Election - Season

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
There are scripture in Ephesians, that talk about Elect.

Wouldn't the Jewish people in that day in age consider themselves Elect - due to God choosing the Nation of Israel to come about to be elect - to bring forth the law, the prophets, and the Messiah?

Is there any scripture what so ever in the biblical text that says "God elects people individually to be his before the foundation of the world?"

There is Reformed Theology / Calvinistic 5 points, or tulip whatever. - In Which promotes that God does select bobby Joe, but not bobby Joes wife to be elected. (I disregard Reformed Theology / Calvinism (even though John was a very smart individual - lawyer by trade).

Would like to know what your thoughts are on this?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2021
Somewhere in time
United States
If you disregard calvinism, then why ask about the Elect? But to answer your question, start reading romans 9:6 and read from there.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
All context needs to be considered, sir. I have a disdain for reformed theology as it can make God into a monster.

If God elects only Billy joe and not billy Joes wife… what kind of God are we serving in which he just picks and chooses.

The answer to the question I believe is yes, the people of Israel seen themselves as elect of God because he chose that nation.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2021
Somewhere in time
United States
All context needs to be considered, sir. I have a disdain for reformed theology as it can make God into a monster.

If God elects only Billy joe and not billy Joes wife… what kind of God are we serving in which he just picks and chooses.

The answer to the question I believe is yes, the people of Israel seen themselves as elect of God because he chose that nation.

2 things… this is where bad theology comes in.
1. You say Calvinism makes God into a monster? How?
2. You seem to be under a misconception, as are most on here. The fact is, the clear majority of mankind is going to hell.

the jews may have saw themselves as the elect, but paul shot that idea down in romans.

as to your other question, if God picks “billy joe” and not his wife, why does that alone make God a monster??? We are all responsible for our own election.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Could you simply answer the question posed in the original 1st post?

I would just like to know what people think about the posed question. Nothing more really though you may share whatever one would like to.

I actually am not here to debate, but what I posed in post number 3 makes sense.

So is there scripture that says God elects people individually or is it the Jewish Hebrew thought they would see themselves as elect, because God brought them out of Egypt… it has nothing to do with anything with America Contextually. That is where one should stick close to. Context, what does the Bible suggest rather than our opinions.

Thank you so much @Lifelong_sinner


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Also by the way I’m not against the biblical text that God blinded the people but I don’t believe he does that today.

Due to the complete and total victory of Christ.

Who conquered hell, death, (Jesus died and paid for it for all people) sin, Satan and his demons, and rising out of the grave.

God has reconciled the world through Christ. So no, I don’t believe everyone is going to hell… there is an end result (Revelation 22).

Im very thankful for what Jesus has done, and now it is like today because of this everyone is walking around the Garden of Eden. Making the choice to eat from the knowledge of Good and evil or choosing to eat from the tree of eternal life seeking and abiding in Christ.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2021
Somewhere in time
United States
A better question would be, were the jews the chosen ones because God brought them out of egypt? Or because of abraham?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
I personally believe the Garden of Eden has been restored, @Lifelong_sinner. There are people who are dead still to spiritual things, and those who don’t want nothing to do with God may not have access to the tree of life.

My consideration would be reading to oneself the Revelation 22 to themselves and ponder on what God had done though many May say it has not been established yet. However I believe Jesus did come quickly and took the bride that where attending the Passover feast when Jerusalem had been destroyed and those waiting for him and watching say him Come, as the two messengers in acts had said to the disciples.

We just don’t have documentation and it is all by faith that I personally believe Jesus wasn’t a liar. He did what he said he would and because of the nation of Israel who God had elected due to being the promised nation from Abraham they seen themselves as elected.

That is why the Pharisees always seen themselves higher than everyone else. They didn’t care much for the gentile nations, as far as I know in Jesus day, when he was walking the earth.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Love you brother thank you for your participation. Just trying to be straightforward and transparent, trying to live honestly from my heart.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
There are scripture in Ephesians, that talk about Elect.

Wouldn't the Jewish people in that day in age consider themselves Elect - due to God choosing the Nation of Israel to come about to be elect - to bring forth the law, the prophets, and the Messiah?

Is there any scripture what so ever in the biblical text that says "God elects people individually to be his before the foundation of the world?"

There is Reformed Theology / Calvinistic 5 points, or tulip whatever. - In Which promotes that God does select bobby Joe, but not bobby Joes wife to be elected. (I disregard Reformed Theology / Calvinism (even though John was a very smart individual - lawyer by trade).

Would like to know what your thoughts are on this?
John who was a lawyer ?

John who wrote the gospel was a fisherman along with Peter, James and Andrew.

Matthew 4

Jesus Calls His First Disciples
18 As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. 19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” 20 At once they left their nets and followed him.

21 Going on from there, he saw two other brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with their father Zebedee, preparing their nets. Jesus called them, 22 and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
Also by the way I’m not against the biblical text that God blinded the people but I don’t believe he does that today.

Due to the complete and total victory of Christ.

Who conquered hell, death, (Jesus died and paid for it for all people) sin, Satan and his demons, and rising out of the grave.

God has reconciled the world through Christ. So no, I don’t believe everyone is going to hell… there is an end result (Revelation 22).

Im very thankful for what Jesus has done, and now it is like today because of this everyone is walking around the Garden of Eden. Making the choice to eat from the knowledge of Good and evil or choosing to eat from the tree of eternal life seeking and abiding in Christ.
everyone is walking around in the garden of eden in this sinful world ? Are you serious ?

was there a desert in the garden of eden ?

where their droughts ?

did animals and people kill each other in the garden ?

Does the Lion lat down with the Lamb or does it kill the Lamb still ?

is God walking on this earth in His garden of eden like He did in Genesis ?

I could ask another 100 questions that prove its still in the future.

hope this helps !!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
John Calvin was a lawyer by trade, @Christophany.
Also completely understand you believe that there will be a future coming of Christ. That is fine, not interested though in debating with you friend.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
John Calvin was a lawyer by trade, @Christophany.
Also completely understand you believe that there will be a future coming of Christ. That is fine, not interested though in debating with you friend.
And I'm not interested in PM's since this a debating forum.

ie this is the " Christian Debate Forum "

do you just want to talk with people who agree with you ?

or are you interested in defending your beliefs ?

1 Peter 3:15
but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,

hope this helps !!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
If you would like to answer the question to the first post, please go ahead.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
Individuals and groups are called Gods elect/chosen in Scripture. That doesn't make one a calvinist. It depends on how one defines those theological terms/doctrines.

hope this helps !!!

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Love you brother thank you for your participation. Just trying to be straightforward and transparent, trying to live honestly from my heart.
I truly admire you for that Matthew....

But in answer to the OP...here is my two cents (maybe a few dollars) worth.... :D

There are scripture in Ephesians, that talk about Elect.

Wouldn't the Jewish people in that day in age consider themselves Elect - due to God choosing the Nation of Israel to come about to be elect - to bring forth the law, the prophets, and the Messiah?
Ephesians 1:3-5....
"Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for he has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in union with Christ, 4 as he chose us to be in union with him before the founding of the world, that we should be holy and unblemished before him in love. 5 For he foreordained us to be adopted as his own sons through Jesus Christ."

All of the first Christians were Jewish, so in spite of their woeful spiritual condition when Christ walked the earth, he was sent exclusively to "the lost sheep of the house of Israel". Jesus was not sent to the Jewish leaders but to the honest-hearted ones who saw through the self-righteousness of the Pharisees, and really just wanted to worship their God acceptably. The Pharisees never gave them that chance because they had judged them already as unworthy of their attention and had written them off. Jesus dignified these ones and gave them hope.

In Matthew 23, Jesus castigated the Pharisees for the frauds and hypocrites that had proven themselves to be.
But according to his promise to Abraham, all of the 'elect' were supposed to be Abraham's descendants.....to become "a royal priesthood and a holy nation". (Exodus 19:5-6)
But Israel failed to qualify for that gift....so according to Acts 15:14 (also Acts 10:34-35) God turned to the Gentiles to take out of them a people for his name, opening up the opportunity for non-Jews to become 'elected'. (1 Peter 2:7-10)

In the first century, not all who came to Christ were 'elected' "saints", (1 Corinthians 1:2) so it isn't something that takes place collectively like it did at Pentecost, but from then on, individually as God selected those who would become "kings and priests' with Christ in heaven. (Revelation 20:6)

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Is there any scripture what so ever in the biblical text that says "God elects people individually to be his before the foundation of the world?"
First, I believe that you have to understand what that means....."the founding of the world" is not the creation of the planet. God did not foreordain some to live and some to die...or even some to go to heaven and some to go to hell, before they were even born....that is an horrendous thought! Very unjust.
The "founding of the world" is an expression that uses two Greek words..."katabolē" which means ...
  1. a throwing or laying down
    1. the injection or depositing of the virile semen in the womb

    2. of the seed of plants and animals
  2. a founding (laying down a foundation)
And "kosmos" which means...."an apt and harmonious arrangement or constitution, order, government.....
  1. the inhabitants of the earth, men, the human family
  2. the ungodly multitude; the whole mass of men alienated from God, and therefore hostile to the cause of Christ
  3. world affairs, the aggregate of things earthly."
So it is speaking about the creation of the human race that descended from Adam and his wife, not the actual planet. This means that God never pre-arranged who was saved and who wasn't. Before Adam and his wife had children, God foreordained a group of his choosing so that he could reverse what had taken place in Eden, but he did not foreordain the individuals who would make up that group. That only happened during their lifetime. That group would rule with Christ in the kingdom that all the OT men of faith looked forward to. (Hebrews 11 enumerates them)

God allowed the human race to use their God-given free will to take them where it would....and then He responded to their activities accordingly, as the Bible relates. When they did good things, he blessed them, and when they did bad things, he punished them. Only after the nation of Israel was formed were they subject to God's written laws, because they entered into a covenant with God of their own free will and were then accountable for their actions.

There is Reformed Theology / Calvinistic 5 points, or tulip whatever. - In Which promotes that God does select bobby Joe, but not bobby Joes wife to be elected. (I disregard Reformed Theology / Calvinism (even though John was a very smart individual - lawyer by trade).
'Election' is something that comes from God and He chooses an individual to become a ‘king and a priest’ to rule with his son in heaven. Looking at this from man’s perspective raises some emotional issues because of the way humans see his activities. Is there any way that the God who is the epitome of justice and love could ever behave in an unjust way? Would he rip loved ones away from their families? Not without the power of God’s spirit softening the separation, which in death was going to happen anyway. The Bible states only two ways to end a marriage....adultery or death.

So “Bobby Joe and his wife” would be separated by death, just as we all are even now. Since there was to be no resurrection until Christ’s return, all would “sleep” in death until that time. (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17)

Since it is God who chooses the ones who will rule redeemed mankind, how can we as ignorant, earth-bound humans possibly know what God knows, or can do what God can do? Who can point fingers at God and accuse him of anything?

When the flood in Noah’s day was brought on an ungodly world, many reading the account stumble over the fact that the children died with their wicked parents. How could God do that? Well......can we imagine what Noah and his family might have done with perhaps hundreds, of not thousands of orphans?

God holds the parents responsible for their children’s upbringing, and the environment in which these children were raised was abominable. They would have seen and heard their parents ridiculing Noah and his family and living a life that was “normal” for them, but abhorrent to Noah and his God.
Children learn what they live, and will often follow the same path as their parents.....Noah was the only person on earth at that time who found favor in God’s eyes. He received his assignment before he had children, whom he managed to raise despite the prevailing environment. His three sons even managed to find wives who helped in the preparation of the ark. So only eight people out of all those alive on earth at that time, survived.

We are living in the last days of our own world and Jesus said we would see similar circumstances to those of Noah. (Matthew 24:37-39) Look at the world and see that Christ is about to judge this world as it sinks further and further into moral depravity and spiritual decay....this horrible world system needs to go and God is keen to bring us back to the paradise in which we began our existence. (Revelation 21:2-4)

Would like to know what your thoughts are on this?
Sorry for the long post but if you know me , you will understand that details are important....
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