Types of Christians….what type are you?

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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
But not everyone will take it the way you do. Others who believe their future sin is forgiven them have in fact treated God's grace as a license to sin. George Sodini murdered a bunch of people and took his own life and in his suicide letter he wrote that he was saved without works and by a belief alone in Jesus. So he sang the same song and dance you do, but his works were evil. The thing is that while you may not do the kind of extreme evil that George Sodini did, you may let certain sins fall through the cracks and say you are forgiven. So you could end up justifying many sins you are not even aware of and because you do other good works, you think are okay with God. But I don't believe this kind of belief will work out for you in the end. Why? Because Jesus said to those believers who did wonderful works in His name to depart from Him because they worked iniquity (Matthew 7:22-23). Meaning, they did good, but they also did evil, too. You don't seem to think you have to work out your salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). You don't seem to think you have to cleanse yourself from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God (2 Corinthians 7:1).

Mr. Sodini may have “ thought” that he was Saved....are we going to take the word of a Murderer? The question was whether he was “ born again” or not....I doubt it..
Even if it were true, we don’t change the Truths of the Bible because of one wicked man....

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
The thing is that while you may not do the kind of extreme evil that George Sodini did, you may let certain sins fall through the cracks and say you are forgiven. So you could end up justifying many sins you are not even aware of and because you do other good works, you think are okay with God. But I don't believe this kind of belief will work out for you in the end.

Do you really think that “YOU” don’t have sins that have “ Fallen through the Cracks?” Or do you actually claim to Remember ALL of your sins? Did you believe in what I call “ Lucky Repentance ? ” That is saying that if you do not have the “ Luck” to Remember ALL of your sins ( and Gid forbid, have some “fall through the cracks”) before you die , that means you are damned? God help that poor man that has a dirty thought and dies suddenly of a heart attack before he has a chance to Repent of it.......what a childish view of Christianity....I suppose that if a man of great Faith like Paul had an impure thought before they chopped his head off, he is damned—- despite all that he had done for God and the Gospel....

As far as me “ justifying” my Sins that I am not aware of? I don't attempt to “ Justify “ Anything! When I sin, I don’t try to excuse it —— I do the same thing with it that God does—- I PUT IT ON THE CROSS ! You may not like to accept this Biblical Truth , But God’s Grace is Bigger that my sins! “ Where Sin abounds, Grace super abounds!” .......deal with it.

As far as me thinking that some other “ good works” made everything “ ok “ between myself and God? Thinking that they somehow my good deeds erased my forgotten bad deeds and now I am “ good to go?”........ That is the “False and Perverted” Gospel -Denying type of thinking that sends a man to Hell! ......Do you think that we get Saved by “ Not Sinning?” ...... Do you think we are Saved if our good deeds outweigh our bad deeds? Do you think we are Saved by being Lucky enough to remember and repent from All of our sins before we die?

Which doctrine do you believe ? The above are all False and Perverted “ Works” Doctrines......Those espousing these types of beliefs are the ones that will be standing before God saying, “Look what “ I” did.....I did my best to be good enough and I repented from All Of The Sins that I committed along the way....” it’s all boasting about what “YOU” did......You will be telling God to give you what you deserve! And He will.He will give you the Hell you deserve
On the other hand, there we be Sinners like me who will also be doing some Boasting..... Not boasting about what I did for God , but what Jesus did for me...Two things got me saved on that Day Of Judgement and I knew what they were—— Christ's Blood and My Faith in that Blood..... Younwoukd Be wise to know it too....

Be as good as you can be—— Morality Beats immorality.....

Be Sorry when you sin ( one type of repentance.... it’s not the kind That Saves,however), it will come naturally if you have the Holy Spirit in you....

Just don’t present these good things to God as your reason for Justification...He won’t have it! When it comes to Salvation it’s, “ NOTHING that you bring— It’s to the Cross that you Cling” ......The Song has it right ....it Really Is, “ Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus” .....NOTHING.

Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
Mr. Sodini may have “ thought” that he was Saved....are we going to take the word of a Murderer? The question was whether he was “ born again” or not....I doubt it..
Even if it were true, we don’t change the Truths of the Bible because of one wicked man....

See. This is what’s dumb about what you believe. You encourage others to sin by saying we are all sinners and you say that nobody obeys Jesus or can, and then you turn around and act like this one sin (murder) is not covered by the blood. So you are not consistent with future sins being forgiven the believer. If all future sins are paid for then even murder would be paid for. You talked about how to love one’s enemies with me seemed impossible or you made it sound like I was not doing this particular instruction from our Lord. But breaking this instruction is just as much of a sin as murder. For we can be a murderer just by hating our brother (1 John 3:15). For according to Hebrews 12:14, you are to follow peace with all men without which no man shall see the Lord. Not loving your enemies means you don’t forgive them, and Jesus said if we don’t forgive others, then the Father will not forgive us. So it’s not OSAS. Salvation is conditional. If we confess our sins (1 John 1:9). If we walk in the light (1 John 1:7).

George Sodini was in error just as you are because you both justify sin under God’s grace (Jude 1:4). You both say you can sin and still be saved. George Sodini was Hyper Grace. You are Partial Hyper Grace (like most of Christianity) encouraging others to sin because they say that we all sin or have a sin nature that we cannot overcome in this life. You say you are saved of your future sin. So you are justifying sin.
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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
The thing is that while you may not do the kind of extreme evil that George Sodini did, you may let certain sins fall through the cracks and say you are forgiven. So you could end up justifying many sins you are not even aware of and because you do other good works, you think are okay with God. But I don't believe this kind of belief will work out for you in the end.

Do you really think that “YOU” don’t have sins that have “ Fallen through the Cracks?” Or do you actually claim to Remember ALL of your sins? Did you believe in what I call “ Lucky Repentance ? ” That is saying that if you do not have the “ Luck” to Remember ALL of your sins ( and Gid forbid, have some “fall through the cracks”) before you die , that means you are damned? God help that poor man that has a dirty thought and dies suddenly of a heart attack before he has a chance to Repent of it.......what a childish view of Christianity....I suppose that if a man of great Faith like Paul had an impure thought before they chopped his head off, he is damned—- despite all that he had done for God and the Gospel....

As far as me “ justifying” my Sins that I am not aware of? I don't attempt to “ Justify “ Anything! When I sin, I don’t try to excuse it —— I do the same thing with it that God does—- I PUT IT ON THE CROSS ! You may not like to accept this Biblical Truth , But God’s Grace is Bigger that my sins! “ Where Sin abounds, Grace super abounds!” .......deal with it.

As far as me thinking that some other “ good works” made everything “ ok “ between myself and God? Thinking that they somehow my good deeds erased my forgotten bad deeds and now I am “ good to go?”........ That is the “False and Perverted” Gospel -Denying type of thinking that sends a man to Hell! ......Do you think that we get Saved by “ Not Sinning?” ...... Do you think we are Saved if our good deeds outweigh our bad deeds? Do you think we are Saved by being Lucky enough to remember and repent from All of our sins before we die?

Which doctrine do you believe ? The above are all False and Perverted “ Works” Doctrines......Those espousing these types of beliefs are the ones that will be standing before God saying, “Look what “ I” did.....I did my best to be good enough and I repented from All Of The Sins that I committed along the way....” it’s all boasting about what “YOU” did......You will be telling God to give you what you deserve! And He will.He will give you the Hell you deserve
On the other hand, there we be Sinners like me who will also be doing some Boasting..... Not boasting about what I did for God , but what Jesus did for me...Two things got me saved on that Day Of Judgement and I knew what they were—— Christ's Blood and My Faith in that Blood..... Younwoukd Be wise to know it too....

Be as good as you can be—— Morality Beats immorality.....

Be Sorry when you sin ( one type of repentance.... it’s not the kind That Saves,however), it will come naturally if you have the Holy Spirit in you....

Just don’t present these good things to God as your reason for Justification...He won’t have it! When it comes to Salvation it’s, “ NOTHING that you bring— It’s to the Cross that you Cling” ......The Song has it right ....it Really Is, “ Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus” .....NOTHING.

Then you are no different than George Sodini except that you justify other sins that God condemns. For you agree with Luther’s words that you can sin a thousand times a day. Just how much was he exaggerating? Did he mean hundreds of sins? 50 sins a day? 25 sins a day? Well, according to you, the one sin of murder can keep a Christian out of Heaven. So how exactly to you agree with Luther? Luther said he could KILL (murder) a thousand times a day.
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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
@BloodBought 1953

Your username says you are blood bought. But while Romans 3:25 is true, you ignore the other verse on the blood applying to your life.
It’s 1 John 1:7. If we walk in the light (i.e. love our brother), the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. Note: You can see that walking in the light is loving your brother according to the indirect wording in 1 John 2:9-11. So you have to love your brother (a holy action) in order for the blood to continue to cleanse you from all sin. If not, then you don’t agree with the Bible and you roaming around doing your own thing.

Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
No—— it’s how I treat “ Pablum” .....the Bible is NEVER Pablum...

But much of what I say is with Scripture and so it should not be a chore to discuss or explain these verses but it should be a joy or a breeze to do so. That’s the problem I have with your approach. You say you are for the Bible, but you really are not for the Bible because you speak against obeying Jesus, and you don’t explain any of the verses I put forth to you that refutes your false sin and still be saved type belief.


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
On Judgment Day could Yeshua condemn you for believing and doing what the Bible said? I think not.
Several years ago I asked God why there were so many different denominations all teaching from the same Bible?
He said they all have issues....they all have a part of the truth but lack it in certain areas...look at the 7 churches I wrote to in Revelation....this shows you that I specifically address the good and the bad of each one....but the day is coming that I will bring MY CHURCH back to it's fullness and restore what man has divided. I will pour out my Spirit and my people will come together in unity and be of one mind and one faith as they were on the Day of Pentecost.

So that's what He spoke to me....and that is where I stand. As Paul said, he has become all things to all people....
1 Corinthians 9 (KJV)
¹⁹ For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more.
²⁰ And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law;
²¹ To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law.
²² To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.
²³ And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
So even if we were to take Luther's words as an exaggeration (Which is not proven by the context of what he said), what fraction or percentage did Luther really mean? Does that mean we can sin a hundred times a day? Is that what he meant? Maybe he meant 50 times a day? Either way it would be turning God's grace into a license for immorality (Even if it was one sin a day he would justify under God's grace).

I put such an extreme emphasis on the Grace of God because this is the same thing that God does ——-we are SAVED by it ( “ It is by *GRACE* that you are Saved” ) .....we get cleansed Of The Guilt Of sin by it ( “ Go to God's ‘Throne Of * GRACE* in our Time Of Need when we Sin’) ......and we get our Assurance Of the Forgiveness Of Sins by it ( “Where Sin abounds,* GRACE* abounds that much more !) That last one there just might cause you to get your panties in a knot but all I can say is “ Deal With It”.....I must ask you —- why do you keep rejecting the very thing that Saved Anybody and everybody that ever got Saved? Only a Self- Righteous Fool who thinks that he doesn’t “ NEED” Grace would be Candidate for Rejecting it...

When God First came up with this idea of “Unmerited Favor” or Grace, for a Fallen Human Race that did not Deserve this Grace and Mercy, do you think it never occurred to Him that somebody down the road might try to take advantage of it ? Get Real! Of course He saw this coming! You ever hear of “ Chastisement?”

If I take the attitude that I don’t like my next door neighbor and think , “ Well, I’ll just go over and punch him in the mouth! Grace has got it all covered , so what the heck? I get to go to Heaven no matter what ! I’m gonna go for it!

Now, if you were God , what would you do? Would you say to yourself , “ Dagnabit! Look how this guy outsmarted me ! Me and my big mouth! Making all these crazy Promises and now I look like a Fool ! Yeah, right ......

I agree with Charles Stanley on this one—- he said that if you want to try to take advantage of the Grace Of God, “ GO AHEAD AND TRY IT!” Then see what happens ....God has His “ Woodshed” and He will not hesitate to put welts on your rear-end if you think you can “Mock” Him......

It does not matter “HOW” many times that you , I , or Luther sins per day....If one is a Believer , his sins are covered by the Blood that was given as a “ ONE TIME Sacrifice for SIN” ......A Foolish man who thinks that he us going to abuse the Grace of God and “Get Away” with Sinning is a Fool indeed! He is the guy that will “ make it” to Heaven if he is a Gospel Believer , But will be like the Bible says—-one who has made it , but like a guy that is running out of a burning house!

Wise and Obedient Children Of God will be standing in line on Judgement Day with barely “any” stripes on his or her behind......The Idiot that thought he was going to “ Test God” By Sinning and thinking that he could “ get away with it” because of God’s Grace will be standing in that Line also.....ashamed of himself, forfeiting Rewards That He could have had for Eternity, and his rear- end is probably still smarting from all of those times that God Chastised him in His “ Woodshed”.....He found out the Hard way that God does not “ Play Games”....
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
But you encourage others to not worry about obeying the Lord.

I am calling you out as a Liar...show me and everybody else on this Forum where I made this claim...
Just because I “ADMIT” that we are all Sinners, and that I have found the Remedy for our Fallen Condition ( Grace Through Faith in the Finished Work Of The Cross) does not mean that I encourage Disobedience.....

Obedience is great and Believers will be “ Chastised” for DISobedience——

Yes, we should all Strive to be “obedient” —— God will be pleased and reward you for it—-He Just will not “ Save” you for it—— * THAT* gets decided by your Faith in the Shed Blood Of Jesus and NOTHING else!
This side of the Cross, the Bible talks about one’s “ OBEDIENCE” to Paul’s Gospel ( 1Cor15;1-4) , the gospel Given to Paul by Jesus Personally! You “OBEY” it by RESTING in it.....that means that you don’t ADD to it! Add to it and you “ Fall From Grace” ......refusal to “ REST” in it as ordered to in Hebrews is Tantamount to “UNBELIEF” .......Serious Stuff —— and YOU ain’t Resting....Repent Of your “ Unbelief” , before it is too late....

You could be 99.9% Obedient to the Law that you worry so much about ( a Law That Believers are “ Dead” to, btw ) and it won’t do you one ounce of good if you are not “ Obedient” to the Gospel by Resting in it....
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
My goal is simply to get you to see what the Bible says.

According to “YOU”.....One can make the Bible say “ anything” If they are a “Poor Student Of The Word, who does not know how to Rightly Divide” ......You take Verses out of context and I don’t even think that you know it.....that’s how you got your Legalistic Doctrines Of Religious Mush

Btw, I am still waiting on the money I demanded from you..or are you just another religious hypocrite?

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Jesus says, “If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love.” (John 15:10).

Notice what Jesus did NOT say.....He did NOT say to “ Keep the Commandments” Of Moses” —— Jesus said to keep “HIS” Commandments......

Jesus left us with ONE Commandment—- Paul referred to it as “The Law Of Christ” .....here it is,as I am certain that you are unfamiliar with it—-” Take on the Burdens Of others”...... yeah, that’s it.....

The Commandments Of Moses are for the Lost, Unbelieving world .....As Believers, we have a New Way Of obtaining “ Righteousness”...... it is “ Apart from the Law” .....We are Justified and Made Right thru our Faith in the Gospel ( 1Cor 15:1-4 )

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
What do you think 2 Corinthians 7:1 says?

I know EXACTLY what it says.....and as usual, you take it out of context .....read 2 Corinthians “6” that comes right before it.....Paul is talking to Saved Believers....He is not talking about Salvation in Chapter 7—- He is essentially saying to “ live out” the Standing That they Already have with God or there could be a chastening....

In the Proper context, Paul goes on to say that he is “ proud” of those that he is addressing.....he just wants them to make sure that they are not “ unequally yoked “ .....God want His people to be “Holy” and all that means is to be “ set apart” for His use.....It’s all essentially an order to keep away from the influence that Unbelievers could have on you.....
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
See. This is what’s dumb about what you believe. You encourage others to sin by saying we are all sinners and you say that nobody obeys Jesus or can, and then you turn around and act like this one sin (murder) is not covered by the blood. So you are not consistent with future sins being forgiven the believer. If all future sins are paid for then even murder would be paid for. You talked about how to love one’s enemies with me seemed impossible or you made it sound like I was not doing this particular instruction from our Lord. But breaking this instruction is just as much of a sin as murder. For we can be a murderer just by hating our brother (1 John 3:15). For according to Hebrews 12:14, you are to follow peace with all men without which no man shall see the Lord. Not loving your enemies means you don’t forgive them, and Jesus said if we don’t forgive others, then the Father will not forgive us. So it’s not OSAS. Salvation is conditional. If we confess our sins (1 John 1:9). If we walk in the light (1 John 1:7).

George Sodini was in error just as you are because you both justify sin under God’s grace (Jude 1:4). You both say you can sin and still be saved. George Sodini was Hyper Grace. You are Partial Hyper Grace (like most of Christianity) encouraging others to sin because they say that we all sin or have a sin nature that we cannot overcome in this life. You say you are saved of your future sin. So you are justifying sin.

I will try to clear up your Confusion and misunderstandings of my Bible Based beliefs later on....I just wanted to pop in and make you aware of the Terrible Insult that you threw my way....It is NOT True that I believe in this “ Hyper Grace” nonsense ! It’s * SUPER” Hyper Grace That I adhere to, so let’s get this cleared up going out the gate.....You Reject Grace and I Bask In It it —- kNOWING that it is the ONLY thing that “ EVER” saved anybody.....
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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
Here is a short 4 minute parody clip showing what the average Christian is like.

This is close depiction of the type of Christians you see nowadays.