Aliens/nephillim at miami mall???

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Active Member
May 1, 2023
Somewhere west of Mississippi River
United States
Well, the book of Enoch may not be part of the canonical bible. But there are NT references to the writing of Enoch.

Well, sorry Ziggy, but I will be blunt here... the book of Enoch has gained popularity in recent years, as indicated by a large variety of recent YouTube videos sporting millions of views. It is also a source of inspiration for parts of Darren Aronofsky's 2014 film Noah. With a recent increase in the popularity of the Book fo Enoch, and its alleged quote in the New Testament, but the real question is, is this mysterious book really an authentic biblical source? I do not think so!

First, the book of Enoch is a pseudepigraphic work, which means that it FALSELY used Enouch's name. Enoch lives more than 3,000 years before the book was written. In other words, it refers to works that falsely claim to be written by a specific author. The very title of the Book of Enoch is a LIE!
Second, the Book of Enoch contains far-fetched information that the Bible refutes. For instance, it describes fallen angels having physical sexual relations with human women to produce a race of "giants" called “Nephilim.” This is a popular but INCORRECT - - even potentially blasphemous—belief that some try to add to Genesis 6. This is just one example of many dubious information in the Book of Enoch that does not align with the Bible.

Lastly, there is abundant evidence that the Bible is a COMPLETE BOOK, inerrant in its original form. The Book of Enoch contains material that can pique the interest of those with “itching ears” who want to “hear some new thing” like you are doing right now, 2 Timothy 4:3; Acts 17:21. Such “juicy” materials are especially dangerous when they attempt to corrupt understanding of God’s true word.

I also would not mess with the book of Jasher too! As for quoted:

Jde 1:14
And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,

Jude 14–15, because a popular claim suggests that these two verses quote the Book of Enoch and therefore show that this book is “missing” from the Bible.

Jud 1:14-15
(14) And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,
(15) To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

This passage is very similar to a passage in the Book of Enoch. However, notice that Jude did NOT mention the Book of Enoch—he didn’t write, “the Book of Enoch says.” Instead, he quoted Enoch’s prophecy, which, while not recorded elsewhere in the Bible, could very well have been part of the knowledge and traditions that had been passed down at that time. There is NO PROOF that Jude was quoting from the Book of Enoch, which itself could easily have been quoting something else.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Seems there is always a troll, conspiracy deniers.

The government has been caught lying so many times, it’s now CONSPIRACY FACT.
The cult sends people to do exactly what we're seeing try to discredit the truth. Thing is, a person who is truly invested in the Biblical truth will see that all the things that are coming on the earth are fulfilling scripture. We aren't called to be ignorant.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Well, I enjoy listening anyways. It helps to open my understanding to other scriptures that are in the bible.
As I understand it, there were some sects in the early church that used to study this book we call the book of Enoch.
Perhaps they were just writings on papya sheets or scrolls. Perhaps it was oral traditions written in a book called the book of Enoch.
I do believe they found parts of this among the dead sea scrolls among ather writings of Jeremiah and Isaiah.
You don't discount Jeremiah or Isaiah do you?

Who wrote those books?

And when someone is thinking something in their heart or mind, how does the one writing the book know these things?
Like if Jesus went up into a mountain alone, how do they know he prayed?

Faith. We put a lot of faith in the words that are written and recorded for our learning.
If you read something and it don't fit, then leave it and come back to it later.
If it is uninspired you can hear that. Because it doesn't align with what we have learned and it doesn't mesh with the spirit in us.

First you have to have faith that God will lead you in all understanding if ye seek, ask and knock.
Then you have to trust that God will show you if it has truth or not and aligns with his spirit.
There are a lot of truths found in the world that are not in the bible.
As John said, there are not enough books in the world to fill all the works of God.

Rom 1:20
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Not every thing is in the bible. God is still writing his story and we are still living in it.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Can we just blame it on Trump, like everything else and have done with it??

It would be much easier that way and we could get on with other things.
Blame what on Trump? lol
You know, he did get some key things like the "Space Force" in place... lol.

But hey, the "alien" thing has been used for a very long time. MK Ultra is fraught with it .... things created in labs, and cooperation with fallen entities in exchange for power (a lie) and technology.

Did you ever see this speech by Mark Milley?



Active Member
Aug 3, 2023
The book of Enoch is NOT part of the Bible so I won't deal with it if I were you. It is anything but FICTION. Therefore, that would be like trying to put out a well-thought-out rebuttal to the writings concerning the god Thor and his great hammer. It is just that ridiculous. Like Ezekiel's wheel is a spaceship, or the pyramids of Egypt built by extraterrestrials. That is what non-human beings mating with humans are. This is way out of the Christian realm! We deal with actual Scripture issues and let the scientists and historians give credence to fantasies like those!

That is also why God exhorts us not to interpret scripture by anything "man" says outside the written Scripture. It doesn't matter whether it is John Calvin, The Encyclopedia Britannica, the Westminster Confession, the book of Enoch, or Josephus. Let God be true and every man a liar. Yet man has continued to make the exact same mistakes throughout "Biblical" history, in that he is always attempting to define God's word by the words of men, by Church traditions or by secular historical writings.
It sounds to me like you think the Bible wasn't written by men. You're making the point that we should only believe what's written in the Bible, and nothing else. Interestingly, the book of Enoch is included in the Ethiopian Bible, so which Bible should we believe according to you?

You say not to believe Enoch, even though it is part of the Bible. You say not to believe man, even though the Bible was written by man. I would appreciate your opinion a lot more if you were consistent, and logical.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2023
I am not part of this world or need to worry about the government, Area 51, etc. Don't get distracted by conspiracy theories, paranormal activities, or a walking 10-foot-tall shady man. Focus on the Scripture and the Great Commission. Selah!
So, you didn't answer my question, which was whether you believe the government doesn't lie to the people, because that was your original point, not to take seriously anyone who distrusts the government. It sounds more like you've decided to just ignore the government, and pretend that nothing outside the Bible is of any consequence. I don't think that's how God intended you to go through life.

All the wisdom in the world, is not in the Bible. The Bible is a collection of important writings, but it is not an all encompassing divine encyclopedia sent down to us from heaven. It simply doesn't tell us everything, so then to pretend that nothing outside of the Bible matters, is very shortsighted indeed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
The cult sends people to do exactly what we're seeing try to discredit the truth. Thing is, a person who is truly invested in the Biblical truth will see that all the things that are coming on the earth are fulfilling scripture. We aren't called to be ignorant.
You know the bible says even the devil knows the bible.
And I believe he uses it a lot to imitate what is written.
He also knows that if you are steadfast in the Lord, his chances with messing with you are pretty slim.
But take anyone else who doesn't know the word or have the spirit of God, he can easily walk them off a cliff.
The devil tried to trick Jesus showing him all the wonders of the world, and then claimed he had the power to give him all this glory if he would only bow down and worship him.
The devil had nothing. He had no power, no glory with which he could give, even though he claimed they were his.
Jesus didn't fall for it. He knew his father's word. He knew the truth. And he knew that he already had God's blessing and the power and the glory.
And the devil tucked his tail between his legs and went away.

The devil don't have anythng to give you that God hasn't already given you.
Nothing this world has to offer is greater than the love God gives us every second of every minute of every hour of every day.
Every breath you take is a gift from God.

I'm feeling feisty.. must of been that icecream lol
Think I'll head out shortly though, it's been a long day and I sure have enjoyed all the conversations taking place in all the threads.
You guys and gals are awesome.
And I love you all!
Goodnight now
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Active Member
Aug 3, 2023
Here are some clearer images of one of the videos I had posted earlier in the thread. You can clearly see that this thing is facing to the right in the first two pictures, and then facing to the left in the last two, which means it's not a statue. It's moving.






Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Blame what on Trump? lol
You know, he did get some key things like the "Space Force" in place... lol.

But hey, the "alien" thing has been used for a very long time. MK Ultra is fraught with it .... things created in labs, and cooperation with fallen entities in exchange for power (a lie) and technology.

Did you ever see this speech by Mark Milley?

Little green men LOL
Look this guy wears lipstick. I wouldn't believe anything he says.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Here are some clearer images of one of the videos I had posted earlier in the thread. You can clearly see that this thing is facing to the right in the first two pictures, and then facing to the left in the last two, which means it's not a statue. It's moving.

View attachment 40106

View attachment 40107

View attachment 40108

View attachment 40109
Government has a lot of technology things like project bluebeam that can project images that look real time.
They are setting us up to accept a lie of alien invasion.
They been pushing this narrative for awhile now and they getting ready to unleash it on the world.

Question is, are you going to fall for it or not?

Look when the coof, er, plandemic, i mean covid first came out a lot of people fell for the panic and the irrational attacks on each other was unrealistic. People were calling police on family members for not wearing a mask or walking on the beach.
They had everyone so fearful that they didn't want to go outside. They were afraid to question authority even while they watched their loved ones die behind plastic barriers.
C'Mon man. They going to do it again. They know they can't use another pandemic. Too many people caught on to that scam.
But this new alien thing.. they haven't tried that yet.
I think the closest they come was the night they broadcast war of the worlds and the world went nuts.
A lot of people actually believed we had been invaded by aliens.
But an unsuspecting society, raised to trust the news and the government never suspect the atrocities they are pulling on us all the time to get us to submit to them.

If you don't know about Project Bluebeam, now is a good time to educate yourself and be ready for the BullS--T. because it's coming and it's coming fast and furious. Shock and Awe.
Don't fall for it.



Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Little green men LOL
Look this guy wears lipstick. I wouldn't believe anything he says.
They all do. lol
But they throw out little clues and people just overlook it. The cult loves putting the truth right in your face and laughs when people just shrug it off, or don't pick it up ....or they put it in movies and people pay to watch it, and lap it up as just "entertainment."
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I'm feeling feisty.. must of been that icecream lol
Think I'll head out shortly though, it's been a long day and I sure have enjoyed all the conversations taking place in all the threads.
You guys and gals are awesome.
And I love you all!
Goodnight now
You're as bad as me ....saying good night, and making 3 more posts after. Lol
I hope the ice cream doesn't give you issues. Btw, a high carb meal or snack will always make you sleepy or sluggish ....but, then again ..... it's crazy late! lol
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
But this new alien thing.. they haven't tried that yet.
I think the closest they come was the night they broadcast war of the worlds and the world went nuts.
A lot of people actually believed we had been invaded by aliens.
But an unsuspecting society, raised to trust the news and the government never suspect the atrocities they are pulling on us all the time to get us to submit to them.
I believe they will bring the "aliens" (nephilim) more out in the public at some point. There may be an "invasion" by the "bad guys" and the "good guys" will swoop in. Idk ...but what they tried to prepare us for (MK Ultra programs) was an invasion/war. But there is a lot more to it set the stage for antichrist. All of this ties together. (I left out a lot....)


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
You're as bad as me ....saying good night, and making 3 more posts after. Lol
I hope the ice cream doesn't give you issues. Btw, a high carb meal or snack will always make you sleepy or sluggish ....but, then again ..... it's crazy late! lol
It's contagious LOL
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I'm getting cyber attacked bad tonight. The site keeps going down on me.
Must be the aliens.
Something I'm writing is getting somebody upset out there in cyber world.

I was starting to write that I have a real hard time with angels and demons, let alone nephilim and giants.
It's not that I don't believe they exist. But I have never had an encounter with something I could see that was other.
I heard a voice once that told me to go kill myself when I was in a deep depression after losing my mom. But other than that nothing.

I just don't know how to reconcile them in my mind. I see people as messengers of God. These are the angels I understand.
But spiritual angels and demons.... I don't think I want to know up front and personal.

Thank goodness for Norton. I been hit like 4 times in the last couple hours.
So wierd.
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David H.

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
No, no, no. God is not talking about the angles as some celestial being here! As I explained before, the angels in Greek are MESSENGERS and God is talking about His people as messengers! Human messengers! Please read the context!
You still have not answered my question from before....
Why is it the demons are not trying to oppress you?

Next, the context of verse 2 is a stand alone statement and does not preclude verse 3 as being related. That is a grammatical leap on your part. Showing love to strangers has the reason given for it "Because some have entertained angels unawares". It is a stand alone statement in the context of other instructions, and the implied angels are angelic beings which are sent. Ever encountered one?

"Some have entertained messengers" does not make any sense in fact, because if they are a messenger they are not a stranger but a brother, as per verse 1.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
You still have not answered my question from before....
Why is it the demons are not trying to oppress you?

Next, the context of verse 2 is a stand alone statement and does not preclude verse 3 as being related. That is a grammatical leap on your part. Showing love to strangers has the reason given for it "Because some have entertained angels unawares". It is a stand alone statement in the context of other instructions, and the implied angels are angelic beings which are sent. Ever encountered one?

"Some have entertained messengers" does not make any sense in fact, because if they are a messenger they are not a stranger but a brother, as per verse 1.
Makes me think of Lot. And the angels that came to see if it was as bad as the Lord had heard.
They were visible, touchable, looked human.
Would we know if we did encounter one?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Makes me think of Lot. And the angels that came to see if it was as bad as the Lord had heard.
They were visible, touchable, looked human.
Would we know if we did encounter one?

Sometimes you will know .....sometimes you will wonder, "was that an angel?" ....and sometimes you will not know at all ("angels unaware").
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
So, this is how I interpet devils as in Jesus casting out devils.
These are the things like anger, hatred, envy, greed, uncontrollable nastiness, unsatiable sexual appetite for unsavory things.
These would be the demons that I interpret that were being cast out.
Some people have a lot of these maladies.
  1. A disease, disorder, or ailment.
  2. An unwholesome condition.
    "the malady of discontent."
  3. A physical disorder or disease; sickness or distemper of any kind; especially, a chronic, deep-seated, or dangerous disease.
Mary Magdalen had 7 of these. And Jesus talks about when one leaves it comes back finding the house cleaned, saved, forgiven, filled with kindness and goodness, and brings back 7 others that are nastier then the first.

Have you ever met a person with a bad temper. And the next time you meet them they are even angrier and meaner then they was the last time you met them? I have. It's not pretty.
There people out there so low, they kick you for the entertainment of it, they argue with you just because they like to iritate you.
There are lists that Paul writes about the inner spirit in man, rebellious, malicious... I believe these are the devils or evil spirits.

And when we open our heart to the Lord he kicks these demons out and fills us with the fruit of his own spirit.

Angels, hmm.. Some people I meet you swear they were angels. Always loving and giving, and willing to stand with you through thick and thin. They have the ability to protect you by intervening in situations, whether it is in a fight, they will be the wall that stands between.
If you can't fix something, they have the answers or the means to fix it.
Like being on the side of the road in the middle of the night with a flat tire. And there are no houses or lights for miles.
And someone out of nowhere shows up and helps you change your tire, or calls a tow-truck, or even helps you financially to pay for something.
They just come out of nowhere sometimes. I've met a lot of people like these in my lifetime. Are these angels? I don't know.

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