The true identity of the antichrist according to English Gematria calculation

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New Member
Feb 27, 2022
United States
Please be advised:

The true identity of the antichrist is robert kendall goff according to the English Gematria system. He is a lawyer, diplomat, and motivational preacher. He secretly runs the Freemasons and Illuminati secret society cults as is signified by the “g” in the middle of the Freemasons logo which is the initial of his last name. I also believe that the true origins of the secret Freemasons cult were documented in the Bible as the “Synagogue of the Freedmen;” those Pharisees who stoned the devout believer Stephen for his testimony of Jesus during the gospel’s early evangelism. Jesus refers to people like this as the synagogue of satan. bob goff is the prophesied worthless shepherd in Zechariah 11, the man of sin in 2 Thessalonians 2:2-3, the beast of the sea in revelation 13, and the king of the north in Daniel 11:36.

The beast’s countries (heads with blasphemous names) that make up the beasts anatomy (Rev. 13) are America (work-ruler/slaver), Mexico(City in the navel of the moon which is idolatry, think Tower of Babel), Britain(Pretani meaning the tattooed or painted folk in reference to war paint), Ireland(from the Irish goddess Eriu), Germany(meaning “warrior” and previously known for the atrocity of the holocaust), Portugal(from Portus Cale, meaning Port of Cala, the Celtic goddess of winter), and Belgium(from Belgae, which means to burn with battle, fury, or rage). Just search the country name followed by “etymology” to learn the meaning of a country’s name, sometimes you will have to research 2 translations deep to find the answer. This also counts for 7 out of 10 horns (kings) being presidents of their respective countries (heads) as described in Revelation 13. The Pope is also one of his horns (or kings) but without a “head” (country) as he is the leader of a sovereignty apart from Italy: Vatican City- that and he also governs the entire religion of Catholicism. This became more apparent when the Pope placed the moloch statue, an ancient canaanite idol to child sacrifice in the coliseum, and the upside down cross gesture many Catholics commonly motion from forehead to sternum, shoulder to shoulder without even realizing it. There are two other horns without heads that I have yet to discover, but figures like Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and global progenitor of Starlink and Neuralink satellite missions might be someone else to consider, as his launches bear tribute to the dragon in no uncertain terms. The identity of the beast himself was coded as a number because the name of the antichrist is in a language that had yet to exist when the Bible was written: English. This is so that his identity could be discovered across the succeeding time and language barriers. The calculation system is as follows:

English Gematria:
A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9

J=10 K=20 L=30 M=40 N=50 O=60 P=70 Q=80 R=90

S=100 T=200 U=300 V=400 W=500 X=600 Y=700 Z=800

robert kendall goff=666

This calculation system translates directly from Hebrew Isopsephy, which is the original alphanumeric calculation system used to calculate letters to numbers in the Bible. The values assigned to each letter translate directly to Greek which is called Gematria, and then further to English which is also Gematria.

The day of the Lord draws near. The first horseman is Vladimir Putin crowned in the year 2000 AD (which makes the first seal of revelation precisely 2000 years after Jesus’ death and resurrection) and his “bow” is digital sabotage, a vehicle most often suspected for wide area and long range election meddling, which google search results can properly quantify in terms of scope. Russia is also the first foreign nation to hack our nuclear facilities circa Dec. 2021. The second horseman is Ali Khamenei the supreme leader of Iran and handler of most Islamic divisions and conflicts in the Middle East and Africa, suspected of orchestrating the September 11th attacks, an event that qualitatively “took peace from the land.” The third horseman may be the president of South Sudan or someone in South America. The 4th seal has yet to be broken (statistically, there is yet to be any quadrant that indicates an abrupt influx of animal-caused homicides indicative of two major figures with the power to generate them)

The primary weapon of the first horseman, bent on conquest, is a “bow,” for long-ranged efficacy:

The weapon of the 2nd horseman, war, is a sword and he has the power to generate lethal divisions amongst people. Notice how all related countries are neighboring, to indicate a more melee-like spread:

The 42 months the beast tramples the holy city to conquer God’s holy people occurs during the 6th trumpet, when the two fire-breathing witnesses give their testimony in Revelation 11. 22 years have passed for 3 seals to break, and with the signs we are getting on earth and in our solar system, this may be the year for the 4th seal: a rider named Death followed closely by Hades (a name given to the dragon or satan). Given that the United States is the primary dwelling of the dragon, it is more than likely that the Northwest quadrant of the world map, which includes all of North America, the northern tip of South America, western Europe, and the west tip of North Africa, will be the designated territory for Death and Hades. The beast is 60+ years old, so it stands to reason that we may have up to another 20 years before the 42 months occurs.

Please hold fast to your Christian faith and do not follow the antichrist’s near-Christian teachings. If you have already associated with their pastoral circles, please repent or else you will not be able to resist the intense delusion from Jehovah God (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12) by the time the beast of the earth rises, I can’t be sure and I say this with great fear and trembling and as a warning that some elements *could possibly* already be in motion, and I say this on account of how many expansive difficulties and failings I’ve experienced figuring everything out myself with a lifetime of dedicated study on Biblical fidelity. Please Father God, Lord Jehovah in the heavens above the universe, forgive and correct me if there is any error in the previous statement, because it may be too early for the intense delusion you speak of, and the current signs in the heavens and solar system that do come from you (like solar flares and their dates, times, and earthbound orientation) may have no room for misinterpretation. In the off chance that His delusion to judge and test the world (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12) comes as a swift surprise to the unwitting and unprepared or is even already in progress, it is extremely important for all Christians, especially those less-knowledgeable to conglomerate and muster all the Bible study, the application of knowledge therein, and faith you can generate for the future.

**Read all of 2 Thessalonians 2**

2 Thessalonians 2:9

“9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie,”

The Island of La Palma, which erupted last year on 9/19/2021 following swarms of earthquakes on 9/11/2021 contains a manmade and terraformed Biblical image cultivated into the island for the purpose of deception. I believe both the earthquakes and the eruption were timed and generated using industrial drills and pumps to agitate and excite the magma chambers beneath it, causing earthquakes and even a controllable lava flow. There were also other events coordinated by NASA and SpaceX during the duration of the eruption used to fake a divine origin.

Keep yourselves far, far and away from apostasy and gird yourselves in Truth. Prepare each other doctrinally and behaviorally for the times ahead, these times are NOT meant to be handled alone. Secure your headcounts and keep each other prayerfully in the sheepfold. HIS SYSTEM IS SHROUDED IN SECRECY AND PICKS OFF STRAGGLERS AND PAINFULLY DROWNS THEM WITH IT. Thank you. Please see attachments for useful visual references.

-Paul Victor Narcisse II


New Member
Feb 27, 2022
United States
He is currently a lawyer, diplomat, and religious motivational speaker. The antichrist will claim to be God, not the returned Jesus Christ.

Read 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 for further reference. You can also refer to Revelation chapter 13, Daniel 11:36, and Zechariah 11:17.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
He is currently a lawyer, diplomat, and religious motivational speaker. The antichrist will claim to be God, not the returned Jesus Christ.
He will claim to be both God and Christ. The word antichristos means both "instead of" and "opposed to". Since Orthodox Jews are anticipating Messiah (after rejecting Christ) he must present himself as the "true Messiah" as well as God. And when he sits in the future temple as God, he must have access to it as a Jew (not a Gentile). Here is what Christ said about him: I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. (John 5:43). This was a prophetic statement regarding the Antichrist.

John 5:43. Οὐ λαμβάνετέ με) ye receive Me not, through [in] faith.—ἄλλος, another) Any false Christ and Antichrist that may arise. From the time of the true Christ down to our age, sixty-four false Messiahs are reckoned up, by whom the Jews were deceived. See John Jam. Schudt, Jüdische Merkwürdigkeiten, [111]. 6, c. 27, § 30.


New Member
Feb 27, 2022
United States
As it currently stands, the man has led entire congregations to pray in sixes at the end of a comedic style sermon, and has already alluded to being the congregation’s parental unit in the same stroke. He, according to his secret society logic, refers to satan as Jesus and will regard himself as God, while growing to become the most worthless person on the planet. This is what the Bible predicts for the worthless shepherd in Zechariah 11:17. The “g” in the middle of the freemasons logo apparently stands for “great architect of the universe” while being that man’s last initial. I find what people worship today is repulsive.


New Member
Feb 27, 2022
United States
There is only one person who will be identified as the beast himself, and the number of his name is 666, no matter how many imposters have preceded him or even exist in the world simultaneously.

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
The true identity of the antichrist is robert kendall goff according to the English Gematria
Seems like a nice guy to me. He writes books about love and grace. He teaches/speaks at Nazerene and Pepperdine Christian Universities.
George Washington, Ben Franklin and Mozart were Freemasons along with many others whose lives were blessed by God and did good to mankind.
Prince Edward, a Duke, HRH, has been the Grand Master of rhe Freemasons for 50 years. 87 years old.

The beast’s countries are America, Mexico, Britain, Ireland, Germany, Portugal, and Belgium
Well the NWO has taken shape..I don't doubt that these countries are under the Antichrist's control, but it seems the entire world has been under this umbrella of control disguised by a Pandemic, casting lies and fear among all the nations in order to implement control.
The Beast in history has manjfested itself as empires: Egyptian, Babylonian, Medo/Persian, Assyrian, Greek, Roman. They all attacked and conquered Gid's chosen nation , Israel, as will the Beast very soon. It is a spiritual war and so the surrounding nations of Israel (Islam), headed by Iran, will attack Israel.

The day of the Lord draws near. The first horseman is Vladimir Putin crowned in the year 2000 AD (which makes the first seal of revelation precisely 2000 years after Jesus’ death and resurrection) and his “bow” is digital sabotage, a vehicle most often suspected for wide area and long range election meddling, which google search results can properly quantify in terms of scope. Russia is also the first foreign nation to hack our nuclear facilities circa Dec. 2021. The second horseman is Ali Khamenei the supreme leader of Iran and handler of most Islamic divisions and conflicts in the Middle East and Africa, suspected of orchestrating the September 11th attacks, an event that qualitatively “took peace from the land.” The third horseman may be the president of South Sudan or someone in South America. The 4th seal has yet to be broken (statistically, there is yet to be any quadrant that indicates an abrupt influx of animal-caused homicides indicative of two major figures with the power to generate them)
Putin is an antichrist, an atheist, an Anti-Semitic, but not the Antichrist riding the white horse. Nor are leaders riding the fourbhiraes of the Apolocalypse. ANGELS ARE RIDING THEM.
My view is that the Rider on tue White was given a crown (coronavirus) and he went out ti conquer- which is exactly what happened. We have never seen this kind of control over the entire planet _ in fear _ and surrounded by lies. This is how Satan works. He has a bow too, to inject the harmful jab!
The Red Horse takes peace deom the world and brings war, starting with the Ukraine. This will lead to others like dominos. But the main war will be tue Middle East against Israel.
The Black Horse has gone out too. This year we may see exonomic collapse and famine like never before.
The Pale Horse is death thay accompanies pestilence, wars and famine to kill 2 billion. Then it continues.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
In the Name of the Lord Yeshua you are delivered unto Satan. The Blood of the Lord Yeshua against you! And so is anyone who deletes this message.

Again DeWaybe, your post is not fitting for a Member of a Christian forum.

There are many well-meaning Christians who are misguided.

The OP source believes that earthquakes are a sign of the End Times, however the Greek Word "Seismos" has been mistranslated and should have been translated as "Turmoil" and not as "earthquakes".

The imposter will be a wicked fallen heavenly host who will rise up out of the Bottomless Pit after it has been unlocked.

Your cursing of other members on this forum could be construed as an act as one of Satan's willing servants. So please be careful that your curses of others do not come back and bite you on your posterior. That will be very painful for you.