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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
How do you do 'Bred of Life' ....My expectations of the disciples as well as Peter is the opposite of what you responded, I never assumed that they were perfect men. Thankfully I had met and spoken to Jesus at some length over 6 years before I ever even saw a Bible, I had to borrow my initial one from a library, as they were so very expensive. Of course there is nothing wrong with sharing a workload, and delegating a job is one thing, to rule over, is another all together. I have had the utmost respect for the men who walked with Jesus every day for 3 years, ever since I read of them, always feeling a slight kinship with Peter, as I used to put my foot in my mouth a lot also and act impulsively . The Holy Spirit had fallen upon men on the Day of Pentecost, Peter had no reason to believe that everyone needed him, to exclusively concentrate on The Lords Word, as anyone who had received the Holy spirit by then, had the exact same ability, in The Lord, as Peter or the other disciples did. I can see this has been a huge problem throughout the years since Jesus' resurrection. People have not allowed themselves to be taught by The Holy spirit, rather they have mostly happily sat back ( and still do ) and let other men tell them what and how to believe and understand and what sort of worship to give The Father and our Savior. He, our Father has been looking for those who will worship Him IN SPIRIT and IN TRUTH... I have encountered many many people, throughout my 31 years with Jesus, who have not had revelation from above, and that's fine, it was never a DEMAND from Jesus, it was to bring us all into one body, one truth, one faith.......Obviously that never took place as we are all aware and it will take The Lord Himself to bring us together in HIS TRUTH... Jesus also said :" Blessed are they that have believed and not sen.", however, He never said anything about those same people being the ones to tell everyone else what's what, which of course would be pure insanity anyway, in the same way that you wouldn't hire a fork lift driver to compose the plan for how to build and calculate how to get to Mars, right ? I do feel for and pray for people who come off all authoritarian, but when you really go into what they're saying, it's just all come from learnedness, thus knowledge.......Still will never replace KNOWING. And 'Bread of Life' before you start spewing more venom my way or in the direction of others on this Forum, I am a nobody, I wasn't even a believer when I first encountered Jesus, nor do I want to be in any position of telling anyone else what to think or do, all I do, is pass on things He has shown or told me, which has always brought such love , peace and real Life into my life, hoping that others will seek Him out for themselves, so they can also taste of the pure Goodness of our Lord and Savior, who is the express image and likeness ( and He doesn't mean through our eyes ) of His Father and our Father. Jesus said to :" Ask, seek and knock!'....Perhaps that is something you would like to try ? My prayer for all of us, is that He will open the eyes and ears of our understanding, so we can walk WITH Him, in agreement with Him, instead of being in opposition to Him on so many fronts, claiming lies as Truth, which is not helpful in any way what so ever, to say the very least. I have to pop out now. Look forward to reading your response, if you do respond...............Blessings In Him...........Pia
I find it hilarious how people like you accuse people like me of "spewing venom" for exposing liars - but you never condemn the liar.

I've never started a thread on this forum. My entire mission here is to seek and destroy lies.
There are too many people who come here seeking the truth who are seduced by the lies you guys openly spread with impunity.

Instead of attacking people who take God's Commandment against bearing false witness seriously - why don't you spend more time rebuking the liars, hmmmm?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
As I schooled your fellow ignorant anti-Catholic, Job in post #991 . . .

I'm GLAD you brought this up - so I can expose your ignorance yet again . . .

All of this Babylon mystery religion manure was first invented by a guy names Alexander Hislop.
Hislop was a 19th century anti-Catholic who wasn't very bright - but he really worked hard at his anti-Catholicism. He wrote a book called "The Two Babylons" that was filled with the same garbage that your little video has.

Anyway - he had some 20th century followers - and one of them, Ralph Woodrow wrote his own Book called Babylon Mystery Religion. Unfortunately for him - he started to do some actual research for a follow-up book - and what he found out ASTOUNDED him: Alexander Hislop was not only wrong - he made all of this up!

Woodrow quickly took his book out of print and now runs a website apologizing for his unsubstantiated attacks on the Catholic Church.

So much for your manure-laden little link . . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Has it ever occurred to any Christian here to walk into a Catholic church?

A boy of 8 died a few years ago from a tumor over top his heart. We didn't know that was the diagnosis when we got the prayer call. His mom telephoned days later and said the family was awakened by the dog baying. In the ancient times dog's howling like that were signs of a soul leaving the plain. So when I got that call and my friend prefaced the report of the child dying with the dog's baying I knew.

I hate funerals. People in boxes, stuffed, glued, cosmeticized. For what? Really? To appease the worms?

But I went. Even when I wasn't fond of the RCC for it's , well, whatever.

First time in a Catholic church. A converted Pagan, Satanist, Atheist. I'd seen it all. I thought.

Ah, the familiar. I'm sitting there feeling pain for the child we'd all prayed for. And there to the right of me, is a Goddess standing on the world, surrounded by a band of stars.
A converted pagan - but unfortunately, still a Biblically bankrupt anti-Catholic.
Allow me to school you once more . . .

In the Davidic Kingdom, the wife of the King was not the Queen – but rather, his mother was elevated to that station. The title Gebirah (Gebira), meaning “Great Lady” or “Queen Mother” was a royal title and an office which was bestowed upon the mothers of the Kings of Israel but only to those in the line of David.

Jesus Christ is the heir of David. He is the fulfillment of the covenant promises made to David in 2 Samuel 7:16; 23:5, and repeated to Mary in Luke 1:26-36. Mary’s son rules from the Kingdom of the heavenly Jerusalem. It is fitting that His mother should enjoy the same role that other Davidic Queen mothers enjoyed, that is the royal office of the heavenly Gebirah. This is the understanding that Catholics have when calling her “the Queen of Heaven”.ss.

1 Kings 2:19-20
So Bathsheba went to King Solomon to speak to him about Adonijah; the king got up to meet her and bowed before her; he then sat down on his throne; a seat was brought for the king’s mother, and she sat down on his right.

“There is one small favor I would ask of you,” she said. “Do not refuse me.” “Ask it, my mother,” the king said to her, “for I will not refuse you.”

Just as with the Davidic Kingdom, as Jesus is the King, Mary is the Queen Mother.

Oh, and the crown of stars that offended you so much - crack open your dusty Bible and turn to Rev. 12:1.
A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
I find many things about the Mary cult disturbing, but my mom, also an RCC member and a Mary by name revealed many things about it to me unintentionally (it's very hard for people to hide things from me when I'm in a position to question them.) One thing that you can be sure of is that there are divisions within the RCC itself over some practices or there would be no secrecy about them. Of course, being a dream operator, and dabbling in card reading was more than enough reason for her secrecy and I wouldn't suggest that these were approved activities in the church, however I have rebuked young fortune tellers at a local church sponsored annual fair, and I wonder where it's all going.
And this has absolutely NOTHING to do with Catholicism - even though you want to perpetuate this lie.
You see - it's hard for people to hide things form ME, too . . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Oh you mean teh bit about how all I speak of is Christ, now what is it you speak of???

PS Jesus found me innocent years ago, Case is closed.
No - Jesus isn't a liar and doesn't approve of the either.

"Innocent", indeed . . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Yes and He is not a sinner....
No i like Him am rejecting your, besides i dont have much hair i keep it short. Definilty not as smart as Him either.
Well - you finally got something right . . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
You want to see an unchristian use of speech, check out what the catholics in this thread have say.
Actually - the "unChristian" use of speech would be in YOUR posts.
Remember - God doesn't like lies OR liars, so you might wanna change your strategy . . .

Prov. 12:22
Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD, But those who deal faithfully are His delight.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Why is it important to nonCatholics to believe that Catholics worship statues? Whenever I see people vehnemently trying to prove an error in another's doctrine, which doesn't fit, it makes me question the intentions of the accuser.

I've certainly misrepresented the doctrines of other churches in order to discredit them, but it only works to convince me that I am right - no doubt, the other person is also convinced; convinced they are right.

The fact is, Catholics and Protestants agree that worshiping objects or anything other than God is blasphemy. Do some Catholics misunderstand the doctrines of their church; they sure do! People are superstitious - Americans worship materialism, consumerism, lucky rabbit foots, the American dream, actors, politicians, religious ideas, the Bible, etc - Catholics and Protestants and Mormons and Jews and Muslims and Atheists are all guilty - if you are a human, you are guilty of misdirecting worship. The answer is not to sanitize doctrine in order to make sure people can't misuse it - for one thing, it's impossible and for another, it is the religious equivalent of employing PC language in order to 'make sure' no one is offended.

If you can die from drinking too much water, you can probably misuse doctrine for your own satisfaction rather than glorifying God.
I'm sorry, I haven't been in St. Martin of tours in over 40 years, but the Catholics there commonly prayed to Patron saints and I observed more than one kneeling to a statue. They even had knee rests in front of the statues so you could pray to them. Up until shortly before I was born the RCC had masses to honor St. Michael. My mom was in the rosary society as well as something she didn't speak about, but she only prayed to saints because she reasoned that God was too busy and needed help (it's how she justified church practice.) My mom was a bit ditsy, but she wasn't stupid and the RCC kept her from experiencing the Lord first hand, by feeding her error and foolishness. Did you ever listen to a priest try to explain the trinity to a child? Hint: it's not like a clover leaf. People sometimes say that ignorance is bliss, but the Lord says that "My people die for lack of knowledge," and he's not talking about math and science .
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Even if it were true, which it isn't, the bible uses the phrase Sun of righteousness in Malachi 4:2 as symbolic of our Lord and the RCC is rife with symbolic decoration, much of which was the result of builders and craftsman that weren't Catholics, but operative Masons and other craftsmen carrying a plethora of beliefs from paganism. Visit the cathedrals of Europe and you will see all sorts of pagan imagery that was built in by the architects and these were rarely Christian, though Christians were accepted into their orders because of a common belief in a resurrection and a future kingdom of righteousness.


Active Member
Jul 19, 2017
United States
I'm saying "church", not the "people", is satanic in nature.

Watch those videos I posted with an open mind. There's a lot of information in there. If you think it's a lie, do some research.
Why not wait for them to prove their counter point?

That's an insult to every saint that came out of the RCC. No saint was ever a good person, because the Lord tells us that there is no one good but God alone. The rest of us are just varying degrees of evil, children of wrath until Christ rescues us from destruction and eternal separation from God. If there were no presence of the Ruach Ha Kodesh in the church no one would get saved, yet some still do despite such poor and corrupted teaching. The Lord creates faith in hearts wherever his word is read publicly, His word never returns to Him void, and the last I heard the masses still have scripture reading included, even if it's rarely exegeted.
You post as someone who is not that aware of Catholic doctrine. Maybe just here to argue with Christians?
The reason I make that observation is, you didn't know about Mary the Queen of Heaven as pertains to Catholic teachings. In fact you defamed that as something heathens believe. Irony not withstanding, now you have said what I quote of you above.

If you think you're standing up for the actual Roman Catholics here you're very mistaken in those two instances where you demonstrate great ignorance of their faith.
Your observation concerning saints in the church for instance. No saint was ever a good person. It's interesting that you'd make that statement when actual Roman Catholics pray to dead people called saints. By authority of the Pope who decreed they are that. Catholics pray to what are dead people. That's necromancy. And they ask them to give them a boon acting as emissaries on their behalf to God their Father.
Why can't they just ask God?
Because they're trained to pray to Saints.

Maybe learn something about the RCC faith before trying to defend it here. Because thus far, you're not very good at faking what you clearly do not know to those who do know about the Roman Catholic faith.

Roman Catholic Practices
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
The protestant reformation.
You mean, even though the Catholic Church proclaimed that Scripture was the inerrant Word of God for 1500 years prior to the Protestant Revolt - that didn't make you understand??


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
I'm sorry, I haven't been in St. Martin of tours in over 40 years, but the Catholics there commonly prayed to Patron saints and I observed more than one kneeling to a statue. They even had knee rests in front of the statues so you could pray to them. Up until shortly before I was born the RCC had masses to honor St. Michael. My mom was in the rosary society as well as something she didn't speak about, but she only prayed to saints because she reasoned that God was too busy and needed help (it's how she justified church practice.) My mom was a bit ditsy, but she wasn't stupid and the RCC kept her from experiencing the Lord first hand, by feeding her error and foolishness. Did you ever listen to a priest try to explain the trinity to a child? Hint: it's not like a clover leaf. People sometimes say that ignorance is bliss, but the Lord says that "My people die for lack of knowledge," and he's not talking about math and science .
No disrespect toward your mother - but she was wrong and didn't really understand her faith - IF what you're saying is true.

The Bible tells us that those in Heaven take our prayers to God (Rev. 5:8) - and Rev. 8:5 shows the Angels in Heaven doing the SAME thing.
It's not because God is "too busy". It is the SAME intercession as when we ask somebody on earth to pray for us because we are ALL part of the same Body.

Can YOU show me a verse of Scripture that teaches that those in Heaven have been kicked out of the Body of Christ??


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Why not wait for them to prove their counter point?

You post as someone who is not that aware of Catholic doctrine. Maybe just here to argue with Christians?
The reason I make that observation is, you didn't know about Mary the Queen of Heaven as pertains to Catholic teachings. In fact you defamed that as something heathens believe. Irony not withstanding, now you have said what I quote of you above.

If you think you're standing up for the actual Roman Catholics here you're very mistaken in those two instances where you demonstrate great ignorance of their faith.
Your observation concerning saints in the church for instance. No saint was ever a good person. It's interesting that you'd make that statement when actual Roman Catholics pray to dead people called saints. By authority of the Pope who decreed they are that. Catholics pray to what are dead people. That's necromancy. And they ask them to give them a boon acting as emissaries on their behalf to God their Father.
Why can't they just ask God?
Because they're trained to pray to Saints.

Maybe learn something about the RCC faith before trying to defend it here. Because thus far, you're not very good at faking what you clearly do not know to those who do know about the Roman Catholic faith.
Roman Catholic Practices
Hey - since you have appointed yourself an "expert" on Catholicism - can YOU tell me what a "Roman" Catholic is?
Also - define what "RCC" is.

I guarantee you'll get BOTH wrong . . .


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
The only thing that is "Antichrist" in this conversation is YOUR rejection of the leadership Christ Himself set up.
that's why He told them:

Luke 10:16
Whoever listens to YOU listens to ME. Whoever rejects YOU rejects ME. And whoever rejects ME rejects the ONE who sent ME."

Good luck with that . . .
That is not why Christ said that. But rather, because "My sheep hear my voice."

But the point is, you, nor the Catholic church have heard His voice - because you reject His word on how He is building His church by the spirit of the One who sent Him. To your own shame, you have instead heard only what you wanted to hear and have turned to follow "flesh and blood", which He specifically said would not be how He would build His church.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
That is not why Christ said that. But rather, because "My sheep hear my voice."

But the point is, you, nor the Catholic church have heard His voice - because you reject His word on how He is building His church by the spirit of the One who sent Him. To your own shame, you have instead heard only what you wanted to hear and have turned to follow "flesh and blood", which He specifically said would not be how He would build His church.

In Luke 10, Jesus sends out the "72" - advising them in verse 16 that if they are rejected - HE is rejected.
By the way, the 2nd century historian Hippolytus of Rome lists these men as being among first Bishops of the Church. Ananias, who baptized Paul in Acts 9 was one of these "72".

As for YOUR rejection of His Church - that's between you and God.
The Church that YOU reject is where YOU got your canon of Scripture because it was led by the Holy Spirit to declare the canon (John 16:12-15). Do you really think that God would guide a pagan sect to declare the Canon of His Word??

Study your Bible - then study your history . . .