I'm concerned that Trump is illuminati

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Like a hamster on a WHEEL would be fitting. But your hamster has been on his wheel for a while and needs a break.;)

For those who believe that laughter is the best medicine, check out some videos of funny hamsters on wheels and in mazes.

Haha!! You catch me every time...
I post far too quickly, and never go back and read it through...which is obvious.. I know that I should...:oops:

Well caught! :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Here's a sample....

I don't usually "do" video's especially long full length ones like this one over and hour...
But my husband and I watched this one to the end... and then watched about four more of his!!! Ha!

NOW I understand why you post so aggressively sometimes...about these subject RCC etc etc... :)
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
I don't usually "do" video's especially long full length ones like this one over and hour...
But my husband and I watched this one to the end... and then watched about four more of his!!! Ha!

NOW I understand why you post so aggressively sometimes...about these subject RCC etc etc... :)
I was given my grandfather's bible and it was a masonic bible....I read some of it and it gave the history of the freemasons....didn't know anything about them so I did some research...:oops:….I threw that bible in the dumpster. I am sad that he was a mason.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
The Majority of people were that pathetic that they did not even know that the Priest were molester children, I knew of this was going on back in the 70's and it took bloody 50 years to come to the attention of the wider public, one has to ask why the hell, not to mention how the hell did they get away with such, something is not right, it reeks of a total creep show, that is beyond what the majority of people can fathom, not to mention how the world now is so accepting of degeneracy, holding up queers and idolising them, you name every depravity you can think of nowadays that you are made out to be the monster if you challenge their filth.
Such depraved people are being empowered, not to mention untouchable.
That's incredible. I hadn't heard of it until it came out in the papers. I knew a lawyer who lost his faith over having to listen to victims of priests. It had to have been very hard.

There are a lot of untouchables today - many in government do unimaginable criminal acts and get away with it. Only us little people on the bottom pay for anything we do.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
@Soverign Grace:

Dear, it sounds like these are new revelations to you so I don't want you to think the globalist agendas are imaginary because they are very real and have been for centuries. But I've been watching all this stuff for more than 25 years now, and over time you realize that it's going to take them a VERY LONG TIME to fully implement everything they're trying to accomplish; a lot longer than just 15 years. It pays to get your life straight with the Lord regardless of the reason, but don't get so consumed with this stuff that it dominates your mind more than the Lord. It is not going to happen tomorrow or the day after. They have a very long way to go.

If you want a little more insight than what your sources appear to be giving you, Islam (not Catholicism) is the religion the globalists are going to use to bring about the NWO. The Catholic Church will eventually draw onto itself the other mainline denominations and become a particular threat to true believers in Christ. But where the NWO is concerned, she will only be a whore of the Beast and spiritually adulterate herself with it. She is not the vehicle through which "a global religion" is going to be achieved. Islam is.



I know - I feel like I've been a Christian a long time and was never introduced to teaching of Revelations. It's important due to what we're seeing - prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes if we have eyes to see. I'm seeing these things and feel eager to talk about it but when I discussed it with a pastor at our bible study he told me I'd better be careful about what I read online. I understand his view that we have to be careful because there are seducing spirits and a warning is always in order, but I came to the realization that just because someone has attended seminary doesn't mean they know more than an average person who studies their bible diligently. I don't think God checks someones title or the letters after their names before He gives spiritual eyes to see truth. We attended a bad church one time like that - the pastors said that God put them in their positions and their word was to be obeyed. It was an unhealthy church. I think Satan works in people like that.

Satan seems to have increased his activities - I worry about the Catholics who are being deluded by the Pope. He acts like a kindly old man when really he's implementing the evil one world government/ one world religion. He's completely ignored the pedophelia problem in the Catholic church - it all came clear when I read that he's illuminati. There is a picture online of the Pope prior to him - he's shown throwing the satanic hand signs and the evil in his eyes was palpable. I had to turn away from the photo - the evil was so strong emanating from his soul. Prayer is a weapon that we have. I've fasted on and off during times of great need but when you read Esther, it was apparently an established practice then. You rarely hear it taught today - at least I haven't.

What do you mean too many doctrines? Do you mean to confuse people? I was very confused when I became a new believer. There isn't enough done to help guide the paths. I was "tossed to and fro." I would never want to go through that again. It was a difficult time.
Hi again. I went through a time 20 years or so ago when all I looked at was the 'signs' of the second coming. Illuminati... Globalism... Conspirators and conspiracies in every branch of government... And in every church... Government sponsored exercises to depopulate the earth through vaccines, chemtrails, drugs in food and water, etc etc etc. But none of my constant "watching" was either edifying or particularly informative. Certainly there were no answers... Except for revolution.
I have since changed track. Now my focus is on Christ. When I talk to others, Christ is the centre of everything. If what I discuss here online and Christ is not included, is not worth talking about. So we can discuss the Bilderberg folk... The Freemasons... The UN globalists and their various nefarious agendas... The CFR..."banksters"... Occults... Satanism... Until we despair and begin to believe God has lost all semblance of control and abdicated His throne and given it to His arch enemy. What we need to become familiar with is the real connection between all these so called signs, who really is in control, the real (not perceived) connections to prophecy and how these things play out and affect God's people according to scripture. Never forget to put everything you see in the world in perspective. God has not abdicated God throne in favour of the UN. Or the devil in control of it.
Focus on Jesus. And ask Him to show you how to connect the dots. Remember the Hegelian dialectic? Thesis versus antithesis equals.... Conservative versus liberal equals... Left versus right equals... Democrat versus Republican equals... Ask God to lead you to a full understanding of who, what, can be identified as the coming synthesis that will appear on the scene to cure all our ills and placate all our fears. He is the one to watch. Not what the media serves up as taste tests and red herrings... No, who is waiting in the wings in plain sight ready for the entire world to welcome him with open arms and thank him for his loving service to mankind. " Please give us your mark. We surrender all sovereignty to you kind sir. Only you can heal our woes and solve our problems. Only you can serve as our intermediary between us and God. We have no King but Caesar".

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I was given my grandfather's bible and it was a masonic bible....I read some of it and it gave the history of the freemasons....didn't know anything about them so I did some research...:oops:….I threw that bible in the dumpster. I am sad that he was a mason.
That type of Bible could be worth a lot you know, especially if it was a first one.

One should take him for what he was to you, I would think.

They can be very good people the Freemasons, it's just that they are lost in that stuff and not all of them are into the worst of such things for sure, as most do not know the worst of such things and nor would they believe such at all.

They have done a lot of worldly good in the world, as in helping many people.

But the problem is that there are some very evil people within it, I think.

I know many and they are very respectable people, even much more so that your average person.

I do not think that one could be Born Again and be one tho, they are worldly works that they do, and they sure do get angered to wards anyone who bags them in any way tho and sure do hate Catholics totally, they are relentless on that.

They bag me out for being a Catholic no end and if I were to say one peep back to them then they go off the rocker, they do not want to listen at all, I could point out that the RCC is ok with many things that they do, but on some points the RCC could not give way to them because it would be stupid for the RCC to give way to the Freemasons childish ignorant foolishness.
Fact is that the RCC is totally correct about the Freemasons, but sadly now the Freemasons have taken over the RCC and the Pope is a Freemason, everything he does is Freemason crap.

It's the hidden crap that I can not stand at all and I will not tolerate such people who hide in the shadows or giving them respect for such as that type of moronic dribble.

How is this a Son asks his dad what is all this secret stuff that you are into and the dad says, your not worthy to know anything and dear son goes off knowing that his dad hold's secrets to him, how can a son have faith truly in such a one.

My dad had no secrets to me and he would be totally open to me always and I could ask any question totally openly with him, nothing that one could think of was out of reach to talk about with him at all.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Hi again. I went through a time 20 years or so ago when all I looked at was the 'signs' of the second coming. Illuminati... Globalism... Conspirators and conspiracies in every branch of government... And in every church... Government sponsored exercises to depopulate the earth through vaccines, chemtrails, drugs in food and water, etc etc etc. But none of my constant "watching" was either edifying or particularly informative. Certainly there were no answers... Except for revolution.
I have since changed track. Now my focus is on Christ. When I talk to others, Christ is the centre of everything. If what I discuss here online and Christ is not included, is not worth talking about. So we can discuss the Bilderberg folk... The Freemasons... The UN globalists and their various nefarious agendas... The CFR..."banksters"... Occults... Satanism... Until we despair and begin to believe God has lost all semblance of control and abdicated His throne and given it to His arch enemy. What we need to become familiar with is the real connection between all these so called signs, who really is in control, the real (not perceived) connections to prophecy and how these things play out and affect God's people according to scripture. Never forget to put everything you see in the world in perspective. God has not abdicated God throne in favour of the UN. Or the devil in control of it.
Focus on Jesus. And ask Him to show you how to connect the dots. Remember the Hegelian dialectic? Thesis versus antithesis equals.... Conservative versus liberal equals... Left versus right equals... Democrat versus Republican equals... Ask God to lead you to a full understanding of who, what, can be identified as the coming synthesis that will appear on the scene to cure all our ills and placate all our fears. He is the one to watch. Not what the media serves up as taste tests and red herrings... No, who is waiting in the wings in plain sight ready for the entire world to welcome him with open arms and thank him for his loving service to mankind. " Please give us your mark. We surrender all sovereignty to you kind sir. Only you can heal our woes and solve our problems. Only you can serve as our intermediary between us and God. We have no King but Caesar".
Spot on !
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
That's incredible. I hadn't heard of it until it came out in the papers. I knew a lawyer who lost his faith over having to listen to victims of priests. It had to have been very hard.

There are a lot of untouchables today - many in government do unimaginable criminal acts and get away with it. Only us little people on the bottom pay for anything we do.
I can not loose my faith as I am Born Again.

But I do say to others, who are awake to all the nonsense going on nowadays, It would be good if we were as ignorant as the majority are and not know jack about anything or care. that would be bliss !


I don't usually "do" video's especially long full length ones like this one over and hour...
But my husband and I watched this one to the end... and then watched about four more of his!!! Ha!

NOW I understand why you post so aggressively sometimes...about these subject RCC etc etc... :)
Thanks bg. Thanks for trusting me enough to give the video your time and attention, and thanks for your understanding of my perspective. Can I ask you a favour? Can you, in light of what you have now learned, give quiet thinker, phoneman, and the holy book ends a break? Because they, though expressing it in different ways, are trying to share the same testimony. And I think they are all ex Catholics as well. Love yuh.


Fact is that the RCC is totally correct about the Freemasons, but sadly now the Freemasons have taken over the RCC and the Pope is a Freemason, everything he does is Freemason crap.
I would like to offer perhaps a slightly different perspective. It is not do much that the Freemasons have taken over the church. I believe there is strong evidence that supports the takeover of Freemasonry by the Jesuits. And not just Freemasons. Once we understand the true root of confusion in government and in our institutions of learning and religion, then we may know how to prepare ourselves through our relationship with the true Christ, and not Antichrist.
For example. Do an in depth study of the root of modern American education, and why it changed in the late 19th and early 20th century, and by whom, and the origin of the modern form of education. Because in early Colonial America, kids at educated either at home, or by their pastor or volunteers. It wasn't even compulsory. Yet take a look at the wording and grammar in the letters of such people as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison etc., before they even attended any University or institution of higher learning. At age ten, 200 years ago, they could write better than modern University graduates. What had changed? And who changed it, and why?
I could offer an example of such writing by a woman whose formal education progressed no further than her 9 th year of age. But most people wouldn't bother to read her works because of religious bigotry. Let me know if you are interested.


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
That type of Bible could be worth a lot you know, especially if it was a first one.

One should take him for what he was to you, I would think.

They can be very good people the Freemasons, it's just that they are lost in that stuff and not all of them are into the worst of such things for sure, as most do not know the worst of such things and nor would they believe such at all.

They have done a lot of worldly good in the world, as in helping many people.

But the problem is that there are some very evil people within it, I think.

I know many and they are very respectable people, even much more so that your average person.

I do not think that one could be Born Again and be one tho, they are worldly works that they do, and they sure do get angered to wards anyone who bags them in any way tho and sure do hate Catholics totally, they are relentless on that.

They bag me out for being a Catholic no end and if I were to say one peep back to them then they go off the rocker, they do not want to listen at all, I could point out that the RCC is ok with many things that they do, but on some points the RCC could not give way to them because it would be stupid for the RCC to give way to the Freemasons childish ignorant foolishness.
Fact is that the RCC is totally correct about the Freemasons, but sadly now the Freemasons have taken over the RCC and the Pope is a Freemason, everything he does is Freemason crap.

It's the hidden crap that I can not stand at all and I will not tolerate such people who hide in the shadows or giving them respect for such as that type of moronic dribble.

How is this a Son asks his dad what is all this secret stuff that you are into and the dad says, your not worthy to know anything and dear son goes off knowing that his dad hold's secrets to him, how can a son have faith truly in such a one.

My dad had no secrets to me and he would be totally open to me always and I could ask any question totally openly with him, nothing that one could think of was out of reach to talk about with him at all.
I was concerned that having it in my house would create a door for the enemy to enter through.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Hi again. I went through a time 20 years or so ago when all I looked at was the 'signs' of the second coming. Illuminati... Globalism... Conspirators and conspiracies in every branch of government... And in every church... Government sponsored exercises to depopulate the earth through vaccines, chemtrails, drugs in food and water, etc etc etc. But none of my constant "watching" was either edifying or particularly informative. Certainly there were no answers... Except for revolution.
I have since changed track. Now my focus is on Christ. When I talk to others, Christ is the centre of everything. If what I discuss here online and Christ is not included, is not worth talking about. So we can discuss the Bilderberg folk... The Freemasons... The UN globalists and their various nefarious agendas... The CFR..."banksters"... Occults... Satanism... Until we despair and begin to believe God has lost all semblance of control and abdicated His throne and given it to His arch enemy. What we need to become familiar with is the real connection between all these so called signs, who really is in control, the real (not perceived) connections to prophecy and how these things play out and affect God's people according to scripture. Never forget to put everything you see in the world in perspective. God has not abdicated God throne in favour of the UN. Or the devil in control of it.
Focus on Jesus. And ask Him to show you how to connect the dots. Remember the Hegelian dialectic? Thesis versus antithesis equals.... Conservative versus liberal equals... Left versus right equals... Democrat versus Republican equals... Ask God to lead you to a full understanding of who, what, can be identified as the coming synthesis that will appear on the scene to cure all our ills and placate all our fears. He is the one to watch. Not what the media serves up as taste tests and red herrings... No, who is waiting in the wings in plain sight ready for the entire world to welcome him with open arms and thank him for his loving service to mankind. " Please give us your mark. We surrender all sovereignty to you kind sir. Only you can heal our woes and solve our problems. Only you can serve as our intermediary between us and God. We have no King but Caesar".
Yes, the heartfelt desire to join the dots correctly has me also drawing the conclusion that Jesus is where the focus of scripture is. Understanding and applying this is also the challenge.
Interpreting prophecy not as a loose canon nor playing a fast hand with an inconsistent hermeneutic can alone deliver a grounded understanding.

It is Jesus which the whole created order gives focus to in the book of Revelation because his sovereignty is that which has been challenged both in heaven and on earth. He is the final victor in this great controversy we are embroiled in.

The understanding of God's Law, the choices made and how it applies in the great plan of salvation will ultimately determine to whom we give allegiance. This has become increasingly clear to me as the jigsaw becomes increasingly readable. I still have many things to understand re these matters but the primary mystery now is no longer guesswork. With this perspective I find it is easier to recognise a fake gospel, a fake enthusiasm, a fake niceness, a fake spirituality and a wasted focus.
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Yes, the heartfelt desire to join the dots correctly has me also drawing the conclusion that Jesus is where the focus of scripture is. Understanding and applying this is also the challenge.
Interpreting prophecy not as a loose canon nor playing a fast hand with an inconsistent hermeneutic can deliver a grounded understanding.

It is Jesus which the whole created order gives focus to in the book of Revelation because his sovereignty is that which has been challenged both in heaven and on earth. He is the final victor in this great controversy we are embroiled in.

The understanding of God's Law, the choices made and how it applies in the great plan of salvation will ultimately determine to whom we give allegiance. This has become increasingly clear to me as the jigsaw becomes increasingly readable. I still have many things to understand re these matters but the primary mystery now is no longer guesswork. With this perspective I find it is easier to recognise a fake gospel, a fake enthusiasm, a fake niceness, a fake spirituality and a wasted focus.
Yes, amen. We often go to prophecy, particularly Revelation, and think it is Jesus revealing the future...or revealing signs and wonders...but no. It is the revelation of Jesus Christ. It is Him revealed. Not Him revealing.
Luke 24:25 Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:
26 Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?
27 And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.
Joh 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2017
United Kingdom
'The wicked walk on every side,
when the vilest men are exalted.'

(Psa 12:8)

* Yet, there must be a purpose. God knows. May His will be done.

In Christ Jesus
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
@Soverign Grace:

Dear, it sounds like these are new revelations to you so I don't want you to think the globalist agendas are imaginary because they are very real and have been for centuries. But I've been watching all this stuff for more than 25 years now, and over time you realize that it's going to take them a VERY LONG TIME to fully implement everything they're trying to accomplish; a lot longer than just 15 years. It pays to get your life straight with the Lord regardless of the reason, but don't get so consumed with this stuff that it dominates your mind more than the Lord. It is not going to happen tomorrow or the day after. They have a very long way to go.

If you want a little more insight than what your sources appear to be giving you, Islam (not Catholicism) is the religion the globalists are going to use to bring about the NWO. The Catholic Church will eventually draw onto itself the other mainline denominations and become a particular threat to true believers in Christ. But where the NWO is concerned, she will only be a whore of the Beast and spiritually adulterate herself with it. She is not the vehicle through which "a global religion" is going to be achieved. Islam is.

Yes Hidden I am pretty new to Revelations. I used to listen to it on CD - I played one tape over and over so I got some exposure to Revelations but never studied it or attended a bible study where it was taught. I very much believe that the globalist agenda is real. I tried telling two pastors from bible study and one gave me the worst look! I knew he thought I'd jumped the track. He told me I had to be careful what I read online. So I felt very foolish and began doubting myself, but I met a few other believers who know it which helped to confirm that it is real. Then I printed a few pages out and gave them to the other pastor. I think he's going to see that it's true. I saw that even though someone attended seminary, it doesn't mean they're more advanced than a regular person who studies their bible and the signs of the times. I also saw that it's probably our duty to share these things with them.

Yes they have the long goal in mind. It's kind of sickening when you think that Obama and ilk sold their souls for power and money. They agreed to be pawns in the game. I think they're implementing their goals at an accelerated pace. Maybe it's not in your area yet but our area is half foreigners. We went into a local doctors office and half the room was speaking Spanish. They're all on Medicaid. All the middle-easterners own the gas stations and the Indians own the dollar stores and 7-11s. I stopped using the dollar stores because the Indian women would add things to your bill. Most of the college professors here are all foreign. It's hard because you can't understand it when they talk. I was approached by a middle easterner while shopping who said something filthy and started kissing my arm. I thought that he must think all American woman are loose or their culture disrespects woman. I stepped away from him and got sanitizer and wiped my arm down. Then I was in the hospital and awoke from sleep and saw the curtain moving and yelled "Whose there!?" A woman in a burka came out from behind the curtain - she was trying to steal my wallet. So legislators have not protected us.

Then I went to our government building and was shocked - it was packed with immigrant men getting welfare. It hurt to see that when I see my husband and children struggling so hard and working long hours and what they earn is taken from them to redistribute to these men who should be out working. One of my children works in a hospital and we're paying for the care of these illegals with TB. I like helping people but doctors left the hospital and moved and said we can't afford to keep caring for the world. And one of their patients left the hospital with TB and went right out into the public. I'm waiting for a pandemic. Then my friend ended her life because she couldn't afford her prescriptions - so something is really wrong. Maybe if you're not on the coast or in certain states you're not seeing this. Immigration was what led me into reading why it was happening - that's when I found out about the U.N. and Agenda 21. The U.N. already owns some of America's parks. A man from a citizens action group I joined went to a park and snapped a photo of a sign that said the park was now closed to people. So the globalists are implementing their goals quickly. Then my husband had to take me to the local hospital for care and I spoke with the administrator who told me insurance was denying everything to patients over a certain age. She said "I swear they want these old people to die." I just learned why - Obamacare held statements hidden within all the jargon that medical care was to be just for "comfort" for the elderly and nothing more. And did Republicans repeal it? No. It's still there. So everyone may want to read up on that. I had private insurance at the time and was fortunate that they paid for what I needed. The next time they probably won't. It's called "rationing" - you see it in England.

I think your words are wise to not let this stuff consume your mind more than the Lord. It's just all new to me and things I've been seeing now make sense. It's a big "Aha!" moment for me. That's why I'm eager to find out what others know. Nothing made sense before - now it does. I have a dog in the fight - I have a family who is being affected. I'm also seeing a dangerous police state that the globalists have implemented. I urge everyone to read "Activist Post" to learn all that's being implemented right before our eyes: Activist Post - Alternative News & Independent Views

Another issue is that we've become a police state. Police shot and killed my unarmed neighbor's grandson. They've been killing with impunity. I know a young woman who was sexually molested by state troopers. The lawyer warned to not take action. What kind of a country do we now live in where cops can sexually molest a woman during a traffic stop??? You'd better tell your daughter to leave her Christian morals at home before she drives at night. Many police are good - we have some really nice ones near us but it has gotten far out of control. If you haven't noticed this yet you will. There is more but I'll stop here.

I urge every Christian to subscribe to this blog: The Rutherford Institute

Do you have any sources that you've read that show that Islam is the religion of the NWO? It makes sense because they're taking over Chicago and we have a lot of middle-easterners around us. I haven't read much on the religion they're using. I know the Pope is in on it.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Hi again. I went through a time 20 years or so ago when all I looked at was the 'signs' of the second coming. Illuminati... Globalism... Conspirators and conspiracies in every branch of government... And in every church... Government sponsored exercises to depopulate the earth through vaccines, chemtrails, drugs in food and water, etc etc etc. But none of my constant "watching" was either edifying or particularly informative. Certainly there were no answers... Except for revolution.
I have since changed track. Now my focus is on Christ. When I talk to others, Christ is the centre of everything. If what I discuss here online and Christ is not included, is not worth talking about. So we can discuss the Bilderberg folk... The Freemasons... The UN globalists and their various nefarious agendas... The CFR..."banksters"... Occults... Satanism... Until we despair and begin to believe God has lost all semblance of control and abdicated His throne and given it to His arch enemy. What we need to become familiar with is the real connection between all these so called signs, who really is in control, the real (not perceived) connections to prophecy and how these things play out and affect God's people according to scripture. Never forget to put everything you see in the world in perspective. God has not abdicated God throne in favour of the UN. Or the devil in control of it.
Focus on Jesus. And ask Him to show you how to connect the dots. Remember the Hegelian dialectic? Thesis versus antithesis equals.... Conservative versus liberal equals... Left versus right equals... Democrat versus Republican equals... Ask God to lead you to a full understanding of who, what, can be identified as the coming synthesis that will appear on the scene to cure all our ills and placate all our fears. He is the one to watch. Not what the media serves up as taste tests and red herrings... No, who is waiting in the wings in plain sight ready for the entire world to welcome him with open arms and thank him for his loving service to mankind. " Please give us your mark. We surrender all sovereignty to you kind sir. Only you can heal our woes and solve our problems. Only you can serve as our intermediary between us and God. We have no King but Caesar".

Yes it is overwhelming when your eyes are fully opened. This is all so new to me but it is an appropriate warning to keep your eyes on Christ and continue studying His Word instead of keeping your focus on the other stuff. I've long thought a Revolution was in order but no group seems to rise to the occasion - we all just keep taking it. Do you think the one to watch is now living?


Do you think the one to watch is now living?
Yes, he has been alive and well since before creation. And since Adam's fall he has had his champions. Certain individuals have come to the fore from time to time, but they come and go. What we need to watch for is not an individual. What we need to be watching is the system that the individual presides over. Those leaders change over time, but Babylon the Great, which had its beginnings way back at Babel, has over the centuries, over millennia, been developing and growing into what we witness today. She hasn't yet reached her final form, the culmination of the devil's manipulating of religion and politics which union (church and state union...a pagan practice common to all the Biblical and historical empires which arrayed themselves against the people of God and which in these last days we recognise as described in Revelation 13 and which will array itself against the people of God who keep the commandments and have the faith of Jesus Rev.12:17& 14:6)we call several different names or titles. Man of sin...son of perdition...Antichrist. Certainly led by an individual, but the system at which he is head has been around for a very long time. It is that system...that union of church and state which is developing before our very eyes, which we need to watch.
Here is the first of 36 lectures which exposes the true nature of not just the enemy, but of the God he is striving against. If you don't like this first lecture, don't feel compelled to watch the rest. I am not forcing you to weatch anything, I just believe this guy has much to offer of prophetic and real time truth.