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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2023
Prescott, AZ
United States
Jesus said we can be blotted out of the book of life. so to me everyone's name was written in the book of life at one time or another.
Every person's name is in the book of life when they are born. It is blotted out when that person sins. It is written back in when one is born again, thus having sins forgiven and the spirit renewed (reborn) to its original state. (Original Sin is a lie).

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Every person's name is in the book of life when they are born. It is blotted out when that person sins.
I disagree

We are born dead because of sin. Jesus wrote our name in the book with his blood..
It is written back in when one is born again, thus having sins forgiven and the spirit renewed (reborn) to its original state. (Original Sin is a lie).
No. it is never written back in.. It is blotted out if we die in the state of unbelief.

He who believes is not condemned, he who does not believe is condemned already.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2023
Prescott, AZ
United States
No. it is never written back in.. It is blotted out if we die in the state of unbelief.

He who believes is not condemned, he who does not believe is condemned already.
Rom 11:20 That is true. They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand fast through faith. So do not become proud, but fear.
Rom 11:21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Rom 11:20 That is true. They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand fast through faith. So do not become proud, but fear.
Rom 11:21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you.
what does this have to do with having our names blotted from the book of life? or added back in?

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
He does? I have never heard him say this..
Did you read the OP? It seems he is on a mission. I have seen him bring this in several threads.
From what I understand,. God just saved them (made them alive) they did not even have to have faith or hear the word for God to save them.
No He chooses us, we are the elect. He is fair. He draws all men to Himself. Many resist for awhile, then give in later on. Both my parents rebelled until close their death bed on their 80's. They suppressed the truth for their entire lives. Romans 1 says man is without excuse.
As for the lost. God did nto chose them, so no matter what, they will never even be given the opportunity to trust God. they will roast in hell for their unbelief.

This is what I despise about fatalism, or Calvinism.
They were given the opportunity, otherwise Romans 1 could not state "man is without excuse"!
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
Rom. 1:18-21

If God made a person with the intention of perpetrating evil, with no other nature, for the purpose of teaching mankind about evil through experience, that may an excuse. ??? He/she could use that defense on Judgment Day and state, You made me this way, I could not escape or control my inclinations to do evil, so that is my excuse, I am your servant of evil - you are responsible and point his finger to God!"

Still, it seems that man left to himself without God, can do no good.
Yet we see scriptures that state Gid actually creates certain men for a purpose. It only makes sense that in His perfect plan, evil is allowed. Sovereignty means He is in control of all events.

So here is where the rubber meets the road. If you question God about His pre-destined, non-elect, He would say to you: Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor? Rom. 9:21
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Did you read the OP? It seems he is on a mission. I have seen him bring this in several threads.
Yes I have, I have read all this threads. and I have never seen him say "God cut them off from the vine"
No He chooses us, we are the elect. He is fair. He draws all men to Himself. Many resist for awhile, then give in later on. Both my parents rebelled until close their death bed on their 80's. They suppressed the truth for their entire lives. Romans 1 says man is without excuse.
Amen, Behold would agree also.. But a calvinist would not.
They were given the opportunity, otherwise Romans 1 could not state "man is without excuse"!
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
Rom. 1:18-21

If God made a person with the intention of perpetrating evil, with no other nature, for the purpose of teaching mankind about evil through experience, he would be without excuse. He could use that defense on Judgment Day and state, You made me this way, I could not escape or control my inclinations to do evil, so that is my excuse, I am your servant of evil - you are responsible and point his finger to God!"

Still, it seems that man left to himself without God, can do no good.
Yet we see scriptures that state Gid actually creates certain men for a purpose. It only makes sense that in His perfect plan, evil is allowed. Sovereignty means He is in control of all events.

So here is where the rubber meets the road. If you question God about His pre-destined, non-elect, He would say to you: Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor? Rom. 9:21
so it appears you agree with Behold.. So I am even more confused.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
You are saying that, not me. You obviously are confused about what either foreknowledge or predestination mean. To foreknow is simply to know ahead of time. God knows everything. It is called omniscience. omniscience of the future is called foreknowledge. It has nothing whatsoever to do with predestining, or preordaining. Foreknowledge is not causative. Predestination is causative.
Your thinking is convoluted.
Foreknowledge = God knows the future.
What is the future? The future is what God had planned. You can call it His Perfect Plan.
Predestination IS PART OF THAT PLAN.
The use of the Greek word, πλήρωμα [plērōma], translated as fullness is never used to mean full number of anything unless the word ἀριθμός [arithmos] meaning number is used in conjunction. The meaning of "fullness" in Romans 11:25 is similar to its use elsewhere such as Ephesians 3:19; 4:13; or Colossians 1:19, where it means repletion or completion
Yes, the Completion of His Plan for the Gentiles and Israel ... all the names written in the Book of Life.
Paul was speaking about a future time when Israel would be grafted into the Vine again, not the present generaion.
During the coming Great Tribulation ( of which we are on the cusp of), God will seal all those in the Book of Life. This is what is referred to as the "fullness of the Gentiles comes". All others will where the mark of the Beast.

Are you an Amillennial? Or maybe a proponent of Replacement Theology. If so that explains your view and so there is no need to pursue this conversation any further.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Does God "know" everything?

A.) Yes

This is the "fore-Knowledge" of God... or... God knowing be-fore it happened, what will happen, next.

Does God cause everything to happen, that happens?

A.) NO

And THAT Reader, is where John Calvin failed to understand that God's knowing everything, is not the same as God causing it ALL to happen.

Learn this...

1.) God knowing, is God's Foreknowledge. And that is God's ability to know all, before it all happens.
2.) The Bible has this same Foreknowledge.
3.) In both cases, this is REVELATION Foreknowledge..., or "knowing before it happens, everything that will happen next.
4.) What this isn't, is "its all predetermined or CAUSED.
See that?
5.) Simply understand that God Knowing everything, is not the same as God CAUSING everything to happen.
When you understand this, then you have understood the TRUE definition of "God's FORE-Knowledge"

And because John Calvin could not comprehend that God KNOWING, is not the same as God Causing... is why his Theology is evil, Cross rejecting, and can ruin your faith for life.

John Calvin can get you killed.
Because once you are "bewitched" by his demonic teaching.. or as Paul teaches about these types of "dark lights".... You may end up with Cancer, or some Terminal Disease, and because Calvin has your BRAIN LOCKED UP and your Faith destroyed with is Cross Denying Theology... you will think... "well, it was meant to be, God wanted me to have it". "its all pre-determined" .. "what will be will be"..

And if that is true, then why did God and Christ tell you to PRAY and get your situations solved, your diseases healed, and your life restored, = By ANSWERED PRAYER ??

God does not want you to have DISEASE.. God wants you alive and well and full of Joy and spiritual power.
But because Calvinism has you deceived, you wont be able to put any faith in God, and the Blood of Jesus, so that you can be HEALED.

John Calvinism, will you get you killed, JUST LIKE THAT..

Calvin's misunderstanding of God's Fore-knowledge was so demonically twisted that he created his man made theology that redefined "to foreknow" as to "pre-determine".

Reader, you are here reading what im writing, what im teaching..... and God KNEW you would, but He didn't cause you to read it.
You CHOSE to read it.
See that?
You CHOSE to be here.......= Freewill.
But God knew you would choose it.., before you were born. and that is God's Fore-knowledge.

John Calvin takes that reality and twists it into... "God predestined you to read what Behold is writing".

See the problem?
God didnt predestine you to be here.... reading my post......., but Calvin teaches otherwise., and millions on this earth right now, are under his SPELL.

Paul said of these types of "ministers"... "Who has BEWITCHED YOU"...., and that is exactly what John Calvinism does to people, to such a degree that they will openly brag and proudly tell you...."IM a CALVINIST"..

Well, im NOT... Im a CHRISTIAN,.

And what are you, reader?

See it?


Calvin developed a mental issue within this confusion he had regarding his twisted idea of "predestined", ... He obsessed on this to the point the he could not read the verses in the bible unless he was filtering them through his deranged misunderstanding, regarding his incredibly wrong reinterpretation of God's Fore-knowledge.

If Calvin was on this forum right now...., he would be teaching that God CHOSE some of you to burn in the lake of fire, and he would say that others are chosen to go to heaven.
And in BOTH CASES, not any of you had any Choice at all., as you were predestined to BURN IN The Lake of Fire, or not.


See that?
That's Satanic Theology that denies that Jesus on the CROSS.... John 3:16..... was given to us ALL, as our hope, our salvation, and God wills that ALL of us would come to Christ by faith,.... however, God does nof force you.
= You CHOOSE Christ, or not..... and where you end up after you die, this eternal result is God respecting your choice you made on earth, after you die.

Calvin teaches otherwise.
'What you've done to the least, you done it to me' Jesus says. I think that includes what has been said about others.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
Does God "know" everything?

A.) Yes

This is the "fore-Knowledge" of God... or... God knowing be-fore it happened, what will happen, next.

Does God cause everything to happen, that happens?

A.) NO

And THAT Reader, is where John Calvin failed to understand that God's knowing everything, is not the same as God causing it ALL to happen.

Learn this...

1.) God knowing, is God's Foreknowledge. And that is God's ability to know all, before it all happens.
2.) The Bible has this same Foreknowledge.
3.) In both cases, this is REVELATION Foreknowledge..., or "knowing before it happens, everything that will happen next.
4.) What this isn't, is "its all predetermined or CAUSED.
See that?
5.) Simply understand that God Knowing everything, is not the same as God CAUSING everything to happen.
When you understand this, then you have understood the TRUE definition of "God's FORE-Knowledge"

And because John Calvin could not comprehend that God KNOWING, is not the same as God Causing... is why his Theology is evil, Cross rejecting, and can ruin your faith for life.

John Calvin can get you killed.
Because once you are "bewitched" by his demonic teaching.. or as Paul teaches about these types of "dark lights".... You may end up with Cancer, or some Terminal Disease, and because Calvin has your BRAIN LOCKED UP and your Faith destroyed with is Cross Denying Theology... you will think... "well, it was meant to be, God wanted me to have it". "its all pre-determined" .. "what will be will be"..

And if that is true, then why did God and Christ tell you to PRAY and get your situations solved, your diseases healed, and your life restored, = By ANSWERED PRAYER ??

God does not want you to have DISEASE.. God wants you alive and well and full of Joy and spiritual power.
But because Calvinism has you deceived, you wont be able to put any faith in God, and the Blood of Jesus, so that you can be HEALED.

John Calvinism, will you get you killed, JUST LIKE THAT..

Calvin's misunderstanding of God's Fore-knowledge was so demonically twisted that he created his man made theology that redefined "to foreknow" as to "pre-determine".

Reader, you are here reading what im writing, what im teaching..... and God KNEW you would, but He didn't cause you to read it.
You CHOSE to read it.
See that?
You CHOSE to be here.......= Freewill.
But God knew you would choose it.., before you were born. and that is God's Fore-knowledge.

John Calvin takes that reality and twists it into... "God predestined you to read what Behold is writing".

See the problem?
God didnt predestine you to be here.... reading my post......., but Calvin teaches otherwise., and millions on this earth right now, are under his SPELL.

Paul said of these types of "ministers"... "Who has BEWITCHED YOU"...., and that is exactly what John Calvinism does to people, to such a degree that they will openly brag and proudly tell you...."IM a CALVINIST"..

Well, im NOT... Im a CHRISTIAN,.

And what are you, reader?

See it?


Calvin developed a mental issue within this confusion he had regarding his twisted idea of "predestined", ... He obsessed on this to the point the he could not read the verses in the bible unless he was filtering them through his deranged misunderstanding, regarding his incredibly wrong reinterpretation of God's Fore-knowledge.

If Calvin was on this forum right now...., he would be teaching that God CHOSE some of you to burn in the lake of fire, and he would say that others are chosen to go to heaven.
And in BOTH CASES, not any of you had any Choice at all., as you were predestined to BURN IN The Lake of Fire, or not.


See that?
That's Satanic Theology that denies that Jesus on the CROSS.... John 3:16..... was given to us ALL, as our hope, our salvation, and God wills that ALL of us would come to Christ by faith,.... however, God does nof force you.
= You CHOOSE Christ, or not..... and where you end up after you die, this eternal result is God respecting your choice you made on earth, after you die.

Calvin teaches otherwise.
Why does it have to be God in control of everything when the whole world from every culture since the beginning of man has spoken about gods, angels, demons, and Satan? Even the Buddha speak about the realm of angry spirits. This the invisible society of spirits do seem to be behind much that occurs in the physical world. We are often told that people suffer because they deserve it. And we seem to be able to go into great explanations expressing a confidence in God's absolute sovereignty, defined here as control, that seems to provide many believers with a great deal of security. We teach in our churches that everything is under God's control, and thereby everything is proceeding as divinely planned, and that somehow it all fits together.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2023
Prescott, AZ
United States
Your thinking is convoluted.
Foreknowledge = God knows the future.
What is the future? The future is what God had planned. You can call it His Perfect Plan.
Predestination IS PART OF THAT PLAN.
If that is what you believe, then you believe in Theological Determinism. Clearly God knew before creation that Adam would disobey; therefore, according to you, God predestined Adam's disobedience. Thus, it was not Adam's fault, but rather God's fault. Theological Determinism makes God responsible for everything including all that has ever gone wrong. That is not good.

Yes, the Completion of His Plan for the Gentiles and Israel ... all the names written in the Book of Life.
Paul was speaking about a future time when Israel would be grafted into the Vine again, not the present generaion.
During the coming Great Tribulation ( of which we are on the cusp of), God will seal all those in the Book of Life. This is what is referred to as the "fullness of the Gentiles comes". All others will where the mark of the Beast.

Are you an Amillennial? Or maybe a proponent of Replacement Theology. If so that explains your view and so there is no need to pursue this conversation any further.
Replacement Theology? No. Amillennial? Yes. Certainly not a a silly old Premillennial.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2023
Prescott, AZ
United States
So here is where the rubber meets the road. If you question God about His pre-destined, non-elect, He would say to you: Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor? Rom. 9:21
Romans 9:21 is not about God's predestining eternal life and eternal condemnation in the next life. It is about using anyone He chooses for service here in this life. God is telling us that He has the right to use the Jews to bring salvation to the world without saving any Jew.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Yes I have, I have read all this threads. and I have never seen him say "God cut them off from the vine"
Not those words exactly, but cutting off means to kill either physically and/or spiritually.

Behold said in this OP:
"John Calvin can get you killed.
Because once you are "bewitched" by his demonic teaching.. or .... You may end up with Cancer, or some Terminal Disease, and because Calvin has your BRAIN LOCKED UP and your Faith destroyed with is Cross Denying Theology... ".
Also ... "Welcome to SATANIC CALVINISM."

so it appears you agree with Behold.. So I am even more confused.
I really haven't had any debates with Behold, likely because we agree on most things. This is the first time I disagree with his condemnation of Christians who have a different perspective about God's plannis actually carried out. Again, I don't agree with Calvinism, but I don't think they are Satan's ministers of death.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Not those words exactly, but cutting off means to kill either physically and/or spiritually.

Behold said in this OP:
"John Calvin can get you killed.
Because once you are "bewitched" by his demonic teaching.. or .... You may end up with Cancer, or some Terminal Disease, and because Calvin has your BRAIN LOCKED UP and your Faith destroyed with is Cross Denying Theology... ".
Also ... "Welcome to SATANIC CALVINISM."


Demonic John Calvin has millions of people, believing that God causes Evil, and that God pre-destines it.

So, when a deceived person believes this demonic theology, then they will accept whatever the Devil brings to them, as "God's will" "pre-destined"... "it was meant to be", and that SPITS on the Word of God who told us to PRAY when we are in situations where the DEVOURER ,.. the DEVIL comes .

Calvinism will cause you to ACCEPT what the DEVIL has brought into your life as if it's "Gods will"...

Like Cancer, and any other disease.

Calvin's teaching causes people who are infected in their mind by it, to not PRAY for God's deliverance, and that is HOW CALVIN can get you KILLED.

Understand @Ronald David Bruno ?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
God knows who will become Born Again...that’s for sure...by His will.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Clearly God knew before creation that Adam would disobey; therefore, according to you, God predestined Adam's disobedience.
No, don't do that. I clearly stated that man is responsible for his sins. But there was no other way to learn what good was. He put the Tree Of Knowledge if Good AND EVIL. AND HE ALLOWED SATAN IN THERE TOO. He knew they would sin, but there really was no other way for man to understand and appreciate what love, kindness, goodness, faith, hope, forgiveness, mercy, patience, etc. meant.
I pointed to Romans 1, that states man is Without excuse, ther we fore responsible. God did not cause them to sin.
Elohim said, Behold, man have become like us, knowing good and evil. Gen. 3:22
God predestined man to be saved and conformed into Christlike beings.

Romans 9:21 is not about God's predestining eternal life and eternal condemnation in the next life. It is about using anyone He chooses for service here in this life. God is telling us that
Service in any capacity is predestined.

You said, "He has the right to use the Jews to bring salvation to the world without saving any Jew."
In tha passage He said, He has the right to make a person for His purpose: for honor or dishonor. And that is what we have seen in history.
But as I noted, a conversation with an Amillennial will not be resolved. You have been taught differently. Your eschatological views are skewed, grasping far out symbolism stretched to one's imagination. So I choose to end this conversation. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
God knows who will become Born Again...that’s for sure...by His will.

The Foreknowledge of God knows everything before it happens next.

What Calvin and what TULIP does... with that word "Foreknowledge" is they redefined it as "God-pre-destines" everything.
And then they applied that false definition to being born again.

And THAT is the "doctrine of Devils".

See, God fore-knowing everything is not the same as God CAUSING or pre-destining.

So, that God KNEW you and I would trust in Christ, is not God causing it...its God knowing that we would... = Fore-Knowledge or, perfect knowledge regarding all that will happen next.

CALVIN and TULIP changed that into.>"God CAUSES it" "pre-destines it'.

Thats the "lie of Calvinism and Tulip", that is the core of their Cross Denying Theology.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Not those words exactly, but cutting off means to kill either physically and/or spiritually.

Behold said in this OP:
"John Calvin can get you killed.
Because once you are "bewitched" by his demonic teaching.. or .... You may end up with Cancer, or some Terminal Disease, and because Calvin has your BRAIN LOCKED UP and your Faith destroyed with is Cross Denying Theology... ".
Also ... "Welcome to SATANIC CALVINISM."

Well this would not be saying they are cut off (lost salvation) He is saying according to the gsospel they espouse. they may fail to become saved. Bug difference

I really haven't had any debates with Behold, likely because we agree on most things. This is the first time I disagree with his condemnation of Christians who have a different perspective about God's plannis actually carried out. Again, I don't agree with Calvinism, but I don't think they are Satan's ministers of death.
Anyone who teaches a different gospel is to be accursed,.

I am still up in the air if calvinists teach a different gospel or not


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
God knows who will become Born Again...that’s for sure...by His will.

Its God's will that everyone uses their Free-Will to Choose to Believe in Jesus.

If a person chooses not to, then they remain here..

"""""Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them."""

Notice the "whosoever Rejects'... as that is not God causing it.......That is The Christ Rejector, themselves", is the "whosoever" will or won't believe.