel Aviv, .......
See how that Math works out...?

He did not give Iran anything, it was their own money ,funny acting Christians around here.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
Check out this 31 second twitter video clip from today.

December 13 2020.

Obama is asked if he wishes he could have a third term.

He said if he could make an "arrangement" where he could have a front man, or a front woman, to stand up there while he called all the shots, he'd be fine with it.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1338102275571671041|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

Anybody think there are not people out there considering this?

Or planing for it?

This stuff is giving me the goose bumps.

"I saw Satan as Lightning from Heaven.

“Lightning” in Hebrew is “Barak”.

Now I see why there are so many confused people on this site


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
I don't and haven't seen any Dems being indicted and or charged with any crimes even with trump and his cronnies in control

About a year before Donald Trump’s shocking presidential victory, the real-estate mogul made a promise: If elected, he would surround himself “only with the best people.”

“I’m going to surround myself only with the best and most serious people,” Trump told The Washington Post in August 2015. “We want top of the line professionals.”

Since then, it’s become clear Trump has a dubious understanding of “best.” At least 18 shady figures in the president’s orbit have either been arrested or gone to jail since he took office, on charges from fraud to battery to child pornography. While many of those charges stem from former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian election interference in 2016, several other politicians and donors have been convicted of crimes unrelated to the president.

Here are all the Trumpworld figures who have been arrested, indicted, or locked up:

Paul Manafort
Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, was sentenced in March to more than seven years in prison after being convicted of charges stemming from two separate cases brought by Special Counsel Mueller. Minutes after he was sentenced in federal court, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office indicted him on 16 additional charges, including residential mortgage fraud and falsifying business records. This month, a New York court upheld a trial judge’s ruling that the fraud charges should be tossed because they violate the state’s double-jeopardy law.

Manafort, who worked for Trump’s campaign for five months in 2016, was convicted in August 2018 on eight counts of financial-related crimes for using foreign accounts to hide the millions he earned from political consulting work for former Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych. About a month later, Manafort pleaded guilty to 10 other charges in federal court in Washington, D.C., and agreed to cooperate with the Mueller probe. A federal judge ultimately ruled Manafort violated his plea agreement with the government by repeatedly lying to Mueller’s investigators about his Russian contacts before and after the 2016 election.

Rick Gates
Rick Gates, a former Trump campaign official, was sentenced to three years of probation and 45 days in jail last December after famously flipping on the president during the Mueller investigation. As part of a plea deal, the longtime Manafort deputy admitted to several crimes, including conspiracy and lying to investigators. Gates gave the Mueller team key insights into the Trump campaign’s actions during the 2016 election and admitted to helping Manafort conceal millions in foreign bank accounts that the pair earned from work in Ukraine.

Gates, who was originally charged with lobbying violations and tax and bank fraud alongside his boss, also spilled on how Manafort had instructed him to periodically contact one individual—whose name is redacted in FBI documents—to gain information about when hacked Democratic emails would be published.

The one-time Republican operative also testified in Manafort and Roger Stone’s trials. Under cross-examination in Manafort’s Virginia tax and bank fraud trial, Gates stared at his former mentor and explained his decision. “Mr. Manafort had the same path. I’m here,” he said, as his voice shook. “I am trying to change. I am taking responsibility.”

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn
Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn flipped on the Trump campaign in December 2017 after pleading guilty to making false statements about his conversations with Russia’s ambassador to the United States weeks before the inauguration.

While he served as Trump’s national security adviser, the former three-star Army general denied asking then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak to “refrain from escalating in response to [American] sanctions” the Obama administration had imposed on Moscow for meddling in the 2016 presidential election. Flynn also denied having asked Kislyak to delay a United Nations Security Council vote on Israeli settlements. Both lies were made during an interview with FBI agents on Jan. 24, 2017, the feds said.

Though Flynn agreed to cooperate with Mueller in 2017, the Trumpkin reversed his posture two years later—claiming he was coerced into a guilty plea by prosecutors and federal agents. Earlier this year, Attorney General William Barr appointed a U.S. attorney to review the case and even moved in May to dismiss the charges altogether. Refusing to give in to outside pressure, a federal judge presiding over the case appointed an outside adviser to argue against dismissal, and the case is still alive.

Michael Cohen
Michael Cohen, the president’s former fixer, was sentenced in 2018 to three years in prison after pleading guilty to lying to Congress about hush-money payments and plans to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

While refusing to sign a cooperation agreement, the president’s former personal lawyer agreed to help with ongoing investigations. In the case brought by Manhattan federal prosecutors, Cohen admitted to breaking campaign finance law by doling out hush money to adult-film star Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, who claim they had affairs with Trump. In the case brought by Mueller, Cohen admitted to lying to Congress about the extent of the plans for a Trump Tower in Moscow in 2016 and responses from the Kremlin about the foreign project.

In May, a judge allowed Cohen to serve the remainder of his time behind bars in home confinement due to concerns about the coronavirus pandemic. But on July 9, he was sent back to prison after questioning an agreement that barred him from publishing a tell-all book, his legal team said. Cohen sued Attorney General William Barr and the Bureau of Prisons director and was released from prison after a federal judge ruled he was “retaliated” against. He has since launched a podcast, “Mea Culpa,” as part of his “mission to right the wrongs he perpetuated on behalf of his boss.”

fake news as yall say, I think not


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
I wish I could say I hope it works.

I thought the Pennsylvania SC case was thrown out so they could do the Texas one.

I like to tease the lefties on another whipp media religious forum where they let the Satanists and Atheists and Eastern Mystics and all religions in.

I definitely think something is going on here.

God blessed Texas with His own hand.

I did this post on the Luciferian forum yesterday.

It made me laugh so hard.

So I just hit the bb editor and was able to copy and paste the whole thing images and all:

Get ready for some fireworks.

The state of Texas (along with Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and South Dakota) is suing the states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in the Supreme Court.

Texas is arguing that those four states violated the constitution when they passed new election laws to allow mail-in voting and other changes to their election process.

The Constitution of the United States is explicit that only state legislators NOT state governors, attorney generals, or secretary of states can change how elections are processed.

The media is keeping pretty quiet about this, or attempting to frame it as nothing, but it is a HUGE deal. The Supreme Court has already docketed the case meaning that the SCOTUS will hear it.

How and When the SCOTUS Will Overturn the Election | Zero Hedge | Zero Hedge
21 states join the Texas Law Suit.

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia.

Arizona Joins 20 Other States In Texas Election Lawsuit With The Supreme Court
By Pamela Geller - on December 9, 2020

Arizona Joins 20 Other States In Texas Election Lawsuit With The Supreme Court - Geller Report News


First He made the sunshine, then He made the water deep
Then He gave us moonlight for all the world to see
Well, everybody knows that the Lord works in mysterious ways
He took a rest, then on the very next day

God blessed Texas with His own hand
Brought down angels from the Promised Land
Gave them a place where they could dance
If you wanna see Heaven, brother, here's your chance
Well, I've been sent to spread the message
'God blessed Texas'

God blessed Texas with His own hand
Brought down angels from the Promised Land
He gave them a place where they could dance
If you wanna see Heaven, brother, here's your chance

I've been sent to spread the message
'God blessed Texas'
Well, I've been sent to spread the message
'God blessed Texas'
Well, I've been sent to spread the message
'God blessed Texas'



The election is certified.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday rejected a Texas lawsuit seeking to overturn President Trump’s defeat in four battleground states.

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Okay ,so I got banned on another site for asking a question, so I will ask the same question here. Why do you all think trump is of God?

I'll answer your question: Why do you all think trump is of God. -- Because you ain't!

John 10:25 Jesus answered them, “I told you, and you do not believe. The works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness to me; 26 but you do not believe, because you do not belong to my sheep.

... and the question remains to be seen if you ever will, -- and of course I have my doubts! :)
Bobby Jo
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
You guys. Hate is hate even when aimed at political rivals. Name calling is bad even when aimed at political rivals. Some of the posts on here may be full of facts but there are also some horrible things being said about people whose opinions differ from your own. God can see what's in your hearts, in your minds and what you write. As Christians how can you say such things.