Can a Christian have a demon?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
That has nothing to do with it at all.
It has everything to do with it. This scripture states that there will come a time when 144,000 purebred Jews will evangelize the world.

Well Nathanael is not mentioned again, so I suppose he may just be Stephen Nathaniel, such could be true.

Pure speculation.

Why would a true Christian who truly knows Jesus is the Christ bow down to all the trash that rejects Jesus Christ or hates him nowadays, why would a Christian want to lay with such filth that will only end up destroying Christianity and enslaving all under Satan's powers or why do such calling themselves Christians want to go through the hellfire to come, is it because they truly don't have faith is Jesus Christ, I believe that's the case why they are abandoning him and turning to the world and claiming to others that another Jesus is coming.

Rom 11:28, As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.
Rom 11:29, For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

Jon Mathews

Active Member
May 7, 2019
indianapolis, in
United States
I've always heard it taught that the holy spirit and a demon cannot inhabit the same person, but I've re-thought that teaching. I recently happened across a youtube video by Derek Prince who said that he has delivered many Christians from demons. I recently read a book "Deliver us from Evil" by Don Basham who said the same thing.

I have encountered some Christians whose behavior was completely the opposite of Christ's. They were critical, faultfinding, and a few did outright evil. So as I listened to Derek Prince's sermon, he said that the worst demons were the "religious" demons. I made me wonder if that was what was operating in churches and on forums.

I'd like to know what others believe.

I love Derek Prince. TB Joshua also is great to watch to understand spiritual warfare.

To know if a Christian can have a demon, you have to understand the Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit. The Mind is like a tree with roots that go down into the soul. The Soul also is in the branches of the mind. The Spirit is like the water that comes up thru the branches of the mind. The Water of the Spirit is also what fills your soul. Demons/evil spirits come as thoughts/voices/ideas. They are like squawking black birds that can fly thru your skull and sit in the branches of your mind. If you have the Holy Spirit, He is the "strong man" or Water/Light inside your soul which flows up thru the branches of your mind. An evil spirit cannot replace the Holy Spirit. Evil spirits cannot fill your soul if the Holy Spirit is in there. They can only fly in and land in branches of your mind and make a lot of noise. With the Holy Spirit in you, you have the ability to shake the Tree of your mind and chase away the evil spirits. Or you can bind the thoughts/voices/ideas they give forth and "take them captive to Christ". The problem is there are many so-called "Christians" that have never really been Born of God. They are like dried up trees with no water in them and no fruit. Whoever has not been Born of God is like a house with a weak man living inside. The Enemy can bind him and take over the house. Anyone Born of God can still have satanic thoughts, but they will know that those thoughts are not coming from the Spirit within their soul, but they are coming from external evil spirits who are speaking in their minds like black crows squawking in the branches of the "tree" of their mind.

I hope this helps. It comes from my decade-long struggle against a demon who was assigned to pester me as a Born Again saint in Jesus Christ. This messenger of Satan that oppressed me spiritually, also manifests as Bipolar disorder, which is the "thorn in my flesh".

Satan can get pretty deep into a Born of God Christian. But praise God, the Holy Spirit is always deeper, at the very Core.


Active Member
May 21, 2019
Central IL
United States
I've always heard it taught that the holy spirit and a demon cannot inhabit the same person, but I've re-thought that teaching. I recently happened across a youtube video by Derek Prince who said that he has delivered many Christians from demons. I recently read a book "Deliver us from Evil" by Don Basham who said the same thing.

I have encountered some Christians whose behavior was completely the opposite of Christ's. They were critical, faultfinding, and a few did outright evil. So as I listened to Derek Prince's sermon, he said that the worst demons were the "religious" demons. I made me wonder if that was what was operating in churches and on forums.

I'd like to know what others believe.

I've just read your op so I'm sure this has already been said but ....can you without a doubt say the "Christians" you've encountered were truly saved? There are many who call themselves Christian but haven't received Christ. Scripture speaks of this, too.

2 Cor 6:14 says "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?"

That's just talking about human marriage. Believers, the church, we are the bride of Christ. How can anything of satan indwell a child of God? We are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, no way can a demon take up residence.

Believers can, however, be demonized - oppressed - from the outside. But not possessed.

There's nothing scripturally that supports demonic possession of a believer.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
It has everything to do with it. This scripture states that there will come a time when 144,000 purebred Jews will evangelize the world.

Pure speculation.

Rom 11:28, As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.
Rom 11:29, For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.
No such thing as a purebred Jew. they are regarded as Hebrews and not a race but come from one Tribe out of many Semitic Tribes and this is about Gods Chosen and when Jesus Christ came that was the end of that, so anyone who rejects Jesus Christ is on Satan, end of story ?

Jesus "is" he King of Israel.

What is it with people who just do not get that fact, no one come to the Father but through his only begotten Son.

What is it with people who reject that Jesus is the Christ, why do they try to look to another ? I would say that they are lost. not to mention any goose that claims too be looking for a people who are lost for Salvation ? I have to ask why look to the Lost.

Jesus Christ being the King of Israel makes all who truly follow in him the true Israelites = (servants of God) they are born again Christians and the water baptised are a people of God = (Judah) fact is that anyone who rejects Jesus Christ, is of Satan. so how can Satan drive out Satan ?

One must come from Jesus Christ only to have the Light of the Father ? so how can one who does not have the Light from Christ Jesus pop up with such power ? fact is such is of Satan in fact leading all astray, so no only they who follow in Jesus Christ are worthy of God, so the fact is that no one can come rejecting Jesus Christ ! such a one is from his Father of lies as Jesus Christ pointed out. not to mention understand about the deceptions that the one who leads the whole world astray = (Satan)

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I've just read your op so I'm sure this has already been said but ....can you without a doubt say the "Christians" you've encountered were truly saved? There are many who call themselves Christian but haven't received Christ. Scripture speaks of this, too.

2 Cor 6:14 says "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?"

That's just talking about human marriage. Believers, the church, we are the bride of Christ. How can anything of satan indwell a child of God? We are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, no way can a demon take up residence.

Believers can, however, be demonized - oppressed - from the outside. But not possessed.

There's nothing scripturally that supports demonic possession of a believer.

That's a very good question. Until we get to heaven we can only judge by someone's "fruit" if they're a true believer. But I do trust Rev. Don Basham - I found his writing to be credible. He claims to have been inhabited by a demon of fear.

I don't believe that demons can take over a Christian like the demoniac of Gadara but I do believe that they can oppress. Apparently Satan spoke through Peter as Christ admonished him sharply: "Get thee behind me Satan!" The following story is very interesting and can give us some insight to how they operate against Christians:

Can a Christian Be Demon Possessed?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I've just read your op so I'm sure this has already been said but ....can you without a doubt say the "Christians" you've encountered were truly saved? There are many who call themselves Christian but haven't received Christ. Scripture speaks of this, too.

2 Cor 6:14 says "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?"

That's just talking about human marriage. Believers, the church, we are the bride of Christ. How can anything of satan indwell a child of God? We are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, no way can a demon take up residence.

Believers can, however, be demonized - oppressed - from the outside. But not possessed.

There's nothing scripturally that supports demonic possession of a believer.

Hello..I do agree with your post in general....a demon(s) can influence and even stay or attach itself/themselves to a true believer as the Father allows it for our own 'good.' Scripture does speak of this subject this way, explicitly and implicitly. This is not possession however.

If we redirect our minds long enough away from the true spirit that is part of our new mindset, we can wander into the mind and thoughts of evil and feed this mindset or types of thoughts that can alter the heart negatively. These events can cause anxiety, stress and even an altered personality. Again this is not possession. I believe the Father does allow this to occur when there are obstacles in our hearts that need attention, examination and testing and judgment. The Father wants to rid ourselves of these vices, habits etc...and thus we have the saying like 'we need to deal with our demons...' And yes we do and pray as in the Lord's prayer to keep us safe from evil or the evil one...

Not one true believer is immune to demon influence, period. We fight these forces everyday whether we realize it or not....

Bless you,



Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
I've always heard it taught that the holy spirit and a demon cannot inhabit the same person, but I've re-thought that teaching. I recently happened across a youtube video by Derek Prince who said that he has delivered many Christians from demons. I recently read a book "Deliver us from Evil" by Don Basham who said the same thing.

I have encountered some Christians whose behavior was completely the opposite of Christ's. They were critical, faultfinding, and a few did outright evil. So as I listened to Derek Prince's sermon, he said that the worst demons were the "religious" demons. I made me wonder if that was what was operating in churches and on forums.

I'd like to know what others believe.
the sow that is washed can always go back to the mud.


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
We need to keep in mind, many of whom Jesus never knew will have cast out demons and have had control over them in His name. Yet he will tell them to depart because he never knew them. This is more of a trait of Pentecostal churches and not so much the mainline churches who do not practice works of this nature. So caution is necessary in these matters.

This comment has very little validity. When God brought about the charismatic awakening in the UK in the 60s, at the forefront of it was the Anglican Church. Michael Harper was one of their ministers who was at the forefront of the renewal. You can read his books on the subject. He often hosted speakers from other countries in his church to speak of the moving of the Holy Spirit. David Du Plessis from South Africa was one of those visiting speakers. He wrote a book on the subject "The Spirit Made Me Go."

His write up says that...He later recalled that in 1936 Smith Wigglesworth, during a preaching tour in South Africa, prophesied over him that God would out pour his Spirit upon the historic churches and that he, Du Plessis, would be greatly involved in this. This actually happened. Another entry said ....Du Plessis entitled his autobiography The Spirit Bade Me Go, as he believed God had commanded him to take the Pentecostal message to other denominations, and in particular the World Council of Churches. This actually happened.

Another Church in the UK was the Holy Trinity Brompton, famous for its Nicky Gumbel teaching material known as Alpha. The son of a friend of ours attended the church whilst he was studying in London.

In Australia, two of the leading lights that travelled and taught the gifts of the Spirit were Father Kurt Braun of the Roman Catholic Church and Harry Westwood of the Uniting church, both situated in Canberra. I met both of these men and they were full of the Spirit no doubt about that.

For a period of time, I was involved in two churches that preached the supernatural and the gifts of the Spirit. One was a Baptist Church and the other was a Church of Christ.

So as you can see the claim that mainline churches do not practice works of this nature is a lie.


Active Member
May 21, 2019
Seattle Area
United States
At the risk of sounding simplistic, I think it's possible for a Christian to have a demon. There's the demon of addiction, whether it be drugs, alcohol, pornography, etc. We all go through spiritual battles.
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My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
I've always heard it taught that the holy spirit and a demon cannot inhabit the same person, but I've re-thought that teaching. I recently happened across a youtube video by Derek Prince who said that he has delivered many Christians from demons. I recently read a book "Deliver us from Evil" by Don Basham who said the same thing.

I have encountered some Christians whose behavior was completely the opposite of Christ's. They were critical, faultfinding, and a few did outright evil. So as I listened to Derek Prince's sermon, he said that the worst demons were the "religious" demons. I made me wonder if that was what was operating in churches and on forums.

I'd like to know what others believe.

The religious demon is alive and well in a lot of churches. One of its main influences is to impose the status quo on a church. Like, we have done this for a hundred years so we don't see the need to change. Satan is not afraid of the church as long as he has control of it. The church that worries him is the one that branches out into new and powerful things and refuses to accept the status quo.

Another of its wiles it to deny the priesthood of all believers. If he can get one man to run the show and grind him into the dust he has achieved his aim. Apparently, in the USA, there are approx 6,000 pastors a month who resign because of unrealistic expectations or total fatigue.

Another thing that Derek says that in nearly every Pentecostal church there is a Jezebel spirit. This spirit is a controlling spirit and the people who are controlled by it justify anything they do as legitimate so it is OK to do it. In Pentecostal churches, it is often the wife of the pastor who usurps the authority of men.

I remember in one church I was in I asked to set up a prayer ministry for young people so they could learn spiritual warfare through prayer. I got the OK, but the day before it was going to happen I was told it was off the menu. The lady who was in charge of the prayer ministry of the church vetoed it because she was not in charge of it.

A lot of ministers are in the pulpit because of a spirit of rejection. They have to be someone to overcome the rejection they feel. When we first moved to Australia, we would go to a church and when we came out at the end of the service we would look at each other and say "rejection." Derek Prince reckons 50% of pastors should not be in the role because they are there in response to their rejection, not because they are called by God.

When you have a handle on the spirit world, you will find demons all over the place especially in the church.


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
All who came to Jesus for healing and deliverance were saved, they had faith. When Jesus saw their faith, he knew he could justly heal and deliver them because he knew their sins were marked for payment on the cross.

So what?


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
All of those delivered from demons were born again. Deliverance is the children's bread.

Coming from a man who does not believe in the supernatural. And where does it say in scripture that deliverance is the children's bread? Another one of your opinions that does not hold water.
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My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
If you are born again of the Holy Ghost, He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world.

Of course, there are those who think that they are born again but really are not.

Many Christians are merely nominal. Such Christians are indeed subject to possession.

If anyone has been baptized in the Holy Ghost, I don't believe they can be possessed.

Just in case, I ask the Lord to fill me with the Holy Ghost any time I even feel a twitch on my skin.

Evidence for the highlighted statement, please.


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
Reading this forum I’ve observed the Jezebel spirit on here. Fellow believers discern who they are: By Grace, Butterfly, Taken. By their fruits ye shall know them.

None of them have a controlling spirit so you are wrong.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
At the risk of sounding simplistic, I think it's possible for a Christian to have a demon. There's the demon of addiction, whether it be drugs, alcohol, pornography, etc. We all go through spiritual battles.
While I take your point about Christians being sometimes hindered in certain ways - and I think your reference to demons there is in a looser, indefinite sense of the word - I think its also clear that in spiritual things two spheres absolutely exclude one another:

"Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils." (1 Corinthians 10.21).


Active Member
May 21, 2019
Seattle Area
United States
While I take your point about Christians being sometimes hindered in certain ways - and I think your reference to demons there is in a looser, indefinite sense of the word - I think its also clear that in spiritual things two spheres absolutely exclude one another:

"Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils." (1 Corinthians 10.21).

It was a looser sense in terms of spiritual battle, and not limited to addiction. I used addiction as just one example. We all have our spiritual battles, but not necessarily in terms of drinking the cup of devils. As an old pastor of mine once said, "Satan likes to play games with us."


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
It was a looser sense in terms of spiritual battle, and not limited to addiction. I used addiction as just one example. We all have our spiritual battles, but not necessarily in terms of drinking the cup of devils. As an old pastor of mine once said, "Satan likes to play games with us."
I think the 1 Corinthians 1.21 context is rather specific.

Clearly a chapter such as the mighty Romans 8 does show that Christians do grapple with indwelling sin, which however, does not have the final victory: far from it.