Tares Reveal Themselves by what they DON’T Say...And They Are With us Here .How to Identify Them...

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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
she nor In would spit on The Blood Of Jesus in That manner.
Whether or not you do use the blood of Christ to rationalize living in sin only you know. But if you are doing that, at least you recognize that doing that is indeed trampling on the blood of Christ that cleansed you and set you free to not live in sin. And that's the whole point. Your Free Grace teaching says you can trample on the blood of Christ that way. The Bible says you're going to the lake of fire if you do that.
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
Nope, I never said she believed in Greasy Grace, so now YOU tell ME, who “ jumped the gun” , Pal ?
You lack reading comprehension. If you follow the links back on the conversation, you'll see I was asking her if she felt condemned by God's commands or man's commands. I wanted to know more about the legalists in her life that she was ranting about. We were talking about legalists. You jumped the gun and thought it was going down the greasy grace trail. You were wrong. I wanted to talk about the defining characteristics of the legalist.
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
And what you “think” would be wrong.....who desires a “ License” to stick one’s hand in a fire.....for a Saved Child Of God ,it is the same thing...
You don't even realize that saying grace makes it so you can purposely live in sin, and can even go back to unbelief if you want to, and you remain saved is the very definition of making grace a license to sin.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
And what you “think” would be wrong.....who desires a “ License” to stick one’s hand in a fire.....for a Saved Child Of God ,it is the same thing...

If some Idiot out there “ thinks” they have License to sin, I agree with Charles Stanley....” GO AHEAD! Give it a whirl ! Then see what happens.....Fool.”

God ain’t gonna be Mocked. Count on it.

If you are going to run a fantasy religion, why hinder yourself with the Bible?
It is always going to be there to prove you absolutely wrong. The more verses people give you the more you have to deny.
For that matter, why hinder yourself with Christianity?
You should find yourself a religion that you do not have to deny half of it.
As it is you have to have some really klondike fantasies running around in your head.
Are you going to tell us how much Christ and the Apostles sinned all over the place and Grace swooped in and saved them.
Apostles working day and night to spread the Gospel of sin and sin some more!
How about verses where Paul tells everyone to party hardy...Christ got-cha covered!
We are headed to heaven to kick all those good people out!
Write your own Bible and get all this in there.
Remove all the concern for morality....remove all references to sin stopping you from going to heaven....remove all the references to punishment for sin. Of course any reference to hell has to go! Lighter...easier to carry.
You could illustrate it, smiles on everyone's faces, sinning day and night, demons with their arms around them as they march into heaven to kick God and good people out.
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
If you are going to run a fantasy religion, why hinder yourself with the Bible?
It is always going to be there to prove you absolutely wrong. The more verses people give you the more you have to deny.
For that matter, why hinder yourself with Christianity?
You should find yourself a religion that you do not have to deny half of it.
As it is you have to have some really klondike fantasies running around in your head.
Are you going to tell us how much Christ and the Apostles sinned all over the place and Grace swooped in and saved them.
Apostles working day and night to spread the Gospel of sin and sin some more!
How about verses where Paul tells everyone to party hardy...Christ got-cha covered!
We are headed to heaven to kick all those good people out!
Write your own Bible and get all this in there.
Remove all the concern for morality....remove all references to sin stopping you from going to heaven....remove all the references to punishment for sin. Of course any reference to hell has to go! Lighter...easier to carry.
You could illustrate it, smiles on everyone's faces, sinning day and night, demons with their arms around them as they march into heaven to kick God and good people out.

Something tells me we won’t be going on any Fishing Trips together this summer.....

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Yep. And if they think that's not making grace a license to sin, I wonder what they think is.

The only thing that has Saved anybody that was ever Saved, and you guys don’t understand it—-Grace.
The reason you don’t understand it is because you have never received it.....that is not good.....could mean trouble on Judgement Day....

You don’t receive it and I bask in it .....I can’t go to Hell for any reason because of it....knowing all of my sins are forgiven makes me sin less.....not more....ain’t Christianity crazy? You ll never get it....

As I have said.....some parts of Christianity just have to be Lived to be Understood .....and you guys ain’t Livin’ it......there is an “ Abundant Life” out there to be had that does not involve Sinning or even the Desire to Sin.....you people that are “ ate - up” with your constant harping about Sin,completely miss it.....what a shame ....

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
The only thing that has Saved anybody that was ever Saved, and you guys don’t understand it—-Grace.
The reason you don’t understand it is because you have never received it.....that is not good.....could mean trouble on Judgement Day....

You don’t receive it and I bask in it .....I can’t go to Hell for any reason because of it....knowing all of my sins are forgiven makes me sin less.....not more....ain’t Christianity crazy? You ll never get it....

As I have said.....some parts of Christianity just have to be Lived to be Understood .....and you guys ain’t Livin’ it......there is an “ Abundant Life” out there to be had that does not involve Sinning or even the Desire to Sin.....you people that are “ ate - up” with your constant harping about Sin,completely miss it.....what a shame ....
Living in sin doesn't mean you have failed to earn salvation. It means you aren't born again. That's what you need to tell people because that's what the Bible says. The teaching you have embraced deceives people living in sin to think they are born again.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
We know John is not talking about sinless perfection from this......

My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you will not sin. But if anyone does sin... 1 John 2:1

So we know he wasn't talking about sinless perfection when he then said this......

Anyone born of God refuses to practice sin, because God’s seed abides in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God. 1 John 3:9

He's talking about the lifestyle of sin, like an unbeliever has (which Paul also affirms in his writings). A born again person does not live in his old life of sin. If he is, he is not the born again person he thinks he is. But you claim he is born again, no matter how he acts. But John's teaching ruins your teaching. A person who is (supposedly) born again can not live in sin and be the saved person he's always been. He's showing that he's not born again at all. John said that, not me. Your argument fails the test of scripture. You don't know this because you let people tell you what the Bible says instead of reading it for yourself. And you call that being Biblically knowledgeable.
Shall we continue in sin , GOD forbid says paul
dont you know that to whom ye yeild yourselves Servants to OBEY his servants you are ,
whether of sin unto death or of obediance unto righteousness . Paul does quite a well job himself of explainingthis .
Its why when he wrote , you never saw him trying to down play sin . Instead he said LET it not once be named .
Or let all who name the name of JESUS depart from inquity .
GOD will not be mocked . For if you sow to the flesh you shall of the flesh reap CORRUPTOIN
but if you sow to the SPIRIT , of the SPIRIT LIFE EVERLASTING .
Its why instead of the attitude most have today towards sin , which says anytime one would correct ,
OH dont judge we all sinners . YET PAUL said dont even eat with such a one . One who is living in sin .
IF one calls themselves a brother or sister , Dont even eat with them . We are to correct it fast .
But as you see most today dont have this attitude . They even accuse you
if you try and say one who pratices homosexuality is walking in darkness . They say instead , HEY WE ALL SIN , LETS JUST GET ALONG
and not judge . THIS is why my friend . THEY have bought the party line and it has ruined many and thus leaven has filled places full .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Living in sin doesn't mean you have failed to earn salvation. It means you aren't born again. That's what you need to tell people because that's what the Bible says. The teaching you have embraced deceives people living in sin to think they are born again.
I lived that life once my friend . I used to sin , was walking in darkness , yet could still lip the name of JESUS .
But john made something real clear . IF we say WE KNOW HIM yet walk in darkness , in sin , WE LIE and DO NOT THE TRUTH .
THUS i was a liar . OH but praise GOD His grace truly drew me to life saving faith in CHRIST and HE gave me
a whole new direction , a whole new heart . ONe that hated even the very sin of my flesh .
Its a die daily battle my friend . Praise GOD , when HE changes a heart , ITS CLEARLY SEEN .
The new man would never justify any sin . It loves and embraces TRUTH and clings to EVERY WORD of JESUS , the apostels , the sound biblial doctrine as TRUTH . This gen was destroyed by the last generation who snuck all sorts of things into churches .
It leavened them full , DUE TO most wont correct anyone in their church and thus leaven grows and grew viral .
SO viral that now more and more and now calling evil those who would even dare to correct
Its getting bad and shall only get worse . The true lambs will just have to exhort one another daily
and continue to rebuke any error when or if it is spotted in another . For as the SPIRIT bode paul and the other apostles
to correct sin fast and to remind with JESUS sayings , WELL it would us too .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
And what you “think” would be wrong.....who desires a “ License” to stick one’s hand in a fire.....for a Saved Child Of God ,it is the same thing...

If some Idiot out there “ thinks” they have License to sin, I agree with Charles Stanley....” GO AHEAD! Give it a whirl ! Then see what happens.....Fool.”

God ain’t gonna be Mocked. Count on it.
Rest assured if one thinks they have license to sin , i dare to say DO THEY EVEN HAVE THE SPIRIT .
WHY . Cause when i was born again , That desire never even hit my skull . Instead the total opposite happened ,
my desires, by grace , became to know GOD , to love truth , to flee evil .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
We truly have all we need in CHRIST . But if a man wont use His teachings and the teachings and reminders of the apostles
prepare to reap what one sows . If we say we trust in Christ , then why do we omit some of his teachings
just cause those teachings would remind us BE FAITHFUL UNTO death . OR sayings of HIS which made it clear
But he who endures to the END the same shall be saved . WHY omit those reminders , IF WE TRUST JESUS .
Let us hold , by the SPIRIT , our profession of HIM firm to the end and be learning , hearing and DOING all things HE taught
and later the apostels would .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
What might we do to work the works of GOD . BELIEVE IN JESUS WHOM GOD DID SEND .
Omit none of his teachings . ITS all about having faith in Christ . Who do we trust . Whose are we .
Specially today many deceivers have abounded . We must return to the one true gospel with all reminders of Christ .
That if one believes GOD rose JESUS from the dead and confess HIM by the mouth they will be saved .
And that folks must continue firm to the end in FAITH IN HE ALONE . Learning well all things HE did teach .
BEING hearers and DOERS of the word, or we are simply decieving ourselves . Just learn what Christ
and later by the SPIRIT those apostles would teach . And learn well the message to the seven churches .
Taking heed unto all warnings and reminders JESUS not only gave from earth , BUT to the churches from heaven .
Every warning works to our good if we heed it . Just as every Word of GOD works good to those who hearken and do .
We must learn well our bibles and keep by the Holy Ghost those reminders on our hearts . By the Spirit
be exhorting daily one another , lest any does become hardened through the decietfulness of sin
lest any root of bitterness springing up defiles you and thereby many be defiled .
FOR we are made partakers of Christ if we hold our confidence we had IN HIM firm to the END .
They warned , WE warn .


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
Heaven bound
United Kingdom
What might we do to work the works of GOD . BELIEVE IN JESUS WHOM GOD DID SEND .
Omit none of his teachings . ITS all about having faith in Christ . Who do we trust . Whose are we .
Specially today many deceivers have abounded . We must return to the one true gospel with all reminders of Christ .
That if one believes GOD rose JESUS from the dead and confess HIM by the mouth they will be saved .
And that folks must continue firm to the end in FAITH IN HE ALONE . Learning well all things HE did teach .
BEING hearers and DOERS of the word, or we are simply decieving ourselves . Just learn what Christ
and later by the SPIRIT those apostles would teach . And learn well the message to the seven churches .
Taking heed unto all warnings and reminders JESUS not only gave from earth , BUT to the churches from heaven .
Every warning works to our good if we heed it . Just as every Word of GOD works good to those who hearken and do .
We must learn well our bibles and keep by the Holy Ghost those reminders on our hearts . By the Spirit
be exhorting daily one another , lest any does become hardened through the decietfulness of sin
lest any root of bitterness springing up defiles you and thereby many be defiled .
FOR we are made partakers of Christ if we hold our confidence we had IN HIM firm to the END .
They warned , WE warn .
Oh the Lord be praised.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Oh the Lord be praised.
Its a fight now sister to contend for the glorious truth faith which was once delivered to the first ones .
AND THEY LEFT US the pattern IN THOSE BIBLES . I will never apologize , nor will my sister , for pointing
folks back to the kjv bible . That is the JESUS by grace i know , THOSE are the apostels by grace i know .
Folks are not gonna make it sister . My soul is heavily weighed down for even those who hate me .
For my desire is life for the people . AND as you know and some others already know , and that by grace , WE cannot follow
just any jesus , IT MUST be THE JESUS . AND HE can BE FOUND in the pages of that bible .
Anything that contradicts that JESUS , comes not from GOD , comes not from HIS SPIRIT , it comes from
one who is of darkness and yet portrays himself as light . Many are not gonna make it .
At times i feel so sad and heavy hearted for the people , even for those who hate me most , that
i had rather just go and be present with GOD than to watch what is gonna befall this world .
BUT , Its all about HIS WILL SISTER . IF HE Keeps me in this world then amen , IF HE takes me home THEN AMEN i am in a far better place .
EITHER WAY , I PRAY HIS WILL BE DONE . Folks aint gonna make it sister . That to me is the hardest thing to watch .
No matter how hated i am , my prayer is LORD forgive them and lead them to the TRUTH of that BIBLICAL JESUS .
I know from whence i came and i was one of the worst creatures this world has seen . OH BUT PRAISE JESUS
PRAISE GOD for the mercy of HIS GRACE given to me which changed my heart and put me right in that bible so as i could learn and grow .
This world , most all of christendom too , IS NEVER GONNA EVEN KNOW the day of CHRIST WAS NEAR .
AND THEN IT SHALL STRIKE and many will fall under the wrath of GOD . Many will beat , beg , holler and plead
open that door , spare us from this , and will be told , I NEVER KNEW YOU . HE AINT GONNA OPEN that DOOR a SECOND TIME
ONCE Its closed , ITS CLOSED .

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Living in sin doesn't mean you have failed to earn salvation. It means you aren't born again. That's what you need to tell people because that's what the Bible says. The teaching you have embraced deceives people living in sin to think they are born again.

Everybody, the Saved and the Unsaved alike , are “ living in Sin” every hour of every day by one degree or another ....the important thing is to get your Sins “ covered” before you die.....how does one get “that” accomplished ? If you responded by saying, “ we must do the Will Of The Father “—— go to the head of the class !

Before I forget to mention it ..... that “ will Of The Father thing?” .......that would be to “ Believe on the One that He sent.”

It’s really simple, kids.....you wanna get Saved? ASK . “ Anybody that ASKS to be Saved WILL be Saved”...... We do the Askin’— HE does the Savin’........

Crudely put—— The monkey is on His back.Just the way He wants it. That way His Son gets ALL of the Glory and you get NONE .....again, Just the Way He Wants it....

I am ready to give Him ALL the Glory.....how about you ?

Ya think for a second that those guys that want a piece of that “ Glory” for themselves might just be the ones that Jesus tells—- “ Depart from Me...I NEVER KNEW you ?”

I think that I might be on to something with that.....what do you guys and gals think about that ? ( it might even be considered “ Thread Worthy” .....we will see after I contemplate this idea on my Harley Ride coming up after my round of Golf....Retirement Life sure is a Bummer.....lol! ) God Bless ....
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