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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
IN case you missed it..

As of June 1, 2022, the worst case scenario regarding the Ukraine "war", has just been installed by the demented and devil led: President Joe Biden.

He has just created the foundation for WW3, more than likely.

What has this crazed senile fool done, as of 6/1/2022. ??

He has just announced that He is going to give the Ukraine army LONG RANGE MISSILES that can HIT RUSSIAN CITIES.

Unbelievable, but true.
He was not going to do this, and stated so, but has now decided to change His double minded mind.

What does this mean?
It means that Putin will hold the USA and NATO accountable for any missiles that HIT A RUSSIAN CITY, fired by Zelensky,...... because the USA gave Him the Rockets that CAN DO IT.

What will Putin do, when this happens?
He will retaliate,.... He will STRIKE BACK into the USA, or into a "Nato" Country....and that will begin WW3.

Keep an eye on it.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
MOSCOW, June 1. /TASS/. Moscow does not believe Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s claims that Kiev will not attack Russian territory, should it obtain US-made long-range multiple launch rocket systems, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters Wednesday.

"No," the spokesman said, answering a question whether the Kremlin trusts Zelensky’s words. "In order to trust, there must be previous experience when such promises were fulfilled. Unfortunately, such experience is completely nonexistent," Peskov explained.

"On the contrary, the entire history of events proves that, starting with Zelensky’s main campaign promise to end the war in Ukraine’s southeast once and for all, [the promise] was not fulfilled, and the Minsk Agreements were not implemented, they sunk into oblivion, and by Ukraine’s fault at that," the spokesman pointed out.

"So we don’t really have any trust credit for the Ukrainian side," he noted.

On Tuesday, Zelensky said in his interview for US’ Newsmax TV channel that Kiev has no intention to use US-made long-range multiple launch rocket systems to attack Russian territory.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Oct 5, 2011
minnesota USA
United States
The tribulation is at the door or already started. The four horsemen are saddled up. WWlll is just part of it.
I read that the long range rockets they are sending is just one unit 6 launch tubes. Not a game changer.
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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
It is not just Biden itching for war with Russia, Germany, Nato, Europe, WEF is also.
Revelation 17, they are of one mind and willingly give their power and authority to the beast.
They desire the satanic beast to rule the world, to be united into one world government ruled by the beast, antichrist, the devil.
And they also fight against the LORD God and His Christ.

12 “The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. 13 These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. 14 These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.”

Malachi 4, Daniel 7, etc...describes their end and our salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time.
! Peter 1
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, 5 who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

Hebrews 9
26 He then would have had to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now, once at the end of the ages, He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. 27 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, 28 so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many.
To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation.

Romans 13:11

And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.

Malachi 4
The Great Day of God
1 “For behold, the day is coming,
Burning like an oven,
And all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble.
And the day which is coming shall burn them up,”
Says the Lord of hosts,
“That will leave them neither root nor branch.
2 But to you who fear My name
The Sun of Righteousness shall arise
With healing in His wings;
And you shall go out
And grow fat like stall-fed calves.
You shall trample the wicked,
For they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet
On the day that I do this,”
Says the Lord of hosts.

2 Thessalonians 2:12-14
New King James Version

13 But we are bound to give thanks to God always for you, brethren beloved by the Lord,
because God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth, 14 to which He called you by our gospel, for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.



Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The tribulation is at the door or already started. The four horsemen are saddled up. WWlll is just part of it.
I read that the long range rockets they are sending is just one unit 6 launch tubes. Not a game changer.

I'm sure they'll update us on the launcher, or if more show up.

And it will depend on if they strike Russia.

Its impossible to trust Media, as it all just spin and invention.
So, Here is the Russia angle on it.
There is one more more i can share, where they say that they intercepted Radio Transmissions that state that the Rockets will be used, as Russia suspects.
MOSCOW, June 1 - RIA Novosti. Ukrainian nationalists plan to deploy American long-range missile systems in the city of Shostka in the Sumy region to strike at Russian territory, Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev, head of the Interdepartmental Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response, head of the National Defense Control Center, said on Wednesday.
"In the near future, Shostka is expected to receive long-range missile systems from the United States, with the help of which militants of the armed formations of Ukraine, on the orders of the SBU, plan to strike at the border territory of the Russian Federation directly from residential areas of the city," he said.
According to the general, the militants want to provoke a response and then accuse the Russian Armed Forces of indiscriminate shelling of the civilian population and infrastructure.
Also, the Kyiv authorities plan to bring journalists to the city, including foreign ones, to create fake photo and video materials that will be widely distributed by Western news agencies.
He clarified that operational information about the impending "inhuman provocation" in the Sumy region was obtained as a result of interception of radio communications.
of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky promised not to use the new HIMARS systems for attacks on Russian territory. In turn, the press secretary of President Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Peskov , stressed that Moscow does not trust the statements of Kiev , and the competent departments are taking appropriate measures to protect the country.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Oct 5, 2011
minnesota USA
United States
I saw a report that the US missile system needs satellite targeting, Kiev does not have satellites for targeting, US may provide that info?
Or they may just fire them in the right direction of a city. Time will tell. God is in charge of the timing of the end.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I saw a report that the US missile system needs satellite targeting, Kiev does not have satellites for targeting, US may provide that info?
Or they may just fire them in the right direction of a city. Time will tell. God is in charge of the timing of the end.
GOD sure is in charge on the timing of the end . But since we are on that note , My advice is the end hour draws ever nigh .
Be ready , be waiting and be watching , lest that day overtakes any as a thief .


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
The tribulation is at the door or already started. The four horsemen are saddled up. WWlll is just part of it.
I read that the long range rockets they are sending is just one unit 6 launch tubes. Not a game changer.
It could be. One is enough if it gets through, and if Russia wants the excuse to launch on the USA, it may let one get through, and blame us.

I think we may very well be at the door! The birth pangs are getting so close together!

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Oct 5, 2011
minnesota USA
United States
GOD sure is in charge on the timing of the end . But since we are on that note , My advice is the end hour draws ever nigh .
Be ready , be waiting and be watching , lest that day overtakes any as a thief .

I have been waiting and watching for 70 yrs. the Holy Spirit told me when I was 10 yrs old that I will be alive when Jesus returns. So I know we are close to the end.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I have been waiting and watching for 70 yrs. the Holy Spirit told me when I was 10 yrs old that I will be alive when Jesus returns. So I know we are close to the end.
I bet you have seen the falling away go massive in this generation .
Total reprobation of minds has occured now . Folks thinking they trees , dogs , opposite sex and its all honored now .
Signs of the times have grown massive in these last years . The COMING OF THE LORD DOES INDEED draw nigh .
Yes indeed my friend .

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
IN case you missed it..

As of June 1, 2022, the worst case scenario regarding the Ukraine "war", has just been installed by the demented and devil led: President Joe Biden.

He has just created the foundation for WW3, more than likely.

What has this crazed senile fool done, as of 6/1/2022. ??

He has just announced that He is going to give the Ukraine army LONG RANGE MISSILES that can HIT RUSSIAN CITIES.

Unbelievable, but true.
He was not going to do this, and stated so, but has now decided to change His double minded mind.

What does this mean?
It means that Putin will hold the USA and NATO accountable for any missiles that HIT A RUSSIAN CITY, fired by Zelensky,...... because the USA gave Him the Rockets that CAN DO IT.

What will Putin do, when this happens?
He will retaliate,.... He will STRIKE BACK into the USA, or into a "Nato" Country....and that will begin WW3.

Keep an eye on it.

Somehow you got some bad info.

The newer longer range rockets that Biden is sending to the Ukraine can hit Russian cities if they are launched within 50 miles of the border. Otherwise no they won't go into Russia.

Biden agrees to provide Ukraine with longer range missiles
Jeff Mason and Steve Holland
Tue, May 31, 2022, 4:42 PM·2 min read

In this article:
  • s_500x500

    Joe Biden
    46th and current president of the United States

By Jeff Mason and Steve Holland

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden has agreed to provide Ukraine with advanced rocket systems that can strike with precision at long-range Russian targets as part of a $700 million weapons package expected to be unveiled on Wednesday.

The United States is providing Ukraine with high mobility artillery rocket systems that can accurately hit targets as far away as 80 km (50 miles) after Ukraine gave "assurances" they will not use the missiles to strike inside Russia, senior administration officials said.

In a New York Times op-ed published Tuesday, Biden said Russia's invasion of Ukraine will end through diplomacy but the United States must provide significant weapons and ammunition to give Ukraine the highest leverage at the negotiating table.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I saw a report that the US missile system needs satellite targeting, Kiev does not have satellites for targeting, US may provide that info?
Or they may just fire them in the right direction of a city. Time will tell. God is in charge of the timing of the end.

Launching missiles and hoping they hit a target, .. .this what Hamas does about once a year, starting about now, in the middle east.

Last year they fired about 2000 rockets, and hit a few Hotels, not too many Israeli's died.
Thank you "iron dome"..
I personally dont like sitting in my Home in Israel, with my gas mask next to me, while the SIRENS are blaring the "INCOMING" sound, even when its just a practice run.
Not fun.
Dont try that at home, reader.

So, it could be that Zelenkyy's Azov Nazi Battalions will just ... ."point the big gun at Moscow and pull the trigger and... lets see if we get a bullseye".

What i can tell you, is that if they miss Moscow and Hit a farmhouse, inside Russia, then that is a BIDEN SENT USA MISSILE that did that, and Putin will be forced to change the status of his currently. "only in the UKRAINE" "special OP".
Zelensky used the world media to create the illusion that this is a "world war", when its really just a big special operation, that i will explain down below.

Listen, im no fan of This KGB Putin person.
But, my pov is that........i dont pick sides in these situations.....as fools pick sides and the wise pick Truth.
I do have a clear knowledge of why the Guy went into the Ukraine, and this is kept HIDDEN by the Worldwide News Media who have praised Zelenskyy for 3 months, as he practices and dials in his manipulative propaganda.

Its 5 situations, essentially.... that caused Putin to send in the troops.

1.) Donbass
2.) The Crimea
3.) Nato Airbases, that were built in the Ukraine, with USA money that OBAMA's crew paid.
4.) Getting rid of the Nazi Azov Ukraine Army Battalions.
5.) Bio Labs

Here it is briefly.

1.) Donbass.....a large RUSSIAN populated area inside the Ukraine......larger then the Crimea, that declared independence from the Ukraine.
Well, the Nazi Azov battalions have been bombing and killing the Russians there for years, and have killed over 12,000 Russians.
You dont hear about this on the World Media.
So, Putin went into the Ukraine to STOP THIS KILLING OF Russians.
New Media is "crickets" on this.....SILENT....and the VIDEO that showed this, was Yanked off of Youtube......Ive seen it....but you can't now.
The Ukraine made an agreement wtih Russia a while back, to stop bombing DONBASS, and they wont stop.....so, Putin decided to stop them.

2.) The Crimea. This was originally Russian, and Now it is again.....But, OBAMA and the Ukraine were working since 2014, to get it back, and Russia knew it, and then Trump came into power and pulled that back,.... but the DEMS and BIDEN have pushed it forward and Putin knew they would continue.. using the Ukraine.
So, He sent in the troops to stop this... and the New Media is "cricket".....dead.silent.

3.) Many Airbases were built in the Ukraine that would land and maintain NATO forces.. Putin isn't going to let the Ukraine do this, (and why would he, or should he) as would the USA or Australia, let Russian Air bases be built on their Border? So, Putin went in to the Ukraine to stop this...and this fact is "crickets" in the News media ....totally silent.

4.) Ukraine NAZI Army... Battalions... "AZOV".... These are REAL Nazi's, a big part of the Ukraine military, and they are the ones who were doing the killing/bombing of Russians, in Donbass. And Putin went in, to kill them..... as he should. And the New Media, worldwide, again, is "crickets".. SILENT.... no reporting of this fact.

5.) Ukraine Bio Labs. These are chemical warfare, potentially, LABS, funded by the USA, that are inside the UKRAINE....and Putin went in to get rid of them. This at least was uncovered by the SENATE in the USA, a month ago... and is in the "open"....but in the world Media, is "crickets".... silent.

Are you ready for the "there is even more" part?

Russia created legislation that was taken up by the members of the UN, and it is to essentially "stop Nazi's" and "reject racism"....To never accept any of this in the world.

2 UN members voted NO......voted against it..

1. Ukraine
2. USA

check it out for yourself.

Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance :

The United States voted against a resolution condemning Nazism and racism

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
IN case you missed it..

As of June 1, 2022, the worst case scenario regarding the Ukraine "war", has just been installed by the demented and devil led: President Joe Biden.

He has just created the foundation for WW3, more than likely.

What has this crazed senile fool done, as of 6/1/2022. ??

He has just announced that He is going to give the Ukraine army LONG RANGE MISSILES that can HIT RUSSIAN CITIES.

Unbelievable, but true.
He was not going to do this, and stated so, but has now decided to change His double minded mind.

What does this mean?
It means that Putin will hold the USA and NATO accountable for any missiles that HIT A RUSSIAN CITY, fired by Zelensky,...... because the USA gave Him the Rockets that CAN DO IT.

What will Putin do, when this happens?
He will retaliate,.... He will STRIKE BACK into the USA, or into a "Nato" Country....and that will begin WW3.

Keep an eye on it.
Biden is a nightmare come true.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Oct 5, 2011
minnesota USA
United States
Launching missiles and hoping they hit a target, .. .this what Hamas does about once a year, starting about now, in the middle east.

Last year they fired about 2000 rockets, and hit a few Hotels, not too many Israeli's died.
Thank you "iron dome"..
I personally dont like sitting in my Home in Israel, with my gas mask next to me, while the SIRENS are blaring the "INCOMING" sound, even when its just a practice run.
Not fun.
Dont try that at home, reader.

So, it could be that Zelenkyy's Azov Nazi Battalions will just ... ."point the big gun at Moscow and pull the trigger and... lets see if we get a bullseye".

What i can tell you, is that if they miss Moscow and Hit a farmhouse, inside Russia, then that is a BIDEN SENT USA MISSILE that did that, and Putin will be forced to change the status of his currently. "only in the UKRAINE" "special OP".
Zelensky used the world media to create the illusion that this is a "world war", when its really just a big special operation, that i will explain down below.

Listen, im no fan of This KGB Putin person.
But, my pov is that........i dont pick sides in these situations.....as fools pick sides and the wise pick Truth.
I do have a clear knowledge of why the Guy went into the Ukraine, and this is kept HIDDEN by the Worldwide News Media who have praised Zelenskyy for 3 months, as he practices and dials in his manipulative propaganda.

Its 5 situations, essentially.... that caused Putin to send in the troops.

1.) Donbass
2.) The Crimea
3.) Nato Airbases, that were built in the Ukraine, with USA money that OBAMA's crew paid.
4.) Getting rid of the Nazi Azov Ukraine Army Battalions.
5.) Bio Labs

Here it is briefly.

1.) Donbass.....a large RUSSIAN populated area inside the Ukraine......larger then the Crimea, that declared independence from the Ukraine.
Well, the Nazi Azov battalions have been bombing and killing the Russians there for years, and have killed over 12,000 Russians.
You dont hear about this on the World Media.
So, Putin went into the Ukraine to STOP THIS KILLING OF Russians.
New Media is "crickets" on this.....SILENT....and the VIDEO that showed this, was Yanked off of Youtube......Ive seen it....but you can't now.
The Ukraine made an agreement wtih Russia a while back, to stop bombing DONBASS, and they wont stop.....so, Putin decided to stop them.

2.) The Crimea. This was originally Russian, and Now it is again.....But, OBAMA and the Ukraine were working since 2014, to get it back, and Russia knew it, and then Trump came into power and pulled that back,.... but the DEMS and BIDEN have pushed it forward and Putin knew they would continue.. using the Ukraine.
So, He sent in the troops to stop this... and the New Media is "cricket".....dead.silent.

3.) Many Airbases were built in the Ukraine that would land and maintain NATO forces.. Putin isn't going to let the Ukraine do this, (and why would he, or should he) as would the USA or Australia, let Russian Air bases be built on their Border? So, Putin went in to the Ukraine to stop this...and this fact is "crickets" in the News media ....totally silent.

4.) Ukraine NAZI Army... Battalions... "AZOV".... These are REAL Nazi's, a big part of the Ukraine military, and they are the ones who were doing the killing/bombing of Russians, in Donbass. And Putin went in, to kill them..... as he should. And the New Media, worldwide, again, is "crickets".. SILENT.... no reporting of this fact.

5.) Ukraine Bio Labs. These are chemical warfare, potentially, LABS, funded by the USA, that are inside the UKRAINE....and Putin went in to get rid of them. This at least was uncovered by the SENATE in the USA, a month ago... and is in the "open"....but in the world Media, is "crickets".... silent.

Are you ready for the "there is even more" part?

Russia created legislation that was taken up by the members of the UN, and it is to essentially "stop Nazi's" and "reject racism"....To never accept any of this in the world.

2 UN members voted NO......voted against it..

1. Ukraine
2. USA

check it out for yourself.

Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance :

The United States voted against a resolution condemning Nazism and racism

Behold You live in Israeli, You need to buckle your seat belt. " I think " the prophesy that " God will put a hook in the mouth of Rush and turn him and bring him ( Rush ) to the mountains of Israeli and then God will destroy his army "
Iran is reported to be about 2 or 3 months away from having a Nuke, Israeli WILL attack to stop that from happening. Iran is protected by Rush and Putin will turn from Ukraine and invade the muddle east to take the oil and destroy Israel. That seems very possible to come to pass soon.
God Bless.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Oct 5, 2011
minnesota USA
United States
I bet you have seen the falling away go massive in this generation .
Total reprobation of minds has occured now . Folks thinking they trees , dogs , opposite sex and its all honored now .
Signs of the times have grown massive in these last years . The COMING OF THE LORD DOES INDEED draw nigh .
Yes indeed my friend .

Yes indeed I have, I think it started when they kicked God out of the schools in the 1960s
Then Kicked the fathers out of the homes so the mother and children could get well fair. They broke up the family.
Those were the two big ones in My opinion. It has been all down hill ever sense.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Yes indeed I have, I think it started when they kicked God out of the schools in the 1960s
Then Kicked the fathers out of the homes so the mother and children could get well fair. They broke up the family.
Those were the two big ones in My opinion. It has been all down hill ever sense.
That my friend is exactly what paul spoke of in romans chapter one .
Notice they kicked God out of schools . THEY DID NOT want to retain GOD at all in their conscious .
And what occured , REPROBATION of minds to do those things which are not convient .
As even as they did not like to retain GOD in their conscious , So HE gave them over to a reprobate mind to do such things .