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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
NOR do you understand the fact that much of Revelation has already taken place because you DON'T (sic) follow the
teachings of apostate occultic Jesuit priests who taught an invented preterist hermeneutic so as to disguise the true Antichrist from view. The early church fathers taught that the Antichrist would soon follow after Pagan Rome fell. What they didn't recognise was the Antichrist being the child of pagan Rome, born from the demise of the Empire, growing from its head and being given power and authority from its Emperor.
Adventists weren't the first to recognise the Antichrist. There was even a time when there were 3 popes vying for power, and each one called the others Antichrist. They were all correct.
Would you like some scriptural evidence as to why the Roman church is Antichrist? After all, my say so is meaningless without scriptural evidence. Don't listen to me. Listen to the scriptures. You would be amazed at the proliferation of prophetic evidence that points directly to papal Rome as the little horn of Daniel 7, the feet of iron and clay of Daniel 2, and man of sin, the first beast of revelation 13, and the main component of the global apostasy spoken of in the NT.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
The very thought of importing an object of false worship to be set up in a “holy place” is what God punished the Israelites for doing. Have you no knowledge of history?
Read Ezekiel 25:15-25. Israel too fell to sun worship.
Lol...It wasn't imported to Rome "to be set up in a holy place".

It was an uninscribed rock that was imported to Rome to be set up in a garden or circus for secular a secular purpose. 1,500 years later it was turned into a Christian monument to Christ.

You are getting upset over a lie that your men have told you. :cool:

Keeping it real....Mary


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Read Colossians 1:15, Revelation 3:14. The Son is a created being.....he is not eternal but everlasting since he was “begotten” long before any other creature was brought into existence. He is “before all things” (Col 1:15-1) which is not said of God but of the spirit being who came down from heaven as Jesus the man, later to become Jesus the Christ. He was God’s “only begotten son” because for an unknown period of time he was “with God” “in the beginning”.....since God had no beginning, Jesus is begotten like a Father begets a Son. There was a time when the son did not exist. He is a product of his Father. God has many “sons” but only Jesus is unique as God’s “firstborn”. Adam was a human “son of God” before Jesus was, (Luke 3:38) so Jesus is not the first human "son of God", he was "begotten" by his Father long before his earthly mission.
Wrong-the Messiah's Pre existence is to be found everywhere in the Scriptures.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
OK....let’s start here...
How “ancient” are we talking here? It is apparent from the words of the apostle Paul that the foretold apostasy from the Christian Faith was “already at work” in the first century.....so anything after the death of the apostles is suspect....including the writings of the so called “church fathers”. The apostles were the restraining influence in that apostasy whilst the final parts of what would become Christian scripture were completed with the last remaining apostle John’s Revelation and 3 letters. After that window was closed, satan was again permitted to do his thing.....and “while men were sleeping” he did to Christianity exactly what he had done to Judaism. He used corrupt men to replace God’s word with man-made traditions. (Matt 15:7-9) Their teachings invalided the word of God....their worship was therefore “in vain”....not acceptable to God or his Christ.
The words of our judge at the time he passes sentence on the “goats” is “I NEVER KNEW YOU”....”never” means “not ever”.....so from its inception, corrupted “Christianity” was never recognised by God or his son.
Hi Jane,

Yup, there were problems with division/disagreements (1 Corinthians 11:18, 1 Corinthians 1:10, Council at Jerusalem etc) in Christianity while the Apostles were alive. That was the reason for some of the Apostolic letters that today we call Scripture!

I agree with you that the Apostles were the restraining influence over Christianity while they were alive. Soooooo who was the "restraining influence" (leaders of The Church) AFTER the death of the last Apostle?

You clearly don't like the "church fathers" (which are men that lived during the first 600 years of Christianity). How about the Apostolic Fathers? They were men that were students of the Apostles. Would you trust what they wrote?

Curious Mary
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Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Right - He FULFILLED the Law.

Some aspects f the Law were SHADOWS of what was coming and HE is the reality (Col. 2:16-17).

The very FIRST mention of the Sabbath in ALL of Scripture is when the Israelues are in the desert Ex 16:23-30. God commands them to take a day of rest and eat what they gathered.

WHAT dud they gather? Jesus tells us about that in John 6:
John 6:31-34

Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness; as it is written, ‘He gave them bread from heaven to eat.’” Jesus then said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, it was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven, but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.” They said to him, “Sir, give us this bread always.”

Read CAREFULLY what Jesus says next . . .
John 6:35

Jesus said to them, “I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.

HE is the entire reason for the Sabbath – and He FULFILLED it with His death and resurrection.
- It was INSTITUTED for the eating of the Bread from Heaven (Manna).
- It was FULFILLED by the eating of the Br4ad of Life (Jesus).

This is why the NT Church gathered on the LORD’S Day – the FIRST day of the week (Acts 20:7, 1 Cor. 16:2, Rev. 1:10) - and NOT on the Sabbath which has been fulfilled.

And this is ALSO why the Apostles did NOT impost the Law on Gentile Christians as we read in their letter in Acts 15:23-29.
So far you make a good case for the Roman Catholic Church-I need to read up on your source-a link, perhaps?


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
What about them? The one thing that seems to escape your notice in your attempts at justification is that these were the “commands of God” not the ideas of men to create icons and lifeless statures, to venerate them. The one thing that Israel repeatedly did, was fall to idol worship and God punished them for it.

Any image when used in worship is a violation of scripture. Bowing before them is specifically condemned.
Hi Jane,

Yes, God commanded men to make images. And when men made those images commanded by God, they did not worship them, they only held them in high esteem. Since they did not worship those man-made images, they did not violate Exodus 20. Making of an image is not a violation of Scripture. Which goes along with your own statement: Any image when used in worship is a violation of scripture. Bowing before them is specifically condemned.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Hey Jane,

Your men have lied to you:

Pinchas E. Lapide, in his book, Three Popes and the Jews (New York: Hawthorn Books, Inc., 1967) critically examines Pope Pius XII. According to his research, the Catholic Church under Pius XII was instrumental in saving 860,000 Jews from Nazi death camps (p. 214). Could Pius have saved more lives by speaking out more forcefully? According to Lapide, the concentration camp prisoners did not want Pius to speak out openly (p. 247). As one jurist from the Nuremberg Trials said on WNBC in New York (Feb. 28, 1964), "Any words of Pius XII, directed against a madman like Hitler, would have brought on an even worse catastrophe... [and] accelerated the massacre of Jews and priests." (Ibid.) Yet Pius was not totally silent either. Lapide notes a book by the Jewish historian, Jenoe Levai, entitled, The Church Did Not Keep Silent (p. 256). He admits that everyone, including himself, could have done more. If we condemn Pius, then justice would demand condemning everyone else. He concludes by quoting from the Talmud that "whosoever preserves one life, it is accounted to him by Scripture as if he had preserved a whole world." Over 6,000 Jews were hidden in Rome and on Vatican property.

Sources are available-people don't read.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Would you like a list of the things accepted by the Catholic Church that is not found anywhere in scripture?

(1)* Adoration of Mary as “the mother of God”. Nowhere is Mary given the significance that the church assigns to her. All her titles can be traced back to ancient mother goddess worship. Who can argue that Mary has taken on mother goddess status?….but only in Catholicism.
(2)* Adopting a triune god when no such deity exists in scripture. The Jews were monotheists in a world full of false multiple gods. Fusing three gods into one head is not monotheism….but the church pretends that it is.
(3)* There is no teaching of an immortal soul in the Bible. Therefore there is no place like heaven, hell or purgatory for souls to go immediately after death.
(4)*There is no infant baptism as this is full immersion and would put an infants life at risk.
(5)*Prayer was not to be said by rote or with prayer beads.
(6)*There was no earthly priesthood in original Christianity.…no identifying garments or headgear and no titles given in a hierarchy. No one person exercised power over others.
(7)* Confession was to be made to God, and no human was given authority to forgive sins on earth.
(8)*There was no liturgy or ritual in first century Christian gatherings. They met for prayer and worship, but imparting scriptural knowledge and peaching the message about God’s Kingdom was their primary mission.
Anyone who thinks God is happy to hear the same mindless phrases repeated endlessly, has no idea what Jesus taught.
Hey Jane,

1. Do you not believe that Jesus is God? If you believe that Jesus is God, then wouldn't that make Mary the mother of God? Any Catholic that puts Mary in the "goddess status" has violated the teachings of The Church. You Protestants accuse us of putting Mary into a goddess status, but it is not in our teachings/doctrines etc. It is just another false accusation by you and your ilk!

2. Who is Jesus speaking of in John 14:26?

3. What do you make of 1 John 5:16-17?

4. Have you ever heard of water births? That right there destroys your opinion. Also, Scripture makes it clear that entire families were baptized. Are infants not part of entire families? Furthermore, historical Christian writings tell us that our Christian forefathers baptized infants. Sounds like you disagree with Scripture AND your own Christian forefathers!!

5. Got it.......Your opinion is that Jesus would be upset if we repeated The Lord's Prayer. Dually noted! Also, the beads are merely a counting mechanism. Sounds like you are not only against repeating a prayer that Jesus taught us to pray but you are also against counting mechanisms...;) Have you ever read Revelation 4:8?

6. Well, we agree that the use of priestly garb started long after the Apostles passed away. Does the use of priestly garb invalidate the doctrines of The Church? What we disagree on is hierarchy. The NT makes church hierarchy VERY CLEAR! Have you not read of elders and deacons?

7. You fell for the lies your men have told you: John 20:23, James 5:16

8. Once again, your men have lied to you. Have you ever heard of The Didache (written in the NT era)? Did you know the earliest written record of a "catholic mass" was withing a lifetime after the death of the Apostle John?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
LOL, did you read what this article actually said?
I quote……
“The popularly named "Tomb of the Julii" (Mausoleum "M") survives in the Vatican Necropolis beneath St. Peter's Basilica. The serendipitous discovery near the crypt has a vaulted ceiling bearing a mosaic depicting Helios (Roman Sol Invictus) with an aureole riding in his chariot, within a framing of rinceaux of vine leaves. The mosaic is dated to the late 3rd century to early 4th century. Other mosaics in this tomb depicting Jonah and the whale, the good shepherd carrying a lamb (the kriophorosmotif), and fishermen have encouraged its interpretation as a Christian tomb.

Seriously….Helios the sun god (sun halo and all) riding in his chariot?..! And because there are depictions of Jonah and the whale, and a shepherd carrying a lamb, you accept this “interpretation” as Christian?! :shine:
Hi Jane,

I have accepted what the experts said. I am not an expert in ancient art or tombs etc. I only repeat what the experts said: This has led many scholars to argue that it is actually Christ depicted in the style of Sol, to portray Jesus as the Sun of Justice or the New Light (this is the view, for instance, of Martin Wallraff, Christus Verus Sol). This has come to be the view of a strong majority, who posit that the figure can be imagined as the new “Sol Invictus, Sol Salutis, Sol Iustitiae,” with the popular pagan image of the sun god in his chariot, or an emperor at his apotheosis, adapted to represent the risen Christ, whose worldwide dominion is implied through his holding the globe (Beckwith, Early Christian and Byzantine Art, p. 19).

You have given your opinion on the matter which is opposite of what the experts have said. Thank you for your opinion!


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
teachings of apostate occultic Jesuit priests who taught an invented preterist hermeneutic so as to disguise the true Antichrist from view.

The early church fathers taught that the Antichrist would soon follow after Pagan Rome fell. What they didn't recognise was the Antichrist being the child of pagan Rome, born from the demise of the Empire, growing from its head and being given power and authority from its Emperor.
Adventists weren't the first to recognise the Antichrist. There was even a time when there were 3 popes vying for power, and each one called the others Antichrist. They were all correct.
Would you like some scriptural evidence as to why the Roman church is Antichrist? After all, my say so is meaningless without scriptural evidence. Don't listen to me. Listen to the scriptures. You would be amazed at the proliferation of prophetic evidence that points directly to papal Rome as the little horn of Daniel 7, the feet of iron and clay of Daniel 2, and man of sin, the first beast of revelation 13, and the main component of the global apostasy spoken of in the NT.
Yes – I would LOVE some Scriptural evidence. Unfortunately, you have NONE.
All you have presented is your warped E.G. White opinion of what Scripture has to say.

No – the Whore of Babylon more closely resembles apostate Jerusalem than any other entity that exists today, as I AMPLY presented in post #322.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Wrong-the Messiah's Pre existence is to be found everywhere in the Scriptures.
I am not denying his pre-existence Johan, because the scriptures tell us plainly that he existed before all things....except his Father.
He is not an "eternal" being but one who was endowed with everlasting life as were all spirit creatures in heaven. Everlasting life for all God's creatures was conditional, requiring obedience to the Father in all things. Everlasting life is not the same as immortality because immortals cannot die.....if Jesus was an immortal, he could not have offered his life for us. If Christ did not die, the ransom was not paid.

There is only one "only-begotten son of God".....yet there are many "sons of God". What makes the pre-human Jesus unique is that he is the first and only direct creation of his Father....all other things were brought into existence by means of the son....it is called agency and the son acted as an agent for his Father. (Col 1:15-1; John 1:2-4) The Father has always had agents acting on his behalf.....Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elijah and Jesus were all used to accomplish the will of the Father.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
1. Do you not believe that Jesus is God?
No. I believe Jesus is what he said he was..."the son of God"....he never claimed to be "God the Son"...that title does not exist in the Bible, nor will I find "God the Holy Spirit" in a single passage.
If you believe that Jesus is God, then wouldn't that make Mary the mother of God?
The very idea that God could have a mother is both demeaning and insulting to the Creator of all life.
To portray Mary as a queen who has the power of an intercessor is unscriptural. Mary was chosen to be the human mother of God's son. She was a vehicle not to be hailed as a semi-deity. She is venerated more than Jesus.
Any Catholic that puts Mary in the "goddess status" has violated the teachings of The Church. You Protestants accuse us of putting Mary into a goddess status, but it is not in our teachings/doctrines etc. It is just another false accusation by you and your ilk!
Mary carries all the titles of the ancient mother goddesses....."Our Lady"..."Queen of Heaven" etc,....not Biblical.
Reading through the book of Jeremiah we see that the Israelites were making sacrifices to "the Queen of Heaven"....she is not new. (Jer 44:19) God punished them for that.

Mother goddesses are older than Christianity....


2. Who is Jesus speaking of in John 14:26?
"But the helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one will teach you all things and bring back to your minds all the things I told you."

The holy spirit....which we do not believe is an entity, but the administration of God's power, sent to wherever and to whomever he pleases in order to accomplish his will.
It is his empowering force....as seen at Jesus' baptism, the holy spirit descended upon Jesus in the form of a dove and with this anointing, Jesus became "the Christ", giving him the power to perform miracles, and his words above were the assurance that his apostles too could be recipients of God's empowering spirit as well.
3. What do you make of 1 John 5:16-17?
"If anyone catches sight of his brother committing a sin that does not incur death, he will ask, and God will give life to him, yes, to those not committing sin that incurs death. There is a sin that does incur death. It is concerning that sin that I do not tell him to make request. 17 All unrighteousness is sin, and yet there is a sin that does not incur death."

God's law was always fair, and the punishment was administered in line with the severity of the offense. Its the reason why there is a difference between murder and manslaughter.....intent, and the absence or presence of malice. It is the intent that makes the difference.

So because God is a reader of hearts, he knows when his laws are being violated under justification. You cannot offer him an acceptable excuse for breaking his laws.
4. Have you ever heard of water births? That right there destroys your opinion.
Ummm....water births are fairly common these days, and its plainly obvious that babies do not breathe until they are released from the water, whether that be the amniotic fluid, or the water in the birthing tub. To put a baby back under water after it has started breathing could drown it.
Also, Scripture makes it clear that entire families were baptized. Are infants not part of entire families?
Entire families were indeed baptized, but not until there was an imparting of knowledge and the one being baptized understood the commitment. It was full immersion baptism that symbolized death to a former course of life, and rising up to a new life of dedicated service to God. No infant can understand or accept the significance of baptism.
Paul told us that infants and small children who had not reached the age of accountability were covered by the baptism of even one believing parent. (1 Cor 7:12-14) So infant baptisms are invalid....another unbiblical tradition of the RCC.
Furthermore, historical Christian writings tell us that our Christian forefathers baptized infants. Sounds like you disagree with Scripture AND your own Christian forefathers!!
I have no interest in the writings of "historical Christians"...my sole source of information is scripture......its why we have God's word, and why its been preserved by its author all throughout man's history.
5. Got it.......Your opinion is that Jesus would be upset if we repeated The Lord's Prayer. Dually noted! Also, the beads are merely a counting mechanism. Sounds like you are not only against repeating a prayer that Jesus taught us to pray but you are also against counting mechanisms...;) Have you ever read Revelation 4:8?
Were we to repeat prayers in a mindless fashion, as if repeating the words was the important thing? Is that what Jesus told us to do?
What did Jesus say just before offering the Lord's Prayer?....
"When praying, do not say the same things over and over again as the people of the nations do, for they imagine they will get a hearing for their use of many words. 8 So do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need even before you ask him.

9 “You must pray, then, this way:

“‘Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. 10 Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth. 11 Give us today our bread for this day; 12 and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 And do not bring us into temptation, but deliver us from the wicked one.’"

He said to "PRAY THIS WAY"......He did not say "PRAY THIS PRAYER" multiple times, as if the words were somehow going to absolve the guilt of the person saying them...? It was a model for our own prayers.....in order of importance.
Last edited:

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
6. Well, we agree that the use of priestly garb started long after the Apostles passed away. Does the use of priestly garb invalidate the doctrines of The Church? What we disagree on is hierarchy. The NT makes church hierarchy VERY CLEAR! Have you not read of elders and deacons?
The placing of men in positions of service did not give them power over their brothers. No position in the Christian arrangement ever carried corrupting power over others. Shepherds were there to guide and direct the sheep, not to "lord it over" others.
The garments worn by the "clergy" were to distinguish them, like the Pharisees did, to appear to be superior to the flock.

Do you think Jesus and his apostles would have dressed like this....? Seriously?.....

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7. You fell for the lies your men have told you: John 20:23, James 5:16
Are you sure you haven't fallen for lies yourself? John 20:23 is an account of Jesus appearing after his resurrection, and his words are directed to his apostles who were to carry on his work after his return to heaven.
In context it reads....
"Jesus said to them again: “May you have peace. Just as the Father has sent me, I also am sending you.” 22 After saying this he blew on them and said to them: “Receive holy spirit. 23 If you forgive the sins of anyone, they are forgiven; if you retain those of anyone, they are retained.”

Receiving holy spirit meant carrying on what Christ had started....but the outpouring of that holy spirit did not occur until Pentecost. Only then did they receive its power to perform miracles without Jesus earthly presence.
8. Once again, your men have lied to you. Have you ever heard of The Didache (written in the NT era)? Did you know the earliest written record of a "catholic mass" was withing a lifetime after the death of the Apostle John?
BY THE start of the second century, false teachings had begun to muddy the clear waters of Christian truth. Just as inspired prophecy had foretold, after the death of the apostles, certain ones abandoned the truth and turned instead to “myths.” (2 Tim 4:3-4)
About 98 C.E., the last surviving apostle, John, warned of such erroneous teachings and of people who were "trying to mislead” faithful Christians. (1 John 2:26; 4:1, 6)

Certain currents of early “Christian” thought actually deviated from the teachings of Christ and his apostles. For example, contrary to the practice instituted by Jesus at the Last Supper, the author of The Didache advised the passing of the wine before the bread. (Matt 26:26-27)

This writer also stated that if no body of water was available to perform baptism by immersion, pouring water on the head of the baptism candidate would suffice. (Mark 1:9-10: Acts 8:36, 38)
The same text encouraged Christians to observe such rituals as obligatory fasting twice a week and recitation of the Our Father exactly three times a day.

Soon, men who came to be known as "the Apostolic Fathers" arrived on the scene. What stand did they take in the face of religious deception? Did they heed the apostle John’s divinely inspired warning? History tell us the answer to those questions.

Generally, these men lived from the close of the first century C.E. on into the middle of the second century. Among them were Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Papias of Hierapolis, and Polycarp of Smyrna. Writing during the same period were the unnamed authors of The Didache, the Epistle of Barnabas, the Martyrdom of Polycarp, and the second letter of Clement.

The aim of these men was undoubtedly to preserve or else promote a certain brand of Christianity. They condemned idolatry and loose morals. They held that Jesus is the Son of God, and that he was resurrected. However, they were unable to restrain the rising tide of apostasy. On the contrary, some of them added to its groundswell.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Lol...It wasn't imported to Rome "to be set up in a holy place".

It was an uninscribed rock that was imported to Rome to be set up in a garden or circus for secular a secular purpose. 1,500 years later it was turned into a Christian monument to Christ.

You are getting upset over a lie that your men have told you. :cool:

Keeping it real....Mary
I am sure that we all think it entirely appropriate that the Pope should adorn the top of an image of an erect false god's manhood with an image of Christ.

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I am sure that we all think it entirely appropriate that the Pope should adorn the top of an image of an erect false god's manhood with an image of Christ.
Egypt is also known for the origin of the cross as a religious symbol, involving sexual overtones.


According to one source,...."The Egyptian cross, also known as Ankh, was originally an Egyptian hieroglyph used to represent the word “life”. By extension, this cross became primarily a symbol of life.

One of the interpretations of the meaning of this symbol relates it to sexual union and therefore to fertility and life.

Another theory, which related the T, of the lower part of the cross, with male sexual attributes, while the upper part, the handle of the cross, the uterus or the woman’s pubis, symbolizing the reconciliation of the opposites, unity between both sexes and above all, reproduction and therefore, the cycle of life."

In false religion, the cross was a phallic symbol....using it as a symbol for Christ is therefore demeaning as the shape of the instrument of Christ's death is not mentioned in the Bible. It is simply called a "stauros", which is a single upright post or paling.
The word never means two pieces of timber in any configuration. In Hebrew there is no word for cross more definite than "wood" or "tree".

The Romans had various torture stakes....not just one....beside which fact that it was against God's law to make an image of anything to use in worship. What if Jesus had been stoned or hung? What then?

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The cross has a very sordid history....not one that God would want associated with the sacrifice of his precious son.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Yes – I would LOVE some Scriptural evidence. Unfortunately, you have NONE.
All you have presented is your warped E.G. White opinion of what Scripture has to say.

No – the Whore of Babylon more closely resembles apostate Jerusalem than any other entity that exists today, as I AMPLY presented in post #322.
How did apostate Jerusalem emerge from the head of pagan Rome and uproot 3 of the other 10 powers? Daniel 7:24


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
I can see historically the fulfillment of how apostate Jerusalem spoke great words against the Most High, and to a small degree persecute the saints, but wear them out to the degree scriptures alludes to? The persecution of Christians at the hands of Israel was but a slight hint of what the church was to endure a short time later at the hands of pagan Rome, and a drop in the bucket compared to the 1000 years of persecution at the hands of papal Rome.
Another point. According to the prophecies regarding the power of the Antichrist, (little horn of Daniel 7 and the 'mystery of iniquity' of 2Thess.2), among others, it must arise chronologically after the Pagan Rome empire collapses in the west, because the little horn power grows out of the head of pagan Rome and in amongst the 10 barbarian powers that ruled over their respective territories vacated by Rome. Jerusalem, not even in its heyday, ever did such a thing.
Now you said the above are simply Ellen White's ideas. That is just nonsense. The reformers spoke of these things, but they weren't the first either. Speaking of the mystery of iniquity that was being held back by the 'restrainer' in 2Thess.2, several significant church fathers spoke of the fulfillment of this as follows...
But first, slow me to quote the scripture in question...
2 Thess. 2:1 ¶ Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 ¶ Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time…..
Now modern Protestant Christianity informs us that the above Antichrist power is yet to come, and he is to sit in a future temple in Jerusalem and blaspheme and claim to be the Messiah and demand worship. That interpretation came from another Jesuit, no surprise there. The surprise is that so many actually believe it. But take a look at the following...

Tertullian (160-240)
“‘For the mystery of iniquity doth already work; only he who now hinders must hinder, until he be taken out of the way.’ What obstacle is there but the Roman state, the falling away of which, by being scattered into ten kingdoms, shall introduce Antichrist upon (its
own ruins)? ‘And then shall be revealed the wicked one.”

“On the Resurrection of the Flesh,” chapter 24; Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. III, p. 563

There is some debate as to whether the ‘falling away’ referred to here is in reference to the empire, or the church. Some say one, some the other, while some would contend that it can apply equally to both. This author contends that the falling away [spoken of by Paul in 2 Thess. 2:3] is in reference to the church, although when considered in reference to the state, it doesn’t do violence to the passage. The falling away of the church transpired when she aspired to political power at the expense of spiritual, thus committing spiritual adultery. (see Revelation 17:2; James 4:4) Either way, Tertullian was certain in his belief that the restrainer was the Roman Empire. That it was pagan Rome itself that inhibited in some way the rise of the antichrist. This was generally accepted throughout the church at that time, and it was common for the church to pray to God that He would keep the Roman power intact in order to keep the antichrist from coming to power in their time. So the consensus among church leaders of that time was that the moment pagan Rome disappeared, the Antichrist would then be free to rule.

Elsewhere, Tertullian states:

“The very end of all things threatening dreadful woes is only retarded by the continued existence of the Roman Empire.”
(“Apology,” chapter 32; Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. III, p. 43).

Lactanctius, in the early 4th century wrote:
“The subject itself declares that the fall and ruin of the world will shortly take place; except that while the city of Rome remains, it appears that nothing of this kind is to be feared. But when that capital of the world shall have fallen, and shall have begun to be a street, which the Sibyls say shall come to pass, who can doubt that the end has now arrived to the affairs of men and the whole world? It is that city, that only, which still sustains all things.” (“The Divine Institutes,” book 7, chapter 25; Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. VII, p. 220).

Cyril of Jerusalem (318-386).

But this aforesaid Antichrist is to come when the times of the Roman empire have been fulfilled and the end of the world is drawing near. There shall rise up together ten kings of the Romans, reigning in different parts perhaps, but all about the same time; but after those, an eleventh, the Antichrist, who by his magic craft will seize upon the Roman power, and of the kings who reigned before him, “three he shall humble” and the remaining seven he shall keep in subjection to himself.”
(Catechetical Lectures,” section 15, on II Thessalonians 2:4; Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, vol. VII, p. 108 [New York: The Christian Literature Company, 1895]).

Much could be said about this quote; he also is clearly linking the prophecy of Daniel to the text of Paul’s, agreeing with other eminent writers of his time that out of Rome would evolve ten kings, 3 of whom the antichrist would subdue. When the restrainer, Rome, was to be taken out of the way, and the horns of Daniel 7 arise, the antichrist would be revealed

Ambrose (died 398)
“After the falling or decay of the Roman Empire, Antichrist shall appear.”

(Quoted in, Bishop Thomas Newton, Dissertations on the Prophecies, p. 463)……

Chrysostum (died 407)
“When the Roman Empire is taken out of the way, then he [the Antichrist] shall come. And naturally. For as long as the fear of this empire lasts, no one will willingly exalt himself, but when that is dissolved, he will attack the anarchy, and endeavor to seize upon the government both of man and of God.”
“Homily IV on 2 Thessalonians 2:6-9,” Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, vol. XIII, p. 389
[New York: Charles Scribner’s and Sons, 1905]…..

…..and finally Jerome (died 420)
“He that letteth is taken out of the way, and yet we do not realize that Antichrist is near.”
(Letter to Ageruchia, written about 409A. D. Letter 123, section 16; Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, vol. VI, p. 236

Jerome’s testimony is interesting, because from his perspective, he had seen and witnessed the fall of Rome, but was yet to see the rise of Antichrist. The reason is that history had not yet revealed who the Antichrist actually was, despite the early beginnings of the church of Rome at that time. The 3 nations had yet to be vanquished: It was this event that would definitively prove the Antichrist’s identity.

I think it would be a good time to quote a Catholic source, the eminent historian Cardinal Manning.

“Now the abandonment of Rome was the liberation of the pontiffs. Whatsoever claims to obedience the emperors may have made, and whatsoever compliance the Pontiff may have yielded, the whole previous relation, anomalous, and annulled again and again by the vices and outrages of the emperors, was finally dissolved by a higher power. The providence of God permitted a succession of irruptions, Gothic, Lombard, and Hungarian, to desolate Italy, and to efface from it every remnant of the empire.
The pontiffs found themselves alone, the sole fountains of order, peace, law, and safety. And from the hour of this providential liberation, when, by a divine intervention, the chains fell off from the hands of the successor of St. Peter, as once before from his own, no sovereign has ever reigned in Rome except the Vicar of Jesus Christ.”
(Henry Edward Manning, The Temporal Power of The Vicar of Jesus Christ, Preface, pp. xxviii, xxix. London: Burns and Lambert, 1862).

Manning has clearly given an excellent summary of history which directly correlates with the prophecies of Daniel and Paul. While attributing the fall of Rome to God and the rise of the papacy to Him also, Manning seems oblivious to the fact that he is revealing the perfect fulfilment of the prophecy of Paul and Daniel. That when Rome fell, the ten nations arose, three were subdued, and the ultimate victor was the papacy! It was the papacy itself that the empire of Rome was restraining. It was the papacy that arose after the establishment of the ten horns. It was the papacy that had a major role in the subjugation of the 3 horns because being Arian in belief they were directly opposed to the rule of the pontiffs. It will be the papacy that will still be here at the second coming, when Paul says she will be destroyed by the “brightness of His coming”. Therefore it is the papacy which perfectly fulfils the criteria demanded of it in order to be identified as the Antichrist. And that my friends are precisely the reasons all non-Roman Bible commentators from the time of the 6th century on were almost unanimous in identifying the papacy as the man of sin. The power who entered the church (the temple of God) and by claiming the power to forgive sin, and shut out of heaven whom he will, and claiming universal spiritual and temporal authority over all the earth, thus claiming the prerogatives of God, “opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.”


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
How did apostate Jerusalem emerge from the head of pagan Rome and uproot 3 of the other 10 powers? Daniel 7:24
She is called "The Great City" (Rev. 17:18)
- Jerusalem is called the "Great City" – the place “where also their Lord was crucified” (Rev. 11:8).

"Jerusalem is the "Faithful City" that became a “Whore”
- Isaiah 1:21 laments, "How the FAITHFUL CITY HAS BECOME A WHORE, she who was full of justice! Righteousness lodged in her,
but now murderers."

The Cathholic Church is not a city - NOR os it the place where our Lord was crucified.
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