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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
In actuality, there is no man living today who can truthfully claim to speak FOR God. Myself, I speak to Him everyday. But, that is between me and God and nobody is accept it as truth, because it is not their business.
This is why Christians believe the scriptures as the word of God as it tells us everything we need to know about life and godly living.
AND, importantly, is a common point of belief to structure a fellowship of believers.
Of course people will still diverge and run around wildly sometimes...regarding the Christian faith.

2 Timothy 3:15-17
New King James Version

15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for [a]instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
United States
There are many reports now of suicide by those who had their "gender affirming care," and even now those who are suing the doctors who provided that care while they were under 18 years old. I think that those "success stories" are not indicative of whether their ideas were false, but rather evidence that they are happy with the way they now live. But then there are those who are happy in prison and gays who are still with their same-sex partners for many years. That is not proof, to me, that it was not aberrant ideation to begin with.


Active Member
Jan 25, 2024
United States
No need to make up a false assertion and dump that on me.

I love the TRUTH, Gods TRUTH.

I have no requirement to like or agree with YOUR truth.

God Bless you,
Its not my truth or anyone's. it just is.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
repeating false claims won't make them true
Such as . . . a man can become a woman?

I'm not talking about demon possession, I'm talking about the delusion of transgenderism.

It's not just a pragmatic thing, like, if you believe you are a rabbit you can't function, so that's delusion, but if you believe you are the opposite sex, you can, so it's not delusion. I don't know where you get your definition, but I don't see it accurate.

If you believe yourself something you are not, you are deluded.

People are destroying themselves over this, and "research" doesn't show differently. Even those "influencers" who put on a pretty face for the public have to deal with the self-mutilation, the pain, the difficulty, the loss of function.

No, repeating false claims most certainly does not make them true!

Much love!
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Active Member
Jan 25, 2024
United States
Such as . . . a man can become a woman?

I'm not talking about demon possession, I'm talking about the delusion of transgenderism.

It's not just a pragmatic thing, like, if you believe you are a rabbit you can't function, so that's delusion, but if you believe you are the opposite sex, you can, so it's not delusion. I don't know where you get your definition, but I don't see it accurate.

If you believe yourself something you are not, you are deluded.

People are destroying themselves over this, and "research" doesn't show differently. Even those "influencers" who put on a pretty face for the public have to deal with the self-mutilation, the pain, the difficulty, the loss of function.

No, repeating false claims most certainly does not make them true!

Much love!
Yet here you are repeating yourself


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Its not my truth or anyone's. it just is.

You are making it your truth by coming into agreement with it and calling this evil thing good and calling those who holds God's view as evil.

Not only that you have not answered one question that I have asked you concerning your faith in God or what scripture says about the topic. Boy you dodge those questions like the plague. It also could hold ramifications upon your relationship with the Lord. It would prolly open doors to evil spirits to enter into you by coming into agreement with them in rebellion to God.

That's very trollish if you ask me. I suggest that you pray about this thing to the Lord and ask if you have been deceived.

When the Disciples came to Jesus and asked Him about how it will be in the end times, Jesus gave them a private briefing and told them many things. And the interesting thing about that is that, Jesus opened His briefing with the admonishment to Be Not Deceived....

Then as Jesus was closing the briefing, He admonished them a second time, Let no man deceive you. Twice He said it.....Wow that must mean it is important. Now I'm not calling you deceived, I'm saying be careful and consider that you may have fallen for some of the worlds lies? Seek the Lord through His word and prayer on this carefully for your own sake brother.
Cuz you can be wrong just like anyone else.

(Now this is a post that he will ignore. Perhaps a disparaging comment on one teeny paragraph of it. I think they seen you coming and you have made a grave error brother. Either that you are willfully spreading Rebellion aginst the Lord Your God? The more you dodge talking about the Lord God, the more you make yourself to appear as...a trolling punk? Sorry, I don't know how else to say it.

I will pray for the salvation of your soul and for your deliverance from that spirit of lies.


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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
They don't really advertise it but sex reassignment surgery has a 100% Failure Rate. One Hundred percent Failure!

Gee, I wonder why?! LoL!!

Mind’s eye of Beauty, Entice, Lust, Sex…
not reproduction.
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Feb 6, 2018
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United States

Gender “changing” (by outward or surgery procedures) is unnatural and an abomination: according to God’s design for manKIND, and according to God’s Word an abomination for one’s who choose to do that or those who support, promote, those who choose to do that.

Sexual Acts between the Same Genders, as well is unnatural and an abomination according to God.

Doesn’t matter IF an individual Does or Does Not Believe IN the Lord God….His IS all of manKINDS creator’s and maker’s. And No, God did not create or make His creations an abomination.

Strangely particular….historically MEN engaged in homosexual behaviors Centuries ago….and a group of JEALOUS women dying to be EQUAL with men….spent their lives FOCUSED on promoting “homosexual rights” for WOMENS “homosexual rights”.

What a load of deviant garbage.
Engaging in “homosexual behavior” is not a “RIGHT”, it’s a choice!

Dumb Clucks, pretending it is Awesome to advocate, promote and pridefully display their immoral deviance IS bastardly counterfeit.

Glory to God,
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Mind’s eye of Beauty, Entice, Lust, Sex…
not reproduction.

Spirit of Enticement? Spirit of Lust? Spirit of Depravity?

Not reproduction? Oh so then they are after the kids. They need them to increase their numbers. If we put the earth's entire population of those ltzgb people and put them on an Island and left them alone, they would not thrive. They would die off because there is no fruit in a homosexual relationship.

Be fruitful and Multiply. Brothers & Sisters...that sounds like a Commandment. I mean, Duh!

And the sad part about it is they do know the real truth already.

Romans 1:20-21
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.../KJV

Hebrews 10:
16 This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;../KJV

So these scriptures prove that all gay people do know the truth already. In their heart and in their mind. So their conscience tells them it is wrong and that bugs them, so in an effort to ease their conscience they go to the christian forum to gain support for their confused thinking hoping it will ease their conscience! I submit that this also proves that every one of them are liars.


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Spirit of Enticement? Spirit of Lust? Spirit of Depravity?

Not reproduction? Oh so then they are after the kids. They need them to increase their numbers. If we put the earth's entire population of those ltzgb people and put them on an Island and left them alone, they would not thrive. They would die off because there is no fruit in a homosexual relationship.

Be fruitful and Multiply. Brothers & Sisters...that sounds like a Commandment. I mean, Duh!

And the sad part about it is they do know the real truth already.

Romans 1:20-21
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.../KJV

Hebrews 10:
16 This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;../KJV

So these scriptures prove that all gay people do know the truth already. In their heart and in their mind. So their conscience tells them it is wrong and that bugs them, so in an effort to ease their conscience they go to the christian forum to gain support for their confused thinking hoping it will ease their conscience! I submit that this also proves that every one of them are liars.

Sure they KNOW. As well they KNOW they have FREEWILL. That is their option to CHOOSE….the HUGE PROBLEM…

“THEY” teaching, encouraging, counseling with their psychobabble psychology in the ears of babes, and then rewarding them with assurances and pleasantries when the child is in agreement to become their Victim.
Sickening. Disgusting. And sad.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Hebrews 10:16 is talking about the human conscience. Everyone has a conscience. The more you go against what your conscience says to you, then the more your heart is hardened. Until at some point it becomes incorrigable and God gives them up to a depraved spirit to follow their own ways. (Yikes!)

The Lord and even the Holy Spirit does not associate with carnal flesh. The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit (that means, talks to....) and then our spirit then talks to us through our conscience. Our conscience always knows the right thing for us to do. And if we do, then we are pleasing to the Lord and He will bless us.

So some people have less conscience than others. If you listen to your conscience and do what he says, then this will guard your heart against iniquity and darkness from entering.

What' that scripture say? Guard your heart diligently? Yes. So the simple fact is, that non-repentant Trans people can not be trusted and it is dangerous to hang out with them or agree with them about anything. I bet it's only a matter of time before the gay community starts becoming violent. So be careful out there Brothers & Sisters. Guard your heart diligently.

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
Transgender means a man wants to be a woman so he can have sex with another man = homosexuality.
Woman wants to be a man so she can have sex with another women = homosexuality.
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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
Another corrupt reasoning of trans people is sports. Since they cannot compete with other men, they call themselves women and society lets them compete as women and they often times win. This destoys women's sports. Women loose their right to compete with biological women, this is grossly unfair to the women as men are physically stronger than women generally.

So who does society end up ruining? The women in sports where they are forced to compete against biological males.

And also, locker rooms and showers, gyms and pools, bathrooms and spas for women get invaded by men into their female spaces.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Sure they KNOW. As well they KNOW they have FREEWILL. That is their option to CHOOSE….the HUGE PROBLEM…

“THEY” teaching, encouraging, counseling with their psychobabble psychology in the ears of babes, and then rewarding them with assurances and pleasantries when the child is in agreement to become their Victim.
Sickening. Disgusting. And sad.

And when they choose that, they come into agreement with it in rebellion to God's law. So one doesnt even have to be gay to come into agreement with them which would be all that they stand for and their God which is in opposition with God. That will damage ones heart spiritually. Diligently guard your heart.

I had one homosexual touch me one time in my life. And I punched him in the face. Then he left me alone. Looking back and knowing what I do now, I bet being homosexual is like everything else on earth...addictive. So they want to do it more and more and they dont want to give up their favorite sins to obey God. That is scary! That makes me feel like, ewww, no he cant come in the house. He could leave a bad residue.

Spiritually speaking.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Another corrupt reasoning of trans people is sports. Since they cannot compete with other men, they call themselves women and society lets them compete as women and they often times win. This destoys women's sports. Women loose their right to compete with biological women, this is grossly unfair to the women as men are physically stronger than women generally.

So who does society end up ruining? The women in sports where they are forced to compete against biological males.

And also, locker rooms and showers, gyms and pools, bathrooms and spas for women get invaded by men.

Did you hear that they decided to let Trans men fight female boxers now?

So does that mean if I put on a woman costume and go out and beat up a woman now that they will call me a Champion and not slam me into jail?! Is it ok now for men to beat up women?

How long until they bring back the Gladiators like in old times?
(The Running Man!!)

It is Delusional and Dysfunctional for anyone to think that men can be women and women can be men. If you are not sure if you are a woman or a man, there is a very easy hom etest that is free that you can do to determine the truth of the matter. It goes like this:

Even old time farmers knew this one. (This city boy knows too!! Lol!). All you do is,
What is it?
Lift up it's tail and look and see!
It's a boy!
Very easy. Go into your bathroom and shut and lock the door so you have privacy. Drop your drawers and look! Do you have male plumbing, or female plumbing? This quick test works every time and is 100% accurate!


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
At a government health insurance website the application does not ask applicants gender. Rather,it asks what sex they were assigned at birth.
Then there was,if still on the form,the option of "other''. I used that block and entered, Ferrari.

:watching and waiting: :Broadly: :waves:The system later had trouble processing my application and asked me to check back later. Chkl:
I'm tempted to enter , Volkswagen,if that other option is still available.

The wheat from the chaff,the goats amid the sheep,are definitely able to be identified in issues like this.

Alistair Begg Stands by LGBTQ Wedding Advice with Sermon on Jesus’ Compassion

Despite his opposition to same-sex marriage, Begg’s “grandfatherly” pastoral counsel cost him his place on American Family Radio and at the Shepherds Conference.

JANUARY 31, 2024


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
And when they choose that, they come into agreement with it in rebellion to God's law. So one doesnt even have to be gay to come into agreement with them which would be all that they stand for and their God which is in opposition with God. That will damage ones heart spiritually. Diligently guard your heart.

I had one homosexual touch me one time in my life. And I punched him in the face. Then he left me alone. Looking back and knowing what I do now, I bet being homosexual is like everything else on earth...addictive. So they want to do it more and more and they dont want to give up their favorite sins to obey God. That is scary! That makes me feel like, ewww, no he cant come in the house. He could leave a bad residue.

Spiritually speaking.

I have known “of” and known “are” and have a few acquaintances that “are”. They are occasionally, at get-to-gethers and “are” of the understanding of disapproval and respect to not “flaunt” or “mention” or “discuss” their behaviors or meet-ups with other homosexuals, and it is not a display of cross-dressing type appearance, flirting, enticing, etc.

They are “treated” with the same respect as any other person. Be respectful, be treated respectfully, regardless of gender.

And will say…there are homosexuals AND heterosexuals that certainly have a knack for prancing in pubic like a disgusting Freak-show…seems often they use Wal-marts as their personal stage to display and flaunt their ignorance. :rolleyes:.
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
I know you can’t believe Everything you hear, but just sharing: I heard Republicans have recognized male and female as the only two Genders for centuries, and it was the Democrats who made up all the other Genders.

I wonder if Biden is being taught how to rhyme DEM and FEM, as he did with demoCRAT and BLACK.