The New Weapon Systems Israel is using.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
I used to eat lunch on the back loading dock of Beckwith Electric. We were involved with Defense contracts, as well as, Utility contracts. However, I was there to watch the next door neighbors. A Company called General Defense, developed tracking systems for ships for the deck guns.......I grew up a Air Force Military Brat. It took a stop at my Dad's office to understand why we were shipped to specific bases and assignments. Dad had taken me to the Dr. On the way back .....he said "I have to stop at the office for a minute. Same rules, In or out of the building, but you must stay where I tell you to stay." "In" When you are 10, soldiers are a dream come true. Saluting, greeting etc. going in. Then the reveal .......I was told to stand inside a circle and not leave. Officers came from the elevators ....."Dad told you to stay in circle?" "Yes Sir" "Come here and let me show you something." "No Sir, I cannot leave the circle." Then I decided to look down and read what the circle said "Central Intelligence Agency." Then I knew .......As I got older, Dad would take me to see weapons testing and bombing runs aircraft, rocket tests .....When I was 22, Dad asked what base I liked the best. Did not hesitate ....."Edwards" "Why?" "Where else did we ever see Clint Eastwood shoot a movie? or Shawn Connery? Or the TV series Rat Patrol? Dad was involved in the U2 and SR-71 Spy plane missions ....We understood that "War is hell" But a great place to test new weapons and systems .....Dad was in a special branch of the CIA.

There are weapon systems that haven't been seen in this conflict yet .....maybe didn't test out as advertised or performed as needed ......they will appear later. When CNN watched the bombing on Baghdad.... I would chuckle ......You would see the bomb strikes, followed by anti aircraft firing into the skies. My wife asked "What are laughing about?' "The F-117's are being used for the first time. They drop their payload, then head back home for another load and mission. The Iraqi's have no idea they are just shooting holes in the sky. They can't get them on radar."


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
OK, so attacking Jews as a group is OK... kinda like the Nazis did... I see.

Well, you attacked me personally so is that re portable as well?

That's your opinion, thanks for sharing

The issue is people don't like to have someone not agree with them and post stuff from scripture showing their view is incorrect. They get upset because they are looking for affirmation and when they don't get it they call that thorns and thistles.

This is common with those that form their opinions and beliefs based on a select few scriptures and either have not looked at the rest of what God said about a subject in His Word, or refuses to accept the rest of what God said about a subject in His Word

Besides, I've seen some of your posts you have made towards others that were personal attacks on them... so the horse you are riding is not that high after all. View attachment 40656
It's not about debating the topic. It's about the name calling.
You can attack the post but not the poster.
And the only reason I said anything is because it 's getting to be a common theme with you.
And the more you're allowed to do it without anyone pointing it out, the more offensive it will become.
We've been here before....
Look. I don't want to see you go so far down the path that you end up getting a warning or kicked.
I think a lot of your posts are funny and you don't always mean to be offensive to others.
But maybe you don't hear yourself. I'm simply bringing it your attention, so you can trim it back before it gets out of control.
Now, if you want to report me for chastising you, by all means the report button is located at the bottom of the post.
Have at it.
Just consider other people's feelings when your replying. Don't be a brat.

I won't reply on this again. I've said my peace.



Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I believe they are starting these wars so they can test their new toys. Get more money to make more toys.
People in the CEO or CFO chairs of big corporations like Raytheon, having been in government departments making contracts with the very same companies, lobbying for themselves.

No one knows how to make weapons for peace, only war.

No wars under Trump, but they got lots of funding to build it all up.
Then comes Biden and unleashes them upon the world.

Most of those weapons we gave away to Ukraine and now Israel, were meant for our own defence.
We got interesting times coming on our horizon.
And I don't necessarily mean the conventional kind.
But this Hunter/Trophy and the ones behind it, are into Sattellite communications and cybersystems.
There's more going on than just rockets and tanks.

Information warfare. Until no one knows if what they see is real or fake, what they hear is truth or lie.
In the end, the only thing you will have is your faith.
And woe to those who have none.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Israel wannabees:

Zechariah 14:12
12 And this shall be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Israel wannabees:

Zechariah 14:12
12 And this shall be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths.
Sounds nuclear to me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2023
United States
The State called Israel has nothing at all to do with God in fact, it was all a workings of Man in fact.

God also works through mankind to accomplish His will. God said the price for their disobedience was that they would be scattered among all people, from one end of the earth to the other (Deu 28:64). That happened with the Assyrian invasion of the Kingdom of Israel, the Babyloanian invasion of the Kingdom of Judah, and the Diaspora under the Roman Empire. God said they would be persecuted wherever they went (Deu 28:65), and that the land would become desolate (Deu 29:21–24). In 1867, Mark Twain, visiting Palestine, wrote, "Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes. Over it broods the spell of a curse that has withered its fields and fettered its energies. There is hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive and cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, have almost deserted the soil." God also said they would be regathered and become a nation again in one day (Eze 11:17, Isa 66:8). All those things happened. If God did not want the State of Israel to exist, it wouldn't exist.

Lord Rothschild said so

Lord Rothschild said no such thing. Lord Rothschild's only role was as an intermediary between Chaim Weizmann, who advocated for a Jewish homeland, and Lord Arthur Balfour, who created the Balflour Declaration. The Balflour Declaration expressed support for a Jewish homeland but didn't create anything. After the British Mandate expired and the Brits packed up their bags and left, the land was basically up for grabs. The Jews declared the establishment of the State of Israel, fought a war over it, and won it fair and square. The rest is history.

it was their baby that they created, and they killed 6 million Jews for it, or it's just an offering that they gave to Satan in fact.

Interesting story with nothing to back it up with. All the anti-Jewish and anti-Israel rhetoric I've encountered revolves around unproven conspiracy theories. The Jews probably have more conspiracies surrounding them than any other group in history. The vitrole is so disproportionate that it can only be understood in spirutal terms. Why else would a tiny strip of land the size of New Jersey elicit such reactions from people who have absolutely no connection to it?

Not to mention that Hitler was a Zionist Jew lover

Oh really? Then why did Hitler meet with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who vehemently opposed the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine? According to an official German record of the meeting between Adolf Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, "Hitler promised to announce the hour of Arab liberation once the German armies stood south of the Caucasus..." Source:

The Nazis did meet with Zionist leaders to facilitate the emigration of German Jews to Palestine for a time but only with the intent of eliminating the Jews from Germany. Once World War 2 started, that policy changed from emigration to annihlation. Killing 6 million Jews to fascilate a Jewish state makes no sense at all since those 6 million Jews could have contributed to a Jewish state. The holocaust was actually detrimental to Zionism as it decimated more than half the worldwide Jewish population.

So what you are saying is that the Godless so called Jews came back into the Land ? how could that be ! when such as they were vomited out of the Land in fact ! for just that ! being not worthy in fact ! Godless fools who were lead astray by a anti God Mob that served gods ! for if they followed Jesus they would of been Blessed ! do you get that.

God foretold that they would be regathered again, but He did not say they would be regathered with a belief in God. That will come during the Great Tribulation. They will come to know God again, and they will come to acknowledge that Jesus is the Messiah. The stage is being set and the establishment of the State of Israel is merely a means to that end. Zechriah 12:2–3 says that Jerusalem will become a stumbling block to the nations. That couldn't have happened until Israel became a nation again. Up until then, no one cared about Jerusalem.

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
Wouldn't that be a little too close to Israel for Israel to fire nukes?

God will supernaturally protect HIS homeland... Jesus is returning to what is modern day Israel, start His 1000 reign there right from Jerusalem so if there is nuclear fall out in the area, the Lord will prevent it from effecting HIS homeland.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
I believe they are starting these wars so they can test their new toys. Get more money to make more toys.
People in the CEO or CFO chairs of big corporations like Raytheon, having been in government departments making contracts with the very same companies, lobbying for themselves.

No one knows how to make weapons for peace, only war.

No wars under Trump, but they got lots of funding to build it all up.
Then comes Biden and unleashes them upon the world.

Most of those weapons we gave away to Ukraine and now Israel, were meant for our own defence.
We got interesting times coming on our horizon.
And I don't necessarily mean the conventional kind.
But this Hunter/Trophy and the ones behind it, are into Sattellite communications and cybersystems.
There's more going on than just rockets and tanks.

Information warfare. Until no one knows if what they see is real or fake, what they hear is truth or lie.
In the end, the only thing you will have is your faith.
And woe to those who have none.

The systems are not what the DOD says they need. No one asked for a aircraft design named F-16. The DOD gave a must have and the manufacturers developed from that wish. No one asked for a model from AR. There was a request for a replacement to the M-1

The reason the DOD makes requests simple. The military never wants to sit down and tell the President "We are positioned to lose 100,000 troops and equipment unless we use nuclear weapons." That is a request we can't live with. So to position our military to be better equipped, using better weapons than our foes .....saves us from destroying the entire planet. Weapons must be modernized and must be better ....

Weapon systems are designed to prevent, what exists to destroy the planet ....


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
The systems are not what the DOD says they need. No one asked for a aircraft design named F-16. The DOD gave a must have and the manufacturers developed from that wish. No one asked for a model from AR. There was a request for a replacement to the M-1

The reason the DOD makes requests simple. The military never wants to sit down and tell the President "We are positioned to lose 100,000 troops and equipment unless we use nuclear weapons." That is a request we can't live with. So to position our military to be better equipped, using better weapons than our foes .....saves us from destroying the entire planet. Weapons must be modernized and must be better ....

Weapon systems are designed to prevent, what exists to destroy the planet ....
Weapons are designed for warfare.
Weapons are expensive.
People get rich making weapons.

Yeah , I think it's better we just give away 85Billion dollars worth of military weapons to the taliban, so they can sell it the highest bidder and then use them against or for who? Gaza? Iran? Syria? China? Russia? Ukraine?
Who is benefitting?

So we got this guy who Lobbied for Raytheon. He goes and works for the government, gets a contract with Raytheon.
Leaves Raytheon. Cashes in on the shares. Merges with another company .... rinse and repeat.

There is no transparency... anywhere anymore.

I appreciate what your saying.
I just look behind the curtain and see who's pulling the strings.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
Wouldn't that be a little too close to Israel for Israel to fire nukes?

Possibly. It's just the first thing that came to mind reading the description in that verse.

Microwaves maybe?

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I'm looking at this from the Lord's point of view... He made a promise to Abraham to BLESS his descendants and even though they have fallen away during the old testament and have rejected Jesus as their Lord and Savior in the New Testament.

Anti semites such as yo self are void of understanding that the Lord seeks to keep His covenants and still has grace for the descendants of Abraham.

Romans 11:18-21
Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee.
Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in.
Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith.
Be not highminded, but fear:
For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.

I doubt that... if that were true you'd have the attitude the Apostle Paul did towards his fellow countrymen and desire that they be saved and would be reaching out to them rather than being an anti semite trash talking in ignorance.
You are only looking at such from a carnal point of view in fact ! as any stupid idiot of the street with no regard to Religion will take your stance in fact ! for they do not have a clue in regards to Gods people in fact.

You are just like a typical Nazi a brainwashed idiot.

I car not for anyone's so called Race ! That is not the issue at all in fact !
For God is for all in fact !

Jesus came and said everything that needed to be said in fact ! The worthy Jews followed him and this is Christianity ! outside of Christianity Jesus Christ their is nothing worthy of God in fact ! So how can one be Blessed if one is not worthy of Christ Jesus in fact.

So it comes down to the Blessed in fact for they are Gods people in fact !
Now why would disregard that fact, i ask you ! for you must be of Satan to make such Anti-Christ Claims ! for you do not know him do you ! for you are not truly not born again are you ? So you seek another Jesus in fact, for the Christ Jesus is not with you ?

Worthy Jews are called Hebrews not Semites.
The Semite has nothing to do with the Religion, for back in the days of the Semitic Tribes only one Tribe became the Hebrews worthy of Gods guidance until the coming of Jesus ! then them worthy Hebrews of God became Christians and the others were lost as Jesus said of them.

Good luck in trying to fine your so called Semites that were decent from the people of God ? for they are not of the same Blood line nowadays at all, so what percentage Semite are you claiming worthy to be as you claim ? 5% ? if one is worthy of 10 % are they worthy to by your idol Semites ? 50% fat chance of that if not 5% would be far fetched nowadays, go do your home work on that issue clown.

Just remember that Jews were banished from the Jews as well remember that in the OT.

Just as Jesus said about so called Christians, I never knew you ! do you get what he is saying regarding such ?

A true Christian abides in the Vine and that Vine is Christ Jesus in fact ! you are rejecting Christ Jesus in fact ! For their are the Saved and unsaved in fact ! that's it period ! Race has nothing at all to do with it !

You are just like Hitler peddling total Racial prejudice BS madness in fact ! Jesus is not looking for a so called super Race, for it just does not exist in fact ! Every Race has the same bad traits as the others and you know what their is an Vaccine that cures all of such as that, it's called becoming truly born again !

Only an idiot like Hitler looks for some super Race. Their never was one ! and any worthy Christian know this for a fact !

In OT times, the Jews called out them who were not worthy of the Tribe bro. that does not make them Jews Anti-Semitic ? but to you it sure would in fact, you are clearly living in your own fantasy world bro !

Maybe i could call my own Dad an Anti-Semite, because he was a Christian. He looked like a Jew but he would not reject the NT for the OT like you do ! is it because you lack faith bro ! is that the real reason why you are an Anti-Christ ? .
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
God also works through mankind to accomplish His will. God said the price for their disobedience was that they would be scattered among all people, from one end of the earth to the other (Deu 28:64). That happened with the Assyrian invasion of the Kingdom of Israel, the Babyloanian invasion of the Kingdom of Judah, and the Diaspora under the Roman Empire. God said they would be persecuted wherever they went (Deu 28:65), and that the land would become desolate (Deu 29:21–24). In 1867, Mark Twain, visiting Palestine, wrote, "Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes. Over it broods the spell of a curse that has withered its fields and fettered its energies. There is hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive and cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, have almost deserted the soil." God also said they would be regathered and become a nation again in one day (Eze 11:17, Isa 66:8). All those things happened. If God did not want the State of Israel to exist, it wouldn't exist.

Lord Rothschild said no such thing. Lord Rothschild's only role was as an intermediary between Chaim Weizmann, who advocated for a Jewish homeland, and Lord Arthur Balfour, who created the Balflour Declaration. The Balflour Declaration expressed support for a Jewish homeland but didn't create anything. After the British Mandate expired and the Brits packed up their bags and left, the land was basically up for grabs. The Jews declared the establishment of the State of Israel, fought a war over it, and won it fair and square. The rest is history.

Interesting story with nothing to back it up with. All the anti-Jewish and anti-Israel rhetoric I've encountered revolves around unproven conspiracy theories. The Jews probably have more conspiracies surrounding them than any other group in history. The vitrole is so disproportionate that it can only be understood in spirutal terms. Why else would a tiny strip of land the size of New Jersey elicit such reactions from people who have absolutely no connection to it?

Oh really? Then why did Hitler meet with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who vehemently opposed the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine? According to an official German record of the meeting between Adolf Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, "Hitler promised to announce the hour of Arab liberation once the German armies stood south of the Caucasus..." Source:

The Nazis did meet with Zionist leaders to facilitate the emigration of German Jews to Palestine for a time but only with the intent of eliminating the Jews from Germany. Once World War 2 started, that policy changed from emigration to annihlation. Killing 6 million Jews to fascilate a Jewish state makes no sense at all since those 6 million Jews could have contributed to a Jewish state. The holocaust was actually detrimental to Zionism as it decimated more than half the worldwide Jewish population.

God foretold that they would be regathered again, but He did not say they would be regathered with a belief in God. That will come during the Great Tribulation. They will come to know God again, and they will come to acknowledge that Jesus is the Messiah. The stage is being set and the establishment of the State of Israel is merely a means to that end. Zechriah 12:2–3 says that Jerusalem will become a stumbling block to the nations. That couldn't have happened until Israel became a nation again. Up until then, no one cared about Jerusalem.
You should look into that the Jews in Germany totally despised the so called Zionist in fact by far !
The So called Zionist worked to kill the German Jews in fact, they set it all up with Hitler putting him in power and all !
If you believe that Hitler got into power on his own bat you are a total fool.
Hitler was totally backed by the Jews who invested in Germany with their money ! how do you think a Nation that was a dead duck 200 % inflation and then, turned around to become the most powerful Nation. Just the Concrete poured alone was so massive. let alone the building up of such Warfare cost, it just could not be done by Germans money in fact !
No it was all a setup, the German people were being set up for years in advance ! The Game play was afoot long before.

I knew an old Jew back in the early 70's and he had the numbers tattoo perfection on the inside of his arm and he said that he blamed W Churchill for the death camps 6 million killed, because WC wanted War regardless, that was 3 years before the War that WC said that Germany is going to get War weather she likes it of not ! He said that without a War the Jews could of be fine, but the War put that into gear. He was a real nice bloke and spoke openly about such things. Now that did not go down well with everyone their but them were the days when people respected freedom of speech in fact and no one got up on their high horse like they do nowadays to shut people up.

The thing about the German Jews were they were a total threat to the so called Zionist Whore, for the German Jews exposed them so called Zionist for being bastards in regard to God in fact, they hatted them !
Hitler only let his darling so called Zionist print newspapers ! Not the German Jews Printing that was totally banned in fact bar for the Zionist whore ! this was so as to brain wash the rest of the Jews over time to come around to seeing it the Zionist way in fact !

Ask yourself this, why would any Jew want to go from Germany to a dumping ground s hole like the State the Zionist wanted for them ? one would have to be a retard to go their to live. not to mention having to live with Islamic retards !

Balflour was just a puppet for the Rothschild's !
Hitler was the one who created the State for the Jews in fact ! for if it was not for Hitler and his killing of the 6 million Jews, the State called Israel now, would never of got off the ground in fact ! That's how it got passed in fact ! It got passed because of the Zionist had planed their Burnt offering to their gods Moloch being one ! that's why they call it a Holocaust ! It was a burnt offering of theirs in fact !
Now only a Satanist would call such a Holocaust in fact ! because what one who makes such a claim, is truly looking up to such as a burnt offering to the gods, Moloch for one !
No wonder we have the legal murder of baby's up to 9 months nowadays, for they worship gods like Moloch in fact ! Talk about retards ! They are all on the path going to Hell !

The Zionist would never of stood a chance of peddling their BS if them 6 million were not set up and killed by their workings ! just remember how they set Jesus up ! the same Ant-God whores in fact the same game plays and all ! cunning as and Jesus exposed them for they were not worthy of God at all !
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
God will supernaturally protect HIS homeland... Jesus is returning to what is modern day Israel, start His 1000 reign there right from Jerusalem so if there is nuclear fall out in the area, the Lord will prevent it from effecting HIS homeland.
IOW, God doesn't need nukes for that. Personally I think nukes will happen and and convince people of the 'need' for World Gov!


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Possibly. It's just the first thing that came to mind reading the description in that verse.

Microwaves maybe?
There are possibly many ways this could happen. I go for the supernatural God of the Bible, the God of miracles. I certainly believe nukes are in the future to serve God's purposes. But remember Sodom. God didn't need any help.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
There are possibly many ways this could happen. I go for the supernatural God of the Bible, the God of miracles. I certainly believe nukes are in the future to serve God's purposes. But remember Sodom. God didn't need any help.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
Ignorance gone to seed!
View attachment 40682

YOU are the anti semite here trash talking the decedents of Abraham View attachment 40683

Funny thing about radiation ......Hiroshima and Nagasaki didn't glow in the dark, and survivors remained in their home cities, while US soldiers inspected and measured the entire surrounding area after the detonations. There are some birth defects that occur to this day ......however, every family is not affected.

I wrote a thesis about the affects of radiation on wildlife. My target subject was Marine life surrounding the Bikini Atoll where the US tested bombs during the start of the cold war. No eight finned butterfly fish with six eyes eight armed crabs or sixteen legged lobsters. The surrounding water should have been toxic. Nights sitting in the library reading the field studies of the waters and islands themselves. Trips to every Professor in the School of Biology ....nothing.....The summation was that either the fishes that migrated into the area consumed every mutation of animal born ....or there was no mutation that occurred. Natural selection .....only the strong survived.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
There is one fact that is ignored ....

Obama demanded that Iran have a path to a nuclear bomb.

Trump ended that ....

Biden, Obama's puppet, opened the door to start again ....and paid to arm Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis.

This is a Democrat production ....