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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
15. But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto Me, to bear My name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel.

@Fred J , there is more in the NT then that one verse.

Let me show you..

We are in "the time of the Gentiles"... and Paul is the "APOSTLE to the gentiles"........ and no other apostle has this title, because Jesus called Paul to be that specific Ministry.

And if you have a bible.. .open it to Acts 28:28, and you'll find that Paul leaves the Jews.. and takes the Gospel to the Gentiles.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
there is more in the NT then that one verse.

Let me show you..

We are in "the time of the Gentiles"...
And here is your first error in the timing of events…..what is “the time of the gentiles” that Jesus referred to in his prophesy concerning the fall of Jerusalem?

Luke 21:24…
”And they will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive into all the nations; and Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled.”

What would Jesus’ Jewish audience have made of his warning there? What were “the appointed times of the nations” (gentiles)? For Jews, to even entertain a time when gentiles would rub shoulders with them was unthinkable! Remember what it took for Peter to understand the vision he received (three times) about the unclean animals he was told to “slaughter and eat”. Only when he was directed to Cornelius, the first gentile convert to Christianity, did he understand what God was telling him. It wasn’t Paul who was the first to preach to gentiles. (Read Acts ch 10)

The Jewish Christians to whom Jesus spoke, knew about Daniel’s prophesies concerning the “the time of the gentiles” because they had suffered under the domination of gentile powers since their incarceration and exile to Babylon centuries before. Daniel foretold the march of world powers in a vision given to King Nebuchadnezzar. Beginning with Babylon, the succession of these world powers is identified in history. Only those who held dominion over God’s people.…..Babylon was overthrown by Medo-Persia, who were in time conquered by Alexander the Great, (Greece) Greece was conquered by Rome (the dominant world power in Jesus’ day) but the times of the gentiles were to continue all the way to the end of this world under Satan’s control. In fact, the current world powers are the last ones featured in Daniel’s prophesy before the coming of God’s Kingdom…literal Israel still depends on alliances with worldly nations because God has abandoned them. (Matt 23:37-39)

Daniel said of these last kings….
“In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever”.

We are on the brink of the world’s greatest catastrophe, (Matt 24:21) but the majority carry on as if this world must go on forever whist Christians are taken to heaven and the wicked go to hell….what a ridiculous scenario ! That is not what the Bible says at all. We are in “the time of the end” and this whole world under satan’s control is about to go down. Anyone clinging to satanically inspired human rulership, and his many forms of false worship will go down with him.

and Paul is the "APOSTLE to the gentiles"........ and no other apostle has this title, because Jesus called Paul to be that specific Ministry.

And if you have a bible.. .open it to Acts 28:28, and you'll find that Paul leaves the Jews.. and takes the Gospel to the Gentiles.
Being an apostle to the gentile nations, was Paul’s commission, but he was chosen because of his education. He was a learned Pharisee and could hold his own in speaking to the educated Greek philosophers and Stoics. The humble fishermen that Jesus chose as his 12 apostles, would not have even gained a hearing from such ones.

The fact that Paul was a former Pharisee, also put him in a better position to address the Pharisees in leadership positions, who were persecuting his fellow Christians as he had once done.
He was a unique choice in his assignment, but the reasons are all outlined in the Scriptures, which you obviously ignore in order to promote your own view. Paul was not one of the 12….he is not more important than they were. They were a perfect choice for the “lost sheep” to whom Jesus was sent, obviously being “lost sheep” themselves, they could converse on the level of those they spoke to.

As long as you post errors I will post corrections.

Fred J

Active Member
Nov 26, 2023
@Fred J , there is more in the NT then that one verse.
You're better than Jesus' words, remember. masters/teachers shall be greatly judged.

Allow me to show where your 'fallacy' is, apparently to serve and help you.

Before you turn the other innocent readers on a another direction, like your predecessors.
Let me show you..

We are in "the time of the Gentiles"... and Paul is the "APOSTLE to the gentiles"........ and no other apostle has this title, because Jesus called Paul to be that specific Ministry.
Nope, that's your 'shortsighted' interpretation unfortunately.

Disciple Ananias in the Holy Bible is a more credible and reliable witness for Christ than you.

No, thank you
And if you have a bible.. .open it to Acts 28:28, and you'll find that Paul leaves the Jews.. and takes the Gospel to the Gentiles.

Were not in all the cities of the Gentiles, there are erected synagogues?

Where the scattered Jews from their nation, too live among them?

Hence, to whom the Gospel have not been ministered to yet?

Acts 9:
15. But the Lord said unto him, "Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto Me, to bear My name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel:"

James 3:
1. My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.

Matthew 23:
8. But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.

Any brethren can make 'mistakes', but repent and learn from one's mistakes, and not journey on in folly.

The more we accumulate trouble for ourselves on judgement day, thank you

Am merely an unworthy servant just doing my duty, and have nothing against you.

But against 'false' and 'lies', that may deceive innocent and immature readers, and lead them in the wrong direction.

Shalom in the name of Jesus Christ
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The simple way to understand "what is salvation" is to understand what 1st Adam lost.

He lost eternal spiritual union with God.. and Adam's fall is the fall of us all.

So, 2nd Adam, who is Jesus...... was sent from Heaven, virgin born, to restore to each BELIEVER, what Adam Lost, for us all.

A.) Eternal Spiritual union with God = restored.

The GOSPEL< is explaining how its accomplished., which is, that Jesus was virgin born, lived under the law a sinless righteous life, and offers this to you from The CROSS.... in exchange for your unrighteous life and all your sins.

That is the Divine Exchange. (The Great Exchange)... (Listen to the song lyrics in the Video).

Jesus is our SIN Bearer and Blood atonement...>>His shed blood and death = is accepted by God on behalf of ""
ALL who call on the name of Jesus" by Faith, shall be saved""".... = each believer is forgiven all sin, and given then a new spiritual birth by God's Holy Spirit as "BORN>... Again".

What are the steps?

You hear the Gospel,.. and the HolySpirit reveals it as Truth.. and you decide to believe it...(Your Faith)... .. then God forgives all your sin with The Cross of Christ.. and now being forgiven,.. made sinless, God "who is A Spirit".. will birth your spirit into His by the Holy Spirit........
= Born.... again.

And you are born again as WHAT?

1.) "made free from sin"
2.) "having eternal Life"
3.) Now become an ETERNAL Child of God.
4.) Having received God's Eternal Righteousness.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Now, what is another simple way to understand : SALVATION

That would be.. that Holy God cannot fellowship with you, cannot join Himself to you spiritually, in Spiritual Union... because you are not RIGHTEOUS... = "All have sinned, there is none RIGHTEOUS...no not one".

So, God provided Jesus on The Cross so that His SACRIFICE can be eternally counted as your RIGHTEOUSNESS, like this..

A.) Our "FAITH, is counted by God as (Christ's) Righteousness".

This is defined as "the imputed righteousness of Christ"... (look that up).(study that).

And what is that?
That is literally God taking Christ's Holy Life, and giving it to you, as "the Gift of Righteousness".... as if you lived it all your life...because you gave YOUR FAITH in Christ.. to God.. and Your "Faith is counted by God... as (Christ's) Righteousness).

Welcome to : SALVATION
Its a "GIFT".

"THE Gift of Salvation"
"The GIFT of Eternal Life",


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
And THE most simple way to understand Salvation, and if this is your understanding, then you have truly understood God's Salvation.

A.) JESUS is Salvaton

AA.) The Cross of Christ is God's GIFT of Salvation


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Jesus said that He is the KOG come down.

In Fact the KOG is God and Christ, and everyone who is become "the Temple of the Holy Spirit" has the KOG in them, and they exist in the KOG, having been "translated from DARKNESS... to LIGHT"..

See that "LIGHT"?

That is the KOG.

Understand it like this...

"Jesus is the LIGHT of the WORLD"

"GOD Exists in LIGHT".

The Born again, are a "new creation" "In Christ" who have become "CHILDREN OF...THE LIGHT">.... which is the KOG.

We are the children of the Light, so we are beings of light.

I heard that scientists finally figured out that our blood is made from congealed light.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
United States
In Fact, if you are a student of the Bible,... you will recognize scriptures, and not have to be given the "chapter", and verse number, to clue you in that you are reading a verse.
See, People who are real NT students.. who read their bible... study the NT... they will see verses all over my Threads and posts.
Those who are not students of the bible, will not., unless i post for them the Chapter and the verse number.
So.... if you are a real student of the Bible, specifically the NT, then when i post verses, always in "Quotes".. then you recognize them... @NotTheRock .
Just a question… isn’t the point of teaching to inform those who DONT have knowledge? (I.e. - if you want people to see the truth of what you’re sayin, what harm is there in quoting the passages from whence you get your ideals)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Just a question… isn’t the point of teaching to inform those who DONT have knowledge? (I.e. - if you want people to see the truth of what you’re sayin, what harm is there in quoting the passages from whence you get your ideals)

I can quote verses, and post them........but, that is not going to help, most of the time.. when trying to teach.

Why is that?
Its because Heresies are based on verses.........so, verses that are not taught correctly, = 45,000 worldwide denominations.

THe Reason you have

and ect, ect ect, is because of VERSES that are TWISTED into false theology, vs being understood correctly.

The reason that a Christian forum is a hot bed of division and strife is because of bible verses not being taught correctly.

So, a Student of the word, a REAL STUDENT.. WHO USES A BIBLE, and is not lost in Calvin's and similar commentaries for life...... does not need more verses....they need the understanding of the verses.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
United States
I can quote verses, and post them........but, that is not going to help, most of the time.. when trying to teach.

Why is that?
Its because Heresies are based on verses.........so, verses that are not taught correctly, = 45,000 worldwide denominations.

THe Reason you have

and ect, ect ect, is because of VERSES that are TWISTED into false theology, vs being understood correctly.

The reason that a Christian forum is a hot bed of division and strife is because of bible verses not being taught correctly.

So, a Student of the word, a REAL STUDENT.. WHO USES A BIBLE, and is not lost in Calvin's and similar commentaries for life...... does not need more verses....they need the understanding of the verses.

So there’s really no point in basing doctrine off of Scripture then, since anyone could make it say anything.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
So there’s really no point in basing doctrine off of Scripture then, since anyone could make it say anything.

I used Scriptures.
You missed them.

Let me try again.

"time of the gentiles'... "apostle to the gentiles"

Those are NT Scriptures.

See, i showed that this is going to end.. and the "Gospel of the Grace of God".. (NT Scripture) is give by Paul the "Apostle to the Gentiles" (NT Scripture).

So, this ends.....and the TRIBULATION begins.. and that is God dealing with the JEW, and not the "Church".
So, = no church.. which began with the Cross of Christ..........then no Church Gospel.

Instead you have the Trib, and you have something different, including the way God accepts a believer that can be described as a Tribulation Saint.

GRACE is gone., as this is only for the GENTILES... "in the TIME of the Gentiles'.. so, Paul's ""Gospel = of the GRACE... of God".... is ended, once the JEWISH centered. Tribulation starts.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
United States
I used Scriptures.
You missed them.

Let me try again.

"time of the gentiles'... "apostle to the gentiles"

Those are NT Scriptures.

See, i showed that this is going to end.. and the "Gospel of the Grace of God".. (NT Scripture) is give by Paul the "Apostle to the Gentiles" (NT Scripture).

So, this ends.....and the TRIBULATION begins.. and that is God dealing with the JEW, and not the "Church".
So, = no church.. which began with the Cross of Christ..........then no Church Gospel.

Instead you have the Trib, and you have something different, including the way God accepts a believer that can be described as a Tribulation Saint.

GRACE is gone., as this is only for the GENTILES... "in the TIME of the Gentiles'.. so, Paul's ""Gospel = of the GRACE... of God".... is ended, once the JEWISH centered. Tribulation starts.
But Heresies are based on verses - so how can we be sure of anyone's interpretation of these verses? I understand that you are using references to ideas that have been gleaned from a reading of the scriptures - words such as time of the gentiles and apostles to the gentiles are phrases that are contained within the Bible.
My only question was, how do you know your interpretation is correct, and that of others is not? Especially when you do not reference the. verses you are using to support these claims, it makes it difficult to separate what you're saying from the very same cults you're condemning, as they "preach" much in the same way, do they not?
Not trying to nitpick, just a suggestion - that for the purpose of a better understanding of your views, and for a better back and forth debating/examining of views in general, wouldn't it be best to make available the verses where your views come from?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
But Heresies are based on verses - so how can we be sure of anyone's interpretation of these verses?

You should always find out if the person is teaching "Pauline Theology" = 100%.

If not, then dont listen to them.

See, the NT Church Doctrine, including "the Gospel of the Grace of God".. came from Paul.

He's the one who told you about the 9 "Spiritual Gifts"
He's the one who told you about the "armor of God"
Hes the one who told you to "rightly divide the word", as the bible is "spiritually discerned" and "he who is spiritual discerneth all things".
Paul is the one who told you how to choose a Pastor, a Deacon, and to do this.

"be a follower of ME, as i follow Christ".......and that is not a request.

So, when you want to learn some bible......then Paul said that God gives "Teachers" for the perfecting of the Saints.""""

Now, @Mjh29 , have i used enough verses for you, and i didnt cut and past them..... i wrote them.

IN the future, if you decide to really get into the New Testament, then find a person, who is a real teacher of the NT, and you locate them by noticing if they teach what i just showed you.
THat is how you DISCERN the real teachers, from the verse pasting fakirs, who pretend.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
You should always find out if the person is teaching "Pauline Theology" = 100%.
What is this love affair you have with Paul? Did no one else ever contribute relevant parts of Scripture?
What is ”ALL SCRIPTURE” for, if not to be the “inspired word of God” given to us to test out all things. (2 Tim 3:16-17)
Did Jesus quote Paul’s words…..or did Paul quote the same Scripture that Jesus and the other apostles did?
Who was that Scripture written for?
If not, then dont listen to them.

See, the NT Church Doctrine, including "the Gospel of the Grace of God".. came from Paul.
Rubbish. What is “grace” and why was it offered to Adam’s children?
Why did God put humans on planet Earth in the first place? Was it just so that he could offer them “grace”?
What is salvation?
What is it that we are getting “saved” from?…and why?
He's the one who told you about the 9 "Spiritual Gifts"
He's the one who told you about the "armor of God"
Hes the one who told you to "rightly divide the word", as the bible is "spiritually discerned" and "he who is spiritual discerneth all things".
Paul is the one who told you how to choose a Pastor, a Deacon, and to do this.

"be a follower of ME, as i follow Christ".......and that is not a request.
Was Paul a follower of Christ more than the 12? There is no doubt that his was a useful ministry, unique in its own way and time, but was he more important than the other apostles whose writings are not included in Scripture?
Paul was determined to be a good example to his fellow believers because of his awful past….Paul was taught by Jesus, the same as the other apostles were….but after his resurrection.

Did Jesus teach Paul anything more than he taught the other apostles? Did he teach anything different?
Was the Revelation given to Paul….or was it given to John, to show us how things would be in this “time of the end”? What about Matthew? How do we view his account? (Especially ch 24)

Were Peter’s words of less importance? All these contributed to the Christian Scriptures. Luke and Mark wrote gospel accounts but were not of the 12.
Where do you get this idea that Paul was most important apostle? Are we to treat the rest of Scripture as somehow inferior?
So, when you want to learn some bible......then Paul said that God gives "Teachers" for the perfecting of the Saints.""""
God gives teachers also double accountability, but not all can be teachers (Eph 4:11-12)…..which is why Paul was careful to separate Jesus teachings from his own personal recommendations. Unfortunately you do not follow his example, but teach your own ideas dressed up as Pauline teachings. Who told you that your ideas are correct? You?
Now, @Mjh29 , have i used enough verses for you, and i didnt cut and past them..... i wrote them.
You twisted the meaning of every verse you mentioned. You wrote your own interpretation of them….all errors.
If you don’t post chapter and verse how will the new believer be able to check your ideas to see if they are in context or simply cherry picked because you can twist the meaning of them?
IN the future, if you decide to really get into the New Testament, then find a person, who is a real teacher of the NT, and you locate them by noticing if they teach what i just showed you.
THat is how you DISCERN the real teachers, from the verse pasting fakirs, who pretend.
Indeed….we need to know who the “pretenders” are, spruiking their own ideas as if they are absolute truth.

I am grateful that Christ is the judge….because we can’t fool him. We can fool ourselves though.
He will tell us all in due course if we have proven faithful to his teachings, or if we have run away with ourselves, simply offering a different version of events to the rest of the false teachings cooked up by the devil to look like the real thing.

Do we know how to identify the “wheat” from the “weeds”?
Time will tell….


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You can know right now if you are not going to Heaven., whereas, God knew it before you were born.

This is not the same as God causing it... as ForeKnowledge, is not pre-destination...

So, how can anyone at anytime KNOW they are going to Hell?

Well, if that is the destination of the reader, then here is why.

John 3:36

And how do you stop being that : '"damned" one?

Simply do this..
Jesus said..."you MUST be born again">.. and this is a Spiritual birth that God will provide unto you, if you will give God your Faith in Christ.

King James Bible
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

New King James Version
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name:

American Standard Version
But as many as received him, to them gave he the right to become children of God, even to them that believe on his name:

Berean Study Bible
But to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God—

Douay-Rheims Bible
But as many as received him, he gave them power to be made the sons of God, to them that believe in his name.

English Revised Version
But as many as received him, to them gave he the right to become children of God, even to them that believe on his name:

World English Bible
But as many as received him, to them he gave the right to become God's children, to those who believe in his name:

Young's Literal Translation
but as many as did receive him to them he gave authority to become sons of God -- to those believing in his name,


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
ALL who BELIEVE..... = their "FAITH is counted by God, as (Christ's) Righteousness, become YOURS... = THE BELIEVER.

And what does that do for you, and how is that new birth accomplished??

1.) All your sin is forgiven.
2.) You received the Gift of Salvation, that is "the GIFT of Righteousness"..

And Now, .. being forgiven,.... and being made righteous, ....puts you in the place, literally, where God "Who is A Spirit"....can now join Himself to your Spirit.. (new birth).

This is "Spiritual union" with God... This is to become "IN Christ"... This is to become "One with God".. = This is "ETERNAL LIFE"... and that is what the NT defines as becoming a "New Creation"...

This is what Jesus MEANS, when He told you.. that "YOU must Be Born AGAIN"/


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
And remember this Reader.......If someone told you that "when you were water baptized, the water washed away your sin, and you are now become a CHRISTIAN, then they lied to you.... .. They LIED to you.

Thousands of water baptized people died and went to Hell today, and they all were told....."the water saved you, water baptism saves, the water washed away your sin".

No It didnt....
See, if water baptism could save you, then why Did Jesus have to die on The Cross, shedding His Blood for YOUR SIN and mine?

Water gets you wet... only.
Jesus is your eternal Salvation, and He shed His blood and died and rose again = to PROVE IT.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
The simple way to understand "what is salvation" is to understand what 1st Adam lost.

He lost eternal spiritual union with God.. and Adam's fall is the fall of us all.
What the 1st Adam lost was mortal life in the flesh, in paradise on earth forever, his for the taking but only if he was obedient to the only negative command that God gave to the humans. Disobedience would result in death and a separation from the holy God…something that he dealt with by providing a mediator. (1 Tim 2:5-6) Someone to intercede for us, so that our prayers could still be heard.

Sin did not cut us off from God completely because it wasn’t our fault…it was an unfortunate inheritance.…so the mediatorship of his son would bridge that barrier and allow us the freedom of prayer directed to the Father, through his son.
So, 2nd Adam, who is Jesus...... was sent from Heaven, virgin born, to restore to each BELIEVER, what Adam Lost, for us all.

A.) Eternal Spiritual union with God = restored.
Everlasting life in paradise on Earth is what Adam lost for his children….a result of his disobedience and loss of his moral, spiritual and physical perfection (sin).....and access to “the tree of life”. (Gen 3:22-24) The only means that God provided for everlasting life....not in heaven, but right here where he intended for us to live forever.

“Spiritual union with God” was still possible however because there were those who sought to please God in spite of the sin in them. Abel and Noah spring to mind. Both are recorded in Scripture as faithful ones who made sacrifices to God, long before the Messiah came to offer his life....and long before Israel was given the law concerning sacrifices.
The GOSPEL< is explaining how its accomplished., which is, that Jesus was virgin born, lived under the law a sinless righteous life, and offers this to you from The CROSS.... in exchange for your unrighteous life and all your sins.

That is the Divine Exchange. (The Great Exchange)... (Listen to the song lyrics in the Video).
To understand redemption and what it meant to Jesus‘ Jewish audience, shows us exactly what this exchange meant.
Atonement is “at-one-ment”….one for one. Under God’s law the taking of a person’s life was atoned for by the forfeit of the life of the murderer.…one for one. There was equality in the forfeit. But in our case, the perfect sinless life that Adam lost for us had to be atoned for by another perfect sinless life…..hence Jesus was “sent” from heaven to be born without sin, although from a human mother who inherited Adam’s defect.
Jesus is our SIN Bearer and Blood atonement...>>His shed blood and death = is accepted by God on behalf of ""ALL who call on the name of Jesus" by Faith, shall be saved""".... = each believer is forgiven all sin, and given then a new spiritual birth by God's Holy Spirit as "BORN>... Again".
Again you diverge into falsehood. It is true that Christ’s sacrifice gives us all the benefit of forgiveness of the sins we commit due to inherited imperfection, but not all are given “a new spiritual birth by God’s Holy Spirit” because not all are chosen for a role in heaven.
The “elect” are “chosen” by God for a specific purpose…the very reason why there is a need for God’s Kingdom….it is a governmental arrangement in heaven to rule the citizens of that Kingdom on earth…..the place where he designed humans to live forever in the beginning.....

Rev 21:2-4 confirms that it is redeemed mankind who will reap the blessings of the kingdom.
The ones who go to heaven will rule with Christ as “kings and priests”....kings need subjects and priests need sinners for who to perform their priestly duties.....kings do not rule one another....and there are no sinners in heaven.
What are the steps?

You hear the Gospel,.. and the HolySpirit reveals it as Truth.. and you decide to believe it...(Your Faith)... .. then God forgives all your sin with The Cross of Christ.. and now being forgiven,.. made sinless, God "who is A Spirit".. will birth your spirit into His by the Holy Spirit........
= Born.... again.

And you are born again as WHAT?

1.) "made free from sin"
2.) "having eternal Life"
3.) Now become an ETERNAL Child of God.
4.) Having received God's Eternal Righteousness.
Not everyone needs to be “born again”....only the “saints” (elect, chosen ones) need the benefit of a spiritual body in order to be able to dwell in the spirit realm, with Christ and in the presence of God.

From what you post, you plainly do not even know what it means to be “born again”. It does not happen to those still in the flesh on earth.....it takes place upon their death and resurrection provided that they have received “the heavenly calling”. (Heb 3:1) They are resurrected with a new body...experiencing as it were, a “new birth”.

If all go to heaven then you will have all Chiefs and no Indians.....
Last edited:

Fred J

Active Member
Nov 26, 2023
You're better than Jesus' words, remember. masters/teachers shall be greatly judged.

Allow me to show where your 'fallacy' is, apparently to serve and help you.

Before you turn the other innocent readers on a another direction, like your predecessors.

Nope, that's your 'shortsighted' interpretation unfortunately.

Disciple Ananias in the Holy Bible is a more credible and reliable witness for Christ than you.

No, thank you


Were not in all the cities of the Gentiles, there are erected synagogues?

Where the scattered Jews from their nation, too live among them?

Hence, to whom the Gospel have not been ministered to yet?

Acts 9:
15. But the Lord said unto him, "Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto Me, to bear My name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel:"

James 3:
1. My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation.

Matthew 23:
8. But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.

Any brethren can make 'mistakes', but repent and learn from one's mistakes, and not journey on in folly.

The more we accumulate trouble for ourselves on judgement day, thank you

Am merely an unworthy servant just doing my duty, and have nothing against you.

But against 'false' and 'lies', that may deceive innocent and immature readers, and lead them in the wrong direction.

Shalom in the name of Jesus Christ
To top up this, Christ's chosen 12 before brother Paul, were commissioned to minister the Gospel to the Grntiles first.

Matthew 28:
19. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the FATHER, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen

From this given commission and on the day of Pentecost it all started, after how long did brother Paul became a believer?

The chosen 12 ahead of time were already ministering the Gospel and discipling the Gentiles, way before brother Paul.

Shalom in the name of Jesus Christ

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
And remember this Reader.......If someone told you that "when you were water baptized, the water washed away your sin, and you are now become a CHRISTIAN, then they lied to you.... .. They LIED to you.

Thousands of water baptized people died and went to Hell today, and they all were told....."the water saved you, water baptism saves, the water washed away your sin".

No It didnt....
See, if water baptism could save you, then why Did Jesus have to die on The Cross, shedding His Blood for YOUR SIN and mine?

Water gets you wet... only.
Jesus is your eternal Salvation, and He shed His blood and died and rose again = to PROVE IT.
This his where your teachings are dangerous......Christ himself set the example of water baptism, even though he had no sins of which to repent. (John’s baptism) He was “born of water and God’s spirit”, the necessary components of a genuine Christian being baptized as one of his early disciples.....it was a public demonstration before witnesses that the person had changed their course in life to follow the example set by the Master....as genuinely and as humbly as their sinful condition allowed.

A footstep follower of Christ must be baptized in water before ever he is baptized with holy spirit as a “joint-heir with Christ”. (Rom 8:17)

Water baptism is not the washing away of sins, but the symbol of death, burial and resurrection of a person to a new life in Christ. It is said to be “a request made to God for a good conscience”....how is that achieved? To know that all past sins are forgiven and the we can start a new life without our conscience bothering us about what sins we committed in ignorance.

Speaking about the salvation of 8 souls through the great flood, Peter wrote....
”Baptism, which corresponds to this, is also now saving you (not by the removing of the filth of the flesh, but by the request to God for a good conscience), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 3:21)
Their salvation through water corresponded to baptism as a Christian….Jews did not practice baptism until John B taught that it was necessary to repent to receive the Messiah.
It was the means God used to save the human race from the fate of the disobedient ones at that time. Only 8 souls survived that catastrophe…and Jesus says that “few” will survive the end of this world under satan. (Matt 7:13-14)

The same situation of increasing lawlessness, violence and immorality, were to be seen at the time of Christ’s return as the judge of all. (Matt 24:37-39)

You claim to teach what the Bible says, but it is far from it….