Tares Reveal Themselves by what they DON’T Say...And They Are With us Here .How to Identify Them...

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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
I have a reputation as somebody that is full of joy....always smiling.....full of kindness, sensitivity and compassion and a guy that Forgives instantly and fully...
But then you turn scowly faced and judgmental when you perceive someone to be a legalist. You're really no different than the kindly old legalist in the church who turns scowly faced when you offend his legalist standards.

Look, I think me and you would get along really great (especially if you play acoustic guitar!). I think you love life, in a good way, and we could have a lot of fun cutting up and just having fun. But I definitely see the mean old man come out of you where your very own doctrine says he should not. Hey, I'm all for being stern in the face of stubborn, false, misguided teachings but only Jesus has the authority to turn the tables over in the temple. Let's start giving those we presume to be legalists the benefit of the doubt and win them over with the love of God. I mean, isn't that what we're trying to attract them to, the love of God?
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
I believe this too. I haven't been a member of a church for several years for this reason. I hope and pray that the ministry I visit today is different.
I hope so, too, sister. I haven't been in a church for a few years now, and out of church for a few years before my last church. Lately, I've been wanting to go back to a regular fellowship. Yesterday I was looking up an address on Google maps and saw a church listed that I'd never heard of before. So I looked at their website. I wasn't particularly drawn in (church websites are so boilerplate). I suspected it might be a modern groovy church with an emphasis on the love of money and a pastor who makes sure it's worth his while to be in that line of work ($$), but who knows. Then later I drove past it to just get a feel for it. Out front was this decked out 4 X 4 pickup truck with more chrome than a 1950's washing machine and tires and rims that probably cost more than all my cars put together. I'll be honest, I'm not going to visit. Maybe I should not be so quick to judge and give it a chance but I've been disappointed so many times before. And it's not that a person can't have a nice truck, it's just that it doesn't look good when a pastor lives that way (that time of day it was probably the pastor's). I don't think I'm being unfair when I say that, given the history of the church in the last 30 years, that's not a good sign.


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Encounter Team
Jan 27, 2021
North Carolina
United States
I hope so, too, sister. I haven't been in a church for a few years now, and out of church for a few years before my last church. Lately, I've been wanting to go back to a regular fellowship. Yesterday I was looking up an address on Google maps and saw a church listed that I'd never heard of before. So I looked at their website. I wasn't particularly drawn in (church websites are so boilerplate). I suspected it might be a modern groovy church with an emphasis on the love of money and a pastor who makes sure it's worth his while to be in that line of work ($$), but who knows. Then later I drove past it just get a feel for it. Out front was this decked out 4 X 4 pickup truck with more chrome than a 1950's washing machine and tires and rims that probably cost more than all my cars put together. I'll be honest, I'm not going to visit. Maybe I should not be so quick to judge and give it a chance but I've been disappointed so many times before. And it's not that a person can't have a nice truck, it's just that it doesn't look good when a pastor lives that way. I don't think I'm being unfair when I say that, given the history of the church in the last 30 years, that's not a good sign.

I don't blame you. Im sorry you've been disappointed so many times. The church Im going to is new and small. I discovered it on Facebook. The pastor does street evangelism and when I heard his message on revival, I felt compelled to go check out his ministry.

That being said, there's a lot of churches in my area that Ive looked at and I simply don't feel compelled to visit. There's a lot of racially segregated churches, and churches that are seeker friendly, and churches that are very married to false denominational practices.
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
I will go so far as to say that my sin against you was not unintentional. I did it to win the argument.

So, I guess that according to my own theology, I am forever lost; because there remains no more sacrifice for sins for me but only a fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation that will devour the adversaries.
No, stop being so hard on yourself. The intentional sin of Hebrews 10:26 is of the person who has made a conscious decision to not believe in Christ and goes back to his life of sin. It is not about the person who trusts in Christ but who sins intentionally out of pride, lust, stupidity, etc.
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
So then, even if I am condemned, I will continue to work to try to make sure that others will not be condemned in a similar manner. I will continue to preach the gospel as I know it to those who are in need; and if I perish in hell, at least I know that I delivered people from the same fate and I believe that may give me comfort in hell; even as the rich man would have been comforted if his five brothers would hear the true gospel and not have to go there too, where he was , suffering in the flames.

I do believe that my subjection to the mental health system qualifies me as being of the church of Smyrna in Revelation chapter 2; because there have been not a few occasions where I have been cast into a locked down situation for a total of ten days, in which I was re-conditioned to take my medicine and was faithful unto, even spiritual death. Therefore the Lord will give me a crown of life and if I perish in hell, at the very least I will not be hurt of the second death (Revelation 2:10-11, Ecclesiastes 8:5).
I've been purposely staying out of it, but you sound like you have Asperger Syndrome. A high functioning form of Autism. Instead of making a case study out of you and subjecting you to potential embarrassment, I've purposely declined telling these people who abuse you in this forum to understand the nature of your mental struggles which you have been subjected to and to extend a little patience, and understanding towards you. Let's face it, Christians are just mean! Most of us have yet to 'know' God. We're born again, saved, and have the Spirit, but we aren't educated and experienced in the knowledge of God's love. We don't know him that way. Our behavior shows that. We're still very much like the world in regard to how we love. We love only those things and people that are beautiful and talented and bless us and are beneficial to us. And it kills me every time I see a Christian not extending God's unconditional, understanding love towards people who have legitimate medical and mental conditions that disqualify them from being at the top of our selfish, worldly 'you bless me' lists. I'm on your side, friend. Don't be discouraged.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
That being said, there's a lot of churches in my area that Ive looked at and I simply don't feel compelled to visit. There's a lot of racially segregated churches, and churches that are seeker friendly, and churches that are very married to false denominational practices.
I looked at your bio and saw you're from Kure Beach (NC?). I'd stay away from any church with 'Pleasure Island' in it's name, lol.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I heard the Gospel......I believed the Gospel.....I Rested in that Gospel..... God put His Spirit in me.....Because Of these things , I no longer “ live like the Devil”..... in some ways, I do like Jesus did....the Bible says that he “ went about doing Good”...... that is what I do all day......I love my brothers , showing them kindness and helping them to “ bear their burdens” ——
The two reasons why God put us on this planet......
I follow the commands of Jesus—- “Believe and Love” and His Commandments are not “Burdensome”..... they are a pleasurable ......
I have found , by grace , the more i also read those scriptures the more edified i become .
The simplicity found in the glorious gospel , simply trusting in all that JESUS did for our salvation .
I have found that every warning to every promise simply edifies my soul and brings me into remembrance of the things they taught .
This , by the Spirit , keeps me alert and stirred up .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Really...they were told to watch themselves so that they don't get dragged down by the sinner that they are restoring. That sinner is not born of God...in turning him from the error of his way they will be saving a soul from spiritual death and hiding a multitude of sins.

And of course, if we cease to abide, there is a question there as to whether we are still in the faith.

That is part of how you appropriate the blood.

But of course it is the blood of Jesus that cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1:7).

Walking in the Spirit means bearing the fruit spoken of in Galatians 5:22-23; against such there is no law.

And also, if we walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit, the righteousness of the law will be fulfilled in us (Romans 8:4).

They said "Lord, Lord" to Him in life...but you are right about one thing...they were never born again.

Indeed; for the fruit of the Spirit is, among other things, goodness (Galatians 5:22-23)

There was another called "deceiver"...

Mat 27:63, Saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, After three days I will rise again.

What was the truth about Him?

Isa 53:9, And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.

What did Paul say about this particular problem?

Rom 15:3, For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me.

2Co 6:8, By honour and dishonour, by evil report and good report: as deceivers, and yet true;

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
By the Spirit , by the grace of GOD i have found simple peace in the continual reading of the bible .
The truth is that God desires not one to perish . And thus As did Christ and the apostels
they always stirred up the lambs by warnings and promises .
I have found peace in knowing that it is wise to behold both the goodness and severity of God .
All the pure reminders of truth in that bible , that they wrote and that Christ himself did speak , is for our good .
Take note of even the message to the seven churches . God having great mercy always warns when one is in error .
For as HE desires the death of none He reminds us to be doing good and to flee error .
I have truly found , and that by grace , that every reminder from warning to promise is for the good of those
who do believe , hearken and do this . Always being diligent in the things of God .
For GOD is not a man that he can lie . Nor does He warn in vain . if those in error repent HE will do as HE says
and forgive and restore . But if folks wont heed the reminder to cease that evil , HE TOO will do as He has said He will do .
I have found peace in simply trusting in God , in the truth in that bible . For GOD truly desires only good unto our souls .
But we must remember , and the early church sure kept them in rembrance of this , that we must continue in the goodness of GOD
in Christ and be faithful unto death .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
But i am telling you , IT WAS GOD who led me to saving faith and a whole change , a whole new desire in my heart .
I did not do this . My flesh was contrary . YET HE reached into my inner conscious and put THAT DESIRE TO DO SO INTO MY HEART .
We are saved soley by grace . Now i do warn folks that if we DONT continue IN CHRIST , you bet we in dire trouble .
AND the one thing that can harden a heart , IS SIN . THUS if one does err , REPENT and FLEE the evil
lest it take your heart away FROM GOD , FROM CHRIST . I Find even this is the working o the SPIRIT
I mean , ITS The SPIRIT that even unctions me to flee the evil and to do the good .
IF GOD were to take HIS SPIRIT from me , would you like to know where i would be . DOING exactly
what it was i did before i was first drawn to CHRIST . EVIL EVIL EVIL .
I have no doubt at all , THAT IT IS SOLEY the GOODNESS OF GOD that works in me and keeps me safe .
BUT i also have no doubt at all , that if i do entertain sin , IT SURE can harden my heart and cause my fall . THAT TOO
comes by warning of the SPIRIT . I just cant take credit for anything GOOD . I just point to GOD to CHRIST .
And remind others to do the same , and yet even that is by the SPIRIT . I FIND that the only righteousness
the only goodness i truly do have , IS and COMES FROM GOD . ON that note , its time to praise the LORD .
MANY folks fall away , and JESUS says why , some lust comes in and chokes the word , or some fear .
THUS my advice for us all , LEARN THAT BIBLCAL JESUS WELL . and even that reminder comes by the SPIRIT .
I guess in truth the only thing i can say is , JESUS CHRIST CAME INTO THE WORLD TO SAVE SINNERS
of whom i was the worst and the only goodness i have even NOW , COMES FROM HIM . JUST cant give myself any credit .
WELL , wait i can . I give myself this credit , I EARNED HELL FIRE THE SECOND DEATH .
why i PRAISE GOD SO MUCH . CAUSE I know what he forgave me of , and the only reason , FOR WHAT JESUS DID .
AND even then HE STill sends grace and drew me to Christ . TIME TO PRAISE THE LORD is about all i can say .
BUT YES , i promise folks can fall away . WE BETTER HEED the SPIRIT and not the flesh .
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
Heaven bound
United Kingdom
But i am telling you , IT WAS GOD who led me to saving faith and a whole change , a whole new desire in my heart .
I did not do this . My flesh was contrary . YET HE reached into my inner conscious and put THAT DESIRE TO DO SO INTO MY HEART .
We are saved soley by grace . Now i do warn folks that if we DONT continue IN CHRIST , you bet we in dire trouble .
AND the one thing that can harden a heart , IS SIN . THUS if one does err , REPENT and FLEE the evil
lest it take your heart away FROM GOD , FROM CHRIST . I Find even this is the working o the SPIRIT
I mean , ITS The SPIRIT that even unctions me to flee the evil and to do the good .
IF GOD were to take HIS SPIRIT from me , would you like to know where i would be . DOING exactly
what it was i did before i was first drawn to CHRIST . EVIL EVIL EVIL .
I have no doubt at all , THAT IT IS SOLEY the GOODNESS OF GOD that works in me and keeps me safe .
BUT i also have no doubt at all , that if i do entertain sin , IT SURE can harden my heart and cause my fall . THAT TOO
comes by warning of the SPIRIT . I just cant take credit for anything GOOD . I just point to GOD to CHRIST .
And remind others to do the same , and yet even that is by the SPIRIT . I FIND that the only righteousness
the only goodness i truly do have , IS and COMES FROM GOD . ON that note , its time to praise the LORD .
MANY folks fall away , and JESUS says why , some lust comes in and chokes the word , or some fear .
THUS my advice for us all , LEARN THAT BIBLCAL JESUS WELL . and even that reminder comes by the SPIRIT .
I guess in truth the only thing i can say is , JESUS CHRIST CAME INTO THE WORLD TO SAVE SINNERS
of whom i was the worst and the only goodness i have even NOW , COMES FROM HIM . JUST cant give myself any credit .
WELL , wait i can . I give myself this credit , I EARNED HELL FIRE THE SECOND DEATH .
why i PRAISE GOD SO MUCH . CAUSE I know what he forgave me of , and the only reason , FOR WHAT JESUS DID .
AND even then HE STill sends grace and drew me to Christ . TIME TO PRAISE THE LORD is about all i can say .
BUT YES , i promise folks can fall away . WE BETTER HEED the SPIRIT and not the flesh .
We need to learn those bibles well. Let us continually keep our eyes glued on Jesus and our noses in bibles.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
Heaven bound
United Kingdom
And as you well know i never said JESUS didnt pay the price of my sins . All i say is we had better continue in HIM to the end .
Just like the author of hebrews does . I just teach we must be hearers and doers of the word or we are deceiving ourselves .
And yes , i say just as the author of hebrews , Exhort one another daily lest ye become hardened through the deceitfulness
of sin . For we are made partakers of Christ IF we hold the beginning of our confidence In CHRIST firm to the end .JUST Like
they all did . Sounds to me like someone on this thread is not only falsely accusing me of things i never said
but also of being an anti Christ . yet i have condemned none . I just teach JESUS sayings . HE too said on earth
and from heaven that he who endures unto the end the same shall be saved . So since when did repeating Christ
paul , even peter words become so wrong to do they count you as an anti christ .
I pray for all those who even count me as an enemy . My desire is only that folks learn the biblical Christ
love all His sayings , love all the things even the apostles did write .
But often i have found that by reminding with those sound reminders , makes one to become an enemy .
Its like paul even wrote once , have i become your enemy because i speak the truth . Folks we seriously
need to return to bibles and truly learn that Christ and all those reminders the apostles gave as well .
And do not twist scriptures that expose what we think is right . JUST read them and learn them .
ALL reminders are for our good . From every warning to every promise .
Oh let us keep praising the wonderful and glorious biblical Lord Jesus Christ. The scriptures need to be read and learnt well friends.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Oh let us keep praising the wonderful and glorious biblical Lord Jesus Christ. The scriptures need to be read and learnt well friends.
Yes indeed my dear sister . And the beauty of it is , God himself puts the love for truth upon our hearts .
So lambs would love truth , they would love those bibles , feasting on every word our Lord did teach and say and later the apostels would write as well . Time for another praise fest unto the glorious and magnificent Lord .
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I've been purposely staying out of it, but you sound like you have Asperger Syndrome. A high functioning form of Autism. Instead of making a case study out of you and subjecting you to potential embarrassment, I've purposely declined telling these people who abuse you in this forum to understand the nature of your mental struggles which you have been subjected to and to extend a little patience, and understanding towards you. Let's face it, Christians are just mean! Most of us have yet to 'know' God. We're born again, saved, and have the Spirit, but we aren't educated and experienced in the knowledge of God's love. We don't know him that way. Our behavior shows that. We're still very much like the world in regard to how we love. We love only those things and people that are beautiful and talented and bless us and are beneficial to us. And it kills me every time I see a Christian not extending God's unconditional, understanding love towards people who have legitimate medical and mental conditions that disqualify them from being at the top of our selfish, worldly 'you bless me' lists. I'm on your side, friend. Don't be discouraged.

JBF has given his own testimony and is open about his struggles. A lot of respect for him. Robbin Williams had his struggles and looked into his own mind and dealt with himself basically. I admired him.

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Really...they were told to watch themselves so that they don't get dragged down by the sinner that they are restoring

No such thing is said.....the man was” caught in a sin”..... it Does NOT say, or even infer, that this man was never Saved....it says to “RESTORE” this man.....how do you “ Restore” a Salvation That never was?
Is it your contention that anybody in the church that succumbs to a temptation is a Lost, Unregenerate Soul? If that is true, nobody in ANY church is Saved.....

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven[/QUOTE]

True, of course ......but what is the “ will of the Father?” If you responded “ to Believe in the One that He sent”...... go to the head if the class......

Believing in “ HIM” as opposed to Believing in “Yourself and Your Performance” is the KEY to living the Life you think we MUST live......The Only Thing we “ Must Do” is become “ Born Again”...... after that, Our behaviors should improve as God does the work “INSIDE THE CUP” that only HE can do.....Only HE can “ Transform” us into the Image His Son as He promised to do for all Believers.....
Man can change ....he can always “ turn over a New Leaf” , and there is nothing wrong with .....But only God can Transform .....we can “ gussy-up” the outside of the cup and look better to self-called “ Fruit Inspectors” and get nods of approval from all of the Religionists in town.....”change” all you want ,but I’d rather Trust God to Transform me.....the latter has a reputation for having more “Staying Power”....” change will come and go.....opt for something better is my advice.....Something that actually “ Counts” with God.......Hell will be Chock- Full Of Those That “ Changed”.....Those That had the Faith to let God Transform them will go to Heaven....


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
No such thing is said.....the man was” caught in a sin”..... it Does NOT say, or even infer, that this man was never Saved....it says to “RESTORE” this man.....how do you “ Restore” a Salvation That never was?
Is it your contention that anybody in the church that succumbs to a temptation is a Lost, Unregenerate Soul? If that is true, nobody in ANY church is Saved.....

So you do not know what the word restore means. Let me help you out....Hint, you cannot restore someone that has never been a Christian.
re·store /rəˈstôr/ verb
  1. bring back (a previous right, practice, custom, or situation); reinstate.
    Similar: reinstate,
    • return (someone or something) to a former condition, place, or position.
      "the effort to restore him to office isn't working"
    • repair or renovate (a building, work of art, vehicle, etc.) so as to return it to its original condition.
      "the building has been lovingly restored"
Galatians 6:1 Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted."

Now here is a website on the topic of restore.
Lesson 29: Restoring A Fallen Brother (Genesis 14:1-24) | Bible.org


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
No such thing is said.....the man was” caught in a sin”..... it Does NOT say, or even infer, that this man was never Saved....it says to “RESTORE” this man.....how do you “ Restore” a Salvation That never was?

What is the man restored to, if not salvation?

Is it your contention that anybody in the church that succumbs to a temptation is a Lost, Unregenerate Soul? If that is true, nobody in ANY church is Saved...

How do you figure? Do you believe that no one is able to resist temptation?

That is a defeatist attitude.

I believe that the Bible teaches that we do not have to fall (Romans 8:12-13, Jude 1:24, 2 Peter 1:10, 1 John 2:10).

True, of course ......but what is the “ will of the Father?

our sanctification (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5).

That we give thanks in every thing (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

That of all that the Father has given Jesus, He should lose none (John 6:40).

What is our part in the last of the three mentioned?

It is that we exhort one another daily, lest any of us be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin, and depart from the Lord because of an evil heart of unbelief (Hebrews 3:12-13).


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Also, may I suggest you not talk about your spiritual gifts either. There's always someone to mock you for thinking you have such and such a gift. Christians in general are not nice people.

It says in 1 or 2 Timothy that we are to wage our warfare by the prophecies that have been laid over us with the laying on of hands of the presbytery, as concerning our spiritual gifts. So I respectfully disagree with you there, brother.

I've been purposely staying out of it, but you sound like you have Asperger Syndrome.

Yes, I think that that may in fact be accurate, although I have never been diagnosed as such. But I have suspected this for some time now.

One of the things about autism is that people who have it are highly intelligent; but so laser-focused that when it comes to things that are not the object of their focus, they do lousy.