The rabbit hole called Christian nationalism.....

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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Fairness means a passion to get to the truth of the matter. ...

I wonder if anyone else (besides me) is concerned that Chief Justice Robert's name apparently appears TWICE in Epstein's aircraft flight logs.

Maybe that's why he "Judges" UNRIGHTEOUSLY?!?

With Very Best Regards,
ELAM (and bobby jo doing the typing. :rolleyes: )


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
While you deny being in support of the democratic party, yet your words argue otherwise.
Wow! Didn't see that coming from you, Mark. :(
Isn't it odd the way we all seem to be rediscovering each other amidst this mess?
Don't you believe it's possible for a Christian to be apolitical?
It's like there's a gunman holding a family hostage, and you just want to say, there's no evidence, and hey, this isn't supposed to be our problem!
I don't think it's like that at all. Not at all.

Frankly, I don't understand how anyone can think they know what's going on in the inner workings of such a corrupt government as ours based on news media that has such bias all across the political spectrum. It puzzles me.
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
I wonder if anyone else (besides me) is concerned that Chief Justice Robert's name apparently appears TWICE in Epstein's aircraft flight logs.
And I wonder why judges Thomas and Alito did not tell him about this, and then ask him to resign since he had been compromised? I also wonder why they did not make a bigger deal out of SCOTUS refusing to administer justice, and that three of their so-called conservative colleagues betrayed the Constitution (never mind Trump)?

Now -- after being betrayed by them -- Trump has embraced the thoroughly compromised Republican party, and promised to support them (and obviously their shenanigans). Which means that all your predictions about Trump and Pence have amounted to nothing.

It looks like ordinary conservative Americans are now completely on their own. The rule of law is history, free and fair elections are history, and the bloodless American Bolshevik Revolution has succeeded. There will a one-party rule unless ordinary citizens do something to prevent it.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Uh, no it doesn't. It means no such thing at all. It means impartial treatment or lack of favoritism.
Same difference. If you want to be impartial, you need to know the truth. But if you deliberately run away from the truth, you have already chosen to be partial. And that is exactly what happened -- shockingly -- regarding the crime of the century. And it would appear that this is another step towards the reign of the Antichrist in the relatively near future.

Pontius Pilate asked "What is truth?" then ran away from it. Had he chosen to be impartial, he would have made a declaration saying that (1) Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God, (2) Jesus of Nazareth is innocent of any and all crimes, and (3) there will be no punishment meted out to Him. But prophecy needed to be fulfilled, and God already knew in advance that Pilate would not stand up to the mob, and thus God's plan of salvation went forward.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
I wonder if anyone else (besides me) is concerned that Chief Justice Robert's name apparently appears TWICE in Epstein's aircraft flight logs.

Maybe that's why he "Judges" UNRIGHTEOUSLY?!?

With Very Best Regards,
ELAM (and bobby jo doing the typing. :rolleyes: )
Not being funny, but Trump was one of Epsteins friends as well, so if by association you are judging one person as being ‘ unrighteousness ‘ by that association. How do you then Perceive Trump.
None of us yet know the full extent of ‘ who ‘ will come out of the woodwork with the Epstein case. Trump thought he was. ‘ great guy ‘ !
just saying
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
These here on the forum who post endless conspiracy theories and hate driven agendas say that in this recent election, there was "obvious" fraud like it was a documented well-known fact. Yet, no one has ever presented any to any of the courts or judges,


Apparently you've been asleep this last 6 months, as what you just said isn't true.

The Reality is, there were over 40 cases presented, in at least 5 States, Mich. Penn, Texas, GA...ect.... and at least one presented to the Supreme Court.
Non of the State Legislatures - Courts..... would take the Cases, including the Supreme Court.
So, the FRAUD evidence was not Evaluated by any COURT< as they were too afraid of the blowback to stand up and be counted.

What is the blow back?

The Blowback is they are afraid of those who tried to burn their cities this past summer.
Remember those, or did you miss that also, Gideon300. ???????
So the FEAR of being harmed, stopped the investigation, not only in States, but in the Supreme Court.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
So the FEAR of being harmed, stopped the investigation, not only in States, but in the Supreme Court.
That may be one explanation. Another and more plausible explanation is that every branch of the US government has decided that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are TOTALLY WORTHLESS, and that the rule of law applies only when it suits the Leftists. This is a result of Communist indoctrination in the schools, colleges, and universities over the last 50 years.

The problem is that Gideon (and other Christians like him) have shut their eyes to what the Democrats are really all about, and have put their support behind the enemies of America. So now the fingers must be pointed at Christians who have their eyes open. It was not too long ago that Christianity Today proved that it was also a mouthpiece for the Leftists.

But Christians who support Leftists do not understand that ALL LEFTIST IDEOLOGIES are inspired by Satan. And because Satan is the Archdeceiver, they give themselves innocent sounding names like "liberals", "progressives" and "socialists" instead of Marxist/Communist/Fascist/Anarchist. America is becoming another China or Soviet Union as we speak, since free speech is now a crime.
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Active Member
Jan 18, 2021
United States
That may be one explanation. Another and more plausible explanation is that every branch of the US government has decided that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are TOTALLY WORTHLESS, and that the rule of law applies only when it suits the Leftists. This is a result of Communist indoctrination in the schools, colleges, and universities over the last 50 years.

The problem is that Gideon (and other Christians like him) have shut their eyes to what the Democrats are really all about, and have put their support behind the enemies of America. So now the fingers must be pointed at Christians who have their eyes open. It was not too long ago that Christianity Today proved that it was also a mouthpiece for the Leftists.

But Christians who support Leftists do not understand that ALL LEFTIST IDEOLOGIES are inspired by Satan. And because Satan is the Archdeceiver, they give themselves innocent sounding names like "liberals", "progressives" and "socialists" instead of Marxist/Communist/Fascist/Anarchist. America is becoming another China or Soviet Union as we speak, since free speech is now a crime.
I come from an extremely conservative background, not a Christian background. I did not hear about Jesus other than Christmas or Easter. I knew nothing of His saving power until I was a young adult. After receiving Christ as my Lord and Savior, I saw the political landscape in a different aspect. Just going by each parties platform, I realized that Democrats held abortion almost as a sacrament. I have always been against abortion, but I started viewing things through a Christian lens, if you will. The Democrats took all mention of God out of their platform at their convention in 2000. So all that they are now doing should surprise anyone, sorry to say.
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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
You are looking through the eyes of man. The things I share come from a weeping heart, not a judging one. Because we as His body have been taught that sin is now 'no big deal', our hearts hqve gotten more and more hardened and just as was predicted, the love.... the AGAPE love of many is waxing cold.
Now you are back peddling with the weeping heart, which would have sounded much different.
This is your opening condemnation of the Church: "I do not think the church has been in such dire straits since the inquisition. The shallowness, the defense of willfull sin, the lack of victory, the contentment with thinking we have need of nothing, and the total unburdened hearts for the lost all point to the fact that despite the words out of our mouths, our hearts are far from Him."
"Therefore, there is now no condemnation ..."
You are judging the Church - as if you know the heart of every individual in it. You don't, you just observe the flaws and there are flaws, but don't worry and fear, God's will and pkan will be done.

The Holy Spirit will not always strive with man. Multitudes are caught up in the insanity of Christ blended in with their political leanings, and we will soon see the results. Men have taken their eyes off the Lord, because after all, they have their ticket punched to Heaven, so why sweat it?
They? Multitudes? Can you present a list of names? Mind your own life and the lives of your loves ones and and if you habe more time maybe any neighbors.
You make it sound like God is failing His mission.

And the result is. sadly, very predictable. Because they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, He will give them over to a reprobate mind.
Really, prophecy has the Church, everyone written in the Book of Life as being saved and that no one can snatch us out of the Father's hand - we can't even mess it up.

If we let our old nature remain in control, it will soon lead us to do things we could not have imagined previously. Darkness is coming, and it will either swallow us up or chase us into the light of God. The wheat and the tares have been allowed to grow together for 1900 years. But now, at the end of the age, we are seeing the separation beginning to occur
I agree, our old nature trips us up, but thankfully we have the Holy Spirit to convict us, guide us and with many sanctification takes a lifetime hard lessons. So when you see someone who is immature, struggling with dying to their old selves, know that The Lord is working, we all are progressing in different levels to be Christ-like. It would be nice to be born again and immediately be Holy and Christ-like.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
United States
I do not think the church has been in such dire straits since the inquisition. The shallowness, the defense of willfull sin, the lack of victory, the contentment with thinking we have need of nothing, and the total unburdened hearts for the lost all point to the fact that despite the words out of our mouths, our hearts are far from Him. We have a name that we live, but deadness is everywhere. And no easier fact backing up this hard-to-hear rebuke is than in the political mess called 'Christian Nationalism'.

These here on the forum who post endless conspiracy theories and hate driven agendas say that in this recent election, there was "obvious" fraud like it was a documented well-known fact. Yet, no one has ever presented any to any of the courts or judges, whether they be Republican or Democrat. Trump was forced to try to threaten the lieutenant gov in Ga., telling him to just 'find the votes'. This after three recounts. oh, and the man Trump tried to butter up, then beg, then threaten when those two did not work is a Republican! He must be part of the deep state, right?

It is simply craziness. Why can some here not see that?? If Biden had done that, these 'patriots' would have had a conniption fit. Their version of the facts is filtered through a totally biased viewpoint and yet, none of them can even see it, let alone admit it. Anything not coming from the extreme alt-right is a lie, or so they believe. And if Republicans disagree with them, they are labeled the enemy as well. Even Pence was a traitor after supporting Trump 100% up to that point. (shaking head). Myoptic vision is in truth, blindness.

I pray we all understand. Christian nationalism is not of God, despite what many believe. It is simply a different form of spiritual carnality. The answer is neither Democrats or Republicans. It is JESUS.

Do we not see the whole world, including the U.S., is spiraling out of control, all by God's hand. This is not our home. It is time Christians woke up to who we are are and who we are not, and fought the real battle we are called to.... giving all diligence to walking in the Spirit, where we do not fulfill the lusts of the flesh, but rather bring forth fruit out of a meek and humble spirit.

Do you think I speak these words because I am a 'Demoncrat'? LOL. Ha! You would be very wrong. Satan cares not which side of this political mess we choose. Each side is carnal, yet some act like Trump and all 'patriot' Republicans are above reproach, which is, knowing what we know about the man and his total lack of a moral compass, is simply mind boggling. Talk about straining at gnats and swallowing camels.

How far will some have to proceed down the rabbit hole before you finally have no choice but to admit it has all been orchestrated, not by the deep state, but by spiritual principalities and powers, thoroughly amused by how easily God's people can be misled when they are not anchored in Christ, walking as sojourners, seeking to be harmless in a world getting closer and closer to mayhem like we cannot yet even imagine.

I pray you wake up before it is too late. There is but one hope for us all. We best stop looking at tempting sideshows and realize where the real battle lies.


I believe there was enough fraud to overturn the election.

The State Farm arena video alone overturned Georgia on tape.

But satan is ending nationalism to get the new world order back on track.

Trump was only sent to make Jerusalem Great Again, then God was done with him and let him lose via deceit.

Jerusalem is now recognized by the world as the capital of Israel....

2 Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.

3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins. (Isaiah 58:1)
And that's exactly what ISAIAH, THE PROPHET OF GOD DID - I really dont see anyone else on this forum qualified to do that!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
... because some have NOTHING WORTH HEARING. So PLEASE cease trying! :)

Bobby Jo
"And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible." Mark 10:27

"To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:" Col 1:27


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Walking out Luke 9:23 will end much, if not most, of the carnality in the body of Christ.
I have had few heroes in this life. Yeshua ha Moshiach is obviously the Hero of Heroes.
As far as men go, Donald J. Trump is, in my opinion, apex. :)
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