No authority!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
Then name the erroneous conclusions of unanimous consent. It can't be done. You assert what you can't prove.

Acts 7:2; 22:1,1 John 2:13 – elders of the Church are called “fathers.”
But you refuse to name or quote the ECF who "couldn't seem to separate old and new covenants". I'm talking about unanimous consent which you avoid like the covid virus. I am not talking about the bits and pieces you guys like to take out of context.

Much love!
The Bible contains sufficient enough indication of apostolic succession (though probably not “explicit” enough by unbiblical sola Scriptura standards to convince most Protestants: what else is new?).

St. Paul appears to be passing his office along to Timothy (1 Tim 6:20; 2 Tim 1:6, 13-14, 2:1-2, 4:1-6). See, for example:

2 Timothy 2:1-2

There are many indirect indications. When Jesus gives His disciples charge to do certain things, it is seen, by and large, by Protestants, as commands to their successors as well (perhaps not always apostolic succession per se, but at least succession as believers in Christ). So, for example, when Jesus tells His disciples to preach the gospel or to baptize, virtually all Christians today think that this applies to all Christians in perpetuity. Yet when Jesus tells the same disciples to “bind and loose” (Matt 18:18; John 20:23; also to St. Peter individually in Matt 16:19), somehow that is not seen as a thing that is perpetually relevant through history, and is relegated to their time only.

This makes no sense. For one to take such a position, they have to establish a solid reason why they regard one instance as perpetual and the other as temporary. I contend that it can’t be done; that any such criterion would be completely arbitrary. Often, sadly, it comes down to merely a contra-Catholic mentality and rationale: “Catholics believe thus-and-so, and so we must oppose it, no matter what the Bible may state on the subject.”

The “send” motif in Scripture is right to the point:

Luke 9:1-2

John 17:18

John 20:21

Luke 10:1-3

The latter passages appears to imply that there are many others involved besides just the 70 (which is already an expansion upon the original twelve). This implies succession and perpetuity.

Acts 1:8

This is interesting in its implications. Who was Jesus talking to here? The earlier part of the chapter refers to “the apostles whom he had chosen. To them he presented himself alive after his passion by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days, and speaking of the kingdom of God” (1:2-3). He then encourages them to wait to receive the power of the Holy Spirit (1:4-5, 8). It’s unclear how many people saw Jesus ascend to heaven (1:9-11).
The text then talks about the early Christians fellowshipping together; including “women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers” (1:12-14). In the next verse the “brethren” are said to be “about a hundred and twenty” (1:15). Later in the chapter we see explicit proof of apostolic succession (as discussed in my linked paper above): Judas was replaced by Matthias (1:17-26), and an OT passage is cited: “His office let another take” (1:20).
But getting back to the “send” motif: Jesus “sends” His disciples and they in turn “send” others by means of the established practice of ordaining and calling men to ministry through the Church (by the laying on of hands). So, for example:
Acts 13:1-4

Acts 15:22, 25

Romans 10:15

1 Timothy 4:14-16

1 Timothy 5:22

2 Timothy 1:6

Disciples and their successors (priests and bishops) are direct representatives of Jesus:

Matthew 10:40

Luke 10:16

John 13:20

2 Corinthians 5:20


Spiritual Fathers have care for our souls!

Acts 20:28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

Jn 21:17 feed my sheep:

Heb 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they care for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

1 Tim 1:2 Unto Timothy, my own son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.

Gal 4:19 My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you

1 John 2
My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not.

That makes Peter, Paul and John spiritual fathers, pastors of our souls!

Is 22 the administrator of the kingdom is called father, so the same for Peter, the apostles, and their successors!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
Yeah and what does that have to do with the false doctrine of Apostolic Succession.

If Rome thought Apostolic succession were even remotely true, then why don't they reopen the Canon of Scripture to allow for the writings of all those other alleged apostles to be included?

lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
YEah and they were not ROME , they were not the RCC .
If paul , peter , james , jude , stephen , john and scores of others were alive today
THEY would be hollering with all urgency , GET OUTTA OF THE RCC , SHE IS A WHORE and DEADLY .
When i continually holler read those bibles , WHO WROTE THE LETTERS in those bibles . PETER DID , paul did , james did , jude did
JOHN Did . AND yalls church , while it claims its built on them , OMITS THEIR DOCTRINE .
Yeah . ponder on that one for a while . I Know the canon was inspired by GOD
And yet i never saw mary exalted in it , AS yalls leaders have done .
There is a huge difference between saying the canon is inspired by GOD , and yet we aint following it . GO YE AND LEARN THAT .

what doctrine
“Faith alone” doctrine of demons

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
The authority of the apostles continues in the church founded by Christ!
I personally don't have a problem with God continually raising up people to fill the various offices of apostle, teacher, pastor, etc. I just don't think any of them are in the Catholic church. I don't think a true, anointed leader gifted by God to fill an official office in the church would be deceived by Catholic teachings. I really don't.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I personally don't have a problem with God continually raising up people to fill the various offices of apostle, teacher, pastor, etc. I just don't think any of them are in the Catholic church. I don't think a true, anointed leader gifted by God to fill an official office in the church would be deceived by Catholic teachings. I really don't.
Very true my friend . Anyone who is seasoned and learned would have nothing to do with their doctrine .
They would already know better . Let us pray the Lord pulls folks out of any tradition which is not Christ centered .
We cannot bow down to man and GOD . We cannot serve the table of RCC and the table of Christ .
And as i often say most all of even the protestant realm has tanked or is tanking very fast now .
House churches will be on the rise , cave churches , even churches in the woods and fields . For the lambs shall gather with lambs
to HONOR CHRIST . And this world is truly about to turn against the true lambs .
This delusion , this all inclusion stuff , this we are one unity ecuminical movement grows darker by the hour .
More and more they holler even against true proleystyzing , against those who would correct certain sins .
This false love unity movement is sucking up everything in its paths .
I even see open witchcraft in the churches now . But they call it angel boards or destiny cards .
I see all sides accepting gay marriage and other evil works calling it love and tolerance .
This generation is in dire deep trouble . AND we must not fear man or what he can do . ARISE and PUT ALL AMOUR ON .
And remember this world , the churches , even the other religions and society will continue to merge under a we are one concept
a false love , thinking its GOD , when in truth its the god of this world satan . We must warn and remind as many as we can .
AND he or she who has ears will hear the truth and the rest will not .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
what doctrine
“Faith alone” doctrine of demons
You know very well i say faith without works is dead . You are running out of gas my friend .
Faith without works is dead , so is pope francis and his all inclusive false love works without FAITH .
You cant let buddists and muslims and un believing jews or anyone else believe THEIR PATH IS OKAY .
What a lie . Heck even some catholics know to steer clear of this pope .
My prayer will continue to be that folks get pulled out of any church whose leaders teach such falsehoods .
Cause we all know there is no perfect church gathering , BUT IF THE DOCTRINE TAUGHT is NOT perfect , but rather false
then the folks that sit under such will fall . My message will remain no matter the cost .
I will not bow to gay marriage or any other sin which endangers the life of those who do so .
GOD is who i serve in Christ JESUS by the power of THE SPIRIT . And without HIM i can do nothing .
But in HIM i shall abound no matter what comes against me . FLEE the false ecumincal movement as well . Its unity
is of man . For if they sought true unity they would not omit truth in order to obtain that unity .
EITHER we serve CHRIST and expose that which is false , Either we stand on the STONE JESUS the very corner stone
of the temple . Or we gonna fall and our end is gonna be bad .JESUS the prophets and apostels are the very foundation of this temple i speak about .
ITs not too late for anyone reading this . IF you are still alive , all one has to do is repent and start fresh .
GOD is full of mercy and desires not the death of the wicked but rather they repent .
And LONG SUFFERING HE is and has been . BUT THAT DOOR is gonna one day SHUT and once it does
If you outside of that ark , BODY OF JESUS , WOE wail that day cause under HIS WRATH YOU GO .
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
I personally don't have a problem with God continually raising up people to fill the various offices of apostle, teacher, pastor, etc. I just don't think any of them are in the Catholic church. I don't think a true, anointed leader gifted by God to fill an official office in the church would be deceived by Catholic teachings. I really don't.

not God but the apostles have authority to make and send other apostles


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
You know very well i say faith without works is dead . You are running out of gas my friend .
Faith without works is dead , so is pope francis and his all inclusive false love works without FAITH .
You cant let buddists and muslims and un believing jews or anyone else believe THEIR PATH IS OKAY .
What a lie . Heck even some catholics know to steer clear of this pope .
My prayer will continue to be that folks get pulled out of any church whose leaders teach such falsehoods .
Cause we all know there is no perfect church gathering , BUT IF THE DOCTRINE TAUGHT is NOT perfect , but rather false
then the folks that sit under such will fall . My message will remain no matter the cost .
I will not bow to gay marriage or any other sin which endangers the life of those who do so .
GOD is who i serve in Christ JESUS by the power of THE SPIRIT . And without HIM i can do nothing .
But in HIM i shall abound no matter what comes against me . FLEE the false ecumincal movement as well . Its unity
is of man . For if they sought true unity they would not omit truth in order to obtain that unity .
EITHER we serve CHRIST and expose that which is false , Either we stand on the STONE JESUS the very corner stone
of the temple . Or we gonna fall and our end is gonna be bad .JESUS the prophets and apostels are the very foundation of this temple i speak about .
ITs not too late for anyone reading this . IF you are still alive , all one has to do is repent and start fresh .
GOD is full of mercy and desires not the death of the wicked but rather they repent .
And LONG SUFFERING HE is and has been . BUT THAT DOOR is gonna one day SHUT and once it does
If you outside of that ark , BODY OF JESUS , WOE wail that day cause under HIS WRATH YOU GO .

The church is the ark of salvation

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
The church is the ark of salvation
Yes the church is His body . Sadly many churches today are no longer of the church .
Not all the churches are of the CHURCH .
JESUS is our salvation . And far too many churches preach another JESUS another gospel .
And most bear with them and go with that flow . But the sheep do not hear the voices of strangers . THEY HEED the GLORIOUS VOICE of CHRIST .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Maybe. But true apostles aren't Catholic. I'm convinced that a true leader sent from God, filled with the Holy Spirit for service to God, would not believe Catholic teachings.
It is God my friend . even when the apostels were trying to appoint the next apostel , they prayed to GOD
and asked HIM to reveal it . God is the one who appoints whoever to be whatever . He uses men to do so
but it is HIM doing the guiding .


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
It is God my friend . even when the apostels were trying to appoint the next apostel , they prayed to GOD
and asked HIM to reveal it . God is the one who appoints whoever to be whatever . He uses men to do so
but it is HIM doing the guiding .

Jn 15:5 it is His church


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
The standard Catholic apologetics argument from the Bible for apostolic succession is the selection of Matthias to succeed Judas (Acts 1:16-26). That includes taking note that the word for “office” in 1:20 is episkopos: the word for “bishop.” Thus, we have some sort of equation of apostles and bishops, which is necessary, for we believe that bishops are indeed the successors of (but not identical to) the apostles.
If the premise is that succession means identical, then the misunderstandings are endless.

The Primacy of Peter, the Papacy and Apostolic Succession (
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