I'm not questioning that salvation is a gift and I'm not questioning my justification in Christ. I'm just asking about my particular situation that I spelled out in post #69 and I'm asking you, Behold, and anyone else what you all would have done in my position to avoid sinning (i.e. falling short/missing the mark)
What you are worrying about, is not a problem.
Don't think about it at all., as, you'll get another chance.
Now had you done this.......... then some food for thought, would persist.
Charles Stanley, the famous USA Pastor, ... When he was in his first couple of years of Ministry, He was already in high demand, because of his oratory skill and his keen wisdom... So, every week, he was traveling to a Church to a "meeting".. and it was ... take Jet to the next Meeting... then , Taxi, Hotel, Car Ride to Church, then Car Ride back to Hotel......then the Monday morning flight.. = stuck on repeat.
So, maybe it was about the 2nd year of this and He was kinda exhausted by the Travel, regarding the physical and often emotional numbing that occurs during this process.
So, He'd finished a meeting, and it was late on a Sunday night, and He had to go back to the Hotel to pack for the Monday morning Jet.
He was tired...... And A Taxi delivered Him to the front of His Hotel, and he paid the fare, and got out into the Night.
There was a street person, nearby, and Charles Stanley felt, (in his spirit)... that He was to share with Him the Gospel.... and Charles, didnt.
He just went on into the Hotel.
He did get a good look at the face of hungry street person, however.
Next morning, Dr. Stanley is having a coffee, and reading a City News Paper and that same street person, His FACE was on the front page... He had been murdered in the Street, the night before, not long after Dr. Stanley didn't speak with Him about His eternity.
Charles realized that He didnt try to lead Him to the Lord's Grace, and Salvation.
Now noone would.
What did God do with Charles, after that ?
An incredible amount for about 70 more years.
So, see that?
If you do that, then worry about it for a few sleepless nights, but, never stay in that guilt trip, as in this Life, we dont always do the right thing, on time.
It is what it is.
Normally we get a second chance to do the right thing, the 2nd time.
And by the way, God is the author of the 2000th "2nd Chance".
Need another one Reader?
Its on the way.
(Praise God).
So, get it wrong till you get it right..
ON through the fog and into the Light
Also, i dont teach "just ask God to make you sinless, and he'll make you sinless".
What The Apostle Paul teaches is that when you understand that God has made you righteous, based on the Cross, you are to get that as your mind of Faith, and never let it go., as that is where the believer finds the power of deliverance.
You/we are to "establish your/our Heart with Grace" Hebrews 13:9 and not with trying to perform for God, hoping that this is going to be accepted.
God does not ever accept anyones works to accept them, just as "God is no respecter of persons'.
See, we were accepted by God, based on
THE CROSS, = when we were "yet sinners".
So, it pretty obvious that now being accepted for that reason ONLY>..., we remain so.....
We dont need a degree in advanced spiritual discernment to realize that.... "God already took me as a lifelong sinner, so, im sure that He'll keep me now that im Born again, "in Christ" and "One with God".
Do you see that Reader??
And, regarding the "giving to the poor", some type of support.
It can be that you think too much.
What i do, is think of it as....."giving to Jesus", and i think of it as "What if that was me".
And a potential giver says......"But what if this is just a Grift, a con, a lie, a fake, what if they are just a depraved drug addict scammer, """"
Could be.
But if they are on the street, ... can it be any worse for them?
So, Give to the Poor.
Final answer.