How do you feel about Joel Osteen ?

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New Member
Feb 18, 2014
KingJ said:
Pursuing riches is following the devils example, not God's.

God lay aside all He had and died for us. But, don't trust me, let's see what God has to say:

Matt 19:24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.
Mark 10:21 And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.

So, what God are you following, Jesus (never rich on earth) or the devil (very rich on earth)?

God may bless us with riches to witness to the rich. Christians are to use their brain and be smart gripes there....BUT we are not to pursue riches like a devilish shark, stepping on others and preaching a liberal message that caters for / draws a big congregation.

God is definitely using Joel...but God also uses the devil....I would be surprised to see any liberal preachers in heaven! Matt 7:22, 2 Tim 4:3.
This is what is behind Joel Osteen--2 Corinthians 11:12-15)

laid renard

New Member
Apr 2, 2013
Las Vegas, Nevada
You know, whenever I have watched him, and it use to be a lot, he always addressed the sad and oppressed. The depressed and down trodden, people who had given up.

When I think of "prosperity preachers" I think of Kenneth Copeland and the like. <_<

And the main thing that Osteen preaches to lift the heavy hearted is "You are a child of God !! You are an over comer !! Receive that today dear brother and sister !!"

I love him..... :)


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
South Africa
laid renard said:
You know, whenever I have watched him, and it use to be a lot, he always addressed the sad and oppressed. The depressed and down trodden, people who had given up.

When I think of "prosperity preachers" I think of Kenneth Copeland and the like. <_<

And the main thing that Osteen preaches to lift the heavy hearted is "You are a child of God !! You are an over comer !! Receive that today dear brother and sister !!"

I love him..... :)
I never last past 1 minute of his teaching. His appearance and constant smiling puts me off. I do think we must all be careful to judge him harshly / allow judgement to become condemning as we have to heed to 1 Chron 6:22 Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm." But then we can also not ignore Rom 16:17 I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.

Kenneth Copeland would also address the downtrodden though. False teaching 101 = play on our vulnerability, weakness, naivety and present a message that sounds right. The whole ultra positive message is like a Mcdonalds diet.

Conclusion: Preachers need to be / are extra aware of what they preaching. They are either God's anointed ones or they are not. They may not all be the spawn of satan, but being after their own agenda's is still = false teacher. Pride and money can make a man do anything.


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Dec 31, 2010
United States
I benefit from the encouragement of Joel Osteen
I benefit from the Bible teaching of the Bible Broadcasting Network (

I have tried posting videos with more in depth word based teaching, but no one is ever interested in watching them.

laid renard

New Member
Apr 2, 2013
Las Vegas, Nevada
KingJ said:
I never last past 1 minute of his teaching. His appearance and constant smiling puts me off. I do think we must all be careful to judge him harshly / allow judgement to become condemning as we have to heed to 1 Chron 6:22 Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm." But then we can also not ignore Rom 16:17 I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.

Kenneth Copeland would also address the downtrodden though. False teaching 101 = play on our vulnerability, weakness, naivety and present a message that sounds right. The whole ultra positive message is like a Mcdonalds diet.

Conclusion: Preachers need to be / are extra aware of what they preaching. They are either God's anointed ones or they are not. They may not all be the spawn of satan, but being after their own agenda's is still = false teacher. Pride and money can make a man do anything.

Yeah, I think he stands out cause it seems so rare nowadays to see someone who is just so happy!! :lol:
He smiles a lot, which may put off some people, or get their suspicions up. But not me. I sense a truly genuine rejoicing spirit within him.
And his hair is thick and black. But that just means he's healthy. :lol:

Now Copeland on the other hand is the one I see constantly teaching the "sow and reap your harvest" in regards to monetary gain. And his best friend is Jesse Duplantis. Don't get me started..... :rolleyes: One of those "tithing" preachers. Tithing is biblical, don't get me wrong. It's the pastors (?) who preach not to pay your bills but send $$$ to them and God will somehow send loads of money to you. Why I stopped watching TBN.

These people turn so many people off to God. :( :angry:
rockytopva said:
I benefit from the encouragement of Joel Osteen
I benefit from the Bible teaching of the Bible Broadcasting Network (

I have tried posting videos with more in depth word based teaching, but no one is ever interested in watching them.
I try getting around to watching them rockytopva. But I suffer from adult ADD. (A byproduct of PTSD.)
I'm sorry. You take the time to post them and I haven't been able to view them yet. :(
Forgive me brother.



New Member
Apr 2, 2014
laid renard said:
When I had cable I use to watch his televised program. His positivity helps me. I feel he truly ministers to a certain category of people, those who need lifting. And there are so many of us. I suffer from depression and missed his daily pep talks, so now I sometimes go to his site and watch it there.
But it was always when I was at my lowest when I would stumble upon his program and it would minister to me greatly, almost as if by divine appointment.
At the beginning of his program he lifts up the bible and gives it and God the glory, and at the end he leads the lost in the sinner's prayer, and in his word of edification he mentions God's principles. Sounds biblical to me. He is the pastor of a church in Lakewood, where the in depth bible study is done.
Yes, he makes money with his books, but don't all authors ? I like how this article mentions that his televised program doesn't ask for donations. I never noticed that. But it makes sense. How can you try to lift someone while asking them for money ?
Yes, I like him.

But still, like the author of this article asks, why do people hate him ? If anyone has any info as to him preaching contrary to God's word I will most certainly take that into consideration. But it will have to be in video form, like him saying an unbiblical remark during an interview, for I have no confidence in heresay.

I like this man's uplifting ministry, but if he is unbiblical in other realms I would have no desire to watch him anymore.

Please post the gist of the unbiblical principle he is teaching, and not just the link alone.

Trying to find out the truth,

God Bless~

Dan57 said:
Osteen is an inspirational and motivational speaker, but if you want to learn anything biblical, he's not much of a preacher. He makes people feel good about themselves, therein lies his popularity. jmo
Funny I just saw him as a leader of Hollywood Christianity, right here in Hollywood, Texas. Or maybe Hollywood ain't in Texas. HE is.

I mean he really is a pretty boy. Nice teef too. Keith Green is rollin' in his grave.


New Member
Apr 1, 2014
rockytopva said:
I have one Joel Osteen video on my youtube site that is just about to go over 400,000 views. I would reccomend Joel for encouragement, faith, and hope. And I would also commend preaches who are more in depth in the word of God.
That's essentially how I see it. Joel has a positive message and presentation. I enjoy his preaching, yet I also enjoy preaching that is more theologically-oriented and more directly relevant to scripture.


Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2010
United States
laid renard said:
I try getting around to watching them rockytopva. But I suffer from adult ADD. (A byproduct of PTSD.)
I'm sorry. You take the time to post them and I haven't been able to view them yet. :(
Forgive me brother.

No problem! All in God's good time! Praying for your healing!

laid renard

New Member
Apr 2, 2013
Las Vegas, Nevada
rockytopva said:
My favorite church service ever... The order of service was great...

1. Opening
2. Song
3. Prayer
4. More Song
5. Special Song (Love is the more excellent way)
6. Preaching
7. Closing with altar call
Day off and I felt the Holy Spirit's tugging to watch this. Glad I listened. These are the verses I have been looking for. This is the Word of God of which I needed reminding.

Thank you so much for posting it rockytopva. It was a word in due season.

God Bless You !!!

:) :) :)