Inconsistency of Christians never being sinless

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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Yes there is. I claim it to counter the Christian doctrine of condemning the flesh, rather than the soul and spirit of man sinning with the flesh.

This is true, although the Bible calls it enduring temptations from the devil, without lusting and sinning with him.

Some Christians call their continued lusting and sinning 'struggling' with the flesh. There is no such struggle, but only falling flat on their faces in prostration and service to their master and devil.

That's just the way it is with God's judgment in the Bible, for anyone doing unrighteous works of the flesh. It's not a condemnation of men, but of God. And teaching His truth on the matter, is not the teacher condemning anyone either. It's God's word that does the judging and condemning of every man's sinful deeds, without respect of persons.

You don't seem to be rightly separating the old man of flesh from the new man of the spirit of God.

To do so would mean being stuck in the old law of sin and death, and not accounting for the mystery of what Paul eluded to saying, "we who are alive and remain"-- meaning alive in and by the spirit of God, but remaining in the flesh and in the world, which by definition Paul claimed, "for me, to live is Christ" (taking on sin, but ascending from it by the spirit of God at the passing of the flesh...which yes, eventually dies by condemnation from God.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
I agree.

The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field:

For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:

Just flesh and blood and grass and dirt. Made by Christ natural and mortal. There's nothing sinful nor righteous about God's natural creation.

He only burns of the old earth, in order to change it for His new earth to dwell with man on. All man's world works on this earth with burn with it.

Man's sins in this life however, are either washed away to be newborn with all things of God, or they are burned with the soul unrepented unto death.

The scriptures do not say what you have said, that "There's nothing sinful nor righteous about God's natural creation."

You are confusing the garden with the earth that was made manifest after the man was "driven out" of the garden.

So on the contrary, sin is not just "burnt off the old earth" but as it is written, it is to be completely "destroyed" by fervent heat and with fire. Which old earth is not at all the same as the garden creation, but was only made up of the elements of this earth that was made manifest "out"side the garden. Notice that man was not just made of the same elements of the garden, but only of the "dust" thereof, meaning "dry" and thus without the water of life. Thus, it is not only man who groans, but the whole creation made manifest "out"side of the good creation of God known as the garden.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2023
Syrian Arab Republic
To the contrary of what you have stated and believed, there is no inward and outward purity for those who are alive and remain-

Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.

Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Inward and outward purity and blamelessness in life, is what Jesus died and resurrected and comes to do with them that repent of sinning. It begins with all the old life passed away and all the new life being now of God.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God.

-no actual communion between light and darkness, only a continual waring until the end.
And if you're trying to say the body is sinful darkness, and we are at war with our own flesh and blood, then this is the erroneous source of your unbelief in the new pure born conversion and walk of the Bible.



Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2023
Syrian Arab Republic
As for Christ and His 40 days between resurrection and ascension, it was only for a sign, otherwise completely finished simultaneously "before the foundation of the world."
I also don't do changing literal truth of the Bible into sign, symbols, parables, allegories, etc...

Jesus walked and ate and taught among them for 40 days with His own resurrected immortal flesh and bones.

What I was saying before, is that during that 40 days Jesus did not sin,
Of course not. Neither while in mortal flesh and blood, and certainly not after.

but did continue to carry his own condemned body which did no sin
You mean He did continue walking on earth in His resurrected body.

but even so took on sin (ours) and He carried it (and the marks as proof)
That was on the cross, not after. The proof of His crucifixion remains on His resurrected body forever.

Now, by His resurrection He takes away all the past sins of them, that repent of sinning and believe and body His gospel unto righteousness.

until His ascension to the Father (or the actual passing of His flesh).

No. Still there in the throne room. He will be forever the Lamb of God by sight of those marks in His resurrected body. (Rev 5) They will see and know Him as the crucified and resurrected Lamb of God coming with His glory and with His wrath on earth. (Rev1,6) And all men dwelling with Him with know Him for the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world, and resurrected on the third day. (Rev 21, 22)

Which passing is biblical as He gave His body to His church, saying "take, eat, this is My body",
The Bread of Life is His word. Those who repent of sinning and do His word, are newborn sons of God and members of the body of Christ on earth.

We are now members of His flesh and of His bones on earth.

but is the error of the church to believe that He rose into heaven with His flesh,
With His newly resurrected immortal flesh and bones. Jesus standing there with them, rose above them in their site, until a cloud recieved Him out of their sight.

in spite of be told that "flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God."
You need to learn the difference in the Bible between now having mortal flesh and blood, and then have resurrected immortal flesh and bones.

It's a first principle of the doctrine of Christ in Heb 6.

So no, what has been taught and believed is full of error by false teachers, against what is otherwise written.
In your bible. Not mine.

The stumbling block of which is that most have believed that Jesus' return in "like manner" is the likeness of the flesh rather than the likeness of God,

The likeness of the resurrected man Christ Jesus, is the likeness of the Son of God's resurrected body with immortal flesh and bones.

which men did observe, but only in part, for the spirit is unseen...
Of course. No man can see the spirit of man nor of God, while in mortal bodies with natural eyes.

The only part we see of man, is our mortal bodies. And so they saw Jesus' mortal body die on the cross, and His immortal body resurrected from the tomb.

and yet they believed what was seen rather than what was unseen but written.

If you're saying the disciples somehow did not believe it was the soul and spirit of Jesus walking with them in His resurrected body, then that of course has nothing to do with the Bible.

The soul, spirit, and mortal body of Jesus walked the earth for about 33 years, and the soul, spirit, and resurrected body of Jesus first walked the earth for 40 days thereafter.

As for the thousand years...that is another misunderstanding, another sign or word picture...which the common belief and understanding cannot reconcile with "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever."
No, that is you making another a sign and word picture out of literal Bible prophecy.

Jesus Christ and God are always the same holy and righteous and pure in person and character and life.

The Word did not receive man's body, until He was made flesh. And that body has changed and been resurrected from the dead, and will now remain the same forever, including the Lamb dwelling with man on the new earth.



Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2023
Syrian Arab Republic
The only thing saved by Himself, was His body from the grave.

And since, the Father begets us again by His Son's resurrection through sanctification of His Sprit, then I can partially agree. Because He saved His own body from the grave, He will also save ours that walk as Him before the grave.

However, the clarification that Jesus' soul as never saved, because He never sinned, must always be made clear.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.

Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Inward and outward purity and blamelessness in life, is what Jesus died and resurrected and comes to do with them that repent of sinning. It begins with all the old life passed away and all the new life being now of God.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God.
And if you're trying to say the body is sinful darkness, and we are at war with our own flesh and blood, then this is the erroneous source of your unbelief in the new pure born conversion and walk of the Bible.

Most of that is true, but you are quoting the components of status of the new spirit body rather than the reality of the elements of the old man and earth which do not end when declared clean, but rather await death and destruction. And this I say, referring to the other components that are also written (which you have not reconciled by only quoting in part). Which again, is all true, but just as Paul clarified, saying "not that body", there is a clear distinction between the old and the new that "remains" with one who has been made alive or washed clean, until "that body" (old body) passes.

In other words, you are not "rightly dividing the word of truth", but are mixing the truth of what is eternal with what is not but is temporal. Thus, by only quoting and referring to the parts of scripture that include "that body" of flesh (that "man of sin") one believes and promotes a half-truth false gospel. The only defense of which is to claim that Jesus manifest that would-be one-sided unity of the spirit, soul, and body--which He did not. But rather, being without sin showed Himself sinless, which is not the cleansing of the [flesh] body at all, but rather having taken sin upon Himself defeated sin by death. But unlike Him, no one who was with sin before will be raised up in the flesh, but only in the spirit, as by definition to be raised up is to enter the kingdom of God which flesh and blood cannot inherit or enter into. And for the record, Jesus did not ascend in the flesh, but gave up "that body" to the church to whom He said, "take, eat, this is My body given for you."
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
In your bible. Not mine.

The likeness of the resurrected man Christ Jesus, is the likeness of the Son of God's resurrected body with immortal flesh and bones.

There is so much error in your post, I am only going to address this one to say-- There is no "immortal flesh" in ANY Bible...except perhaps in a satanic bible. If you can receive it, that is the proof of your error.

You have much to unlearn. :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2023
Syrian Arab Republic
Can you understand just this one verse:

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 1 John 1:8
Certainly. John is speaking to sinning Christians who say they are fellowshipping with Jesus in the light, but are still in walking in darkness. They also say they have no sin, while sinning.

Their doctrine teaches being saved and justified by faith alone, without repenting of sinning, so they claim fellowship with Jesus apart from their continued sinful works.

They also teach their sins are no more judged with the world, so that have no sin condemned by God. While sinning.

The only Christians having no sin, are the repented saints in Christ, in whom is no sin.

That is saying you YOU are deceiving yourself AND the TRUTH is NOT in you!

Not me. I don't teach the Christian gospel of sinners saved by grace through faith alone.

Nor do I believe in and preach any unjust judge with respect of persons, that justifies one sinner while condemning another sinner doing the same thing.

Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.

And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?

Christians are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, likely that is is foreign concept to you as well. Ask to recipe the Holy Spirit, only then can you discern scripture, all scripture is spiritually discerned.
There is the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error. And all the Bible ought simply be believed exactly by what the words say.

why just about everyone is disagreeing with you in both these threads.
It's not surprising that most Christians here are the sinners disagreeing with preaching righteousness at all times.

Jesus talks about the many and the few.

For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2023
Syrian Arab Republic

Are you a Jehovah Witness?
While unlike you, they do preach being holy in all manner of conversation, they do not preach nor have inward spiritual purity first. That's because they preach a created christ for themselves, rather than the Lord and God Jesus Christ.

Actually, the more I think of it, maybe you aren't? JW religion is banned in Syria, so it makes it highly unlikely that one would even attempt to become one having to meet secretly in private homes.
They of course are in Syria. All Syrians know how to keep their secrets in doors with walls that have ears. The Assads are Allawi Muslims, which I was growing up. It's the secular Muslim version of your secular Christianity. Moderate and tolerant in religion.

They dispise the cross, think it is an evil symbol, avoid it like the plague.
I don't worship and idolize a cross of wood, while neglecting repenting of my sinning, in order to walk with Jesus who died on a cross.

Some Christian sinners also only idolize Jesus' life as high ideal alone, but do not walk with Him, because being unrepentant, they disbelieve it's possible to be as He is in this life.

However, what puzzles me is that all the JW's in my family are kind, nice, gentle spirits - you certainly don't align with them in that respect.
Just goes to show that being neighborly sinners is no proof of being in Christ Jesus. And if they are real JW's, then they play nice for proselytizing purposes only. And if someone breaks from their group, then the long knives come out. Some Pentecostal holiness groups are the same, as well as zealous Islamists and Jews.

Maybe it is just the area you were brought in, a Muslim nation and the hardships of wars, terrorism, an axis of evil, hate and hostility everywhere you turn and they also have a works based salvation belief.
Of course, you have no clue about Syria and Syrians as a people. Though we are long adapted to dictatorship, we live fairly free as neighbors. It's the Islamist infiltrators that cause the real problems.

For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure:

Just answer the question with a yes or no. If not, we are all curious what church you did learn this unorthodox theology in?
Not yours. And from what I've seen of yours, I take it as an honor to be unorthodox to you. Preachers of righteousness and preachers of unrighteousness really don't agree much on the Bible doctrine of Christ.

And you don't need worry about continuing on with me, because all you've got now is the usual descent into petty personal issues. Since your arguments are running out, I lose interest pretty quick.

One thing I've noticed. It's you really nice Christian sinners that play the personal issues card first. We Christian saints keep our arguments doctrinal and professional.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
While unlike you, they do preach being holy in all manner of conversation, they do not preach nor have inward spiritual purity first. That's because they preach a created christ for themselves, rather than the Lord and God Jesus Christ.

They of course are in Syria. All Syrians know how to keep their secrets in doors with walls that have ears. The Assads are Allawi Muslims, which I was growing up. It's the secular Muslim version of your secular Christianity. Moderate and tolerant in religion.

While unlike you, they do preach being holy in all manner of conversation, they do not preach nor have inward spiritual purity first. That's because they preach a created christ for themselves, rather than the Lord and God Jesus Christ.

They of course are in Syria. All Syrians know how to keep their secrets in doors with walls that have ears. The Assads are Allawi Muslims, which I was growing up. It's the secular Muslim version of your secular Christianity. Moderate and tolerant in religion.

I don't worship and idolize a cross of wood, while neglecting repenting of my sinning, in order to walk with Jesus who died on a cross.

Some Christian sinners also only idolize Jesus' life as high ideal alone, but do not walk with Him, because being unrepentant, they disbelieve it's possible to be as He is in this life.

Just goes to show that being neighborly sinners is no proof of being in Christ Jesus. And if they are real JW's, then they play nice for proselytizing purposes only. And if someone breaks from their group, then the long knives come out. Some Pentecostal holiness groups are the same, as well as zealous Islamists and Jews.

Of course, you have no clue about Syria and Syrians as a people. Though we are long adapted to dictatorship, we live fairly free as neighbors. It's the Islamist infiltrators that cause the real problems.

For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure:

Not yours. And from what I've seen of yours, I take it as an honor to be unorthodox to you. Preachers of righteousness and preachers of unrighteousness really don't agree much on the Bible doctrine of Christ.

And you don't need worry about continuing on with me, because all you've got now is the usual descent into petty personal issues. Since your arguments are running out, I lose interest pretty quick.

One thing I've noticed. It's you really nice Christian sinners that play the personal issues card first. We Christian saints keep our arguments doctrinal and professional.

I don't worship and idolize a cross of wood, while neglecting repenting of my sinning, in order to walk with Jesus who died on a cross.

Some Christian sinners also only idolize Jesus' life as high ideal alone, but do not walk with Him, because being unrepentant, they disbelieve it's possible to be as He is in this life.

Just goes to show that being neighborly sinners is no proof of being in Christ Jesus. And if they are real JW's, then they play nice for proselytizing purposes only. And if someone breaks from their group, then the long knives come out. Some Pentecostal holiness groups are the same, as well as zealous Islamists and Jews.

Of course, you have no clue about Syria and Syrians as a people. Though we are long adapted to dictatorship, we live fairly free as neighbors. It's the Islamist infiltrators that cause the real problems.

For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure:

Not yours. And from what I've seen of yours, I take it as an honor to be unorthodox to you. Preachers of righteousness and preachers of unrighteousness really don't agree much on the Bible doctrine of Christ.

And you don't need worry about continuing on with me, because all you've got now is the usual descent into petty personal issues. Since your arguments are running out, I lose interest pretty quick.

One thing I've noticed. It's you really nice Christian sinners that play the personal issues card first. We Christian saints keep our arguments doctrinal and professional.
Okay, thank you for answering that question. I was just trying to figure out what church you learned this "sinless Christian doctrine" from? I guess you are not willing to share ... it's a secret, too personal. Okay bye!


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2023
Syrian Arab Republic
Most of that is true, but you are quoting the components of status of the new spirit body rather than the reality of the elements of the old man and earth
I see what you are are doing now. It's a form of Christian soul and spiritual separation from the body while on earth. Our soul continues to be the life we live on earth, and our spirit continues to be the life and power of the body.

We do not now have our new spiritual body, which is the resurrection of the old natural dead body.

the reality of the elements of the old man and earth which do not end when declared clean, but rather await death and destruction.
I agree with your expression of our current natural body being cleansed also, along with our soul and spirit. We are made wholly clean and pure born of God, when repenting of sinning and believing Jesus' gospel. That includes our soul, spirit, and body which we are to continuing cleansing within and without the platter blameless unto death.

Neither the clean soul, spirit, nor body ends on earth, until death of the body without the spirit. That is when the spirits of just men are made perfect in the presence of the lord, awaiting the resurrection of their dead bodies from the grave.

Which again, is all true, but just as Paul clarified, saying "not that body", there is a clear distinction between the old and the new that "remains" with one who has been made alive or washed clean, until "that body" (old body) passes.
And so now I can at least understand your continued error. That spiritual body is as I have been saying the resurrected spiritual body from the old natural one.

That body is not yet ours to dwell in with God forever, until that resurrection of this body, which is only by them enduring clean in this body of life unto the end.

In other words, you are not "rightly dividing the word of truth", but are mixing the truth of what is eternal with what is not but is temporal.
I of course say you are mixing the truth of the eternal, that is only yet in the future, except for the resurrected body of Jesus Christ.

Your mixing of having that spiritual body now, while yet in this temporal body is the wrong dividing of the word.

Thus, by only quoting and referring to the parts of scripture that include "that body" of flesh (that "man of sin")
Also, once again, your doctrine of sin nature in the flesh is not the Bible. The old man of sin is the old life we lived without Christ in sin. The body of flesh is only used for that old body of works of the flesh.

The flesh, as grass, is neither sinful nor righteous, and Christ does not make any spirit nor flesh sinful when creating natural creatures on earth.

The devil is not now the creator and maker of man in the womb, nor from the womb. Adam's seed is just the natural seed that forms the shape of man, the same as that of a lion, deer, or warbling hoot-owl.

The only defense of which is to claim that Jesus manifest that would-be one-sided unity of the spirit, soul, and body--which He did not.
If you mean that was Jesus resurrected from the dead with His immortal flesh and bones, then He did.

And let's see if I now have the key to following your line: Are you Jesus had a 40 day 'interim' on earth with resurrected spiritual body, as well as old flesh and blood body, remaining alive on earth? (We're not talking a risen zombie body powered by Christ, right?)

And His 'interim' was a foreshadowing of our on time on earth of with a similar resurrected spiritual body along with our continued natural body still alive and remaining on earth?

At that time, Jesus was no more tempted with sinning, nor could He be tempted as God on the throne. Are you saying you can no longer be tempted to sin on earth, just as Jesus' own post-resurrection 40 days.

But rather, being without sin showed Himself sinless, which is not the cleansing of the [flesh] body at all
Agreed. Not the washing of dirty skin, but the cleansing from a dirty life. (1 Peter 3:21)

, but rather having taken sin upon Himself defeated sin by death.
True. He defeated the prince and power of sin and of the air, the devil. He did so as necessary when tempted on earth, and once for all by resurrection from the dead.

But unlike Him, no one who was with sin before will be raised up in the flesh, but only in the spirit, as by definition to be raised up is to enter the kingdom of God which flesh and blood cannot inherit or enter into.
Already rejected and corrected your error of mixing natural flesh and blood with immortal flesh and bones from that old dead body.

Those saints alive and remaining on earth at His appearing a second time, will have their flesh and blood bodies instantly changed into immortal flesh and bone spiritual bodies, without suffering death of the natural body.

And for the record, Jesus did not ascend in the flesh
And for the record ad nauseum, in His resurrected flesh and bones body He did, and they watched Him. His body of flesh and bone swill be much brighter at His return in the air, much like that on Patmos. And He will sit on His kingdom throne on earth with His resurrected body's bright glory. I suppose if he wants to walk around like the 40 days, He can certainly do that too.

Same as His saints in the bodily likeness of His resurrection.

, but gave up "that body" to the church to whom He said, "take, eat, this is My body given for you."
No, that body is not given to eat by others, which is cannibalism. That body ascended and sits on the right hand of God.

The body and blood we drink of Christ, is obedience to His will and law through the Spirit and word of life living richly within us.

It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

No member of Christ's body on earth are His resurrected flesh and bones, not during interim nor after ascension, which are the same.

This 40 day interim before after resurrection quasi body, may be unique, but it serves no earthly purpose. Unless of course you believe being alive and remaining like His interim, means that we too are resurrected with spiritual body, and cannot be tempted to sin, or cannot be prevented from glory by sinning.

That would be two other gospel on opposing sides of the Bible..


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2023
Syrian Arab Republic
- There is no "immortal flesh" in ANY Bible...except perhaps in a satanic bible. If you can receive it, that is the proof of your error.
A fair challenge indeed. Good work. Ok. I don't read the words 'immortal flesh' in the Bible per se, just as I don't read the word 'rapture' or 'millennium', but I do read of God dwelling with man on the new earth serving Him forever.

I also read of Jesus' own resurrected flesh and bones on earth:

Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.

I also read of corruptible mortal flesh and blood taking on incorruptible immortality:

For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

I also read of Jesus' church on earth in mortal flesh and blood, now being of His present flesh and bones without sin:

For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

The same flesh and bones He had after His bodily resurrection, is what we are now living as, while He sits with those flesh and bones with God.

You see, you have to read the Bible analytically, taking all the words together. They don't have to say something specific per se, in order to teach it. If A = B = C, then A = C. That so of thing.

You have much to unlearn. :(
You are teaching a kind of Christ in spirit only, akin to not coming in the flesh on earth, by not resurrecting with flesh and bones on earth for 40 days.

At this point, I would say it has to do with fulfilling prophecy of old, that His flesh would be pierced, but no bone broken. With this in mind, I'm thinking there is more direct words of the Bible about immortal flesh and bones.

One thing of course is Jesus in the throne room visibly seen as the slain Lamb, with pierced flesh but no broken bones.

This is why I love the Bible so much. You probably could too, if you weren't at times so wrapped up in your special ideas about it.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
I see what you are are doing now. It's a form of Christian soul and spiritual separation from the body while on earth. Our soul continues to be the life we live on earth, and our spirit continues to be the life and power of the body.

We do not now have our new spiritual body, which is the resurrection of the old natural dead body.

I agree with your expression of our current natural body being cleansed also, along with our soul and spirit. We are made wholly clean and pure born of God, when repenting of sinning and believing Jesus' gospel. That includes our soul, spirit, and body which we are to continuing cleansing within and without the platter blameless unto death.

Neither the clean soul, spirit, nor body ends on earth, until death of the body without the spirit. That is when the spirits of just men are made perfect in the presence of the lord, awaiting the resurrection of their dead bodies from the grave.

And so now I can at least understand your continued error. That spiritual body is as I have been saying the resurrected spiritual body from the old natural one.

That body is not yet ours to dwell in with God forever, until that resurrection of this body, which is only by them enduring clean in this body of life unto the end.

I of course say you are mixing the truth of the eternal, that is only yet in the future, except for the resurrected body of Jesus Christ.

Your mixing of having that spiritual body now, while yet in this temporal body is the wrong dividing of the word.

Also, once again, your doctrine of sin nature in the flesh is not the Bible. The old man of sin is the old life we lived without Christ in sin. The body of flesh is only used for that old body of works of the flesh.

The flesh, as grass, is neither sinful nor righteous, and Christ does not make any spirit nor flesh sinful when creating natural creatures on earth.

The devil is not now the creator and maker of man in the womb, nor from the womb. Adam's seed is just the natural seed that forms the shape of man, the same as that of a lion, deer, or warbling hoot-owl.

If you mean that was Jesus resurrected from the dead with His immortal flesh and bones, then He did.

And let's see if I now have the key to following your line: Are you Jesus had a 40 day 'interim' on earth with resurrected spiritual body, as well as old flesh and blood body, remaining alive on earth? (We're not talking a risen zombie body powered by Christ, right?)

And His 'interim' was a foreshadowing of our on time on earth of with a similar resurrected spiritual body along with our continued natural body still alive and remaining on earth?

At that time, Jesus was no more tempted with sinning, nor could He be tempted as God on the throne. Are you saying you can no longer be tempted to sin on earth, just as Jesus' own post-resurrection 40 days.

Agreed. Not the washing of dirty skin, but the cleansing from a dirty life. (1 Peter 3:21)

True. He defeated the prince and power of sin and of the air, the devil. He did so as necessary when tempted on earth, and once for all by resurrection from the dead.

Already rejected and corrected your error of mixing natural flesh and blood with immortal flesh and bones from that old dead body.

Those saints alive and remaining on earth at His appearing a second time, will have their flesh and blood bodies instantly changed into immortal flesh and bone spiritual bodies, without suffering death of the natural body.

And for the record ad nauseum, in His resurrected flesh and bones body He did, and they watched Him. His body of flesh and bone swill be much brighter at His return in the air, much like that on Patmos. And He will sit on His kingdom throne on earth with His resurrected body's bright glory. I suppose if he wants to walk around like the 40 days, He can certainly do that too.

Same as His saints in the bodily likeness of His resurrection.

No, that body is not given to eat by others, which is cannibalism. That body ascended and sits on the right hand of God.

The body and blood we drink of Christ, is obedience to His will and law through the Spirit and word of life living richly within us.

It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

No member of Christ's body on earth are His resurrected flesh and bones, not during interim nor after ascension, which are the same.

This 40 day interim before after resurrection quasi body, may be unique, but it serves no earthly purpose. Unless of course you believe being alive and remaining like His interim, means that we too are resurrected with spiritual body, and cannot be tempted to sin, or cannot be prevented from glory by sinning.

That would be two other gospel on opposing sides of the Bible..

We've been through all this, and you are still under the illusion that the children of the sin of Adam and Eve are to be glorified in the flesh rather than die and be destroyed with the elements of this old earth. And you are not hearing the truth when it is pointed out to you. Thus, I leave you to your illusion until the passing of time proves you wrong in death. :(

PS, I will look at the other list of replies you have also come back with, but if they are more of the same, I will not entertain you further.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2023
Syrian Arab Republic
We've been through all this,

and you are still under the illusion that the children of the sin of Adam and Eve are to be glorified in the flesh
Because you continue to misstate my teaching. On purpose now. I've explained it enough times.

rather than die and be destroyed with the elements of this old earth.
The old dead body of mortal flesh and blood, is resurrected into immortal flesh and bones, whether unto eternal life with God, or unto eternal shame apart from God.

Those saints alive and remaining at Christ's appearing, are changed into immortal flesh and bones in the first resurrection of the saints, without their, mortal bodies dying in the grave.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States

Because you continue to misstate my teaching. On purpose now. I've explained it enough times.

The old dead body of mortal flesh and blood, is resurrected into immortal flesh and bones, whether unto eternal life with God, or unto eternal shame apart from God.

Those saints alive and remaining at Christ's appearing, are changed into immortal flesh and bones in the first resurrection of the saints, without their, mortal bodies dying in the grave.

That is a false teaching-- Go figure, as it is your teaching, i.e. as you say, "my teaching."


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2023
Syrian Arab Republic
Go figure, as it is your teaching, i.e. as you say, "my teaching."
Of course it is, just as all Bible teachers since the apostles have their teaching of the Bible. And I am careful to say so, unlike others like you who think you cannot err in doctrine. You see, I know I have been and can be corrected by the Bible itself, as well as others teaching the Bible correctly.

Are you saying your teaching of the Bible is perfect? That you cannot be corrected in any point of your teaching? Do you say everything you teach is Bible only, so that it is never 'your' teaching, but only God's?

Are you a perfect teacher of the Bible, who can never be even possibly corrected by the Bible? That would be a strange thing from someone who teaches against Christian perfection on earth.

There are these so-called apostles today, that say they have new revelation from God's own mouth. They are only repeating what God has told them, so that it is simply a perfect revealing from Heaven. Are you one of these? You only say what God tells you to say, so that like the prophets and apostles of old, it is not just your teaching of the Bible, but is revelation teaching of the Spirit of Christ in you?

How the 3rd heaven? Been there to receive any new revelation of truth of God's word and gospel and doctrine? If so, then God in the Bible says it is unlawful for you to repeat to others on earth.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Of course it is, just as all Bible teachers since the apostles have their teaching of the Bible. And I am careful to say so, unlike others like you who think you cannot err in doctrine. You see, I know I have been and can be corrected by the Bible itself, as well as others teaching the Bible correctly.

Are you saying your teaching of the Bible is perfect? That you cannot be corrected in any point of your teaching? Do you say everything you teach is Bible only, so that it is never 'your' teaching, but only God's?

Are you a perfect teacher of the Bible, who can never be even possibly corrected by the Bible? That would be a strange thing from someone who teaches against Christian perfection on earth.

There are these so-called apostles today, that say they have new revelation from God's own mouth. They are only repeating what God has told them, so that it is simply a perfect revealing from Heaven. Are you one of these? You only say what God tells you to say, so that like the prophets and apostles of old, it is not just your teaching of the Bible, but is revelation teaching of the Spirit of Christ in you?

How the 3rd heaven? Been there to receive any new revelation of truth of God's word and gospel and doctrine? If so, then God in the Bible says it is unlawful for you to repeat to others on earth.

Though you mock and assume to take the upper hand, how is it that you do not know that these times are to be spoken by the Holy Spirit and that the bride is to otherwise be silent in church?

As for what was unlawful for a man to utter, that time has passed.