Gods Standard is...

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
He maybe died when he committed the sins, but was able to confess, would you say?
I believe that God has always made a way for a person whose heart is right to correct what needed to be corrected before all would be lost:

"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." I Cor 10:13

When a person is really simply tempting God because he's done it before and God in His mercy seemingly has 'let it slide' the person will sometimes [frequently?] presume God will do it continuously... but that is a foolish presumption. There is a limit to God's mercy or patience with a person who makes presumptions about God. The children of Israel has their 10 times before God effectively said , "Enough!" Then after their 40 years they died in the wilderness instead of entering the Promised land with their children.

David's punishment would have been death but God knew the man's heart and made " a way to escape". David's way to escape was seen in his willingness to take the punishment he knew he deserved under the law given to Moses, that is death. David owned up to his fault and God sent Nathan to give him a lesser punishment.

God is no respecter of persons. [That is, God shows us no more mercy and has no more patience with us than He did with David.]
As He gave David "a way to escape" so will He do the same for us. If He has done this for us already and we go on our merry way presuming that God will repeatedly do the same thing again a limitless number of times, we have failed to understand God. He is God and He knows when we are tempting Him rather than admitting that we deserve death.

The punishments or rewards of God are measured according to these words of Jesus:

"But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more." Luke 12:48

We should never presume that no matter what we do, God will be merciful because once upon a time, we repented... This is the problem I see for some people presume their own salvation [unending Life with God] is a fixed thing through their OSAS belief...

I say some because some people with this belief may not presume to play games with and to tempt God.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Imo a problem with that model is that we, humans, are quite possibly perfect just like we are, and we are just getting misdiagnosed and then fed the "wrong" responses by those who disagree with us rather than encouraged by those who can interpret
And this my friend is why a proper interpretation is required. In God and in the things of God, only God can render such a proper interpretation. This is a function of the Holy Spirit but often when we bring it up that way, the person against us will argue that we don't have the Holy Spirit or if we simply cannot tell the difference between the voice of the Holy Spirit and the voice of some devil.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
"retarded" <---that word needs to be banished from every dictionary...same as "dis-abled" it diminishes a person, IMO. And, I know of many "dis-abled" people who absolutely HATE that word as, there are still many things they CAN do...of course, pride might fit into that.
I'm surprised you did not do the magna cum laude thing as, you are very intelligent. Gotta run, have a graduation thingy to go to...and it looks like rain :( Oh well, we will still have a nice time.
I remember clearly a dear sister in the Lord who was a slow learner or what many people called "retarded". She came to my office and filed a claim for Social Security Disability at the urging of a Social Worker. Her basic intelligence was enough below "average" to allow a rather quick decision in her favor. Before processing the award to pay retroactive as well as continuing monthly disability payments to her, the nature of her disabling condition made it necessary to decide if she could handle her own money or have a Representative Payee appointed on her behalf. The office that made the favorable decision sent the case to me to review, develop and render a decision as to her capability to handle her money and if necessary to find and appoint such a Representative. In her case I already knew the answer and simply needed to document and implement my decision. For many years she had been doing a better job of handling her own finances and taking care of her children [no father in the home for most of those years] than many
other single men or women of my experience. She had done it and done it well not because she had a super brain, but because she knew the basics, she cared about taking of the needs for herself and her children. She put those things always in front the things she could have decided to spend/waste her money on...

After the required interview I wrote up her case and sent her checks to her... with no one able to or required to sign them on her behalf. For as long as she lived she never made me sorry I had made that decision. She was disabled simply because of her limited mental ability [I did not have the authority to made that decision.] but she always worked as well as she could with what she had. She could NOT do many kinds of work that was available but she has proven in fact that she could handle her money better than many others who could not be found disabled. She did well with what she had.

She has been gone for many years now, but she always loved God. I know that. I was aware of her before she filed that claim for disability with me, but I got to know her after than. I wish her pastor and brothers and sisters in the Lord would have always manifested His Spirit as well as she did...

Give God the glory!

Hope in God

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2019
United States
The word "perfect" is so often confused as to which part of God's threefold work in us it relates to.

For instance, Hebrews explains "the spirits of just men made perfect" (Heb. 12) ; yet, also in that book, we are told that we are to "go on to perfection." (Heb 6) Which is it? Are we perfect or aren't we?

Also, it is God who "will perfect that which is lacking in our faith", (1 Thess. 3) meaning the same as in Heb. 6. It relates to the soul, or the renewal of the mind, our obedience, our cooperation in putting on Christ.

And then, our bodies will be perfected when we go on to be with the Lord. "So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: (perfection). (1 Cor 15) and also "for this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality." (1 Cor 15)

All of this is so clearly stated in
1 Thessalonians 5:23
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Where we are told that "if any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man," it too is relating to the soul which is renewed day by day, along with attitude, heart, and imaginations to the degree we cooperate.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Episkopos, do you, or do you not, believe in eternal salvation?
Try it this way @Episkopos as it then "tags" the person providing an alert in the upper right hand corner of the page when he next enters the forum. Another way to alert a person is to hit both "quote" and "reply" on the bottom right portion of the post you wish to respond to...
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Episkopos, do you, or do you not, believe in eternal salvation?

believe in it? I've walked in it.:)

I don't know what makes you think I don't believe in life in the next age?

But nobody is eternally saved until their life here is over. A race is never determined during the race. Judge nothing before the time.

However, the bible speaks of entering into an eternal life right now. This is the eternal kind of life. That is entering and experiencing the life of Jesus Christ by abiding in Him. He IS the life.

Now most people know little or nothing of life on THAT level...these confuse a future hope and the salvation in a future time with a living faith at this time in the experience of victory by the power of the life to come.
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
ha, guess we'll see
no one has ever gone up to heaven
there is only One Immortal

Very good point. As long as people can live the American dream today...without any disturbance....and still hold out for dying to self later...when we actually die...there's no hatred.

But if one has to choose between Christ and the American dream...well there's gonna be trouble...:oops:
by the iniquity of thy traffick
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I remember clearly a dear sister in the Lord who was a slow learner or what many people called "retarded". She came to my office and filed a claim for Social Security Disability at the urging of a Social Worker. Her basic intelligence was enough below "average" to allow a rather quick decision in her favor. Before processing the award to pay retroactive as well as continuing monthly disability payments to her, the nature of her disabling condition made it necessary to decide if she could handle her own money or have a Representative Payee appointed on her behalf. The office that made the favorable decision sent the case to me to review, develop and render a decision as to her capability to handle her money and if necessary to find and appoint such a Representative. In her case I already knew the answer and simply needed to document and implement my decision. For many years she had been doing a better job of handling her own finances and taking care of her children [no father in the home for most of those years] than many
other single men or women of my experience. She had done it and done it well not because she had a super brain, but because she knew the basics, she cared about taking of the needs for herself and her children. She put those things always in front the things she could have decided to spend/waste her money on...

After the required interview I wrote up her case and sent her checks to her... with no one able to or required to sign them on her behalf. For as long as she lived she never made me sorry I had made that decision. She was disabled simply because of her limited mental ability [I did not have the authority to made that decision.] but she always worked as well as she could with what she had. She could NOT do many kinds of work that was available but she has proven in fact that she could handle her money better than many others who could not be found disabled. She did well with what she had.

She has been gone for many years now, but she always loved God. I know that. I was aware of her before she filed that claim for disability with me, but I got to know her after than. I wish her pastor and brothers and sisters in the Lord would have always manifested His Spirit as well as she did...

Give God the glory!
Okay, gonna make me get the hankie out! Another touching story. Thanks for sharing ♥
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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
believe in it? I've walked in it.:)

I don't know what makes you think I don't believe in life in the next age?

But nobody is eternally saved until their life here is over. A race is never determined during the race. Judge nothing before the time.

However, the bible speaks of entering into an eternal life right now. This is the eternal kind of life. That is entering and experiencing the life of Jesus Christ by abiding in Him. He IS the life.

Now most people know little or nothing of life on THAT level...these confuse a future hope with salvation in a future time with a living faith at this time the the experience of victory by the power of the life to come.

True statement


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
"if you thought that you were makin' your way
to where the 'postles and pagans lay
put it together
it's a strange invitation."

"if you thought that you were makin' your way
to where the 'postles and pagans lay
<---did you mean "puzzles"??
put it together
it's a strange invitation."

...And I've been drifting along in the same stale old shoes
The loose ends tying a noose in the back of my mind
If you thought that you were making your way" :)
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
how apropos : )

whats her name the famous autist lady calming cattle shutes her dad tried to have her committed several times as retarded, and she graduated...magna or summa, forgot. i'd like to have, but cant focus that long without...a more inclusive method of instruction, say? lol lectures and memorizing and memory tests just no

Is this the lady you are talking about?
Temple Grandin (TV Movie 2010) - IMDb


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Looks like you favor political correctness over factual statements. Political correctness is what is destroying the West. Never wanting to accept the true status of things. Jesus was never politically correct.

No Enoch, I am not at all "Politically correct", this word is no longer used because of the negative connotation attached to it, it has become a slur. I have heard it used quite a bit when working with the mentally and physically dis-abled (challanged, lol) it can cut deep, they get very hurt. Especially the Cerebral Palsy folks who are probably a million times smarter than the bullies shooting that name at them.
And BTW-the West is being destroyed (as is the whole world) not by silly political correctness, it is being destroyed by sin.
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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Political correctness is a slur for simply being kind
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
if we aren't able to hear a certain thing and lack an interpreter in the moment, and forgive rather than pass judgement, "they just obv don't know Right and Wrong as well as me," then we would be less likely to fall into sin, i guess?

but you can't get your way by forgiving i guess, prolly just doesn't work like that?

Would you rather be in the kingdom, or have your way?
Because you prolly can't have both

I'm not looking for anything even resembling "my way" so...not sure what yer sayin here Mark. Lol.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Well, so you say, but i guess there sure is over here!
When I was speaking of "justification" in the original post, I was speaking of one "justifying their sin"...Not the Justification we receive through Christ. ♥