Letters from God and His Christ

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New Member
Mar 6, 2013
Alberta, Canada
My Calling

My friends, I do not wish to replace, or take away from, or add to the Holy Bible! Rather, these words and this understanding was given to Me by The Lord, and is for all those who have ears to hear. He, alone, may add to His Word for our benefit and to give us greater understanding.

I have not accepted even one penny for the Letters, nor do I plan to... The Word of God is free to all!

I do not have any previous learning in Scripture, no degrees of any kind, nor have I attended seminary, nor have I received any teaching from any pastor, minister, etc., nor have I been to church... I must remain separate from those whom God wishes me to give His message to, lest I become biased toward a certain denomination. I do, however, gather together with others for Bible Study, several times a week and every Sabbath.

I belong to My Lord Jesus Christ...
And together, with all those who are His, is the church in which I dwell.

The first time I embraced the Truth, which is in Jesus Christ our Lord, was when I heard the voice of The Lord. He has asked me to serve Him, and I have accepted His calling... I am The Lord’s servant, His prophet. And to this end am I called:

1) To trumpet the coming of Christ to every corner of the world, in all manner of speaking and devices (internet, etc).

2) To write God’s Word, which is part of the on-going Testament to His glory, even a final Testament and warning before the time, a last trumpet for this generation, so those who have not heard might hear; and so those who have heard might come into a greater understanding of His will, set forth in the Scriptures of Truth, the Bible; and so those, who have not and will not read the Bible, might be saved by His Word given to an average, modern man of this day, in the hope of them returning to the Bible, for the Letters from God and His Christ and the Bible are in perfect agreement and carry The Lord’s same life-giving Word and Spirit.

3) To give this Word to the churches, so they might receive correction and make themselves ready, a beautiful Bride dressed in white, ready for her Husband... A clean, loving, humbleBride who walks in Christ’s very footsteps, obeying His Word and the Moral Law (not the law found in ordinances, but the Law of Liberty, in number, Ten)... That She might become a shining example, a bright beacon of hope to those who stumble in the dark, that they might be gathered with her, and be, once again, grafted in.

4) To be a watchman, that I might sound the warning, the blowing of the Trumpet, to warn all those who abide on the earth that the redemption of God’s children from the world draws very near, and God’s judgement must immediately follow!...

For the Day of The Lord is upon us, and who shall stand?!...

Those who call on the name of The Lord, in all truth and supplication,
Humble and penitent, calling on Him by the only name
Under Heaven by which you must be saved...

Jesus Christ The Lord... YahuShua HaMashiach!

As I am God’s servant, so also have I become a servant to all those who diligently seek Him.

Remember: What The Lord has given me to write, stays written, and what The Lord has spoken, STANDS.

Yours in Christ’s service and love,

And at midnight a cry was heard:
'Behold, the Bridegroom is coming; go out to meet Him!'
~ Matthew 25:6


New Member
Mar 6, 2013
Alberta, Canada
Home > Volume 1 > God's Impact in My Life
The impact God The Father has had in all aspects of my life is incredible. The Lord has blessed my life, by commanding the following: He calls my wife and I to come to Him in prayer and worship several times a day; He has us listen to His Word, both in the Bible and in the Letters at every opportunity; He has appointed us to attend several Bible/Letter study fellowships each week, both online and in the homes of fellow believers; He has instructed us to home-school our children and has set aside a two-hour period each night to spend with our children; He has given us specific times of day regarding work (From 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. we are allowed to work). The Lord has instructed us about honoring the Sabbath, which is Saturday, the seventh day of the week. Also, My wife and I are to pray with the children before going to bed each night. The Lord has even instructed us about what to eat to maintain health, how to interact with each other, etc. He has influenced every single aspect of our lives. We now enjoy a quality of life that we never imagined possible. Our children are happier, and we are much happier. We are now more in love, more committed to each other and more excited about our life together, than ever before. Obviously, much of what we learned is from the Bible, but all of the specific instructions came directly from The Lord. By obeying The Lord’s commands, we have been incredibly blessed.

The first time I heard God’s voice, I was alone in my hotel room. I was sitting alone in the dark, unable to decide what to do with my evening. A voice said, “Timothy, read My Word”... So I did. The first passage I read was Acts 2:17-21. Previously to this, I did not give much thought to the Bible. In fact, I thought it was probably full of much error, because I thought men wrote it. Yet after I started reading the Bible, I knew, beyond doubt, that it was true. Following that first evening, I felt an overwhelming desire to give myself to Jesus, and confess all my sins and ask for forgiveness. I asked Jesus to come into my heart, and from that moment on, everything changed. I truly felt like a brand new person, with a new heart, that my spiritual burdens had been lifted... I fell totally in love with my Savior.

The Letters from God and His Christ started with, "Timothy's Dream About Jesus: The Letters Started with This Dream", and interpretation of that dream, "Interpretation: Hold Steadfast to Your Faith in Christ". Many of you will question how these Letters come to me, or how I receive them. First, let me remind you, the Bible tells us that in the end days, God will pour out His Spirit on the whole world (Joel 2:28-32), so I feel there are many more people experiencing this same thing, in many different ways. The Bible also tells us there are many gifts of the Spirit, given to Christ’s body of believers (1 Corinthians 12:27-28).

The first conversation began with "Timothy's Calling". I was praying, and I heard God say,“Timothy, listen as I speak, and write down My words as I speak them to you.” (God’s voice was not in my head and not in the room either, but very close... It’s hard to explain). From then on, I go to my desk whenever I feel The Lord’s presence, or when I hear, “Timothy, take up your pen and write”. Often times, The Lord also speaks to me when I ask Him a question, where I then write down the answer as He speaks, unless He commands me to speak His words. I hear The Lord’s voice and receive understanding from Him, all at the same time, but only when I feel pressed upon. When I say “pressed upon”, I mean I literally feel the weight of God’s presence. His Spirit overwhelms me with emotions of deep love from Him and for Him. I am also filled with total gratitude for Jesus’ sacrifice for my sins. His presence is overwhelming love, wisdom, power and authority. And when He speaks of His wrath, I feel His anger, yet this is always accompanied by deep sorrow and love. In The Lord’s presence, I see everything clearly and have 100% faith and trust... Nothing doubting. Words cannot truly explain it. I also hear Him, and receive understanding throughout the day, and when I pray, study the Bible, read His Letters and when I ask Him questions. I do not know what a Letter will be about, until I put my pen to paper; and do not even know what the next sentence or paragraph will be, until I have written what He has spoken. The Letters are written within a few minutes, with absolutely no pre-planning or thought from me.

God instructs me specifically who to deliver His Letters to, and has also commanded me to put them on the internet free of charge, and to make them available in a book version,available for the cost of printing only, for all to read. I have never asked for, nor received, any money for the Letters, nor do I intend to ever sell them to anyone, nor do I seek fame. The words in the Letters are not my own... I only do what The Lord asks of me. If the Letters from God and His Christ help you draw closer to God, do not thank me... Thank God only, in Jesus The Christ’s name.

afaithfulone4u said:
Be blessed brother Trumpeter!
God bless you faithfulone4u.


Feb 9, 2013
Olam Haba
Red bold emphasis mine:

Trumpeter said:
My Calling

My friends, I do not wish to replace, or take away from, or add to the Holy Bible! Rather, these words and this understanding was given to Me by The Lord, and is for all those who have ears to hear. He, alone, may add to His Word for our benefit and to give us greater understanding.

I have not accepted even one penny for the Letters, nor do I plan to... The Word of God is free to all!

I do not have any previous learning in Scripture, no degrees of any kind, nor have I attended seminary, nor have I received any teaching from any pastor, minister, etc., nor have I been to church... I must remain separate from those whom God wishes me to give His message to, lest I become biased toward a certain denomination. I do, however, gather together with others for Bible Study, several times a week and every Sabbath.

I belong to My Lord Jesus Christ...
And together, with all those who are His, is the church in which I dwell.

The first time I embraced the Truth, which is in Jesus Christ our Lord, was when I heard the voice of The Lord. He has asked me to serve Him, and I have accepted His calling... I am The Lord’s servant, His prophet. And to this end am I called:

1) To trumpet the coming of Christ to every corner of the world, in all manner of speaking and devices (internet, etc).

2) To write God’s Word, which is part of the on-going Testament to His glory, even a final Testament and warning before the time, a last trumpet for this generation, so those who have not heard might hear; and so those who have heard might come into a greater understanding of His will, set forth in the Scriptures of Truth, the Bible; and so those, who have not and will not read the Bible, might be saved by His Word given to an average, modern man of this day, in the hope of them returning to the Bible, for the Letters from God and His Christ and the Bible are in perfect agreement and carry The Lord’s same life-giving Word and Spirit.

3) To give this Word to the churches, so they might receive correction and make themselves ready, a beautiful Bride dressed in white, ready for her Husband... A clean, loving, humbleBride who walks in Christ’s very footsteps, obeying His Word and the Moral Law (not the law found in ordinances, but the Law of Liberty, in number, Ten)... That She might become a shining example, a bright beacon of hope to those who stumble in the dark, that they might be gathered with her, and be, once again, grafted in.

4) To be a watchman, that I might sound the warning, the blowing of the Trumpet, to warn all those who abide on the earth that the redemption of God’s children from the world draws very near, and God’s judgement must immediately follow!...

For the Day of The Lord is upon us, and who shall stand?!...

Those who call on the name of The Lord, in all truth and supplication,
Humble and penitent, calling on Him by the only name
Under Heaven by which you must be saved...

Jesus Christ The Lord... YahuShua HaMashiach!

As I am God’s servant, so also have I become a servant to all those who diligently seek Him.

Remember: What The Lord has given me to write, stays written, and what The Lord has spoken, STANDS.

Yours in Christ’s service and love,

And at midnight a cry was heard:
'Behold, the Bridegroom is coming; go out to meet Him!'
~ Matthew 25:6
1) So you are not going to add to the Holy Bible, however, you are "the Lord's servant, and His prophet" and are called to write more of the Word of God for those with ears to hear? The problem is not that the flocks of God need "new Scripture" but rather that so many need a proper understanding of the Holy Scriptures that we already have. And if you do not understand the Holy Scriptures that we already have, (which is already evident in your opening post) then what makes you feel you have MORE of God's Word to deliver to others?

2) You speak of "a last trumpet for this generation" but are you aware that there are four generations to the man? For the Scripture, (that Word which we already have) cannot be broken. Likewise every man has a fig tree and a vine. :)


New Member
Mar 6, 2013
Alberta, Canada
Timothy's Dream About Jesus: The Letters Started with This Dream

Spring/04 Timothy’s Dream About Jesus

I was standing in the middle of a small street, in the downtown area of a town that looked European (I wasn’t sure where I was). It was getting dark. There was no one around but one other person standing near me, about fifteen feet away. This person didn’t speak, nor did I know who it was. I then noticed a large board standing up, with only a few bricks holding it up at its base. I knew behind it was a moving truck, but I couldn’t see it. Then it hit me...Jesus is in the back of that truck! I ran over calling, “Jesus, don’t leave!” When I reached the big wooden board, I noticed I had a brick in my hand with an arrow on it. I placed the brick at the base of the board. Then the truck pulled away. I was going to run after it, but there was a barricade in the street blocking me, so I yelled, “Jesus, come back!” The truck stopped and began backing up. I noticed the back of the moving van’s door was made of glass. Behind it sat Jesus in a nice chair. Several others were in the back of the truck, seemingly sitting higher than Jesus, (similar to stadium seating, but in the dark). I couldn’t see them very well. When the truck stopped, it was still about twenty yards away. The door opened and Jesus jumped out. He was dressed as a modern man and clean-shaven. He beckoned to me and said, “Come to Me, Timothy.” I went around the barricade and ran to Him. When I reached Him, I both fell down and fell at His feet to worship Him. He touched my head, then lifted me up, and said, “Join Me in the truck. I have much to tell you.” I sat on the floor of the back of the truck, and He sat back in the nice chair. I stared intently at Him and listened with all my might, but no matter how hard I tried, I could not hear Him, even though I saw His mouth moving. After He finished speaking, we got out. We were then standing in the street again. I ran over to Him, and put my arms around Him, and squeezed Him as hard as I could, never wanting to let go. He hugged me also, and while pushing me back gently, said, “Timothy, you must stay here for a little longer... I will return.” He got back into the truck, and it drove away.

After the dream, I woke up to give my son a bottle. During this short time, I prayed that The Lord might tell me my dream’s meaning. When I fell back to sleep, I had exactly the same dream again, but this time a voice said, “Listen, while I give you your dream’s interpretation.”

From an Angel of God, the Interpretation of Timothy’s Dream

The road, in which you stand, is a crossroads in your faith, and the man near to you represents The Holy Spirit of God. The board blocking the vehicle, holding Christ Jesus, is that you now know the truth but do not yet see or understand it, for your faith is weak and may fall for it is only held up by two bricks. You have the third brick; its arrow points the way, for the path is straight and narrow. Place it at the base of your faith, so it is strengthened. The hidden moving van leaving, then returning at your call, represents that Jesus is among you unseen, but now is gathering those who belong to Him. The door of glass is that you will come to see Him in your understanding, and that He will return and every eye shall see Him, but first He will fill His truck with all who are His and take them with Him. The people in the back of the truck are His angels. The barricade in the street represents those things and those people blocking your way to The Lord, which you must overcome to be close to The Lord, to do His will. You falling at His feet is your worship, and also your stumblings in your faith because of sin... Jesus will lift you up each and every time. Jesus inviting you into His truck means you are now His, and you will soon go with Him. The seat, in which He sits, is the Mercy Seat. Him speaking to you is two-fold, for He will be speaking to you unheard by others, and not yet understood by you, for you have not yet partook of His Word, which He has called you to devour day and night. Then will you hear and understand Him clearly. You both stepping from the truck is that your time has not yet come to go with Him. He will still be with you in spirit. Your strong, loving embrace is that you must hold steadfast to your faith in Christ, and never let go, for you now stand alone in the street again. The path before you, only you can choose to walk...

Look behind you, Timothy, The Spirit has not left you...

You are not alone.

Timothy's Calling

5/12/04 A Conversation Between God The Father and Timothy

[God The Father] Timothy, listen as I speak. The time draws near, when you must speak to those around you My word, the Word of God. You shall bring many to Christ. Many will also come against you, and stone you with the words of their mouths.

[Timothy] How do I speak what I don’t know?

[God The Father] On that day I will give you the words, for your mouth is not your own, but My mouth; and your mind, not your mind, but what I have given you.

[Timothy] What should I do?

[God The Father] Until then, you must devour My Word day and night, as a starving man devours bread.

[Timothy] When is this day?

[God The Father] This you can not know, until this day has come upon you.

[Timothy] I’m scared. I fear speaking in front of people.

[God The Father] Were you not scared before the races of your youth? Did you not prepare day and night, for many nights? Was not your race won and your fears unfounded? Was not your race worth your time and energy? Is not the task, I have set before you, many times more important, many times more rewarding? You have said yourself, you want everyone to have what you have.

[Timothy] What if people try to hurt me?

[God The Father] Do not fret for The Lord’s hands are upon you, and no harm can come to you, for I am The Power and The Glory.

[Timothy] Are there others like me?

[God The Father] Many have I called as I have called you, more than you can number, to do the same as I have asked of you. Do not share these words with others until the time appointed, but write them down and share them with your wife only. For she has been your strength in your time of need and she will aid you in making your path straight. For I have laid it before you, but you must take it... And I will provide The Way.

The Harvest, Judgments and Communion with the Spirit

6/04 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

O Timothy, listen as I speak. The time has now come for you to put away your fear, and trample out all things immoral in you, and become the man I want you to be. For the time draws hence, when I send[1] My Son, to pluck[2] from the earth all those both dead and still living, who belong to Me... The rest left to fall under My judgment. Many will perish, do not be sad... For in My judgments they will know I am God, and in this be saved, including everyone for which you and your wife pray daily.
The voice you hear is both Mine and My Son’s, through The Holy Spirit. The conversations you have throughout the day, of comfort, encouragement and wisdom, are that of My Son. The voice you hear, and only you, as did Moses and the prophets hear, and no one else, is My voice. I speak to you through The Holy Spirit. Without The Spirit, you would not be able to hear, lest your ears go deaf and your body break, for strong is your Lord God Almighty.
Your wife need not hear Me, for you must repeat all I give you, both in mind and that of your dreams. But rather, tell her to trust her insight, that innermost feeling of what is right, for it comes directly from Me and is given her by My Son... My Son is indeed in the earth, and with you and yours.

Do not worry about your son, he is of the most gentle heart... I will keep him from evil, as you have asked of Me.

Honor Your Mother and Display My Commandments

7/2/04 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Beloved, go to your mother with love, and honor her with your presence, and with your ear...Open not your mouth, for in silence shall you bless her. Go to her on this very Sabbath, and take her My message I have spoken through My servant, Timothy, your beloved.

Also, hang My Commandments in your dwelling place, so all who enter may see them. Also put them outside, so when one, being stranger or friend, may come and ask you why you have done this, you may answer, “For I love The Lord my God, with all my heart, and obey Him.” Then they will ask you, ‘Have you always obeyed Him and His Law?’ You will answer, “To my shame I have not, but I am redeemed through God’s Son, Jesus, and now find much joy in obeying them... As will you also, if you too take them to heart.”

The Christian Path

7/2/04 From God The Father - A Letter Given to Timothy, For Kathy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

O Kathy, My blessed child, many years have you honored Me. Do you not know I am with you always, even in your trials and tribulations?... Even these things have brought you closer to Me. Do not look on them with spite or malice, but remember them as the path which was laid before you, ending in your eternal life with Me.

Do not see your parent as a burden you must bear, but rather lay your burdens on Me. Remember My Commandment: Honor your father and mother, as you honor Me and My Son. Your parents have sacrificed much for you, as you will have to for them. Many in your life have sinned against you, and all have sinned against Me. Have I not forgiven them through My Son’s sacrifice? Kathy, I have heard your prayers and have seen the iniquity in your heart...

Remember My Son in your times of need,
For His love surrounds you like a warm cloak in winter...

You only need open your heart to Him.

Then you will live inside the joy and love and grace,
Which is yours to have, given by Me through My Son, Jesus...

For this is the true thing your heart searches for.

Think of Me not as The Most High, for this you know beyond doubt,
But rather your closest and truest Friend...

Never will I forsake you, nor can our bond ever be broken,
For My Son has sealed it with you now, before, and forevermore.

Therefore Kathy, My blessed child, come back to the joy, love and salvation, which is in Me through My Son, Jesus, and all will become clear to you... For I do not give you more than you can handle, but in small bits continually, until My plan for you is complete.

It is time to shed all your earthly cares, and trust in Me fully, with all your being, for I love you more than you can comprehend... Even before time was time did I love you. Do not fear for your lack of understanding, for in this present time and life I have made your mind finite. Soon you, indeed all, will behold My full glory in that Day The Lord comes to earth, with the full power and glory of His wrath, judgment, and Mercy Seat.