Does the denomination matter?

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New Member
May 15, 2011
Two threads in one day! Sorry, I've got a lot of questions on my mind. :p Anyways, my question for this thread is: What (if any) denomination do you believe in? Are you non-denominational? For both these questions: Why are you one and not the other? Why do you adhere to this particular denomination (or non-denomination)? Do you believe that other denominations are "wrong" or do you believe that the particular denomination does not matter but that it only matters that one believes in the agreed-upon (as in the stuff that all denominations agree upon) tenants of Christianity? Why? Do you believe that Mormons and/or Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians? Why/why not?

Sorry if this seems like a lot of questions, but I thought it'd be easier to address them all in one thread. I really do not understand why there are so many different denominations of Protestantism alone without including the other denominations. I understand that Protestants and Catholics disagree on stuff like the Transubstantiation and idols/images, etc., but I become lost when I try and figure out the differences between the Protestant denominations. Really, if you are a Christian, how do you even know where to start when choosing a denomination? That would drive me crazy trying to research into every one and figuring out which one makes the most sense to me. How do people do it?

Okay, I'll stop now before this becomes mindless rambling. :p Thanks again for answering my many questions!


New Member
Dec 11, 2006
Two threads in one day! Sorry, I've got a lot of questions on my mind. :p Anyways, my question for this thread is: What (if any) denomination do you believe in? Are you non-denominational? For both these questions: Why are you one and not the other? Why do you adhere to this particular denomination (or non-denomination)? Do you believe that other denominations are "wrong" or do you believe that the particular denomination does not matter but that it only matters that one believes in the agreed-upon (as in the stuff that all denominations agree upon) tenants of Christianity? Why? Do you believe that Mormons and/or Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians? Why/why not?

Sorry if this seems like a lot of questions, but I thought it'd be easier to address them all in one thread. I really do not understand why there are so many different denominations of Protestantism alone without including the other denominations. I understand that Protestants and Catholics disagree on stuff like the Transubstantiation and idols/images, etc., but I become lost when I try and figure out the differences between the Protestant denominations. Really, if you are a Christian, how do you even know where to start when choosing a denomination? That would drive me crazy trying to research into every one and figuring out which one makes the most sense to me. How do people do it?

Okay, I'll stop now before this becomes mindless rambling. :p Thanks again for answering my many questions!

I don't think you will be able to understand any answer to those questions on your own. Stick with trying to figure out if there is a God.
Now I will give you something to do, read the Gospel of John.



New Member
Feb 27, 2011
Canuck.....Darling I do not think you are the only one with those questions. I was raised in a Baptist Church until I walked out at 15. I use to think that it was the true church and all the rest were teaching false things..Until the day God opened my eyes to the Truth...My understanding of denominations and the difference is the doctrine of each or as I call it the man made rules..such as women can not wear pants..the pastor can't wear shorts...what a load of bull crap...God really does not care what we wear as long as we have a relationship with Him...The Lord showed me the rules are as bad as the pharisee in the Word....all rules with out the grace He so poured out on the Cross....Rules will not get us to Him..the Truth gets us to Him...I am not going to a church that tells me I have to cover my hair, or I can't cut my hair..just examples....Rules or religious doctrine have hurt more people in the world than any other religion...People turn from Christ with such doctrine of the churches...No church is perfect...but the closest one is one that talks Truth and teaches from the Word..and allows for mistakes in our thinking...The Word of God should be used to fashion churches...Now I do know almost everyone here will disagree....But I attend the Church of my Savior in my heart..I do attend a church, am an active member...but once they start placing a bunch of religious rules....I would walk out the door...anyway in my opinion is for believers not is where we should be equipped to go out and spread the Kingdom of God...not where we go and talk about each other because we saw so and so at the local liquor store on Friday night....or that so and so can't be a christian because she just became a grandmother and her son is not married to the how can she be a christian and allow her son to do such things...or so and so was seen in Dallas last week with another woman...That does not edify God nor a church...each one of these would be condemned in most in my honest opinion...forget denominations..focus on a church that is really Godly and filled with the Holy Spirit scripture..if it does not line up with God....speak out and if you can't.... shake the dust off your shoes fast....God will lead you to the Truth....and the right church...if we let Him...


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
What (if any) denomination do you believe in?

I am Roman Catholic, but I was raised Protestant.

Are you non-denominational?

When I was Protestant, I was basically nondenominational, but I attended mostly Presbyterian Churches. I attended a Presbyterian College and was a Presbyterian Youth director, as well.

For both these questions: Why are you one and not the other?

I like Presbyterians because they are generally not charismatic or fundamentalist and they value education. I decided to join the Catholic Church because they value church history / believe in the Real Presence / focus on teaching a rich, deep life of prayer / practice a vibrant social gospel.

Why do you adhere to this particular denomination (or non-denomination)?

I stopped growing as a Protestant. When I was first involved in Christianity, I was in a charismatic type environment and exposed to lots of alter calls. After awhile I got tired of Jesus wanting me to start all over again every time I went to a Christian event- later I compared it to trying to build a solid marriage by having a new wedding-do over every time a disagreement occurred, As a Catholic, I do not feel emotionally manipulated and I am more free to explore hundreds of different expressions of faith from over 2,000 years of church history.

Do you believe that other denominations are "wrong" or do you believe that the particular denomination does not matter but that it only matters that one believes in the agreed-upon (as in the stuff that all denominations agree upon) tenants of Christianity? Why?

I believe Catholicism (Anglican/Roman/Orthodox/Coptic) is the fullest doctrinal expression of Christianity, but it is not the only true form of Christianity. All Trinitarian churches are technically Christian Churches. Because of my strong mystical theology I naturally feel most at home in the Catholic tradition.

Do you believe that Mormons and/or Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians? Why/why not?

Mormons and JWs are outside of Christianity because they are not Trinitarian Churches.

I become lost when I try and figure out the differences between the Protestant denominations. Really, if you are a Christian, how do you even know where to start when choosing a denomination? That would drive me crazy trying to research into every one and figuring out which one makes the most sense to me. How do people do it?

I think most Protestants are technically nondenominational these days. There are some conservative Calvinists that disagree with Christians who are not Calvinists and some conservative Christians that believe mainline churches are too liberal in their understanding and teaching of scripture, but most Christians have really moved beyond denominational divides within Protestantism. Unfortunately, many Protestants still have difficulty believing Catholics are Christians, especially American Protestants. Another interesting aspect of the nondenominational trend in America is that many Protestants do not realize that they are Protestant! They are not taught Church history so they tend to believe that all real Christians believe in sola scriptura / sola fide / sola gratia - when, in actuality these ideas are only accepted by Protestants.
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New Member
Feb 27, 2011
WOW...Aspen awesome testimony....I love church history....I don't think of church as a denomination..but rather the people...we are church here in my opinion....but I could be wrong..often am ...


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
I don't believe in any denomination.

I see it this way; God brings his church together and organizes it. I am against denominations and man's way of organizing things, but I see that it serves a purpose. I am definitely not against the PEOPLE in it, don't get me wrong, and don't see myself as above them or any thing like that.

I just think that the church is greater than what we can organize. It works according to who GOD trains and ordains, not who men can train and ordain. :)


New Member
Nov 27, 2009
North Carolina
I don't believe in any denomination.

I see it this way; God brings his church together and organizes it. I am against denominations and man's way of organizing things, but I see that it serves a purpose. I am definitely not against the PEOPLE in it, don't get me wrong, and don't see myself as above them or any thing like that.

I just think that the church is greater than what we can organize. It works according to who GOD trains and ordains, not who men can train and ordain. :)

Nice post, I agree.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dec 31, 2010
United States
I don't believe in any denomination.

I see it this way; God brings his church together and organizes it. I am against denominations and man's way of organizing things, but I see that it serves a purpose. I am definitely not against the PEOPLE in it, don't get me wrong, and don't see myself as above them or any thing like that.

I just think that the church is greater than what we can organize. It works according to who GOD trains and ordains, not who men can train and ordain. :)

We have had people organize churches in schools. In other-words they use the school auditorium for their services. This is usually met with great excitement... Until the church builds a building and becomes just like everyone else.

I like the tent meetings where people meet together with one intent... And that is to worship the Lord...

I think meetings of this nature can be similar to the old songs were people use to sing about getting together and loving on one another. Now I don't believe this is a carnal sense... The Holy Spirit I felt in a Pentecostal church caused everyone to love one another!


Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2010
United States
Had I the calling, I would like to invest in a big tent, and have tent revivals like Brother Schambach... And call myself "Brother Love"


Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2010
United States
I wish someone would do a gospel rendition of this!

The Youngbloods Get Together

Love is but the song we sing,
And fear's the way we die
You can make the mountains ring
Or make the angels cry
Know the dove is on the wing
And you need not know why

C'mon people now,
Smile on your brother
Ev'rybody get together
Try and love one another right now

Some will come and some will go
We shall surely pass
When the one that left us here
Returns for us at last
We are but a moments sunlight
Fading in the grass

C'mon people now,
Smile on your brother
Ev'rybody get together
Try and love one another right now

If you hear the song I sing,
You must understand
You hold the key to love and fear
All in your trembling hand
Just one key unlocks them both
It's there at your command

C'mon people now,
Smile on your brother
Ev'rybody get together
Try and love one another right now
Right now


Active Member
May 31, 2010
Sorry if this seems like a lot of questions, but I thought it'd be easier to address them all in one thread. I really do not understand why there are so many different denominations of Protestantism alone without including the other denominations. I understand that Protestants and Catholics disagree on stuff like the Transubstantiation and idols/images, etc., but I become lost when I try and figure out the differences between the Protestant denominations. Really, if you are a Christian, how do you even know where to start when choosing a denomination? That would drive me crazy trying to research into every one and figuring out which one makes the most sense to me. How do people do it?

Okay, I'll stop now before this becomes mindless rambling. :p Thanks again for answering my many questions!

the simple answer to why there are so many denomination is because the church is divided.

Jesus apostles left us the instructions on how to be found approved by God, but sadly not all follow those instructions. Many will be disappointed when God chastises those who have not paid attention to those instructions.


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
This all makes me think about the verse in Amos... "How can two walk together, if they do not agree?"

To me it's not so much that denomination doesn't matter, as it is that denominations show we are NOT conformed to Christ. Jesus can't disagree with Jesus. And believe me, more studying or breaking our own head over this stuff won't do the job.

We walk in our own reality and fit Jesus in it, making then Jesus to be in our own image. That's just what denominations are, different ways of seeing Jesus. Only even Paul said, 'we know no man according to the flesh, not even Christ'. We need to know Christ by experience.

We need to enter the kingdom reality, the Spirit. We need to surrender to God and let him live through us. Only when we die and let Christ live through us can we find true unity.

Denominations is Babel. We are divided because if we agreed in a religious way we would be building a tower to the heavens to try to reach God. Instead we have a bunch of small towers. Maybe if the tower is small enough we will realize our own strength doesn't measure up ;)

Sorry Canuck, this is more of a "christian to christian" answer to the question I guess... I hope it still helps! :D

Blessings to all of ya...


Active Member
Encounter Team
Mar 22, 2011
North Carolina
Denominations do not matter as long as Jesus christ if up lifted and hey are teaching sound doctrine then it is a church. I belong to a holiness-penteocstal church 1. because of my upbringing 2. importance of a personal experience/ relationship with Jesus 3. strong belief in the power of Jesus and his name 4. importance of holiness in the believers life 5. Holy Spirit and the gifts and fruit of the holy Spirit is up lifted 6. loose worship service (yet in order) 7. sound doctrine that is preached


Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2010
United States
Denominations do not matter as long as Jesus christ if up lifted and hey are teaching sound doctrine then it is a church. I belong to a holiness-penteocstal church 1. because of my upbringing 2. importance of a personal experience/ relationship with Jesus 3. strong belief in the power of Jesus and his name 4. importance of holiness in the believers life 5. Holy Spirit and the gifts and fruit of the holy Spirit is up lifted 6. loose worship service (yet in order) 7. sound doctrine that is preached

UHCAlan... Well said! And it is important that we don't mistake the sweet unction of the Holy Spirit as arrogance! And it is important that we don't substitute the grace of our God with things like arrogance and greed!

For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. - Jude 1:4


New Member
May 24, 2011
Two threads in one day! Sorry, I've got a lot of questions on my mind. :p Anyways, my question for this thread is: What (if any) denomination do you believe in? Are you non-denominational? For both these questions: Why are you one and not the other? Why do you adhere to this particular denomination (or non-denomination)? Do you believe that other denominations are "wrong" or do you believe that the particular denomination does not matter but that it only matters that one believes in the agreed-upon (as in the stuff that all denominations agree upon) tenants of Christianity? Why? Do you believe that Mormons and/or Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians? Why/why not?

Sorry if this seems like a lot of questions, but I thought it'd be easier to address them all in one thread. I really do not understand why there are so many different denominations of Protestantism alone without including the other denominations. I understand that Protestants and Catholics disagree on stuff like the Transubstantiation and idols/images, etc., but I become lost when I try and figure out the differences between the Protestant denominations. Really, if you are a Christian, how do you even know where to start when choosing a denomination? That would drive me crazy trying to research into every one and figuring out which one makes the most sense to me. How do people do it?

Okay, I'll stop now before this becomes mindless rambling. :p Thanks again for answering my many questions!

Do you have a computer and the Bible installed ? Crosswire support King James version. Now, check whatis written about "being all of one mind", and especially the first chapter of Corinthians. Where the apostles denominated and divided ? Do you think the kingdom of God will be divided into so called saved denominated sheep ? Forget it, thereisonly one Thruth, the Word is not free to be interpreted for each denomination at free hand ! It is Gods Word, it is only one Word, with only one doctrine. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself should be our pastor, if some follow Him, how can they then claim to have dfifferent doctrines and being from a different denomination ? Does God got modern? Because if so then He wouldnot be perfect, what is perfect doesn't change. Neither in Word, neither in doctrine or in anything. Who vecame futile in their own minds where men !

Holy Pursuit

New Member
May 29, 2011
I don't believe we should be choosing a denomination, if you have the Spirit, then you are already a member of His Church, anything else is just a religious affiliation. Denominations are why the Body is so divided.
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New Member
Feb 12, 2010
If Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, Unitarians, etc. are considered as denominations, you'd better believe it matters.


Servant Prince
Apr 6, 2011
Ventura, California
Two threads in one day! Sorry, I've got a lot of questions on my mind. :p Anyways, my question for this thread is: What (if any) denomination do you believe in? Are you non-denominational? For both these questions: Why are you one and not the other? Why do you adhere to this particular denomination (or non-denomination)? Do you believe that other denominations are "wrong" or do you believe that the particular denomination does not matter but that it only matters that one believes in the agreed-upon (as in the stuff that all denominations agree upon) tenants of Christianity? Why? Do you believe that Mormons and/or Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians? Why/why not?

Sorry if this seems like a lot of questions, but I thought it'd be easier to address them all in one thread. I really do not understand why there are so many different denominations of Protestantism alone without including the other denominations. I understand that Protestants and Catholics disagree on stuff like the Transubstantiation and idols/images, etc., but I become lost when I try and figure out the differences between the Protestant denominations. Really, if you are a Christian, how do you even know where to start when choosing a denomination? That would drive me crazy trying to research into every one and figuring out which one makes the most sense to me. How do people do it?

Okay, I'll stop now before this becomes mindless rambling. :p Thanks again for answering my many questions!

I don't believe in any specific denomination. I try to base my understanding on scripture through prayer and God's leading. I would consider myself "non-denominational", however I believe there is a purpose behind denominations and physical separations of believers. I believe there is a great lack of unity in love and one-mindedness in Christianity throughout the world, however I believe God puts specific visions that he wants to accomplish in different churches and he can work through the different perspectives these denominations have if they are willing to seek God first and to keep loving one another by the spirit. I believe every individual Christian who follows the vision God places on their heart and I believe any gathering of Christian's who follows the vision God places within them corporately will, by God's ordained method of leadership, be of one mind in Christ and God's vision for the body as a whole. It is God who works His purpose in any one person who puts trust in Him, and I believe the titles of denominations fail in comparison to the acceptance of God's declaration of our identity as a son or daughter of God which can cross any exterior or ulterior barrier.

We Christians believe in someone called the Holy Spirit. For someone who is discovering these truths from the outside, you can relate the experience to a fortune teller who lives inside you and gives direction on what to do on the fortune teller's terms (Sorry, not sure how else to simplify it in easy to understand terms). We believe this same "fortune worker", so to speak, lives inside everyone whom God has placed His spirit into. That is what causes us to trust one another, to work together, and to really pay attention to what we believe God is saying through one another. We believe there are ways to understand whether someone acts to or not according to the spirit living inside them. We believe God will reveal to us direction in His timing when we need it, and will give us anything we need and ask for according to His will.

To choose a church (which part of the body to join), it helps to have an understanding of our core values. A church we join might not match us in every area of our theology, but they might perform work that rings true in our hearts and speak words that come from scripture and apply to what God is doing in our lives. A church may not believe exactly what I believe or have even decided their views on every point on scripture, but it may have the heart to continue to love one another past differences, and it may remain focused on God and not man's deficiency.


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
I might get some flack for this but here it is...

All the denominations are flawed, because they are all systems with beliefs. Beliefs that put men in control and system with their own agenda. The church needs to have no agenda but what God tells it. Who leads denominations? Men appointed by men.

The political task of Christians is to be the Church rather than to transform the world....The Church doesn’t have a social strategy, the Church is a social strategy (Stanley Hauerwas)
If 'we' have a strategy, it's still us transforming the world, but if we are God's strategy, his means and vessels, then it is indeed Christ through us and in us!

Please, don't get me wrong. I'm not condemning people... And I believe God works the best in all things and uses all things because he is love! But here's what I'm saying; ultimately, God's plan cannot work in any of man's system.

With love... blessings to all :)


New Member
Feb 12, 2010
'Christianity is in a TERRIBLE mess, but be of good cheer, God is going to straighten it out very soon. Satan has been very busy in 'Christianity'.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15 (ESV)
[sup]13 [/sup]For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. [sup]14 [/sup]And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. [sup]15 [/sup]So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.