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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Lets look at a few verses that deal with growing in Grace as = how to effectively "work out your salvation">

1.)""" leaving the first principles"""

Reader....The bible is a progressive reveal.
Its God revealing Himself, and its God's showing you how He deals with mankind from beginning to the final revelation.
The Bible reveals this, progressively. Some have classified this as "seasons" or "dispensations", but, its really just the calendar of continuing time, whereby God is showing you what has happened, what is happening right now, and what is to come later, = as the revelation of His dealing with man.

And just like you find the beginning of it all , you then find the process of BIBLE revelation changing, and continuing to change.
For example, when Adam and Eve were here, you had no "law of Moses". And after Christ was Crucified, you had a transition from the OT old covenant to the NEW Testament, New Covenant. So, see that CHANGE? That is the progressive revelation that the Bible is showing you.
Currently you are in the "time of the Gentile", and this will end and the Great Tribulation will start and That is the Bible showing you what God is doing next, and next, and next.. That is progressive revelation. That is the Bible.

The believer is also to change. "from Glory to Glory". From spiritual baby to mature believer.
From babe in Christ, to "The Fullness of the Stature of Christ".....on this Earth.
We are to grow in Grace. We start as spiritual babes in Christ and are to mature to the "fullness of the stature of Christ.
We are to leave the beginning stages, that Paul defines as :

""""Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works""

Now, notice. 1.) "principles of the doctrine of Christ" and 2.) "repentance from dead works"?
This means we are to become grounded, centered, in God's Grace, Hebrews 13:9 ....and from this FAITH foundation, move on to more revelation and deeper Spirituality. But you have to start there, you have to get your FAITH right, or you can't ever move on. And if you have not started there, then you are still in the beginning immature stage of " "repenting from dead works'... This is sinning and confessing. This is the baby stage of Christianity, that is not "perfection", which is the mature spiritual stage of discipleship.

2.) """"Dead to the law""""

The Born again, are alive to God, "In Christ" and "dead to the law".
This means that the law, which IS a curse to us, has been resolved by Christ who has "redeemed us from the Curse of THE LAW".
So by being delivered from the "dominion of the law", we are now no longer judged or defined by the Law, which is the "curse".
We now exist here...."under Grace". This has become our spiritual dominion, as we are "dead to the law", or as Paul teachers... "reckon yourselves DEAD".... See, our old man, our adamic nature our sinful nature, has been "crucified with Christ" and we are risen with Christ in "newness of Life".
This "newness" is our "new Creation" "in Christ" born again spirit.... that is who we have become, by being BORN AGAIN.
We are now become "ONE WITH GOD< IN Christ".
This is now who we are...and never again are we to think of ourselves as a "sinner".
We are now become...."as Christ IS, so are the born again, IN THIS WORLD". This is why God tells you to "be in the world but not of it".... And this reveals how you are to always understand who you have become,= as the "new birth", a Child of the Light, BORN AGAIN.

3.) Harlot

IN Luke 7, you find the core principle of God's Grace which is defined by a Harlot's NEW behavior, who came to Jesus and poured out her utter thankfulness on the Savior, in public.
The principle here is...."to whom much is forgiven".
So, let me show you how this works....
There is a Satanic lie that has deceived many believers which exists as the idea that ..if you understand and believe (Blood Atonement)= that all your sin is always forgiven, then you will live like the devil.
Heretics teach this as "License to sin" so that you are deceived AWAY FROM the correct understanding of being "made righteous".
And that is the devil's lie. And He created this lie and perpetuates this lie using people to teach this lie from Pulpits, on TV, in Commentaries, and on Forums.
And if you believe it, you will never have the revelation of God's Grace that is your power, your rest, and your total deliverance that leads to your "perfection".
Satan wants to keep you away from this, so that you exist as working to try to achieve by self effort, what God only provides as the "GIFT of salvation". and "The Gift of Righteousness"
Satan will have you waste your life as a believer, trying to stay reconciled to God, instead of understanding that Christ's sacrifice, Christ's Blood and Death, has become your eternal reconciliation to God.

Now notice the former Harlot in Luke 7.
Jesus said she was forgiven much. And do you see her reaction? This is a former whore.... A devout sinner, judged to be so, by THE LAW and COMMANDMENTS. However, Jesus has not judged her. He has only accepted her and loved her and her reaction to God's GRACE, is to fall at God's feet and cry tears on his feet and dry them with her hair.
Now, see that REACTION to GOD's GRACE?
That is the same reaction found in the heart of a true believer who understands that Salvation is a GIFT that can never be lost and will never be taken away.
Saint : Eternal LIFE is not TEMPORARY <!
And, That is Her reaction to God's Grace, = and it is the pure reaction of every heart and mind and life, that you too will find, when you completely understand and come to believe that God always keeps you saved, no matter what.... based on the BLOOD OF GOD, (The Cross) only.

This is the wonder of the effect of Grace as it empowers you to live HOLY.
This is the fact that "the goodness of God, leads you to repentance". Its a fact reader, that when you renew your mind into the real faith that is only found when you leave your self effort to try to be accepted by God, and continually REST in the truth that is the power of God's Grace, that you then find your discipleship as this...= "Christ always gives me the Victory"., and "I can do all things Through Christ".
See, when you come to truly believe that God will always keep you saved with Christ's blood, then you are entering the TRUE revelation knowledge that will set you free from self righteousness that is the cause of "sinning and confessing" and discipleship failure.
The truth is, the more you believe that you have to work (law and commandments) and strive to please God, the more you will sin and confess and fail.. Whereas, the more you come to understand the depth's of God's COMPLETED forgiveness for you as The Cross of Christ, the more power you find as this : = '"Christ always gives me the Victory".

4.) The Effect of the knowledge of Grace : Deliverance & Holy Living

The end result that comes only from knowing and understanding and resting in God's Grace, is that you are arming yourself with the Power of Christ, which is God's Grace.
Christ said "apart from me, you can do nothing"... and that means, all your self effort to be a "good christian" will fail.
The reason? = Its because Real Christianity is not based on you trying to be good, but rather it is ONLY based on God's goodness existing as "Christ in you the hope of Glory"< as who you are become as "the righteousness of God, in Christ".

Here is the thing... A born again person, STARTS, as...>"Made Righteous".
See that?
The born again are not to try to become righteous, as we are already made by NEW BIRTH< to be Righteous.
We START as "the righteousness of God, in Christ".... As That is who we are made to be, as the "new Creation" from the very instant we are born again.
Most believers are trying to get there, by self effort, and that is to be Faith failed as : "apart from me you can do nothing"...Jesus tells us.
Try to stay saved or become righteous, is to "Fall From Grace".
So, the knowledge of Righteousness is..>> 1.) to come to understand who you are become "in Christ", by being Born Again, and live in this mind of real Faith.
This means you rest in the knowledge of the Truth that you are "made righteousness" already, and kept righteous by the BLOOD OF GOD for eternity.......as that REAL FAITH= is how you find your power, victory, and deliverance over the world, the flesh, and the devil.
Its all found by resting completely in God's Grace as your REAL FAITH.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Real Faith, is faith that Jesus is your Salvation, and your Righteousness, and that is not you trying to do it.

Give God that Faith, and let that Faith be your Real Faith, and God's Grace will become your rest and your power and your victory.

I agree. Isn't this what you mean?

Only without the infilling of the Holy Spirit is it US TRYING to be righteous from our mind and willpower from knowing and acting on the Ten Commandments. There is no TRY with the Holy Spirit; there is only ARE.

With the Holy Spirit what we do is being lead by the Holy Spirit. It has nothing to do with our willpower, only what now comes naturally from our new nature.

God is the Author and Finisher of our Faith.

When we let our own willpower come into play, it may be to follow our peers. Choose your friends wisely, and do not forsake the assembling of yourself together with like-minded people to fellowship and stay being lead by the Spirit.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Only without the infilling of the Holy Spirit is it US TRYING to be righteous

Paul said that if we dont have the Spirit of God in us, then we are not born again.
So, spirit filled or however you would define it.... most believers are trying to perform for God to go to heaven.
That is not how we go to heaven.
Heaven was Gained for Us by The Cross of Christ.
There is no other WAY there.

John 14:6


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Paul said that if we dont have the Spirit of God in us, then we are not born again.
So, spirit filled or however you would define it.... most believers are trying to perform for God to go to heaven.
That is not how we go to heaven.
Heaven was Gained for Us by The Cross of Christ.
There is no other WAY there.

John 14:6
I said: Only without the infilling of the Holy Spirit is it US TRYING to be righteous

That person is not born again. They aren't even a Christian. That was the Jews of the Old Testament. They were TRYING to be righteous by following the Ten Commandments. They were legalistic, not Christians. The Jews were of Romans 7:14-25. As far as 24, you have to know about Jesus before you can believe in Him.

How did you miss that? You really didn't reason carefully to what I said.

BTW, there are many "Christians" who DO NOT HAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THEM. They are not born again, and could be either legalistic and "trying," or believe doctrines of demons and are not even doing that much! Demons want you to willfully sin, and believe you are going to heaven.

By "US" I mean mankind
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Encounter Team
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Paul said that if we dont have the Spirit of God in us, then we are not born again.
Amen!!....we must be birthed in the Spirit/ born again/ Spirit gives birth to spirit.....without that ,we are still dead to sin, we have no life in us ,as in Holy Spirit...our human spirit needs to be regenerated and only God can do that act, through the power of the Holy Spirit...Amen!

My thoughts, opinion and belief.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Amen!!....we must be birthed in the Spirit/ born again/ Spirit gives birth to spirit.....without that ,we are still dead to sin, we have no life in us ,as in Holy Spirit...our human spirit needs to be regenerated and only God can do that act, through the power of the Holy Spirit...Amen!

My thoughts, opinion and belief.

We are born again, "raised in Righteousness". "Made righteous".

How can a born again Spirit, that is Joined for Eternity to God and Christ, be anything other then just like them? = RIGHTEOUS = HOLY ?

Water Baptism, symbolizes that we went under the water, as as sinner, as Christ went into the Grave with our sin on Him, and He came out of the Grave, without our sin, and we come out of the water without ours.
That is only symbolic.

What is TRUE, is that this really happens when God gives us "the Gift of Righteousness" and the New Birth as we become a "NEW Creation, IN Christ">. "made Righteous" now existing as "The righteousness of GOD, in Christ".
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I said: Only without the infilling of the Holy Spirit is it US TRYING to be righteous

Its not that i missed it, as i gave you a verse that says that if you don't have the Holy Spirit IN you, then you are not born again.

"Christ IS THAT Spirit"....the Holy Spirit, and "Christ in you, the Hope of Glory" is the Holy Spirit in the born again.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
I said: Only without the infilling of the Holy Spirit is it US TRYING to be righteous

That person is not born again. They aren't even a Christian. That was the Jews of the Old Testament. They were TRYING to be righteous by following the Ten Commandments. They were legalistic, not Christians. The Jews were of Romans 7:14-25. As far as 24, you have to know about Jesus before you can believe in Him.

How did you miss that? You really didn't reason carefully to what I said.

BTW, there are many "Christians" who DO NOT HAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THEM. They are not born again, and could be either legalistic and "trying," or believe doctrines of demons and are not even doing that much! Demons want you to willfully sin, and believe you are going to heaven.

By "US" I mean mankind
Then they would not be Christians/ Believers. Right ?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
Its not that i missed it, as i gave you a verse that says that if you don't have the Holy Spirit IN you, then you are not born again.

"Christ IS THAT Spirit"....the Holy Spirit, and "Christ in you, the Hope of Glory" is the Holy Spirit in the born again.
Maybe the two of you are talking past each other and saying the same thing differently. That can happen often with this medium of communication . It happens to me often with text messaging . Someone can take what I was meaning to say wrongly .
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Maybe the two of you are talking past each other and saying the same thing differently. That can happen often with this medium of communication . It happens to me often with text messaging . Someone can take what I was meaning to say wrongly .

She is using the term "infilling".

That is specific to a certain denomination that uses that term constantly.

Sometimes they mean to be born again initially, but often they are referring to a "baptism with or in the Spirit" that they teach, as a 2nd work of Grace, or a "subsequent infilling" that happens later, they teach.

I was not speaking about that one as they define it.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Its not that i missed it, as i gave you a verse that says that if you don't have the Holy Spirit IN you, then you are not born again.

"Christ IS THAT Spirit"....the Holy Spirit, and "Christ in you, the Hope of Glory" is the Holy Spirit in the born again.
What makes you think I don't agree with that assessment? I do. That is why I am so afraid of all these false doctrines in the Church that people believe they are saved when they don't even belong to Christ because they are not born again? Or do you believe that everyone who goes to church is born again? That is not so, otherwise there wouldn't be anyone willfully sinning in the Church, and we both, or at least I know that is not true. Matthew 7:21-23


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Then they would not be Christians/ Believers. Right ?
Right. That is what I said, "They aren't even a Christian." However, they can think they are because they want to sin, but not be condemned for it, so use Jesus as a one-way ticket to heaven. Their denomination teaches them only that Jesus frees us from condemnation, but erases the "condition" for that statement - walk in the Spirit. But they have to HAVE the Holy Spirit of Christ to walk in HIM. Called abiding.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
What makes you think I don't agree with that assessment? I do. That is why I am so afraid of all these false doctrines in the Church that people believe they are saved when they don't even belong to Christ because they are not born again? Or do you believe that everyone who goes to church is born again? That is not so, otherwise there wouldn't be anyone willfully sinning in the Church, and we both, or at least I know that is not true. Matthew 7:21-23

With so many going to Hell today and tomorrow and yesterday who were all "water baptized", ... you just know they believed they were born again.
And how could they not, when their "church" told them that "water washed their sin away".
Its terribly tragic to end up in Hell because the "church" you trusted, sent you there.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
With so many going to Hell today and tomorrow and yesterday who were all "water baptized", ... you just know they believed they were born again.
And how could they not, when their "church" told them that "water washed their sin away".
Its terribly tragic to end up in Hell because the "church" you trusted, sent you there.
I agree, and that is why I teach what I teach. I was water baptized three times BEFORE I was born again of the Spirit and my life changed. I was 30 years old. What a shock to realize for all those years of going to church thinking I was saved, God was only "drawing" me to Christ. I still hadn't truly repented to receive His Spirit. We MUST be born again of the Spirit.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I agree, and that is why I teach what I teach. I was water baptized three times BEFORE I was born again of the Spirit and my life changed. I was 30 years old. What a shock to realize for all those years of going to church thinking I was saved, God was only "drawing" me to Christ. I still hadn't truly repented to receive His Spirit. We MUST be born again of the Spirit.

I was water baptized 14 years after i was born again, and 5 yrs after i was called into the Ministry.

After i was finished, they were draining the "Pool" and someone said to me.....>"there go your sins".

I thought......>"Actually "there go my sins, 2000 yrs ago as"..>>"God hath made Jesus to be sin for us", and "Jesus is the one time Eternal sacrifice for sin"

I didnt say anything to the person...., as it was a courtesy shown to me to be WB in a church that wasn't the one i was working in, as that one didnt have a baptism pool in it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
She is using the term "infilling".

That is specific to a certain denomination that uses that term constantly.

Sometimes they mean to be born again initially, but often they are referring to a "baptism with or in the Spirit" that they teach, as a 2nd work of Grace, or a "subsequent infilling" that happens later, they teach.

I was not speaking about that one as they define it.
also @Christophany

Hi guys, haven't you seen the two different fillings of the Holy Spirit in scripture? It is only the second one we receive that is called the baptism of the Holy Spirit for ministry. Here, I'll show you. The first is to be born again of the Spirit and freed from sin (the circumcision without hands). And, Behold, I was never taught this in any denomination. I study my head off! I am NOT a denominationalist. I even teach Charismatics corrections in their teachings. So please don't assume you know me anymore. Just listen. I separate the words filled and variations of the word and baptized with the Holy Spirit because they are both used for the same events. So let not quibble over words. But there are definitely two. I use "infilling" only because the Spirit of Christ has to be on the INSIDE of us, not on the outside drawing us to Christ and repentance.

The Apostles

1. Filled: John 20: 22 And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. (born again of the Spirit of Christ, Romans 8:9) Mark 16:16-18

Wait for the baptism of the Holy Spirit for ministry:
Acts 1:4 And being assembled together with them, He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the Promise of the Father, “which,” He said, “you have heard from Me; 5 for John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” ... 8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

2. Acts 2
The apostles were baptized with the Holy Spirit, and Peter was bold and had received the gift of prophecy to preach this was the fulfillment of Joel's prophecy in Joel 2., 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

The 120 Disciples

1. Filled: Acts 2 Mark 16:16-18 spoke in tongues and freed from sin (born again of the Spirit). Christians who struggle with major sins of lawlessness like stealing, adultery or lying have never received the Spirit.

2. Baptized with the Holy Spirit: Acts 4:29-30
29 Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, 30 by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.” 31 And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
I was water baptized 14 years after i was born again, and 5 yrs after i was called into the Ministry.

After i was finished, they were draining the "Pool" and someone said to me.....>"there go your sins".

I thought......>"Actually "there go my sins, 2000 yrs ago as"..>>"God hath made Jesus to be sin for us", and "Jesus is the one time Eternal sacrifice for sin"

I didnt say anything to the person...., as it was a courtesy shown to me to be WB in a church that wasn't the one i was working in, as that one didnt have a baptism pool in it.

When I was born again I could hear God's voice then and from then on. It was He that told me a few months later to "Now, be baptized in water." That was the fourth time, but to God, the FIRST. That was 1977, and I was called to the office of teacher by God's voice in 2000.

And I agree, our sins were nailed on the cross, along with our circumcised sin nature. (God just taught me about the circumcision without hands last night! I never could figure that out on my own and really didn't think about it before.) What was circumcised off was the sin in our nature that was influenced by Satan. We have a clean nature now that can partake of the divine nature of God, and Satan can't touch 1 John 5:18. Isn't that cool? I get so jazzed when God gives me another piece of the puzzle of His holy doctrines.

I'm in the middle of writing my last two books, and now I have to go back and edit and insert this new revelation of what the circumcision without hands is all about. It is about our hearts, but the picture of what was actually cut off is better understood with the word "circumcision."


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Northeast USA
United States
The bible is a progressive reveal.
Its God revealing Himself, and its God's showing you how He deals with mankind from beginning to the final revelation.

I prefer how God describes his word much better:

“The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.” (Psalms 19:7-8)

“Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.” (Psalms 119:9)

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” (Psalms 119:105)

“…when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.” (Isaiah 26:9)

“Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” (Jeremiah 23:29)

“And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” (2 Timothy 3:15-17)

“…the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
This is the wonder of the effect of Grace as it empowers you to live HOLY.
This is the fact that "the goodness of God, leads you to repentance". Its a fact reader, that when you renew your mind into the real faith that is only found when you leave your self effort to try to be accepted by God, and continually REST in the truth that is the power of God's Grace, that you then find your discipleship as this...= "Christ always gives me the Victory"., and "I can do all things Through Christ".
See, when you come to truly believe that God will always keep you saved with Christ's blood, then you are entering the TRUE revelation knowledge that will set you free from self righteousness that is the cause of "sinning and confessing" and discipleship failure.
The truth is, the more you believe that you have to work (law and commandments) and strive to please God, the more you will sin and confess and fail.. Whereas, the more you come to understand the depth's of God's COMPLETED forgiveness for you as The Cross of Christ, the more power you find as this : = '"Christ always gives me the Victory".
YOu did a phenomenal job up to this parapgraph.

then you brought that old heresy that one must lead a sinlessly perfect life or he is a failed disciple.

It shows you know little of who Jesus is, mercy and grace. We are to live hily loves. We are tro flee sin and pursue righteousness, and we can do all this through Jesus!

But God also gave provision for all believers in 1 John 1:9.

Your previous statement on another threads that this is not for believers is you parroting a lie from the father of all lies.