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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
What saves us from spiritual death, is to be birthed in the Spirit, you must be born again to see the Kingdom of God.
Nobody has said any different. So, if this is all you want to say, you've skirted the whole point for my sharing as I did. That's okay.

Randy Kluth

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Apr 27, 2020
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Matthew 5:17-19, affirmation of the inspiration and eternality of OT revelation.
As I said, I don't see the continued applicability of the Law of Moses throughout the NT age. Rather, what we see is the continued testimony of the Law to the need for a righteousness that is both true and eligible for the grace of Christ. After all, the testimony of the Law was that sinful Man could not obtain Eternal Life apart from the atonement of Christ.

The Law of Moses and the Law of God, distinguished from the Law of Moses, are two different things. The Law of God, governing the creation of Man in the Image of God, is God's Law. But the Law of Moses was a specific, temporal covenant that expired when Israel rejected their Messiah.

Obviously, the Law of God has outlived the Law of Moses, and is now embedded in the New Covenant. And the New Covenant applies not just to Israel but also to all nations willing to participate in it.

Randy Kluth

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Apr 27, 2020
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It's good to disagree brother, but when it comes to the nomos/entole/mitzvot and laws in the Pauline epistles, what I have posted makes "sense" to me, at least-as long as we can agree to disagree without "fighting"
I have zero interest in "fighting." I have promoted nothing but peace among brothers, and even with enemies, as Jesus advised. I welcome your input, whether you agree with me or not. I'm open to correction, and always will be.
I'm not a dogmatic kind of person and will always consider the opposing view/s-
In my view, understanding the different contexts in which Paul spoke of the law resolves the tension. When he spoke of the law in the context of salvation (justification, right standing before God), he clearly affirmed that law-keeping is of no avail (Rom. 3:20). On the other hand, when Paul spoke of the law in the context of Christian conduct (sanctification, right living before God), then he maintained the value and validity of God's law (chaps. 7:7-12; 13:8-10; 1 Cor. 7:19). For example, when Paul listed the various forms of human wickedness in 1 Timothy 1:8-10, he explicitly asserted, "We know that the law is good" (verse 8).
I agree--the Law's purpose was to put a wall up between us and the Tree of Life/Eternal Life. But we do not get Sanctification form the Law of Moses, unless you're talking about the "Law within the Law?" The Law of Moses, to me, was a Covenant God made with Israel which included God's universal Law for men, to live "in His image." As such, God's universal Law for Mankind can be distinguished from the Covenant of Law God gave to Israel.

I believe the Law of Moses expired, as a Covenant, when Jesus died. But obviously, the universal Law of God has continued, since mankind continues. Sanctification, therefore, takes place for the Christian when he applies the universal Law of God in the context of the New Covenant of Christ. Following Law, generally, does not sanctify the non-Christian, because it does not result in the New Birth. To be sanctified, our Nature needs to change--not just our behavior. We need to *be good,* and not just *do good.*
Central to Paul's understanding of the law is the cross of Christ. From this perspective he both negated and affirmed the law. He repudiated the law as the basis of justification: "If justification were through the law, then Christ died to no purpose" (Gal. 2:21). But he taught that the law is "holy," "just," "good," and "spiritual" (Rom. 7:12, 14, 16; 1 Tim. 1:8) because it exposes sin and reveals God's ethical standards. Thus he stated that Christ came "in order that the just requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us" through the dynamic power of His Spirit (Rom. 8:4).
Paul here was stating the testimony and purpose of the Law, which had taken place when the Law, as a Covenant, was still in effect. It did not indicate that anything more than the *testimony* of the Law was still in effect. The efficacy of the Law as a testimony has nothing whatsoever to do with the continued *applicability* of the Law as a Covenant.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
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United States
Agree, but I am very careful on the topic of "law" it brings divisions and schism among the brethren and to be blunt with you, I am still learning and find Dr. Bob Utley, a professor in hermeneutics, helpful in my personal growth in Christ Jesus.
"shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished"
Schism is not the problem--Paul said there *must be* divisions. The real problem is in attitude. Are we "peaceable?" Are we loving, forgiving, gracious, kind, forbearing, etc.? Our goal should be to demonstrate the love of God always, whether with brother, friend, or enemy.

But we cannot avoid divisions because we *must* speak the truth. And that is often rejected. We should not let rejection cause us to stop our testimony. Love expresses itself by persevering in the testimony that will bring Christ's help to others. We just need to do it in the right way.
NKJV, Peshitta  "will by no means pass. . .till all is fulfilled"
NRSV  "will pass. . .until all is accomplished"
TEV  "will not be done away with—until the end of all things"
NJB  "is to disappear. . .until all its purpose is achieved"
REB  "will disappear from the Law until all that must happen has happened"

The first term usually referred to destroying something by pulling it down, like a wall. The second term was used in Matt. 1:22 to fulfill, as in accomplishing its declared function. Although this term had several other meanings in other parts of the NT, here it speaks of the OT finding its completion in Christ. Jesus' teachings are like the new wine that cannot be contained in the old wine skins (cf. Matt. 9:16-17).

This fulfillment referred to Jesus' life, death, resurrection, second coming, judgment, and eternal reign, which are, in some sense, incipient in the Old Testament. The OT points to Christ and His work. The Apostles interpreted the OT in a typological or Christological sense! The NT is about Jesus, not Israel!

It would be an interesting word study. There are different ways of applying "fulfillment" in the Bible. As I said elsewhere, I interpret things holistically, rather than textually. Both ways are valid, in my view.

We know that Christ viewed himself as Messiah, and fulfillment of the entire Law. So the question is, Did he fulfill the prophecies just by, for example, being born in the predicted town of Bethlehem? Did he fulfill the Law of Sacrifices by becoming the ultimate Sacrifice? Did he fulfill the righteousness of the Law by being Sinless?

So it's a valid question: in what way, exactly, did Jesus fulfill the Law biblically? I personally see the Law as an expired Covenant designed to foreshadow the humanity of Christ. And so, the requirements of the Law for Israel have expired, though the requirements of God's universal Law continue to be applied to mankind as they always have.

Randy Kluth

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Apr 27, 2020
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United States
Paul actually refutes the law as a means to eternal life, and says that if you teach that the law, keeping the law, is a means of salvation, then you are teaching a "cursed of God" gospel. Galatians 1:8
I agree, and that's exactly what I said. The Law was a confirmation of the Eden story, that a single sin of Man caused the eternal expulsion of Man from the Tree of Life. The Law of Moses confirmed, for Israel, that they had inherited a Sin Nature, and needed continual cleansing just to stay in covenant relationship with God. But they were still disqualified from access to the Tree of Life.

Obedience to the Law brought a form of Sanctification, but not Christian Sanctification. Israel's Sanctification kept them only in covenant relationship with God so that by their obedience they could be blessed as a nation. Still, they were prohibited from access to the Tree of Life. Their hope was firmly placed in the coming of Messiah, who they were assured would provide for final redemption of the nation.

Randy Kluth

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Apr 27, 2020
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United States
1.) Jesus had to fulfill the law so that He had accomplished all that was required of God, on our behalf, so that he could then go to the Cross, having fulfilled all, and then die for our sin.
Yes, that is one aspect of how Jesus "fulfilled the Law." He provided a way *apart from the Law* so that the condemnation of the Law could be bypassed.
2.) So, He fulfilled all the law and kept all the commandments for us, because we didnt, ....= ""all have sinned""".... and then he died for our sin. And by fulfilling them, he could abolish them as...
"Christ is the END Of the LAW for Righteousness". "Christ has redeemed us from the CURSE of the Law".
Yes, righteousness under the Law was sufficient only for Israel to be sanctified as a people under covenant with God. Nevertheless, they were at the same time excluded by the Law from Eternal Life. Their covenant relationship only gave them hope, and the many blessings that come by having fellowship with God.

The righteousness of Christ, by contrast, not only keeps us in fellowship with God, but it also gives us access to Eternal Life.
3.) Jesus had to complete the OT prophecies, concerning Himself, and that included fulfilling the Law.

= Jesus said to John the Baptist...."""" that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the LAW of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me."""""
Completely agree. Jesus is the Word of God. As such, everything God said in the Book and in our hearts is expressed in Christ, the door to our access to God eternally.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
What saves us from spiritual death, is to be birthed in the Spirit, you must be born again to see the Kingdom of God.
I will try again, if you truly wish to understand?
I have tried to explain this spiritual birth many times, the spiritual birth is “ Alive”...God’s word is Alive,...and his word has to penetrate the heart of the person he is birthing in the Spirit, you can’t hear God Through your own human intellect...it is an act ,that only God can do, there is much scripture on this, but again, the Living word must penetrate our hearts, then we know it’s from God.
Your statement that "you can't hear God through your own human intellect" is very misleading to me. Of course we can hear God through our own human intellect--how else are we going to contemplate what He's even saying to us?

What I think you're trying to say is that human nature is, by definition, resistant to divine revelation, and as such, when it reasons apart from divine revelation it cannot find God? Is that what you're trying to say?

Obviously, our human reason is perfectly capable of hearing from God and reasoning with God. We just have to overcome our natural proclivity towards ignoring or resisting God's word to our minds.

Your focus on the "living" nature of God's word betrays the reality that even for the Christian God's word is not always energized and powerful. Sometimes the word of God can be a "still small voice." Sometimes God's word to us can be God speaking through our conscience, or even from someone hostile towards us informing us of something we need to do to make things right.

You should never try to replace "reason" with "revelation." Revelation works through human reason--otherwise it isn't communicating--it is just using the human brain like automatic writing. Prophets do this, but we don't live in a constant state of prophecy!
The Spirit of God testifies with our spirit that we are his child, in other words his living word once again as I’ve already explained , must and does speak to your spirit through his Spirit....

There is absolutely nothing hard in understanding when one is born from above...I can also only understand when I believe the Spirit of God speaks to my spirit through his living word.
And nobody here is trying to explain or to understand when one is "born from above!" Why is this a point at all in anything I've been saying? But of course, I do like your interest in it.
The flesh and human intellect doesn’t speak to me, as it profits nothing,....as long as I know I am born again 100% the rest of what I need to understand, will come from the Spirit and it will come in God’s timing......his timing is perfect as his word will and does penetrate his child’s heart/spirit, so that they understand it’s Gods word and not the flesh from man...who unfortunately, some think they have all the answers, we don’t ,onlyGod has the answers.
So I think what you're trying to say is that when you don't understand something somebody says, or when somebody says something you don't agree with, it must not be God's voice speaking "life" to you? You just reject any message outright when your preconceived notion disagrees with it? Or if you don't understand it, it must be coming from something "unspiritual?" I hope that's not what you're saying?
The relationship between God and his child is Alive..we have a personal intimate relationship with God, how, Through the Holy Spirit who indwells the heart/ spirit of his child....he has taken up permanent residence in our heart/spirit.
I am in the righteousness of Christ..I’m not in my own righteousness......it’s also recognising or discerning when one speaks in the Spirit or the flesh, God has shown me when I speak in the flesh, I ignore fleshy remarks, as they are from the self, pride,ego,etc,etc...there is no profit in arguing in the flesh with a person...
Of course, we should ignore "fleshy remarks," such as when one is name-calling or wanting to be provocative to throw the argument off track. I would agree with that, unless there is a fruitful way to answer it, on behalf of the hostile one or for the benefit of others listening.
I also did not choose God to birth me in the Spirit, he chose to birth me, by his mercy, grace and pure Love, in Jesus Name,Amen.

My thoughts and beliefs...

I can only understand what I believe the Spirit is speaking to me....there is much of your post I don’t understand,.....in other words it’s not speaking to my spirit....no worries, as I say ,God’s timing is perfect in understanding and he may bring me back to your post,when the timing is right, if that makes sense...
I'm not always easy to understand. However, over time I can make complex points clearer. The fact you don't understand what I say is not an issue with me. If you're interested, all you have to do is ask for clarification. But you really have to want to investigate, which is something you *don't have to do.*
Thank you for taking the time to try and explain to me, I appreciate that...I know you are only trying to help.
I can only understand the word of God..I understand this scripture perfectly...my belief...
Yes, that's the only reason I'm here. I've invested many, many years in trying to understand Scriptures and the Christian life. I give it my best because that's what I would've wished for myself as I grew up in the Lord. I didn't always have someone to ask.

These kinds of forums are not always the best place to learn, because of the chaos of pride and harsh debate. But it is an opportunity to hear others.


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Your statement that "you can't hear God through your own human intellect" is very misleading to me. Of course we can hear God through our own human intellect--how else are we going to contemplate what He's even saying to us?
Hello Randy.....that is what you believe.....I don’t believe that, not for me anyway, I was birthed in the Spirit ,that was “ relayed” to my mind....spiritual birth...ok, I can’t explain it....all I can say is,God testified with my spirit that I am his child....he spoke to my spirit ,then relayed to my mind....

Those who hear God Through their intellect, I don’t understand....we understand what God is saying through the Spirit ,which is then relayed to our mind.....God’s Spirit is in our spirit....not our minds.

Of course he could be leading some to Jesus through the mind, but, the Spirit of God,( His voice) must penetrate the heart/ spirit of his child,.....then one has been birthed.

If you read my post to you, I said I didn’t understand most of what you wrote,....that I would come back to you on it, if I believed God wanted me to......same with this post of yours, I can’t answer you in the flesh, it must be in the Spirit....so again, I may or may not, get back to you.....my opinion and belief.


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Yes, that's the only reason I'm here. I've invested many, many years in trying to understand Scriptures and the Christian life. I give it my best because that's what I would've wished for myself as I grew up in the Lord. I didn't always have someone to ask.
Hello again,Randy, I appreciate that you have invested many years in trying to understand scripture,...imo,it doesn’t work like that...for me, it’s the Holy Spirit who opens up scripture to my spirit, I cannot understand scripture unless he does that...you cannot imo open up and understand scripture from your own intellect,....impossible, you must be led by the Spirit, who indwells our spirit, that’s how he communicates to me...we have a living spiritual relationship with God, Through the power of the Holy Spirit......there is much in scripture I don’t understand, why do I need to?....I only need to understand God’s word to me, I’m 100% born again...the rest has followed.....I’m not a teacher,I am far from ever being a teacher....... I have been called to spread the good news, that is....God is Alive in Spirit , when I’m out and about...he uses me as his vessel ,to spread that good news..his Spirit is Alive in us ,Randy?.......it’s all about God....All in His timing Randy...

Edit to add, I have read the rest of your post and with the utmost respect...it sounds like it’s coming from your own intellect..I don’t understand you Randy........that’s all I’m trying to say, I don’t understand your logic......and I’m sure you aren’t understanding me, although I may be wrong in that assumption.
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And nobody here is trying to explain or to understand when one is "born from above!" Why is this a point at all in anything I've been saying? But of course, I do like your interest in it.
I believe God brought me back to this part of your post.

What does this even mean,Randy...I have no idea what you are saying here?

Being born again is crucial, that’s when we begin our spiritual journey with God Through the Holy Spirit..as we have been birthed in the Holy Spirit..Some May be being drawn to Jesus Through the mind, but, you must be birthed/ regenerated to start that living relationship with God...why, because you are his/ adopted,...you are in the world, you don’t belong to it....you belong to God, Through the one and only Jesus.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Hello Randy.....that is what you believe.....I don’t believe that, not for me anyway, I was birthed in the Spirit ,that was “ relayed” to my mind....spiritual birth...ok, I can’t explain it....all I can say is,God testified with my spirit that I am his child....he spoke to my spirit ,then relayed to my mind....
I'm born in the Spirit too, sister, from more than 50 years ago. I was raised up in a spiritually-dead church, so I know what the difference is between knowing God and following Him. I grew up following the 10 Commandments. When I came to know Him "more fully," I started following His guidance through the constant revelation to my mind and conscience regarding what His "love" is.
Those who hear God Through their intellect, I don’t understand....we understand what God is saying through the Spirit ,which is then relayed to our mind.....God’s Spirit is in our spirit....not our minds.
The human mind and the Spirit are not necessarily antithetical to one another. The human mind, divorced from the Spirit of God, is in darkness and does not contemplate spiritual things. But human reason can in fact respond to divine revelation and be "awakened" by that revelation.

I was raised in Christianity, and my mind was always receptive to divine revelation. I just never awakened to it "more fully" in terms of having a full comprehension of what it means for daily matters. Someone had to implant the idea that there was more to the "abundant life" than what I had been raised up in.

Those who were raised in paganism may not feel receptive to God's revelation. However, all people who get saved respond to a revelation of God to their mind. That's how they get saved, by hearing the word of God preached to them.
Of course he could be leading some to Jesus through the mind, but, the Spirit of God,( His voice) must penetrate the heart/ spirit of his child,.....then one has been birthed.

If you read my post to you, I said I didn’t understand most of what you wrote,....that I would come back to you on it, if I believed God wanted me to......same with this post of yours, I can’t answer you in the flesh, it must be in the Spirit....so again, I may or may not, get back to you.....my opinion and belief.
You have to do things by faith. So I'm fine with that...
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. However, all people who get saved respond to a revelation of God to their mind. That's how they get saved, by hearing the word of God preached to them.
This I don’t understand, if you believe that, that’s fine....I was birthed and saved at the same time, the Holy Spirit testified to my “ Spirit “ which in turn was relayed to my mind.....you hear the word of God when he penetrates the heart/ spirit, he opened my heart to receive his word, just like he did Lydia.

He resides in my spirit and there he speaks to me ,through the power of the Holy Spirit....he speaks to my mind through his Spirit as he lives in my spirit......we have a Living spiritual relationship with God Through the Holy Spirit.

God births and saves his way,Randy.not our way.......I was birthed in the Spirit, just as the word of God says here in his word.

John 3:8​

New International Version​

8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.

Isaiah 55:8-9

New International Version

8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
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I was raised in Christianity, and my mind was always receptive to divine revelation. I just never awakened to it "more fully" in terms of having a full comprehension of what it means for daily matters. Someone had to implant the idea that there was more to the "abundant life" than what I had been raised up in.
This is a very interesting paragraph....you say your mind was always receptive to divine revelation, you just never awakened to it and so forth as you say.

Now for me, my Spirit was awakened, not my mind, of course my mind came into it, how else could the Spirit speak to me, well, first he birthed me ,which I guess was obviously being relayed to my mind at the same time.....they were both happening at the same time, as the Holy Spirit was indwelling me.....my spirit was brought Alive in Christ, by that spiritual birth.....I knew straight away what was happening.....as my spirit comes from God and he knows me more than I know myself......so, he connected with my spirit, that’s another way of putting it, a connection that only God can do..and he does it through the Holy Spirit ..my thoughts,belief and testimony.
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universal Law for Mankind can be distinguished from the Covenant of Law God gave to Israel.

This is a very interesting paragraph....you say your mind was always receptive to divine revelation, you just never awakened to it and so forth as you say.

Now for me, my Spirit was awakened, not my mind, of course my mind came into it, how else could the Spirit speak to me, well, first he birthed me ,which I guess was obviously being relayed to my mind at the same time.....they were both happening at the same time, as the Holy Spirit was indwelling me.....my spirit was brought Alive in Christ, by that spiritual birth.....I knew straight away what was happening.....as my spirit comes from God and he knows me more than I know myself......so, he connected with my spirit, that’s another way of putting it, a connection that only God can do..and he does it through the Holy Spirit ..my thoughts,belief and testimony.


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So it's a valid question: in what way, exactly, did Jesus fulfill the Law biblically? I personally see the Law as an expired Covenant designed to foreshadow the humanity of Christ. And so, the requirements of the Law for Israel have expired, though the requirements of God's universal Law continue to be applied to mankind as they always have.
When we consider the Ten Commandments, we have to situate them in their covenantal context. After all, they’re part of the Mosaic covenant, and Christians aren’t under that covenant. For instance, the sabbath is the sign of the Mosaic covenant, of Yahweh’s covenant with Israel (Ex. 31:13, 17), but believers in Christ are no longer under the sabbath command, since it’s a shadow that points to Christ (Col. 2:16; cf. Rom. 14:5). The sabbath points to our rest in Christ (Heb. 4:1–11), and I make this case in a book on progressive covenantalism. Since the sabbath is no longer required for believers today, it’s too simplistic to say that believers must obey the Ten Commandments.

Since the sabbath is no longer required for believers today, it’s too simplistic to say that believers must obey the Ten Commandments.

We need to remember in interpreting the Old Testament that there is both continuity and discontinuity, both abolition (Heb. 8:13) and fulfillment (Matt. 5:17–20). The law points to the fulfillment in Jesus. It doesn’t follow, however, that there are no moral norms for believers. The law of Christ functions as a norm for believers (Rom. 13:8–10; Gal. 5:14; 6:2; 1 Cor. 9:20–21), the heart and soul of which is love for neighbor. And this love was exemplified supremely in Christ’s self-giving on the cross.

Someone might say at this point, “You do hold the same view as Andy Stanley!” Not so fast. Romans 13:8–10 helps us unpack the nature of love, and Paul tells us that love keeps particular commands, which include commands that prohibit adultery, murder, stealing, and coveting. Paul tells us that other commands fall under this umbrella as well. In fact, when we read the New Testament, we discover that nine of the ten commandments are repeated in the New Testament (again, the exception is the sabbath). Such moral norms prevent us from sentimentality in defining what love is.

Ever did a study on the Imperatives--?

Here's a link, see how the at least 9 nomos are repeated-

So we know from the New Testament itself—from the new covenant, from the fulfillment in Jesus—the moral norms that guide our lives. No one can claim to be living a life of love while transgressing such moral norms.

Moral Norms and the Character of God
The commands that are normative for believers today aren’t normative merely because they’re in the Ten Commandments or because they’re part of the old covenant. We know from the New Testament, from the new covenant, which moral norms apply today, and they remain moral norms because they express the character of God. There are indications even in the covenant with Adam and the covenant with Noah—which is in many respects a recapitulation of the covenant with Adam—that such moral norms were present at the beginning, prior to the Mosaic law. For instance, the permanence of marriage (Gen. 1:26; 2:18–25), the prohibition of murder (Gen. 9:6), and complete devotion to the Lord are present from the beginning, showing that the commands of love for God and neighbor (Matt. 22:34–40) are anchored in creation.

Progressive covenantalism and covenant theology come close to saying the same thing about moral norms. We just get there a different way, and we don’t disagree that idolatry, dishonoring parents, adultery, murder, stealing, lying, coveting, or same-sex marriage are morally wrong and transgress the love command.

The Old Testament is God’s authoritative Word to us, but we have to read the whole Bible covenantally, and in light of the fulfillment of Christ, to apply it well to our lives.

Like you've said-covenantally and holistically, with scripture references.


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The Spirit awakens the mind , the only way your mind can be awakened, is by rebirth,being birthed in the Spirit/ regenerated/ one’s spirit is brought Alive in Christ...., by God Through the Holy Spirit.....your spirit and mind are awakened together...

Without the spiritual birth, there isn’t that relationship with God.

He may be leading some to Jesus Through their mind of course, I believe that..but...you must receive that precious birth from God...which is supernatural and mind blowing..for me it was, I can’t speak for others...that is my opinion and belief.

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It would be an interesting word study. There are different ways of applying "fulfillment" in the Bible. As I said elsewhere, I interpret things holistically, rather than textually. Both ways are valid, in my view.
Please give this a listen.



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The Spirit awakens the mind , the only way your mind can be awakened, is by rebirth,being birthed in the Spirit/ regenerated/ one’s spirit is brought Alive in Christ...., by God Through the Holy Spirit.....your spirit and mind are awakened together...

Without the spiritual birth, there isn’t that relationship with God.

He may be leading some to Jesus Through their mind of course, I believe that..but...you must receive that precious birth from God...which is supernatural and mind blowing..for me it was, I can’t speak for others...that is my opinion and belief.

Please give this a listen.



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@Johann ...I listened and in honesty I haven’t a clue what he was talking about....I heard head knowledge, I never heard any spiritual knowledge from this preacher...that is my opinion and belief.

After listening to his preaching, I would never listen to him again..".we are both most definitely...on different spiritual wavelengths...

Billy Graham, who has passed, speaks to my spirit....love his preaching.

Edit to add..no one taught me how to become born again....that is a supernatural act ,that only God can do through the Holy Spirit.....that is my belief 100%.....
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Interesting read from online.

Before repentance and baptism, we were all automatically tuned to Satan’s broadcasts. We were the “sons of disobedience.” As such, we produced rotten “works of the flesh”: “adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries and the like” (Gal. 5:19-21).
But there is another spiritual wavelength that is the opposite of Satan’s. On God’s wavelength, one does not produce the works of the flesh, but good fruit: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (vs. 22-23).

Self-examination—A Vital Key!​

God commands, “Examine yourselves, [as to] whether you are in the faith; test yourselves” (II Cor. 13:5).
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