The Pre-Trib Rapture

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No Pre-TB

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2022
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United States
Not all one race believes the same things.
Obviously some Jews believed in Jesus, some didn’t.
Some Jews today believe in Jesus, some don’t.

You are aware Israel is Gods people?
They were the First, to believe in God.
They were the First, to believe in Gods Word.
They were the First, to believe in Jesus.
They shall also be the Last.
Be Thankful God made room for the Gentiles.
I am thankful, his grace is sufficient. And yes, Israel is God’s people of whom is the church.

No Pre-TB

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2022
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United States
Actually . . .

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 KJV
16) For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17) Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

1 Corinthians 15:51-52 KJV
51) Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52) In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

Paul counted himself to be among those alive when Jesus catches us up.

2 Corinthians 5:1-4 KJV
1) For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
2) For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven:
3) If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked.
4) For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life.

This passage also reveals Paul's desire to be transformed will yet living, "mortality swallowed up of life", that is, while still mortal, not yet dead.

2 Thessalonians 1:7 KJV
7) And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,

That they're trouble would cease when Jesus is revealed.

Much love!
Easily argued the “we” were Paul’s listeners/readers. Not himself.

2 Cor 5 is every believers hope. Not just Paul’s. Of course we think those things while alive contemplating our change. Addressing ideas like this while alive have zero barring on linking it to a harpazo. Now you’re just reaching.

Did Paul count himself to be harpazod when he said a falling away must happen first and the man of sin must be revealed knowing neither had happened but will in its own time?

No Pre-TB

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2022
North America
United States
@No Pre-TB, @Naomi25, @marks
Precious friend(s), this may or may not help the problems:

Gospel/Salvation requirements under prophecy/law Rightly
are here:

God's Approval/TWO Different Gospels in prophecy vs MYSTERY!


between rapture and 2nd coming are here: # 874

GRACE And Peace...
Grace, there is only 1 second coming. Christ doesn’t leave heaven, go back, come out again and descend twice for a total of 3 advents.

Acts 3:21
Who heaven must receive till the restoration of all things.

He cannot leave heaven and descend till the restoration. The world isn’t restored when earth and heaven still need to be shaken to remove things. Impossible for that to happen on your eschatological timeline. It goes against that verse.

or Luke 20:35
Or Luke 19:15
He receives the kingdom and then rewards. Not the other way around.
Or 2 Timothy 4:1
The judgment coincides with his glorious epiphany and kingdom.
Or Luke 18:30
In the world to come, everlasting life. Not 7 years before that world, before judgment, before wrath..but in the world to come.
or Rev 11:18
Or Isaiah 25:6-12
When is death swallowed up in victory? He says in this mountain! Immortality is rewarded in his kingdom when he reigns, not before it.
Or Matthew 16:28
Those will not taste the sting of death because they will get the victory over it when they see Christ in his kingdom.
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Jul 11, 2015
United States
You have two major errors. Pre-trib and Trinity denial.

I've been thinking a lot about the comparison to concluding we have a Triune God. Nothing comes out and says that. And there are quite a few places that would seem very much to say otherwise. Yet we've come to conclude our God is Triune, even though no one can even really understand what that means or how that is, still, we embrace, we adore our God in this way, because we have no other sound choice.

We have all these passages which make such clear statements, "The Lord our God is One", "before Abraham was, I AM", so many more, and we simply believe them. We believe they are all true as stated, and in believing them, we know God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and these are One God. It's debated endlessly, but we know it's true. Because we believe the accuracy of the statements recorded in the Bible.

This is like that to me. Endlessly debated, but when I accept them all as valid Scripture to be read as written, this is how I reach my conclusion of pre-trib timing.

I don't have an issue with Jesus gathering Israel to the land, that was prophesied. I don't have an issue with Jesus gathering the gentiles, and pronouncing judgment on them for their works, because that too was prophesied. Jesus is prophesying with greater detail, adding to what had been prophesied in the OT.

I don't have an issue with Jesus pronouncing some righteous and some wicked based on their works. There's a lot more behind that statement, but simply put, that's not the only thing that looks very different in looking at Scriptures of that time and the current time. Imagine, 2 OT type prophets in Jerusalem, calling down plagues, what will they be saying?

This will be the first prophetic revelation to Israel in 2000 years. Can you imagine? We are saved by the preaching of the Gospel, and all Israel will be saved . . . when they see Him they will mourn for Him as for an Only Son. And the redeemer comes to Jacob . . . no, that's not the only difference at all.

Anyway, I'm hoping this gives you greater insight into how I approach this.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Easily argued the “we” were Paul’s listeners/readers. Not himself.
That doesn't sound like a very strong argument. Paul wrote in First Person, but we should read it as Second Person? Why not read it the way written, as First Person?

I can't tell you how many times I see this in debating a passage of Scripture, that I should just ignore the actual words used, and read it this other way, as if it said something different.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
2 Cor 5 is every believers hope. Not just Paul’s. Of course we think those things while alive contemplating our change. Addressing ideas like this while alive have zero barring on linking it to a harpazo. Now you’re just reaching.
I'm sorry . . . hadn't you asserted that Paul didn't consider it that he would be harpadzo'd? I rather think he did, based on what he said. Whatever bearing that has or doesn't have I'll leave you to work out, I'm just responding to your comment there. You seemed to be saying Paul expected to die, not be raptured. Did I misunderstand?

Paul wasn’t looking to be seized by force (harpazo), He was looking to the resurrection of the dead.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Did Paul count himself to be harpazod when he said a falling away must happen first and the man of sin must be revealed knowing neither had happened but will in its own time?
That sounds non-sequitor, Did Paul count himself to be raptured? I think he understood he was still places terrestrial. I don't know what you are asking me here.

Much love!

No Pre-TB

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2022
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United States
That doesn't sound like a very strong argument. Paul wrote in First Person, but we should read it as Second Person? Why not read it the way written, as First Person?

I can't tell you how many times I see this in debating a passage of Scripture, that I should just ignore the actual words used, and read it this other way, as if it said something different.

Much love!
Many commentators and myself see Paul simply making a statement to believers that God will save and change all his children regardless if they were already dead or the ones still alive in the day Christ appears in his kingdom. That is very different from suggesting that Paul assumed he’d be harpazo’d. You may want that, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wanting to escape persecution, but Paul and the early church focuses more on the resurrection then the harpazo. When they were faced with martyrdom from 30AD (approx) to around 284AD, Eusebius tells us that they held their faith in the face of painful torture because of the resurrection, not a harpazo. I don’t recall Paul saying that millions of believers vanish all over the world: bakers, fishermen, pastors, tent makers, military etc..what will Rome do when we all vanish…He focused on the resurrection of the dead as the major theme. Did he think he’d be harpazo’d? No, I think just the opposite and he was willing to die for Christ because he knew what his reward would be.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wanting to escape persecution,

If you are seeking just to escape persecution I should point out that persecution and tribulation, sheer inhumanities, happen in any age, and in this world, are closer to home than previously. And I counsel to come to understand what incalculable gain we receive through the afflictions and persecutions of this age. As we seek Jesus, we sometimes find Him through these. No matter how, only that we seek Him, and find Him.

but Paul and the early church focuses more on the resurrection then the harpazo.

To die and be with Jesus, or stay here with you, I think Paul's focus centered on his relationship to God, that he has been united to his Creator, to never again be separated.

I think that they held their faith because He Who Promised is True, and His Spirit sustained them, and they held tightly to the One Who is their life. And most certainly, our hope of the resurrection is our solid hope, and we know we will live with Him. Because He IS the Resurrection, and the Life, and knowing Him IS eternal life.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
That doesn't sound like a very strong argument. Paul wrote in First Person, but we should read it as Second Person? Why not read it the way written, as First Person?

I can't tell you how many times I see this in debating a passage of Scripture, that I should just ignore the actual words used, and read it this other way, as if it said something different.

Much love!

Paul didn't know if he would be alive when the second coming happened so he always wrote as if that was possible.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Paul didn't know if he would be alive when the second coming happened so he always wrote as if that was possible.
Right up to the end of his life, when he expressed

2 Timothy 4:6 YLT
for I am already being poured out, and the time of my release hath arrived;

2 Timothy 4:17-18 YLT
17) and the Lord stood by me, and did strengthen me, that through me the preaching might be fully assured, and all the nations might hear, and I was freed out of the mouth of a lion,
18) and the Lord shall free me from every evil work, and shall save me —to his heavenly kingdom; to whom is the glory to the ages of the ages! Amen.

"And the Lord shall free me from every evil work" even from execution by ungodly men. He was released, poured out, may God give us such grace!

Much love!

Ronald D Milam

Active Member
Jan 12, 2022
United States
Obviously we won't reach agreement on this, but I do appreciate the pleasant conversation!

Much love!
There is nothing to agree or disagree about. These are facts. God uses numbers, its seen throughout the bible.


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Feb 6, 2018
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I am thankful, his grace is sufficient. And yes, Israel is God’s people of whom is the church.

Yes, Israel is Gods People.
Yes, Jesus’ is the Chief cornerstone of His Church.
Yes, the Head and Rock Foundation of Jesus’ Church IS Christ.
Yes, Jesus’ chose his specific Disciples, out of ISRAEL, specifically the Jews.
Yes, One Disciples deflected.
Yes, the rest of Jesus’ Chosen Disciples became the First Members of Christ Jesus’ Church.
Yes, the Gospel of Christ Jesus, was being Preached in Jewish meeting ....tents/buildings.
Yes, a FEW other Jews/Tribesmen of Israel Joined Christ Jesus’ Church.
Yes, MANY Jews/Tribesmen of Israel Rejected Joining Christ Jesus’ Church.
Yes, MANY Jews/Tribesmen of Israel Advocated AGAINST Christ Jesus’ Church.
Yes, Gentiles, and Woman, Began Hearing, Began Going to Jewish ....tents/buildings. Hear more About Christ Jesus’ Church.
Yes, MANY Jews Advocating AGAINST Christ Jesus’ Church being preached in ....the Jewish tents/buildings...objected to the Gentiles being present....(the ....outbursts of inquisitive men, yapping women, something Jewish ....tent/meetings had NOT before encountered).
Yes, the Gentiles began establishing their OWN “meeting” places, buildings,, schools, as whatever place people could gather to continue ....HEARING their NEW Teaching, of Christ Jesus Church.

Yes, ONCE AGAIN...A DIVISION between JEWS (Tribesmen) AND Gentiles was being Established....and SO IT HAS REMAINED TO THIS DAY.

* Israel/Jews/Tribesmen....established their Buildings...they call Synagogs.
....Built UPON their ROCK....The Heavenly God.
...Jews teaching Jews.

* Gentiles....established their Buildings...they call Churches.
...Built UPON their ROCK....Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.
...Gentiles teaching Gentiles.

Israel the People, are not Gentiles.
Gentiles are not Israel.
(They broadly, are NOT ONE united).
(Broadly because, SOME Jews in this day HAVE become converted in Christ. They do not call themselves “Christians”. They call themselves Messianic Jews.)


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
There is nothing to agree or disagree about. These are facts. God uses numbers, its seen throughout the bible.
That's what I say too, God uses numbers, to express how many of things and people there are and were and will be.

How many men were killed by fire from heaven as Elijah sat on the hilltop? How many years until it rained after Elijah declared it would not? How many prophets of Ba'al did Elijah kill after his sacrifice was received? Why would you not believe when God tells us the numbers of things? And think that it MUST be different from what it says?

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
No, I think just the opposite and he was willing to die for Christ because he knew what his reward would be.
I'm curious . . . do you equate someone's conclusion that the rapture of the church will be pre-trib, do you equate that with an unwillingness to suffer or die for the sake of Christ? Is that your idea?

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I am thankful, his grace is sufficient. And yes, Israel is God’s people of whom is the church.
This is something else I find a lot, that non-pretribbers will most often hold that Israel and the church the same, while pre-tribbers hold that Israel is a chosen nation to whom God will keep certain promises that do not relate to gentiles, while the church is neither Jew nor Gentile, but a new man.

Much love!

Ronald D Milam

Active Member
Jan 12, 2022
United States
That's what I say too, God uses numbers, to express how many of things and people there are and were and will be.

How many men were killed by fire from heaven as Elijah sat on the hilltop? How many years until it rained after Elijah declared it would not? How many prophets of Ba'al did Elijah kill after his sacrifice was received? Why would you not believe when God tells us the numbers of things? And think that it MUST be different from what it says?

Much love!
I am correct, God can use both, in the moment, God will allow Prophets to use actual numbers to affirm His prophecy, in prophetic utterance in the future, God uses NUMBERS that have a specific meanings. As in Daniel 2 and 7, there are 10 toes and 10 horns. So, this "10" is supposed to be a 10 that comes together in the very end times over a number of years, then they give their power unto the Beast for a short time. So, why does God use 10 here instead if a SPECIFIC NUMBER? Well, because that 10 is not a ser number, England was a part of the E.U. and left, since the E.U. was first formed, there were others that joining, AND lastly God doesn't want (as I have already explained unto you) the world to understand His plans, thus they, like you it seems, are looking for 10 and saying you dopes the E.U. is not 10, its 27 Nations.

So, God uses 10 for COMPETION fir many reasons, it suffices to those of us who know God uses 10 fir completion. So, if you are looking for 10 nations, you will be looking forever, thus you can never understand who the 10 is until you understand how God used it, thus you are only cheating and confusing yourself. Satan loves confusing us.

The 10 = Europe, not 10 Nations in the E.U. and not 10 World Wide Regions, it simply means ALL Europe. Until you get that you will never understand End Time Eschatology.


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Feb 6, 2018
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Many commentators and myself see Paul simply making a statement to believers that God will save and change all his children regardless if they were already dead or the ones still alive in the day Christ appears in his kingdom.

There is a HUGE WHEN difference....
between...WILL SAVE....and ARE SAVED.
* A man WHO confesses true heartful believe, WHILE ALIVE in his bodily flesh...IS SAVED THEN...Before his BODY experiences, PHYSICAL DEATH.

* A man WHO IS alive in his physical body, and, la, la, la, living his bodily life, working,, la, la,la,....ooh ah, powerful governing men have authority over him.....oooh, ah, they Dictate, Demand he does particular things, (AGAINST Gods teaching,) they promising to keep his body safely alive, threatening him, IF he do not comply........what’s he gunna do?

* Is he going to be afraid of the governing powers....and YIELD to their demands and hope they keep their promise to keep his bodily life safe?
* OR is he going to be NOT AFRAID, keep Hoping, keep TRYING to be strong in his own willpower, to NOT Yield to the governing powers demands, that ARE AGAINST Gods teachings? (Which Scripture calls “enduring”).

* IT’S a conundrum....
~ A threatening government power....(which holds the arms, ammunition, army)....whereby one MAY lose their life, IF they go against Them.
~ A promising God, who will NOT SAVE a mans soul or their life....IF they go against God.

* So HOW strong IS a individual in his OWN willpower? Strong enough to stand against evil spirits? Against wicked governing men, who can and will take his possessions, his livelihood, his savings, his property, his freedom, his life......IF he will not Yield to their demands?
* IF he is, or can be strong enough in his OWN power....YEAH for him....he will have endured. He will have been willing to LOSE all his possession, his freedom, perhaps even his bodily endure Keeping his belief and hope IN God.

* But what IF, he isn’t Strong enough, IS TOO FEARFUL of losing his possessions, freedom, life and Yields to the governing powers?...and IS willing to Go Against Gods WILL, by acquiescing to the governing MANS WILL?
*...he didn’t “endure”....did he?

* 2,000 years ago, mankind was GIVEN A SOLUTION to The puzzling conundrum...
* THE Solution IS an “OFFERING” to EVERY man for the last 2,000 years.
* The REQUIREMENT IS: That each individual man, MUST AGREE, to Receive the “OFFERING”.

* THE “OFFERING”, IS a FREE GIFT, already PAID FOR, already allocated for Every man, to TAKE and possess “his” Gift or REJECT and LOSE possessing “his” Gift.

* THE OFFERING IS: IF, a man IS WILLING to lay down his bodily life, crucified with Jesus, and believes in “his” heart, Jesus IS the Christ, the Son of the Living God.....and IS willing to Confess “his” belief....and IS willing to REPENT for Not having believed....RIGHT THEN ... BEFORE that mans physical death...
The Lord God SHALL:
FORGIVE that man for having HAD disbelief IN the Lord God;
SAVE that mans soul.
QUICKEN that mans spirit.
SHALL thereafter (in the future) raise up that mans body in a glorified body. and
Gods SPIRIT SHALL enter that man, and REMAIN IN that mans body, for the duration of that mans Bodily Life.

* SO....what’s the ADVANTAGE of the Lord Gods, 2,000 year old, Offered RESOLUTION?

1) it’s A Gift offering. Noone is Forced to Receive a Gift.
2) it’s a mans OPTION, to receive it, possess it, or reject receiving it, lose it.
** AND the BIGGY....Advantage!!
3) Once a man HAS RECEIVED his GIFT....NO ONE, NOTHING, can REMOVE that Gift from him.

WHY? Why can a man who HAS RECEIVED the Lord Gods OFFERED GIFT, NEVER have that Gift REMOVED from him?

Precisely BECAUSE....that man IS no longer “keeping in Belief by his own will power”.....that man IS KEPT IN the POWER OF Gods SPIRIT IN that man.

*Thus RECALL....Scriptural Teaching; of WHAT the man IS NOW...
1 John 4:
4] Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

That is very different from suggesting that Paul assumed he’d be harpazo’d. You may want that, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wanting to escape persecution, but Paul and the early church focuses more on the resurrection then the harpazo.

Paul/Saul was a teacher and Gentiles and Jews, <—— that was the Service unto the Lord, the Lord Called Saul (the Jew) and Paul (the Gentile) to do, and Saul/Paul AGREED.

If you want to learn of Sauls teaching to the Jews, read those texts.
If you want to learn of Pauls teaching to the Gentiles, read those texts.
If you want to learn of Pauls teaching of Resurrection, read those texts.
If you want to learn of Pauls teaching of Escaping Persecution, read those texts.
.....IOW, ALL of Saul/Paul’s teachings were Important and Focused on particular topics.

* Bottom line...God has provided us with a detailed Book of Prophecies, Promises, Disciplines, Consequences and the FREEWILL for every man to CHOOSE, his own desire of WHAT promises and consequences that man WANTS God to APPLY to that individual man.

* You WANT...God Angry at you, Gods Wrath upon you, Gods Tribulation upon the Earth to crush you, burn you, drown you?
That’s YOUR CHOICE....Don’t believe in Him, REJECT His Offering of “CONVERSION”....His Offering of His Spirit IN YOU....join up with the unbelievers....join up with the believers trying to keep their belief by their own power and give your bodily life in martyrdom....
Freewill is awesome!

When they were faced with martyrdom from 30AD (approx) to around 284AD, Eusebius tells us that they held their faith in the face of painful torture because of the resurrection, not a harpazo. I don’t recall Paul saying that millions of believers vanish all over the world: bakers, fishermen, pastors, tent makers, military etc..what will Rome do when we all vanish…He focused on the resurrection of the dead as the major theme. Did he think he’d be harpazo’d? No, I think just the opposite and he was willing to die for Christ because he knew what his reward would be.

Convoluted. This is not 30AD... You can not use one text, to pretend you know what Paul was THINKING concerting a completely different text.
You have 2,000 years of history in the leisurely read, be familiar with, study, for how many years?
In Pauls day, there was no reference NT Book. Every thing the Jews AND Gentiles were Hearing was NEW information to them. They were not bombarded in few brief lessons with all the knowledge Paul knew.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
So, why does God use 10 here instead if a SPECIFIC NUMBER?
10 actually IS a specific number.

The only point at issue between you and I is whether it means what it says, or whether it means something else. How long was Jesus in the heart of the earth? How may disciples? It goes on and on. We don't need to though.

Much love!