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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
Hi there,

So there is a simple proverb to learn, when it comes to death and the Law:
Proverb said:
Death is wise, in the eyes of the Law (selah)
What does this mean? It means that when you do wrong, there is a standard - of the difference between life and death - that ought to be heeded. For when you weigh the Law, it ought to be done with compassion (and whatever kills compassion, should be killed). So for example when we sin and the judge pays us in death for our crime, it is wise that the Judge pay us in death. But you want to live?

If you want to live, it is because you want compassion from the Law, in principle. The Spirit is compassionate, in principle, so whether the example of the Spirit lives or dies, the Spirit knows and reveals the difference. This justifies compassion. These are two sides of the same coin. So then when we are paid in death, it is because we cannot afford compassion any other way. For example, I kill someone's daughter; now no compassion can be shown to the daughter, and I am preventing compassion being remembered by the father. This calls for someone who has earned the difference, to be paid accordingly. But do I pay the daughter with the death I receive? No! The daughter is not worthy of wisdom on my part, I cannot make paying her in death a renewed payment - she is not in debt to me, I am not God.

Is death wise then, because it reveals God? Yes! For if every one is paid and God lives, God lives free of sin! So Justice can be done, because the Spirit of the moment, has the correct balance of payments. From the correct balance of payments, growth free of the Law - the need to be paid according to our debts (to sin) - is able to be true to the Spirit. Truth to the Spirit, in the hearing of the Law, is freedom. We therefore, because we have earned enough to keep us in servitude to God, are therefore able to pray that our debts be remitted, on the basis of the example revealed in the Spirit. All that remains is for the example to be given as a weight that will sway the spirit of the Law's opinion. In other words, we must stop looking for other ways to be paid and be at peace, with the clearing of our debt to God.

For this reason Christ came into the world, that the Law might establish a way to pay our debts even before we knew how. If Christ is paying, the way, the truth and the life, of His paying, are before God - but a mystery to us! This is freedom! Because even if we wanted to know how to pay ourselves, we would never find out! Our debts to God because of sin, cripple us, but God has taken it out of our hand, and given it to Jesus on our behalf. This is what Jesus meant when He said "It is finished" the document, of our debts being paid, was written. We no longer have to have concerned with anything but thanks, that God has given a way out, before how much needs to be paid can be an issue. So let us rejoice!
Proverb Two said:
Rejoicing over the Law, despite death, is life to the soul (selah)
This is what hooks people who believe in propounding "salvation by Grace, not by works" love so much. They love that the payment has been paid and don't know how else to celebrate but to revisit the payment again and again. Certainly God is pleased, if Glory is given to Him. And what is more mature, than to keep it in mind, no matter how more of life in the soul you need? So let us be comforted by these things? The Devil, refuses to acknowledge that the payment has the weight it has, but ultimately he cannot resist its power. If anyone has a list of debts to be paid in death, it is the Devil!

So let us celebrate, that there is a way for Christ to return us to God, despite our debts having come between us. The Law is still established in Heaven, but we have the added comfort of someone who has perfected the process of repaying debts - the Holy Spirit. I hope this has been of some encouragement to you.

God bless.