As it was in the Days of Noah? Matthew and Luke Scriptures Coming to Pass!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
The biblical account of Noah begins in Genesis 6. Approximately 1,600 years had passed since the creation of Adam and Eve (Genesis 1:26–27). As the earth’s population exploded in number, it also exploded with evil. Long forgotten was the righteous sacrifice of Abel (Genesis 4:4) as “the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). Verses 11 and 12 say, “Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight, and the earth was filled with violence. And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.” However, “Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord” (verse 8).

When Jesus described the events that will surround His second coming, He said, “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all” (Luke 17:26–27). Jesus was pointing out that, although the people of Noah’s day were totally depraved, they were not the least bit concerned about it. They were carrying on the events of their lives without a single thought of the judgment of God. Noah is described as “a preacher of righteousness” (2 Peter 2:5), meaning he had spent years warning his friends and neighbors what the Holy God was about to do. No one listened.

Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
The biblical account of Noah begins in Genesis 6. Approximately 1,600 years had passed since the creation of Adam and Eve (Genesis 1:26–27). As the earth’s population exploded in number, it also exploded with evil. Long forgotten was the righteous sacrifice of Abel (Genesis 4:4) as “the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). Verses 11 and 12 say, “Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight, and the earth was filled with violence. And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.” However, “Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord” (verse 8).

When Jesus described the events that will surround His second coming, He said, “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all” (Luke 17:26–27). Jesus was pointing out that, although the people of Noah’s day were totally depraved, they were not the least bit concerned about it. They were carrying on the events of their lives without a single thought of the judgment of God. Noah is described as “a preacher of righteousness” (2 Peter 2:5), meaning he had spent years warning his friends and neighbors what the Holy God was about to do. No one listened.
My gosh...………..!!!! They were just going along living their lives as everyone down through history has done since the Earth began... eating meals, and drinking beverages... and, worst of all, "getting married?"

Don't you guys get caught doing those horrible things! Give us a break. THAT is not the point that made things bad for them. It was that they weren't heeding God. Ya kinda put the emphasis on the wrong part of that passage...…. Jesus, Himself, actually joined in all those same things at the Cana wedding.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
Think!! Their lives were nothing but evil with no thought or regard for God just eating, and drinking and, "getting married" Until the rain started and then soon the crying, screaming, cursing, gnashing teeth and dying. Who wants to do the same today and join them this time in fire??

Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
Think!! Their lives were nothing but evil with no thought or regard for God just eating, and drinking and, "getting married" Until the rain started and then soon the crying, screaming, cursing, gnashing teeth and dying. Who wants to do the same today and join them this time in fire??
But, you weren't stressing that. There was nothing wrong with the eating and drinking and marrying. Even Noah did those same things. (That is how we start legalistic pressures on other people.)


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2017
southern USA
United States
Genesis 6:5 5The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2016
United States
And in the days of Noah, Noah was the last righteous man on earth, that we are told. Talk about a lonely ministry. And, 'as in the days of Noah'.



Aug 11, 2018
Västmanland County / Västerås
As it was in the Days of Noah? Matthew and Luke Scriptures Coming to Pass!
August 12, 2018 by Jon Watkins
U.S. Government Cannibalizing Babies to Produce Human-Animal Chimeras

No doubt we are living in some terrible times. No doubt some of the US Government has become evil. The Church of Satan has been in the US military since the 1960s and there are dozens of religions recognized in the Armed Forces.

A major part of Jesus's ministry was casting out demons and in Revelation we see the Church of Satan [Rev 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan...], but this was in the first century before the second temple was destroyed [(continuing Rev 3:9) which say they are Jews and are not...]. The Church of Satan [different titles and practices, but is "Satan Worship"] is from ancient times and has been around even before Christianity.

In 23 BC Herod ended ancient Israel's Divine High Priesthood and eventually Satan Worship crept it's way into temple worship. In John 8:44 Jesus said to the Pharisees “you are of your father the devil” and throughout the New Testament the Apostles confronted the Jewish religious leaders in terms representing Satan.

Today the world is witnessing the same as the first century and whether a Satan worshiper or another religion besides Christianity a person is open for demonic possession. The veil torn in two [Matthew 27:50] in the temple immediately after Jesus's death was when the body became the temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell. The blood of a sacrificed lamb on the doorpost [Exodus 12:7] was an illustration of Jesus's death and a Christian's protection from being controlled by an evil spirits.

Jesus said "He that is not with me is against me and he that does not convene with me scatters. When the unclean spirit is gone out of a human, he traverses through waterless space seeking refreshment and finding none he says 'I will return unto my dwelling where I came forth from'. Then the evil spirit comes and finds it cleaned, in order and empty. Therefore it traverses and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself and they enter in and dwell there. Then that human is more evil then their condition before".

The world today seems like this condition and the "blood of Christ" [believing in Jesus and His salvation] and inviting the Holy Spirit in can keep this from happening.
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Aug 11, 2018
Västmanland County / Västerås
As it was in the Days of Noah

Jude 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

The Fallen Angels and their Offspring - Section 1 – Chapter 15

The angels left the High, Holy and Eternal Heaven, laid with women, became unclean and had giant sons. The angels were spiritual, Holy, living an eternal life, but became unclean and begot children through the blood of flesh and your children lusted after the blood of human.

God gave men wives so that children might be born by them and the deeds might be done on the Earth. But the angels, formerly, were spiritual, living an eternal, immortal life, for all the generations of the world. For this reason God did not arrange wives for them, because the dwelling of the spiritual ones is in Heaven and now the giants who were born from body and flesh will be called Evil Spirits on the Earth, and on the Earth will be their dwelling.

The evil spirits came out from their flesh, because from the angels above they were created and this was their origin and first foundation. Evil spirits they will be on Earth and ‘Spirits of the Evil Ones’ they will be called. The dwelling of the Spirits of Heaven is Heaven, but the dwelling of the spirits of the Earth, who were born on the Earth, is Earth.

The spirits of the giants do wrong, are corrupt, attack, fight, break on the Earth, and cause sorrow. They eat no food, do not thirst, and are not observed. These evil spirits will rise against the sons of men, and against the women, because they came out of them during the days of slaughter and destruction.

Section 1 – Chapter 16

The death of the giants, wherever the spirits have gone out from their bodies, their flesh will be destroyed, before the Judgment. Thus they will be destroyed until the Day of the Great Consummation is accomplished, upon the Great Age, upon the Watchers and the impious ones.
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
As it was in the Days of Noah

Jude 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

The Fallen Angels and their Offspring - Section 1 – Chapter 15

The angels left the High, Holy and Eternal Heaven, laid with women, became unclean and had giant sons. The angels were spiritual, Holy, living an eternal life, but became unclean and begot children through the blood of flesh and your children lusted after the blood of human.

God gave men wives so that children might be born by them and the deeds might be done on the Earth. But the angels, formerly, were spiritual, living an eternal, immortal life, for all the generations of the world. For this reason God did not arrange wives for them, because the dwelling of the spiritual ones is in Heaven and now the giants who were born from body and flesh will be called Evil Spirits on the Earth, and on the Earth will be their dwelling.

The evil spirits came out from their flesh, because from the angels above they were created and this was their origin and first foundation. Evil spirits they will be on Earth and ‘Spirits of the Evil Ones’ they will be called. The dwelling of the Spirits of Heaven is Heaven, but the dwelling of the spirits of the Earth, who were born on the Earth, is Earth.

The spirits of the giants do wrong, are corrupt, attack, fight, break on the Earth, and cause sorrow. They eat no food, do not thirst, and are not observed. These evil spirits will rise against the sons of men, and against the women, because they came out of them during the days of slaughter and destruction.

Section 1 – Chapter 16

The death of the giants, wherever the spirits have gone out from their bodies, their flesh will be destroyed, before the Judgment. Thus they will be destroyed until the Day of the Great Consummation is accomplished, upon the Great Age, upon the Watchers and the impious ones.

What book are you quoting from?


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
The biblical account of Noah begins in Genesis 6. Approximately 1,600 years had passed since the creation of Adam and Eve (Genesis 1:26–27). As the earth’s population exploded in number, it also exploded with evil. Long forgotten was the righteous sacrifice of Abel (Genesis 4:4) as “the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). Verses 11 and 12 say, “Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight, and the earth was filled with violence. And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.” However, “Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord” (verse 8).

When Jesus described the events that will surround His second coming, He said, “Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all” (Luke 17:26–27). Jesus was pointing out that, although the people of Noah’s day were totally depraved, they were not the least bit concerned about it. They were carrying on the events of their lives without a single thought of the judgment of God. Noah is described as “a preacher of righteousness” (2 Peter 2:5), meaning he had spent years warning his friends and neighbors what the Holy God was about to do. No one listened.

As in the days is Noah ....

Has the People at large;
...unconcerned with God.

Has but a few People;
...Faithful and following His direction.

Has the People at large;
...destroyed with Water.

Has a few Faithful;
...saved and risen Above the earths distruction Above the face of the water.

When the Son of man Descends from Heaven To the Clouds;


The People at large;
TO be unconcerned with God.

A few have Accepted Christ.
....Are Saved and RISEN Up to the clouds, Above the face of the earth.


The People at large to suffer the consequences of the Lords wrath upon the Earth...with Fire, rather than Water.

The Few will be returned to a purified and renewed Earth.

The Earth was first Washed, and the few Faithful returned to the Earth.

Second Time, the few have been cleansed and scantified and glorified and shall return to a purified Earth.

God Bless,
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Aug 11, 2018
Västmanland County / Västerås
The People at large to suffer the consequences of the Lords wrath upon the Earth...with Fire, rather than Water.
The Few will be returned to a purified and renewed Earth.
The Earth was first Washed, and the few Faithful returned to the Earth.
Second Time, the few have been cleansed and sanctified and glorified and shall return to a purified Earth.
Thought on earth cleansed by fire...
Revelation 20:9 ... fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.
Rev 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
Rev 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
There was nothing wrong with the eating and drinking and marrying.
Why would Christ mention it if there was nothing wrong with it?

Given the fact that humanity had been totally corrupted by evil angels, this eating and drinking and marrying signified that humanity was totally disregarding God, and disregarding the preaching of Noah, and going on their merry way to Hell (the Flood being simply a precursor).

Today, the great mass of humanity is also either ignoring the Gospel or rejecting it, even though it is now freely available on the Internet, as is the Bible. There is not a person in world who has not heard of Jesus Christ or Christianity. Indeed, Christians are being severely persecuted all across the world.

Furthermore, a large segment of Christendom is perverting the true Gospel, and false Christianity and the cults are growing by leaps and bounds, while the true Gospel and Bible truth are accepted by only a small minority. So we are now in a state of indifference to the true Gospel as it was in the days of Noah.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Thought on earth cleansed by fire...
Revelation 20:9 ... fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.
Rev 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
Rev 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Symbolic "Cleansing" water baptism.
Jesus Pure Blood, Cleanses .
Purifying, symbolic as Gold, a precious metal, highly valued,is melted with fire to extract the impurities...
God, pure light, purifies.
God, also a consuming Fire.

Cleansing and Purification required for man to live eternally with God....
As well as the corrupted "habitat" (earth) that was created for mankind...
Also the lower Heavens ( our atmosphere/ skis we see, and the Angels habitat corrupted by Lucifer and other also be renewed.

Gods estate, High Heaven, remains uncorrupted, pure Light.

2 Pet 3:13

God Bless,
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Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
Why would Christ mention it if there was nothing wrong with it?

Given the fact that humanity had been totally corrupted by evil angels, this eating and drinking and marrying signified that humanity was totally disregarding God, and disregarding the preaching of Noah, and going on their merry way to Hell (the Flood being simply a precursor).

Today, the great mass of humanity is also either ignoring the Gospel or rejecting it, even though it is now freely available on the Internet, as is the Bible. There is not a person in world who has not heard of Jesus Christ or Christianity. Indeed, Christians are being severely persecuted all across the world.

Furthermore, a large segment of Christendom is perverting the true Gospel, and false Christianity and the cults are growing by leaps and bounds, while the true Gospel and Bible truth are accepted by only a small minority. So we are now in a state of indifference to the true Gospel as it was in the days of Noah.
I think He mentioned it to show that there was nothing "catastrophic" going on. (as opposed to today when we are all caught up in "End-times Fever", running around like a bunch of Chicken Littles, hollering that the sky is falling) I think that passage was meant to show that the people were living perfectly "normal" lives, totally unsuspecting that anything out of the ordinary was going to happen.

The Bible says the end is going to come when it is least suspected — by ANYONE. Today couldn't be that time because EVERYONE, even non-Christians, are all frantic, obsessed, and saying the Earth is going to blow up in only a few months or years.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2015
United States
As it was in the Days of Noah

Jude 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.

The Fallen Angels and their Offspring - Section 1 – Chapter 15

The angels left the High, Holy and Eternal Heaven, laid with women, became unclean and had giant sons. The angels were spiritual, Holy, living an eternal life, but became unclean and begot children through the blood of flesh and your children lusted after the blood of human.

God gave men wives so that children might be born by them and the deeds might be done on the Earth. But the angels, formerly, were spiritual, living an eternal, immortal life, for all the generations of the world. For this reason God did not arrange wives for them, because the dwelling of the spiritual ones is in Heaven and now the giants who were born from body and flesh will be called Evil Spirits on the Earth, and on the Earth will be their dwelling.

Since God did not arrange wives for angels, then the sons of God are not angels for them to be taking wives among themselves to be called wives in His words when God would not join them together at all in "holy" matrimony.

The sons of God is just a reference to Israel's family tree starting from Seth in replacing godly Abel.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Since God did not arrange wives for angels, then the sons of God are not angels for them to be taking wives among themselves to be called wives in His words when God would not join them together at all in "holy" matrimony.

Not ALL marriages are "arranged" by God or "holy".

The sons of God "is just" a reference to Israel's family tree starting from Seth in replacing godly Abel.


God Bless,


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Since God did not arrange wives for angels, then the sons of God are not angels for them to be taking wives among themselves to be called wives in His words when God would not join them together at all in "holy" matrimony.

The sons of God is just a reference to Israel's family tree starting from Seth in replacing godly Abel.

Agree...I like it when I can agree with things with you. :)

( as long as we stay off "the other subject"... I agree with much that you say!! :) I do not enjoy disagreements . )


Aug 11, 2018
Västmanland County / Västerås
The sons of God is just a reference to Israel's family tree starting from Seth in replacing godly Abel.

Yes probably not angels as in Cherubim or Seraphim, but Jesus's ancestry was untainted with with the "other" kind. What "other" kind I don't know. Ancient Israel kept the bloodline pure for Jesus. Important part of O.T. Israel.

I suspect we will know in the future. DNA analysis is changing the way we thought about human. Neanderthal and Cro Magnon are now known to have been around when the homo-sapiens were. Human DNA studies in Middle East showed a decline in Neanderthal by interbreeding with homo-sapiens. Gradually over a few thousand years Neanderthal DNA declined. This was about 7000 years ago. They also know Cro-Magnon lived in Europe 30000 years ago. Cro Magnon were very large humans. Many people in this field of study agree both Cro Magnon and Neanderthal should be considered sapiens [wise]. Some even argue Cro Magnon were more intelligent than homo-sapiens.

The bible says multiple and fill the earth. There were several humans in different areas of the world. As time progressed their population grew and overlapped other human types. DNA testing of a modern human will show over 100 diversities from different areas of the world and a smal percentage of Neanderthal.

I think we just have to wait for more evidence to understand who the "sons of God" were.