Should a Christian smoke marijuana?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
If I have to use a substance, under the care of a physician, for a valid medical use, and it is not causing me problems, then there is no problem.
If, however, I'm using it to deal with unpleasant emotions, then I've stepped into the realm of addictive behavior.

People self-medicate for emotional issues in all sorts of ways.

Drugs which affect the brain, mood, things like that, do so by mimicking natural processes. Opioids work because they are chemically alike to endorphins.

But then, running produces endorphins. One person gets hooks on Oxy, another gets hooked on running.

Many conditions create chemical deficits in the body. People take anti-depressants to compensate for these chemical deficits in the brain. People take Metformin to compensate for chemical deficits in the endocrine system. Anti-depressants have an effect on the mind, diabetes drugs don't.

Are we OK with taking drugs to prevent the effects of diabetes, but not with taking drugs to prevent suicide? OK with drugs to normalize the metabolism, but not to normalize the mind?

Eating certain foods increases Serotonin levels in the brain. That's what "comfort eating" is. Is that sin? I have depression. I know all about "carb cravings". And sometimes I allow myself to eat more than would otherwise be good for me, because I recognize sometimes when I'm in a downward spiral, and I know this is something that can help me.

Which is better? To take an Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibtor? Zanax, Something like that? Eat an entire bag of potato chips? Live with the dread of impending doom, or the hopelessness of a wasted life, all that and more?

I mean, for some people, the choices are like this. Live in a ruined brain, or take a drug to alleviate some of the mental suffering. It's the same thing as having diabetes. Either live in a ruined body, or take a drug to alleviate some of the effects of the disease.

As a sufferer of major depression, and as one who loves to research, I've come to learn that some "negative emotions" end up getting hardwired into the brain. I don't like taking drugs myself. Sometimes it seems to be unavoidable.

I know that God can give us the ability to live transcendent to these things, as if said conditions never even existed. He did that for me to show me. Then He returned me, to learn to live by faith. It's not an easy walk. My brain works against me in horrible ways.

I wonder about those who haven't suffered, how they can really understand those who have.

This thread, it seems to come up 2 or 3 times a year, I think that there's a tendency to go with sound bites and stereotypes for a lot of people. It seems like saying, some people abuse this, therefore, no one should have it. But I think there is a lot more to this than that.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Lungs are not meant to inhale smoke. Gods herbs have a purpose. Cannabis can be used for debilitating pain in place of opiates. You can eat the oils from the plant. It is not an analgesic pain killer like opioids but it does help someone just deal with the pain by lifting mood and relaxing muscles.

Have you ever been in so much pain that you consider suicide? Some people have pain like that daily that’s unbelievable hard to deal with.

How does someone deal with pain like that? Some use the opioid pain pills the doctors prescribe. I know people that went that route and ended up being heroin addicts.

I think this is something this person needs to pray about. I would hate to make a brother stumble by saying it is ok. What is ok for one person may be a sin for another. If this person is in the kind of pain I’m thinking about I wouldn’t judge them for it. They may have a blessing from Jesus to use the herb. You never know. Jesus is kind and knew there would be unbelievable suffering in this world. I think he made this herb for cancer patients and people who have to deal with horrible pain.

I look at it like a powerful medicine not be be abused.

Peer reviewed studies have shown quite a number of medical uses for cannabis. II don't know about this abilities as an analgesic, but it is highly anti-inflammatory. It's been shown to reduce insulin resistance in diabetics. And it also replaces missing endocrine system transmitter molecules, treating metabolic disorder (overweight, hypertension, diabetic).

My understanding is that most diabetic medications (not including insulin) work by forcing the body to act in a way contrary to it's own chemical signalling. The signalling is wrong, so the liver makes too much glucose, and Metformin suppresses the liver function of making glucose. Lacking correct signalling, the pancreas doesn't make enough insulin. Metformin pushed the pancreas to produce more insulin.

Cannabis contains cannabinoids, some of which are so identical to the molecules used by the "Endo-Cannabinoid System", and actually replace the missing transmitters. So instead of forcing the body to act against its internal faulty signalling, it corrects the signalling. I forget the fellow, there's an Israeli scientist who has done tons of research. Fascinating stuff!

The "endo-cannabinoid system" was named for it's chemical similarity to cannabis. "Endo" means, naturally occurring in one's self. Last I heard, they have counted over 100 cannabinoids in cannabis. My understanding is that researchers think each of these will turn out to have use in the body. There is a long, and growing list of conditions successfully treated with cannabis, including addictions to other more dangerous drugs.

I'm still thinking in terms of, a plant that grows out of the ground, and is consumed with minimal processing, that replaces missing bits in the body enabling natural processes to resume, compared to, a synthetic molecule made in a lab, designed to force the body to do something it's not doing for itself, by tricking it in some way.

Definitely a choice each person needs to prayerfully make for themselves. To the pure, all things are pure, but to the defiled, nothing is pure.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
It was January, 2000.
After a lifetime of major depression, and being rejected by the church as lazy, and losing my music ministry, and being mentally abused, and suffering the anxiety of Zoloft, I was put on clonazepam. I blacked out (drug amnesia), and I relapsed.
For the first time in 6 years, I stuck a needle in my arm.
When the fog cleared enough, I realized what I'd done, and that my wife, whom I love dearly, along with my two precious children, were gone. A loud thought, which I mistook for my own, said, "She's gone and she's not coming back.
At that point, my emotions went flat. I thought, "God has given me so much, and I've wasted it. I'm done." I injected enough morphine to kill ten men ( I know my pharmaceuticals), along with dozens of clonazepam tablets.
I awoke the next day, felling like I'd been hit in the temple with a sledge hammer.
After 3 weeks of horrible withdrawal from a legitimate morphine dependency for chronic pain, a work-related seriously herniated disc, which I had surgery on, I went to a 5-day retreat at a ministry called, "Jacob's Well."
God met me powerfully and in 5 days, He matured me 5 years.
I got back with my family 4 months later, pushed myself to work, ended up with Epstein-Barr and Systemic Lupus, and due to another relapse, my marriage ended 4 years later.
After 16 years of mainly isolation, and doing Luke 9:23, Jesus, with me, resurrected in my heart last September.
His Shekinah appeared in my room and knocked me off of my feet. It took 24 hours for me to remember it.
It was the most powerful experience I've ever had. Ever since, Jesus has been beaming in me!
"I died, He lives, and dwells inside of me.
I am finally assured of eternity.
He never left my side, not even when I died.
He was with me in the dark, right by my side."
Faithful is His name! - Truman Coates


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
Marijuana causes paranoia.
Yes but there's a difference between sativa and indica.

What if a follower of Christ has chronic pain and knows they have a weakness for opioids?
Can, or should, a new believer, a recovering Fentanyl addict, use cannabis while they recover?
I maintain that the best drug is no drug, since they all have side effects.
Then there is addictive behavior.

I think marijuana should be allowed for medical use. I do not permit recreational use, but I remember my grandmother was a cancer survivor and the doctor did the "Now you didn't hear this from me but..." Thing regarding marijuana. (This was about 20 years ago. It was still controversial.

You also hear about parents secretly healing their children from various illnesses with a type of oil. CBD, I think.

Paul told Timothy to drink a little wine for his stomach. Marijuana was found in Egyptian tombs! It is a big mystery how they ended up with it.

God gave us medicine by his design and I will trust his design. It doesn't interest me myself- I don't need it, but it helps people significantly with multiple sclerosis and other illnesses.

And there are ways to benefit from it without getting stoned.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
The wilderness
United States
Peer reviewed studies have shown quite a number of medical uses for cannabis. II don't know about this abilities as an analgesic, but it is highly anti-inflammatory. It's been shown to reduce insulin resistance in diabetics. And it also replaces missing endocrine system transmitter molecules, treating metabolic disorder (overweight, hypertension, diabetic).

My understanding is that most diabetic medications (not including insulin) work by forcing the body to act in a way contrary to it's own chemical signalling. The signalling is wrong, so the liver makes too much glucose, and Metformin suppresses the liver function of making glucose. Lacking correct signalling, the pancreas doesn't make enough insulin. Metformin pushed the pancreas to produce more insulin.

Cannabis contains cannabinoids, some of which are so identical to the molecules used by the "Endo-Cannabinoid System", and actually replace the missing transmitters. So instead of forcing the body to act against its internal faulty signalling, it corrects the signalling. I forget the fellow, there's an Israeli scientist who has done tons of research. Fascinating stuff!

The "endo-cannabinoid system" was named for it's chemical similarity to cannabis. "Endo" means, naturally occurring in one's self. Last I heard, they have counted over 100 cannabinoids in cannabis. My understanding is that researchers think each of these will turn out to have use in the body. There is a long, and growing list of conditions successfully treated with cannabis, including addictions to other more dangerous drugs.

I'm still thinking in terms of, a plant that grows out of the ground, and is consumed with minimal processing, that replaces missing bits in the body enabling natural processes to resume, compared to, a synthetic molecule made in a lab, designed to force the body to do something it's not doing for itself, by tricking it in some way.

Definitely a choice each person needs to prayerfully make for themselves. To the pure, all things are pure, but to the defiled, nothing is pure.

Much love!

Yeah I am on the same page as you. It's a plant that can be used as medicine or abused as mind altering drug. I really think God has planted all sorts of natural medicines on the Earth. Probably for every ailment. I mean even poppies. We need heavy duty pain medicine for surgeries and such. But it can easily kill you and leave your body physically addicted to it(opioids). I think it's all a consequence of the curse. God thought of everything and provides. Jehovah Jireh


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Opioids should, in my opinion, be used as a last choice, but not only for terminal pain.
Chronic pain can also be terminal.
If an addict can recover and learn how to live and function, while on a maintenance dose of opioid, with or without eventual withdrawal, I believe the humane thing to do is provide it.
Too many people's children are dying from opioids.
The war on drugs has failed.
It's time that we, as the people of the God of the bible, admit it. Shalom. :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
Can Christians smoke weed? No, and yes smoking pot is indeed a sin. These new generation of professing Christians does not care for God’s Word. They will make so many different excuses and twist words to justify sin.
This world is cannabis crazy. Medical marijuana is a complete joke. Weed is a gateway drug that is making many people broke. Even though people try to deny it, weed is addicting and many people have to go to rehab for it.

1 Corinthians 10:31 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
You don't have to have the mind altering effects to benefit from its medicinal use. The plant is not a sin. It is a plant and God created it. Everything God made serves a purpose. Cockroaches serve a purpose! Rainforests would die without them.

As I said, there are different methods, but even smoking marijuana helps with different things. It helps cancer patients eat, for example. That's pretty important. I'm not going to take that away from anyone.

Watch a before and after video of a person with multiple sclerosis after using marijuana. Watch how their cognitive function changes and their speech suddenly becomes clear. Watch how children with mental illness can suddenly calm down instead of throwing themselves on the floor and throwing tantrums. Or the children with cancer being cured.

Why would anyone rather see them suffer?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Opioids should, in my opinion, be used as a last choice, but not only for terminal pain.
Chronic pain can also be terminal.
If an addict can recover and learn how to live and function, while on a maintenance dose of opioid, with or without eventual withdrawal, I believe the humane thing to do is provide it.
Too many people's children are dying from opioids.
The war on drugs has failed.
It's time that we, as the people of the God of the bible, admit it. Shalom. :)

Like I explained most anything that has the possibility of addiction should only be used in the hospital...put terminal illnesses are a different story.

First the war had to start


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
Say a prayer about your left eye! What about that nose?
Yes, thank you. :) I think it might be a side effect of my anemia because my peripheral neuropathy is back. Came on suddenly maybe optic neuropathy. I hope I don't go blind.

What's wrong with my nose? :) hmm?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Is Paul suggesting that everything is permissible? That you are allowed to do anything you desire to, however not everything is encouraging and edifying.

What are your thoughts on these scriptures here IS

Everything ~ Everything or only somethings?

1 Corinthians :23“Everything is permissible,”d but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible,” but not everything is edifying.

24No one should seek his own good, but the good of others.

25Eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience,

26for, “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof.”e

27If an unbeliever invites you to a meal and you want to go, eat anything set before you without raising questions of conscience.

28But if someone tells you, “This food was offered to idols,” then do not eat it, for the sake of the one who told you and for the sake of conscience—f

29the other one’s conscience, I mean, not your own. For why should my freedom be determined by someone else’s conscience?

30If I partake in the meal with thankfulness, why am I denounced because of that for which I give thanks?

31So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God. 32Do not become a stumbling block, whether to Jews or Greeks or the church of God—

33as I also try to please everyone in all I do. For I am not seeking my own good, but the good of many, that they may be saved.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Yes, thank you. :) I think it might be a side effect of my anemia because my peripheral neuropathy is back. Came on suddenly maybe optic neuropathy. I hope I don't go blind.

What's wrong with my nose? :) hmm?
Nothing wrong with your nose...I love your nose....plain noses are boring! Of course, don't pay any attention to me, I like Celine Dion's nose and Cher's nose. Noses with character!


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Like I explained most anything that has the possibility of addiction should only be used in the hospital...put terminal illnesses are a different story.

First the war had to start
What hospital did you do your residency at, doctor?