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Is homosexuality a sin?

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New Member
Dec 10, 2012
Virginia, USA
dragonfly said:
Just focusing on the word 'abomination', KC,

Not one, is the correct answer.

Perhaps you aren't aware that the law of God 1) still exists; 2) to be adhered to ???
God's natural law is still in effect. When it is stated tha tthe law is written in your heart, that is undoubtedly what was being spoken of- the self evident things that are wrong in the spirit of Godly morals and actions. God did not make homosexuality or any sexual immorality okay, He did not make hate and vanity okay, he did not make thievery and idolatry okay.

What He did was take away the 'yoke of slavery', as Paul describes it, which is our chains to the Old Law. We cannot be justified by it, because Christ has already completed and absolved us in grace. The New Covenant covers everything that is necessary for a proper Christian palette, and as it happens, homoseuxality is still not okay. In fact, the New Testament would not even have to say it- it's just part of the undying natural law of God; homosexuality is detestable and God does not will it.

It's not hard to deduce that from Scripture, in fact it's quite the contrary: it is self-evident simply by plain interpretation. People eho support homosexuality have to copy and paste the Bible, and make excuses. The gay agenda is nothing more then a giant loophole of what Godliness is, as is any heresy or corruption of sound Christian belief.


New Member
Mar 5, 2013
KCKID said:
.Jack, while it probably goes without saying, I second everything you stated above. I really do believe that, in time, the 'Church/homosexual thing' will be seen to have been one of the most unnecessary 'beat-ups' of all time.
Yeah, fast forwarding a few decades or more, they will look back and perceive the attitudes\beleifs as relates to sexual orientation much in the same way we look back at the Salem witch trials and be baffled that the reality at that time was so very ignorant of the greater awareness\enlightenment.

It appears to me that ignorance of the universal truth (that which we call God) always gives way to the ever growing awareness of each generation. Maybe at one time very very very long ago, denouncing homosexuality served some useful purpose, and if it ever did, that purpose is long gone and forgotten, yet the perception that its morally wrong still exists in the mind of some.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2012
Hi Jack,

I am disagreeing with you because i don't agree with your perception.

I believe God challenges us to think for ourselves as individuals, and expects us to speak out when we see injustice being imposed on others who have done no wrong\harm. This is what Jesus did.
To be fair to you, I've said hardly anything about my 'perception'. Everything I've written, though, is based on what I know to be true, whether or not you agree with the tiny amount I've stated. And what I've stated is not based on only my own thinking about the topic.

Jesus endorsed the first great commandment. That means that the one about having no other gods before Him, is also endorsed. I realise that you and KC have very little (if any) real objective spiritual knowledge by which to plot a meaningful course through what scripture tells us about this topic, but the fact is, you don't need any experience, and you don't need any understanding, to read the words on the pages of your BIbles.

As I see it, if you had done that already, and taken them as seriously as God intends you to, you would think several times over before publicly announcing how much you disagree with God's point of view.

The idea that every Christian is his own man (and mind and reasoning) instead of that every Christian is God's man (trying to assimilate to himself God's mind and God's reasoning) pursuing hot after understanding Him and becoming like Him (because that's what a 'disciple' does), is straight from the world, if not hell itself. There is not a hint of it in scripture. What there is - when the heart of a man/woman is right before God - is great liberty. But this is never to be re-interpreted as freedom to stray from the way of holiness, freedom to sin, or freedom to condemn God's judgments.

Paul made abundantly clear in 1 Corinthians 6, that homosexual behaviour is to be laid down permanently by those Christians who used to do it.

In fact, God's is the only power which can deliver a homosexual from the spiritual associations which accompany it. To the homosexual who wants to feel normal, to become a father to his own children, and have peace from the inner conflicts which torment his mind and soul, the gospel of Jesus Christ is the best news on earth. Christians who disbelieve it and hide God's truth (from the homosexual community), do God's agenda no favours. He is hardly likely to say 'well done', when He's handing out the prizes, even though the Bible calls His response to disobedience 'a just reward'.


New Member
Mar 5, 2013
dragonfly said:
Hi Jack,

As I see it, if you had done that already, and taken them as seriously as God intends you to, you would think several times over before publicly announcing how much you disagree with God's point of view.

Once again, I am not disagreeing with God, I am disagree with you. I don't believe what you say about homosexuality is valid or accurate.

And to be clear, I'm not trying to change your mind on the subject. In general I don't object to what people personally believe even if its very different from my own, where I speak out is when others feel they need to impose their beliefs on others to the extent that is causes harm. In the case of homosexuality, I'm not concerned if you think it is morally wrong, its when a kid (or anyone) gets the crap beat out of him because he is gay, that is when beliefs go to far, and the justice system and laws favors the attackers over the victim because the victim is labeled as being morally wrong. This is where personal beliefs come into play, those who believe homosexuality is wrong tend to say something like "See, that is what God does do gays"
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New Member
May 9, 2012
KCKID said:
I've only just come online after several hours away. Yes, I watched the Dr. Rosaria Butterfield interview in its entirety. It was a good personal testimonial and as long as she is happy being the person she is then good for her. Actually, she didn't make a big deal about the 'sin' part of her lesbian lifestyle. And, I don't recall her stating that what might have been good and proper for her was necessarily good and proper for everyone. I think she was careful (and wise) not to use a condemning tone toward gay and lesbians which says a lot about her. All in all it was very watchable and Ms Butterfield comes across as being an effective witness for Jesus. Thanks for posting the video.

Thank you for taking the time to watch the video. I was also impressed by the same things that you emphasized. She did not make a big deal about the sin. Exactly! What she did talk about was how she began to read the Bible voraciously (for her project) and the effect that it had on her. Jesus did not really spend too much time on the sins of the Samaritan woman, or the woman caught in adultery, or Zaccheus, or even Paul for that matter. In fact, Jesus spends no time on our former sins. And Paul was an accomplice and maybe even a partaker of murdering Christians. What Rosaria talked about were two rivers. A "river" of the world, (kingdom of darkness) and the "river" of God. God Himself was drawing her to Him and one day she felt as if her toe (or maybe it was her foot) was in the "river" of God and she wondered what would happened if she jumped in completely?

One more from Rosaria that I liked and witnessed to it's truth is that no one will solve the "sin" problem through politics or the public square, it is done one on one, as each person allows the Lord into their life. She talked about be brave enough to speak to people and to love people (as Jesus did) and try not to get freaked out with their "sin".

She also said that people in the Reformed Presbyterian Church she started going to would come up to her and tell her that they had a problem with lust and would she pray for them, or they were struggling with pornography and needed prayer. What was really special about her relationship with this church is that the people in the church were growing through this change in her life, too. She brought many of her LGBT friends to church and the church was learning to look past their sin and love them for their eternal soul. Afterall, most Christians have at least one besetting sin, one thing (at least) that they struggle with. I appreciate the people (Christians) that became friends with her and truly treated her as a friend, someone special, because we are all special to God. I think every single human being is special to God and that He desires for all men to be saved.

What is the secret? Love people with the Love of Jesus, let them get introduced to Him, don't tell them how to act, or what to do. Give them a chance to have their relationship with Jesus without interference (telling them how to be a Christian). If a person truly has a relationship with Jesus, then we should be confident enough to know that the Lord will lead that person in the right direction, towards Him and that He will not lead them contrary to His nature and attributes and laws. This is what I saw in the Rosaria Butterfield story.

When I was a younger man, I went to Gay Pride week in San Francisco with a bunch of Believers to share Jesus Christ with anyone that would listen. We prayed and fasted for about 2 months and had some difficulty getting there and back, even (one of our cars caught fire in the wheel well and burned up. Everyone got out, though). Anyway, I probably spent 12-14 hours a day on the streets and a lot of time around Polk and Castro. If anyone knows anything about Frisco, you know Polk and Castro is an intersection that is pretty much an exclusive gay part of the city. Do you know what I found out when I spent 7 days on the streets talking to the LBGT community? Many of them were just as unhappy and bored and brokenhearted with their life as a straight person. Sure there were those who believed they could not change. Some of them were really radical in your face type of people, but I just thought they had some deeper hurts than others. If you just talk to them like the people that they are, they confide in you especially if you tell them what you came out of to follow Jesus. So, I met many that wanted to take my head off (even though I am not a fire and brimstone person) and I met many that wanted out of their lifestyle. They did want to be delivered from it. There are actually many similarities between them and straight people. Lust is one of them. Cheating is another, dishonesty, greed, defrauding one another, the list goes on.

So coming back to Rosaria. She has got it right. If someone turns to Jesus, Jesus will take the crooked paths inside them and make them straight.

I can't do it, you can't do it, no one can do it except Jesus.

Once again, I appreciated all your comments and your willingness to take an hour of your time to listen to that video.


And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.


I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron:

He is able to free someone (gay or straight) from any prison. And Lord knows, there are many prisons.

One thing I have found out is that there are Gay and Straight people that believe they were born a certain way and can never change, and yet there are thousands of testimonies of Gays and Straights that have!

Take care,


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
So, in the case of Dr. Butterfield, if she was a lesbian to begin with (or bi-sexual) she would not require 'conversion per se' to function as a heterosexual woman. She would still be homosexually oriented but quite able to function as a 'heterosexual' woman. In fact, I would imagine that, for a homosexual woman, playing the 'straight' role would be much easier than it would be for a homosexual man to do so. I don't recall whether Dr. Butterfield ever makes the claim to being heterosexual. All we know is that she married a man and is the mother of several children.
You squirm more than a snake. One thing I have noticed is that the pink mafia use the word "but" with condescending regularity. When they are caught with their pants down (their preferred position), they invent another "but" to wriggle out of an obvious case of what they say is complete mumbo jumbo and have to hide their lies with another lie.

As for your comment "playing the straight role" you are condescending and snottish as you obviously enjoy putting down people who have made a genuine change and have blown the pink mafia's lies right out of the window.

The more you talk the more you uncover your submission to the gay agenda and becoming an ambassador for it and I know you are going to say that is not true, but if you ask most people contributing here, they would agree with me, not you.

In the case of homosexuality, I'm not concerned if you think it is morally wrong, its when a kid (or anyone) gets the crap beat out of him because he is gay, that is when beliefs go to far, and the justice system and laws favors the attackers over the victim because the victim is labeled as being morally wrong. This is where personal beliefs come into play, those who believe homosexuality is wrong tend to say something like "See, that is what God does do gays"
Have you caught up with the homosexual who did not like what a particular Christian organisation said so he went to their offices with a shot gun and shot a security guard who tried to disarm him.

He hadn't been beaten up, accosted by any Christian, or told he was sinning. Yet the main stream media ignored the incident. If it had been the other way around, it would have been front page headlines.

So lets not get too over enthusiastic about the wrongs done to homosexuals when the homosexuals are doing their fair share of bullying and bashing and which is applauded by the main stream media as standing up for your rights.

It is very noticeable that they do not support the right of non-homosexual people to have the freedom of speech if it offends a homosexual, however tenuous and manufactured the offence and there are plenty of those.


Feb 14, 2013
Townsville, QLD. Australia
Axehead said:

Thank you for taking the time to watch the video. I was also impressed by the same things that you emphasized. She did not make a big deal about the sin. Exactly! What she did talk about was how she began to read the Bible voraciously (for her project) and the effect that it had on her. Jesus did not really spend too much time on the sins of the Samaritan woman, or the woman caught in adultery, or Zaccheus, or even Paul for that matter. In fact, Jesus spends no time on our former sins. And Paul was an accomplice and maybe even a partaker of murdering Christians. What Rosaria talked about were two rivers. A "river" of the world, (kingdom of darkness) and the "river" of God. God Himself was drawing her to Him and one day she felt as if her toe (or maybe it was her foot) was in the "river" of God and she wondered what would happened if she jumped in completely?

One more from Rosaria that I liked and witnessed to it's truth is that no one will solve the "sin" problem through politics or the public square, it is done one on one, as each person allows the Lord into their life. She talked about be brave enough to speak to people and to love people (as Jesus did) and try not to get freaked out with their "sin".

She also said that people in the Reformed Presbyterian Church she started going to would come up to her and tell her that they had a problem with lust and would she pray for them, or they were struggling with pornography and needed prayer. What was really special about her relationship with this church is that the people in the church were growing through this change in her life, too. She brought many of her LGBT friends to church and the church was learning to look past their sin and love them for their eternal soul. Afterall, most Christians have at least one besetting sin, one thing (at least) that they struggle with. I appreciate the people (Christians) that became friends with her and truly treated her as a friend, someone special, because we are all special to God. I think every single human being is special to God and that He desires for all men to be saved.

What is the secret? Love people with the Love of Jesus, let them get introduced to Him, don't tell them how to act, or what to do. Give them a chance to have their relationship with Jesus without interference (telling them how to be a Christian). If a person truly has a relationship with Jesus, then we should be confident enough to know that the Lord will lead that person in the right direction, towards Him and that He will not lead them contrary to His nature and attributes and laws. This is what I saw in the Rosaria Butterfield story.

When I was a younger man, I went to Gay Pride week in San Francisco with a bunch of Believers to share Jesus Christ with anyone that would listen. We prayed and fasted for about 2 months and had some difficulty getting there and back, even (one of our cars caught fire in the wheel well and burned up. Everyone got out, though). Anyway, I probably spent 12-14 hours a day on the streets and a lot of time around Polk and Castro. If anyone knows anything about Frisco, you know Polk and Castro is an intersection that is pretty much an exclusive gay part of the city. Do you know what I found out when I spent 7 days on the streets talking to the LBGT community? Many of them were just as unhappy and bored and brokenhearted with their life as a straight person. Sure there were those who believed they could not change. Some of them were really radical in your face type of people, but I just thought they had some deeper hurts than others. If you just talk to them like the people that they are, they confide in you especially if you tell them what you came out of to follow Jesus. So, I met many that wanted to take my head off (even though I am not a fire and brimstone person) and I met many that wanted out of their lifestyle. They did want to be delivered from it. There are actually many similarities between them and straight people. Lust is one of them. Cheating is another, dishonesty, greed, defrauding one another, the list goes on.

So coming back to Rosaria. She has got it right. If someone turns to Jesus, Jesus will take the crooked paths inside them and make them straight.

I can't do it, you can't do it, no one can do it except Jesus.

Once again, I appreciated all your comments and your willingness to take an hour of your time to listen to that video.


And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.


I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron:

He is able to free someone (gay or straight) from any prison. And Lord knows, there are many prisons.

One thing I have found out is that there are Gay and Straight people that believe they were born a certain way and can never change, and yet there are thousands of testimonies of Gays and Straights that have!

Take care,
Thanks for the post, Axehead ...it made me feel quite humble. So much so that, while you and I may continue to have our disagreements on this topic, I'd prefer to say that we've simply reached an impasse and that we at least remain on as friendly terms as is possible. I realize that this can be difficult to do and one may well feel at times like reaching through the computer screen and wringing the neck of some other person who irritates us ... :) ...but I've gained respect for you and I'd prefer not to mess that up if I can possibly help it. Don't let that stop you chiding me, however, if you feel the need. Thanks again.

JB_Reformed Baptist

Many are called but few are chosen.
Feb 23, 2013
KCKID said:
I've only just come online after several hours away. Yes, I watched the Dr. Rosaria Butterfield interview in its entirety. It was a good personal testimonial and as long as she is happy being the person she is then good for her. Actually, she didn't make a big deal about the 'sin' part of her lesbian lifestyle. And, I don't recall her stating that what might have been good and proper for her was necessarily good and proper for everyone. I think she was careful (and wise) not to use a condemning tone toward gay and lesbians which says a lot about her. All in all it was very watchable and Ms Butterfield comes across as being an effective witness for Jesus. Thanks for posting the video.

Jack, while it probably goes without saying, I second everything you stated above. I really do believe that, in time, the 'Church/homosexual thing' will be seen to have been one of the most unnecessary 'beat-ups' of all time.

Got a spare halo you could toss my way . . .?

LOL! You crack me up. :lol:

marksman said:
You squirm more than a snake. One thing I have noticed is that the pink mafia use the word "but" with condescending regularity. When they are caught with their pants down (their preferred position), they invent another "but" to wriggle out of an obvious case of what they say is complete mumbo jumbo and have to hide their lies with another lie.

As for your comment "playing the straight role" you are condescending and snottish as you obviously enjoy putting down people who have made a genuine change and have blown the pink mafia's lies right out of the window.

The more you talk the more you uncover your submission to the gay agenda and becoming an ambassador for it and I know you are going to say that is not true, but if you ask most people contributing here, they would agree with me, not you.

Have you caught up with the homosexual who did not like what a particular Christian organisation said so he went to their offices with a shot gun and shot a security guard who tried to disarm him.

He hadn't been beaten up, accosted by any Christian, or told he was sinning. Yet the main stream media ignored the incident. If it had been the other way around, it would have been front page headlines.

So lets not get too over enthusiastic about the wrongs done to homosexuals when the homosexuals are doing their fair share of bullying and bashing and which is applauded by the main stream media as standing up for your rights.

It is very noticeable that they do not support the right of non-homosexual people to have the freedom of speech if it offends a homosexual, however tenuous and manufactured the offence and there are plenty of those.

Good points! :)

KCKID said:
Thanks for the post, Axehead ...it made me feel quite humble. So much so that, while you and I may continue to have our disagreements on this topic, I'd prefer to say that we've simply reached an impasse and that we at least remain on as friendly terms as is possible. I realize that this can be difficult to do and one may well feel at times like reaching through the computer screen and wringing the neck of some other person who irritates us ... :) ...but I've gained respect for you and I'd prefer not to mess that up if I can possibly help it. Don't let that stop you chiding me, however, if you feel the need. Thanks again.
Thanks for the post, Axehead ...it made me feel quite humble. .. .

Don't worry it won't last long. B)


New Member
Mar 5, 2013
KCKID said:

Okay, here is my take on the Dr. Rosaria Butterfield 'conversion'. I do believe that one's sexual orientation cannot be changed. If one is heterosexual then they will remain heterosexual for life. This does not mean that aberations are not possible. In prison, for instance, same gender sex may well be performed by heterosexual men where heterosexual sex is not possible. In the past, during times of war, it was common practice by some cultures to intimidate and demasculinize one's enemies by raping them. The inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah are prime examples of a culture prone to a similar form of 'hospitality' toward strangers. So too is it possible for homosexuals (probably bi-sexuals) to function as heterosexuals, to marry, to have children and yet still be homosexual oriented. Many such men and some women have years later 'come out' and declared their homosexuality, much to the disappointment of their partners.

So, in the case of Dr. Butterfield, if she was a lesbian to begin with (or bi-sexual) she would not require 'conversion per se' to function as a heterosexual woman. She would still be homosexually oriented but quite able to function as a 'heterosexual' woman. In fact, I would imagine that, for a homosexual woman, playing the 'straight' role would be much easier than it would be for a homosexual man to do so. I don't recall whether Dr. Butterfield ever makes the claim to being heterosexual. All we know is that she married a man and is the mother of several children.

I went to a college that had a large population of Gay\ lesbians, and I learned that a significant number of lesbians were heterosexuals. The reason some of these women (18-25) chose to be in lesbian relationships was because as girls growing up they had been repeatively raped by hetersexual men in their family, such as their father or brother. Some were raped practically daily for many years, until it was finally reported or they moved away from home. Often these women were filled with extreme hatred and distrust toward nearly all men they encountered (except gay men). A man simply smiling or saying 'Good afternoon' could cause them to either look fearful or evoke a comment that made it clear that all men should stay at a distance or they were calling the police... From what I understand often these women who chose to be lesbians in their late teens and 20s as a result of sexual abuse, nearly always revert back to heterosexual relationships after they have worked though the psychological problems. Such women don't later denounce homosexuality, they see it as something that helped recover from the brutality of being raped by heterosexual men in their family.

Men do not have this problem (or its far far rare), and I have never known or heard of a man choosing to be gay; every man gay man I've known, who has been open about talking about his sexual orientation, say pretty much exactly what every heterosexual man says, "I've never made a choice about my sexual attaction, I've always felt this way". Some men gay men have rejected their homosexuality because of social & religious expectations\pressure, but their sexual attraction toward men is not something they can actually turn off or stop, and most find it makes them unhappy to trying to be something they are not.

JB_Reformed Baptist

Many are called but few are chosen.
Feb 23, 2013
JackSafari said:
I went to a college that had a large population of Gay\ lesbians, and I learned that a significant number of lesbians were heterosexuals. The reason some of these women (18-25) chose to be in lesbian relationships was because as girls growing up they had been repeatively raped by hetersexual men in their family, such as their father or brother. Some were raped practically daily for many years, until it was finally reported or they moved away from home. Often these women were filled with extreme hatred and distrust toward nearly all men they encountered (except gay men). A man simply smiling or saying 'Good afternoon' could cause them to either look fearful or evoke a comment that made it clear that all men should stay at a distance or they were calling the police... From what I understand often these women who chose to be lesbians in their late teens and 20s as a result of sexual abuse, nearly always revert back to heterosexual relationships after they have worked though the psychological problems. Such women don't later denounce homosexuality, they see it as something that helped recover from the brutality of being raped by heterosexual men in their family.

Men do not have this problem (or its far far rare), and I have never known or heard of a man choosing to be gay; every man gay man I've known, who has been open about talking about his sexual orientation, say pretty much exactly what every heterosexual man says, "I've never made a choice about my sexual attaction, I've always felt this way". Some men gay men have rejected their homosexuality because of social & religious expectations\pressure, but their sexual attraction toward men is not something they can actually turn off or stop, and most find it makes them unhappy to trying to be something they are not.

Hahahahaha... . Rubbish! :D


New Member
Mar 5, 2013
marksman said:

Have you caught up with the homosexual who did not like what a particular Christian organisation said so he went to their offices with a shot gun and shot a security guard who tried to disarm him..
I am not clear about the point you are trying to make; can you clarify further?


New Member
Dec 10, 2012
Virginia, USA
JB_Reformed Baptist said:
Hahahahaha... . Rubbish! :D
Pretty much. All evidence from the testimonies I've gotten from gays is that they are bi-sexual, and their homosexual lifestyle is a choice. Men are more sexually submissive then women, and while they may not come right out and say it, you can sense it being expounded indirectly in what they say.

I've never met a homosexual in my entire life who has never had sexual ties to a woman. The one I know most was married and has two children. The fact of the matter is that homosexuality is not merely a sexual preference, it is an entire lifestyle. A homosexual typically defines their life as such, it is not just a once in a while sexual gratification. That is why homosexuality is in fact idolatry, and Paul stated that they cannot inherit the Kingdom because he surely made the same assessment.

Inborn homosexuality, as it currently stands, is a myth. Society pretty much runs with it simply because it is convenient to do so, and homosexuals will try to foster the lie for their own justification.


New Member
Mar 5, 2013
SilenceInMotion said:
Inborn homosexuality, as it currently stands, is a myth. Society pretty much runs with it simply because it is convenient to do so, and homosexuals will try to foster the lie for their own justification.
What justification are you referencing?

KCKID said:
I think it's meant to further demonize homosexuals by implying that they are also potential murdererers.
If that is the implication, they are just normal people who are flawed just everyone else. I support homosexuality as a sexuality created by God, but I have met a few homosexuals that I personally did not like as individuals. Their sexuality was not a factor, they were just individuals who I did not care to associate with for other reasons.


New Member
Dec 10, 2012
Virginia, USA
JackSafari said:
What justification are you referencing?
Being mortally deviant. That is truly the only way one can justify it is by calling it an inborn trait, which is a completely arbitrary claim with no real evidence or even proper reasoning for that matter. And then adding insult to injury, the Bible is adamently against homosexuality and Christians are going around selling this crap that they are okay with God and that it's natural? No- there is something really wrong there. Be ready to give an account as to why in the world you decided to support such things when the fat lady sings because homosexual supporters do not get by with God, they get by with the world and that is serving two masters.


New Member
Oct 17, 2012
Kingman AZ
JackSafari said:
What justification are you referencing?
The Queen James Bible


New Member
Oct 17, 2012
Kingman AZ
So when will you discontinue your hypocrisy?
You condemn the practice to these, and make defensive excuses for Catholic bishops that practice the same.

a complete mockery of Christianity
IMO you're making a pretty good case against your church as well

Allow me remove one word from your post

Exactly. Religious homosexual supporters make a complete mockery of Christianity.

Just reading today's news
The money changers are busy today just as they were, are you prepared for the Lords house cleaning?

Matthew 23:1-29
I leave unto you your house desolate

13 “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in. 14 Woe
to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you devour widows’
houses, and for a pretense make long prayers. Therefore you will receive
greater condemnation.


New Member
Dec 10, 2012
Virginia, USA
Lol, people always resort to talking about the Church as soon as a Catholic makes a point on anything. It's called being a sore loser.

They make about as strong a case for the Church as they do homosexuality being a kosher element of a Christian. Demonizing trinkets in celebration of the new Pope being sold- it's so asinine. And to think such people believe that the Logos of all reality is on their side in doing so. I know that your denomination is tiny and doesn't have the opportunity to be all grand, but the Church has 1.1 billion people in it. They sell stuff. Get over it.

I'm going to start reporting posts with irrelevant bashings of the Church. Every post I make ends up with another poster somehow attacking the Church, no matter the subject or thread detail. That is against the rules, and is flaming as well because of it's perpetual nature. If you have a problem with Catholicism, make a thread about it. Don't sit here and waste my time with your petty attitude towards the Church when it is irrelevant to the subject.


New Member
Oct 17, 2012
Kingman AZ

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath,.............

Go ahead, my point was the hypocrisy of condemning homosexuals here while protecting the homosexual priest of your faith.
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