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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Does God "know" everything?

A.) Yes

This is the "fore-Knowledge" of God... or... God knowing be-fore it happened, what will happen, next.

Does God cause everything to happen, that happens?

A.) NO

And THAT Reader, is where John Calvin failed to understand that God's knowing everything, is not the same as God causing it ALL to happen.

Learn this...

1.) God knowing, is God's Foreknowledge. And that is God's ability to know all, before it all happens.
2.) The Bible has this same Foreknowledge.
3.) In both cases, this is REVELATION Foreknowledge..., or "knowing before it happens, everything that will happen next.
4.) What this isn't, is "its all predetermined or CAUSED.
See that?
5.) Simply understand that God Knowing everything, is not the same as God CAUSING everything to happen.
When you understand this, then you have understood the TRUE definition of "God's FORE-Knowledge"

And because John Calvin could not comprehend that God KNOWING, is not the same as God Causing... is why his Theology is evil, Cross rejecting, and can ruin your faith for life.

John Calvin can get you killed.
Because once you are "bewitched" by his demonic teaching.. or as Paul teaches about these types of "dark lights".... You may end up with Cancer, or some Terminal Disease, and because Calvin has your BRAIN LOCKED UP and your Faith destroyed with is Cross Denying Theology... you will think... "well, it was meant to be, God wanted me to have it". "its all pre-determined" .. "what will be will be"..

And if that is true, then why did God and Christ tell you to PRAY and get your situations solved, your diseases healed, and your life restored, = By ANSWERED PRAYER ??

God does not want you to have DISEASE.. God wants you alive and well and full of Joy and spiritual power.
But because Calvinism has you deceived, you wont be able to put any faith in God, and the Blood of Jesus, so that you can be HEALED.

John Calvinism, will you get you killed, JUST LIKE THAT..

Calvin's misunderstanding of God's Fore-knowledge was so demonically twisted that he created his man made theology that redefined "to foreknow" as to "pre-determine".

Reader, you are here reading what im writing, what im teaching..... and God KNEW you would, but He didn't cause you to read it.
You CHOSE to read it.
See that?
You CHOSE to be here.......= Freewill.
But God knew you would choose it.., before you were born. and that is God's Fore-knowledge.

John Calvin takes that reality and twists it into... "God predestined you to read what Behold is writing".

See the problem?
God didnt predestine you to be here.... reading my post......., but Calvin teaches otherwise., and millions on this earth right now, are under his SPELL.

Paul said of these types of "ministers"... "Who has BEWITCHED YOU"...., and that is exactly what John Calvinism does to people, to such a degree that they will openly brag and proudly tell you...."IM a CALVINIST"..

Well, im NOT... Im a CHRISTIAN,.

And what are you, reader?

See it?


Calvin developed a mental issue within this confusion he had regarding his twisted idea of "predestined", ... He obsessed on this to the point the he could not read the verses in the bible unless he was filtering them through his deranged misunderstanding, regarding his incredibly wrong reinterpretation of God's Fore-knowledge.

If Calvin was on this forum right now...., he would be teaching that God CHOSE some of you to burn in the lake of fire, and he would say that others are chosen to go to heaven.
And in BOTH CASES, not any of you had any Choice at all., as you were predestined to BURN IN The Lake of Fire, or not.


See that?
That's Satanic Theology that denies that Jesus on the CROSS.... John 3:16..... was given to us ALL, as our hope, our salvation, and God wills that ALL of us would come to Christ by faith,.... however, God does nof force you.
= You CHOOSE Christ, or not..... and where you end up after you die, this eternal result is God respecting your choice you made on earth, after you die.

Calvin teaches otherwise.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
I would say that their tenant of "Unconditional Election" is the real culprit for hubris, pride, and licensed sin.

Since God is the reason for their state of Salvation then there's no possibility of them causing God to remove their state of election. Meaning they get to sin all they wish without consequences.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I would say Meaning they get to sin all they wish without consequences.

THe born again are "not under the law, but under Grace".
So, that means that they exist in the KOG, and there is no Moses Law or 10 Commandments found there, as does GOD and CHRIST need them?
So, as the born again are "in Christ" having become 'ONE with God" by being born again SPIRITUALLY, then the born exist as this..

"As Jesus IS... so are the born again, in THIS World"...

So, is there sin in Jesus?
Is Jesus a sinner?
Does Jesus confess sin, today, and tomorrow?

So, if the born again are "IN Christ", and there is no SIN found there... then that means there is no sin found = born again.

So, this that im showing you, reader, has to become your understanding of what it means to be a : CHRISTian, or you will not be able to be free from the Law.
And when you are not free from the Law, in your HEAD, in your THINKING, then as the "law is the power of sin"..., the Law will keep you in the flesh, and keep you carnally minded... and that is why you think about "works of the flesh", and commit deeds that you then confess.
Do you want to stop being that broken faith, and failed discipleship?

Then = Just get your mind of faith right.....and that is simply to understand and then BELIEVE that God has made you "righteous", and you exit as "the righteousness of God, in Christ" = forever.

And when you believe this, then the LAW loses power over you, and you then begin to exist here...

"not under the Law, but under Grace"..
as your REAL Faith.

And once that happens... once you get your faith right, then you have taken your very first step OUT of Hebrews 6:1, and into the Power of God's Grace, which is explained as Hebrews 13:9.

Hebrews 13:9 shows you what you must do with your HEART of FAITH.., so that you dont end up, as that verse explains.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2023
Prescott, AZ
United States
I would say that their tenant of "Unconditional Election" is the real culprit for hubris, pride, and licensed sin.

Since God is the reason for their state of Salvation then there's no possibility of them causing God to remove their state of election. Meaning they get to sin all they wish without consequences.
The real culprit is the nonsense that came out of Augustine that Calvin bought into, namely, Total Depravity. Once accepting that false accusation against God, then the rest of the Calvin's fallacious soteriology is required for anyone to be saved.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Our spirit is strengthened by grace...it is God who increases our faith, as he is the one who gifted us the faith to believe in his Son the Lord Jesus.

9 Do not be iled away by diverse and strange teachings, for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, jnot by foods, which have not benefited those devoted to them


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
God calls us, but He does not "gift us" to believe.
God births he did not call me, he made me Born Again of imperishable seed, that “ liveth and abideth forever....in my heart.

He gifts us the faith to believe in the our spirit....you cannot believe in the significance of the cross. without the Holy Spirit witnessing that to our spirit, when he makes us Born Again .

"The Gift of Faith", is a Spiritual Gift, given to the BORN AGAIN.. its not given to the Unbelievers to make them believe in Jesus.
It’s given to us the moment God brings us to repentance/ Godly sorrow, then initially belief in Jesus then in the blink of an eye I was Born Again of imperishable seed.

A Living Supernatural act that only God can do...by the power of His Living Spirit
Calvinism , is not of the Truth.
Neither is your truth the truth....
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Does God "know" everything?

A.) Yes

This is the "fore-Knowledge" of God... or... God knowing be-fore it happened, what will happen, next.

Does God cause everything to happen, that happens?

A.) NO

And THAT Reader, is where John Calvin failed to understand that God's knowing everything, is not the same as God causing it ALL to happen.

Learn this...

1.) God knowing, is God's Foreknowledge. And that is God's ability to know all, before it all happens.
2.) The Bible has this same Foreknowledge.
3.) In both cases, this is REVELATION Foreknowledge..., or "knowing before it happens, everything that will happen next.
4.) What this isn't, is "its all predetermined or CAUSED.
See that?
5.) Simply understand that God Knowing everything, is not the same as God CAUSING everything to happen.
When you understand this, then you have understood the TRUE definition of "God's FORE-Knowledge"

And because John Calvin could not comprehend that God KNOWING, is not the same as God Causing... is why his Theology is evil, Cross rejecting, and can ruin your faith for life.

John Calvin can get you killed.
Because once you are "bewitched" by his demonic teaching.. or as Paul teaches about these types of "dark lights".... You may end up with Cancer, or some Terminal Disease, and because Calvin has your BRAIN LOCKED UP and your Faith destroyed with is Cross Denying Theology... you will think... "well, it was meant to be, God wanted me to have it". "its all pre-determined" .. "what will be will be"..

And if that is true, then why did God and Christ tell you to PRAY and get your situations solved, your diseases healed, and your life restored, = By ANSWERED PRAYER ??

God does not want you to have DISEASE.. God wants you alive and well and full of Joy and spiritual power.
But because Calvinism has you deceived, you wont be able to put any faith in God, and the Blood of Jesus, so that you can be HEALED.

John Calvinism, will you get you killed, JUST LIKE THAT..

Calvin's misunderstanding of God's Fore-knowledge was so demonically twisted that he created his man made theology that redefined "to foreknow" as to "pre-determine".

Reader, you are here reading what im writing, what im teaching..... and God KNEW you would, but He didn't cause you to read it.
You CHOSE to read it.
See that?
You CHOSE to be here.......= Freewill.
But God knew you would choose it.., before you were born. and that is God's Fore-knowledge.

John Calvin takes that reality and twists it into... "God predestined you to read what Behold is writing".

See the problem?
God didnt predestine you to be here.... reading my post......., but Calvin teaches otherwise., and millions on this earth right now, are under his SPELL.

Paul said of these types of "ministers"... "Who has BEWITCHED YOU"...., and that is exactly what John Calvinism does to people, to such a degree that they will openly brag and proudly tell you...."IM a CALVINIST"..

Well, im NOT... Im a CHRISTIAN,.

And what are you, reader?

See it?


Calvin developed a mental issue within this confusion he had regarding his twisted idea of "predestined", ... He obsessed on this to the point the he could not read the verses in the bible unless he was filtering them through his deranged misunderstanding, regarding his incredibly wrong reinterpretation of God's Fore-knowledge.

If Calvin was on this forum right now...., he would be teaching that God CHOSE some of you to burn in the lake of fire, and he would say that others are chosen to go to heaven.
And in BOTH CASES, not any of you had any Choice at all., as you were predestined to BURN IN The Lake of Fire, or not.


See that?
That's Satanic Theology that denies that Jesus on the CROSS.... John 3:16..... was given to us ALL, as our hope, our salvation, and God wills that ALL of us would come to Christ by faith,.... however, God does nof force you.
= You CHOOSE Christ, or not..... and where you end up after you die, this eternal result is God respecting your choice you made on earth, after you die.

Calvin teaches otherwise.
I think you are being very judgmental against Calvinists, who put their faith in Christ. I am not one and could argue against four of their points, but that does not invalidae their salvation, which is simply founded on the gospel: Jesus died for our sins, was buried and rose from the dead on the third day according to the scriptures. Are they teaching contrary to that?

What I think is, that we all have different views of how it came about, whether we accept that we are predestined to be conformed to the likeness of Christ, that we are the chosen elect or if we think our efforts/ works are necessary and part of the deal. Salvation is a gift! We are saved by htace through faith - a gift.
Catholics believe in a faith + plus works salvation ( and many Prostestants do as well). I don't think God invalidates their faith. Jesus is the AUTHOR of our faith. So we don't write the story, He does.
And then there is the Book of Life _ with all our names in it / written before the foundation of the world. That surely seems like we were predestined. And if so, God causes ( orchestrates) throughout our enture lives, who ents and people who come into our lives to witness or minister to us, plant a seed and ultimately lead us to that divine appointment, at which time He removes that veil of blindness. We cannot remove our spiritual blindness. He draws to Himself at a chosen time, but prepates us along the way. He is the Author, He is causing this to happen. He eventually persuades us, gets our attention, opens our eyes ... then we say yeah, that makes sense ... I understand now ... yes LORD, I believe.
That said, if one believes that they can earn their salvation by keeping the Law only, then they are deceived. The Jews were the test case for the world ... and they failed. Still Romans 11 says a remnant Israel (Jews) will be saved soon.
God is more merciful then you think. If you can accept that we all know in part and are all on different levels of understanding the Word, yet God still saves all sinners whom He ordains on either end of that spectrum, you'll realize the Body consists of likely 2.7 billion. souls, including all the souls that many have unjustifyingly rendered lost to Satan.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
And THAT Reader, is where John Calvin failed to understand that God's knowing everything, is not the same as God causing it ALL to happen.
I can't say if Calvin wrote that God forces all things to happen.

But God allows all things to happen according to His will. Some would argue that because God can cause a thing to not happen but allows it anyway and foreknew it would happen, He caused it to happen by allowing it when He could have stopped it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I can't say if Calvin wrote that God forces all things to happen.

It would appear, that as ive talked to many Calvinists, over the years....and also those who are into.... = Lets call it "evolved or revised" Calvinism, that we know as TULIP.

It seems that over the years, when i talk to people who identify themselves as "yes, im a Calvinist' or.. "well, i believe SOME of it"..

What i notice is that the "some of it" people, can have some TULIP and some Calvinism, and the "Im a Calvinist", will often be "full Tulip".

So, there seems to be a LEVEL of this DOCTRINE, that can be .....= "more in some people" and "not so much in others".

Here is my Question.

BRIGHTFRAME, and Ritajanice ... both believe and teach, that they could not trust in Christ, (Total Depravity) until God caused them to be able to Believe.

In other words.....They could be in a Church, listening to Paul the Apostle, and they could not do this.. of themselves...

"faith comes by Hearing"....>Paul preach.......

They both say....><NO NO NO>.......i could not BELIEVE...of Myself.......I could not do that.. I could not sit and listen to Paul tell me that "Christ died for my sin", and ME Believe it.

"""""I could not be told that Jesus died for my sin... and me CHOOSE TO BELIEVE The Gospel.."""" "God had to do the believing for me by causing me to believe"....

And then they say this.....

So,.... God had to cause me to be BORN AGAIN first........ (not forgive sin first).... but be BORN AGAIN FIRST... so that after im born again, i can now BELIEVE IN JESUS By Faith., and Give God this Faith. = (After im born again)..

So, @Ronald Nolette .. is that how you teach it also?


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
I can't say if Calvin wrote that God forces all things to happen.

But God allows all things to happen according to His will. Some would argue that because God can cause a thing to not happen but allows it anyway and foreknew it would happen, He caused it to happen by allowing it when He could have stopped it.
That’s true.

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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
I think you are being very judgmental against Calvinists, who put their faith in Christ. I am not one and could argue against four of their points, but that does not invalidae their salvation, which is simply founded on the gospel: Jesus died for our sins, was buried and rose from the dead on the third day according to the scriptures. Are they teaching contrary to that?

What I think is, that we all have different views of how it came about, whether we accept that we are predestined to be conformed to the likeness of Christ, that we are the chosen elect or if we think our efforts/ works are necessary and part of the deal. Salvation is a gift! We are saved by htace through faith - a gift.
Catholics believe in a faith + plus works salvation ( and many Prostestants do as well). I don't think God invalidates their faith. Jesus is the AUTHOR of our faith. So we don't write the story, He does.
And then there is the Book of Life _ with all our names in it / written before the foundation of the world. That surely seems like we were predestined. And if so, God causes ( orchestrates) throughout our enture lives, who ents and people who come into our lives to witness or minister to us, plant a seed and ultimately lead us to that divine appointment, at which time He removes that veil of blindness. We cannot remove our spiritual blindness. He draws to Himself at a chosen time, but prepates us along the way. He is the Author, He is causing this to happen. He eventually persuades us, gets our attention, opens our eyes ... then we say yeah, that makes sense ... I understand now ... yes LORD, I believe.
That said, if one believes that they can earn their salvation by keeping the Law only, then they are deceived. The Jews were the test case for the world ... and they failed. Still Romans 11 says a remnant Israel (Jews) will be saved soon.
God is more merciful then you think. If you can accept that we all know in part and are all on different levels of understanding the Word, yet God still saves all sinners whom He ordains on either end of that spectrum, you'll realize the Body consists of likely 2.7 billion. souls, including all the souls that many have unjustifyingly rendered lost to Satan.
Have they put their faith in Christ though?

I used to believe so. But I have come to doubt that

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
I can't say if Calvin wrote that God forces all things to happen.

But God allows all things to happen according to His will. Some would argue that because God can cause a thing to not happen but allows it anyway and foreknew it would happen, He caused it to happen by allowing it when He could have stopped it.
But fatalism says God willed it. thats why it happened..


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I can't say if Calvin wrote that God forces all things to happen.

But God allows all things to happen according to His will. Some would argue that because God can cause a thing to not happen but allows it anyway and foreknew it would happen, He caused it to happen by allowing it when He could have stopped it.
Jeremiah 32:34-35 KJV
34) But they set their abominations in the house, which is called by my name, to defile it.
35) And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
I can't say if Calvin wrote that God forces all things to happen.

But God allows all things to happen according to His will. Some would argue that because God can cause a thing to not happen but allows it anyway and foreknew it would happen, He caused it to happen by allowing it when He could have stopped it.
Look at this Ronald.

What is God saying here?

Proverbs 16:4 – The LORD has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble.

Romans 9:15-18​

King James Version​

15 For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
16 So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.
17 For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.
18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.

Romans 9:22-23​

King James Version​

22 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:
23 And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,

Sounds like he endured with much long suffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction?
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Look at this Ronald.

What is God saying here?

Proverbs 16:4 – The LORD has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble.

Romans 9:15-18​

King James Version​

15 For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
16 So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.
17 For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.
18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.

Romans 9:22-23​

King James Version​

22 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:
23 And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,
Nice try

But it does not say what a fatalist thinks it does.

God strengthened (hardened) pharaohs heart but putting truth in front of him, so that be hearing he would not hear, and seeing he would not see.

he chose to do that to prove his power. But pharaoh did nothing against what pharaoh himself wanted to do.;
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
@Ronald Nolette .

God can harden a persons heart as and when he chooses, to accomplish his will, remember we serve a Living God...our spirit is Born Again, that is how we communicate with God, via His Spirit, who indwells our spirit, ..that’s how we can worship God in Spirit and truth because we have the witness in our spirit, leading us by His Living word.

A Born Again I don’t believe can harden their heart, as we have been Born Again of imperishable seed that liveth.....our hearts just become more and more like the Lord, His Love shines brightly out of his children.

We Love as he loves, because it’s not our love that loves others through us, it’s His Spirit in ours loving others through us....we just submit to his will, even then the Holy Spirit is the one in us who gets our will in line with Gods....he works all day every day in our spirit making us into the image of Jesus, we have that Living spiritual relationship with God via His Spirit.

Mind Blowing!....

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
@Ronald Nolette .

God can harden a persons heart as and when he chooses, to accomplish his will, remember we serve a Living God...our spirit is Born Again, that is how we communicate with God, via His Spirit, who indwells our spirit, ..that’s how we can worship God in Spirit and truth because we have the witness in our spirit, leading us by His Living word.

A Born Again I don’t believe can harden their heart, as we have been Born Again of imperishable seed that liveth.....our hearts just become more and more like the Lord, His Love shines brightly out of his children.

Mind Blowing!....
God can harden (literally strengthen) our heart. If we refuse to repent of a view or of s sin. He ill keep putting the truth in front of us, and force us to continue to deny, or repent of that particular belief or sin.