Trying to quit smoking

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Active Member
Jun 1, 2022
New Zealand
Yes, I have seen this thread but have no desire to be here. To each his own guilt.
I smoke about 5-10 cigarettes a day. I enjoy smoking while I drink my coffee and start the new day.
Now some will immediately jump to this thread to curse me to the pit. lol,lol
God has NOT condemned me and I find no scripture that states it is a sin. I live by his thoughts on my life, not by what others think.

Now over- eating and laziness is a sin but I leave it in the hands of a fair and just judge and corrector.
In the church of my youth, I always felt I was not good enough compared to others who were there. After the church service, I sat on a wall close by and smoked a cigarette. The looks I got from some of the parishoners made me feel I'd go to hell for smoking alone, let alone all of my other imperfections. Years later, I was prayed with by a well known evangelist, they told me much about my life though they had never met me before, and they confirmed I was baptised in the Holy Spirit(always felt I couldn't be good enough for that) and yet, at that time I still smoked. I learnt a valuable lesson that day. God does not lay the demands on you some of his children will in order for you to be blessed by Him. God bless
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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
No doubt some people smoke to calm their nerves and stresses (my parents both did), so I suppose nicotine and other stuff from plants and trees can be regarded as "medication" for those who feel they need it?
"Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing" (Ezekiel 47:12)


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2022
United States
In the church of my youth, I always felt I was not good enough compared to others who were there. After the church service, I sat on a wall close by and smoked a cigarette. The looks I got from some of the parishoners made me feel I'd go to hell for smoking alone, let alone all of my other imperfections. Years later, I was prayed with by a well known evangelist, they told me much about my life though they had never met me before, and they confirmed I was baptised in the Holy Spirit(always felt I couldn't be good enough for that) and yet, at that time I still smoked. I learnt a valuable lesson that day. God does not lay the demands on you some of his children will in order for you to be blessed by Him. God bless

I totally agree.
Now if only we looked at one another as God does, oh what a blessing that would be.
Thank you.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
The wilderness
United States
No doubt some people smoke to calm their nerves and stresses (my parents both did), so I suppose nicotine and other stuff from plants and trees can be regarded as "medication" for those who feel they need it?
"Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing" (Ezekiel 47:12)

I think God made plants to remedy every illness. We just are not smart enough to discover all their uses.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
I think God made plants to remedy every illness. We just are not smart enough to discover all their uses.
Satan has had 6000 years to learn the science and nature of botany, biology, and human behavior. He knows how to manipulate, propagate, blend and distort creation in order to deceive and destroy man. Not all things we see in the world today are from the Creator's direct action. Poisons, toxins, venom, whether for killing or defense were never a part of the original plan.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2022
west coast
United States
Now after being here I feel like I have a little more emotional support with dealing with certain things so I'm ready to try again.

Modern day cigarettes are engineered to be as chemically addictive as possible.

This makes it harder to quit smoking today, in contrast to previous eras.

One method of quitting I've heard of which might make it easier.

Is to roll your own cigarettes, using healthier ingredients, which are less addictive.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dec 31, 2010
United States
Smoking? That is a tough one! The only way I could quit was to chew the Chattanooga Chew chewing tobacco whenever I got the urge to smoke. When the urge to smoke went away I quit the chewing tobacco... Which is a much easier habit to quit!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
No doubt some people smoke to calm their nerves and stresses (my parents both did), so I suppose nicotine and other stuff from plants and trees can be regarded as "medication" for those who feel they need it?
"Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing" (Ezekiel 47:12)
Smoking something changes it's form from what it was intended. I've known of some people who juice marijuana leaves rather than smoke them. Some people just eat them as a part of a salad. It's probably healthier that way than smoking them. I've known people to give tobacco leaves to pigs and dogs as a dewormer. There is a correct way to use what God has given us, and then there are ways to abuse them. I don't think we are meant to smoke the leaves.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2022
west coast
United States
Do you have any links to this info? I have a friend that has been trying to quit and I'd like to show them this.


One would think that since the link to lung cancer was made five decades ago, cigarettes would reform to become less harmful. However, in recent years, as a result of legislative changes, U.S. companies have been forced to publish secret documents of the studies on smoking carried out over the years and to disclose the ingredients which are added to cigarettes.[6] The results were staggering.

The Results

It’s no secret the main ingredient in a cigarette is tobacco, which contains a relatively high amount of the addictive chemical nicotine. Nicotine alone is toxic and can be lethal. The most recent surgeon general’s report concluded that nicotine activates biological pathways which increase the risk for disease, adversely affects maternal and fetal health during pregnancy and can have lasting adverse consequences for brain development in fetuses and adolescents.[7] Tobacco companies have been discovered to genetically engineer their crops to contain two times the amount of nicotine.[8]

Sugar was also found in cigarettes. While companies argued it was to enhance the flavor, there exists some compelling information as to why sugar combined with tobacco creates a much more diverse effect than flavor enhancement. Heated and burnt sugars emit a substance called acetaldehyde. When combined with nicotine, the sum is greater than their efforts alone. In controlled studies performed in rats, the combination of acetaldehyde and nicotine created a much stronger addiction than with nicotine alone.[6]

Licorice extract is also found in cigarettes which also helps to enhance the taste. However, one of this plant’s main components is Glycyrrhizin, a bronchodilator. Coincidence? I think not. Still not convinced? Licorice accounts for 1-4% of a cigarette’s weight and 90% of the world’s licorice is used by the cigarette industry.[6]

Di-ammonium phosphate and ammonium hydroxide are two acids that are also found on the ingredient list of cigarettes. These two chemicals release ammonia gas which helps with nicotine uptake. Nicotine serves a base, and bases react with acids to form a salt. When nicotine is in its salt form, its absorption is much more difficult. The ammonia replaces nicotine in the salt compound and allows it to be absorbed and allows it to act more quickly. The faster a drug affects the brain, the stronger the dependence; therefore, by adding ammonia to tobacco, it changes the nicotine to “crack” nicotine.[6]

While cocoa seems innocent enough, it does contain a substance called Theobromine that helps to relax the bronchi and suppress coughing. In fact, a 2004 study found that it was stronger than codeine, commonly used in cough syrups.[6] By suppressing the cough smokers feel healthier and hold the smoke inhiation longer without irritation thus increasing its absorption and ultimately addiction.

Cigarettes also list natural and artificial flavors as an ingredient. Because these ingredients comprise less than 0.1% of the cigarette, these individual components are classified collectively under this label. A recently published book which is based on the hundreds of documents forcibly published by U.S. tobacco companies revealed that one of these ingredients listed in this category is levulinic acid. This chemical increases the binding of nicotine to receptors in the brain.[6]

But they didn’t’ stop there. Cigarette manufacturers also engineered new filters with ventilation holes. These holes cause smokers to inhale more frequent and vigorously.[9] Cigarette companies misleadingly marketed these filters as less hazardous.

The new modern cigarette was carefully and scientifically researched for years. As a matter of fact, in 1975 a photo was released of their testing efforts on beagles. Studies prove their effectiveness by showing that 10-25% of smokers will develop symptoms of addiction just after one cigarette.[6]


While the United States has reduced smoking enormously since the 1950s, it is still the leading cause of preventable death. Since the first Surgeon General’s report in 1964, more than 20 million Americans have died because of smoking; of which 2.5 million have been among nonsmokers who have suffered secondhand smoke-related diseases.[10] The estimated economic costs attributable to smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke continue to increase and now approach $300 billion annually, and productivity losses of more than $150 billion a year.[10]

The ultimate question is, are cigarettes more addicting and more harmful than 50 years ago? Reports found that smokers today are more likely to develop lung cancer than those who smoked 50 years ago, as 70 chemicals in cigarette smoke are known carcinogens.[10] In fact, women’s risk increased 10-fold while men’s risk doubled. I think it’s safe to say the “proof is in the pudding.”


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
The wilderness
United States
Satan has had 6000 years to learn the science and nature of botany, biology, and human behavior. He knows how to manipulate, propagate, blend and distort creation in order to deceive and destroy man. Not all things we see in the world today are from the Creator's direct action. Poisons, toxins, venom, whether for killing or defense were never a part of the original plan.
Yeah they are all a result of the curse. I just read the other day that some toxic plant is used for making of high blood pressure medicine. I’ll bet every poison has some good to it. But I do think all of these things are by his hand. Satan didn’t create anything.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Yeah they are all a result of the curse. I just read the other day that some toxic plant is used for making of high blood pressure medicine. I’ll bet every poison has some good to it. But I do think all of these things are by his hand. Satan didn’t create anything.
Not saying he created anything. But if man knows how to propagate a certain species with a blend of another species to make a new genus or sub species, how much more a far greater intellect like Satan's? Yes, plants are for healing and food. Do you think Satan likes the idea that man can heal himself through diet? Think about the implications of an enemy who despises us with every ounce of his being, and has the power to manipulate not just creation, but the thought processes of those under his spell?
Think chemistry. Think viruses. Think manufactured factory produced "food". Think pharmacy. Think diabetes, heart disease, cancers, lung cancer, throat and mouth cancers, bowl cancers, ulcers, gout, the list is endless of all the illnesses and diseases and death that is a direct result of poor diet and uncontrolled appetite. And we have here some who think it a good thing that we smoke weed, tobacco, drink alcohol, inject toxic materials into our bodies, so long as there is a slight chance of benefit, and we do so in moderation. Then we have the gall to go up to an altar call and pray for healing. God help us.


Active Member
Nov 22, 2022
United States
I started smoking LONG before I actually started walking with God. It was actually never my choice. I hated smoking. I don't want to get into that story too much. Basically, it was a bad situation and it was forced on me. I got addicted and then I quit, and then I didn't know how to cope with certain things and started again on my own at 19.

I quit again and again and again, and for six days at the beginning of this month, but without any emotional support besides a different forum - but it didn't give me any Christian support/comfort that I was kind of craving and then in real life there was zero emotional support. Actually it was the opposite and more of just constant criticism.

Now after being here I feel like I have a little more emotional support with dealing with certain things so I'm ready to try again.

I don't really have a point. Just wanted to share.
Hate is an emotion. It’s felt, experienced, it’s not something you do. It’s not a an action or activity. It feels as it does precisely because it’s not indicative of you. It’s in stark contrast to your true nature, and is thus logically & perfectly appropriately felt as such. Therein hate is guidance. The way it feels let’s you know a lot about what you’re thinkin, and about what you really are.

How to cope with things?
By not coping. By feeling whatever you’re feeling. Instead of experiencing hate and “I don’t want to get into that story so much”… go directly into that thought story, inspecting it, to realize & allow the guidance of the emotion, hate. To understand exactly why it’s felt when certain thoughts, interpretations or perspectives come to mind. Let those go, rather than coping or attempting to resolve or “figure it out”. What you resist persists. Love smoking instead. Then, without judgement, you are free from it; unconditionally - all is made possible for you. Tell the resonating, aligned, wanted story - and it shall be. The evidence of this is the discordant story you’ve been telling - is.

Blame is also an emotion. It’s felt when the belief arises that someone else is responsible for how you feel. No one can let discordant thoughts go for you, because you are already free. The wanting of emotional support is the overlooking of the intrinsic guidance emotion Is. To continue to experience blame, is to continue to overlook the source of the judgement, and to continue to refute the guidance. Notice when blame is entertained… next comes worry, doubt, disappointment and overwhelment. Mindfully ‘nip it in the bud’ instead. Like weeds of a garden, it is far easier to nip the buds, than to pull towering vines from the ground.

“Trying”, is like “coping”. Yoda was pretty wise about these things.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
The wilderness
United States
Not saying he created anything. But if man knows how to propagate a certain species with a blend of another species to make a new genus or sub species, how much more a far greater intellect like Satan's? Yes, plants are for healing and food. Do you think Satan likes the idea that man can heal himself through diet? Think about the implications of an enemy who despises us with every ounce of his being, and has the power to manipulate not just creation, but the thought processes of those under his spell?
Think chemistry. Think viruses. Think manufactured factory produced "food". Think pharmacy. Think diabetes, heart disease, cancers, lung cancer, throat and mouth cancers, bowl cancers, ulcers, gout, the list is endless of all the illnesses and diseases and death that is a direct result of poor diet and uncontrolled appetite. And we have here some who think it a good thing that we smoke weed, tobacco, drink alcohol, inject toxic materials into our bodies, so long as there is a slight chance of benefit, and we do so in moderation. Then we have the gall to go up to an altar call and pray for healing. God help us.
I understand and agree. We won’t know how to fully live until our Lord dwells among us. I recently met a homeless man who I suspect was an angel. He told me how Jesus counciled(sp?) him to remedy his heart burn using acidic liquids etc. it was very interesting.
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
I started smoking LONG before I actually started walking with God. It was actually never my choice. I hated smoking. I don't want to get into that story too much. Basically, it was a bad situation and it was forced on me. I got addicted and then I quit, and then I didn't know how to cope with certain things and started again on my own at 19.

I quit again and again and again, and for six days at the beginning of this month, but without any emotional support besides a different forum - but it didn't give me any Christian support/comfort that I was kind of craving and then in real life there was zero emotional support. Actually it was the opposite and more of just constant criticism.

Now after being here I feel like I have a little more emotional support with dealing with certain things so I'm ready to try again.

I don't really have a point. Just wanted to share.
i think it's...arnica? that also fills the nicotine receptor, might help a little
my sis swears by the clinic thing they are doing right now...not hypnosis, i forget, some simple procedure
best wishes to you ok
there is no such thing as "trying to quit" though, it is said


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
Just out of curiosity I picked up a packet of something called "Rooibos" tea from the grocers the other day, but when I looked it up on the net I see its flavour is "similar to tobacco", and as i've never smoked that put me right off and I'm not going to drink it..
But here's an idea- if anybody's trying to give up smoking, perhaps a cup of rooibos tea now and again will lessen their tobacco withdrawal symptoms?
