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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
The "foolish" would be the unbelievers who have no "OIL". (symbolic for the Holy Spirit).
"OIL" is the Holy Spirit........so, this would be all unbelievers who do not have the Holy Spirit in them, because they are not born again.

The Born again, have the Holy Spirit (OIL), and so, Jesus will say to them "welcome".....> but to the CHRIST REJECTORS who have no HOLY SPIRIT IN THEM... (no OIL), -"Depart from me, i never know you".

(i) It warns us that there are certain things which cannot be obtained at the last minute. It is far too late for a student to be preparing when the day of the examination has come. It is too late for a man to acquire a skill, or a character, if he does not already possess it, when some task offers itself to him. Similarly, it is easy to leave things so late that we can no longer prepare ourselves to meet with God. When Mary of Orange was dying, her chaplain sought to tell her of the way of salvation. Her answer was: "I have not left this matter to this hour." To be too late is always tragedy.

(ii) It warns us that there are certain things which cannot be borrowed. The foolish virgins found it impossible to borrow oil, when they discovered they needed it. A man cannot borrow a relationship with God; he must possess it for himself. A man cannot borrow a character; he must be clothed with it. We cannot always be living on the spiritual capital which others have amassed. There are certain things we must win or acquire for ourselves, for we cannot borrow them from others.

Tennyson took this parable and turned it into verse in the song the little novice sang to Guinevere the queen, when Guinevere had too late discovered the cost of sin:

"Late, late so late! and dark the night and chill!
Late, late so late! but we can enter still.
Too late, too late! ye cannot enter now.
No light had we; for that we do repent;
And learning this, the bridegroom will relent.
Too late, too late! ye cannot enter now.
No light: so late! and dark and chill the night!
O let us in, that we may find the light!
Too late, too late: ye cannot enter now.
Have we not heard the bridegroom is so sweet?
O let us in, tho' late, to kiss his feet!
No, no, too late! ye cannot enter now."

There is no knell so laden with regret as the sound of the words too late.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
(i) It warns us that there are certain things which cannot be obtained at the last minute.

Yes and no.

There are certainly "Death Bed Conversions"....

However, it is a fact that you can sear your conscience, by refusing to accept God's Grace, over a long period of time.
You can develop a "seared conscience".........and if that happens, you wont be able to respond to God's call, = God "drawing al men to Christ" by the Holy Spirit.
You wont be able to react to it......and when that happens, you will go to hell, as you will never be able to BELIEVE.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
That is not true. Jesus held mass himself and he also gave out the sacrament.

"Mass" is a invention of the Catholic Church, tho originally this is a Pagan "church" service.
Also ....
Jesus is not a Catholic.

What Jesus did was break break and share wine, and said.....>"do this in REMEMBRANCE of Me".....(Symbolic of the body and blood of Christ).
This is "communion".
Communion can't save you, unless Communion died on The Cross for you sin.
Did it?
It didn't...so, find the REAL Savior on the Cross......and trust in Him, and not in a wafer and some wine or juice in a cup.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Yes and no.

There are certainly "Death Bed Conversions"....

However, it is a fact that you can sear your conscience, by refusing to accept God's Grace, over a long period of time.
You can develop a "seared conscience".........and if that happens, you wont be able to respond to God's call, = God "drawing al men to Christ" by the Holy Spirit.
You wont be able to react to it......and when that happens, you will go to hell, as you will never be able to BELIEVE.

I don't recall anything re near death conversions

Which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom - The “lamps” used on such occasions were rather “torches” or “flambeaux.” They were made by winding rags around pieces of iron or earthenware, sometimes hollowed so as to contain oil, and fastened to handles of wood. These torches were dipped in oil, and gave a large light. Marriage “ceremonies” in the East were conducted with great pomp and solemnity.
The ceremony of marriage was performed commonly in the open air, on the banks of a stream. Both the bridegroom and bride were attended by friends. They were escorted in a palanquin. carried by four or more persons. After the ceremony of marriage succeeded a feast of seven days if the bride was a virgin, or three days if she was a widow. This feast was celebrated in her father’s house. At the end of that time the bridegroom conducted the bride with great pomp and splendor to his own home.
This was done in the evening, or at night, Jer_7:34; Jer_25:10; Jer_33:11. Many friends and relations attended them; and besides those who went with them from the house of the bride, there was another company that came out from the house of the bridegroom to meet them and welcome them. These were probably female friends and relatives of the bridegroom, who went out to welcome him and his new companion to their home. These are the virgins mentioned in this parable. Not knowing precisely the time when the procession would come, they probably went out early, and waited until they should see indications of its approach. In the celebration of marriage in the East at the present day, many of the special customs of ancient times are observed. “At a Hindu marriage,” says a modern missionary, “the procession of which I saw some years ago, the bridegroom came from a distance, and the bride lived at Serampore, to which place the bridegroom was to come by water. After waiting two or three hours, at length, near midnight, it was announced, in the very words of Scripture, ‘Behold the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.’ All the persons employed now lighted their lamps, and ran with them in their hands to fill up their stations in the procession. Some of them had lost their lights and were unprepared, but it was then too late to seek them, and the cavalcade moved forward to the house of the bride, at which place the company entered a large and splendidly illuminated area before the house, covered with an awning, where a great multitude of friends, dressed in their best apparel, were seated upon mats. The bridegroom was carried in the arms of a friend, and placed in a superb seat in the midst of the company, where he sat a short time, and then went into the house, the door of which was immediately shut and guarded by sepoys. I and others expostulated with the doorkeepers, but in vain. Never was I so struck with our Lord’s beautiful parable as at this moment - ‘And the door was shut.’”
The journal of one of the American missionaries in Greece contains an account of an Armenian wedding which she attended; and, after describing the dresses and previous ceremonies, she says that at 12 o’clock at night precisely the cry was made by some of the attendants, “Behold, the bridegroom cometh;” and immediately five or six men set off to meet him.
Beautiful, ain't it?


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
"Mass" is a invention of the Catholic Church, tho originally this is a Pagan "church" service.
Also ....
Jesus is not a Catholic.

What Jesus did was break break and share wine, and said.....>"do this in REMEMBRANCE of Me".....(Symbolic of the body and blood of Christ).
This is "communion".
Communion can't save you, unless Communion died on The Cross for you sin.
Did it?
It didn't...so, find the REAL Savior on the Cross......and trust in Him, and not in a wafer and some wine or juice in a cup.
Nothing can save you except for God. We all know that. And God requires us to act in faith and do as he has commanded us in the scriptures. Like Baptism, Confirmation of the Holy Ghost, Bread and Wine, Faith and Belief, Works meet for repentance, etc.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
Matt 5:7 7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

how do we obtain mercy?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I don't recall anything re near death conversions


You also didnt read about Tesla Electric cars, or IPhones, in the New Testament., did you?
So, your point, regarding death bed salvation, is moot.


I worked in Health Care, as a specialized Nurse, and my Wife is a Nurse.
Believe me when i tell you, that when you have cancer, and the pain meds dont work, and you have screamed from pain for a week, and your voice is gone and now you just rasp out a HISS>............ these people who are at the end, starting the GRAVE in the face...
Do you know what they think about?
They think about.....>"OMG< what is going to happen to me, once i die".
"what if the Grave is not THE END".
See that?
Approaching DEATH, is a CHANGE AGENT for many a life long idiot Atheist.
And many of them "call on the name of Jesus", before they meet that Grave.
Believe it., As God hears from these all the time., and He never turns down their faith.
"""""Christ came into the world to save SINNERS"""", and these are some of the worst.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
This thread is an excellent example of the confusion and division caused by the “Bible alone”!

Unity of faith!

“Bible alone” is the cos of division;

Not the Bible or the Bible and the teaching authority of Christ in His church founded on Peter and his successors! Matt 16:18-19

Who is the arbiter of truth!

You can decide.
You can decide what is true.
You can decide what is truth.
You can decide right and wrong.

Not one of these are found in scripture!

Found in scripture!
Taught is found 79 times
Instructed is found 19
Instruction is found 33

Jn 14:6 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Lk 1:4 That thou mightest know the certainty of those things, wherein thou hast been instructed.

Matt 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Acts 8:31 And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him.

Colossians 2:7
Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught…

Matt 18:17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

1 Tim 3:15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
You also didnt read about Tesla Electric cars, or IPhones, in the New Testament., did you?
So, your point, regarding death bed salvation, is moot.


I worked in Health Care, as a specialized Nurse, and my Wife is a Nurse.
Believe me when i tell you, that when you have cancer, and the pain meds dont work, and you have screamed from pain for a week, and your voice is gone and now you just rasp out a HISS>............ these people who are at the end, starting the GRAVE in the face...
Do you know what they think about?
They think about.....>"OMG< what is going to happen to me, once i die".
"what if the Grave is not THE END".
See that?
Approaching DEATH, is a CHANGE AGENT for many a life long idiot Atheist.
And many of them "call on the name of Jesus", before they meet that Grave.
Believe it., As God hears from these all the time., and He never turns down their faith.
"""""Christ came into the world to save SINNERS"""", and these are some of the worst.

Listen friend, I have seen many people die in my lifetime including my wife, so your point is moot.

A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with a argument.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Listen friend, I have seen many people die in my lifetime including my wife, so your point is moot.

A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with a argument.

You are the only one who has seen people die and none of them wanted Jesus, or all of them were saved?
Is that your argument?
Ive seen the light of life leave the eyes of the departing, and ive held them as they died.

So, if you have no EXPERIENCE with people believing in Christ, when they are dying, then i hope God gives you some, as you seem to need it.
Then you'll have that "experience to share", as you'll have become your proverb.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
You are the only one who has seen people die?
Is that your argument?
Its a fail.
Ive seen the light of life leave the eyes of the departing, and ive held them as they died.

So, if you have no EXPERIENCE with people believing in Christ, when they are dying, then i hope God gives you some, as you seem to need it.
Then you'll have that "experience to share", as you'll have become your proverb.

Brother, you don't know me and you have no idea who you are dealing with.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Brother, you don't know me and you have no idea who you are dealing with.

That is the best threat you have today?
And you think you know me?
What will you do next .... cast a spell?
Good luck with that...

Now, Let me tell you about you, based on your "works".
You felt the need to try to sound "ominous" on a Christian Forum, while sitting, hiding, behind a screen, because you were not able to win what you think is your argument.
I wonder what you'll try next.
No doubt it'll be just as ignorant.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
That is the best threat you have today?
And you think you know me?
What will you do next .... cast a spell?
Good luck with that...

Now, Let me tell you about you, based on your "works".
You felt the need to try to sound "ominous" on a Christian Forum, while sitting, hiding, behind a screen, because you were not able to win what you think is your argument.
I wonder what you'll try next.
No doubt it'll be just as ignorant.

Are you still in Israel?
Hiding behind my screen?
Come on, let's meet brother, Panev to Panev


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
Please explain acts 10:35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.


Active Member
Mar 17, 2022
United States
36 He that believeth on the Son hath eternal life; but he that obeyeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.

This is a teaching that is expressed consistently in the NT.

36 He that believeth on the Son hath eternal life;
Yep one must believe to receive eternal life.

but he that obeyeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.

But if you believe yet you don't do what Jesus commands Jesus says you don't love Him. Apparently belief opens the door but obedience is walking through it.

Jesus taught that more than once using many different metaphors.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Please explain acts 10:35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.
It dont mean what pope francis says it does . Notice that cornelious actually worshipped THE GOD of THE JEWS .
NOT the muslim one or the buddist one , he was not an athiest who did good works .
Since we are on this note , however . Lets talk about cornelious and prove how false this pope truly is .
Francis claims if muslims buddists , whateverists simple do good works and have them some lovey lovey this means
they worship the same GOD we do . WRONG . Nor can those good works save them either .
FOR PROOF . Lets look real close at cornelious . Now you wont hear this from pope francis , BUT I Will tell ya it .
Cornelious did worship GOD , HE did give much alms to the poor , many prayers .
But was he saved . He had to hear something and believe to BE SAVED .
THUS GOD sent PETER to preach the gospel . OOPS pope francis would call even peter a false christian cause he PROLESYTIZED .
But anyway . Peter later tells the church at JERSUALEM about this . FOR they had heard that he had went in and ate with gentiles .
SO the true apostel peter , well He told them all about the VISION from GOD
and then Said , And i told them Words whereby HE and His household must be SAVED . Apparently francis is dead wrong .
But i think you know that . My point is , NO FAITH IN JESUS aint gonna save anyone .
AND if one has faith yet not works , WELL their faith is dead . JUST LIKE MINE once was .
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
you will never find “faith alone”’in scripture
It's right here:

24As you can see, a man is justified by his deeds and not by faith alone. James 2:24

The problem is you keep confusing it with "righteousness apart from works" (Romans 4:6).