The simple way to understand "what is salvation" is to understand what 1st Adam lost.
He lost eternal spiritual union with God.. and Adam's fall is the fall of us all.
What the 1st Adam lost was mortal life in the flesh, in paradise on earth forever, his for the taking but only if he was
obedient to the only negative command that God gave to the humans.
Disobedience would result in death and a separation from the holy God…something that he dealt with by providing a mediator. (1 Tim 2:5-6) Someone to intercede for us, so that our prayers could still be heard.
Sin did not cut us off from God completely because it wasn’t our fault…it was an unfortunate inheritance.…so the mediatorship of his son would bridge that barrier and allow us the freedom of prayer directed to the Father, through his son.
So, 2nd Adam, who is Jesus...... was sent from Heaven, virgin born, to restore to each BELIEVER, what Adam Lost, for us all.
A.) Eternal Spiritual union with God = restored.
Everlasting life in paradise on Earth is what Adam lost for his children….a result of his disobedience and loss of his moral, spiritual and physical perfection (sin).....and access to “the tree of life”. (Gen 3:22-24) The only means that God provided for everlasting life....not in heaven, but right here where he intended for us to live forever.
“Spiritual union with God” was still possible however because there were those who sought to please God in spite of the sin in them. Abel and Noah spring to mind. Both are recorded in Scripture as faithful ones who made sacrifices to God, long before the Messiah came to offer his life....and long before Israel was given the law concerning sacrifices.
The GOSPEL< is explaining how its accomplished., which is, that Jesus was virgin born, lived under the law a sinless righteous life, and offers this to you from The CROSS.... in exchange for your unrighteous life and all your sins.
That is the Divine Exchange. (The Great Exchange)... (Listen to the song lyrics in the Video).
To understand redemption and what it meant to Jesus‘ Jewish audience, shows us exactly what this exchange meant.
Atonement is “at-one-ment”….one for one. Under God’s law the taking of a person’s life was atoned for by the forfeit of the life of the murderer.…one for one. There was equality in the forfeit. But in our case, the perfect sinless life that Adam lost for us had to be atoned for by another perfect sinless life…..hence Jesus was “sent” from heaven to be born without sin, although from a human mother who inherited Adam’s defect.
Jesus is our SIN Bearer and Blood atonement...>>His shed blood and death = is accepted by God on behalf of ""ALL who call on the name of Jesus" by Faith, shall be saved""".... = each believer is forgiven all sin, and given then a new spiritual birth by God's Holy Spirit as "BORN>... Again".
Again you diverge into falsehood. It is true that Christ’s sacrifice gives us all the benefit of forgiveness of the sins we commit due to inherited imperfection, but not all are given “a new spiritual birth by God’s Holy Spirit” because not all are chosen for a role in heaven.
The “elect” are “chosen” by God for a specific purpose…the very reason why there is a need for God’s Kingdom….it is a governmental arrangement in heaven to rule the citizens of that Kingdom on earth…..the place where he designed humans to live forever in the beginning.....
Rev 21:2-4 confirms that it is redeemed mankind who will reap the blessings of the kingdom.
The ones who go to heaven will rule with Christ as “kings and priests”....kings need subjects and priests need sinners for who to perform their priestly duties.....kings do not rule one another....and there are no sinners in heaven.
What are the steps?
You hear the Gospel,.. and the HolySpirit reveals it as Truth.. and you decide to believe it...(Your Faith)... .. then God forgives all your sin with The Cross of Christ.. and now being forgiven,.. made sinless, God "who is A Spirit".. will birth your spirit into His by the Holy Spirit........
= Born.... again.
And you are born again as WHAT?
1.) "made free from sin"
2.) "having eternal Life"
3.) Now become an ETERNAL Child of God.
4.) Having received God's Eternal Righteousness.
Not everyone needs to be “born again”....only the “saints” (elect, chosen ones) need the benefit of a spiritual body in order to be able to dwell in the spirit realm, with Christ and in the presence of God.
From what you post, you plainly do not even know what it means to be “born again”. It does not happen to those still in the flesh on takes place upon their death and resurrection provided that they have received “the heavenly calling”. (Heb 3:1) They are resurrected with a new body...experiencing as it were, a “new birth”.
If all go to heaven then you will have all Chiefs and no Indians.....