America’s Choice: A Christian Nation or Part of the New World Order?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Aussies are not generally flag waving, hand on the heart patriots like those seen in the US.
It used to be that many argued over politics in the old days but now most Australians view politics as somewhat of a joke. They already know that politicians are liars who will tell people anything to get themselves means a fat pension for life. Most is empty talk, promises waiting to be broken, and if voting wasn’t compulsory in my country, many people wouldn’t bother TBH.

We are somewhat bemused that Americans can’t see through it all the works so well on you guys....maybe its an Aussie trait not to be so trusting of those who have a terrible track record....? You know "fool me once...."?
As a kiwi immigrant I'm thankful I'm not allowed to vote here. And voting isn't compulsory at home. Best of both worlds lol


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
Commie is used in Australia, but the Lefties always scorn the word, Haha it's true ! they always do. not to mention bag one for saying such directly.

Old Hitler is treated as just a Joke to most people in Australia, they have no real regard to the reality's of him or anything truly in depth about WW2. But live in much ignorance because they get their education on such from TV shows movies etc, or some indoctrinated school system that was and is shallow not to mention sadly it was not an education at all. But such was never called out for their lack of regard for in depth study on such.
Points of reference that are lies is, that the Nazis were trying to kill all of the Jews ? well proof, lets try to prove that was in fact the case !
They some how could not kill all the ones in the camps at the end ?
Not to mention all the Jews who followed the Nazis running away from the Russians advancing that were invading the Nazi occupied lands.
So some how the spin such as we were peddled it does not all truly add up ?
Not that the powers that be could care or have any real regard for the truth, but just halfwit dipsticks who tell half baked story's and think no one will bother to question them.
So as a school kid ask the question, why did they not kill all of the Jews in the camps at the end ? No answer was given ? they do not know why ? come on ! no they are telling half truths and half baked lies, to paint the enemy in the worst light they can, because it's all about perceptions painted of others they want to portray them as. So the monster is bigger that reality ? but it's dead now so who cares !

Not to mention that such fools make stupid claims that the RCC was hand in glove with Nazi Germany, sound like a good story line to play out but it's total BS ignorance, worthy of some bed time story !

Then we have morons claiming democracy is a bad thing ? well a unhealthy Democracy is a issue point, just as half baked comprehension of Nazi History is not a healthy foundation issue, because all such unhealthy positions are created from This World that Jesus pointed out, was founded on Deceptions and Delusions.
So for my part I expose such things, only because they have no true foundations !

So why should I have to come out and may look like I maybe supporting the Nazis say ? well in fact I am not at all, but if one has a good understanding of a subject, well then we are better armed at dealing with the same type of symptoms of such a dieses ? Like with an engine say ! one who understands the in depth working of such is a master on the subject, but in the hands of ignorant fools they can destroy such easy in many ways. but if they listen to a master on the subject, they are for warned what not to do and this will save them a hell of a lot of grief !

It's best if we all understand any issue in depth, than allow hatred or ignorance dominate us, because such is not worthy of educated people but slobs and being slobs is sloppy workmanship, you want to build out off straw ? well when the big bad wolf she comes one will reap what you sowed.

So if I would not want history to repeat on any issue, I am not building on straw ! because I know and truly understand what the wolf she is.

The Socialist they build on Mans works in fact and not on Christ Jesus, Hitler was a Socialist, Communism is the same idolising Mans works and rejecting Christ.
I had a Commie claim they want just what Christians want ! so why did I not come on his side ? well I said that there is a great dived between us ! He is of the Devil and I am of Christ Jesus !
The Socialist will never advance past being a beast and a great problem for themselves ever. such as that can not evolve past the poor grub that they truly are, they are Slaves unto themselves ! poor Blighted ninnies.

Hitler was a National Socialist, whatever the Germans had and worked for belonged to them, unlike Russia where everything you owned belonged to Russia.

The Allies partnered up with Stalin who kept East Germany for themselves after the War was over, which of the two evils spread so far that to this day it exists? I would say Communism. What country is ruled by National Socialism? I'm not talking about those idiot Neo-Nazi Skinhead groups, that at best are a joke to even look at.

Why wasn't a plan drawn up after the war that Germany was to be kept free as a whole, instead of Stalin keeping East Germany, where the East Germans suffered significantly until Germany became one again?

I've done actual reading about Adolf Hitler and not led by the Anti-German propaganda that was fabricated during and after WWII.


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
Aussies are not generally flag waving, hand on the heart patriots like those seen in the US.
It used to be that many argued over politics in the old days but now most Australians view politics as somewhat of a joke. They already know that politicians are liars who will tell people anything to get themselves means a fat pension for life. Most is empty talk, promises waiting to be broken, and if voting wasn’t compulsory in my country, many people wouldn’t bother TBH.

We are somewhat bemused that Americans can’t see through it all the works so well on you guys....maybe its an Aussie trait not to be so trusting of those who have a terrible track record....? You know "fool me once...."?
We see through the hype Aunty Jane, especially the hype that is going on now, yes all Politicians are liars, Put President Donald J. Trump was never a politician to begin with and I'll keep saying it, he is the only American President who actually cared about America and the American people, I'll say it till I die.

Yes we are flag waving people and anthem singing people with our right hand over our heart and pledge loyalty to our country, at least we use to, until this lowest form of life commie scum came along now and all the way to the scumbag Clanton gang, of which one is a sex offender and his female counterpart a closeted dyke and both pedophiles.
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Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
We see through the hype Aunty Jane, especially the hype that is going on now, yes all Politicians are liars, Put President Donald J. Trump was never a politician to begin with and I'll keep saying it, he is the only American President who actually cared about America and the American people, I'll say it till I die.

Yes we are flag waving people and anthem singing people with our right hand over our heart and pledge loyalty to our country, at least we use to, until this lowest form of life commie scum came along now and all the way to the scumbag Clanton gang, of which one is a sex offender and his female counterpart a closeted dyke and both pedophiles.
Well, you see, this is why Jesus told us not to get involved with the political elements of this world at all. When we support one side or the other, we fail to support God’s rulership, which will come to the earth in the form of his Kingdom, (which Jesus taught us to pray for) and deal with all the situations that many in the population want fixed....but the truth is, no one can stall what is coming, or even create temporary fixes because, what is happening in the world was prophesied thousands of years ago in the’s a global problem not a national one. It requires a global solution....God’s solution.

America was spoken about by Daniel as the last world power of Bible prophesy concerning the March of world powers down to “the time of the end”. We are in the last days, and our focus should not be on the pathetic rulership of man, which has never resulted in success in any nation on earth, so why do people think that it can get better when the “machinery” behind it all is so wicked? To take sides is to choose what one sees as the lesser of two evils, when in reality there are no sides who are less wicked in God’s eyes.

From God’s perspective they all have the same commander.....some are just better at hiding their corruption than others...especially if they have bottomless pockets.

To see the rage in your comments makes me very actually believe the propaganda that any man can make a difference in a world that is soon to be destroyed by God’s appointed judge...where will your loyalties be then? Too late once the door of opportunity is closed. We don’t get second chances to change our minds once we have shown Jehovah where our true loyalties lie.

1 John 2:15-17...
“Do not love either the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him; 16 because everything in the world—the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one’s means of life—does not originate with the Father, but originates with the world. 17 Furthermore, the world is passing away and so is its desire, but the one who does the will of God remains forever.

This world and it’s rulers have no connection to God.....they are all connected to the one who has power over them. (1 John 5:19) Whose world are you supporting?

Life as we know it is about to change forever.....we have all the information we need to make sure that we survive these last days with our faith intact, but God will not force us to do anything....he leaves our choices up to us. We have to make those choices wisely, in full knowledge of why we are in this mess in the first place....

Christ died for all, but not all will make it through the end times because of failing the final test...strict obedience to God like that of Noah, Abraham, Elijah, Moses and all those who are mentioned in the Bible, so that we can emulate their faith and most importantly their obedience.
Even Jesus needed to be obedient to his Father....should we be any less?

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Hitler was a National Socialist, whatever the Germans had and worked for belonged to them, unlike Russia where everything you owned belonged to Russia.

The Allies partnered up with Stalin who kept East Germany for themselves after the War was over, which of the two evils spread so far that to this day it exists? I would say Communism. What country is ruled by National Socialism? I'm not talking about those idiot Neo-Nazi Skinhead groups, that at best are a joke to even look at.

Why wasn't a plan drawn up after the war that Germany was to be kept free as a whole, instead of Stalin keeping East Germany, where the East Germans suffered significantly until Germany became one again?

I've done actual reading about Adolf Hitler and not led by the Anti-German propaganda that was fabricated during and after WWII.
Yes the propaganda is a problem.
The Neo-Nazi that we see in the USA are a joke, the real German Nazis would have trash like that killed in fact.
So we see slobs and yobbos bikie gangs claiming to be Nazis ? but such is not the ideal that the Nazis were promoting at all. sure their were some within, but such was not the objectives they were striving for.
Not to mention that Hitler was not a friend of the Germans at all. but Hitler played his part in such a deceptions, a typical Anti-Christ who was working within a team of so called Zionist leading the German people to delusions, who are truly the masters of Deceptions and Delusions, we find them in the Bible in fact! leading the people astray in fact ! and Jesus calls them out ! such were Murders from the beginning ?

They are who the Bible points out, In the Vineyard story !
In this story we see who they truly are, they worked to kill all of Gods Prophets, they master the art of Deceptions and Delusions.
They look down on the people treading them down in slaved for their own ends but never give Grace, in so as to help them rise themselves up to be Gods people.
They are only a States people that pays no mind to who truly owns the Vineyard ! so we see in Acts that Stephen points out the facts of there history and they kill him ! why did they kill Stephen ? well because he exposed them all totally ! yep, and exposed their bastard star is a work of Man.
Real True Israel has the Menorah in fact !

Who do we seen nowadays mastering the art of Deceptions ? well the MSM for one and Joe Biden and crew for another, not to mention any political Party has such a cancer within them all regardless. Who are they truly serving is the question !

But we should seek to understand what any Government is truly doing.
We have the History of the Nazis and the Communist etc etc to look back on and if we are worthy to God we would call such out ! but that is not happening at all. The Agenda is in full swing. because the people are not truly worthy of Christ Jesus. So comes the Hellfire to come.

I know some religious idiots who welcome the Hellfire ? why is that ? well they do not truly know Christ Jesus in fact, they are only religious dupes, who idolise mans works. They put people up and idolise them, idolising stupid so called Jews as well.


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
Yes the propaganda is a problem.
The Neo-Nazi that we see in the USA are a joke, the real German Nazis would have trash like that killed in fact.
So we see slobs and yobbos bikie gangs claiming to be Nazis ? but such is not the ideal that the Nazis were promoting at all. sure their were some within, but such was not the objectives they were striving for.
Not to mention that Hitler was not a friend of the Germans at all. but Hitler played his part in such a deceptions, a typical Anti-Christ who was working within a team of so called Zionist leading the German people to delusions, who are truly the masters of Deceptions and Delusions, we find them in the Bible in fact! leading the people astray in fact ! and Jesus calls them out ! such were Murders from the beginning ?

They are who the Bible points out, In the Vineyard story !
In this story we see who they truly are, they worked to kill all of Gods Prophets, they master the art of Deceptions and Delusions.
They look down on the people treading them down in slaved for their own ends but never give Grace, in so as to help them rise themselves up to be Gods people.
They are only a States people that pays no mind to who truly owns the Vineyard ! so we see in Acts that Stephen points out the facts of there history and they kill him ! why did they kill Stephen ? well because he exposed them all totally ! yep, and exposed their bastard star is a work of Man.
Real True Israel has the Menorah in fact !

Who do we seen nowadays mastering the art of Deceptions ? well the MSM for one and Joe Biden and crew for another, not to mention any political Party has such a cancer within them all regardless. Who are they truly serving is the question !

But we should seek to understand what any Government is truly doing.
We have the History of the Nazis and the Communist etc etc to look back on and if we are worthy to God we would call such out ! but that is not happening at all. The Agenda is in full swing. because the people are not truly worthy of Christ Jesus. So comes the Hellfire to come.

I know some religious idiots who welcome the Hellfire ? why is that ? well they do not truly know Christ Jesus in fact, they are only religious dupes, who idolise mans works. They put people up and idolise them, idolising stupid so called Jews as well.
Exactly, you think Hitler and the Third Reich would accept such people all tattooed up and down including their faces and criminals at that? Never, they are a joke to look at, including the criminal bikers who brandish Swastikas.


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
Well, you see, this is why Jesus told us not to get involved with the political elements of this world at all. When we support one side or the other, we fail to support God’s rulership, which will come to the earth in the form of his Kingdom, (which Jesus taught us to pray for) and deal with all the situations that many in the population want fixed....but the truth is, no one can stall what is coming, or even create temporary fixes because, what is happening in the world was prophesied thousands of years ago in the’s a global problem not a national one. It requires a global solution....God’s solution.

America was spoken about by Daniel as the last world power of Bible prophesy concerning the March of world powers down to “the time of the end”. We are in the last days, and our focus should not be on the pathetic rulership of man, which has never resulted in success in any nation on earth, so why do people think that it can get better when the “machinery” behind it all is so wicked? To take sides is to choose what one sees as the lesser of two evils, when in reality there are no sides who are less wicked in God’s eyes.

From God’s perspective they all have the same commander.....some are just better at hiding their corruption than others...especially if they have bottomless pockets.

To see the rage in your comments makes me very actually believe the propaganda that any man can make a difference in a world that is soon to be destroyed by God’s appointed judge...where will your loyalties be then? Too late once the door of opportunity is closed. We don’t get second chances to change our minds once we have shown Jehovah where our true loyalties lie.

1 John 2:15-17...
“Do not love either the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him; 16 because everything in the world—the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one’s means of life—does not originate with the Father, but originates with the world. 17 Furthermore, the world is passing away and so is its desire, but the one who does the will of God remains forever.

This world and it’s rulers have no connection to God.....they are all connected to the one who has power over them. (1 John 5:19) Whose world are you supporting?

Life as we know it is about to change forever.....we have all the information we need to make sure that we survive these last days with our faith intact, but God will not force us to do anything....he leaves our choices up to us. We have to make those choices wisely, in full knowledge of why we are in this mess in the first place....

Christ died for all, but not all will make it through the end times because of failing the final test...strict obedience to God like that of Noah, Abraham, Elijah, Moses and all those who are mentioned in the Bible, so that we can emulate their faith and most importantly their obedience.
Even Jesus needed to be obedient to his Father....should we be any less?
Aunty Jane, I’ll never give up my Patriotism, I don’t think God would mind as we are one of the major Christian countries left.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
From a Facebook post...
Much of the so-called Christianity that we see today is similar to that of James and John who wanted to call down fire to consume the Samaritans when they did not receive Jesus.

"And it came to pass, when the time was come that He should be received up, He stedfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem, 52 And sent messengers before His face: and they went, and entered into a village of the Samaritans, to make ready for Him. 53 And they did not receive Him, because His face was as though He would go to Jerusalem. 54 And when His disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt Thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? 55 But He turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of (Luke 9:51-55)

Those two disciples of Jesus did not know that type of spirit they had. When people reject Jesus it is not right to try to consume them. That is not what Jesus wants His followers to do.

I am also reminded of the time, after the miraculous feeding of the 5,000, when the people wanted to take Jesus by force and crown Him as King. Yet Jesus would not go along with such a movement. He immediately disconnected Him disciples from that movement, sent the people away, and then left to pray.

"When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take Him by force, to make Him a king, He departed again into a mountain Himself alone (John 6:15)

"And straightway He constrained His disciples to get into the ship, and to go to the other side before unto Bethsaida, while He sent away the people. 46 And when He had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray (Mark 6:45, 46)

Jesus' kingdom was not of this world. Using force to try to put Him upon the throne of an earthly kingdom was not the right way to advance His Gospel. Jesus Himself stated to Pilate:

"Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if My kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is My kingdom not from hence (John 18:36)

Now why am I mentioning this? The reason is because many are being swept up in a nationalistic movement that is using the Name of Christ. Please take a look at the attached video. It is from a FlashPoint Live Church event in the Gas South Arena in Duluth, GA.

Can you tell what spirit they are of? Do you understand what their goal is? Can you see how they are contrary to the tenets and principles of Christ Jesus?

There is a movement afoot in Evangelical America, even purposefully advanced by religio-political groups such as "The Family," that intends to establish America as a Christian theocracy. And it doesn't stop there, they want even a global theocratic movement. If I were to start listing some of the names connected to this you would probably recognize them as prominent figures in the political and evangelical world. This movement is lead by men and women, no doubt many of whom are sincere and well-intentioned, who want to make Jesus the King of America, yea, even the King of the whole world, and themselves His rulers by proxy. Yet do they know what spirit they are of? They want to fight by secular means. Some are even okay, if necessary, with resorting to dishonesty and coercion and supporting unscrupulous individuals who will use such means on their behalf, in order to set up this theocracy. This spirit is not the Spirit of Christ but it is the spirit of the dragon. We are witnessing the beast that has an appearance of two-horns like a lamb (a symbol of Christ) but that speaks like a dragon (a symbol of satan). This is the false prophetic movement, that we have been warned about in the book of Revelation.

"And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon (Rev 13:11)

"But today in the religious world there are multitudes who, as they believe, are working for the establishment of the kingdom of Christ as an earthly and temporal dominion. They desire to make our Lord the ruler of the kingdoms of this world, the ruler in its courts and camps, its legislative halls, its palaces and market places. They expect Him to rule through legal enactments, enforced by human authority. Since Christ is not now here in person, they themselves will undertake to act in His stead, to execute the laws of His kingdom. The establishment of such a kingdom is what the Jews desired in the days of Christ. They would have received Jesus, had He been willing to establish a temporal dominion, to enforce what they regarded as the laws of God, and to make them the expositors of His will and the agents of His authority. But He said, “My kingdom is not of this world.” John 18:36. He would not accept the earthly throne {DA 509.2}

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Quite correct, sorry my apologies.

I didn't say he had an agenda to destroy the first amendment. I said he had made a promise to evangelicals to give them power. I am saying that in the act of doing and fulfilling such a promise, the constitution will have to be overridden. Am I wrong or are you blindly wanting to defend your savior trump at all costs to truth, common sense and logic?

Depends on what he meant by 'power', and I don't know the source of the statement you're claiming he said. So already there's a lot of vagueness that doesn't prove much.

And I'm sure Trump well understands the 1st Amendment too, because he is a supporter of the U.S. Constitution. Thus he would understand that he cannot assign 'power' to any religious body, because that would be a direct violation of the 1st Amendment.

What I think he was pointing to, that you likely misunderstood, is how the Leftists Democratics are actually the ones who have passed legislation that tries to put the muzzle on Christian pastors as to what they can teach about politics in the Churches, particularly recommending who to vote for in an election. That is what I've heard Trump talk about doing away with, which is actually giving the Churches back their 'power' given them originally per the 1st Amendment.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Well, you forget that the constitution is just an old piece of paper that could be screwed up and thrown away right?

You have no clue as to how wrong... you are!

The U.S. Constitution still stands today as the main WALL against Communist-Socialism. That is why the Communists and one-world globalists hate it so much. And it is they... who coin those terms you use that it is an outdated document.

And the rest of your posts is a direct accounting of the Communist-Socialist mentality, revealing that you do not actually side with Christianity, but with atheistic Communism!

Welcome to my Ignore list. And brethren in Christ, BEWARE OF THIS PERSON BRAKELITE.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Aunty Jane, I’ll never give up my Patriotism, I don’t think God would mind as we are one of the major Christian countries left.
And right there is the problem of justification my friend.....your heart is loyal to the wrong ‘god’. “The whole world” is under satan’s Control (1 John 5:19)....which means that there is no part of the world that is not under his influence....propaganda leads people to believe that there could possibly be such a thing as a “Christian country” in satan’s world. It’s an illusion....the deceiver doing his best work. His favourite tactic is to divide human worked at the very beginning, and has continued down through time to take people down the wrong path. All human rulership is influenced by the devil....some are just better at covering up their evil deeds than others. I assure you that you would be appalled if you knew what you are supporting. Jehovah says that he will lift the lid on all of it, and those deceived are going to be horrified that they were fooled into believing that anything in satan’s world could ever be noble, no matter how well intentioned it appears to be.

If you don’t ‘think God would mind’.......we will all find out very soon that the beast in Revelation that has “two horns like a lamb” (masquerading as a harmless lamb) but “speaking like a dragon”, (presenting itself as anything but) is indeed the USA as an allied world power, foretold by the prophet Daniel and by Jesus in John’s Revelation. The beasts of these two prophetic books, tell us that God does not need satan’s world to solve the problems that God’s adversary has created among humankind. The last remaining world powers in this “time of the end”, are about to surrender their sovereignty to an old agency, given new powers. It will be a disaster...hailed as the means to bring about “peace and security” on the earth.....the opposite is foretold. The greatest tribulation in the history of the world will ensue and all of God’s enemies will experience “the end” that God brings to satan’s entire system of human government. (Daniel 2:44)

The deceiver will take as many down with him as he can fool into thinking that any nation on this earth could possibly be “Christian”....all you need to see is the bloodshed and the hypocrisy of claiming to follow “the Prince of peace” whilst destroying so many lives, and developing more and more heinous weapons to do so.
No one with blood on their hands, or even those who condone the bloodshed, can remain blameless in God’s eyes. (Isaiah 1:15)

Claiming to be a Christian, does not make you one.....we have to be found “doing the will of the Father” when Christ returns as judge, (Matthew 7:21-23).....that is what will determine who is “saved” and who is not.

No political actions will ever have God’s sanction, no matter how justified they appear to be in human eyes. To remain obedient to the Father and his Christ, we must take a neutral stance, shifting our allegiance to God’s Kingdom, trusting that Jehovah has everything in hand, and that all the horrible things happening in the world were all foretold, and are happening for a reason....we cannot try to circumvent what God has foretold as if we need to take the situation into our own hands by trusting in politicians to try and remedy the’s a lost cause....misplaced loyalty. God does not need any humans to do his job. Obedience to God will never result in regret. :( If they only you could see......


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
And right there is the problem of justification my friend.....your heart is loyal to the wrong ‘god’. “The whole world” is under satan’s Control (1 John 5:19)....which means that there is no part of the world that is not under his influence....propaganda leads people to believe that there could possibly be such a thing as a “Christian country” in satan’s world. It’s an illusion....the deceiver doing his best work. His favourite tactic is to divide human worked at the very beginning, and has continued down through time to take people down the wrong path. All human rulership is influenced by the devil....some are just better at covering up their evil deeds than others. I assure you that you would be appalled if you knew what you are supporting. Jehovah says that he will lift the lid on all of it, and those deceived are going to be horrified that they were fooled into believing that anything in satan’s world could ever be noble, no matter how well intentioned it appears to be.

If you don’t ‘think God would mind’.......we will all find out very soon that the beast in Revelation that has “two horns like a lamb” (masquerading as a harmless lamb) but “speaking like a dragon”, (presenting itself as anything but) is indeed the USA as an allied world power, foretold by the prophet Daniel and by Jesus in John’s Revelation. The beasts of these two prophetic books, tell us that God does not need satan’s world to solve the problems that God’s adversary has created among humankind. The last remaining world powers in this “time of the end”, are about to surrender their sovereignty to an old agency, given new powers. It will be a disaster...hailed as the means to bring about “peace and security” on the earth.....the opposite is foretold. The greatest tribulation in the history of the world will ensue and all of God’s enemies will experience “the end” that God brings to satan’s entire system of human government. (Daniel 2:44)

The deceiver will take as many down with him as he can fool into thinking that any nation on this earth could possibly be “Christian”....all you need to see is the bloodshed and the hypocrisy of claiming to follow “the Prince of peace” whilst destroying so many lives, and developing more and more heinous weapons to do so.
No one with blood on their hands, or even those who condone the bloodshed, can remain blameless in God’s eyes. (Isaiah 1:15)

Claiming to be a Christian, does not make you one.....we have to be found “doing the will of the Father” when Christ returns as judge, (Matthew 7:21-23).....that is what will determine who is “saved” and who is not.

No political actions will ever have God’s sanction, no matter how justified they appear to be in human eyes. To remain obedient to the Father and his Christ, we must take a neutral stance, shifting our allegiance to God’s Kingdom, trusting that Jehovah has everything in hand, and that all the horrible things happening in the world were all foretold, and are happening for a reason....we cannot try to circumvent what God has foretold as if we need to take the situation into our own hands by trusting in politicians to try and remedy the’s a lost cause....misplaced loyalty. God does not need any humans to do his job. Obedience to God will never result in regret. :( If they only you could see......
Aunty Jane, I would lay my life down for my country and God Jehovah and my Savior Christ, I’m sorry but I’ll die that way, turning my back on my country would be like shooting me in the head, I’d rather have that done than be a turncoat coward.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
So tell me, what is it like to be delusional? President Biden won the election legally and fairly, despite Trump's criminal attempt (along with his cronies who begged for pardons) to overthrow the election.

So tell me this,
Is your life better today than it was 18 months ago?
Is the world in better shape than it was 18 months ago?
If yes, please explain how it is better from your point of view.
What positive improvements has Biden made since he became the present occupant?

Instead of calling me names, how about we have a real discussion concerning the realities we are both experiencing?
Your circumstances may be far different from mine, and I'm willing to see it from your point of view, if you are willing to see it from mine?
To be honest, I don't travel very much, I don't eat much, I live a very secluded quiet life.
I am on a fixed disability income, and the prices of my trash removal, telephone, car insurance, gasoline, and food have all increased,
while I am still at the same income I have been at for over 2 years now.
I see a lot more confusion and disinformation being slung on all sides. I see more crime, less justice, more excuses and no personal responsibity for peoples actions. I see children getting used and abused to serve certain political agendas.
I see money being laundered out around the world to profit globalist agendas, while poor people keep on getting poorer.

I can't say I see an improvement. In fact the future, unless turned around shortly, is headed on a course with the four horsemen of the apocolypse, and we will all meet them face to face in our time.

I have hope, that humanity will be able to overcome the obstacles of division and hatred that are tearing us all apart.
I have faith that God is in control and we need to only trust in him.

I don't believe the Biden administration is leading us on the road to anywhere but hell.
This is how I see the world I live in.
But as I said, my world may look much different then yours.
So share with me if you will, your world.

Thank You
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Exactly, you think Hitler and the Third Reich would accept such people all tattooed up and down including their faces and criminals at that? Never, they are a joke to look at, including the criminal bikers who brandish Swastikas.
How many like that could even join the Army let alone take orders or follow direction.
So it's a weird concept, slobs claiming to be for Nazi's.
The Nazis were not serving bludgers or no hopers at all, in fact they were bashing and killing them.
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
How many like that could even join the Army let alone take orders or follow direction.
So it's a weird concept, slobs claiming to be for Nazi's.
The Nazis were not serving bludgers or no hopers at all, in fact they were bashing and killing them.
Very True, they are no better than the MS-13's or Mexican Mafia or any other gang who are mostly covered up and down with tattoos.
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Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
So tell me this,
Is your life better today than it was 18 months ago?
Is the world in better shape than it was 18 months ago?
If yes, please explain how it is better from your point of view.
What positive improvements has Biden made since he became the present occupant?

Instead of calling me names, how about we have a real discussion concerning the realities we are both experiencing?
Your circumstances may be far different from mine, and I'm willing to see it from your point of view, if you are willing to see it from mine?
To be honest, I don't travel very much, I don't eat much, I live a very secluded quiet life.
I am on a fixed disability income, and the prices of my trash removal, telephone, car insurance, gasoline, and food have all increased,
while I am still at the same income I have been at for over 2 years now.
I see a lot more confusion and disinformation being slung on all sides. I see more crime, less justice, more excuses and no personal responsibity for peoples actions. I see children getting used and abused to serve certain political agendas.
I see money being laundered out around the world to profit globalist agendas, while poor people keep on getting poorer.

I can't say I see an improvement. In fact the future, unless turned around shortly, is headed on a course with the four horsemen of the apocolypse, and we will all meet them face to face in our time.

I have hope, that humanity will be able to overcome the obstacles of division and hatred that are tearing us all apart.
I have faith that God is in control and we need to only trust in him.

I don't believe the Biden administration is leading us on the road to anywhere but hell.
This is how I see the world I live in.
But as I said, my world may look much different then yours.
So share with me if you will, your world.

Thank You

President Biden is not God nor a dictator. He inherited a mess from his predecessor and has only a certain amount of power. He is opposed by a Republican-controlled Senate that clearly is obstructing President Biden's efforts to make things better for all of us.

You wrote that you are on a fixed disability income, and the prices of your trash removal, telephone, car insurance, gasoline, and food have all increased, while you are still at the same income you have been at for over 2 years now. Don't you think that those companies are trying to increase their profits while you suffer? After all, that is what corporations do. If the Republicans weren't supported by those for-profit corporations and were more interested in helping those on fixed incomes, things might change. But no...

Clearly, you have swallowed the Republican "Kool-Aid", so there is no point in continuing this discussion.

It's too bad that you didn't end your post with: I have hope, that humanity will be able to overcome the obstacles of division and hatred that are tearing us all apart. I have faith that God is in control and we need to only trust in him. Otherwise we could have ended in agreement, but no... you didn't.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
President Biden is not God nor a dictator. He inherited a mess from his predecessor and has only a certain amount of power. He is opposed by a Republican-controlled Senate that clearly is obstructing President Biden's efforts to make things better for all of us.

You wrote that you are on a fixed disability income, and the prices of your trash removal, telephone, car insurance, gasoline, and food have all increased, while you are still at the same income you have been at for over 2 years now. Don't you think that those companies are trying to increase their profits while you suffer? After all, that is what corporations do. If the Republicans weren't supported by those for-profit corporations and were more interested in helping those on fixed incomes, things might change. But no...

Clearly, you have swallowed the Republican "Kool-Aid", so there is no point in continuing this discussion.

It's too bad that you didn't end your post with: I have hope, that humanity will be able to overcome the obstacles of division and hatred that are tearing us all apart. I have faith that God is in control and we need to only trust in him. Otherwise we could have ended in agreement, but no... you didn't.
Don't you find it curious that we both make the same exact claims except from two different sides of the same coin?
Do you think this is a coincidence?
United we stand, Divided we fall.
How is it we can both be pursuaded that the other side ie entirely wrong, while at the same time claiming the exact same errors on both sides?
Is it possible... think about this for a minute..
Is it possible we could both be wrong?
Because certainly we both can't be right?

If you changed Biden to Trump and Republican to Democrat, I would claim the same ills.

I really want to have an objective view on this..
are we both having the wool pulled over our eyes, so that those who are in power, whether left or right, keep the people so much at odds among themselves, that they can rob us all blind.

I believe both political parties are two wings of the same bird.
And the bird I see today don't look like no eagle, but more like a vulture in my opinion.

If we the people don't find a way to put our political BS aside, they will rape us all and laugh while they're doing it.
And they are laughing brother.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Don't you find it curious that we both make the same exact claims except from two different sides of the same coin?
Do you think this is a coincidence?
United we stand, Divided we fall.
How is it we can both be pursuaded that the other side ie entirely wrong, while at the same time claiming the exact same errors on both sides?
Is it possible... think about this for a minute..
Is it possible we could both be wrong?
Because certainly we both can't be right?

If you changed Biden to Trump and Republican to Democrat, I would claim the same ills.

I really want to have an objective view on this..
are we both having the wool pulled over our eyes, so that those who are in power, whether left or right, keep the people so much at odds among themselves, that they can rob us all blind.

I believe both political parties are two wings of the same bird.
And the bird I see today don't look like no eagle, but more like a vulture in my opinion.

If we the people don't find a way to put our political BS aside, they will rape us all and laugh while they're doing it.
And they are laughing brother.
Now you are getting close. The real power behind both political parties... All political parties... Is not patriotic to any nation, but to an ideology. And the ideology is global. But one needs to be careful even here. There are different spiritual ideologies at work, seemingly in position to one another, yet they all have one thing in common. They oppose Christ. Some even profess Christ, but deny Him in reality and by practise, wanting a global kingdom yes, claiming it's God's kingdom yes, but scripture tells us God's kingdom is not of this world. This present world is destined for destruction, and a new creation. They're will be no theocracy in this current world and the people working at establishing it are in fact working for the enemy. Islam and Catholicism for example. Are they really enemies? Protestantism and Catholicism. Are they really enemies? Atheism in the form of socialism and communism, are they the enemies of catholicism? Of you read Francis's encyclicals, you will find there are syncretistic ideals from all that ideologies interwoven into his social and religious policies... And if there is anyone currently seeking to rule the world, look to him... Not Klaus Schwab.

It is obvious when looking at politics to see two apparently conflicting parties, as you pointed out, directing traffic to the one and same dead end street. In all the parties there may be one or two individuals who are sincerely working for the good of the nation, but they are rare, and in some parties more difficult to find, as their own party is less liberal when it comes to free speech and the free propagation of ideas that differ from the mainstream. We see that on the modem media. In fact that is the prime objective currently of the hidden ideology behind politics... Shut off public opinion and disseminate only that which is approved.
But back to ideology. The moves toward a globalist society are not political nor are they for a political end. They are religious, and they are for a religious end. Now look at all the power players manifesting in the globalist milieu. The politicians themselves, and I would include both Trump and Biden, as well as ones such as Trudeau, Ardern in NZ, Andrews here in Victoria Australia, and numerous others, while seemingly in position to one another, are working to the same end and for the same ideology, and the same people bent on having that ideology globally on force. Politics, finance, and the media, are merely tools bring used to that end, which is why politics will never be the solution. The only solution is spiritual, because the powers at work behind the scenes are spiritual.
Those spiritual powers however do have human agents. Their chief agent in all of this is one after their own mind seeking personal power and global dominion for his cause and for his religion. A counterfeit Christian religion to take the world captive for Satan.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
claiming it's God's kingdom yes, but scripture tells us God's kingdom is not of this world. This present world is destined for destruction, and a new creation.

I agree with all of the above, except I am of a different opinion regarding God's kingdom and the past world/present world idea.
I'm not JW, so this isn't something I learned from somebodies doctrine. It's how I understand it from the bible itself.

Jesus said His Kingdom was not of this world. I believe he was speaking of the system that was in place under the Law of Moses.
That world or age was coming to an end. That was why the need for a New Testament, a new beginning.
I don't blame the earth for the evil's of man. And if we put our hearts and mind to it, this earth could become the garden of eden.
We have the knowledge, the science, the capability to be good stewards and to make this earth prosperous for all.
But we don't have the will, because we've been taught that this one isn't worth saving.
And so we treat it with disrespect believing we will inherit another better one.
Think about that..
Would God entrust man another earth while at the same time watching us tear the one we have apart?
I believe it is our duty as good stewards to tend this earth the way God intended it.
Even if it means we have to weed it and pluck out the tares. Tread the sour grapes. And remove the very bad figs.
I believe at some point, Christians.. real ones.. will rise up and go out to the harvest and begin putting in the sickle and
ploughing new ground.
Maybe not in this generation. Maybe this is the last of the evil generation.

I don't believe in a man made global world order.
I do believe in a world where God's Kingdom rules from our hearts and manifests itself into the world around us.
Jesus Christ will rule and will be the head, and we are the body that brings it all together.

How this will come about?
You have to read Jeremiah Chapter 4, which tells how we will end up destroying all that is good. And how everything will become void and uninhabited. And then go to Genesis chapter 1, where we find that same void, but God is in the process of recreating it.
Then go to Revelation chapter 21 and watch how the earth was in the beginning when the glory of God did lighten it.

I'm not ready to give up hope. Without hope, we are all lost.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
I agree with all of the above, except I am of a different opinion regarding God's kingdom and the past world/present world idea.
I'm not JW, so this isn't something I learned from somebodies doctrine. It's how I understand it from the bible itself.

Jesus said His Kingdom was not of this world. I believe he was speaking of the system that was in place under the Law of Moses.
That world or age was coming to an end. That was why the need for a New Testament, a new beginning.
I don't blame the earth for the evil's of man. And if we put our hearts and mind to it, this earth could become the garden of eden.
We have the knowledge, the science, the capability to be good stewards and to make this earth prosperous for all.
But we don't have the will, because we've been taught that this one isn't worth saving.
And so we treat it with disrespect believing we will inherit another better one.
Think about that..
Would God entrust man another earth while at the same time watching us tear the one we have apart?
I believe it is our duty as good stewards to tend this earth the way God intended it.
Even if it means we have to weed it and pluck out the tares. Tread the sour grapes. And remove the very bad figs.
I believe at some point, Christians.. real ones.. will rise up and go out to the harvest and begin putting in the sickle and
ploughing new ground.
Maybe not in this generation. Maybe this is the last of the evil generation.

I don't believe in a man made global world order.
I do believe in a world where God's Kingdom rules from our hearts and manifests itself into the world around us.
Jesus Christ will rule and will be the head, and we are the body that brings it all together.

How this will come about?
You have to read Jeremiah Chapter 4, which tells how we will end up destroying all that is good. And how everything will become void and uninhabited. And then go to Genesis chapter 1, where we find that same void, but God is in the process of recreating it.
Then go to Revelation chapter 21 and watch how the earth was in the beginning when the glory of God did lighten it.

I'm not ready to give up hope. Without hope, we are all lost.
I'm glad u you mentioned Jeremiah 4.
KJV Jeremiah 4:23-28
23 I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light.
24 I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly.
25 I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled.
26 I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the LORD, and by his fierce anger.
27 For thus hath the LORD said, The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end.
28 For this shall the earth mourn, and the heavens above be black: because I have spoken it, I have purposed it, and will not repent, neither will I turn back from it.

The are others which described the same event which brings the earth to such a terrible and frightening state...

KJV Jeremiah 25:30-33
30 Therefore prophesy thou against them all these words, and say unto them, The LORD shall roar from on high, and utter his voice from his holy habitation; he shall mightily roar upon his habitation; he shall give a shout, as they that tread the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth.
31 A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the LORD hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the LORD.
32 Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth.
33 And the slain of the LORD shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground.

KJV Isaiah 24:19-23
19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly.
20 The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.
21 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth.
22 And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited.
23 Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the LORD of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously.

KJV Revelation 6:12-14
12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places....

And others which speak of a great earthquake and global destruction.... Wherein there are no survivors. When do you think this would take place?