Dead to the Law

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
Luv u 2, CL. ;)
My father-in-law told me a story about a pastor he was studying with who said he could kill his neighbor and molest his wife and he'd still go to Heaven. :eek::confused::rolleyes:o_O
That's just sick.

Yes, that is something Martin Luther wrote!


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Exactly. I love SDA's because of their keenness for holiness, and still have a very soft spot for them. I pretty much despise liberal Christians who brag how much they sin as if grace abounds more in them.

I really love @BarnyFife.
Me too. He's a good one. Came to my defense when I was being bullied by @Blood Bought 1953 and @HisLife.
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
I was hoping someone would mention this promise of the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34). The OP left it that because Christ kept the law perfectly, that we are under no laws whatsoever as long as we trust in Jesus. Wrong. The old flesh is contrary to the written laws. Jesus made us to be born again with a new nature with the laws written on our hearts, so that instead of being contrary to the laws, they are part of our new nature to keep naturally.

cc: @Charlie24

If a person could keep all of the Law ( and they can’t) they would be wasting their time as far as Salvation is concerned....” By The Works Of The Law, NO Flesh shall be Justified) It’s Faith in the Blood Of Jesus That Saves.Plus Nothing.
Obedience to the Law will get you blessed ...if you do not steal, for example, you will be blessed by not going to jail.....
Yes, Obedience to the Law will get you blessed, but it will not Save.Why not? Because it was “ weak and useless” according to Paul....It had NO POWER to could only Condemn..
All the POWER to Save is in the Gospel Found In 1Cor15:1-4.......Trade in your well-intentioned attempts to keep the Law That was never intended to be kept ( Paul said neitherche nor his father’s could keep it) and start relying on something better to lead and guide you—- the Holy can trust Him to “ blow the whistle”, when you get out of line.....give the Law to somebody that still needs it......that would be an unregenerate man or woman who has yet to let that Law serve it’s intended purpose which was to “ close your mouth” about being able to keep it, and let it reveal to you that you are a Sinner in need of a Savior....That is the Conviction Of The Holy Spirit.....once your Heart is Convicted, then one can Repent by NOT Turning “FROM” Sin ( although that can and will be a part of it AFTER you get Saved) But by Turning “ TO” God ......
“ Turn to Me and I will Turn to You”...... Salvation is just THAT simple.....If you “Turn from Sin” without involving a Turn to God are just spinning your wheels uselessly and you are still Lost......
The Prerogative to Save MUST begin with God ( “ no man comes to God unless the Spirit draw him) The Spirit “ draws” men by the Conviction Of Sin. That Conviction gives one a Contrite Heart.....That Contrite Heart Turns to God or REPENTS toward God and with the “ Mind Change” (Repentance) that he is a Sinner That MUST have a Savior because he Can’t keep the Law .....he puts his Faith in the One that DID keep the Law and thereby became the one who was Crucified, dead and Buried and rose from the dead in order to get you Saved.... all YOU Gotta do is simply Believe it......
Just do God’s Will.....” Believe in the One that He sent” ....Obey God’s New Testament Commandment, which is to REST in the Gospel ....If you ain’t “ Resting” , you are Working and God won’t have it.....Ask Cain......or the Pharisees’s not what you are doing “ FOR” God that’s what God did for YOU....He Gave His Son .....Simply Believe it.....



Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2018
Rust Belt
United States
Yout Put that standard on Others but don't do it yourself you'd surely have to cut your head off, The only Man to live As Righteous As God is Jesus, To enter Heaven You must be Perfect, You need Jesus Righteousness inputted to you,Have you heard For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing? The Body Has To Die, God Makes A New one that can enter Heaven, The righteousness Of Jesus And A perfect Glorified Body Can Enter Heaven But its all Because of What Jesus did, It's his Workmanship,I see two side effects, Grace and Gratitude Or trying to do it your way killing your self

I take Jesus at His word, sin cannot enter Heaven so we better do whatever has to be done to get sin out of our lives. Sin = death.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2018
Rust Belt
United States
Every person is saved by God apart from water, if they are born again.
Also, i do agree that you have different Gospel then Paul's.
Paul does not teach water saves, and he does not teach that you can lose your salvation.
Those are your gospel's, not mine, and not Paul's.

It’s a false gospel to teach that one cannot fall away from the faith and thus lose Salvation.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Christ receivers will not continue in a lifestyle of sinning (1 John 3:9, 1 John 3:6, 1 john 2:17).

Thats the idea.
But, its not always the reality.
So, being a good Christian or being a backslidden Christian, is still the same born again situation.
Once you are born again, you are always born again.

Its no different then. being born of your mother.
You can't stop being born, and if you are a murdering lying child molesting, pervert, you are still BORN and will remain so...

What am i showing you for the 100th time?
Im showing you that once you are BORN, you STAY BORN, and your behavior has no effect on it.
So, if you are born AGAIN, you remain matter how you BEHAVE later.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
What's the difference?

What is the difference between you trying to keep yourself saved by holding onto your faith, or ...

A real believer who understands that God saved them with the Blood of Jesus, and keeps them saved.... = with the Blood of Jesus...

What is the difference between those 2. ????????????

Figure it out.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
No; I believe that He wants to be given to people as the result of being baptized in Jesus' Name (Acts of the Apostles 2:38-39)

You are teaching that God wants to give the Holy Spirit to a person, because they go underwater.
That God is waiting for this to happen.

Yet, the NT says that "all who call on Jesus shall be saved".
No water involved.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Notice that Romans 4:8 says, "Blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin." It does not say who that man is.

If it is talking about the person who is born of God, i

Do you think the verse that says....>"blessed is the MAN to whom GOD WILL NOT CHARGE THEIR SIN TO THEM" talking about Penguins?
Who do you think this NT verse, written by PAUL is talking to>?
See, this verse erases your Theology, after it castigates it as heresy.
And your issue is, you are so lost in "Self Saving" that when a verse like this one exposes you, you can't even try to believe it.
All you can do is try to AVOID IT and dive back into the WATER.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Having damnation for they have cast off the faith they had AT First .
Let us continue in Christ , holding our Faith in HIM , firm to the end .
For we are made partakers of Christ if we hold our confidence , IN HIM , Firm to the end .
Let none be moved away by another gospel . THERE is no other gospel but the one which has been proclaimed .
And that IS , that JESUS alone is the savoir . Confess HIM by mouth and believe that GOD has rose Him from the dead to be saved .
Let all who name the name of JESUS depart from inquity . Doing , by the Spirit , the things which are pleasing IN HIS sight .
Ye shall know them by their fruits . And the very fruit of the SPIRIT is in all goodness , righteousness and truth .
Proving what is acceptable unto GOD . No grace would have us to call evil what God has called good and to call good what God calls evil .
And meats drinks and days , well let each be fully persauded in their own mind . But let none support sin or ever call it good or love .
The Spirit has us to do what is pleasing to GOD , and sin is not pleasing unto God .
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
No one is in Christ if they’re still a sinner. We are either Saints or sinners. There’s no in between.
But isn't this really a vague and sweeping generalization that just confuses people? I mean, I agree with you because the goal of atonement is to restore the image of God in mankind fully, which has to lead eventually to complete sinlessness, but isn't there more that needs to be said? What is a sinner? What is a saint? These are rhetorical questions in a sense. But, if we're being honest with ourselves and God, wouldn't we have to admit that we sin all the time, even if only by thought or omission? And aren't even our good deeds tainted with selfishness to some degree? There are only two main characters in the Bible of which there is no sin recorded--Joseph and Daniel. But even Daniel prayed and confessed that he, at least as a part of Israel, had sinned against God? Isn't sanctification the work of a lifetime or is it instant upon conversion?

I've addressed a lot here, but I guess I'm just wondering if anyone thinks I'm making any sense here. I just think that sometimes we're just more concerned with being accurate than being helpful. And this is not meant to be directed at you, personally, because I see this all the time--I even do it myself, all too often. So: Note To Self:



Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
It’s a false gospel to teach that one cannot fall away from the faith and thus lose Salvation.

Is Salvation depending on you, or is it depending on the Blood of Jesus?
It can't be both.

So....You, like all legalists, think that Salvation is..... "god started it, and if im good and do right, i can KEEP MYSELF SAVED".
You have now defined yourself as a "SELF SAVER" and when you become this, you have no real Faith in Christ to Keep you saved.
So, see that? That is HERESY that you are teaching, defined as Galatians 1:8.
Go now and Figure this out, .... and once you do, you'll finally begin to understand "The Gift of Salvation" and why "eternal life" is not Temporary, and why going to Heaven is only based on the CROSS and never ever is it based on your SELF RIGHTEOUS SELF EFFORT.