Can a Christian have a demon?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
I am still not convinced that a Christian can have a demon, even if something had happened before coming to faith - demons would resist the work of the Holy Spirit, they would kick against any attempt to bring that person to accept Christ, the man who was possessed had to encounter Christ, but at the point he was released. Don't deliverance ministries happen when someone is a seeker. Ministry after coming to faith is often about releasing people from the influences of Satan that have bound them.
I believe suicidal thoughts come from Satan, not necessarily through possession, but definately through influence. My son gets suicidal thoughts, but he can talk about Jesus, maybe wrong but I am pretty sure a ' demon ' within would not allow him to utter his name - but I could be wrong !!

Love to know what others think on that !
Since Acts 2, born again Christians have been indwelt by the Holy Spirit.

Praying for your son, that the Scriptures may be his support and confidence...


Thank you farouk, for your prayers x
My son is not a Christian- but he greatly respects Jesus x
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I am still not convinced that a Christian can have a demon, even if something had happened before coming to faith - demons would resist the work of the Holy Spirit, they would kick against any attempt to bring that person to accept Christ, the man who was possessed had to encounter Christ, but at the point he was released. Don't deliverance ministries happen when someone is a seeker. Ministry after coming to faith is often about releasing people from the influences of Satan that have bound them.
I believe suicidal thoughts come from Satan, not necessarily through possession, but definately through influence. My son gets suicidal thoughts, but he can talk about Jesus, maybe wrong but I am pretty sure a ' demon ' within would not allow him to utter his name - but I could be wrong !!

Love to know what others think on that !

I don't know - I've read the disparate views online about it. I read on Dwight & Earline Moody's site - a deliverance ministry - that they can. You would think that a demon would resist the work of the Holy Spirit but how many accounts of Christians trapped in addictions have you heard of? If someone continues to gamble compulsively, for instance, has it crossed the line of being the old man tempting him or her to sin, into control of one corner of his or her life that's controlled by a demon? I think it would be a tragedy if someone was consistently told to man up, or grit their teeth and fight the temptation, or go into expensive counseling for years and years yet still not be able to overcome, when the problem could be eliminated through deliverance.

I too believe that suicidal thoughts are planted by the enemy. The bible doesn't say much about Satan influencing our thoughts - unless there is a Scripture I'm unaware of, which is possible. I think we've all had thoughts that we recognize as from the evil one. A pastor from a church we went to spoke about it one time but only briefly; I wish that it was taught more.

I think it's good that you can say that you can be wrong - unless someone has had direct experience, it may be good to say that you really don't know. I haven't had direct experience, and can only go by the accounts of others.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Out of every hundred "Christians" only a hand full are truly Born from above. It is these that are His special possesion. It is these, that are sealed until the day of redemption.It is these, that have laid down there lives in order to gain it. It is these,that can not be snatched out of The Fathers hands. It is the other "Christians" that can be entered by the enemy for they have not yet given themselves fully to The Lord. This is why deliverance ministers have been casting out demons out of "Christians". That is why there is The Gift of Discernment is needed. With me personally, whenever I run into one who is truly born from above(again) I instantly am in The Spirit(For The Spirit bares witness to The Spirit). As for the others who are"Christians" there is no change, for there is nothing inside to bare witness to. Also, there can be a a spiritual head ache meaning that "Christian" is in need of deliverance. Deliverance (casting out the demons) from a demon or demons, must(And I say must) be done in at the same time a person truly comes to The Lord or it will happen again only only much worse. In this, you will find your answers, and in this, you will understand the reason why there is so much disagreement between "Christians". Also demons are not to be played with, as many deliverance ministers do today(they are crafty at deceit). They are to be cast out as soon as they manifest. Have a Blessed Day!

Yes we're told that the wheat grows with the tares. Can I ask what you mean "whenever I run into one who is truly born from above I instantly am in the Sprit?" I get no special "witnessing" in my Spirit. I've had it happen a few times when I spoke to an unsaved person I knew the Holy Spirit within me did something, because when I looked into their eyes they looked taken aback. It's only happened three times. I felt "something" but can't put my finger on what it was nor define it. I somehow knew the Holy Spirit communicated to them in a strong way.


I don't know - I've read the disparate views online about it. I read on Dwight & Earline Moody's site - a deliverance ministry - that they can. You would think that a demon would resist the work of the Holy Spirit but how many accounts of Christians trapped in addictions have you heard of? If someone continues to gamble compulsively, for instance, has it crossed the line of being the old man tempting him or her to sin, into control of one corner of his or her life that's controlled by a demon? I think it would be a tragedy if someone was consistently told to man up, or grit their teeth and fight the temptation, or go into expensive counseling for years and years yet still not be able to overcome, when the problem could be eliminated through deliverance.

I too believe that suicidal thoughts are planted by the enemy. The bible doesn't say much about Satan influencing our thoughts - unless there is a Scripture I'm unaware of, which is possible. I think we've all had thoughts that we recognize as from the evil one. A pastor from a church we went to spoke about it one time but only briefly; I wish that it was taught more.

I think it's good that you can say that you can be wrong - unless someone has had direct experience, it may be good to say that you really don't know. I haven't had direct experience, and can only go by the accounts of others.
I still think that there is a big difference between possession and influence, most addictions begin with temptation, and many are a means of dealing with things - they become addictive by relying on the very thing that enables them to run away from whatever they are running away from.
Some see things as being From God or from Satan, with nothing in between. We are people who are also influenced by our environment, culture and our own protective reactions to things. Drink, for example, can be no different to pain relief - accept the pain is often emotional, same with food and cigarettes.
I went through a phase some years ago of seeing a demon in everything , I have to say that was also down to reading quite a bit of material about the subject - I had to stop because it was making me paranoid!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
The bible doesn't say much about Satan influencing our thoughts - unless there is a Scripture I'm unaware of, which is possible.

If you are willing to receive it, I believe that the following applies:

Eph 6:16, Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

The solution, I think, is also found in the following:

2Co 10:3, For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
2Co 10:4, (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
2Co 10:5, Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2018
United States
Yes we're told that the wheat grows with the tares. Can I ask what you mean "whenever I run into one who is truly born from above I instantly am in the Sprit?" I get no special "witnessing" in my Spirit. I've had it happen a few times when I spoke to an unsaved person I knew the Holy Spirit within me did something, because when I looked into their eyes they looked taken aback. It's only happened three times. I felt "something" but can't put my finger on what it was nor define it. I somehow knew the Holy Spirit communicated to them in a strong way.

Those that are truly born from above(Again) have both The Father and The Son by way of The Holy Spirit. This is the handful out of the hundred. The Gift of Discernment of Spirits discerns the Good and the evil. As I am One With my Father, I am One with all that are truly born from above as they are One with Him. As I said before, The Spirit bares witness to The Spirit. There is no fooling The Spirit of The Lord. So it is even on these boards. Even when we write words, it is easily discerned, for who we truly are goes down on paper or in this case, a keyboard. The words spoken through you those three times will not come back void. They will bare fruit in its season.
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Dave L

Those that are truly born from above(Again) have both The Father and The Son by way of The Holy Spirit. This is the handful out of the hundred. The Gift of Discernment of Spirits discerns the Good and the evil. As I am One With my Father, I am One with all that are truly born from above as they are One with Him. As I said before, The Spirit bares witness to The Spirit. There is no fooling The Spirit of The Lord. So it is even on these boards. Even when we write words, it is easily discerned, for who we truly are goes down on paper or in this case, a keyboard. The words spoken through you those three times will not come back void. They will bare fruit in its season.
We need to remember that all who came to Jesus for deliverance, including the Gadarene demoniac, had faith which is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. The flesh remains the Devil's playground and many, especially these days, believe doctrines of demons that grant them access to their minds and bodies.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
We need to remember that all who came to Jesus for deliverance, including the Gadarene demoniac, had faith which is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. The flesh remains the Devil's playground and many, especially these days, believe doctrines of demons that grant them access to their minds and bodies.
If you are a believer, He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). Therefore if you are bearing a fruit of the Spirit, you could not be possessed like the Gadarene demoniac.

Dave L

If you are a believer, He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). Therefore if you are bearing a fruit of the Spirit, you could not be possessed like the Gadarene demoniac.
The flesh can have many demons. Only believers received deliverance from Jesus. This is why doctrines of demons can create all sorts of problems for believers. It opens them to possession. This is why I won't set foot in some churches.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
The flesh can have many demons. Only believers received deliverance from Jesus. This is why doctrines of demons can create all sorts of problems for believers. It opens them to possession. This is why I won't set foot in some churches.
A demon cannot co-habitate a body that is filled with the Holy Spirit, with subsequent bearing of fruit.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
I do not think so (Romans 6:6, Colossians 2:11, 1 John 1:7, Titus 2:14, Hebrews 10:14, etc.)


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Those who are filled with the Holy Spirit don't play with the devil; the Holy Spirit restrains us.

Dave L

Those who are filled with the Holy Spirit don't play with the devil; the Holy Spirit restrains us.
They do pal around with the Devil through false doctrines. That's why we have sound doctrine, though largely ignored, to help prevent this.